Where did the expression “Skates toss aside. Time to get on horseback

Horses move to die. My parrot moved the horses. Youth slang

Dictionary modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .

See what "move horses" is in other dictionaries:

    horses move- Die. Syn .: discard skates, die ... Dictionary of the criminal and semi-criminal world

    move horses- sl. burn out, lose efficiency ... Hacker "s dictionary

    Throw / throw (drop, move / move, throw / throw, shy, shuffle) horses- 1. Jarg. corner, simple Die. TSUZh, 88; BBI, 11; SNFP, 82; Vakhitov 2003, 44, 77; Maksimov, 45. 2. Zharg. comp. To break down (of a computer). Sadoshenko, 1996. /i> Cf. unfold put the skates away...

    coalition wars- *COALITION WARS, wars waged several times. state you (coalition) against one or several. prot kov. The name coalition first came into use in 1792 to denote an alliance between Austria and Prussia to maintain the interests of Germany. ... ... Military Encyclopedia

    Suvorov, Alexander Vasilievich- (Prince of Italy, Count Rymniksky) - Generalissimo Russian troops, field marshal Austrian army, grand marshal troops of Piedmont, count of the Holy Roman Empire, hereditary prince of the Sardinian royal house, grandee of the crown and cousin ...

    HORSE- To be (to be) both on a horse and under a horse. Volg., Psk., Sib. A lot to experience, to gain experience in life. Glukhov 1988, 8; SRNG 2, 228; FSS, 20. Bend that you can’t go around on a good horse (you won’t take it away). Sib. Unapproved or Iron. Talk a lot.... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    Italian campaign of Suvorov- ITALIAN CAMPAIGN OF Suvorov. In 1799 a coalition of England, Austria, Naples, Russia and Turkey waged war with France; Russia had the goal, as the treaty with England stated, to put a limit to the success of the French by the most effective measures. weapons and ... ... Military Encyclopedia

    Lefort, Franz Yakovlevich- genus. January 2, 1656 in Geneva, † March 2, 1699 in Moscow. His great-grandfather Jean Antoine Lifforty moved in the middle of the 16th century. from Cony (in Piedmont) to Geneva, was admitted in 1565 to the number of Genevan citizens and engaged in trade. The sons of this Lifforty ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

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  • - move verb, sv., use ...

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  • - A common Slavic formation that goes back to the noun dvig - "fork", which corresponds to the German Zweig - "branch". The original meaning of the verb to move is "to raise"...

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  • - Fulfill a small need...

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  • - MOVE, -ay, -ayesh; nesov.; MOVE, -well, -nosh, owls., MOVE, -well, -nosh, owls. 1. where, from where, for what and without additional. Run away, go, leave. 2. to whom in what. Hit, hit...

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  • - move / well, - no, ...

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  • - MOVE, -well, -nesh; -tucked; sovereign 1. See moving. 2. whom. Hit, hit D. with his fist on the back ...

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  • - HORSE, -I, pl. horses, horses...

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  • - MOVE, move, move, sov. 1. modern to move in all values. except 6. Move a chair. Move your hand. Move work. 2. someone. Bump...

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  • - Sleeping like selling horses ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Zharg. they say Die. BSRG, 277...
  • - See HORSE...

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  • - Simple. A call to calm down. Podyukov 1989, 50...

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  • - Zharg. they say Lose consciousness. Maksimov, 194...

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  • - Odessa. Shuttle. Automobile. KSRGO...

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  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 stop being rude...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 who canceled ...

