The largest industrial enterprises of ferrous metallurgy. The largest metallurgical companies in the world

The metallurgical complex is a set of industries that produce various metals. This complex consumes up to 25% of coal and energy, it accounts for up to 30% of freight traffic.

The complex includes black and color metallurgy.

90% of all metals used in modern production are ferrous metals, i.e. iron and alloys derived from it. However, the number of non-ferrous metals is much larger (more than 70), they have very valuable properties. Therefore, non-ferrous metallurgy is of great importance for industries that ensure the development of scientific and technological revolution in the national economy.


The metallurgical complex of Russia has a number of features that affect its geography:

1. Metallurgy covers the entire process of metal production: mining and preparation of ores, fuel, metal production, production of auxiliary materials. Therefore, in metallurgical production, it is widely developed combination. In ferrous metallurgy, combination prevails on the basis of sequential processing of raw materials (ore - cast iron - steel - rolled metal), in non-ferrous metallurgy - on the basis of its integrated use: for example, several metals are obtained from polymetallic ores. Combines produce all pig iron, the main part of steel and non-ferrous metals.

2. In metallurgy high level of concentration and monopolization of production. The 200 largest enterprises (5% of their total number) produce 52% of ferrous metallurgy and 49% non-ferrous products.

3. Metallurgy - labor intensive industry(a large number of builders, workers + a city near the plant of 100,000 people).

4. Metallurgy is characterized by high material consumption. A modern metallurgical plant receives as much cargo as Moscow.

5. High cost to create and maintenance of the plant, with its slow payback.

6. Metallurgy - biggest polluter environment. 14% of industrial emissions into the atmosphere come from ferrous metallurgy and 21% from non-ferrous. In addition, the metallurgical complex produces up to 30% of wastewater pollution.

placement factors.

    features of the raw materials used;

    the type of energy used to produce the metal;

    geography of raw materials and energy sources;

    transport routes;

    the need to protect the environment;

    enterprises associated with the final stage of metallurgy - metal processing, are most often located in areas where finished products are consumed.

Geography of the metallurgical complex.

Ferrous metallurgy.

Ferrous metallurgy is a branch of heavy industry that produces various ferrous metals. It covers the extraction of iron ore and the production of ferrous metals - iron - steel - rolled products. Cast iron and steel are used in mechanical engineering, rolled steel in construction (beams, roofing iron, pipes) and transport (rails). The military-industrial complex is a major consumer of rolled steel. Russia fully meets its needs in ferrous metallurgy products and exports them.

The consumption of steel per unit of output in engineering in Russia exceeds that in other developed countries. With the economical use of the metal, Russia could increase the size of its exports.

Cast iron is smelted in blast furnaces - huge and expensive structures made of refractory bricks. Raw materials for the production of pig iron are manganese, iron ore, refractories (limestone). Coke and natural gas are used as fuel. 95% of coke is produced by metallurgical plants.

Steel is smelted in open-hearth furnaces, converters and electric furnaces. The raw materials for steel production are pig iron and scrap metal. The quality of steel increases with the addition of non-ferrous metals (tungsten, molybdenum). Rolled steel is produced on rolling machines.

The structure of ferrous metallurgy stimulated the development of intra- and inter-industry plants. Combination - the unification at one enterprise (combine) of several technologically and economically related industries of various industries (see Figure 45, Dronov, p. 134). Most metallurgical plants in Russia are plants that include three stages of metal production: pig iron - steel - rolled metal (+ coking plant, + thermal power plant or nuclear power plant, + production of building materials, + hardware plant).

For each ton of pig iron, 4 tons of iron ore, 1.5 tons of coke, 1 ton of limestone, a large amount of gas are spent, i.e. ferrous metallurgy is a material-intensive production that is confined to raw material bases or sources of fuel (coke). Placement factors:

Therefore, full-cycle enterprises are located: near iron ore or coke; at sources of raw materials and coke; between coke and raw materials (Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant). After the collapse of the USSR, 60% of ferrous metallurgy remained in Russia (the majority remained in Ukraine). 50% of rolled products and 60% of steel are produced on obsolete equipment.

The prospects of the country are connected with technical re-equipment and the latest technologies. We are talking about the modernization of existing enterprises. It is envisaged to replace open-hearth steel production with new methods of production - oxygen-converter and electric steel-smelting at the plants of the Urals and Kuzbass. The production of steel by the converter method is increasing up to 50%.

The following types of enterprises are distinguished in this industry:

    Full cycle metallurgical plants (Combines) , producing pig iron - steel - rolled products (3/4 of all cast iron and 2/3 of all steel).

    Steelmaking and rolling mills , and steelmaking enterprises - steel - rolled. Such enterprises smelt steel from cast iron or scrap metal and are located in large centers of mechanical engineering.

    Domain Enterprises (production of cast iron only). They became few. Basically, these are factories in the Urals.

