TV tower in Yekaterinburg. History, reconstruction projects and demolition of the symbol of the city

1. Inside the TV tower


3. She is


4. Start! 0 meters

5. What they climbed for


8. Bends of the Iset River





14. Conquest!

15. Top, finish! 220m

16. devel43


18. dawn halo


20. Vysotsky, aka Antey







Thank you for your attention.


Everyone who was in Yekaterinburg could see a tall, lifeless tower almost in the center of the city. I would not dare to call it a landmark of the city, but the object is definitely worthy of attention .. our attention. As I wrote earlier, the TV tower in our trip to Ekb is the primary goal. Therefore, we could not climb on it :)

1. Inside the TV tower
The history of this object is not attractive, everything is trite - large-scale project, construction started in the 80s, and due to the crisis, construction was frozen in the early 90s. After freezing, extreme sports enthusiasts, climbers, basers reached out to the tower. There were cases of suicide and the conception of children at the facility - some less, others more ..

And so, the design height of the TV tower is 361m, it was planned to transfer all city television and radio communications there. They only built ~220m and are still arguing whether they will build further? There is no exact answer.

Sverdlovsk project similar to the Vilnius TV Tower, successfully built in 1977. According to the project, the RTPS was supposed to look like this: a concrete pillar 220 meters high, at the bottom - a 6-storey extension for a television studio, a buffet and a conference room; at a height of 188 meters - a restaurant with a rotating floor (rotation speed - 1 rpm), as in Ostankino television tower. Above the pole was to be a metal antenna 141 meters long. The entrance to the TV tower was planned underground tunnel from Decembrists street.

Poured out! Approximately this should be the TV tower in Yekaterinburg.

I took the photo from here.

But in our case we have this:

3. She is

Today, this tower, even in an unfinished state, is the tallest building in Yekaterinburg (the city's first skyscraper "Antey-III" is 25 meters lower). This tower is also the tallest abandoned building in the world. (Masts do not count, because the mast is not a building :))

In the end, we killed two birds with one stone!

I'll tell you how they climbed. The history of our "frosty" climb dates back to the moment when I and we arrived in Yekaterinburg and, looking at the weather, decided to postpone the rise until later, when the weather gets better. But the weather did not get better, and the temperature dropped. And so, last days our stay in Ekb - you have to climb! We decided to go at dawn. We leave, and on the street -25 * ..

4. Start! 0 meters

Cool, but not as cold as seen. We climbed inside the tower and climbed up for the ferry. The sun had not yet come out and we had to climb in the dark on steel structures that looked like scaffolding. It was even pleasant to climb the first 150 meters - once a window, two windows, you look through them, you see the height, and how the sky brightens. But when it came to open areas, the body began to freeze with cold, or rather the hands, due to snow on the scaffolding (see 1st photo). I climbed to the first platform, from where we filmed the dawn, 5 minutes earlier than Vitali, spending 30-35 minutes on the ascent. :)

5. What they climbed for

The regime time did not last long, the 5 minutes I won gave me a lot of dawn shots with the city lights on.



8. Bends of the Iset River





13. At this point, the city began to "go out" and slowly wake up

Dawn met, decided to climb to the very top. Having got out, we realized that we couldn’t stay there for a long time - it was colder at the height, it was somewhere around -28 *, and strong wind that pervaded everything.

I got an unforgettable experience, despite the fact that the height has become boring. The feeling that here, you are at the very top and there is nothing higher nearby in the city. Everything is somewhere down there, in fog and light blue. A large area, there is where to turn around, the beauty around - take pictures as much as you like! But damn, it's cold! As soon as I take the camera, my hands begin to stiffen, and my gloves, as luck would have it, are torn against the scaffolding, and they hardly save me from the cold.

