Which peninsula complains about its small size. Who better knows proverbs, songs and poems on a given topic

Easter is called "Holidays Feast". Indeed, on this day, Christians celebrate the greatest event - the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now, when many churches have opened in Russia and many people profess Christianity, the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord is celebrated on a grand scale. In fact, Easter is celebrated even by those who have not yet decided on their attitude to religion. Therefore, it is necessary that children know about this date and understand the meaning of the celebration.

How to tell children about Easter?

In Orthodox families, children from an early age know about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and visit the church for the festive liturgy. But, along with them, there are guys who do not understand the meaning of the holiday or do not understand it well enough.

First of all, the purpose of holding an event in a kindergarten or school is informing children about the history of the holiday, about its meaning, about the traditions associated with Easter in our country and abroad. The organizers also aim to educational tasks, instilling in children such qualities as the ability to empathize, attentiveness to loved ones, friendliness.

It is most convenient to solve all these problems in a children's team using various scenes. When preparing an event, it should be remembered that Easter is a religious holiday. Care must be taken not to offend the feelings of believers, to avoid inaccuracies and excessive simplification that distorts the meaning of events. Also, one should not introduce characters depicting Jesus Christ and the Mother of God into the scenes: this is not accepted and can be perceived by the Orthodox present as a profanity. At Christmas, for example, it was customary to show a nativity scene in which to show scenes related to the birth of Jesus. In them, Jesus and His Mother were not depicted by people or dolls, but by an icon of a suitable size.

Do not get carried away with props and costumes if it is technically difficult. But it is necessary to use any attributes that symbolize the essence of the holiday or are associated with traditions. For example, you can bring icons depicting the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and the Resurrection of the Lord, reproductions of paintings, turn on church music.

It is difficult to imagine the celebration of Easter without traditional treats. Probably, it is necessary to prepare Easter cakes, colored eggs, various goodies for this event.

In the design of the room, it is worth using images of eggs, flowers, birds, red ribbons and fabrics, religious symbols. Women can wear red scarves on their heads, and girls can wear red ribbons.

Sometimes it can be difficult to strike a balance between the religious meaning of the holiday that needs to be highlighted and the secular nature of the children's institution in which the event will take place, but this must be strived for.

Easter Scenarios for Children

In the gospel events preceding the Resurrection, there is a lot of terrible and tragic. Apparently, you shouldn't talk about it at the party. So, it makes sense to depict in the scenes one of the following plots:

  1. history of Passover (Exodus of the Jews from Egypt);
  2. the conversation of the myrrh-bearing women with an angel;
  3. dialogue between Mary Magdalene and Tiberius;
  4. a conversation of modern people about history and modernity, traditions, the meaning of the holiday.

We offer a sketch for children 5-7 years old on the fourth topic.

Characters: Mom, Sonya, Olya

(Mom and Sonya are painting eggs. Olya enters)

Olya Hello. Will Sonya go for a walk?

Sonya Hello!

Mother Hello Olya. No, she is busy now: we are painting eggs for Easter. And then we will go to the church to take out the Shroud.

Olya Why are you coloring? And what is the Shroud?

Sonya Don't you and your family celebrate Easter?

Olya Yes, we will buy a cake for tea. But I don't understand what kind of holiday it is.

Mother But sit down, Olenka, and we'll tell you.

(Olya sits down)

Mother When the Lord Jesus Christ came to Jerusalem, many people rejoiced because He healed the sick and taught how to live according to conscience. But there were also evil people who did not like the words of Christ. They decided to kill him.

Olya Oh, did they succeed?

Mother Yes. The betrayer Judas led the guards to where Jesus was. The Lord was beaten and then condemned to death.

Sonya He was executed on Friday, today in the church they will just remember how Jesus Christ was buried in a cave, wrapped in a shroud (such a fabric) and filled up the entrance with a huge stone. And in the church, the Shroud is an embroidered icon depicting Jesus Christ.

Olya I feel very sorry for him.

Mother Of course, it's a pity. But the Lord said that He would rise on the third day. And so it happened. When the women came to weep over Jesus, they saw that the stone had been thrown away from the entrance to the cave. An angel took him away. He told the women that Jesus had risen. And soon the women themselves saw the living Lord.

Olya They must have been very happy!

Sonya Still would! And we are all happy. In honor of this event, we celebrate Easter. We say to everyone: “Christ is risen!” And the answer must be: “Truly Risen!”