    Enterprises of non-domain metallurgy where iron is produced in electric furnaces by direct reduction from iron ore pellets.

    Small metallurgy enterprises with the production of steel and rolled products at machine-building plants.

    Pipe plants .

    Ferroalloy production – iron alloys with alloying metals (manganese, chromium, tungsten, silicon).

Due to the high consumption of electricity - 9000 kW / h per 1 ton of products, ferrous metallurgy enterprises gravitate towards cheap sources of electricity, combined with the resources of alloying metals, without which the development of high-quality metallurgy is impossible (Chelyabinsk, Serov - Ural).

In 1913, Russia ranked 5th in the world (USA, Germany, England, France) in iron ore mining and metal production. 1980 - 1990 - one of the first places in the world in the extraction of iron ore and the first in steel and iron smelting. Now Russia has been pushed aside by Japan and the United States.

Russia is fully provided with raw materials for ferrous metallurgy, except for manganese ores, which are imported from Ukraine and Georgia, as well as chromium ores, which are imported from Kazakhstan. Russia has 40% of the world's iron ore reserves. 80% of iron ore is mined by open pit mining. Russia exports 20% of the mined ore.

Geography of iron ore deposits:

In the European part, KMA is rich in iron ore. It contains ores rich in content (iron is up to 60%), which do not require enrichment.

In the Urals - the Kachkanar group of deposits. There are large reserves of iron ore, but it is poor in iron (17%), although it is easily enriched.

Eastern Siberia - Angara-Ilimsk basin (near Irkutsk), Abakan region.

Western Siberia - Mountain Shoria (south of the Kemerovo region).

Northern region - Kola Peninsula - Kovdorskoye and Olenegorskoye deposits; Karelia - Kostomuksha.

There are ores in the Far East.

Geography of manganese deposits:

Western Siberia - Usinskoye (Kemerovo region).

Historically, ferrous metallurgy originated in the central part of the country. Starting from the 18th century, the production of ferrous metallurgy appeared in the Urals. The development of capitalism in Russia and the successful combination of iron ore with coal and manganese, as well as the favorable territorial and geographical position in relation to the main areas of metal consumption, highlighted the south (Donbass and the Dnieper region of Ukraine).

Metallurgical enterprises are located on the territory of Russia not evenly, but are concentrated in certain areas. A group of metallurgical enterprises that uses common ore or fuel resources and provides the main needs of the country is called metallurgical base . Within Russia, there are three metallurgical bases: Central, Ural and Siberian.

Ferrous metallurgy bases:

Ural – produces 43% of steel and 42% of rolled products. Used imported coke from Kuzbass and Karaganda. Iron ore 1/3 uses its own - the Kachkanar group of deposits (north of the Sverdlovsk page), and 2/3 - imported (Sokolovsko-Sarbayskoye deposit in the Kustanai region, as well as KMA ore). Manganese - from the Polunochnoye deposit (north of the Sverdlovsk region). The western slopes of the Urals - pig metallurgy. The eastern slopes are factories created in the Soviet era.

Combines- Nizhny Tagil (Sverdlovsk region), Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region), Novotroitsk city (Orsko-Khamilovsky plant). They use their own alloying metals and produce the bulk of the metal.

Pitch metallurgy- Yekaterinburg (Verkhne-Isetsky plant), Zlatoust (Chelyabinsk region), Chusovoy (Perm region), Izhevsk. Used scrap metal.

Pipe plants- Chelyabinsk, Pervouralsk (Sverdlovsk region).

Ferroalloys- Chelyabinsk, Chusovoy (Perm region).

central base is actively developing and today it is almost equal to the Ural one. It produces 42% of steel and 44% of rolled products. The main part of the production is produced in the Central Black Earth and Northern economic regions.

Coke- imported from the eastern wing of the Donbass, the Pechora basin, Kuzbass. Iron ore- from KMA, manganese - from Nikopol (Ukraine). Used scrap metal.

Full cycle- Cherepovets plant, located between the iron ore of Karelia (Kostomuksha) and the Kola Peninsula (Olenegorsk, Kovdor) and coke of the Pechora basin. Novolipetsk and Novotulsk combines use KMA ore. Within the KMA, the production of metallized pellets began in cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany. Based on them, a homeless electrometallurgy(Stary Oskol - Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant).

There are many businesses within the central base conversion metallurgy(Moscow Elektrostal and others).

Siberian base produces 13% of steel and 16% of rolled products.

Combines- Novokuznetsk (Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works), 20 km from Novokuznetsk (West Siberian Iron and Steel Works). Both enterprises use Kuzbass coke; iron ore from Mountain Shoria, Khakassia and the Angara-Ilim basin; manganese from the Usinsk deposit.

Pitch metallurgy- Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky (Chita region), Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Ferroalloys- Novokuznetsk.

At present, the formation of the Far Eastern metallurgical base is underway. A conversion plant operates in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

The metallurgical complex is a set of industries covering all stages of technological processes: from the extraction and enrichment of raw materials to the production of products in the form of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys. It includes ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. 90% of all metals used in modern production are ferrous metals, i.e. iron and alloys derived from it. However, the total number of non-ferrous metals is much larger (there are more than 70 types), they have more valuable properties. Non-ferrous metallurgy is of great importance for industries that ensure the development of scientific and technological progress in the national economy.

The metallurgical complex is an interdependent combination of the following technological processes:

Extraction and preparation of raw materials for processing (extraction, enrichment, agglomeration, obtaining the necessary concentrates, etc.);

Metallurgical repartition - the main technological process with the production of cast iron, steel, rolled ferrous and non-ferrous metals, pipes, etc.;

Alloy production;

Utilization of waste from the main production and obtaining secondary products from them.

Depending on the combination of these technological processes, the following types of production in the metallurgical complex are distinguished:

1) full-cycle production, which is represented, as a rule, by plants in which all the above-mentioned stages of the technological process operate simultaneously;

2) part-time production - these are enterprises in which not all stages of the technological process are carried out, for example, in the ferrous metallurgy only steel or rolled products are produced, but there is no production of cast iron, or only rolled products are produced. The incomplete cycle also includes electrothermy of ferroalloys, electrometallurgy, etc.

Partial-cycle enterprises, or "small metallurgy", are called conversion enterprises, represented as separate units for the production of foundry iron, steel or rolled products as part of large machine-building enterprises of the country.

The location of metallurgical plants is greatly influenced by:

Features of the raw materials (ore) used;

The type of energy used to obtain metal;

Geography of raw materials and energy sources;

Provision of the territory with transport routes.

There are some differences in the location of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Non-ferrous metal ores have a lower metal content, so non-ferrous metallurgy, especially the production of heavy metals, focuses mainly on raw materials. To obtain light metals, a lot of electricity and water is required. Therefore, enterprises that smelt them, as a rule, are concentrated near large hydroelectric power plants.

In the territorial structure of the national economy of Russia, the metallurgical complex has a regional and complex-forming significance. Modern large enterprises of metallurgy, by the nature of internal technological relations, are metallurgical and energy-chemical plants. Combination - this is a connection at one enterprise of several productions interconnected in terms of the technological process, sometimes belonging to different industries.

In addition to the main production, metallurgical enterprises create production based on the utilization of various kinds of secondary resources, raw materials and materials (sulfuric acid production, heavy organic synthesis for the production of benzene, ammonia and other chemical products, production of building materials - cement, block products, as well as phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers, etc.).

Ferrous metallurgy. Ferrous metallurgy in Russia includes enterprises and organizations for the extraction and processing of ore and non-metallic materials; the production of cast iron, steel, rolled products, pipes, hardware, ferroalloys, refractories, coke, a number of types of chemical products; procurement and processing of scrap and waste of ferrous metals; repair of mechanical and power equipment; transportation of intra-plant cargo, as well as scientific and design organizations.

A specific feature of the industry is a relatively rigid binding of enterprises with a complete metallurgical cycle to sources of raw materials or centers of metal consumption. Industry enterprises are located in 20 regions of the Russian Federation, of which the top ten include Vologda, Chelyabinsk, Lipetsk, Sverdlovsk, Belgorod, Kemerovo, Kursk, etc. More than 70% of enterprises are city-forming and significantly affect the economy and social stability of the regions.

The basis of ferrous metallurgy is metallurgical processing: cast iron - steel - rolled products. The remaining industries are related, related: mining and enrichment of ores (iron, manganese, chromite), coal coking (almost entirely carried out at metallurgical plants), extraction of auxiliary materials (flux limestone, magnesite), production of refractories, production of metal products for industrial purposes (hardware ).

The raw material base of the industry consists of: iron ore products, non-metallic materials and refractories, coking coal, scrap and waste of ferrous metals. Russia is the largest producer and consumer of commercial iron ores.

Ferrous metallurgy has the following features of the raw material base:

The raw material is characterized by a relatively high content of the useful component from 17% in siderite ores to 53-55% in magnetite iron ore;

A variety of raw materials in terms of species, which makes it possible to use a variety of technologies and obtain metal with a wide variety of properties;

Various mining conditions (both mine and open pit, which accounts for up to 80% of all raw materials mined in the ferrous metallurgy);

The use of ores that are complex in composition.

More than 70% of the explored reserves and about 80% of the predicted resources of iron ore are concentrated in the European part of the country. Metallurgical enterprises of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, which have 65% of all production capacities, are experiencing an acute shortage of local commercial iron ores.

Enterprises of the Belgorod and Kursk regions provide more than 50% of ore production in the country, and iron ore deposits of the northern region - enterprises of the Murmansk region and the Republic of Karelia - up to 25%. The main volume of consumption falls on the regions of the Urals and Siberia.

There are three options for the location of full-cycle ferrous metallurgy enterprises, gravitating either to sources of raw materials (Ural, Center), or to sources of fuel (Kuzbass), or located between them (Cherepovets). These options determine the choice of the area and construction site, the availability of water supply sources and auxiliary materials.

At present, the main method of steel smelting is open-hearth. The share of oxygen-converter and electric steel-smelting methods accounts for about 30% of the total production volume.

An electrometallurgical plant for the production of steel from metallized pellets obtained by the direct reduction of iron operates in Stary Oskol - the Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant.

A group of metallurgical enterprises using common ore or fuel resources and providing the basic needs of the country's economy in metal is called metallurgical base. There are three main metallurgical bases on the territory of Russia: Central, Ural and Siberian. Each of them has its own characteristics in terms of the availability of raw materials, fuel, electricity, the set and capacity of production; they differ in the structure and specialization of production, the capacity of its organization.

Metallurgical bases of Russia. One of the features of the location of metallurgical enterprises is the unevenness, as a result of which metallurgical complexes are located in "clumps".

Ural Metallurgical Base is the largest in Russia and is inferior in terms of production of ferrous metals only to the Southern Metallurgical Base of Ukraine within the CIS. On the scale of Russia, it also ranks first in the production of non-ferrous metals. The share of the Ural metallurgy accounts for 52% of pig iron, 56% of steel and more than 52% of rolled ferrous metals from the volumes produced on the scale of the former USSR. It is the oldest in Russia. The Urals uses imported Kuznetsk coal. The own iron ore base is depleted, therefore, a significant part of the raw materials is imported from Kazakhstan (Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoye deposit), from the Kursk magnetic anomaly (KMA) and Karelia. The development of our own iron ore base was associated with the development of the Kachkanarskoye titanomagnetite deposit (Sverdlovsk region) and the Bakalskoye siderite deposit (Chelyabinsk region), which account for more than half of the region's iron ore reserves. The largest enterprises for their extraction are the Kachkanar Mining and Processing Plant (GOK) and the Bakal Mining Administration. The largest centers of ferrous metallurgy have been formed in the Urals: Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Yekaterinburg, Serov, Zlatoust, etc. At present, 2/3 of iron and steel smelting falls on the Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions. Metallurgy of the Urals is characterized by a high level of concentration of production, a special place is occupied by the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. It is the largest iron and steel smelter not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

The Urals is one of the main regions for the production of steel pipes for oil and gas pipelines, the largest enterprises are located in Chelyabinsk, Pervouralsk, Kamensk-Uralsk.

Central metallurgical base - an area of ​​intensive development of ferrous metallurgy, where the largest reserves of iron ore are concentrated. The development of ferrous metallurgy is based on the use of the largest iron ore deposits of the KMA, as well as metallurgical scrap and on imported coking coal - Donetsk, Pechora and Kuznetsk.

The intensive development of the metallurgy of the Center is associated with the relatively cheap extraction of iron ores. Almost all of the ore is mined in an open pit. Large explored and exploited KMA deposits are located on the territory of the Kursk and Belgorod regions (Mikhailovskoye, Lebedinskoye, Stoilenskoye, Yakovlevskoye, etc.). The cost per 1 ton of iron in marketable ore is almost half as much as in Krivoy Rog ore (Ukraine), and lower than in Karelian and Kazakh ores. In general, the extraction of raw ore is about 80 million tons, i.e. 40% of Russian production.

The central metallurgical base includes large enterprises of a full metallurgical cycle: Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works (Lipetsk) and Novotulsky Plant (Tula), Svobodny Sokol Iron and Steel Works (Lipetsk), Elektrostal near Moscow (refining high-quality metallurgy). Small-scale metallurgy is developed at large machine-building enterprises. The Oskol Electrometallurgical Combine operates for the direct reduction of iron (Belgorod Region). Lebedinsky, Stoilensky and Mikhailovsky mining and processing plants (GOKs) are located on the territory of the Central Black Earth economic region.

The zone of influence and territorial relations of the Center also includes the metallurgy of the North of the European part of Russia, which accounts for more than 5% of the balance reserves of iron ore in the Russian Federation and more than 21% of iron ore production. Quite large enterprises operate here: the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant (Vologda Region), Olenegorsk and Kovdorsky Mining and Processing Plants (Murmansk Region), Kostomukshsky GOK (Karelia). The ores of the North with a low iron content (28-32%) are well enriched, have almost no harmful impurities, which makes it possible to obtain high-quality metal.