So it turned out that I most time warmed his hands, and at that time Raskalov rushed around, said that it was awesome, took off and eventually frostbitten his nose: D

14. Conquest!

15. Top, finish! 220m

16. Downward view, the photos of which we did not find on the Internet. By the way, he drew a tricolor With my friend. It seems they even promise to finish white stripe. We wait)


18. dawn halo


20. Vysotsky, aka Antey


22. And these are some sleeping areas in the distance. Like some polar city

23. Another view down and we're off

24. They climbed up and down like that. Under the feet of 200 meters of metal. By the way, tell me, where are the whole pine trees from inside on the scaffolding? At an altitude of 70 meters! How were they brought there and why?

25. On the first "lookout", from where they filmed the dawn


When we climbed down we went home to sleep. Personally, when I stepped on the ground, I “exhaled” and was depressed all the way home. But still, the impressions from the TV tower are unforgettable. I would repeat. Summer.

Thank you for your attention.

The tallest abandoned building in the world July 15th, 2017

We have already discussed with you how that building in Russia, but the truth was that it was demolished several years ago. And now this is what is claimed to be the tallest ABANDONED and unfinished building in the world. Or is there something higher? Have I missed something?

Look here...

Photo 2.

At the end of 1983, according to the decision of the Sverdlovsk city executive committee, the construction of a television tower began on March 8 Street near the city circus. It was a new type soviet project implemented earlier in Vilnius and Tallinn. Its design height was 361 meters, it was planned to transfer all the city's television and radio transmission capacities there to cover the entire Sverdlovsk with a television signal. Also there was supposed to be a restaurant, like the "Seventh Heaven" on the Ostankino television tower.

The construction using a monolithic concrete technology unique for that time was carried out by the Spetszhelezobetonstroy trust, which had previously built the Vilnius, Ostankino, Tallinn and other TV towers. Extra strong concrete grade 400 was used. Construction was actively carried out until 1989, after which interruptions in funding began. However, the construction was not frozen and continued, but with great difficulty up until 1991.

According to some reports, [source not specified 520 days] 11 million rubles were allocated for the construction, but only about 2 million were spent.

Photo 3.

In 1991, Russia began economic crisis, and funding for the construction of the TV tower stopped. It was completed only to the mark of 219.25 m (according to other sources, 220.4 m). Since then, no work has been carried out on this site and the tower has been abandoned. the only constructive change over the years, there was the installation of high-altitude red lights for flight safety at the request of the prosecutor's office in the mid-2000s.

The tower is the most high structure In Ekaterinburg. There are projects for its reconstruction, but so far none of them has been accepted for implementation.

In the 1990s, the tower was a popular destination for suicides, adventurers, rock climbers and basers. By 2005, three cases of suicide were officially recorded, while rumor ascribes more than two dozen cases of suicide to the tower. And in the 2000s, it was chosen by base jumpers. After that, all possible passages to the tower for climbing up were welded.

Photo 4.

In 2003, the tower was given to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RTRS for a communications facility. In 2007, an investor was found who was ready to invest about 500 million rubles in the completion of the tower, and to equip a zone of business centers around it in order to recoup the costs, but the financial crisis of 2008 brought down these plans.

Representatives of RTRS said that it is cheaper to build a new television broadcasting facility 300 meters high than to equip necessary systems already built tower (a 300-meter TV tower made of metal structures will be built on Uktus).

In July 2012, Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev instructed to transfer the tower to the ownership of the region

Photo 5.

On April 4, 2013, D. Medvedev signed a resolution according to which unfinished TV tower is excluded from the list of federal strategic facilities and transferred to the ownership of the Sverdlovsk region. A competition was announced for the project of reconstruction of the tower and the surrounding area with the creation recreation area. The deadline for the competition, which was scheduled to end in July, was extended until the end of September 2013. By this time, the technical expertise of the submitted projects should have passed, including the Global Lighthouse (scientific and educational center), Green Hill Park (the tower - the object of the "bionic architectural form”), “Star of the Urals” (an object based on the movement of floating rings using the principle of magnetic levitation) and others. The winner was the Green Hill Park project with a registry office, attractions, a cinema and an exhibition area. However, no investor was found to implement it.

Photo 6.

Projects for the creation of an Orthodox church on the basis of the tower were also presented.

Surrounding the tower is expected land plot, going straight to the Iset River, will be turned into a recreational area.

