Believe in your dreams in life. How are external beliefs formed? The dream is the parent of the miracle

In dreams, we can imagine our life as paradise. But it can be very difficult to maintain faith that this will be the case when everything around is completely imperfect: rudeness, dirt, ignorance, and you also have to do what you don’t like - for example, go to work that you don’t like. And be sure someone always tells you that you live in dreams and this does not happen.

In this video, we analyze how to believe in yourself and your dream, even if now in your life not everything is as you want.

I leave the house after morning practices and attitudes in a state of a new vision of myself, transformed, joyful, satisfied with myself and the environment, and after half an hour I find myself in reality: a dirty train, crowds of gloomy people, still nervous and tense, but necessary work who feeds. There is a feeling of schizophrenia.

Indeed, we create our grand vision, the ideal version, and then it turns out that everything is not really so. My recommendation is to continue like this.

In my programs I rely on spirituality, science, great teachers personal development like Tony Robbins, but it's still personal experience. And personal experience says: when I lived in Texas, in the desert, I had a three out of ten relationship. The body did not please me, I did not enjoy myself, I did not feel confident in my body, it was not flexible. I didn’t do the job I loved, I had money, but I didn’t feel abundance, because I couldn’t manage this money the way I wanted.

But I wrote to myself that I want to wake up on the ocean, so that the relationship is 10 out of 10, so that the body, although not perfect, I would get high from it. To make it energetic, flexible, healthy. To drive live, to be spiritual teacher so that there is a strong spiritual support, and surrounded by strong wise loving life people. So that I have people to whom I would like to give.

I wrote all this to myself, then I came to work in a hedge fund, and there was also a state of complete dissonance.

And here you can say with anger and causticity: “No, baby, the reality is different. Come down from the clouds to the ground. Live like everyone else normal people". And agree with this scenario.

Or you can say to yourself in an inspiring voice: “Baby, a dream lives in you, and it deserves to be realized. Yes, maybe in this moment in all spheres of life, everything is messed up, but this does not mean that your life cannot change and become a paradise for you. Look, there are people who did it: Tony Robbins and his wife, Oprah, Deva Premal, Evelina Khromtchenko, who transformed herself beyond recognition.

And trust the second voice. Follow him. Gradually the cognitive dissonance will leave, because the reality with the dream will be connected. This is what we teach in our programs. This is what I have done in my life, what other women have done.

This takes many years. We do not have stories of transformation at the click of a finger. After all, we do not use occult practices and we have nothing schizophrenic. We use smart technology. That's why it takes so much time. But it will definitely happen if you do it.

First of all, you must know, understand what you want from life, dream, set goals and objectives, otherwise life loses its meaning. I want to tell you how to achieve your goal. Surely everyone has dreams. One person's dreams come true, while the other does not.
What is the secret? I'll start with the very first rule: Believe in your dream so that others will accept it as reality. Never ever give up! The road forward always turns out to be more difficult than the road back, because the road back has already been trodden, and forward you need to go through difficulties only when the goals are achieved.

For example, let's imagine that you are going to go on vacation by car, you will definitely need an atlas or a road map, without it you will not arrive anywhere. The same should be true in your life. Therefore, in order to achieve something significant, you must sit down and decide what you want from your life. Often people make long-term goals and they seem unattainable, others simply do not believe that their dream can come true. Therefore, it is very important to set realistic short-term goals for yourself - goals that you are able to achieve, and then gradually gaining self-confidence to proceed to more complex tasks. Always remember, "The longest journey starts with the first step!" to achieve anything significant, you have to solve small problems step by step.

The mistake of many people is that they want everything at once, and then they realize that this is not real, and therefore give up. Trust me, thinking big is great, but you need to take care to break down your big goal into smaller goals and goals that you can achieve. Otherwise, the grand dream of your whole life will not be feasible!

I would also like to talk about fear, because the biggest obstacle on the way to your goal is fear! Many people are so afraid of failure that they never try anything. You can only overcome this fear by getting up and doing something. In the process of action, you will make mistakes, but you will also gain experience. Remember "We come to success through failure!" You will make mistakes on the way to your goal, sometimes it will even seem to you that your time has been wasted. But for every failure, there is an alternative course of events, you just have to find it. For example, let's imagine that you are driving and run into a barrier, you just need to take another road, or go around it, don't let the obstacle stop you, drive under, through, around, but don't give up! After all, difficulties either “polish” or “wear out” us.

Thus, I want to say that people who succeed are distinguished from others by their qualities, goals and abilities set for themselves, as well as their self-confidence and their strengths, discipline, desire, determination, enthusiasm. There are 4 types of people in the world:

The ones that make something happen.

Those who are watching what is happening.

Those who are interested in what happened.

Those who do not suspect that something happened!

You must clearly know what type of people you want to be! Remember the most a long way you need to start with one step! Always remember that money as a goal will not bring you pleasure, but will bring opportunities that open up if you have money. Achieve your goals, believe in your dream, may your dreams always come true!


Translation: Balezin Dmitry

(Often I translate those articles that are relevant to me at the moment. Now I came across a certain obstacle in achieving my goals and therefore began to experience some negative feelings, in spite of positive thinking. To strengthen my spirit, I read and translated this article).

If I could only give one message to those who have embarked on the path of fulfilling their dreams, then I would say the following: "Appreciate the journey itself."

