Get a ped education. Pedagogical distance education: features, program and reviews

They have created unique training programs that allow everyone who wants to receive higher pedagogical education remotely, or in parallel with the main activity, master new related qualifications.

The new form of education has its own characteristics. The sources of knowledge are information resources, automated systems, educational databases and computer programs.

At the same time, live communication with teachers is not excluded. But it has completely different forms. Lectures are given via Skype, the teacher can be asked questions, communicate with him directly using the available communication channels.

The teacher only coordinates the process, directs the students in the right direction, conducts counseling, notes the important points of the course being read. Students do the rest of the work on their own. And this is another main feature of the new form of education.

Pros and cons of pedagogical distance education

This option of obtaining higher pedagogical education has a number of undeniable advantages. This:

  1. Flexibility of learning.
  2. Economic efficiency.
  3. Special forms of control.
  4. Modularity.

Students themselves can choose the time to listen to lectures, to view educational materials, independently mastering the main principles of the chosen discipline.

Knowledge is given in compressed blocks. After the end of each, testing or remote exams are conducted. Only after passing them, students proceed to the next stage of training.

No need to go to college or university, spend money on travel or living in a foreign city, you can study from anywhere in the world. Availability is another advantage of the described process.

But there are also negative points. The learning process will have to be controlled independently, there will be opportunities to communicate with teachers, but their number is limited. For many, this is an insurmountable obstacle.

And this must be taken into account when choosing distance learning, teacher education today is represented by the most conservative form of education, and the lack of control over how the educational process is progressing can play a negative role.

How to get a higher pedagogical education remotely

Today it is not difficult to get a higher pedagogical education. To do this, you must have access to the Internet, a good computer, the memory of which will allow you to process training programs and a great desire to learn on your own. In what direction do you need to act in order to begin to realize your desire?

You need to start by looking for a suitable institution. Not all higher education institutions in the country provide such services. But still there are quite a few of them. Which to choose?

It is necessary to take into account not so much the cost of training and the prestige of the object, but its location. During your studies, you will have to visit an educational institution several times, so transport accessibility, in this case, is an important criterion.

And yet, experts recommend paying attention to what kind of diploma is issued after graduation. Diplomas from commercial educational institutions can be questionable, so it is better to choose a university that issues a state diploma.

Full information about what documents may be needed upon admission, how to submit them, in what form, is published on the official website of each educational institution.

In order to settle all these issues, you can personally visit the institute or send copies of your passport, certificate of secondary education, military ID, certified by a notary, by registered mail. Today, many universities as an application are asked to fill out an online questionnaire.

Second pedagogical education remotely

If the first higher education, but you have to work with children, there is also a need to get a pedagogical education remotely.

In this case, it is necessary to look not for basic directions, but for special programs that allow you to retrain or get a related profession.

For example, any teacher can easily retrain to, a biologist become a chemist, a physicist a mathematician. Such options are also provided by universities and are offered to everyone.

In this case, the student himself forms a convenient schedule for completing the training programs. He can work, and then in the evening, in his spare time, study under the guidance of a personal curator.

It is appointed by the university. Knowledge control is carried out in the same way as when receiving the first higher pedagogical education, through the Virtual Network, in the mode of electronic testing or a specially organized video conference.

Upon graduation, students take a state attestation exam and defend a qualifying paper. Only those who already work in a related specialty and have a diploma can apply for a second pedagogical education.

As you can see, distance higher pedagogical education is generally available. In order to get it, you must have a computer and the desire to learn on your own.

Pedagogical education is a system designed to train specialists in general, as well as preschool, primary, basic and secondary education. Teachers of general education disciplines and professional educational institutions, teachers of institutions involved in additional education of children, social workers and others are also trained. If we consider this term in a broad sense, then it is often used when talking about the professional training of all persons who are related to the upbringing and education of the younger generation (including parents).


Pedagogical education in the Russian Federation is characterized by high requirements to and also to the personality of the teacher himself, the educator as a subject of the educational process and pedagogical communication.

Therefore, the process of training qualified personnel must be taken very seriously. Modern pedagogical education is focused on solving two problems. First, it is necessary to provide assistance to the social and value development of the personality of the future teacher, his civil and moral maturity, general cultural, fundamental training. Secondly, it is necessary to promote specialization and professional development in the chosen area of ​​pedagogical activity. It can be said that the comprehensive development of the teacher's personality is the goal, the basis and the condition that ensures the effectiveness of the training of future teachers.

A bit of history

The history of pedagogical education in Russia began in the 19th century. Then this system was represented by specialized vocational training in church teachers' seminaries and second-class teachers' schools, incomplete secondary education courses in diocesan schools and women's gymnasiums, as well as additional professional training, which was carried out at special pedagogical courses.

Pedagogical institutes were opened as part of universities, necessary for the training of teachers of county schools and gymnasiums. Education in them lasted for 3 years, and then increased to 4 years from 1835. Each teacher was prepared to teach several subjects.