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"move horses" in books


From the book Memories of Marina Tsvetaeva author Antokolsky Pavel Grigorievich

UNDER THE SHADOW OF FAIRY HORSES Two horses stand in a row, Young, black, Golden manes curl ... P. Ershov, "The Little Humpbacked Horse" On Strastnoy boulevard the old noble mansion was rebuilt and turned into the Chamber Theater. Uncomfortable, clumsy in the architectural sense, but still a theater. BUT

Horses do not change at the crossing

From the book My Travels. next 10 years author Konyukhov Fedor Filippovich

Horses are not changed at the crossing June 3, 2002. Korobkin (Kalmykia, Sarpinsky district) - Khanata (Kalmykia, Maloderbetovsky district) - Lake Shardava-Khag (Kalmykia, Maloderbetovsky district) - 27 km The caravan left late - at 9 o'clock in the morning. An hour later, the sweltering heat set in.

I. "At the lathered horses and the guns ..."

From the book Blue Smoke author Sofiev Yuri Borisovich

I. "At the lathered horses and the guns..." By the lathered horses and the guns We believed, childishly fervently. Of what, dear friend, are you sure, of what? - Since loneliness judges us. You feel how extremely difficult it is for us to live and write in the ultimate emptiness. Already we are with you in life

Stealing horses

From the book Genghis Khan: Conqueror of the Universe author Grousset Rene

Stealing horses Almost all of Temujin's property consisted of his horses. Once, when eight of them, including the legendary silver-white gelding, were grazing near the yurt, they were stolen by steppe robbers. All this happened in front of the brothers, but to prevent the horse thieves from them


From the book Baker Street on Petrogradskaya author Maslennikov Igor Fedorovich

THIRST FOR TIRED HORSES About how a young girl was married off as a king without love. - We don't have Dumas or Scott. - Verlaine on the Sosnovo-Leningrad bus. - Three notebooks with notes about the era. - Glazunov finds good company for Yaroslavna. - We help French children


From the book Below - Svaneti author Kuznetsov Alexander

TIME TO GET ON HORSE Many years have passed. I have not worked as a mountaineering instructor for a long time, completely different concerns and interests appeared. Life unfolded faster and faster, there was no time to look back. Unless I was in bed, I sometimes asked myself the question: “Why

20. Herd of iron horses

From the book Golden Ball Cristiano Ronaldo author Minskevich Sergey

20. Tabun iron horses And an adult man, as the ancients said, needs a good horse! In fact, Cristiano Ronaldo works hard - and earns a lot. Yes, he is lucky that his work and vocation coincide. And so he has an incentive to perfection. He achieved


From the book Favorite of the Century. Gagarin author Obukhova Lidia Alekseevna

THE BRONZE HORSES Last year his studies - a trip to Leningrad. As a child, Yuri saw only one building, which, like a magical palace, accompanied his boyish dreams - a manor house with a turret and lancet windows in the estate

Horses of the archery power

From the book Life and manners tsarist Russia author Anishkin V. G.

horses Streltsy authorities Sophia, being protected by the strong walls of the monastery, where service people gathered from everywhere, was no longer afraid of archers. She demanded that the archers send twenty elected people from each regiment to her. The archers were already frightened, and in their


From the book Password - "Prague" author Goncharenko Pavlina Fedoseevna

RIDERS CHANGING HORSES Explosion on Pribramska railway heard in Dobris. Some of the servants of the palace even brought to the owners a partisan leaflet obtained from the Vlasovites. Hilda looked at the crumpled, yellowed piece of paper with disgust and fear.

Well, where am I without the Wagner horses?

From the book Secrets of Soviet Football author Smirnov Dmitry

Well, where am I without the Wagner horses? In continuation of the Brazilian theme, I cannot help but pay Special attention Wagner Love, after all, I named my horse after this guy. He looks very much like him. The most curious thing is that earlier Wagner in CSKA was nicknamed just a horse, for a specific

Factors that can move the market

From book Securities- it's almost easy! author Zakaryan Ivan Ovanesovich

Factors that can move the market Wherever the market goes, there will always be an analyst who knew that it would be so. From Murphy's laws for investments There are many factors that affect prices, which sooner or later affect the balance of supply and demand.

