National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation Significant development plans until

The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Concept) was developed in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation following the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation, held on July 21, 2006, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662- R.

The purpose of developing the Concept is to determine ways and means to ensure in the long term (2008-2020) a sustainable increase in the well-being of Russian citizens, national security, dynamic economic development, and strengthening Russia's position in the world community.

In accordance with this goal, the Concept formulates:

  • - the main directions of the long-term socio-economic development of the country, taking into account the challenges of the coming period;
  • - a strategy for achieving the set goals, including methods, directions and stages;
  • - forms and mechanisms of strategic partnership between the state, business and society;
  • - goals, target indicators, priorities and main tasks of the long-term state policy in the social sphere, in the field of science and technology, as well as structural changes in the economy;
  • - goals and priorities of foreign economic policy;
  • - parameters of the spatial development of the Russian economy, goals and objectives of territorial development.

The concept consists of eight blocks, divided into main strategic areas:

I. Strategic guidelines for long-term socio-economic development.

1. Results of the 1990s - 2000s: Russia's return to the ranks of world economic powers.

The subsection, designed to highlight the initial state of the Russian economy, as well as development trends, occupies about 1% of the text of the Concept (2 pages), lists the reforms and transformations carried out in the 1990-2000s. And he proclaims that "in recent years, Russia has restored the status of a powerful economic power."

2. Challenges of the upcoming long-term period

The first challenge is increased global competition. The developers of the concept believe that for Russia the transformation of the world economy "creates new opportunities for the development of foreign economic integration, strengthening and expanding positions in world markets, importing technology and capital." The second challenge is the expected new wave of technological change, which will increase the role of innovation in socioeconomic development and reduce the impact of many traditional growth factors. “For Russia, the presence of research potential and high-tech industries creates the conditions for ensuring technological leadership in a number of important areas.” The third challenge is the growing role of human capital as the main factor in economic development. For Russia, the answer to this challenge involves overcoming the existing negative trends in the development of human potential. The fourth challenge is the exhaustion of the potential of the raw material export model of economic development, based on the accelerated increase in fuel and raw material exports, the production of goods for domestic consumption due to the additional loading of production capacities in the conditions of an undervalued ruble exchange rate, low cost of production factors - labor, fuel, electricity.

3. Targets:

High standards of human welfare

Social well-being and harmony

The Economics of Leadership and Innovation

Balanced spatial development

An economy that is globally competitive

Institutions of economic freedom and justice

Security of citizens and society

4. Directions of transition to an innovative socially oriented type of economic development.

The concept considers the transition from an export-raw material to an innovative model of economic growth, which is also associated with the formation of a new social development mechanism based on a balance of entrepreneurial freedom, social justice and national competitiveness. The Concept is now in its sixth edition. In the first edition of the document, there were three scenarios according to which the Russian economy could develop: innovative, inertial, and raw materials export. By March 2008 (the fourth version of the document), only an innovative version remained (despite the globally accepted practice of considering several versions and three versions of forecasts), according to which the Russian economy by 2020 should become the fifth in the world in terms of GDP, the average GDP per capita The population will grow from the current $13,900 to $30,000, and life expectancy will rise from 65 to 72-75 years. The average salary will be $2.7 thousand instead of the current $536.

5. Interaction between the state, private business and society as subjects of innovative development.

II. Stages of innovative development.

It is envisaged that the innovative development of the Russian economy in 2008 - 2020 will take place in 2 stages, differing in conditions, factors and risks of socio-economic development and priorities of the state's economic policy. The first stage (2008 - 2012) is based on the implementation and expansion of those global competitive advantages that the Russian economy has in traditional areas (energy, transport, agriculture, processing of natural resources). At the same time, institutional conditions and technological groundwork will be created to ensure the systematic transfer of the Russian economy to the mode of innovative development at the next stage. The second stage (2013 - 2020) is a breakthrough in increasing the global competitiveness of the economy based on its transition to a new technological base (information, bio- and nanotechnologies), improving the quality of human potential and the social environment, and structural diversification of the economy.

At the first stage, in accordance with the Concept, the following target macroeconomic indicators will be achieved (2012 to 2007):

  • - increase in life expectancy - 2.5 years;
  • - growth of gross domestic product - 137 - 138%;
  • - growth of labor productivity - 140 - 141%;
  • - reduction in the energy intensity of the gross domestic product - - 81 - 83 percent;
  • - growth of real disposable income of the population - 153 - 154%;
  • - growth of investments in fixed capital - 180 - 185%;
  • - expenditures on R&D (private and public expenditures) - 1.4 - 1.6% of the gross domestic product;
  • - expenditures on education (private and public expenditures) - 5.5 - 5.7% of the gross domestic product;
  • - expenditures on health care (private and public expenditures) - 5.2 - 5.4% of the gross domestic product.

At the second stage, the following target macroeconomic indicators will be achieved (2020 by 2012):

  • - increase in life expectancy - 2 years;
  • - growth of gross domestic product - 164 - 166%;
  • - growth of labor productivity - 171 - 178%;
  • - reduction in the energy intensity of the gross domestic product - 70 - 75%;
  • - growth of real disposable income of the population - 164 - 172%;
  • - growth of investments in fixed capital - 215 - 223%;
  • - R&D expenditures (private and public expenditures) - 3% of gross domestic product;
  • - spending on education (private and public spending) - 6.5 - 7% of the gross domestic product;
  • - health care costs (private and public spending) - 6.7 - 7% of the gross domestic product.

The next six sections elaborate on the achievement of the set targets and include:

III. Human development:

  • 1. Demographic policy and the policy of saving people
  • 2. Health development
  • 3. Development of physical culture and sports
  • 4. Development of education
  • 5. Development of culture and media
  • 6. Development of the labor market
  • 7. Increasing housing affordability
  • 8. Development of social institutions and social policy
  • 9. Youth policy
  • 10. Development of the pension system
  • 11. Ecological safety of the economy and human ecology

IV. Development of economic institutions and maintenance of macroeconomic stability:

  • 1. Formation of the institutional environment for innovative development.
  • 2. Long-term priorities of monetary and budgetary policy.
  • 3. Long-term priorities for the development of financial markets and the banking sector.

V. Increasing national competitiveness

  • 1. Development of science, national innovation system and technology
  • 2. Development of high-tech industries:
    • - Aviation industry and engine building;
    • - Rocket and space industry;
    • - Shipbuilding industry;
    • - Radio-electronic industry;
    • - Nuclear power industry complex;
    • - Information and communication technologies.
  • 3. Development of basic industries
  • 4. Reforming natural monopolies
  • 5. Development of competitive advantages in transport infrastructure
  • 6. Development of energy infrastructure and improvement of the energy efficiency of the economy

Development of the electric power industry

Development of the oil and gas complex

7. Development of competitive advantages in the field of nature management

forest resources

Water resources

8. Development of agricultural and fishery complexes

VI. Foreign economic policy

  • 1. Purpose and principles of foreign economic policy
  • 2. Priority directions of foreign economic policy
  • 3. Geographic diversification of Russia's foreign economic relations

Commonwealth of Independent States

Non-CIS countries

VII. Regional development

  • 1. Basic principles of the state policy of regional development
  • 2. Innovative and social orientation of regional development
  • 3. Regional development centers
  • 4. Improving the system of state regional management

VIII. Main macroeconomic parameters of innovative development until 2020

  • 1. Advantages of the innovative scenario of socio-economic development
  • 2. Forecast of the development of the world economy
  • 3. Main macroeconomic parameters of the innovative development of the Russian Federation
  • 4. Formation of supply and demand
  • 5. Diversification of the economy, increasing the competitiveness of industries and agriculture
  • 6. Dynamics of income of the population
  • 7. Energy saving and dynamics of prices and tariffs for products and services of companies in the infrastructure sectors of the economy [see. Appendix, Table 1].

Development after 2020 will be aimed at consolidating Russia's leading position in the world economy and turning innovation into a leading factor in economic growth, and the formation of a balanced social structure of society.

2.2 Features of the development of the Concept for the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020

In accordance with the order of V.V. Putin, the provisions of the Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 should be guided by the development of program documents, plans and indicators of their activities by the Federal executive authorities and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Clause 3 of Order No. 1662-r of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 The task of developing a concept for the country's socio-economic development until 2020 was set by the previous President Vladimir Putin before the Government at an expanded meeting of the State Council on July 21, 2006. However, interest in the Concept, judging by the mentions in the press, appeared only at the beginning of 2008. In February, at an expanded meeting of the State Council “On the Development Strategy of Russia until 2020”, Vladimir Putin literally “demanded” to finalize and adopt the Concept of the country’s long-term socio-economic development: “I consider it extremely important that the country’s development plans go through a broad discussion in Russian society, with the participation of all its institutions. And such a discussion should not end with just talk - the result should be the adoption by the government of the Russian Federation of the Concept of the country's socio-economic development until 2020 and a specific action plan in all the areas indicated above. according to the transcript: Speech at an expanded meeting of the State Council `On the development strategy of Russia until 2020`// Information portal VIPERSON.RU However, instead of a "wide discussion" on March 6 at a government meeting, Viktor Zubkov had to demand that the MEDT complete work on the concept after March 8 and send out the draft concept for consideration by ministries and departments. The prime minister told the ministers "to carefully work through not only their sections, but the entire document from cover to cover." Netreba P. Second session of doubling GDP // Newspaper "Kommersant" No. 42 / P (3859) of March 17, 2008

The document developed as a result of these instructions included seven chapters, the titles of which basically repeat the program theses of Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. The period from 2007 to 2020 was proposed to be divided into three stages - two five-year plans and one three-year plan. At the first stage, from 2007 to 2012, GDP was to grow by 35-36%. At this stage, it was supposed to engage in the expansion of global advantages in the "traditional" areas - energy, transport, processing of natural resources. At the second stage - 2012-2017 - GDP should grow by 37-39%: a breakthrough in increasing the global competitiveness of the economy based on its transition to a new technological base - information, bio- and nanotechnologies. At the third stage, from 2017 to 2020, it provided for the consolidation of Russia's leading positions in the world economy and development in the mode of an innovative socially oriented economy, GDP growth should be from 19% to 22%. Particular attention is paid to social problems. For example, the description of the entire tax reform took one page, which does not contain any numerical calculations. On the other hand, the social obligations of the budget until 2020 are explained in detail in several chapters. The essence of the proposals is to increase them by 2020 to 9.8-10.3% of GDP against 8.1% of GDP in 2006. In the context of a gradual reduction in oil and gas revenues, this is achieved through the use of the Reserve Fund, the volume of which by 2020 will fall below the target level of 10% of GDP. The first option envisaged three scenarios for the development of the Russian economy: innovative, inertial, and raw materials export. By March 2008 (fourth edition of the document) the Government decided to rely only on the innovative version. An interesting circumstance was the fact that the chapters of the fourth March edition of the draft Concept often ended with the link "For details, see the Forecast of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020-2030." The problem is that this document was written and published on the MEDT website only in August 2008. As a result, the project was subjected to serious criticism from ministries and departments - and underwent two more revisions. The version of the Concept approved on November 17, 2008 is already the sixth. In the latest, sixth edition of the document, three new sections appeared: on energy efficiency, youth policy, and natural monopolies. Tovkaylo M., Smirnov A. The crisis will not survive until 2020. // Information portal September 29, 2008