Mother For this holiday, we are preparing a treat: colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter.

Sonya At night we will go to church, and in the morning we will break the fast, that is, we will eat delicious food after fasting. And then we'll play.

Olya How to play?

Sonya We will roll eggs down the hill: whoever rolls further. We will fight with eggs: who will not break longer. We will spin them: who will scroll longer.

Olya Oh, how interesting! And can I come to you?

Mother Of course, Olya, come, we will be very happy!

The event of the Resurrection of Christ - the largest and brightest Christian holiday. This holiday is also called Easter, that is, the Day on which our transition from death to life and from earth to Heaven took place.
Christ is risen! - and for the whole universe, a true spring began, a bright, joyful morning of a new life. Resurrection of the Lord Jesus- the first real victory of life over death.

Short sketches for Easter with children

Storyteller - older girl
Father - you can attract dad
Mom - you can attract mom
Guardian angel - older boy
Sorrow-longing - the eldest girl
1st Cockerel
2nd Cockerel

Optional Heroes:
1st Chicken - baby (no words)
2nd Chicken - baby (no words)
1st Myrrhbearer
2nd Myrrhbearer
1st Angel - baby
2nd Angel - baby
2nd Storyteller

Scene 1

(In the foreground is a house, next to it are father, mother, son, daughter. There are storytellers along the edges.)

Storyteller: Over the mountains, over the forests,
Beyond the wide seas
There lived a mother and father,
With a daughter, with a young son.
The children were disobedient
They were bored to work.
Daughter looks in the mirror
And my son is always angry.

Father: I'm leaving for three days on business, you and your mother are staying. Listen to her, help in everything. And on Easter I will return, we will celebrate the holiday together. (leaves)

Mom: Children, help peel the potatoes!

Daughter: But I can cut myself! I'll go and put on new beads.

Son: Here's another, this is not a man's business! Our job is to fight! (fights with a sword)

Storyteller: Mom works alone,
She has no rest, no sleep.
Until then, the kids don't care.
And then my mom got sick...

Scene 2

(House. Mom lies on the bed, covered with a blanket.)

Mom: Daughter, bring me a drink, something is hot for me ...

Daughter: And we have all run out of water ... Well, okay, I'll go to the river. Wait, mom!

(He leaves with a bucket. He approaches the river, bends down and admires his reflection.)

How beautiful I am! And kind - went for mom for water. Here dad will come - he will bring a new dress.

Mom: Something for a long time there is no daughter. Go, son, see if anything happened.

Son: Okay, Mom!

Storyteller: The son did not reach the river -
He immediately got into a fight.
He forgot about his sister
And I forgot about my mother.
And meanwhile sneaking up
All black sand
To a lonely sad mother
Sadness entered the house.

Scene 3

(House. Mom and Sadness-longing.)

Sadness-longing: Well, have the children forgotten about you? They don't need you!

Mom: No, my children love me!

Sadness-longing: Today is Good Friday, the Lord died on the cross, also not needed by anyone. And you will die!

Mom: No, I can't leave the kids!

Sadness-longing: You will still go with me! Be a bird!

(He covers her with a black handkerchief and takes her away.)

(Children run in.)

Children: Mom! Mother! Where are you?

(Guardian angel appears.)

Guardian angel: Sadness-longing turned your mother into a bird and carried it away. She always takes those who are lonely and no one needs.

Daughter: We need our mother!

Guardian Angel: If you really love your mom, you can save her. You need to find the castle where Sorrow-longing lives, and on Easter morning, while the sun is playing, ask your mother for forgiveness.

Son: We'll save her!

Guardian Angel: To do this, we must forget ourselves and ask for help from the One Who is always with us. Go west! (leaves).

Son: And who to ask for help? Who is always with us?

Daughter: Previously, my mother was always with us, but now she is gone ...

Son: Let's go, we need to be in time. There are two days left!

Scene 4

Storyteller: Children go day and night,
Who can help them?
We had to cut wood ourselves.
And learned how to cook soup.
Everyone tried to eat less
But only a piece of bread remained ...

(Spring forest. Two roosters are fighting in the center of the clearing, and chickens are waiting along the edges.)

1st Rooster: Give me back my seed!

2nd Rooster: No, give it back!

Daughter: What happened?

1st Rooster: I was the first to find this grain, but he does not give it back!

2nd Rooster: No, I'm the first!

Son: Oh, you! Fighting is bad. Make peace and go to your chickens, see how they are waiting for you.