Metallurgical base of Siberia is in the process of formation. Siberia and the Far East account for about a fifth of the iron and finished rolled products produced in Russia and 15% of steel. 21% of the total Russian reserves are in Siberia and the Far East. The basis for the formation of the Siberian metallurgical base is the iron ores of Gornaya Shoria, Khakassia, the Angara-Ilimsk iron ore basin, and the fuel base is the Kuznetsk coal basin. Modern production is represented by two large ferrous metallurgy enterprises: the Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works (with full-cycle production) and the West Siberian Plant, as well as a ferroalloy plant (Novokuznetsk). Converting metallurgy has also been developed, represented by several conversion plants (Novosibirsk, Guryevsk, Krasnoyarsk, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Komsomolsk-on-Amur). The mining industry is carried out by several mining and processing enterprises located on the territory of Kuzbass, in Gornaya Shoria, Khakassia (Western Siberia) and Korshunov GOK in Eastern Siberia.

The ferrous metallurgy of Siberia and the Far East has not yet completed its formation. Therefore, on the basis of efficient raw materials and fuel resources, it is possible in the future to create new centers, in particular, the Taishet plant using Kuznetsk coal and Angara-Ilim ores, as well as the Barnaul (Altai Territory) metallurgical plant. In the Far East, the prospects for the development of ferrous metallurgy are associated with the formation of the South Yakutsk TPK, which will include the creation of full-cycle enterprises.

90% in the production of finished steel belongs to the following metallurgical companies: OJSC MMK (Magntitogorsk Iron and Steel Works), OJSC Severstal (Cherepovets), OJSC NLMK (Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works), OJSC Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works, OJSC Nosta, OAO Novokuznetsk Metallurgical Plant, OAO ZSMK, OAO OEMK.

The iron ore base of the country is represented by the following enterprises. In the north-west of the country: OJSC Olenegorsky GOK, OJSC Kovodorsky GOK and OJSC Karelsky Okatysh. They fully satisfy Severstal's demand for iron ore.

Mining and processing plants of the Kursk magnetic anomaly operate in the Central District: OJSC Lebedinsky GOK, OJSC Stoilensky GOK, OJSC Mikhailovsky GOK, and OJSC KMA-ruda. They meet the needs of JSC "Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant", JSC "Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant", partly - the Urals and Siberian metallurgical plants. Due to the lack of iron ore in the Urals and Siberia, the Yakovlevsky deposit in the Belgorod region is being developed to cover the deficit.

In the Urals, the largest is OJSC Kachkanarsky GOK, whose iron ore products are mainly used by the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works. The remaining local mines - Bogoslovsky, Magnitorsky, Vysokogorsky, Bakalsky, Goroblagodsky, Beloretsky, Pervouralsky and Zlatoustovsky - have a small capacity.

JSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" is provided with iron ore products from the Sokolovsko-Sarbai iron ore deposit (Kazakhstan). MMK, purchasing products in the central region, reduces the profitability of its products.

Mechel OAO (Chelyabinsk) is partially provided with local raw materials (Bakalskoye deposit), the rest of the raw materials are imported from the Central District. A similar situation is at the Orsk-Khalilovsky metallurgical plant (JSC Nosta).

A tense balance in terms of iron ore has developed in Siberia (for the Kuznetsk and West Siberian metallurgical plants). The local base - OJSC "Korshunovskiy GOK" and OJSC "Sibruda" - has limited capacity and, due to lack of funding, practically does not develop.

Non-ferrous metallurgy. Non-ferrous metals according to their physical properties and purpose are divided into several groups:

Heavy - copper, lead, zinc, tin, nickel;

Lungs - aluminum, magnesium, titanium, lithium, etc.;

Small - bismuth, cadmium, antimony, arsenic, cobalt, mercury;

Alloying - tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium, vanadium;

Noble - gold, silver, platinum and platinoids;

Rare and scattered - zirconium, gallium, indium, thallium, germanium, selenium, etc.

Non-ferrous metallurgy in Russia produces about 70 different types of metals. Three countries of the world have such a complete set of production - the USA, Germany, Japan.

Features of the raw material base of non-ferrous metallurgy:

The content of useful components in raw materials is extremely low in quantitative terms (copper - from 1 to 5%, lead-zinc - from 1.5 to 5.5%, etc.). That is, to obtain 1 ton of copper, it is required to process at least 100 tons of ore;

Exceptional multicomponent nature of raw materials (for example, Ural pyrites contain copper, iron, sulfur, gold, cadmium, silver, etc., up to 30 elements in total);

High fuel and energy consumption of raw materials in the course of its processing.

A feature of non-ferrous metallurgy is the high energy intensity of raw materials in the process of its preparation for metallurgical processing and processing. In this regard, a distinction is made between fuel- and electricity-intensive industries. High fuel intensity is typical, for example, for the production of nickel, alumina from nephelines, and blister copper. The production of aluminum, magnesium, calcium, titanium, etc. is characterized by increased electrical intensity. On the whole, the share of fuel and energy costs in the industry ranges from 10 to 50-65% of the total costs per 1 ton of manufactured products. This feature of production determines the location of non-ferrous metallurgy industries in regions that are best supplied with electricity.