The main part of the Concept was written before the aggravation of the situation in the global financial markets, but the Ministry of Economic Development did not radically change the document due to the erupted liquidity crisis, explaining that the risks of a slowdown in Russian GDP growth due to the difficult situation in the global economy were incorporated in previous versions of the concept and in the parameters of the socio-economic development forecast up to 2030. Although the concept predicted a slowdown in GDP growth rates not due to the global financial crisis, but due to a decrease in oil prices and an increase in imports, which should have led to zeroing first of the trade balance, and then of the current account. Developing such optimistic forecasts, the Ministry of Economic Development does not revise the long-term forecast for oil prices: over the next 11 and a half years, the oil price will remain at $95--115 per barrel, with an optimistic scenario - $115--169 per barrel. The main parameters of the forecast of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020-2030. Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. M. August 2008 Despite the approval of the Concept, the Ministry of Finance, in turn, nevertheless asked the Government to postpone the deadline for introducing the budget strategy until 2023 until April 1, 2009, i.е. economic policy, at least in 2009, will be determined not by a concept, but by more down-to-earth calculations. Shapovalov A. The crisis spared the dreams of the Ministry of Economy // Kommersant newspaper. No. 215(4032) dated November 26, 2008 The concept was written at the peak of the success of the global and domestic economy and practically does not take into account the troubles that have been characteristic of the last year and a half. This already implies the correction of some overly optimistic forecasts. After all, the development of our country and the well-being of its citizens depend on the correctness and realism of the chosen course and the means used.

2.3 Implementation of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development as the basis of the Development Strategy of the Russian Federation

We are often and often justly reproached for the lack of a systematic approach to solving problems. We are currently adopting a number of long-term programs that are sometimes not linked to each other: a general scheme for the location of electric power facilities, a development strategy for Russian Railways, a strategy for developing regions or regions of Russia. All these are separate blocks of the building, but there is no general drawing, plan and estimate for the construction of this building yet. The concept should give a systemic picture of the country's development, a specific work plan.

Elvira Nabiullina, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Everything is ahead of us! The authorities are for a "bright future", but how to get there? // AiF. No. 29 dated July 16, 2008

Promulgated for the first time in March 2008, the policy document of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade "The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020" immediately became the object of sharp criticism from many economists, sociologists, demographers, historians, who assessed as unfounded and unrealizable the optimistic ideas contained in this text. forecasts regarding an increase in the average salary (almost 5 times by 2020), the average life expectancy of Russian citizens (up to 75 years) and other programmed achievements in the field of social progress. One of the key mistakes is that the Concept is called the Strategy, which is erroneous from the point of view of the science of "strategic planning and management". Accordingly, they try to assign functions that are unusual for it to the Concept. The ministries and departments have done a great job of defining promising guidelines, and the Ministry of Economic Development has shown the role of coordinating the development of this long-term concept. The concept may become the basis for several sections of Russia's future strategy, but it cannot be called a strategy in itself, or even the basis of an integral strategy. As Vladimir Kvint, head of the department of financial strategy at the Moscow School of Economics, Moscow State University, put it. M.V. Lomonosov: "This 165-page document, first of all, suffers from a disease characteristic of works prepared by economists without the participation of sociologists, political scientists and jurists - economic determinism." Quint V. The plan for the development of our economy until 2020 is more like a spell // AiF. № dated July 16, 2008 That is why the Concept does not say anything about the tasks that need to be solved for the social cohesion of society and increasing its tolerance. No attention is paid to issues of ethnic, national and religious tolerance, and this can lead to destabilization of society, which jeopardizes any plans. As a result, the declared indicators and wishes of the Concept will be unattainable.

The concept reasonably sets the task of transition from the use of predominantly natural resources to the innovative nature of development. But scientists are asking the question: is it possible to make the transition to an innovative economy before 2020 at all? And who will carry out an innovative breakthrough into the future? This could only be achieved if, in the 2008-2009 academic year, investments in Russian universities were increased three to four times. Those who come to higher education this year will complete the two-stage education in six years. They will need three more years to gain the necessary experience. And thus, they have only three years to implement an innovative breakthrough. But such a revolution in education and science is not envisaged by the Concept. Personnel support for the implementation of the set strategic goals also remains an unaffected issue.

There are also doubts about who should develop the concept and projects for it. This is creative work. Therefore, creative teams, scientific institutes and other structures can best perform such work. First, President Putin, and then President Medvedev called for the development of the Concept to take place with the active participation of all civil institutions. It would be expedient to hold a national competition for the creation of the Concept, and then projects and programs for it. It is important that the organizing committee for the competition includes people who are really interested in the country's innovative development: specialists from innovative industries, scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, representatives of higher and secondary schools, representatives of private business, NGOs and other organizations. Birsky A. On the concept of development until 2020 // publication dated June 24, 2008

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade did not edit the Concept due to the current crisis situation in the world. Dmitry Sorokin, First Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, confirms that the financial crisis and the concept are unrelated things, and the country's leadership is absolutely correct in its long-term program. Tovkaylo M., Smirnov A. The crisis will not survive until 2020. // Information portal September 29, 2008 This is how many publications draw an analogy with the GOELRO program, which was carried out in 1919, when the country was in ruins. Long-term goals are a prerequisite for overcoming a systemic crisis. But practice shows that it is necessary to have a package of anti-crisis measures, which should also be provided for in the Concept, because this is not the last crisis.

Another serious problem of the Concept is the lack of a resource assessment - a mandatory element of any strategic document. As a result, the proposed Concept has a declarative, slogan character of wishes, the achievement of which is very problematic. Quint V. The plan for the development of our economy until 2020 is more like a spell // AiF. № dated July 16, 2008 The authors of the Concept clearly underestimate, at least publicly, the difficulties and constraints that stand in the way of modernization reforms. This concerns, first of all, the shortage of resources. The insufficient efficiency of the modern Russian economy and investment in it calls into question the feasibility of a number of provisions of the Concept. Russia has not yet entered the course of stable, predictable development. Moreover, the current development trajectory is not quite right. The negative trends of the 1990s have not been overcome, and in a number of ways they are even getting worse (growing inflation contrary to all the forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, differentiation of society, etc.). Kazennov S. Concept-2020: in search of a feasible scenario // Official website of the Historical Perspective Foundation

The study of the Concept shows that despite the assurances of the Minister of Economic Development Elvira Nabiullina, the Concept does not demonstrate sufficient consistency in its methodology. Many obligatory elements of the system have been omitted, while the existing ones—forecast, analysis of the past, goals, tasks, priorities—are presented out of order, interdependence, and insufficiently detailed and substantiated by calculations. Thus, the gap between the regional section of the Concept and its national and sectoral priorities is very significant. The Concept does not define how the achievement of industry benchmarks will be ensured in different regions of the country. The planned growth rates of the Russian economy differ significantly from each other in different sections of the Concept. If the targets indicate that labor productivity “should” increase by 2.4-5 times, then in the labor market section this indicator is already significantly lower and amounts to 6.7% in the period 2011-2015 and 7.5% in the next five years until 2020, which, of course, will not be able to compensate for the significant lag behind economically developed countries.

Particularly declarative is the section "Population policy", which determines that by 2025 the population should grow again to 145 million with an average life expectancy of 75 years. At the same time, no additional investments are being made in healthcare, and no mechanisms and methods have been developed to achieve these indicators. It is noted that some of the guidelines taken in the Concept, on the contrary, look extremely modest. Thus, it is indicated that by 2020 Russia will occupy 10% of the high-tech goods market in just 4-6 positions. Such indicators are not typical for the innovation scenario. Numerous indicators of the Concept raise doubts, and the lack of resource support leads to distrust of this document. Among the ways to implement the tasks set, the most important place should be given, firstly, to the creation of a favorable investment climate and, secondly, to the improvement of legal issues. While there is no normally functioning legal field, it is very difficult to implement serious large-scale programs. Until the country has coped with the monopoly that has formed everywhere, until it is impossible to protect its (entrepreneurial) rights in court, until it is impossible to protect property from raiding, until Russian society overcomes the prevailing legal nihilism, it will be difficult to achieve the goals facing the country. Panina E. The society is waiting for the details of the Strategy-2020

In the section on foreign economic policy, among the priorities, quite rightly, is the increase in Russia's role in shaping the international economic order. But at the same time, no measures are proposed to change the role of Russia in such organizations of the World Bank and especially in the International Monetary Fund. The World Bank is not mentioned at all in the Concept. Russia does not use the powerful resource of international economic organizations, which can lead to the loss of even the current positions. One of the most unfortunate moments of this section is that the Concept is not coordinated with similar long-term programs of other countries, hence it seems that only Russia will move forward, while the rest of the world competition will freeze on its own. A significant shortcoming of the Concept is that it does not take into account the already obvious difficulties of the coming decade. Experts believe that it will be rich in natural and climatic disasters, and this will undoubtedly affect the economy, politics, and security. Russia is waiting for a very tough competition, and beyond the economy, technology - primarily in politics. Not only in the West, but also in the East and even in the South, a certain idea about the future role of the Russian Federation has already formed. And this role by no means provided for the re-creation of Russia either as a strong, independent center of power and decision-making, or as a powerful economic and technological core. Kazennov S. Concept-2020: in search of a feasible scenario // Official website of the Historical Perspective Foundation Therefore, the Russian leadership is currently taking sometimes tough steps in an effort to convince foreign opponents.

On September 24, 2008, specialists from leading economic think tanks gathered at the Institute of Contemporary Development (ISR, the Board of Trustees is headed by President Dmitry Medvedev) and came to a consensus that could hardly please the developers of the Concept for the Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation: "The government has learned to respond quickly to The concept of long-term development until 2020 was criticized by the majority of the meeting participants, it was not calculated taking into account all the risks, and its adoption in its current form would be politically naive. of life, will accept it with irony," IMR Chairman Igor Yurgens expressed his general view. Shapovalov A. Economists reviewed the plans of the Ministry of Economy // Newspaper "Kommersant" No. 173 (3990) of September 25, 2008 and budgetary policy, regional development issues and action plan for implementation, the document was approved. What does it mean to further refine the provisions of the Concept in the future period, taking into account the shortcomings mentioned.

The concept of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation is a national socio-political state concept developed by representatives of the State Council of the Russian Federation in order to carry out a set of measures to improve the standard of living of the country's citizens, strengthen the defense system, develop and unify economic methods of production. Another abbreviated name of the concept is “strategy 2020”, which is explained by the estimated timing of its implementation.

What is the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation?

