Distance higher pedagogical education in state universities. Distance learning higher education without the Unified State Examination is real and achievable


The name “distance learning” itself means that learning takes place at a distance. Often, students have a desire to study at a prestigious Moscow university, but they cannot come to the capital for a long time, and they cannot study. Then distance learning comes to the rescue, which has the features of both full-time and distance learning. For such studies, the student will only need a laptop or tablet, as well as a great desire to learn.

Distance learning begins with the submission of an application and the necessary copies of documents certified by a notary. If a student who wants to enroll in distance learning lives in another city, he sends documents by mail. Then a contract is concluded with him and after paying for the tuition, the student is enrolled in the university.

Distance learning is especially common among those who want to get a second higher education, enroll in advanced training courses or MBA programs. Thus, most of all, such training is suitable for adults and busy people who do not have time to attend lectures in person, but still want to be able to listen to the material from the mouth of the lecturer and analyze problematic issues with him directly, and not with the help of mere textbooks, as is the case with distance learning. However, this form of education can also be chosen as the first higher education.

Remote learning takes place according to the schedule using materials on the university website, recordings, live communication in the form of conferences, as well as communication with the student using e-mail, icq, or skype. Distance learning students, like all other students, are enrolled in certain groups, they are given a class schedule and a password to access their personal account on the site. In this personal account, students can find materials available to them for study - lecture notes, notes, textbooks, control and other test materials. There they are given assignments for a week or a semester. All these materials can also be sent to the student's e-mail.

With such training, the student does not have an individual schedule, he must obey a certain schedule, which is planned at the university. And yet, he does not have to spend most of his day at the monitor, because in the format of live communication, which requires the obligatory presence of a student, only seminars or colloquia are held. All other materials can be studied by the student when it is convenient for him. However, distance learning requires a lot of discipline, perseverance and willpower from the student. No one will force you to study here, but you still have to take all the tests, tests, exams and term papers at the end of the semester.

Each student is assigned a curator who will help him in learning and answer questions about the organization of the entire process. Teachers usually also set aside time at least once a month for consultations on the subject. You can come to the city where the university is located for face-to-face consultations, but this is not necessary. The obligatory presence of a student is usually required at the university only during the passing of state exams and the defense of a thesis.

It is already difficult to imagine the modern education system without various forms of distance learning, which are carried out using the latest technologies or in the traditional correspondent way.

Distance learning (DL) is a set of technologies that provide students with the bulk of the material for study and testing. It originated in Europe at the end of the 18th century, with the advent of regular postal service and "correspondent training". However, quite modern universities practice it today, along with the use of the latest information technologies.

It is worth noting that many use different definitions of distance learning and education, such as “open”, “virtual”, “electronic”, “online”. Back in 1969, the world's first distance education university, the Open University, was founded in the UK.

Today, various DL technologies are used, the scope of which depends on the means of information support used, methods of managing the cognitive activity of students, methods of control and self-control of knowledge. Different forms of distance education have their own ways of assessing knowledge and their own required level of teacher training.

Optimization of distance learning at the present stage of development of the educational system makes it possible to structure the educational process depending on the means of delivery of training courses. This, in turn, determines the ways of interaction between teachers and students.

At present, the most promising is interactive interaction in the process of distance learning via the Internet (chat classes, webinars, web conferences). In 2003, the development of a unified standard for interactive learning SCORM began, which will gradually lead to an expansion of the list of requirements for the content of courses and the software used.

Thus, the use of distance learning technologies allows, firstly, to reduce the amount of training costs, secondly, to conduct simultaneous training of a large number of people and, thirdly, to create a unified educational environment (which is especially important for corporate training). In addition, the quality level of DL is constantly increasing through the use of modern means of communication, electronic libraries, and the latest software.

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In the modern world, it is possible to receive higher education without daily attendance at an educational institution. This opportunity is provided by distance learning, which is carried out thanks to information and educational technologies and communication systems.

This type of education provides great opportunities for obtaining the desired education for people who, for a number of reasons, cannot attend an educational institution full-time or are unable to study in another city (country). Distance learning provides a comfortable acquisition of knowledge due to the fact that the student is at home, in the usual for him, the environment, he chooses the timing and pace of education. At the same time, despite the independent acquisition of knowledge, the student can at any moment count on the help of a teacher, which is carried out via the Internet. such systems as web-chat, IRC, ICQ, TV, web-telephony, Telnet come to help). In addition, there is an asynchronous way of transferring knowledge to students, which consists in independently completing assignments and studying material provided in printed form, on floppy disks, CDs, and cassettes, on web forums and web pages, in Usenet guest and teleconferences. Modern technologies through distance education, they allow people with disabilities to receive diplomas, for example, deaf, blind or sick people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Distance learning is used not only for students to receive education. This method of acquiring knowledge is very convenient for schoolchildren who, due to illness, cannot attend school for a long time or are forced to receive education at home. In addition, with the help of distance learning, employees of various corporations are retrained and their qualifications are improved. The difference between distance learning and distance learning is that in the latter case there is a common lesson plan for all students, the deadline for passing exams and obtaining a diploma, i.e. there is no individual approach. However, not all professions and knowledge can be obtained remotely. So, for example, it is practically impossible to learn some types of creative activity on your own, in the absence of direct contact between the student and the teacher. This applies to learning to play musical instruments, singing, painting, dancing.

Along with full-time, evening and correspondence forms of education, a distance education system is actively developing today, accessible to almost anyone. This type of training has no age, professional, territorial restrictions, and it is successfully used by people who are not able to attend classes full-time or often travel to sessions due to employment at work, health status, remoteness of the university, care for young children.

Distance learning is carried out using the educational portal of the university. When enrolling a student, login and for access to the educational and methodological materials of the course: texts of teaching aids, assignments for independent and control work and recommendations for their implementation, schedule for studying the material, etc. For convenience, some of the manuals can be duplicated in paper form or on CDs.

The sequence of studying subjects and the pace of learning is determined individually, so the total duration of the educational process depends on each individual student, his abilities and wishes. You can complete the entire course in the traditional 5-6 years, or in a shorter period if you study intensively, or taking into account life circumstances, study for a longer time.

Teachers, methodologists and technical support specialists through telephone or video communication, as well as e-mail and communication on the university forum, provide students with regular consultations on issues that arise during the educational process. However, distance learning does not exclude face-to-face communication. As a rule, once a year, students must attend sessions during which they attend lectures, seminars, do laboratory work, pass tests and exams. In addition, they can appear at the university more often, if necessary.

In those educational institutions where personal attendance at the exam is not required, the assimilation of material in academic disciplines is checked in an automated system that provides detailed and constant monitoring and makes it independent of the teacher, which in turn allows you to get an objective assessment of knowledge. However, in such cases, there is a problem of identifying the person performing the tasks, so these forms of control are not universally applied.

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One higher education is good, but two?

Increasingly, people with a university degree are thinking about how to sit down at a desk again and get a second higher education in absentia or full-time.

Are you also in need of new knowledge? Is your professional activity at the intersection of specialties and do you need additional competencies? Or maybe you are disappointed in the profession you have received and want to correct the mistake by choosing a new direction of study?

The site "Bachelor-Master" will help you navigate the proposals from universities for a second education.

Obtaining a second higher education: reasons

  • A profession with a first degree is not in demand on the labor market.
  • Low average salary in the field to which the first specialty belongs.
  • The need for knowledge in new or related areas (for example, management, IT, marketing, law, etc.).
  • The desire to take a leadership position often encourages engineers, doctors, teachers to obtain managerial qualifications.
  • The work on the first diploma was disappointing. The phrase “this is not mine” is often heard by career consultants from their clients.
  • The person never worked on the first diploma, or there was a big break in labor activity. Change of life orientations, search for new ways of development.

Why is the second higher distance education* the most popular form of re-education?

The second education is received by adults, independent people, often having their own families. Naturally, they are already working in one area or another. Distance technologies, as noted by such students and specialists in the educational field, are most adapted to the needs and capabilities of busy people:

  • individual training schedule
  • your pace of passing the educational program,
  • low cost of education in comparison with other forms,
  • an up-to-date database of digital educational materials,
  • professionalism of course developers and lecturers,
  • remote consultations, webinars, discussions.