A carriage without horses

From the book Vintage Cars 1885-1940 Small Encyclopedia the author Porazik Yuray

A carriage without horses Dreams of self-propelled vehicles have long been inherent in human consciousness. Already in the Middle Ages there were vehicles controlled by people hidden inside. In 1490, Leonardo da Vinci designed a hand-operated wagon.

4. They bind burdens that are heavy and unbearable and lay them on the shoulders of people, but they themselves do not want to move them with a finger;

From book Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

4. They bind burdens that are heavy and unbearable and lay them on the shoulders of people, but they themselves do not want to move them with a finger; (Luke 11:46 - in another connection). "Bind burdens" - an expression borrowed from ordinary life when they bind any objects (for example, firewood, brushwood) and

43. Move in the teeth

From the book 100 Russian blows to the head author Grishin Igor Alekseevich

43. Move to the teeth A kind of message to the human skeleton, and its most beautiful part - the jaws. Move into the teeth so that the top and mandible slammed shut nicely. A sound reminiscent of a clicked box will be your reward. All that is required of your opponent here is

And also - the meaning and origin of many other "winter" catchphrases.

Meanings and stories of appearance in our everyday life popular expressions on a winter theme.

Skates discard

Meaning - to die

The expression has been used since the end of the twentieth century. It came from the environment of criminalists. When a person is knocked down high speed car, then criminologists have a sign - if dead person shoes flew off from the blow, which means he died. They began to say about the deceased, “the skates were thrown away.”

It was from this expression that “move the horses” later appeared.

Sharpen your skis

Meaning - get ready to run, run away.

The ends of the skis are sharp, so they easily ride on a snowy surface. These pointed ends make it easy to clear your way!

Like a snowball

So they say about a process that starts small, but gradually and quickly grows. Association with the situation, like a small snowball, starting to roll down the mountain, gradually turns into a large and formidable lump.

In English, this expression is called "the snowball effect" (the snowball effect).

Change like gloves

Meaning - change often

AT early XIX century in England, the rules for the "ideal gentleman" were formulated. According to these rules, gloves had to be changed six times a day! This is where the expression comes from.

Frost crackling

The meaning is a very severe frost.

The expression was formed because if you walk along a log flooring in severe frost (which was common until the 20th century), you will hear the crackling of frozen logs.

Beat like a fish on ice

Meaning - fruitlessly achieve something, mainly better conditions for your life.

The expression comes from fishermen. During winter fishing, fish are pulled out onto the ice. She beats on the ice, but all her efforts are in vain.

Throw down the gauntlet

The meaning is to challenge someone to a duel, to challenge someone to some kind of competition.

A knight of the Middle Ages, in order to challenge another knight to a duel, threw his glove on the ground. Lifting the glove meant accepting the challenge.

In tight fist (keep)

The meaning is to treat someone strictly, severely.

It is believed that the expression was formed on behalf of the head of the NKVD of the 30s of the twentieth century, Yezhov, who became famous for his repressions. But, the expression was used long before the birth of Yezhov, for example, by Chekhov and Pushkin in the 19th century.

Hedgehog mittens (or golitsy) are working leather mittens without lining and fur, they were intended for catching hedgehogs.

Show where crayfish hibernate

The meaning is an expression of threat.

The expression appeared in tsarist Russia. The landowners held balls and receptions in winter, where gourmet dish were considered "winter" crayfish. There was even a belief that crayfish are truly delicious only in those months whose names contain the letter "r" - that is, from September to April. Catch them in cold water belonged to the serfs. Crayfish hibernate at the bottom of reservoirs, digging deep holes in the sand, and it is very difficult to find them.

Nodding acquaintance

The meaning is an acquaintance, devoid of any intimacy, in which they only bow when they meet.

In the old days, when meeting, people greeted each other by slightly raising their cap (hat). A hat acquaintance is such a relationship between people when, apart from a greeting at a meeting, nothing else unites them.

Sources used: dslov.narod.ru and Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary.