Mgpu: reviews. moscow city pedagogical university

    Moscow City Pedagogical University- Moscow, 2nd Agricultural passage, 4. Psychology, preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education, deaf pedagogy, oligophrenic pedagogy, speech therapy, special psychology. (Bim Bad B.M.… … Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    - (MGIU) Year of foundation 1960 Rector Valery Ivanovich Koshkin ... Wikipedia

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    Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPGU) The main building of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (Malaya Pirogovskaya, 1), formerly the Auditorium ... Wikipedia

    Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPGU) The main building of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (Malaya Pirogovskaya, 1), formerly the Auditorium ... Wikipedia


  • Tutoring in an open educational space. Taking care of yourself and building ind. arr. programs , . The collection includes materials from the X International Scientific and Practical Conference (XXII All-Russian Conference)`Tutoring in an open educational space:`self-care`and building ...
  • Tutoring in an open educational space. "Caring for yourself" and building ind. arr. programs , . The collection includes materials of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference (XXII All-Russian Conference) "Tutoring in an open educational space:" taking care of yourself "and building ...
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University - reviews about the work and the quality of education are excellent. The university is quite young (established in 1995, the founder is the Department of Education of the capital), its activities are carried out in line with the legislation, legal and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and, in particular, the city of Moscow.

Moscow education

The head of the university is the honorary worker of public education I.M. Remorenko, and the president is Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences V.V. Ryabov. Over the two decades of its existence, the Moscow State Pedagogical University has received very positive reviews, since it has formed as a powerful scientific and educational complex, firmly fitting into the sphere of education, culture and social realities in Moscow, which allowed it to enter the top three pedagogical universities in Russia.

MGPU (Moscow City Pedagogical University) trains not only future teachers, but also specialists in other professions: civil servants, lawyers, designers, managers, sociologists, psychologists, and so on. Thus, he organically integrated into the system of education in the capital, focusing on the training of personnel that Moscow needs - basically this is the social sphere, in which graduates of the Moscow State Pedagogical University find application. Feedback on their work is very positive, because the quality of Moscow education speaks for itself.


MSPU implements more than three hundred educational programs, covering all levels and levels of general, secondary and higher professional, as well as additional education. The university has postgraduate, master's and bachelor's programs. The structure of the university has one faculty - pedagogy, twelve institutes, a general education university school, thirteen colleges and a branch in Samara. At the same time, eighteen thousand students and three hundred schoolchildren study at the Moscow State Pedagogical University, reviews of which are almost always constructive. The overwhelming majority of them are Muscovites.

The university has a development concept, which can be found in detail on the MSPU website. for the next academic year can be found there. The minimum score, for example, for a bachelor's degree at the Institute of Foreign Languages, which is part of the university, is very different from the minimum score for social science at the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, and there are a lot of nuances in the calculations. In the magistracy of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, the passing score in 2016 is fifty units.


The scientific and pedagogical potential of the Moscow State Pedagogical University is very impressive: eighty-four percent of the teaching staff have academic degrees, twenty-six percent of this number are doctors of science. Present among the teachers are full members and corresponding members of the academies of sciences, many honored teachers of the Russian Federation, laureates of State Prizes, as well as Prizes of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.

The university employs authors of textbooks for schools, colleges and universities certified by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The quality of teaching is also improved due to the fact that Moscow State Pedagogical University actively attracts foreign colleagues to work - lectures are given by professors from Italy, China, Japan and neighboring countries.

Material base

The material and technical equipment of the MGPU base, the feedback of students about which is very eloquent, also makes it possible to maintain the quality of education at a high level. And the branch, and schools, and colleges, and all institutes of the university have modern equipment - computer and multimedia classes, language laboratories, automated workstations.

The library stores more than a million books, its electronic catalog contains more than three hundred thousand descriptions, electronic resources, articles and periodicals, it is also equipped with multimedia and computer equipment. Access to the Internet at Moscow State Pedagogical University is not limited, you can use any library in the world.


University pride - the absolute winners and finalists of the Moscow competitions "Teacher of the Year" and "Teacher of the Year", graduates of Moscow State Pedagogical University. The faculties that educate such specialists are very different. There are also winners of All-Russian competitions. Student science is actively developing at the university, leading scientists of the university consider their students full members of creative research teams.

Here, applied research, introduced into the activities of the MOU, is of great importance, and the main city and university innovation platforms have been created mainly on the basis of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Almost all faculties are involved in modern innovations, and as a result, the university became the winner of the Moscow Government Prize for testing and introducing innovations into the programs of educational institutions. And not only this award was deservedly received by the Moscow City Pedagogical University.


The building, where Russian citizens and beneficiaries from among the students of the Moscow State Pedagogical University receive rooms, was provided by the Moscow Government. There are not many places, there is always a queue for check-in. However, there is a university hotel. Regardless of the form of study (under contract or budget) and the size of the room (there are triple and double rooms), students must pay seven thousand per month for accommodation. This is not so much, given the opportunity to study at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Cost of education

Those enrolled on a contractual basis have to pay annually for the acquired knowledge. The cost of training varies greatly and depends on the chosen specialization. Only in colleges at the Moscow State Pedagogical University the payment is fixed and since 2016 it has been one hundred and twenty thousand rubles.

A graduate of this university: Good afternoon. I want to share my opinion about the department of German studies and linguodidactics and the direction "Theory and practice of intercultural communication - the German language". Unfortunately, there's really nothing good to say.
Let's start from the very beginning. Initially, two groups were recruited for the direction - nulls (those who started learning German from scratch) and continuing ones. At the reception, they promised that if you don’t know the language at all, then there will be no problems, all teachers will take this into account and will be condescending (later I will tell you about the surprise that awaited us in the 4th year). This was promised to me personally by a teacher who taught us German in the 1st year, namely C ****** T.A. When we came to the first couple, we were told that she had gone on vacation and would return to work no one knows when. Accordingly, from the very beginning of training, we lost a large number of pairs, and those that were replaced were taught by another teacher from this department, who for some reason was very surprised to learn that we did not know German at all, although I repeat, they recruited two groups with different levels of knowledge. When, after about 2-3 weeks, T.A. finally returned to work. B******* another "pleasant" surprise awaited us. Inspired, we went to her classes. BUT, in the end, almost all we got in class was stories about cats in church, her husband and trips to Germany, which she organizes every year and feels great, missing another month of other classes. During the first semester, we practically did not receive any knowledge, it was very scary to go to our first exam with an almost empty head. This exam was a mini-hell that lasted 6 hours almost with tantrums, because when a teacher who didn't give you anything threatens to give you a 3 in the first session, it's not good for the nervous system. She taught us the German year, that is, just the period of time when the students of the zero level should receive a good knowledge base, which we did not receive in the end. Following her, we had another teacher who two years later resigned from the university (E***** V.O.). Although she was strict and vindictive, she gave us at least some knowledge in the 2nd year. And then more, as they say. There is a new surprise in the 3rd year, and this department loves to make them. The whole 3 course we taught the main German, attention ... Postgraduate student. Well, you can guess what year it was. I had to learn the language at home on my own. And in the 4th year, the practice of the language is conducted by C***** V.A. A professor who scolds you for mistakes and does not take into account at all what kind of colleagues she has and what kind of background students have. She has absolutely no individual approach and teaching ethics. Almost every lesson, she repeated that in the 4th year we should already speak as carriers without errors, understand all dialects, that we are generally worthless and which of us are linguists. That is, it was not taken into account at all that we started learning the language from scratch at the university, that in the process of learning it is completely normal to make a certain number of mistakes, because even native speakers make them, and we are just learning. She just asked a ton of d / s, which we either checked two pairs in a row, or did not have time to check. You answered your d / s and sit listening to how your classmates answer for a hundred hours and spitting at the ceiling, wasting time. Those. the quality of knowledge was lame, because it is also impossible to assimilate and fit a huge amount of information in your head in a couple of days. Huge sheets with vocabulary that she asked for each topic were forgotten after a week, because we did not practice this vocabulary. One got the impression that V.A. simply did not want to prepare for classes, and therefore she scored a huge number of pre-schools all this time. The main textbook was "Das Oberstufenbuch. Deutsch als Fremdsprache" by Anne Buscha, Gisela Linthout, which was more like a book for extracurricular reading with a lot of obsolete vocabulary that the Germans had not even heard. The head of the department, E.V.B*******, is a separate issue altogether. The person is completely unqualified, at lectures she simply read out a textbook to us. The only good teacher in this department is L. F******. Native speaker and DAAD representative. She taught us intercultural communication for a year and a half and she is the only person who gave us relevant and interesting information about Germany. But to our great regret, it seemed to someone in this department to be a great idea to remove her from our classes in the 4th year and put B ****** A.E., who, due to his employment or laziness (it is not clear) appeared for the whole semester 3-4 times and a few weeks before the exam, when I had to write a diploma, I sent a huge number of assignments that were added to the d / s in German. And he was always a fan of skipping couples. Also, very loyal and kind Bogovskaya I.V. and an English teacher M ****** E.V., but she is from the Department of Translation Studies - English.
During the 1st year we had a wonderful Latinist K******. We then knew Latin better than German. For some reason, translation, the history of the language and regional studies in our 3-4th year were taught by one teacher, who is generally a historian, so he also did not give us much, although he sometimes told us interestingly, but unsystematically. We were not given any time to write our dissertation. And it was necessary to hand it over to the department in April.
As a result, I know practically nothing about the history of Germany and the history of the German language, no one gave us a good pronunciation in phonetics either, I learned the language to a normal level thanks to self-study. Of course, it is important to remember that learning a language is a lot of work. It’s not enough just to go to all couples, but even without good teachers and a quality base that should be given at the university, little sensible can come out. Why then go to university at all and study there for 4 years, when you can go to good language courses, if there is such a terrible quality of education?
If we talk in general about the direction of the ICC, then you can’t say anything particularly positive either. It is very impractical, there are zero prospects and it is not clear where to work further. It is better to go for translation or pedagogy unambiguously.
The only advantage of MGPU IIA is its central location, modern building and proximity to the metro. As for the rest, everything here is like they say about people - do not believe the shell, because the "stuffing" here is full of Scheisse.