In February 2016, a decision was made to conserve the TV tower in anticipation of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. In September 2016, the TV tower was included in the privatization plan. In January 2017, the authorities in again announced their intention to sell the tower

Photo 7.

The tower is said to have a slight lean due to a design error that was not noticed during construction. However, it doesn't pose a tower-fall threat and it won't fall in the near future.

Photo 8.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.


The designers called it " Stone Flower”, and the construction was going to spend 11 million rubles.

On December 10, 2016, the most famous long-term construction in Yekaterinburg turned 30 years old. The construction of the TV tower - actually a concrete pillar that towered over the Ural capital - began at the end of 1986, but was never completed. At the same time, every year the cost of completing the construction of the tower, on which about 2 million have already been spent, increased.

E1.RU collected 10 curious facts about this construction site for the 30th anniversary of the TV tower.

1. The TV tower was the most tall building Sverdlovsk-Yekaterinburg (before the appearance of "Vysotsky") and the tallest abandoned building in the world.

2. The Sverdlovsk project was similar to the Vilnius TV tower built in 1977. And the construction of the concrete pillar was carried out by the same organization that built the TV tower in Vilnius - "Spetszhelezobetonstroy". Above the mark of 220 meters, where the concrete shaft ends, Uralstalkonstruktsiya was supposed to build, it also had to build steel concrete structures at the mark of 200 meters.

3. According to the project, at a height of 188 meters in the TV tower there was to be a restaurant with a rotating floor, as in Ostankino. Now the height of the unfinished tower is 220 meters, so you can roughly estimate where the restaurant should have been. This part of the tower was to be assembled from 20 reinforced concrete blocks weighing 32 tons each. They were even already installed. Some of these blocks lay at the foot of the tower until 2016.

4. Overall Height the TV tower was supposed to be 361 meters. Of these, 141 meters is a metal antenna. In the finished version, with the antenna raised to a height of 370 meters, with two inflorescences of the upper and lower buildings, the tower would very much resemble a flower. They say that the designers called it that - "Stone Flower".

5. To enter the tower they planned to build underground tunnel- it would start from Decembrists Street.

6. Concrete rings were poured on the spot. Concrete was brought from the reinforced concrete plant, lifted with a mine hoist and poured reinforcement welded in advance. Ring height television tower was 2.5 meters. For the widest, lower, rings of the TV tower, 64 concrete trucks were needed. Concrete was lifted to the working platform in cages. The proletarians carried it to the formwork in wheelbarrows. One ring took about 10 hours of work.

7. The construction of the TV tower was supposed to cost 11 million rubles. Of these, only 2 million were actually spent on construction.

8. In an unfinished state, the Yekaterinburg TV tower could stand for hundreds of years: it was built of high-quality concrete, and the reinforcement inside the rings should not have rusted, because air does not get there.

“The tower is built rigidly, the maximum deviation of the top is no more than 20 centimeters, it will not collapse - the concrete is getting stronger year by year, the steel structures inside the tower do not have air access,” he said. Chief Engineer project Vladimir Ignatov. - In the completed state, the tower will stand for hundreds of years. But it is not designed for decades of annual freezing (there must be a constant temperature inside), all embedded metal parts must be processed accordingly. And they're not even sealed. Year by year, the cost of completion increases. If now it can be piled from the parts prepared and located below, then in a couple of years they will have to be made anew, the condition of the trunk itself is deteriorating, the elevator trusses and embedded parts are rusting. If the tower is not taken up within the next few years, it will be impossible to restore it. And what will you have to do with it - blow it up?

9. According to the project, this TV tower, called RTPS (radio and television transmitting station), was supposed to increase the range of television broadcasting by 2.5 times and cover the entire Sverdlovsk region(the height of the current TV tower on Lunacharsky, 212 is only 194 meters).

10. The concrete pillar that towered over the city had 88 layers. The last finishing pancake was poured for more than a day and the trunk was completed on August 17, 1989 - a year later than planned. According to the project, the construction of the concrete shaft was to be completed on October 1, 1988. Inside the tower - metal scaffolding, some are equipped with ladders, total number steps - 1312. But the stairs were not installed throughout the tower: they were at the bottom of the tower, a little in the middle and a long staircase fragment at the finish line. Thrill-seekers managed to climb to the mark of 220 meters in 30-40 minutes.