The Urals is the oldest non-ferrous metal producing region in Russia, especially copper, aluminium, zinc, nickel, cobalt, lead, gold and many rare metals. Currently, there are 11 copper industry enterprises operating in the Urals. Among these enterprises, the largest should be singled out: the Bashkir and Uchalinsky mining and processing plants and the Buribaevskoye ore mining department (Bashkortostan), the Kyshtym copper electrolyte plant (Chelyabinsk region), the Krasnouralsk and Kirovograd copper smelting plants, the Degtyarsky ore mining department, the Sredneuralsk copper smelter and the Uralelectromed plant (Sverdlovsk region), Gaisky GOK and Mednogorsk copper-sulfur plant (Orenburg region).

The Ural enterprises produce almost 43% of refined copper, about 65% of zinc in concentrate from their total production in Russia, as well as a significant amount of gold, silver, rare and scattered metals.

Non-ferrous metallurgy is developed in the Northern and North-Western regions, where nepheline, bauxite, titanium, copper-nickel ores are mined and enriched. Aluminum plants are located in Kandalaksha, Nadvoitsy, Boksitogorsk, copper-smelting - in Monchegorsk, nickel - in Nikel.

Eastern Siberia and especially the Far East are distinguished by a high level of development of non-ferrous metallurgy. It is one of the most important industries in the Far East. The main part of the all-Russian mining of tin ores, gold, lead-zinc ores, tungsten, and mercury is produced in the economic region. The aluminum industry is developing especially rapidly in the eastern regions of Russia. The most important centers: Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Bratsk, Sayan, Shelikhov aluminum plants, where alumina, metallic aluminum, non-ferrous and light aluminum are produced. Alumina production is being created in Achinsk.

A lead-zinc industry has been created with a focus on the raw material and fuel base: Kuzbass - Salair, Transbaikalia - Nerchinsk, Far East - Dalnegorsk, etc. The tin industry is developed: Sherlovogorsky, Khrustalnensky, Solnechny GOK.

A major center of metallurgy is the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine.

Problems and prospects for the development of the metallurgical complex. With the collapse of the USSR, a single system of interacting metallurgical bases ceased to exist. The rupture of existing ties in terms of raw materials, metal assortment has led to the fact that in a number of regions of Russia, primarily in Siberia and the Far East, the shortage of metal has increased significantly. The main problem of domestic metallurgy today is technical re-equipment. Its solution requires the replacement of the old open-hearth method of steel production with new ones - oxygen-converter and electric melting. Based on their application, the quality of the produced metal improves dramatically. The use of huge stocks of scrap metal requires the construction of new types of metallurgical enterprises (mini-factories). They serve small areas, use modern technology to produce high quality metal with minimal negative impact on the environment. According to statistics, annually the metallurgical complex emits up to 10 million tons of harmful substances into the atmosphere, including 80% of all emissions are lead. Blast-furnace and open-hearth production, as well as coke chemistry are considered especially harmful.

The metallurgical complex of Russia is the main synonym for the well-being and prosperity of our entire state, its confidence in the future.

First of all, it serves as the basis of all currently existing mechanical engineering. Understanding this, we will find out what enterprises are included in the mining and metallurgical complex.

These are mainly those industries that extract, enrich, melt, roll and process raw materials. The company has its own clear structure:

  1. Ferrous metallurgy - ore and non-metallic raw materials.
  2. Non-ferrous metallurgy: light metals (magnesium, titanium, aluminum) and heavy metals (nickel, lead, copper, tin).

Ferrous metallurgy

An industry with its own nuances. It is important to understand that not only the metal is important for it, but also mining with subsequent processing.

Highlight its important features:

  • more than half of the products serve as the basis for the entire engineering industry of the country;
  • a quarter of the products are used in the field of creating structures with increased load capacity.

Ferrous metallurgy is production, coal coking, the secondary limit of alloys, the production of refractories and much more. The enterprises included in the ferrous metallurgy are of the greatest importance and, in fact, are the basis of the industry of the entire state as a whole.

The main thing is that around them there are production facilities for the processing of various wastes, especially after the smelting of cast iron. Metal-intensive machine building and electric power production are considered the most frequent satellite of ferrous metallurgy. This industry has great prospects for the future.

Ferrous metallurgy centers in Russia

First of all, it should be remembered that Russia has always been and is the absolute leader in terms of the density of ferrous metal production. And this championship without the right to transfer to other states. Our country is confidently holding its positions here.

The leading plants are, in fact, metallurgical and energy-chemical plants. Let's name the most important centers of ferrous metallurgy in Russia:

  • Ural with iron and ore mining;
  • Kuzbass with coal mining;
  • Novokuznetsk;
  • Locations of KMA;
  • Cherepovets.

The metallurgical map of the country is structurally divided into three main groups. They are studied at school and are the basic knowledge of a modern cultural person. This:

  • Ural;
  • Siberia;
  • Central part.