  • Determination of long-term methods for the development of the country, taking into account modern world trends.
  • Definition of methods and subjects of political partnership
  • Determination of priorities in the field of technology and science development, social progress and healthcare.
  • Priorities of foreign economic policy.
  • Definition of development tasks at the state and local levels.

The structure of the concept of long-term development

The concept is structured into 6 fundamental sections:

1) The first section of the concept talks about a new model for the development of the country as a whole and about specific methods to encourage the development of all forms of business, create more favorable conditions for the development of private entrepreneurship by adapting the Russian economy to world-class demands.

2) The second section describes macroeconomic trends, makes a preliminary analysis of their development until 2020, and mentions tax and pension reforms.

3) The third section gives an idea of ​​how the level of employment will increase until 2020, what reforms will be adopted to improve the social living conditions of citizens. Particular emphasis is placed on the policy of balancing the social status of various segments of the population and overcoming the financial gap between them. It also mentions the need to take measures to improve the level of professional training of personnel in all areas of activity. A separate chapter presents the political plans of the government regarding health policy.

4) The fourth section talks about the general features of the development of public infrastructure in the period from 2008 to 2020. We are talking about creating comfortable conditions for the life of the citizens of the country. The aspects of planning the state housing policy are revealed, that is, the issue of the construction of new housing facilities, the elimination of architectural objects, the service life of which has come to an end, is being considered. A plan for the settlement of new residential buildings has been developed. The settlement of citizens will take place in accordance with the developed plan for their registration.

Another problem for this period is the problem of territorial disunity. Russia is a huge country with many political local units, which are characterized by a mass of political, ethnic, regional and socio-cultural differences. The state policy outlined in the concept is aimed at eliminating these differences and balancing the socio-economic system of the country.

The next item deals with the problem of limited development of the electric power industry. A plan is proposed to improve the system of heat supply and electric power industry, as well as its adaptation to the latest equipment standards. A policy is also being pursued aimed at eliminating information disunity between the regions of the country.

5) The fifth section is called "Effective state" and reports on a number of measures to optimize state intervention in various spheres of life. A certain emphasis is placed on the development and optimization of the system of functioning of various public institutions.

A separate paragraph stipulates the planning of the state property management system and the transfer of state facilities to private entrepreneurs. The ways of optimizing public procurement and investing finances from public funds in various spheres of society are considered. Particular attention is paid to the reform of the budget segment in the economic system of the state.

The concept of socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation considers the issues of development and improvement of the system of local self-government and interbudgetary policy. The powers of local government in general and its individual representatives in particular are being reviewed and expanded. These events are aimed at establishing real federalism, which is repeatedly mentioned in the text of the Concept.

6) The sixth section is presented with information on the external contour of the development of the state until 2020, the definition of economic guidelines and the circle of economic and political partners of the Russian Federation in foreign policy for the specified period. The position of the Russian representative office in the international political arena regarding the issues of European integration of all life systems in Russian realities is revealed. This section also contains a proposed plan for the development of budget lines, which specifies the planned system of revenues and expenditures of the state budget.

The essence of the concept

The development strategy is based on two bases, the first of which is a new model of economic development, the second is a new social policy. It is known that the former model of the functioning of economic development in modern realities is no longer effective and needs serious amendments and conceptual changes. Based on the planning of a new development model, a new social policy is being built that provides for accelerated development of the domestic economy at the state level. To develop the economic system and eliminate crisis tendencies, it is necessary to redistribute all financial flows within the country. This will make it possible to replenish state funds with financial resources and create a large number of new jobs.

The new development strategy provides for a maneuver that has not been used before, which will increase the level of Russia's competitiveness in the world market. We are talking about raising the value level of human and scientific resources, that is, this means that Russia will pursue an enhanced policy to improve the skill level of personnel in all areas of activity.

If earlier the main attention was paid to poorly protected categories of the population, now the state policy will also be aimed at the implementation of the legitimate rights and interests of those sections of the public that have the potential and opportunities to increase scientific and technological development, thereby raising the financial and political authority of the country in the eyes of the world community.

The economic system of the state, developed in accordance with this strategy, can be called post-industrial. The main emphasis, judging by political forecasts, will be placed on the human, that is, the development of the medical, educational, and information industries. Previously, these sectors were not adequately financed, which provoked crisis tendencies in the Russian development system.

The problem of economic stagnation is explained by the fact that previously all the main strategically important areas of life were financed only from the state budget, which was not able to cover all the necessary expenses in the above areas. Now, the Concept of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020 promises that private commercial structures will also be involved in the general financing system, which have the opportunity to contribute to the development of the main areas of life at the expense of their financial condition.

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Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2015 N 683 "On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation"

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2015 N 683
"On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation"

In accordance with federal laws of December 28, 2010 N 390-FZ "On Security" and of June 28, 2014 N 172-FZ "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" I decide:

1. Approve the attached National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation.

2. Recognize as invalid:

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2009 N 537 "On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2009, N 20, Art. 2444);

clause 27 of Appendix No. 1 to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2014 No. 483 "On the amendment and invalidation of certain acts of the President of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2014, No. 27, Art. 3754).

3. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

President of Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin

national security of the Russian Federation
(approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2015 N 683)

I. General provisions

1. This Strategy is a basic strategic planning document that defines the national interests and strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation, goals, objectives and measures in the field of domestic and foreign policy aimed at strengthening the national security of the Russian Federation and ensuring sustainable development of the country in the long term.

2. The legal basis of this Strategy is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws of December 28, 2010 N 390-FZ "On Security" and of June 28, 2014 N 172-FZ "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation", other federal laws , normative legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation.

3. This Strategy is designed to consolidate the efforts of federal government authorities, other government authorities, government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as government authorities), local governments, civil society institutions to create favorable internal and external conditions for the implementation of national interests and strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation.

4. This Strategy is the basis for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.

5. This Strategy is based on the inextricable relationship and interdependence of the national security of the Russian Federation and the socio-economic development of the country.

6. This Strategy uses the following basic concepts:

national security of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - national security) - the state of protection of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats, in which the implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - citizens), a worthy quality and standard of their life, sovereignty, independence, state and territorial integrity, sustainable socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. National security includes the defense of the country and all types of security provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation, primarily state, public, information, environmental, economic, transport, energy security, personal security;

national interests of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - national interests) - objectively significant needs of the individual, society and the state in ensuring their security and sustainable development;

threat to national security - a set of conditions and factors that create a direct or indirect possibility of causing damage to national interests;

ensuring national security - the implementation by public authorities and local governments in cooperation with civil society institutions of political, military, organizational, socio-economic, informational, legal and other measures aimed at countering threats to national security and satisfying national interests;

strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as strategic national priorities) are the most important areas for ensuring national security;

national security system - a set of state authorities and local self-government bodies that implement state policy in the field of ensuring national security and the tools at their disposal.

II. Russia in the modern world

7. The state policy in the field of ensuring national security and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation contributes to the implementation of strategic national priorities and the effective protection of national interests. At present, a stable basis has been created for further building up the economic, political, military and spiritual potentials of the Russian Federation and enhancing its role in the emerging polycentric world.

8. Russia has demonstrated its ability to ensure sovereignty, independence, state and territorial integrity, and protect the rights of compatriots abroad. The role of the Russian Federation in solving major international problems, settling military conflicts, ensuring strategic stability and the rule of international law in interstate relations has increased.

9. The Russian economy has shown the ability to maintain and strengthen its potential in the face of the instability of the world economy and the application of restrictive economic measures introduced by a number of countries against the Russian Federation.

10. Positive trends have emerged in solving the problems of improving the health of citizens. There is a natural increase in the population, an increase in the average life expectancy.

11. Traditional Russian spiritual and moral values ​​are being revived. The younger generation is forming a worthy attitude to the history of Russia. There is a consolidation of civil society around common values ​​that form the foundation of statehood, such as the freedom and independence of Russia, humanism, international peace and harmony, the unity of cultures of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, respect for family and confessional traditions, patriotism.

12. The strengthening of Russia is taking place against the backdrop of new threats to national security that are complex and interrelated. The conduct of an independent foreign and domestic policy by the Russian Federation causes opposition from the United States and its allies, who seek to maintain their dominance in world affairs. The policy they are implementing to contain Russia provides for political, economic, military and informational pressure on it.

13. The process of formation of a new polycentric model of the world order is accompanied by the growth of global and regional instability. The contradictions associated with the unevenness of world development, the widening gap between the levels of prosperity of countries, the struggle for resources, access to markets, and control over transport arteries are aggravating. Competition between states increasingly covers the values ​​and models of social development, human, scientific and technological potentials. Of particular importance in this process is acquiring leadership in the development of the resources of the World Ocean and the Arctic. The entire spectrum of political, financial, economic and information tools is involved in the struggle for influence in the international arena. The potential of special services is being used more and more actively.

14. In international relations, the role of the force factor is not diminishing. The desire to build up and modernize offensive weapons, create and deploy new types of them weakens the global security system, as well as the system of treaties and agreements in the field of arms control. The principles of equal and indivisible security are not respected in the Euro-Atlantic, Eurasian and Asia-Pacific regions. In the regions neighboring Russia, processes of militarization and an arms race are developing.

15. Building up the power potential of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and endowing it with global functions implemented in violation of international law, the intensification of the military activities of the bloc countries, the further expansion of the alliance, and the approach of its military infrastructure to Russian borders pose a threat to national security.

The ability to maintain global and regional stability is significantly reduced when components of the US missile defense system are deployed in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East, in the context of the practical implementation of the "global strike" concept, the deployment of strategic non-nuclear systems of high-precision weapons, as well as in the case of the deployment of weapons in space.

16. The continued bloc approach to solving international problems does not contribute to countering the entire spectrum of contemporary challenges and threats. The intensification of migration flows from the countries of Africa and the Middle East to Europe has shown the failure of the regional security system in the Euro-Atlantic region, built on the basis of NATO and the European Union.

17. The position of the West, aimed at counteracting integration processes and creating hotbeds of tension in the Eurasian region, has a negative impact on the implementation of Russian national interests. The support of the United States and the European Union for the unconstitutional coup d'état in Ukraine led to a deep split in Ukrainian society and the emergence of an armed conflict. The strengthening of the far-right nationalist ideology, the deliberate formation of the image of the enemy in the person of Russia among the Ukrainian population, the open stake on the forceful solution of intrastate contradictions, the deep socio-economic crisis are turning Ukraine into a long-term hotbed of instability in Europe and directly at the borders of Russia.

18. The practice of overthrowing legitimate political regimes and provoking domestic instability and conflicts is becoming more widespread. Along with the remaining hotbeds of tension in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and the Korean Peninsula, new "hot spots" are emerging, and zones not controlled by the authorities of any state are expanding. Territories of armed conflicts are becoming a base for the spread of terrorism, ethnic hatred, religious hatred, and other manifestations of extremism. The emergence of a terrorist organization that has declared itself the "Islamic State" and the strengthening of its influence are the result of a policy of double standards, which some states adhere to in the field of combating terrorism.

19. There remains a risk of an increase in the number of countries possessing nuclear weapons, the proliferation and use of chemical weapons, as well as uncertainty regarding the facts of the possession of biological weapons by foreign states, their potential for their development and production. The network of US military biological laboratories is expanding in the territories of states neighboring Russia.

20. The critical state of the physical safety of hazardous facilities and materials, especially in states with an unstable domestic political situation, and the uncontrolled proliferation of conventional weapons increase the likelihood of them falling into the hands of terrorists.

21. The nature of the international situation is increasingly influenced by the growing confrontation in the global information space, due to the desire of some countries to use information and communication technologies to achieve their geopolitical goals, including by manipulating public consciousness and falsifying history.

22. New forms of illegal activity are emerging, in particular with the use of information, communication and high technologies. Threats associated with uncontrolled and illegal migration, human trafficking, drug trafficking and other manifestations of transnational organized crime are escalating.

23. The global demographic situation, environmental problems and food security are becoming more complicated. The shortage of fresh water and the consequences of climate change are becoming more tangible. Epidemics are spreading, many of which are caused by new, previously unknown viruses.

24. The growing influence of political factors on economic processes, as well as attempts by individual states to apply economic methods, instruments of financial, trade, investment and technological policy to solve their geopolitical tasks, weaken the stability of the system of international economic relations. Against the backdrop of structural imbalances in the global economy and financial system, growing sovereign debt, and energy market volatility, there remains a high risk of a recurrence of large-scale financial and economic crises.

25. States, in response to growing international instability, are increasingly taking responsibility for the affairs of their regions. Regional and sub-regional trade and other economic agreements are becoming one of the most important means of protection against crisis phenomena. There is growing interest in the use of regional currencies.

26. In order to prevent threats to national security, the Russian Federation is focusing its efforts on strengthening the internal unity of Russian society, ensuring social stability, interethnic harmony and religious tolerance, eliminating structural imbalances in the economy and modernizing it, and increasing the country's defense capability.

27. In order to protect national interests, Russia pursues an open, rational and pragmatic foreign policy that excludes costly confrontation (including a new arms race).

28. The Russian Federation builds international relations on the principles of international law, ensuring the reliable and equal security of states, mutual respect for peoples, preserving the diversity of their cultures, traditions and interests. Russia is interested in developing mutually beneficial and equal trade and economic cooperation with foreign states, and is a responsible participant in the multilateral trading system. The goal of the Russian Federation is to acquire as many equal partners as possible in various parts of the world.

29. In the field of international security, Russia remains committed to using primarily political and legal instruments, mechanisms of diplomacy and peacekeeping. The use of military force to protect national interests is only possible if all non-violent measures taken have proved ineffective.

III. National interests and strategic national priorities

30. National interests in the long term are:

strengthening the country's defense, ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional order, sovereignty, independence, state and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation;

strengthening of national accord, political and social stability, development of democratic institutions, improvement of mechanisms for interaction between the state and civil society;

improving the quality of life, strengthening the health of the population, ensuring the stable demographic development of the country;

preservation and development of culture, traditional Russian spiritual and moral values;

increasing the competitiveness of the national economy;

consolidation for the Russian Federation of the status of one of the leading world powers, whose activities are aimed at maintaining strategic stability and mutually beneficial partnerships in a polycentric world.

31. Ensuring national interests is carried out through the implementation of the following strategic national priorities:

defense of the country;

state and public security;

improving the quality of life of Russian citizens;

the economic growth;

science, technology and education;



ecology of living systems and rational nature management;

strategic stability and equal strategic partnership.

IV. Ensuring national security

32. The state of national security directly depends on the degree of implementation of strategic national priorities and the effectiveness of the functioning of the national security system.

Defense of the country

33. The strategic goals of the country's defense are to create conditions for the peaceful and dynamic socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and to ensure its military security.

34. The achievement of the strategic goals of the country's defense is carried out within the framework of the implementation of military policy by strategic deterrence and prevention of military conflicts, improvement of the military organization of the state, forms and methods of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, increasing the mobilization readiness of the Russian Federation and readiness forces and means of civil defense.

35. The main provisions of military policy and the tasks of the military-economic support of the country's defense, military dangers and military threats are determined by the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation.

36. In order to ensure strategic deterrence and prevent military conflicts, interconnected political, military, military-technical, diplomatic, economic, informational and other measures are being developed and implemented aimed at preventing the use of military force against Russia, protecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Strategic deterrence and prevention of military conflicts are carried out by maintaining the nuclear deterrence potential at a sufficient level, and by maintaining the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in a given degree of readiness for combat use.

37. The improvement of the military organization of the state is carried out on the basis of the timely identification of existing and prospective military dangers and military threats, the balanced development of the components of the military organization, the build-up of defense potential, the equipping of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies with modern weapons, military and special equipment , innovative development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.

38. Improving the forms and methods of employing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies provides for the timely consideration of trends in the nature of modern wars and armed conflicts, the creation of conditions for the most complete realization of the combat capabilities of troops (forces), the development of requirements for promising formations and new means of warfare.

39. Improving the mobilization readiness of the Russian Federation is carried out by improving the planning of measures to ensure mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation and their implementation to the required extent, timely updating and maintaining at a sufficient level the military-technical potential of the military organization of the state. The most important areas for improving mobilization training are the preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation, the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the economy of municipalities, the preparation of state authorities, local governments and organizations, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies to perform tasks in accordance with their purpose and satisfaction of the needs of the state and the needs of the population in wartime.

40. The readiness of civil defense forces and means is ensured in advance by carrying out measures to prepare for the protection and to protect the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from the dangers arising from military conflicts or as a result of these conflicts, as well as in emergency situations of natural and man-made character.

41. The defense of the country is carried out on the basis of the principles of rational sufficiency and efficiency, including through the use of methods and means of non-military response, mechanisms of diplomacy and peacekeeping, expansion of international military and military-technical cooperation, arms control and the use of other international legal instruments.

State and Public Security

42. The strategic goals of state and public security are the protection of the constitutional order, sovereignty, state and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms, the preservation of civil peace, political and social stability in society, the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations of natural and man-made nature.

43. The main threats to state and public security are:

intelligence and other activities of special services and organizations of foreign states, individuals, damaging national interests;

activities of terrorist and extremist organizations aimed at forcibly changing the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, destabilizing the work of state authorities, destroying or disrupting the functioning of military and industrial facilities, life support facilities for the population, transport infrastructure, intimidating the population, including by seizing weapons of mass destruction, radioactive , poisonous, toxic, chemically and biologically hazardous substances, committing acts of nuclear terrorism, violating the security and stability of the functioning of the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation;

activities of radical public associations and groups using nationalist and religious extremist ideology, foreign and international non-governmental organizations, financial and economic structures, as well as private individuals, aimed at violating the unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, destabilizing the internal political and social situation in the country, including inspiring "color revolutions", the destruction of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values;

the activities of criminal organizations and groups, including transnational ones, related to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, weapons, ammunition, explosives, the organization of illegal migration and human trafficking;

activities related to the use of information and communication technologies for the dissemination and propaganda of the ideology of fascism, extremism, terrorism and separatism, causing damage to civil peace, political and social stability in society;

criminal encroachments directed against a person, property, state power, public and economic security;


natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes, including those related to global climate change, the deterioration of the technical condition of infrastructure facilities and the occurrence of fires.

44. The main directions for ensuring state and public security are strengthening the role of the state as a guarantor of the security of the individual and property rights, improving the legal regulation of the prevention of crime (including in the information sphere), corruption, terrorism and extremism, the spread of drugs and the fight against such phenomena, development of interaction of state security and law enforcement agencies with civil society, increasing citizens' confidence in the law enforcement and judicial systems of the Russian Federation, the effectiveness of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of Russian citizens abroad, expanding international cooperation in the field of state and public security.

45. Ensuring state and public security is carried out by increasing the efficiency of the activities of law enforcement agencies and special services, state control (supervision) bodies, improving the unified state system for the prevention of crime, primarily among minors, and other offenses (including monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of law enforcement practice) , development and use of special measures aimed at reducing the level of criminalization of public relations.

46. ​​Particular attention is paid to eradicating the causes and conditions that give rise to corruption, which is an obstacle to the sustainable development of the Russian Federation and the implementation of strategic national priorities. To this end, the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and national anti-corruption plans are being implemented, an atmosphere of unacceptability of this phenomenon is being formed in society, the level of responsibility for corruption crimes is being increased, and law enforcement practice in this area is being improved.

47. In order to ensure state and public security:

the structure and activities of federal executive bodies are being improved, a system is being developed to detect, prevent and suppress intelligence and other destructive activities of special services and organizations of foreign states that damage national interests, acts of terrorism, manifestations of religious radicalism, nationalism, separatism, other forms of extremism, organized crime and other criminal encroachments on the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, human and civil rights and freedoms, state and private property, public order and public security;

mechanisms are being created to prevent and neutralize social and interethnic conflicts, as well as to counter the participation of Russian citizens in the activities of criminal and terrorist groups abroad;

the regime of safe functioning is being strengthened, the level of anti-terrorist protection of organizations of the military-industrial, nuclear, chemical, fuel and energy complexes of the country, life support facilities of the population, transport infrastructure, and other critically important and potentially dangerous facilities is being increased;

the system for identifying and analyzing threats in the information sphere and countering them is being improved;

measures are being taken to increase the protection of citizens and society from the destructive information impact of extremist and terrorist organizations, foreign special services and propaganda structures;

the comprehensive development of law enforcement agencies and special services is being carried out, social guarantees for their employees are being strengthened, scientific and technical support for law enforcement activities is being improved, promising special means and equipment are being adopted, a system of professional training of specialists in the field of ensuring state and public security is being developed;

the social responsibility of state and public security bodies is being increased.

48. Ensuring national security in the border area is carried out by deploying high-tech and multifunctional border complexes and systems on the state border of the Russian Federation, increasing the efficiency of border activities, improving interdepartmental interaction and interstate border cooperation, intensifying the process of international legal registration of the state border and socio-economic development border territories of the Russian Federation.

49. Ensuring national security in the field of protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, in the field of fire safety is carried out by improving and developing a unified state system for preventing and eliminating emergencies, its territorial and functional subsystems, interacting with similar foreign systems, increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of the powers of local governments in the field of ensuring the safety of life of the population, updating the fleet of technological equipment and production technologies at potentially hazardous facilities and life support facilities for the population, developing a system for monitoring and predicting emergencies, introducing modern technical means of informing and alerting the population, maintaining at the proper level modern technical equipment and readiness of fire and rescue forces, the development of a system for taking preventive measures to reduce the risk of emergencies and fires based on the improvement of supervisory activities, the implementation of preventive measures, as well as through the formation of a culture of safety for the population.