From 1859 another model was organized for the training of teachers who already had a university education. Pedagogical courses were opened for graduates of physics and mathematics and history and philology faculties. Historical and philological institutes in Nizhyn (founded in 1875) and St. Petersburg (1867) in the second half of the 19th century produced most of the teachers for classical gymnasiums. These public educational institutions were equated to universities.

In Russia, there were many prerequisites for the emergence of higher education in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Pedagogical education and science were sufficiently developed during this period of time, many scientists were engaged in theoretical studies (V. P. Vekhterov, P. F. Kapterev, V. M. Bekhterev, etc.).

At the beginning of the 20th century, universities developed two concepts of the education we are considering. The first of them was based on the idea of ​​organizing the training of personnel at pedagogical faculties or departments of pedagogy. It was supposed to combine theoretical training and research work. In order to organize pedagogical practice, auxiliary educational institutions were created at the faculty. The second concept involved education after university and was focused on research activities.

At the same time, a model of pedagogical education arose, which was called integral. Vocational training was combined with higher education. General scientific education was given in the form of lectures for two years, followed by pedagogical practice in an elementary school or gymnasium.

In the RSFSR, after the revolution, 2 versions of pedagogical education prevailed. The first of them is training in stationary educational institutions (technical schools and pedagogical institutes). The content of education was aimed at the implementation of political tasks. The second option is short-term mass courses. They were organized for the eradication of illiteracy and mass political propaganda.

In the early 1930s great attention in the training of future teachers was given to the basics of Marxism-Leninism, physical education and military training, and about 10% of the teaching time was devoted to pedagogy. In 1935, the People's Commissariat of Education introduced new curricula for all faculties (except for history). A lot of time was given to mastering consultations and elective courses. The state began to treat the teacher as an ideological worker. The main task in teaching was the training of teachers who are imbued with the ideas of communism.

In the 1930s, each autonomous republic had an institute of teacher education. In 1956, teachers' institutes that provided education were transformed into colleges and pedagogical universities, which lasted 5 years.

Since 1990, the reform of teacher education has been very actively developed. A new stage begins, which is characterized by the fact that the management of this process is no longer politicized. Pedagogical education has become an object of legislative regulation. The basis of the updated Russian education is a student-oriented approach to each student. It also tries to ensure the integrity of the programs, to focus education and training on professional and future teachers. The history of pedagogical education shows that it has undergone many difficulties, absorbing all the best.

The main directions of education today

Modern pedagogical education is developing in the direction of universality. It tries to contribute to the full assimilation of the culture of mankind, its embodiment. This corresponds to the current stage of development of society.

The solution of such socially significant tasks of pedagogical education institutions as the analysis of educational practice and assistance in the development of educational infrastructures in the regions is becoming increasingly relevant (this is supported by the natural need of the country's regions to create centers of culture and education).

A special role of this type of education is to ensure one of the basic human rights of our time - the right to receive education with the condition of protecting students, especially children, from incompetence on the part of adults, from parents to teachers, teachers of the professional sphere.

In the 21st century, there has been a transition to a two-level model of training bachelors and masters. Pedagogical education in the Russian Federation is being integrated into the pan-European educational space.


In today's world, people have access to an unlimited amount of information. The ability to extract meaning, grope for relationships, solve problems, conceive and implement projects, and perform non-trivial actions have become significant.

The problems of pedagogical education are to prepare specialists who are able to work on the formation of personality in the conditions of innovative development and modernization, who have a socially oriented view of the world. Modern pedagogical universities are obliged to prepare graduates who are able to work for the development of the individual, which is the subject of a multicultural civil society, integrated into the all-Russian and world space.

The trend of preparing future teachers on the basis of the modular principle and the competence-based approach to teaching also creates problems in teacher education, since programs need to be changed in accordance with the new requirements of reality. Today, a lot of time is devoted to theory when teaching students, while very little time is devoted to practice. There is a need for universities to work together with schools and colleges, to focus on getting students good practical experience.

Relationship with science

Pedagogical education and science are trying to keep pace, although this is not always possible. The development of science is faster, innovations are not always quickly introduced into the education system. However, in recent years, a lot of new teaching methods have been used. Computers that are equipped with high-quality educational programs can perfectly cope with the task of managing the educational process. The latest scientific developments, experimental sites, methods and technologies of education and self-education are applied.

Preschool teacher education

The training program for specialists was developed taking into account the requirements of reality. Preschool teacher education pays great attention to the issues of preschool, general, cognitive pedagogy and psychology. Those who graduate will be able to apply their knowledge in a state and non-state educational institution, in a child development center, in the field of preschool, secondary general education, in organizing additional education, in a center for children's creativity, as well as to carry out independent pedagogical activities (tutor, nanny, head of the children's center , kindergarten).