Private and public universities set minimum requirements for admission to the second higher education distance*. As a rule, the applicant does not pass the exams. Entrance tests are organized in the form of an interview, including remotely.

You will learn how to get a second higher education in absentia in Moscow or another region of Russia on the Bachelor-Master resource, which was created specifically to provide



Administrative support for those who are thinking about how to build their own educational route.

Second higher education remotely* at a public or private university?

Don't know which university to choose? Have you heard that the level of education in commercial educational institutions is lower? Break free from stereotypes and explore the proposed educational organizations for yourself. After listening to the reviews of today's and yesterday's students, employers, you will understand that private education today competes with public education on an equal footing. And often it is a leader in the field of used information technologies for education, the introduction of educational innovations. This is due to the greater flexibility of the management system, as well as the desire to firmly gain a foothold in the educational market.

Second higher education: how many years to study?

This question worries everyone who is thinking about getting a second specialty. The term of study, as a rule, is less than if it was about entering a university for the first time. Depending on the chosen direction of training, the educational institution:

  • Offers training in groups with those who do not yet have a university degree. In this case, your training is organized according to an individual plan, the disciplines that are re-credited to you can not be attended. The term of study, as a rule, is the same as if you were studying for the first time.
  • Organizes separate groups of those who intend to receive a second higher education in absentia. In this case, you will complete your training faster.

How to enter the second higher education remotely?

Specialists of the Bachelor-Master project often hear this question.

On the pages of specific programs are placed:

  • Detailed admission rules
  • List of required documents,
  • List of entrance tests.

As a rule, upon admission, it is not required to present the results of the exam. Competitive selection for the second higher education involves passing an interview or testing. In many educational institutions, when choosing a distance* form of education, the applicant has the opportunity to submit documents (send by mail, send scanned copies) and pass entrance examinations remotely.

Do you think that you will not be able to understand the flow of information in order to get a second higher education remotely*? Can't choose a university? Do not panic.

Distance* education under the program of the second higher education is offered by both public universities and private ones. Study the Bachelor-Master resource. With it, you:

  • Get access to information on all educational programs of the second higher education.
  • Quickly study the educational institutions that offer a second degree, and the conditions for admission.
  • Find out about the possibilities of receiving education remotely *.
  • Understand what your professional prospects are when choosing one or another area of ​​training.
  • Get acquainted with the organization of the distance* learning process in partner universities.
  • Consider the benefits of a second higher education compared to other forms.
  • Get step-by-step instructions on how to act when applying to a university remotely*.

If after independent work with an educational project you still have questions, the specialists of the Bachelor-Master website are always ready to help you. For this you need:

  • Select the one that interests you in the catalog of second higher education programs.
  • In the feedback form, fill in all the points in detail.
  • Wait for a consultation within 4 working hours.
  • Get answers to all your questions from a specialist.
  • Follow the recommendations for next steps.

Admission remotely*, although different from the traditional procedure, is much simpler and faster. With the resource "Bachelor-Master" you can be sure that you are on the right educational path!

* Correspondence form of education with the use of distance learning technologies.

High competition in the labor market makes young people and adults look for / change ways of their professional development.

Benefits of Higher Education

  1. The presence of higher education is often a decisive condition for employment. Full-time, part-time distance* higher education with a state diploma for many employers is a documentary confirmation of the required knowledge and skills of the candidate.
  2. In a number of specialties, a university diploma is a mandatory requirement of a professional standard.
  3. Career advancement will be easier if you have a specialist, bachelor's or master's degree. In most companies, this is a necessary condition for inclusion in the personnel reserve and appointment to managerial positions.
  4. In the process of training, deep knowledge is acquired in a certain professional field. This will give you confidence and will contribute to the quality performance of your duties.
  5. Studying at a university helps to acquire the skills of a systematic approach to solving any problem.
  6. A person with a higher education can always be distinguished by a certain thoughtfulness in business, intelligence in relation to life and work issues.