Improving the quality of life of Russian citizens

50. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of improving the quality of life of Russian citizens are the development of human potential, the satisfaction of the material, social and spiritual needs of citizens, the reduction of the level of social and property inequality of the population, primarily through the growth of its income.

51. Threats to the quality of life of Russian citizens are unfavorable dynamics of economic development, a lag in technological development, the introduction of restrictive economic measures against the Russian Federation, misappropriation of budgetary allocations, increased differentiation of the population in terms of income, and a decrease in the quality of consumer goods and services provided to the population.

52. Improving the quality of life of citizens is guaranteed by ensuring food security, greater availability of comfortable housing, high-quality and safe goods and services, modern education and healthcare, sports facilities, the creation of highly efficient jobs, as well as favorable conditions for increasing social mobility, the quality of work, its decent pay, support for socially significant employment, ensuring the availability of social, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities for the disabled and other low-mobility groups of the population, decent pensions.

53. To counteract threats to the quality of life of citizens, public authorities and local governments, in cooperation with civil society institutions:

improve the protection of human rights and freedoms through the development of legislation, judicial and law enforcement systems;

promote the growth of the welfare of citizens, reduce the differentiation of the population in terms of income, reduce poverty, including through the development of the pension system, social support for certain categories of citizens, and improvement of the social service system;

provide support for the employment of the population, control over the observance of the labor rights of workers, improve the system of protection against unemployment, create conditions for the involvement of persons with disabilities in labor activities;

create conditions for stimulating the birth rate, reducing the mortality of the population, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, developing mass sports for children and youth, organizing the promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

improve and develop transport and housing and communal infrastructure;

take measures to protect the population from natural and man-made emergencies, as well as to reduce the risk of their occurrence on the territory of the Russian Federation;

ensure the development of the information infrastructure, the availability of information on various issues of the socio-political, economic and spiritual life of society, equal access to public services throughout the Russian Federation, including using information and communication technologies;

improve the system of control over the use of budget allocations and the mechanism of public-private partnership in order to improve the quality of life of citizens.

54. Ensuring food security is carried out through:

achieving food independence of the Russian Federation;

accelerated development and modernization of the agro-industrial and fishery complexes, the food industry and the infrastructure of the domestic market;

increasing the effectiveness of state support for agricultural producers and expanding their access to product markets;

the development of breeding, selection, seed production and aquaculture (fish farming), the formation of sufficient federal seed funds for agricultural plants (including seed insurance funds), the development of the production of animal feed, protein-vitamin, mineral additives and premixes, veterinary (zootechnical) drugs;

improving soil fertility, preventing depletion and reduction of agricultural land and arable land;

prevention of uncontrolled circulation of genetically modified organisms intended for release into the environment, and products obtained using such organisms or containing them;

improving the system of technical regulation, sanitary and phytosanitary supervision, control in the field of food safety for human health;

training of scientists and highly qualified specialists in the field of agriculture.

The economic growth

55. The strategic goals of ensuring national security are the development of the country's economy, ensuring economic security and creating conditions for personal development, the transition of the economy to a new level of technological development, Russia's entry into the ranks of the countries - leaders in terms of gross domestic product and successfully countering the influence of internal and external threats .

56. The main strategic threats to national security in the field of the economy are its low competitiveness, the preservation of the export-raw material development model and high dependence on foreign economic conditions, the backlog in the development and implementation of promising technologies, the vulnerability of the national financial system from the actions of non-residents and speculative foreign capital, its vulnerability information infrastructure, imbalance of the national budget system, registration of property rights in relation to a significant part of organizations in foreign jurisdictions, deterioration and depletion of the raw material base, reduction in production and reserves of strategically important minerals, progressive labor insufficiency, persistence of a significant share of the shadow economy, conditions for corruption and criminalization economic and financial relations, illegal migration, uneven development of regions, reduced stability of the national settlement system.

57. Restrictive economic measures imposed against the Russian Federation, global and regional economic crises, increased unfair competition, misuse of legal means, disruption of the stability of heat and energy supply to subjects of the national economy, and in the future will also have a shortage of mineral raw materials, water and biological resources.

58. Ensuring economic security is carried out by developing the industrial and technological base and the national innovation system, modernizing and developing priority sectors of the national economy, increasing the investment attractiveness of the Russian Federation, improving the business climate and creating a favorable business environment. The most important factors in ensuring economic security are increasing the efficiency of state regulation of the economy in order to achieve sustainable economic growth, increasing labor productivity, developing new resource sources, stable functioning and development of the financial system, increasing its security, currency regulation and control, accumulation of financial reserves, maintaining financial stability , balancing the budget system, improving interbudgetary relations, overcoming the outflow of capital and qualified specialists, increasing the volume of domestic savings and their transformation into investments, reducing inflation. In addition, active measures are needed to combat corruption, the shadow and criminal economy, as well as the state protection of Russian manufacturers operating in the field of military, food, information and energy security.

59. To ensure economic security, the main efforts are aimed at eliminating imbalances in the economy, territorial development, development of the labor market, transport, information, social and educational infrastructures, the formation of a new geography of economic growth, new sectors of the economy, centers of industry, science and education, and the activation of fundamental and applied scientific research, improving the quality of general, vocational and higher education, improving national investment and financial institutions, stimulating the migration of production from other countries to Russia.

60. One of the main directions for ensuring national security in the field of the economy in the long term is to increase the level of energy security, which includes the sustainable provision of domestic demand for energy carriers of standard quality, the growth of energy efficiency and energy saving, the competitiveness of domestic energy companies and producers of energy resources, and the prevention of shortages of fuel - energy resources, creation of strategic fuel reserves, reserve capacities, production of component equipment, stable functioning of energy and heat supply systems.

61. The necessary conditions for ensuring energy security are improving the efficiency of state management of the fuel and energy complex, reliability and uninterrupted supply of energy resources to consumers, ensuring the country's technological sovereignty in the global energy market, introducing promising energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies, increasing the degree of processing of energy resources, and preventing discrimination against Russian energy suppliers in foreign markets and Russian mining companies when developing hydrocarbon deposits outside the Russian Federation, counteracting the attempts of a number of states to regulate energy markets based on political rather than economic expediency, the development of promising energy-saving technologies and their international exchange.

62. In order to counteract threats to economic security, public authorities and local governments, in cooperation with civil society institutions, implement the state socio-economic policy, which provides for:

ensuring the stability of the macroeconomic situation, stimulating economic growth rates that exceed those of developed countries, supporting the real sector of the economy;

improving the efficiency and quality of state management of the economy, reducing costs and inefficient budget expenditures, combating the misuse and embezzlement of public funds, corruption, and increasing the efficiency of managing state-owned assets;

strengthening the financial system, ensuring its sovereignty, stability of the ruble exchange rate, optimization of currency regulation and control, reduction of inflation, development of the national infrastructure of financial markets, reduction of bank rates, increase in the level of direct investment, the availability of lending through long-term money, attraction of domestic savings, deoffshorization of the economy, the return of Russian capital and the reduction of its export abroad;

ensuring a balanced budget system and improving interbudgetary relations in the Russian Federation;

increasing the attractiveness of the Russian jurisdiction, improving the conditions for entrepreneurial activity, developing competition, developing new approaches to the activities of state control (supervision), ensuring the stability of the tax and legal systems, guaranteed protection of the right to private property and the implementation of contracts;

implementation of rational import substitution, reduction of critical dependence on foreign technologies and industrial products, accelerated development of the agro-industrial complex and the pharmaceutical industry;

development of new high-tech industries, strengthening of positions in the field of space exploration, nuclear energy, return of leadership in traditional industrial sectors (heavy engineering, aircraft and instrumentation), restoration of electronic and light industries, shipbuilding and machine tool building, as well as systems for statistical assessment of the level of technological state branches of the economy;

development of the country's military-industrial complex as an engine for the modernization of industrial production, renewal of the production base of organizations of the military-industrial complex on a new technological basis, improvement of their human resources and production of demanded civilian products;

creation of strategic reserves of mineral resources sufficient to guarantee the mobilization needs of the Russian Federation and the needs of the country's economy in the long term;

formation of a single transport space on the basis of a balanced outstripping development of an efficient transport infrastructure and an increase in the level of transport connectivity of the Russian Federation, the creation of transport corridors and multimodal transport and logistics hubs, an increase in the volume and improvement in the quality of road construction;

expanding the use of public-private partnership tools for solving strategic problems of economic development, completing the formation of basic transport, energy, information, military infrastructures, especially in the Arctic, Eastern Siberia and the Far East, developing the Northern Sea Route, the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian railways;

stimulating the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the manufacturing sector by reducing the costs associated with starting a business, supporting it at the stage of formation by reducing the tax burden, creating business incubators, industrial parks and technology parks, creating demand for the products of small and medium-sized enterprises, expanding access to procurement by state-owned companies, participation in the implementation of large projects;

reducing informal employment and legalizing labor relations, increasing investment in the development of human capital;

ensuring a balance of interests of the indigenous population and labor migrants, including foreign citizens, taking into account their ethnic, linguistic, cultural and confessional differences, improving migration accounting, reasonable territorial distribution of labor migrants based on the needs of the regions in labor resources;

development of international business contacts, attraction of foreign investments and technologies, implementation of joint projects, expansion of sales markets for Russian products, counteraction to attempts by foreign states to regulate world markets based on their political and economic interests.

63. Improvement of public administration on the basis of strategic planning documents of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and macroregions contributes to strengthening economic security.

64. A stable state of national security at the regional level is ensured through the balanced, comprehensive and systematic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the expansion and strengthening of economic ties between them.

65. One of the main directions for ensuring national security at the regional level (for the medium term) is the creation of a mechanism for reducing the level of interregional differentiation in the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation through the balanced territorial development of the country, the elimination of infrastructural restrictions, the introduction of a mechanism for coordinating the deployment of transport, engineering and social infrastructures at all levels, improving the system of strategic and territorial planning, ensuring mutual consistency of sectoral and territorial development, improving the national system of settlement and the system of distribution of productive forces on the territory of the Russian Federation.

66. In the long term, it is expedient to eliminate the threats to national security associated with the disproportion in the development of Russian regions by stimulating the independent economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their cooperation, increasing investment and entrepreneurial activity, strengthening budget security, improving interbudgetary relations, expanding the number of centers of economic growth, including territories of advanced social and economic development.

Science, technology and education

67. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of science, technology and education are:

development of a system of scientific, design and scientific and technological organizations capable of ensuring the modernization of the national economy, the realization of the competitive advantages of the Russian Federation, the defense of the country, state and public security, as well as the formation of scientific and technical reserves for the future;

increasing social mobility, the quality of general, vocational and higher education, its accessibility for all categories of citizens, as well as the development of fundamental scientific research.