Through the opening, flights of stairs, an elevator shaft and parts of the antenna were to be installed inside.

March 24. Saturday. 7:30 am. And in the metro of Yekaterinburg, the excitement is like on weekdays at rush hour. Citizens are going to the center of the Ural capital to say goodbye to the unfinished TV tower.

After an hour and a half, it seems that half the city gathered at the demolition site.

The tower will fall on us anyway, some say with apprehension. But no one is moving.

No, they thought of everything. But fragments can fly, others suggest.

The tower was to be demolished at exactly 9:00. However, the "show" was delayed. The townspeople had already begun to worry, but then the howl of sirens was heard. Later it turned out that the demolition was delayed due to a false report that outsiders had entered the site. And yet, after the second beep, there were two explosions.

The sight was epic. The unfinished TV tower, which stood in the city center for 27 years (and the construction of the tower began back in 1983), cracked and fell on its side. From the former "luxury" there was only a stub, which will be removed with special equipment. The site must be cleared within two weeks of demolition.

She fell way too easily. Looks like it hasn't been here in almost 30 years. It just tilted and vzhuh - disappeared behind the houses. Where is the tower? There is no tower. We disperse ... - a resident of the city Ivan Petrov told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Everything went in the normal mode. The charges are activated with an interval of several seconds, so for the observer they merged into one. The tower partially collapsed inward, partially laid down clearly on the erected "pillow". The rest of 30 meters will be dismantled in about two weeks. It was not immediately possible to dismantle it, previously, due to poor concrete. But this risk was included in the project, - reported the company UMMC, which became the customer for the demolition.

Now, on a tasty place in the center of Yekaterinburg, where a TV tower used to stand, an ice palace should be built.

By the way, a concrete fragment hit one of the townspeople during the collapse of the TV tower. According to eyewitnesses, it was the size of two fists. The guy was taken away in an ambulance. The UMMC acknowledges that one of the spectators was taken to the hospital. However, the connection of the incident with the demolition of the TV tower is categorically denied.

A few hours after the unfinished TV tower became history, the city plunged into the blues. Citizens pour out their sadness and sadness on social networks. They post on their pages photos with a landmark that has become history. Remember funny and funny cases from life.

Everything. She was gone: a symbol of the city, albeit unfinished, but a symbol; architectural dominant; historical value. The era is gone, and symbols are crumbling with it. Only photos, video materials, and the roar of an explosion in the ears of those who watched it will remain as a memory. From this rumble and the irreversibility of what is happening, I honestly cried, - wrote a resident of the city Anastasia Kosareva ( spelling and punctuation of the author - preserved).

Help KP

Recall that the construction of the 361-meter-high TV tower in Sverdlovsk began in 1983. It was supposed to cover the entire Sverdlovsk region with a television and radio signal. The construction was carried out using a technology unique for that time. Workers set the concrete form on the ground, mounted rebar and poured concrete. After the form was raised, narrowed and again filled with concrete. And so they built the tower meter by meter.

In addition to radio and television transmitters, the tower was to house a revolving restaurant and an observation deck. It would be possible to climb into it on one of the two elevators, with a carrying capacity of up to 1000 kg.

Alas, in 1991, when the tower reached 220 meters, the construction was frozen. The reason is the financial crisis. Due to the difficult situation in the country, money for ambitious project it just wasn't enough.

By the way

On the eve of the demolition, several young people decided to climb the TV tower. They dragged with them backpacks full of food, warm clothes and even sleeping bags, and all in order to organize a protest and spend the night at the top. Guessing the moment when the guards will go to the next round of the territory, the whole gang of protesters rushed to the basement of the TV tower. But some of them still fell into the clutches of security guards.

Four activists still managed to break through, jump onto the stairs and go upstairs. At about 5 o'clock in the morning, the Russian tricolor began to flutter on the tower itself.