More and more universities in Russia offer distance* higher education - distance learning using distance learning technologies. The site-navigator "Bachelor-Master" will help you to understand the conditions of training, educational programs. Here you can find detailed information on the leading educational institutions in the field of online learning. You can on one resource:

  • Get information about partner universities and institutes.
  • Understand the educational areas and programs of higher education.
  • Compare admission conditions:

When to apply

How to submit documents to the university,

How is the competitive selection organized for those who passed the USE and those who do not have USE results?

How to get higher education remotely* on the basis of specialized secondary education

  • Consult with project specialists on admission issues.

Distance* learning is the best form of higher education if you:

  • You work full time.
  • Have a flexible work schedule (shifts, seasonality, etc.).
  • A person with temporary or permanent health limitations.
  • You are on parental leave.
  • You are a mother of many children.
  • Do you want to get a correspondence higher education in Moscow or another region different from your place of residence.
  • Do military or contract military service.
  • You plan to study in several areas of training at once.

Distance* higher education at state universities in Russia will be available to everyone who has a complete secondary or secondary specialized education, as well as persons who already have a university diploma.

The attractiveness of distance* education

  • You have the freedom to choose the pace of learning. Depending on life circumstances, you can adjust the intensity of training.
  • You determine the time of the lessons yourself. Access to educational materials, recordings of online lectures and webinars is possible, as a rule, 24/7.
  • You save time on the road / travel to the place of study. In most educational institutions, you can even apply without coming to the university. Notarized copies that you send by mail will do.
  • You get unlimited access to digital educational resources (textbooks, manuals, guidelines, workshops, etc.).
  • You can take final testing, take control and term papers, projects, presentations remotely.
  • You reduce the financial cost of training. The first and second higher education remotely* is cheaper than studying full-time or offline by correspondence.

Where to study at the university remotely*?

The advantage of distance technologies is the ability to study from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. Russian universities have long been mastering interactive and remote forms of work with students, improving the educational process, looking for new high-tech solutions in order to improve the quality and prestige of distance* learning. In this regard, the location of the educational institution is not critical.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a university?

  • Availability of a license to provide educational services and state accreditation.
  • Admission conditions.
  • Organization of the educational process.

Distance higher education is a teaching method in which the teacher and the student are at a distance from each other. They are deprived of the opportunity to see each other in person, but they can communicate and see each other via the Internet. Some higher educational institutions offer applicants to obtain the necessary knowledge in this particular way, and people who want to study are happy to take advantage of this opportunity.

The advantages of distance higher education are obvious:

  • you can live in one city/country and study in another
  • you don't have to spend time on the road
  • You choose the time that suits you best

Universities for distance higher education

Almost every state university that offers distance education on the basis of higher education is provided with all the necessary material and technical base for this.

In 2012, the Russian Federation passed Law No. 273-FZ “Law on Education in the Russian Federation”, which legalized and streamlined distance higher education. In the field of education in Russia, this was a breakthrough, although this type of education has been practiced in the world for a long time.

  • In 1969 The Open University (Open University UK) began to conduct distance learning using two-way radio.

Today, universities have the opportunity to conduct online seminars and take exams without meeting students in person. Therefore, educational institutions can offer a wide range of specialties that can be studied remotely.

Of course, you will not be able to get a profession that requires certain practical skills. You cannot study remotely as a doctor or technologist, but you can become a lawyer, economist, journalist, manager, get a diploma in psychology, logistics and ecology ... Some of the most popular areas of distance education:

  • management;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • marketing;
  • finance and credit;
  • business Informatics;
  • digital design;
  • state and municipal administration;
  • automated information processing and control systems;
  • computer software and automated systems.

Whatever city you are in, you can study at any university in the country and abroad. You can find a complete list of universities of distance higher education on the website of the Unified Center for Higher Distance Education - ecvdo.ru or EduNetwork.ru.

How much does distance higher education cost?

Distance higher education is cheaper than full-time education both for the university itself and for students. The university does not pay for the premises and utilities, students do not pay for the road, notebooks and other attributes.

The specific cost of education depends on the university and on the level of qualification that you plan to receive. The approximate cost of studying for a bachelor's degree varies from 30 to 60 thousand rubles per semester.

For example, at the UNIQ Institute, a semester (half year) costs 48 000 rubles, training lasts 3.5-5 years, depending on whether this is your first or second education.