68. Factors that negatively affect national security in the field of science, technology and education are the lag in the development of high technologies, dependence on imported supplies of scientific, testing equipment, instruments and electronic components, computer software and hardware, strategic materials, unauthorized transfer competitive domestic technologies abroad, unreasonable unilateral sanctions against Russian scientific and educational organizations, insufficient development of the regulatory framework, inefficient system to stimulate activities in the field of science, innovation and industrial technology, a decrease in the prestige of the teaching and engineering professions, the level of social protection of engineering and technical, faculty and scientific and pedagogical staff, the quality of general, secondary vocational and higher education.

69. One of the main directions for ensuring national security in the field of science, technology and education is to increase the level of technological security, including in the information sphere. To this end, the state innovation and industrial policy, the federal contract system and the system of state orders for the training of highly qualified specialists and workers are being improved, fundamental and applied science, education are being given priority development, public-private partnerships in the field of science and technology are being developed, conditions are being created for the integration of science, education and industry, systematic research is being carried out in the interests of solving the strategic tasks of military, state and public security, and sustainable development of the country.

70. To solve the problems of national security in the field of science, technology and education, it is necessary:

comprehensive development of scientific potential, restoration of the full scientific and production cycle - from fundamental scientific research to the introduction of the achievements of applied science into production in accordance with the priorities of the socio-economic, scientific, scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation;

development of a national innovation system, stimulating and supporting the development of a market for innovations, science-intensive products, including science-intensive products with high added value;

formation of a system of fundamental and applied scientific research and its state support in the interests of organizational and scientific support for the implementation of strategic national priorities;

development of promising high technologies (genetic engineering, robotics, biological, information and communication, cognitive technologies, nanotechnologies, nature-like convergent technologies);

development of interaction between educational organizations and research centers with industrial enterprises, expansion of the practice of co-financing by the state and business entities of long-term fundamental scientific research and programs with long implementation periods;

improving the quality of training of scientists, engineers, technical specialists who are able to solve the problems of modernizing the Russian economy on the basis of technological innovations, ensure the development of science and education, the development of competitive technologies and samples of high technology products, and the organization of high technology production;

development of a system of secondary vocational education in order to train skilled workers in accordance with the best world standards and advanced technologies;

creation of favorable conditions for scientific activity;

ensuring the leading position of Russia in the field of fundamental mathematical education, physics, chemistry, biology, technical sciences, humanities and social sciences;

development of interdisciplinary research;

increasing the role of the school in educating young people as responsible citizens of Russia on the basis of traditional Russian spiritual, moral, cultural and historical values, as well as in the prevention of extremism and radical ideology;

improving the quality of teaching the Russian language, literature, national history, the foundations of secular ethics, traditional religions;

development of a support system for talented children, out-of-school additional education, children's technical and artistic creativity, solving the problems of overcrowding in educational institutions;

active development of international relations in the field of science and education, increasing the export of high-quality educational services, primarily to the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, increasing the attractiveness of education in Russian on the world market of educational services.


71. The development of health care and strengthening the health of the population of the Russian Federation is the most important direction in ensuring national security, for the implementation of which a long-term state policy is being pursued in the field of protecting the health of citizens. The strategic goals of this policy are:

increase in life expectancy, decrease in the level of disability and mortality of the population, increase in the population;

increasing the availability and quality of medical care;

improvement of the vertical system for monitoring the quality, efficacy and safety of medicines;

observance of the rights of citizens in the field of health care and provision of state guarantees related to these rights.

72. Threats to national security in the field of protecting the health of citizens are the emergence of epidemics and pandemics, the massive spread of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, endocrinological, HIV infections, tuberculosis, drug addiction and alcoholism, an increase in cases of injuries and poisoning, the availability of psychoactive and psychotropic substances for illicit consumption.

73. Factors negatively affecting national security in the field of protecting the health of citizens are shortcomings in the implementation of state policy in the field of protecting the health of citizens in terms of ensuring the availability of medical care and the implementation of guarantees for its provision to the population, the imperfection of the current system of medical insurance, insufficient funding of the system high-tech medical care and a low level of qualification of medical workers, an incompletely formed regulatory and legal framework in this area.

74. The goals of state policy in the field of protecting the health of citizens are to prevent diseases, prevent the growth of diseases that pose a danger to others, increase access to medical care for the population, improve the efficiency and quality of medical services, reduce the level of disability, develop and introduce new medical technologies and medicines. funds. To implement state policy in this area, it is necessary to form a long-term strategy for the development of a system of protecting the health of citizens, improve the organizational foundations of healthcare and its management, clarify the powers and responsibilities in the field of protecting the health of citizens of federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, determine the procedure for interaction between health authorities, as well as create national scientific and practical medical centers for the prevention and treatment of socially significant diseases.

75. In order to counter threats in the field of protecting the health of citizens, state authorities and local governments, in cooperation with civil society institutions, ensure:

implementation of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens, increasing the financial stability of the compulsory medical insurance system and completing its transition to insurance principles;

improving the efficiency of regulatory and legal regulation in the field of licensing medical services, monitoring the quality of work of medical organizations, introducing uniform criteria for evaluating the work of medical institutions at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

development of preventive medicine and primary health care, the introduction of new organizational forms of medical care, including in rural areas and hard-to-reach areas;

increasing the efficiency of providing specialized, including high-tech, medical care, emergency, including emergency specialized, medical care, improving the organization of medical evacuation;

development of the service for the protection of motherhood and childhood;

development of palliative care, including for children;

development and implementation of innovative methods of diagnostics, prevention and treatment, as well as the creation of the foundations of personalized medicine;

accelerated development of fundamental and applied scientific research in the interests of health care, as well as the implementation of their results;

introduction of modern information and communication technologies;

creating conditions for the development of the pharmaceutical industry, overcoming its raw material and technological dependence on foreign suppliers, as well as the availability of high-quality, effective and safe medicines;

development of a system for monitoring the biological situation on the territory of the Russian Federation;

development of medical rehabilitation of the population and improvement of the system of sanatorium-and-spa treatment, including for children;

training of specialists in the field of protecting the health of citizens in sufficient quantities, improving the quality of such training, as well as creating a system of continuous medical education;

the revival of the traditions of mercy;

wide introduction of public-private partnership tools in the field of public health protection;

increasing the competitiveness of Russian healthcare in the world market.


76. The strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of culture are:

preservation and enhancement of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values ​​as the basis of Russian society, education of children and youth in the spirit of citizenship;

preservation and development of the all-Russian identity of the peoples of the Russian Federation, a single cultural space of the country;

increasing the role of Russia in the global humanitarian and cultural space.

77. The basis of the all-Russian identity of the peoples of the Russian Federation is the historically established system of unified spiritual, moral and cultural and historical values, as well as the original cultures of the multinational people of the Russian Federation as an integral part of Russian culture.

78. Traditional Russian spiritual and moral values ​​include the priority of the spiritual over the material, the protection of human life, human rights and freedoms, the family, creative work, service to the Fatherland, norms of morality and ethics, humanism, mercy, justice, mutual assistance, collectivism, the historical unity of peoples Russia, the continuity of the history of our Motherland.

79. Threats to national security in the field of culture are the erosion of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values ​​and the weakening of the unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation through external cultural and information expansion (including the distribution of low-quality mass culture products), propaganda of permissiveness and violence, racial, national and religious intolerance, as well as the decline in the role of the Russian language in the world, the quality of its teaching in Russia and abroad, attempts to falsify Russian and world history, illegal encroachments on cultural objects.

80. In order to achieve the strategic goals of ensuring national security in the field of culture, the state cultural policy and the state national policy are being implemented, which are aimed at strengthening and enhancing traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, ensuring national, religious, racial tolerance, at fostering mutual respect for the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as the development of interethnic and interregional cultural ties. The coordination of the activities of the interested federal executive bodies and the Russian Academy of Sciences in the implementation of the state cultural policy is being strengthened.

81. Of particular importance for strengthening national security in the field of culture is the pursuit of a state policy to implement the function of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, a means of ensuring the state integrity of the country and interethnic communication between the peoples of the Russian Federation, the basis for the development of integration processes in the post-Soviet space and a means of satisfying linguistic and cultural needs of compatriots abroad. Russia is implementing programs to support the study of the Russian language and culture in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States to accelerate the processes of Eurasian integration.

82. Strengthening national security in the field of culture is facilitated by:

recognition of the paramount role of culture in the preservation and enhancement of traditional Russian spiritual, moral and cultural values, strengthening the unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation;

ensuring the cultural sovereignty of the Russian Federation by taking measures to protect the Russian society from external ideological and value expansion and destructive information and psychological impact, exercising control in the information sphere and preventing the spread of products of extremist content, propaganda of violence, racial, religious and interethnic intolerance;

creation of a system of spiritual, moral and patriotic education of citizens, the introduction of the principles of spiritual and moral development in the education system, youth and national policy, the expansion of cultural and educational activities;

improving the material and technical base of cultural organizations, creating conditions for organizing leisure activities, stimulating creative development and art education of citizens;

development of domestic cultural and educational tourism;

formation of a state order for the creation of cinematographic and printed products, television and radio programs and Internet resources;

strengthening state control over the state of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture), increasing responsibility for violation of the requirements for their conservation, use and state protection;

improving the system of training specialists in the field of history and culture, as well as their social security;

development of a common humanitarian and information and telecommunications environment in the territories of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States and in adjacent regions;

use of the cultural potential of Russia in the interests of multilateral international cooperation.

Ecology of living systems and rational nature management

83. The strategic goals of ensuring environmental safety and rational use of natural resources are:

conservation and restoration of natural systems, ensuring the quality of the environment necessary for human life and sustainable economic development;

elimination of environmental damage from economic activity in the context of growing economic activity and global climate change.

84. The state of environmental safety is adversely affected by the depletion of mineral, water and biological resources, including as a result of inefficient and "predatory" nature management, the predominance of extractive and resource-intensive industries in the economy, and the large share of the shadow economy in the use of natural resources. , the presence of ecologically unfavorable territories characterized by a high degree of pollution and degradation of natural complexes. Problems in the field of ecology are exacerbated due to the presence of a significant number of environmentally hazardous industries, the lack of capacities for the treatment of atmospheric emissions, industrial and municipal wastewater, for the treatment, neutralization, disposal, placement and processing of solid waste from production and consumption, as well as due to pollution environment caused by the transboundary transfer of toxic substances, pathogens of infectious diseases and radioactive substances from the territories of other states. These factors are strengthened by the insufficient effectiveness of state control over the state of the environment and compliance with environmental standards by business entities, as well as the low level of environmental education and environmental culture of the population.

85. Achievement of the strategic goals of environmental safety and rational nature management is carried out through the formation and implementation of a long-term state policy aimed at protecting and reproducing the natural and environmental potential of the Russian Federation, raising the level of environmental education and environmental culture of citizens.