1st Rooster: And how can we make peace, because there is only one grain?

Son: Here, take our bread, enough for two of you.

Roosters: Thank you!

Storyteller: How the fighter son surprised us -
He reconciled two bullies.
I gave the last bread, loving,
He apparently forgot himself.

scene 5

(Spring forest. Children.)

Daughter: I'm so tired...

Son: Let's rest.

(They put a pot, cook soup. Butterfly arrives)

Butterfly: Hello! Where are you going?

Daughter: We are going to the castle of Sorrow-longing, to help out our mother.

Butterfly: Then you will need to swim across the river. Do you want me to help you?

Son: Of course we do!

Butterfly: I will give you a wing, and you can cross to the other side. And for that, give me your jewelry. Tomorrow we will have Easter, the Lord will rise again!

Daughter: How can the dead be resurrected?

Butterfly: God can do anything! He is stronger than death!

Daughter (taking off the beads): Of course, take them, I don't need them anymore.

Butterflies: Bye! God help!

Storyteller: Amazing thing -
The daughter of the beads did not regret it.
It can be seen that the journey was not in vain set off -
Gone, changed.
And everyone became kinder
As if someone helped them ...
But here is the river in front of them -
Flowing wide, deep...

Scene 6

(Spring forest. River. Children.)

Son: That's a river!

Daughter: Can these wings carry us?

(They put on wings and "fly" across the river.)

Son: And here is the castle!

Daughter: How tall! And there is no road. How do we get there?

Son: It's already night. There is very little left before sunrise.

Daughter: What to do? Who will help us?

(The sad Myrrhbearers are coming.)

Myrrhbearers (perform the song "Prayer", the notes of the song are here >>>):
The night is burning down. Pray that
Who languishes in suffering.
Who is only familiar with need and grief,
Whose sobs do not stop ...

1st Myrrhbearer: Children, what are you doing here so late?

Daughter: We really need to get into this castle! Can't you help us?

2nd Myrrhbearer: No, we hasten to the Tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ, to anoint His body with myrrh. And you ask for help from the One Who is always with us.

Son: And who is always with us?

Myrrhbearers: Lord Jesus Christ!

Daughter and son: But He died!

1st Myrrhbearer: God is always with us anyway. You will see, He will help!

Myrrhbearers and children (sing): Pray for the one who is in the work of the nights
Spends a lot of sleepless;
And for the unfortunate orphans,
Deprived of mother's affection.

(The Myrrhbearers leave)

Children (sing or recite): Morning is coming. Here is the dusk of the night
Embraced us quietly with wings ...
The sun rises. Hold on a little -
Angels are praying with us.

(children cry)

Son: Look, the castle is melting!

(The castle is falling. Behind it is a mother bird)

Children: Mom! (runs up to mom)

Children: Mom, forgive us! We love you!

(Mother bird becomes the old mother)

Mom: My children! Christ is Risen!

Children: Truly Risen!

(angels appear)

1 Angel: Earth and sun,
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!
In the smile of blue
living skies
All the same joy
Christ is risen!

2 Angel: The enmity has disappeared,
And the fear is gone
No more malice
Christ is risen!
How wonderful the sounds
holy words,
in which you hear:
Christ is risen!

(Everybody get out, line up)

Storyteller: You listened, laity,
Orthodox Christians,
Our fairy tale It has a hint

All: Good fellows lesson!

(All participants come out and sing the Easter Song.)

Easter scene in Russian style

The atmosphere of a Russian hut is recreated in the hall. In the foreground, domes are painted against a blue sky. Parents, guests of the holiday are sitting on the benches. An audio recording of the chime sounds. A woman in a Russian folk costume enters the hall - the hostess of the hut.

Hostess: Christ is risen!

Guests: Truly risen!


This bright week

You here, in your room.

Glad to invite you guys!

We will be one family

Meet a bright Easter.

You just have to call

Children, so that their laughter sounds,

Big ones, small ones, everyone!

An audio recording of a Russian folk song sounds. The teacher enters, followed by children in pairs; The older one holds the younger one's hand. The older one stands behind the younger one.

Hostess: Hello, my good, glorious children. Hello my darlings! (children greet)

How I love to look at you. The elders take care of the younger ones, help them, just like in a big, good family. Do you guys know what holiday we celebrate today? (children's answers)

What kind of holiday is Easter?