Ural Metallurgical Base

It is she who is the main and, perhaps, the most powerful in terms of European and world indicators. It has a high concentration of production.

The city of Magnitogorsk is of paramount importance in its history. There is a famous metallurgical plant. This is the oldest and hottest "heart" of ferrous metallurgy.

It produces:

  • 53% of all cast iron;
  • 57% of all steel;
  • 53% of ferrous metals from all indicators that were produced in the former USSR.

Such production facilities are located near raw materials (Ural, Norilsk) and energy (Kuzbass, Eastern Siberia). Now the Ural metallurgy is in the process of modernization and further development.

Central metallurgical base

It includes factories of cyclical production. Represented in the cities: Cherepovets, Lipetsk, Tula and Stary Oskol. This base is formed by iron ore reserves. They are located at a depth of up to 800 meters, which is a shallow depth.

The Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant was launched and is successfully operating. It introduced an avant-garde method without a blast-furnace metallurgical process.

Siberian metallurgical base

Perhaps she has one feature: she is the "youngest" of the existing bases today. It began its formation during the USSR period. Approximately one fifth of the total volume of raw materials for pig iron is produced in Siberia.

The Siberian base is a plant in Kuznetsk and a plant in Novokuznetsk. It is Novokuznetsk that is considered the capital of Siberian metallurgy and the leader in terms of production quality.

Metallurgical plants and the largest plants in Russia

The most powerful full cycle centers are: Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Beloretsk, Ashinsky, Chusovskoy, Oskolsky and a number of others. All of them have great prospects for development. Their geography, without exaggeration, is huge.

Non-ferrous metallurgy

This area is busy with the development and enrichment of ores, participating in their high-quality smelting. According to its characteristics and purpose, it is divided into categories: heavy, light and valuable. Its copper-smelting centers are almost closed cities, with their own infrastructure and life.

The main areas of non-ferrous metallurgy in Russia

The opening of such areas depends entirely on: the economy, environmentalists, raw materials. This is the Urals, which includes factories in Krasnouralsk, Kirovgrad and Mednogorsk, which are always built next to the production. This improves the quality of workmanship and the turnover of raw materials.

Development of metallurgy in Russia

Development is characterized by high rates and volumes. Therefore, huge Russia is in the lead and is constantly increasing its exports. Our country produces: 6% iron, 12% aluminum, 22% nickel and 28% titanium. Read more thisit is reasonable to look at the information in the tables of productions presented below.

Map of metallurgy in Russia

For convenience and clarity, the issue of special maps and atlases has been arranged. They can be viewed and ordered online. They are very colorful and comfortable. The main centers with all divisions are indicated there in detail: copper smelters, places for the extraction of ore and non-ferrous metals, and much more.

Below are maps of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy in Russia.

Factors of location of metallurgical plants in Russia

The fundamental factors influencing the location of plants in the country are literally the following:

  • raw materials;
  • fuel;
  • consumption (this is a detailed table of raw materials, fuel, small and large roads).


Now we know: there is a clear division into ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. This distribution by extraction, enrichment and smelting depends directly on the main components: raw materials, fuel and consumption. Our country is the European leader in this field. The three main geographical "pillars" on which it stands are: the Center, the Urals and Siberia.

The importance of industry in the economy of any country can hardly be overestimated: it is plants and factories that supply all the necessary materials, equipment, fixtures and many other goods for all other sectors of the economy. At present, there are approximately 460,000 industrial enterprises in Russia, employing over 15 million of our compatriots. We present you the top 10 largest factories in our country.

10. Aviastar

The specialization of the enterprise, founded in 1975, is the production of modern passenger and cargo aircraft Tu-204 and transport aircraft Il-76. In one year, 50 "flyers" come out from under the roof of the plant. The capacities of Aviastar also allow re-equipment and modernization of domestic and foreign airliners. The plant is rapidly developing a program of technical re-equipment, which allows saving up to 30% of the time for aircraft manufacturing. To date, the production area of ​​the plant is 1,400,000 m².

9. Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant

What can a tractor factory produce besides the tractors themselves? And much more! This company makes bulldozers, pipelayers, loaders, forestry equipment, engines and much more work equipment. The potential of ChTZ provides a full technological cycle for the creation of machines, from blanks to assembly and testing. The company is located on an area of ​​2,500,000 m².

8. Energoprom

Energoprom provides the carbon-graphite branch of the national economy, producing electrical elements and parts for transport, electrodes for metallurgy and graphite masonry for nuclear reactors. The unique production technology allows deliveries of products to more than 50 countries of the world.

7. Severstal

This smelter is the world's largest facility that supplies the mining and steel industries. It produces fittings, steel structures for the construction of buildings and bridges, pipe billets, rolled products for quarry and construction equipment, as well as special types of steel armored rolled products for the automotive industry.