86. In order to counter threats in the field of environmental safety and rational nature management, state authorities and local governments, in cooperation with civil society institutions, take measures aimed at:

to stimulate the introduction of innovative technologies and the development of environmentally friendly industries;

on the development of the industry of recycling and recycling of production and consumption waste;

to create landfills that meet modern environmental standards for the disposal, disposal and processing of solid waste from production and consumption;

for the construction and modernization of treatment facilities, as well as the introduction of technologies to reduce emissions of harmful substances and wastewater;

to increase the technical potential and equipment of forces involved in measures to prevent and eliminate the negative environmental consequences of man-made disasters and other emergencies;

to eliminate the harmful effects of anthropogenic impact on the environment, as well as to rehabilitate territories and water areas polluted as a result of such impact, including during the implementation of military activities;

to minimize the damage caused to the environment during the exploration and production of minerals, and the reclamation of disturbed lands;

to develop a system of state environmental control and supervision, state monitoring of the environment, flora and fauna, land resources, to control radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous waste, to ensure compliance with sanitary-epidemiological and sanitary-hygienic standards for drinking water, atmospheric air and soils;

to increase the requirements of environmental standards and create a system of environmental funds;

for the development of a system of specially protected natural areas, including marine ones, the preservation of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, unique natural landscapes and living systems;

on the development of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection, including in order to reduce environmental risks in the border areas of the Russian Federation.

Strategic stability and equal strategic partnership

87. National interests are promoted by the active foreign policy of the Russian Federation, aimed at creating a stable and sustainable system of international relations based on international law and based on the principles of equality, mutual respect, non-interference in the internal affairs of states, mutually beneficial cooperation, political settlement of global and regional crisis situations. Russia views the United Nations and its Security Council as the central element of such a system of international relations.

88. The Russian Federation is increasing interaction with partners within the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), RIC (Russia, India, China), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, the G20 and other international institutions.

89. The development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic of South Ossetia is one of the key directions of foreign policy for the Russian Federation. Russia is developing the potential for regional and subregional integration and coordination in the space of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States within the framework of the Commonwealth itself, as well as the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Union State, which have a stabilizing effect on the general situation in the regions bordering the states - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic of South Ossetia.

90. The Russian Federation stands for the qualitative development of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, its transformation into a universal international organization capable of countering regional challenges and threats of a military-political and military-strategic nature (including international terrorism and extremism, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, illegal migration), as well as threats in the information sphere.

91. The formation of the Eurasian Economic Union opened a new stage of integration in the Eurasian space. The Russian Federation contributes in every possible way to strengthening the Union for the purpose of further integration, stable development, comprehensive modernization, cooperation and increasing the competitiveness of the economies of the Union member states in the global economy, as well as in order to improve the living standards of their population, ensure the freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor resources, implementation of joint infrastructure and investment projects.

92. The Russian Federation attaches great importance to building up the political and economic potential of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, stimulating within its framework practical measures that contribute to strengthening mutual trust and partnership in Central Asia, as well as developing interaction with member states, observers and partners of the Organization, including in the form of dialogue and cooperation on a bilateral basis. Particular attention is paid to working with countries that wish to join the Organization as its full members.

93. The Russian Federation is developing relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction with the People's Republic of China, considering them as a key factor in maintaining global and regional stability.

94. The Russian Federation assigns an important role to the privileged strategic partnership with the Republic of India.

95. The Russian Federation stands for the creation in the Asia-Pacific region of reliable mechanisms for ensuring regional stability and security on a non-bloc basis, for increasing the effectiveness of political and economic cooperation with the countries of this region, and for expanding cooperation in science, education and culture, including within the framework of regional integration structures.

96. The Russian Federation is developing political, trade-economic, military-technical cooperation, interaction in the field of security, as well as humanitarian and educational contacts with the states of Latin America, Africa and regional associations of these states.

97. The Russian Federation stands for strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation with European states and the European Union, for harmonizing integration processes in Europe and the post-Soviet space, and for forming an open system of collective security in the Euro-Atlantic region on a clear legal basis.

98. The Russian Federation is interested in building a full-fledged partnership with the United States of America on the basis of coinciding interests, including in the economic sphere, and taking into account the key influence of Russian-American relations on the state of the international situation as a whole. The most important areas of such partnership remain the improvement of arms control mechanisms provided for by international treaties, the strengthening of confidence-building measures, the resolution of issues related to the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the expansion of cooperation in the fight against terrorism, and the settlement of regional conflicts.

99. Of particular importance is the development of equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation in the Arctic.

100. The formation of favorable conditions for the sustainable development of the Russian Federation in the long term is carried out by ensuring strategic stability, including through gradual advancement towards a world free of nuclear weapons, in the context of strengthening universal reliable and equal security, taking into account all factors affecting global strategic stability, and on the basis of uniform and fair international legal principles.

101. In relations with the international community, the Russian Federation relies on the principles of maintaining stability and predictability in the field of strategic offensive arms. The practical implementation of such relations is facilitated by the observance of the international agreements reached on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms and the development, if necessary, of new agreements in this area.

102. The Russian Federation assists in the involvement of other states, primarily those possessing nuclear weapons, as well as those interested in joint actions to ensure general security, in the process of ensuring strategic stability.

103. The Russian Federation acts in the international arena from the standpoint of the invariance of the course towards participation, together with other states, in strengthening international mechanisms for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and related goods and technologies, and the prevention of the use of military force in violation of the Charter United Nations, as well as from the standpoint of commitment to arms control and rational sufficiency in military development.

104. In order to maintain strategic stability, the Russian Federation:

contributes to maintaining the stability of the international legal system, preventing its fragmentation, weakening and selective application, leading to instability and conflicts;

implements international treaties and agreements in force in the field of arms limitation and reduction, participates in the development and conclusion of new agreements that meet national interests;

is ready for further discussion of the issues of reducing nuclear potentials on the basis of bilateral agreements and in multilateral formats, and also contributes to the creation of appropriate conditions that allow reducing nuclear weapons without prejudice to international security and strategic stability;

contributes to the strengthening of regional stability by participating in the processes of reduction and limitation of conventional armed forces, as well as the development and application of confidence-building measures in the military field;

considers international peacekeeping an effective instrument for resolving armed conflicts and participates in it, stands for the strengthening of this institution in strict accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations;

contributes to the formation of an international information security system;

participates in the activities carried out under the auspices of the United Nations and other international organizations to eliminate natural and man-made disasters and other emergencies, as well as in the provision of humanitarian assistance to affected countries.

105. In order to ensure strategic stability and equal multilateral interaction in the international arena, the Russian Federation is making every effort to maintain the deterrence potential in the field of strategic offensive weapons at the least costly level.

106. The determining factor in relations with NATO remains the unacceptability for the Russian Federation of the buildup of the alliance's military activity and the approach of its military infrastructure to Russian borders, the creation of an anti-missile defense system, and attempts to endow the bloc with global functions implemented in violation of international law.

107. The Russian Federation is ready to develop relations with NATO on the basis of equality in order to strengthen general security in the Euro-Atlantic region. The depth and content of such relations will be determined by the readiness of the alliance to take into account the legitimate interests of the Russian Federation in the implementation of military-political planning and respect the norms of international law.

V. Organizational, legal and information bases for the implementation of this Strategy

108. The implementation of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring national security is carried out through coordinated actions of all elements of the system for ensuring it under the leadership of the President of the Russian Federation and with the coordinating role of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

109. This Strategy is being implemented on a planned basis through the consolidation of efforts and resources of state authorities and local governments, the development of their interaction with civil society institutions, as well as the integrated use of political, organizational, socio-economic, legal, informational, military, special and other measures developed within the framework of strategic planning in the Russian Federation. The provisions of this Strategy are binding on all public authorities and local authorities and are the basis for the development and adjustment of strategic planning documents and programs in the field of national security and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, as well as documents related to the activities of public authorities and bodies local government. The activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as a participant in strategic planning are carried out in order to ensure national interests and implement strategic national priorities.

110. Control over the implementation of this Strategy is carried out within the framework of state monitoring of the state of national security; its results are reflected in the annual report of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation to the President of the Russian Federation on the state of national security and measures to strengthen it.

111. In order to implement this Strategy, under the leadership of the President of the Russian Federation, the system of state administration, strategic planning in the field of ensuring national security and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation is being improved, strategic planning documents are being developed and implemented, and measures are being taken to train qualified specialists in the field ensuring national security and strategic planning.

112. The information basis for the implementation of this Strategy is the federal information system for strategic planning, which includes information resources of state authorities and local governments, systems of distributed situational centers and state scientific organizations.

113. When implementing this Strategy, special attention is paid to ensuring information security, taking into account strategic national priorities.

114. Information and information and analytical support for the implementation of this Strategy, its adjustment, carried out once every six years, taking into account the results of monitoring its implementation and changes that have a significant impact on the state of national security, are carried out with the coordinating role of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

VI. Key indicators of the state of national security

115. The main indicators necessary to assess the state of national security are:

satisfaction of citizens with the degree of protection of their constitutional rights and freedoms, personal and property interests, including from criminal encroachments;

the share of modern weapons, military and special equipment in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies;

life expectancy;

gross domestic product per capita;

decile coefficient (the ratio of incomes of 10 percent of the most wealthy population and 10 percent of the least wealthy population);

inflation rate;

unemployment rate;

the share of expenditures in the gross domestic product on the development of science, technology and education;

the share of spending in gross domestic product on culture;

the share of the territory of the Russian Federation that does not comply with environmental standards.

116. The list of key indicators of the state of national security may be updated based on the results of its monitoring.

The implementation of this Strategy is designed to promote the development of the national economy, improve the quality of life of citizens, strengthen political stability in society, ensure the country's defense, state and public security, increase the competitiveness and international prestige of the Russian Federation.


Development Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020

Shikhova Natalia


The strategic goal is to achieve a level of economic and social development corresponding to Russia's status as the leading world power of the 21st century, occupying leading positions in global economic competition and reliably ensuring national security and the exercise of citizens' constitutional rights. In 2015-2020, Russia should enter the top five countries in terms of gross domestic product (purchasing power parity).

Achieving this goal means forming a qualitatively new image of the future Russia by the end of the next decade.

High standards of human welfare

The level of income and quality of life of Russians by 2020 will reach the indicators characteristic of developed economies. This means high standards of personal safety, the availability of education and health services of the required quality, the necessary level of housing, access to cultural benefits and ensuring environmental safety.

The general indicator of the standard of living - gross domestic product per capita at purchasing power parity - will increase from 13.9 thousand US dollars in 2007 (42 percent of the average level of member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) to more than 30 thousand dollars United States in 2020 (70 percent).

Coverage of the population with higher and secondary vocational education will be 60-70 percent (2007 - about 50 percent), the average level of housing provision will reach about 30 square meters by 2020. m per person (or about 100 sq. m per average family).

The share of the population living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions will decrease from 43 percent in 2007 to 14 percent in 2020.

The death rate from violent causes will be reduced by about half.