The cost of distance education abroad ( especially in European educational institutions) depends on the curriculum. The more items you choose, the more you pay. The load and cost is made up of ECTS— modular credit system. The annual load rate is 60 ECTS. For a bachelor's degree, you need to score 180-240 ECTS, that is, 3-4 years of study, and for a master's degree, 300 ECTS. In different universities, one ECTS costs differently, from 30 to 100 euros.

Another criterion is the popularity of the university.

Elite schools usually inflate their prices. For example, at the prestigious Open University in the UK, the cost of ECTS is 42 euros, that is, per year you will need to pay 2500-3500 euros depending on specialization.

in spanish Universidad a Distancia de Madrid the cost of ECTS is 73 euros, which means you will need to pay approximately 4380 euros per year.

The most expensive countries to study are America, England, Germany, France and Canada. But the level of education there is significantly higher than the level of other countries. Many foreign universities offer students to reduce the cost of education in case of high academic performance and the presence of personal achievements - this is how they motivate students to study better.

Video about distance higher education and tuition fees

How is the training going?

  • If you want to graduate remotely, you must have high speed internet and a webcam.

On the website of your university, you will have your own personal account, where you can see the class schedule, your homework, teachers' contacts, and you can download past lecture notes. For each lesson, you are sent a link to an online conference, which can take place through the service Cisco WebEx or Adobe. If you didn't attend the lecture, you can watch it at a convenient time in the recording. The only difference is that during the lecture you can immediately ask questions to the teacher in the group chat.

Distance learning lasts the same as usual. If you get a second degree, the time is significantly reduced (up to 1-3 years). After each session, you go on vacation, but some universities allow you to skip this time and proceed to the next course.

How to enter a university for distance higher education

Before you start studying, you must go through the admissions process. Keep in mind that some institutions accept students all year round, and some at certain times once a year. Detailed information can be found on the website of the university of your choice. But there are several rules that are the same for all universities and institutes. So, how to enter a university for distance learning?

First, you need to provide a certain package of documents to the selection committee. After registering on the website of the university, you can apply for admission. After that, the manager will contact you and provide a list of required documents and the address where they need to be sent.

Required documents:

  • A copy of the first page of the passport, a copy of the page indicating the registration (certified copy by a notary);
  • 4 photos in 3x4 format;
  • The original of the certificate or a notarized copy of the document on previous education: a diploma of secondary vocational education or a diploma of higher education with attachments;
  • certificate of the results of the unified state exam (USE);
  • statement with your signature.

You can download all application forms and questionnaires on the official website of the university. High school graduates may need to pass an entrance test, and those wishing to get a second degree - an interview. After enrolling as a student, you will receive an email containing a tuition agreement and a receipt for payment for the first semester. You sign the contract, pay for the semester and send the documents to the university. The admissions committee issues an order for enrollment, and you get access to classes.

Distance education of the UNIK Institute

Here we can talk about receiving distance education on the example of a real student who shared his experience with us.

As we have already said, the obvious advantage of DO is that you can live not only in another city, but also in the country. Gleb lives in Moldova, but is studying to be a designer (digital design) at the UNIK Moscow Institute remotely. All documents for admission were sent by regular mail to the Moscow address of the university.

Eugene studies the basics of design, academic drawing, almost all programs of the Adobe family. Gleb told us about the most important advantages for him -

“Among the teachers, there are only acting professionals, that is, designers, directors of firms and studios, those who earn money not only by teaching, but also by design. The teachers are young from 25 to 40 years old, active and lively people who tell only relevant information, what you need to know today.”

The institute's training programs cover the full range of knowledge that a future specialist needs. Education in distance programs is equivalent to full-time education in conventional universities. The institute offers education in the following popular specialties:

  1. Journalism. During the course, you communicate with experienced representatives of the profession, after graduation, each student is assisted in finding a job. The course will teach you to inspire confidence in people and correctly analyze information and events. The term of study is from 4.5 to 3.5 years. The cost is 40,000 rubles for six months.
  2. Psychology. A serious but interesting program. The best teachers, lectures, seminars and master classes with famous psychologists. At this faculty, you will receive the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The term of study is from 3.5 to 5 years. The cost is 29,500 rubles for six months.
  3. Design. Faculty for creative people, future graphic designers and interior designers. Portfolio development, practical skills training. The term of study is from 4.5 to 5 years. The cost is 48,000 rubles for six months.
  4. Foreign languages. Training is conducted in two profiles: translation and a foreign language in the business field. Faculty specialists are in demand in the labor market. The term of study is from 3.5 to 4.5 years. The cost is 48,000 rubles for six months.