Among all Christian holidays - Easter of Christ - the greatest, brightest, solemn. Holy Easter is a celebration of the victory of love and good over evil, life over death, our hope for the future resurrection, because on this day we remember the Resurrection of our Lord - Jesus Christ. Once, a long time ago, evil people betrayed and killed Jesus, but he conquered death and resurrected. Therefore, Easter is also called the Resurrection of Christ.

Educator: Hostess, our children - big and small - have prepared poems about this bright holiday.

1 child

Resurrection of Christ!

All are full of love and affection.

We've come here now

To celebrate Easter.

2 child

God teaches us to make

Good deeds for loved ones.

Don't offend anyone

Even a little pussy.

3 child

The sun is getting hotter

Bird songs are heard

And the leaves turn green

Easter is the day of spring!

Hostess: Very good poems, thanks kids, you made the hostess happy.

Educator: Hostess, listen also to a song about spring.

Hostess: With great pleasure


Church bells

Over Russia is heard,

And in the grooves everything is alive

A merry brook winds

(Children sing songs: cf gr “Brook”, ml gr “Spring”; prep. Gr “Rain mischievous”, ml gr “Sun”)

Hostess: What cheerful, wonderful songs, from them it became so light and joyful in the soul. For the fact that you have pleased me, I will tell you the legend of the deep antiquity, sit back and listen. Tell me, kids, what is the most important treat for Easter? (Easter cakes and painted eggs) Do you know where the custom of christening with painted eggs came from? Tradition says that St. Mary Magdalene came to Tiberius to tell him the joyful news of the resurrection of the murdered Jesus and presented him with an ordinary egg as a gift. But the king did not believe her, he said: "Let this egg turn red, then I will believe that Jesus has risen." And the egg, at the same moment, turned red. Mary Magdalene said, "Christ is Risen," and Tiberius replied, "Truly Risen."

Since then, on the bright day of Easter, people paint eggs at a meeting, greet them with the words “Christ is Risen”, and they answer: “Truly Risen” and exchange testicles. Look how many painted eggs are in my hut today. (draws attention to the exhibition of Easter eggs. Children come up, examine.)

Hostess: These, the artist painted, and these children. Do you want to decorate Easter eggs with a pattern? Then sit down at the tables, let the elder sit next to the younger, but help him. Let the elders come up with a pattern and quietly tell the kids how they will decorate the egg together, what the kids will do and what the elders will do.

(Soothing music sounds, educators help the children in their work, make sure that the task is carried out together. At the end, they ask the elders to wipe the hands of the younger ones. The hostess places the finished applications on the exhibition stand).

Hostess: Look, good people, what a beauty it turned out! Together - then, any business is argued. Well, you children worked together, but do you know how to play together?

Educator: Now we will show it, we will play.

An outdoor game "Sunny Bunnies" is being held (children participating in the fairy tale go to change clothes)

Older children stand at the walls of the hall. The younger ones form a circle with the older child in the center. He plays the role of a trap - the sun. The kids hold hands, lead a round dance, reciting a poem:

We are sunbeams

We just can't be put down.

You, Sunshine,

Try to catch up with us.

After these words, the younger child runs to the older one, who hugs him, as if taking him into a “house”. The trap is trying to catch up with the kids. When the game is repeated, the children change roles: the older ones become "sunny bunnies", the younger ones become "houses".

Hostess: Well done. The guys played together, did not offend anyone. And now. Sit down and listen to what else I have to tell you. On the day of Christ's bright resurrection, it was customary to visit hospitals. Prisons. Poor people and give them gifts. The Lord does not leave anyone on this day without consolation. Without a red egg and an Easter cake. And even the most cruel people become kind. Now the older guys will show you a fairy tale. Which is called "Easter Gingerbread Man", and you listen carefully, but remember it well. (Sketch, see Preschool Education No. 4 / 2005, p. 8 /

Easter Bun

Hut with a Russian stove. Grandfather and grandmother are sitting at the table


Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,

But they didn't have a ryaba hen.

There were grandfather and woman very poor -

Copper pennies were counted with a tear.

There was nothing to feed the chicken,

There was nothing to feed the chicken.

The hen did not lay eggs to them -

don't bake now

Easter cake!

No Easter cake, no bread -

Nothing to break the fast on Easter!

It is a great sin to lose heart!

You have to think - brain!

Open the door to the heart

Mind to call for help.

Host: (prompts)

Drink holy water

Pray to God!

God will tell you how to be

How to get flour for bread.

After all, you need just a bit - bake a bun!