Social well-being and harmony

A society based on trust and responsibility will be formed in Russia, including the trust of the population in state and private economic institutions. Social polarization will be significantly reduced. This will be achieved by providing equal opportunities for social mobility of talented representatives of all sectors of society, implementing social policies to support vulnerable segments of the population and pursuing a policy aimed at migrants' integration. The share of the middle class will be more than half of the population, while a significant part of the middle class is made up of people involved in creating a new economy of knowledge, technology and ensuring the development of the person himself.

The Economics of Leadership and Innovation

The Russian economy will not only remain the world leader in the energy sector, extraction and processing of raw materials, but will also create a competitive economy of knowledge and high technologies. By 2020, Russia may take a significant place (5-10 percent) in the markets for high-tech goods and intellectual services in 5-7 or more sectors. Conditions will be created for the mass emergence of new innovative companies in all sectors of the economy, and primarily in the knowledge economy.

Balanced spatial development

New territorial centers of growth will be formed both in the areas of development of new raw materials and in the traditional regions of the concentration of Russia's innovative, industrial and agricultural potential, and the scale of regional inequality will decrease. An extensive transport network will be created to ensure a high level of interregional integration and territorial mobility of the population.

An economy that is globally competitive

Russia will strengthen its leadership in the integration processes in the Eurasian space, gradually becoming one of the global centers of world economic relations (including as an international financial center) and maintaining balanced multi-vector economic relations with European, Asian, American and African economic partners.

Institutions of economic freedom and justice

Guaranteed implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens will be ensured, including a developed system of democratic institutions and the creation of effective mechanisms for law enforcement. The policy of the state will be focused on expanding the freedom of entrepreneurship, ensuring the effectiveness of the public administration system, and maintaining social justice.

Security of citizens and society

A high level of national security and defense capability of the country will be maintained, including economic and food security, security of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, which will create favorable conditions for releasing the innovative potential of the population and dynamic business development. A high level of combat capability of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be achieved (corresponding to the level of the leading countries militarily), which will make it possible to effectively implement the deterrence policy, including on the basis of the economic and social development of the state's military organization.

The systematic solution of the tasks set is the transition of the Russian economy from the export of raw materials to the innovative socially oriented type of development. This will make it possible to sharply expand the competitive potential of the Russian economy by increasing its comparative advantages in science, education and high technologies and, on this basis, to use new sources of economic growth and welfare.

The formation of an innovative economy means the transformation of the intellect, the creative potential of a person into a leading factor in economic growth and national competitiveness. The source of high incomes is not only the possibility of obtaining rent from the use of natural resources, due to the high world market conditions, but also the production of new ideas, technologies and social innovations. This will allow Russia to compete both with the cheap labor force of the economies of China and India, and with high-quality and innovative products from the developed countries of Europe, the USA and Asia.

The innovative socially oriented type of economic development of the Russian Federation has a number of qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Firstly, it relies on the modernization of the traditional sectors of the Russian economy (oil and gas, raw materials, agriculture and transport), the outpacing increase in the volume of output of high value added industries, which until 2020 remain the leading sectors of the gross domestic product.

Secondly, the transformation of innovation into a leading factor in economic growth in all sectors of the economy, an increase in labor productivity in sectors that determine national competitiveness by 3-5 times and a reduction in energy intensity by an average of 1.6-1.8 times. The share of industrial enterprises carrying out technological innovations should increase to 40-50 percent (2007 - 8.5 percent), and the share of innovative products in the volume of output - up to 25-35 percent (2007 - 5.5 percent).

Thirdly, the formation of a new economy - the economy of knowledge and high technologies, which is becoming one of the leading sectors of the national economy, comparable by 2020 in its contribution to the gross domestic product with the oil and gas and raw materials sectors. At the same time, the economy of knowledge and high technologies refers to the areas of vocational education, high-tech medical care, science and development, communications and telecommunications, science-intensive sub-sectors of chemistry and engineering (for statistical assessments, the grouping of education and health care in general, science and information, sectors communications and engineering).

The share of the knowledge economy and the high-tech sector in the gross domestic product should be at least 17-20 percent (2007 - 10-11 percent). Domestic spending on research and development should rise to 2.5 - 3 percent of gross domestic product in 2020 (2007 - 1.1 percent of gross domestic product), with a dramatic increase in the efficiency of basic and applied research and development.

Spending on education from public and private sources will amount to 6.5 - 7 percent of gross domestic product in 2020 (2007 - 4.8 percent), health - 6.7 - 7 percent of gross domestic product in 2020 (2007 - 4.2 percent), which will ensure the rapid development of human potential. Taking into account differences in the purchasing power parity of the ruble and currencies of other countries, the share of spending on education and health care in the gross domestic product will be about 13-14 percent, which is comparable to the indicators of leading foreign countries.

Directions of transition to an innovative socially oriented type of economic development

The peculiarity of the transition to an innovative socially oriented type of economic development is that Russia will have to simultaneously solve the problems of both catching up and advancing development. In the conditions of global competition and an open economy, it is impossible to reach the level of developed countries in terms of welfare and efficiency without ensuring the outstripping development of those sectors of the Russian economy that determine its specialization in the global economic system and allow national competitive advantages to be realized to the maximum extent.

One of the problems with the current model of economic growth is that the increase in household income, which outpaces the growth rate of gross domestic product, is accompanied by increased economic differentiation.

Therefore, the transition from an export-raw material to an innovative model of economic growth is also associated with the formation of a new social development mechanism based on a balance of entrepreneurial freedom, social justice and national competitiveness.

Such an approach requires the implementation of a complex of interconnected resources, terms and stages of transformations in the following areas.

The first direction is the development of Russia's human potential. On the one hand, this involves creating favorable conditions for the development of the abilities of each person, improving the living conditions of Russian citizens and the quality of the social environment, and on the other hand, increasing the competitiveness of human capital and the social sectors of the economy that provide it. The following results will be achieved:

overcoming negative demographic trends, stabilizing the population and creating conditions for its growth, improving the quality of life of the population;

creating conditions for a sustainable increase in wages, corresponding to the growth rate of labor productivity and the quality of the workforce, creating effective mechanisms for regulating the labor market, ensuring a combination of competition in the labor market with partnerships between employees, employers and the state;

increasing the dependence of the size of labor pensions on wages, increasing the size of pensions, taking into account the development of voluntary funded pension savings to a level that ensures a decent life for pensioners;

ensuring the possibility of obtaining high-quality education and medical care, access to national and world cultural values, security and law and order, favorable conditions for the implementation of economic and social initiatives;

the transition from the system of mass education, typical for the industrial economy, to the continuous individualized education necessary for the creation of an innovative socially oriented economy for all, the development of education, inextricably linked with the world fundamental science, focused on the formation of a creative socially responsible personality;

providing the population with affordable and high-quality housing, creating a comfortable urban environment for a person and an effective housing and communal services, forming a flexible system of population resettlement that takes into account the diversity of regional and national ways of life;

creation of an effective targeted system of support for persons belonging to the category of the poor, and the provision of social services for the elderly, the disabled and children;

creation of economic conditions for the preservation and multiplication of the cultural and spiritual values ​​of the Russian people;

ensuring the quality and availability of services in the field of tourism, physical culture and sports;

improving the quality of the environment and the ecological conditions of human life;

reduction in the level of crime;

ensuring high professional and territorial mobility of labor resources, the formation of a professional culture, value orientations in the field of labor and entrepreneurial activity.

The second direction is the creation of a highly competitive institutional environment that stimulates entrepreneurial activity and attracting capital to the economy, including:

creation and development of competitive markets, consistent demonopolization of the economy;

refusal to increase the total tax burden in the economy and reduce the costs associated with the fulfillment of obligations to pay taxes;

supporting the formation of new companies and new types of business based on innovation, stimulating the development of small businesses;

reducing investment and business risks by protecting property rights and increasing the predictability of the state's economic policy, ensuring macroeconomic stability, and developing financial institutions;

improving the conditions for organizations' access to long-term financial resources, the development of financial markets and other institutions that ensure the transformation of savings into capital;

increasing the negotiability of organizations and the transparency of doing business, the development of self-organization of the business community;

ensuring the high quality of public administration in the economic sphere.

The third direction is the structural diversification of the economy based on innovative technological development, including:

formation of a national innovation system, including such elements as an integrated system of research and development with higher education, which flexibly responds to requests from the economy, engineering business, innovation infrastructure, intellectual property market institutions, mechanisms to stimulate innovation, and others;

formation of a powerful scientific and technological complex that ensures the achievement and maintenance of Russia's leadership in scientific research and technology in priority areas;

creation of centers of global competence in the manufacturing industries, including high-tech industries and the knowledge economy;

promoting the competitiveness of leading sectors of the economy through the use of public-private partnership mechanisms, improving the conditions for Russian companies to access sources of long-term investment, providing sectors of the economy with highly professional personnel of managers, engineers and labor, supporting the export of high value-added products and rationally protecting domestic markets, taking into account international practice in this area.

The fourth direction is the consolidation and expansion of Russia's global competitive advantages in traditional areas (energy, transport, the agricultural sector, processing of natural resources), including:

ensuring stability and expanding the supply of energy resources to the world's largest consumers, geographic and product diversification of energy exports;

development on the territory of Russia of large nodes of the international energy infrastructure using new energy technologies;

transition from the export of primary raw materials and energy resources to the export of products of their deep processing;

gaining a leading position in the development of renewable energy sources and the introduction of environmentally friendly energy production technologies on an industrial scale;

formation of a competitive transport infrastructure that ensures the realization of the transit potential of the Russian economy;

strengthening Russia's positions in the world market for timber industry products based on the deepening of timber processing and sustainable reproduction of the country's forest wealth;

implementation of the water potential of the Russian economy - involvement in the economic circulation of undeveloped water resources of Russia with mandatory compliance with environmental requirements;

implementation of the agricultural potential in terms of developing the export of grain and other agricultural products, the production of environmentally friendly products, import substitution in the domestic market of livestock products.

The fifth direction is the expansion and strengthening of Russia's foreign economic positions, increasing the efficiency of its participation in the global division of labor, including:

expanding opportunities for realizing Russia's comparative advantages in foreign markets and using the opportunities of globalization to attract capital, technology and qualified personnel to the country;

gradual formation of an integrated Eurasian economic space for joint development, including the formation of Russia as one of the world's financial centers;

building stable diversified ties with world economic centers in order to ensure the sustainability of the development of the Russian economy in the long term in the face of growing global risks;

strengthening the role of Russia in solving world global problems and shaping the world economic order.

The sixth direction is the transition to a new model of spatial development of the Russian economy, including:

the formation of new centers of socio-economic development, based on the development of energy and transport infrastructure, and the creation of a network of territorial production clusters that realize the competitive potential of the territories;

reducing the differentiation of the level and quality of life in Russia with the help of social and regional policy measures;

strengthening the system of strategic management of regional development, increasing the complexity and balance of regional development and distribution of productive forces, increasing the balance of obligations of regional and municipal authorities and their financial capabilities.