Institute graduates work in various fields - from advertising agencies and the media to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. After training, you will receive a state diploma. To enter the institute, it is enough to leave an application on the official website. Admissions specialists will call you and send you a detailed training plan. The staff of the institute will help to prepare the necessary documents, accept the introductory assignment and enroll you in the course.

Distance education abroad

If you have chosen to study abroad, first of all prepare the necessary documents. This is a certificate of complete secondary education, all necessary applications, letters of recommendation. All submitted documents will most likely have to be translated into a foreign language. When applying for a second higher education or a master's program, in addition to the standard package of documents, you must provide a diploma of higher education.

When applying to some English-speaking universities, you will have to take a language proficiency test, after which you will receive an international certificate TOEFL. If you want to enter a German university, you will need to pass TestDaF or DSH. Sometimes you have to take additional tests. For example, in order to become a student at the National University in the United States, you will need to pass tests in arithmetic and psychology.

The principle of operation of foreign universities is similar to the principle of operation of Russian ones. You register on the website of the educational institution, where you study lectures, pass tests, take part in seminars, communicate with fellow students, send completed work.

Distance higher education is a great opportunity to get a profession without attending lectures and seminars and without being distracted from work and other daily activities.

Distance education allows you to communicate with a student at a distance: provide him with the necessary literature, communicate with him and control his knowledge. All this makes the learning process easier, faster and more efficient.

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Which institute, university to enter in Moscow full-time, by correspondence, remotely, after 11 classes, college, get a second higher education, transfer from university to university without losing the course?

Admission to the Moscow Institute is a reasonable and deliberate step. It is here that you will receive a high-quality demanded education in the chosen specialty. Excellent teaching staff, technical equipment, rich student life and employment are guaranteed for those who enter the full-time, part-time, distance, correspondence department. A wealth of methodological material, a universal personal account and consultation of the educational part have been collected for distance learning students. Students who have made a transfer from institute to institute are guaranteed

1. transfer without loss of course

2. preservation of the form and cost of education.

How to choose a specialty, a form of study at the institute?

Full-time education - Involves mandatory attendance of lectures, practical classes, laboratory work. Usually the school week is five days, rarely six days, depending on the schedule. .

Distance learning - Involves mandatory attendance of lectures, practical classes, laboratory work twice a year for two weeks. Usually divided into winter and summer sessions. .

Distance learning - Conducted using Internet technologies using special training programs. All tests and exams are taken exclusively in electronic form (remotely). .

Specialties of institutes and universities of Moscow. .

Where can you go during the year?

Admission during the year is possible by transfer from university to university.

In a number of educational institutions, admission to part-time and distance learning is possible throughout the year. (Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law and Institute of Business Career)

If I do not live in Moscow, is it possible to enter an institute, a university on a budget?

Non-resident citizens and citizens of foreign states enter the institutes and universities of Moscow on a general basis in accordance with the admission rules. When applying for full-time education, a residence permit or registration in Moscow is required.

How much does admission and distance learning at the institute cost?

The cost of studying at the institute depends on the choice of the form of education. Approximate tuition fees are shown here.

Every year the conditions for admission to the university are getting tougher and harder. One of the main factors for admission to a university is the passing of the Unified State Exam. It is much easier for modern schoolchildren finishing 11th grade to pass all these tests, but what if you graduated from school 5, 10, 15 years ago? Raising your knowledge over the past years is very difficult, and the school curriculum has changed ... There is a reasonable way out of this situation - going to college and further education at the institute! After receiving a college diploma, graduates enter the institute without passing the exam for reduced training programs.

The School - College - University program is suitable for applicants who have completed the 9th grade of high school and do not want to continue their education in the 11th grade. Those wishing to quickly get a specialty, find a prestigious job and continue their education at the institute.