Many people fall into the following trap: they focus too much on ultimate goal believing that only the achievement of this goal is a sign of success. Everything else they simply do not appreciate, everything else they neglect. People lose heart because they see that their goal is not achievable in the near future. Achieving the goal really takes some time.

This way of thinking is exacerbated even more when other people ask you about your results. “Show me evidence that you have already achieved something at the moment!”

You will find that most people are only interested in what you have done; don't let that kind of thinking get to you, it can turn against you. Even though our ultimate goal has not yet been reached, every once in a while we just need someone to give us a pat on the back. Such a pat can be the realization that the journey to the goal itself has value.

It's just that sometimes along the way you have to stop and look at what you have already achieved. You'll probably be surprised at how far you've come. You will find your cornucopia of knowledge, contacts, skills, opportunities to appreciate your determination, you will experience a solemn feeling of overcoming obstacles, etc., all this would not have happened if you had not started your journey .

However, do not doubt that during the journey you will make a lot of mistakes. You may go into debt trying to start your own business, you may go bankrupt, you may be rejected hundreds of times, people will laugh at you, but it's all part of the process. All this has two purposes: to separate those who really want to achieve something from those who do not; and to see if you are learning from the lessons hidden in every mistake.

Every challenge along the way is meant to teach you something and move you forward. Every time you feel overwhelmed, it is a sign that you need to remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing. At this moment, you must once again strengthen in yourself the impulse that makes you act.

Each time you hit an obstacle, you are taking a test to find out how strong your desire is and how smart you are in order to figure out what you have to learn from this obstacle. Every time you're ridiculed by your family and friends for following your dreams, it's another test to see how strong your foundation is—it's another opportunity to strengthen it.

If you focus too much on the end goal, you will misperceive everything that happens along the way. You will be frustrated that the end goal you are so desperately trying to reach is not moving as fast as you would like.

Take a step back, breathe, realize that this is all part of the journey. Appreciate everything that happens. Be grateful for this (link here). Appreciate mistakes, failures, small victories, lessons learned, new acquaintances, new acquired knowledge, but most of all, appreciate the fact that you had the courage to start moving towards your dream. You have chosen a path that few choose - to live YOUR DREAM, and not the one that others have given you.

Appreciating the journey itself is the mental frame that empowers you and keeps you going. Travel implies a beginning, a middle and an end. You have already begun, you have already reached the middle, and the end will inevitably appear. By constantly remembering our journey, we draw new strength, are encouraged by the confidence that we will get to the end.

Appreciate the journey - because it teaches you everything you need to know to get to your destination. Don't lose heart because you think that success is only the achievement of the ultimate goal. You are already reaching it. If you weigh all that you have already achieved and learned, then you will realize that you underestimate yourself. All limitations exist only in your imagination, you really achieved some success. Nothing breeds success like success.

The longer you stay on your path, the wiser, stronger, and more determined you become.

Then, when you reach your goal, when you make it a reality, you will realize one thing: the journey has really SERVED YOU.

Copyright © 2008 Dmitry Balezin

A small child with might and main indulges in dreams of the future. He sees himself as a conqueror of space, a famous racer, a millionaire and the owner of his own island. As a person grows older, he realizes the unreality of these aspirations, understands that in order to achieve these goals, you need to work hard and make great efforts. And more often than not, dreams remain dreams - it's easier that way. Alas, such is the fate of the majority. Most, but not all.

It is dreams that motivate a person to work actively, to strive for the impossible. And as a result, perform miracles! The dreamer knows what he wants and how to achieve it, and he is ready to invest effort and resources to achieve the goal. Such people are distinguished by inextinguishable enthusiasm. Such people deserve respect!

What does it take to make a dream come true? Desire and purpose. These are two stages. In the beginning there is a desire, but it will remain a desire if there is no goal to follow.

Desire is rather speculative reasoning about something that one would like to have, but getting this thing is problematic and not entirely realistic.

But the goal is when a person sees that his desires are quite feasible, and seeks to bring them to life. This desire becomes more important than routine actions, it occupies all thoughts. As a result, a person does everything possible to achieve his dream, and assertiveness brings him success. It is necessary to remain true to the dream, not to deviate from the goal and believe in your victory - then defeat is simply excluded.

Sometimes people confuse dreams and fantasies. You can fantasize about quite certain things, but the difference between a fantasy and a dream lies in the fact that a person is not going to make real efforts to achieve what he wants and only hopes that someday the circumstances will turn out well by themselves. Fantasies do not awaken in a person the desire for vigorous activity.

Confusing fantasy with a dream, a person gets used to the idea of ​​the impracticability of his desires. His hands drop, and the motivation to work on own development. Therefore, if a dream does not prompt a person to act, one should leave fruitless fantasies and switch to achieving new goals.

Not everything is simple and with goals. Even if we have formulated them, they do not always correspond true goals person. In my practice, there have been many cases when a person comes to a consultation with some goals, and leaves with completely different ones. A person intuitively wants one thing, but fear or other obstacles prevent him from turning these desires into a goal, and he chooses a completely different goal for himself, sincerely believing that this is the most important thing for him.

This is what it consists competent work coaching: to help a person understand and lead to real goals.

Do you want to learn how to set goals that are realistic to achieve, become effective and successful? Use the form feedback to apply for an individual consultation. I know how to help you make your dreams come true!

These and other questions can be worked out during individual consultation which you can sign up for via the contact form below. Or by one of the phones or email. Good luck, friends!