Write a description of the Dead Sea.

Help me please!!!

1. I love walking by the sea. They never bother me, because they are always different. The sea itself is not the same. It is changeable in nature. Today it is calm and quiet and, as if there is nothing more affectionate than its light waves. Water reflects warm Sun rays and blinds, not accustomed to bright light, eyes. Warm sand pleasantly warms my feet, and the skin is covered with a golden tan. And tomorrow the sea will stir strong wind and majestic waves are already beating against the shore with the strength of a huge beast. Blue sky becomes gray and stormy. And there is no longer that calm happiness calm sea. However, this also has its own charm. This is the beauty of wildness and power. Even the color sea ​​water often changes - it is almost blue, then dark blue, then greenish. All of its shades are not even listed.

How much beauty lies within sea ​​depths. Small fish swim in flocks among green and yellowish algae. And the sandy bottom is covered with shells, as if precious stones. I love collecting shells. I like to imagine that I am finding lost treasures from sunken ships. And how many such treasures are still fraught with the depths of the sea?

There is nothing better than spending a day at sea. You can have fun and swim with family and friends. And sometimes you just want to walk alone, feel the peace under the sound of the waves.

Question 1. How many oceans are there on Earth? Name and show them on the map of the hemispheres. Which ocean is the largest; the smallest?

It is generally accepted that on the globe four oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic. But in 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization decided to separate from the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific the fifth ocean surrounding Antarctica - the Southern (or Antarctic) Ocean. The largest of the oceans is the Pacific. Its area is 178.7 million km2. The smallest, the Arctic Ocean, covers an area of ​​approximately 14.75 million km2.

Question 2. Using the maps of the atlas, determine whether the seas are inland or marginal: a) Red; b) Kara; c) Arabian; d) Baltic; e) Okhotsk. What oceans are these seas part of?

Inland seas: Red, Baltic.

Marginal seas: Kara, Arabian, Okhotsk.

The Red and Arabian Seas are part of indian ocean, Kara and Baltic - parts of the Arctic Ocean, and Okhotsk - Pacific Ocean.

Question 3: Take an imaginary journey from New York to Tokyo. How many itineraries for such a journey can you name? Through what seas, oceans, canals, bays and straits do these routes pass?

Two main routes through east and west. By plane across the Pacific Ocean. across the atlantic ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Panama Canal, Pacific Ocean, Sea of ​​Japan.

Question 4. What is the difference between: a) the island and the mainland; b) the bay and the sea?

a) The island is surrounded by water on all sides, the mainland too, but the continents have large area, i.e., they differ in size.

b) A bay is a part of the sea that protrudes into the land, and the sea is part of the ocean, the sea can be located without going into the land, i.e., they differ in size and location.

Question 5. Using the description plan geographical location seas in the appendices, describe the position of the Bering and Black seas.

Bering Sea - a sea in the north of the Pacific Ocean, separated from it by the Aleutian and Commander Islands; The Bering Strait connects it with the Chukchi Sea and the North Arctic Ocean. The Bering Sea washes the shores of Russia and the United States.

The length of the sea from north to south is 1,600 km, from east to west - 2,400 km.

Black Sea - inland sea of ​​the basin Atlantic Ocean. The Bosphorus connects with the Sea of ​​Marmara, further, through the Dardanelles.

The greatest length of the sea from north to south is 580 km. The greatest depth is 2210 m, the average is 1240 m.

Question 6. What does the salinity of 18%o mean? What is the salinity of sea water if 1 liter of this water contains 11 g of minerals?

Salinity 18 ‰ (ppm - thousandth of a number), i.e., one liter of water contains 18 g of salt.

If in 1l. of this water contains 11g. various substances, then the salinity of the water is 11‰ (ppm).

Question 7. What are the reasons that affect the salinity of ocean water. Locate the Yellow Sea and the Sea of ​​Japan on the ocean map. Which one will have the lowest salinity? Why?

The salinity of the waters of the World Ocean varies depending on external conditions. For example, major rivers or melting ice desalinates the water, and in conditions of low rainfall and high evaporation, salinity increases.

Yellow Sea - average salinity 11%, in the Sea of ​​Japan - from 33.7 to 34.3%. Salinity is lower in the Yellow Sea. The salinity of the yellow sea is lower because large rivers flow into it, which desalinate it.

Have you ever seen the sea? If yes, then describe it, if not, fantasize and write a description of the sea using participles. Write down your description. Help me please!!!


I love walking by the sea. They never bother me, because they are always different. The sea itself is not the same. It is changeable in nature. Today it is calm and quiet and, as if there is nothing more affectionate than its light waves. Water reflects the warm rays of the sun and blinds eyes that are not accustomed to bright light. Warm sand pleasantly warms my feet, and the skin is covered with a golden tan. And tomorrow a strong wind will shake the sea and majestic waves are already beating against the shore with the strength of a huge beast. The blue sky will turn gray and stormy. And there is no longer that calm happiness of the quiet sea. However, this also has its own charm. This is the beauty of wildness and power. Even the color of sea water often changes - sometimes it is almost blue, sometimes dark blue, sometimes greenish. All of its shades are not even listed. How much beauty is concealed in the depths of the sea. Small fish swim in flocks among green and yellowish algae. And the sandy bottom is covered with shells, like precious stones. I love collecting shells. I like to imagine that I am finding lost treasures from sunken ships. And how many such treasures are still fraught with the depths of the sea? There is nothing better than spending a day at sea. You can have fun and swim with family and friends. And sometimes you just want to walk alone, feel the peace under the sound of the waves.

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