6. "T-platforms"

Supercomputers are manufactured at the enterprise, and over the years of work, more than 300 developments and innovative technologies have been implemented here. The plant's most famous project is the Lomonosov supercomputer, specially designed for Moscow State University, which can perform 1.7 quadrillion operations in one second.

5. OJSC "Lebedyansky"

The company is a leader in the Russian market for the production of baby food and juices. The history of the company begins in 1967 with a small cannery. Currently, this is a whole holding, which includes several food and beverage manufacturing plants.

KamAZ is one of the largest truck manufacturers in Russia. The plant carries out a full cycle of automotive industry: from the creation of a project to production and further service. The concern includes its own foundry and forging plants, an engine production plant, a repair and tool plant and other enterprises for the manufacture of spare parts.

The plant covers an area of ​​about 4,000,000 m², and every year more than 800,000 cars are produced here. It is hard to imagine that the length of the conveyor system is 300 km, and the length of the main one is 1.5 km. Experts calculated that almost 28,000,000 cars have left under its wing during the entire existence and operation of the enterprise.

Uralvagonzavod is a real research and production association that develops and manufactures not only the latest military equipment, but also road-building machines and train cars. On the basis of the enterprise, there are several research institutes, design bureaus and factories producing components and spare parts.

At the Izhora plant, everything is produced, well, or almost everything. Here they create something that cannot be found anywhere else in the world: powerful excavators, sheet metal, power equipment and even nuclear reactor vessels.

The modern metallurgical market is represented by many large companies from around the world. The undoubted leaders are companies from Luxembourg, China, Japan, Korea and other countries.

In general, it is noted that the basis of world metal production is made up of companies from China, Japan and Korea, at least the ten largest represent a greater number of enterprises from these countries.

This time we will talk about three world leaders. After all, it is these largest metallurgical companies in the world that directly influence the global steel products market.

The largest steel companies in the world: Arcelor Mittal.

According to statistics, in 2008 this company already controlled 10 percent of the entire global steel market.

This metallurgical giant was founded in 2006 as a result of the merger of companies from Luxembourg and India. The total production capacity of the two companies at that time was about 120 million tons per year. It should be noted that the management of the united corporation planned to increase its capacity in five years and achieve volumes of 150 million tons. Projects to increase capacity were to be implemented by 2011, but due to the global economic crisis, their completion was postponed several years later (until 2014).

Today, this metallurgical giant owns a number of enterprises in 60 countries of the world, including Arcelor Mittal in Ukraine, which owns the Kryvorizhstal plant. It should be noted that the enterprises and factories of the world giant are engaged in the extraction of coal, iron ore, steel production, etc.

In Russia, the Luxembourg company owns Severstal-Resource, as well as other enterprises associated with the Severstal Group. Arcelor Mittal owns almost 100 percent of the shares of such mines as Berezovskaya, Pervomaiskaya, Anzherskaya. In addition, the company owns the Severnaya coal preparation plant, and controlling stakes in a number of auxiliary companies that are engaged in transportation, repair, installation, energy supply, etc.

In total, this largest steel company has twenty enterprises on all continents. Today, Arcelor Mittal is recognized as the leader in all major markets for metal products - construction, automotive, household appliances, etc.

Hebei Iron & Steel Group is a Chinese giant.

This is another major player in the metallurgical world market. Various ratings give this company the second and third place in steel production over the past year.

HBIS is a state-owned enterprise engaged in steel production and processing. The history of the company in general is about 50 years, but the current structure of the company was established in 2008, when such large steel producers as Handan Iron and Steel Group and Tangshan Iron and Steel Group merged.

In just three years since the merger, the newly created company has become the largest and most profitable corporation in China and the second largest steel producer in the world. HBIS earned $2,503 billion in 2011.

The Chinese corporation Hebei Iron & Steel Group, in addition to the production, processing of steel and its sale, also works in such areas as the extraction of raw materials, logistics, transport, research, investment, financial activities, and so on.

The production capacity of this company includes thirteen blast furnaces of various sizes, the same number of sintering machines, as well as electric furnaces with a volume of 100 tons. More than 50 production lines operate at the company's enterprises. HBIS factories are engaged in hot rolling, cold rolling of steel, etc.

The unique products of the Chinese steelmaker include ultra-thin cold-rolled sheet, as well as steel plates, the thickness of which is no more than 700 millimeters. In total, the company produces about three hundred grades of steel.

Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Industries.

The Japanese steel company Nippon Steel is also recognized as a world leader. The first blast furnace of this manufacturer was installed in 1857. The company under its current name was founded in 1970 as a result of the merger of Fuji Steel and Yawata Steel.

It is worth noting that Nippon Steel started a merger last year with Sumitomo Metal Industries, with which it has had joint ventures since 2003. Experts note that this merger will lift the Japanese giant to the second line of the world ranking in steel production. According to various sources, the companies plan to break into first place and displace the Luxembourg-Indian Metallurgical Union.