Directions of work of specialists

The preschool teacher conducts educational and upbringing work with children, creates conditions for a comfortable life for children during their stay in a preschool institution, and tries to discover the individual characteristics of children. He also reveals the intricacies of the relationship between parents, organizes consultations, and conducts various preventive measures (meetings, practical exercises).

Professional and pedagogical education

This concept involves the formation of such a person who is able to effectively realize himself in the areas of primary and secondary vocational education, who can carry out all the components of an integrative educational process, and perform a full range of professional and educational functions. Pedagogical education and professional pedagogical education are interconnected, but the latter has become more general.

Additional education

Additional pedagogical education is necessary for teachers to improve their qualifications. Also, with its help, retraining of specialists is carried out, which is necessary to update their professional knowledge, improve business qualities, and prepare them to perform new labor functions. In addition, additional training of students of correspondence and full-time forms of education is carried out.


Thus, we can say that teacher education is a multi-level and complex process focused on training professionals in their field, teachers with a capital letter, who can justify the hopes placed on them in teaching and educating a new generation.

Pedagogy is a very broad concept. In the memory of most of us, the phrase "pedagogical institute" is strongly associated with the profession of a school teacher or kindergarten teacher. Many do not even suspect that psychologists, speech pathologists, linguists are graduating... In recent years, psychological and pedagogical education has become more and more popular, and the prestige of social work in the field of education has increased.

TOP 10 popular specialties:

Based on the average passing score of the USE, sociology, economics, foreign languages, philology and linguistics, as well as psychology were the most popular among students of pedagogical universities in 2011. And this is not surprising. After all, a sociologist or an economist can find a prestigious and well-paid job not only at school. And there is nothing to say about foreign languages, serious employers will tear off a person with a professional deep knowledge of several languages. In the field of linguistics, the diploma of the Pedagogical Institute has a very good weight. The competition for these specialties reaches 7 people per budgetary place.

Professions related to the visual arts are also highly rated, the sum of the USE scores here reaches 178. Most likely, this is due to the limited number of places for applicants, because not all pedagogical ones are engaged in teaching creative people. The competition here is not very big - only 3 people per place, but it should be noted that in addition to good grades, an applicant cannot do without artistic abilities - no one has canceled the creative competition.

But what to do if the exam does not reach the required score, and since the 1st grade you have dreamed of becoming a teacher and are firmly convinced that pedagogy is your vocation?

Then it's a good idea to think about the profession of a music worker, a social teacher or a primary school teacher. In order to start training in these specialties, you will need a USE result that does not exceed 110 points.

By the way, if we ignore the dry statistics of points, then in the last 10 years the profession of a primary school teacher and an educator in preschool institutions has been steadily gaining popularity and the competition for these specialties never drops below 3 people per one budget place.

Why? Firstly, if you decide to give your skills and love to kids, you will never be left without a job: the birth rate in Russia is now higher than ever, and secondly, education is very versatile - the first educator and the first teacher do not teach highly specialized subjects, but acquaint our crumbs with a huge and infinitely interesting surrounding world. It often happens that communication with employees of kindergarten and elementary school determines the entire future path of a little person, because, in fact, these are the first adults with whom the baby communicates almost as closely as with his parents.

I would become a teacher... Where do future teachers study?

Applicants who want to get a higher pedagogical education in Moscow have a fairly wide choice. , which offer their services for teaching certain pedagogical specialties on a budgetary basis, contains more than 130 universities, academies and institutes. True, there are not so many institutes in which professional pedagogical education is the main direction, and not one of the various specialties at any faculty.

According to the website survey, Moscow State Pedagogical University (31,248 votes) occupies the first place by a wide margin. This is one of the oldest pedagogical institutes, which has been graduating teachers of various specializations for more than 130 years.

By the way, if you didn’t pass the Unified State Exam as well as you would like, and the points scored are not enough to enter the chosen institute, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the requirements of other pedagogical ones, perhaps there are not so strict requirements for applicants for the desired specialty.

Speciality The minimum passing score of the exam university
Pedagogical education: sociology, economics, law 224
Linguistics and/or teaching foreign languages 87-242
Visual arts, art graphics 178 Moscow City Pedagogical University
Pedagogical Education: Philology 143-210

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Psychology 170

Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University,

Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov

Pedagogical education: chemistry 167 Moscow Pedagogical State University
Pedagogical education: biology, biochemistry 105-198

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov

Psychological and pedagogical education 85-205

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Russian State Social University,

Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University,

Teacher Education: Geography 92-183

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov

Pedagogy and methods of preschool education 92-171

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Teacher education: history 131 Moscow Pedagogical State University
Defectology education 69-145

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Russian State Social University

Pedagogical education: mathematics, computer science, information technology 78-158

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University,

Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov,

Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

social pedagogy 93-106 Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute
Pedagogy and methodology of primary education 93-99

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Teacher Education: Music 60-115

Moscow Pedagogical State University,

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Natalia Kogteva