Grandfather (joyfully echoes)

We will mark the barns,

We'll scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Baba (nods in agreement)

Our small mouth -

Let's scrape on a bun!


Kneaded on water

And salted with tears.

thanked God,

Put the dough in the oven...

(imitate, leave)

Lenten bun came out.

Lie down on the window.

Early in the morning he woke up

looked around, stretched

And said…

Kolobok: (runs in, addresses the audience)

… Hello friends!

Oh, how glorious, magnificent I am!

Oh, where am I? (looks around)

Can't hear anyone around...

Quiet in the house in the morning.

Even the birds don't sing.

I'll go to the Temple soon -

Sprinkle with holy water!

Scene Path in the forest


From the windowsill he tears

Yes, and jumped out the window,

But he did not go along the path -

Along the path, right into the forest ...

Looks at the first tree

On him with the eyes of a wolf!

wolf (grunts)

Well, hello, bun!

I'll bite off the rosy side!


I'm sweeping across the barn,

I'm scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

Mixed in the water

Yes, salted with a tear,

But not lit yet.

I roll to the Temple to be sanctified,

Wait - and turn around!

The grass rustles under the barrel.

Once - stumbled! Two - and on the move

Jump to the bear's den!

Bear: (grumbles unhappily)

Wow! How frightened me!

Almost died, right, I!

I'll eat you for your fault...

Look, it jumped completely!


Excuse me, bear!

I'll be more careful in the future!

I roll to the Temple to be sanctified,

Wait - and I'll turn around.


The gingerbread man runs faster

Legs of bread without sparing.

Suddenly he meets in the forest

A very cunning fox!

Fox: (sings affectionately)

Hello, cute bunny!

Give me a piece of yourself.

You are not greedy...

Really, my sweetie?


Late, fox, I'm afraid -

I'm rolling into the Church of God!

By Easter you need to be sanctified -

Sprinkle holy water

Fox: (smartly)

Somehow I can't hear you!

Come closer baby...

Gingerbread man: (louder, but not approaching)

I roll to the Temple to be sanctified,

Wait - and turn around!

(bunny runs away)

Scene 3 - Church


Our bun rolled into the church

holy water

Sprinkled well.

And Father asks him...


Sprinkled with holy water,

Well, where is your red testicle?

Kolobok: (sadly)

My poor old people are poor

We are glad for a rare copper penny.

Couldn't give me a red testicle!

Couldn't bake an Easter cake.

Only they could bake me.

Forgive me, Father, for my sad speech ...


It is a great sin to lose heart!

We must pray and trust in God!

As the heavenly sends food to the bird -

So you, you see, the Lord will send an egg.


The rumor reached the parishioners -

They ran home.

And then the testicles - a full basket!

Substitute, kolobok, quickly back!

(gives the kolobok a basket of eggs)

Scene 4 A path in the woods


Kolobok bowed low to everyone

And obyuratno rolled home.

Just started rushing

Look: again a wolf, a bear and a fox!

Fox: Oh, what a ruddy side!

Wolf Happy Easter to you, bun!

Bear: Happy Resurrection!

You will be a delicious treat for us for the holiday!

Gingerbread man: (moralizing)

You stupid animals!

Explained - they do not believe!

I'm lean, my friends. -

I can't get angry!

What are we to do then?

Together we ask for forgiveness!

Where is the food for the holidays?

Will there be food for Easter?

Kolobok: (solemnly)

Never be sad -

There will be food for the holidays!

You go to the basket -

Take everything by testicle.

Thank God!

Animals (in chorus or in turn)

Thank God! Thank God!

We hear the bell!

Kind words for your journey!

Old people from us - a bow!

Scene 5 Hut


Look: already a native home -

The roof is red with a chimney.

Smoke floats up from the stove.

Already on the porch

Grandma and Grandpa can't wait

Kolobok when he returns.

Grandfather (strict)

Where did you jump off to?

I've already searched the whole forest!

Baba (excitedly)

Waiting for you, my friend!

I was very worried!


Forgive me, dear old people!

But waking you up was out of the question.

I wanted to please you

At least one of the good deeds:

In the morning I rolled into the Temple -

Sprinkled with holy water

Yes, on the Easter holiday is clear

I brought you red testicles!

grandfather (surprised)

Who helped you so much?

Baba Who saved the fox?



And people have a good heart!

Baba: Christ is risen!

All: Truly risen!

Baba: The Lord does not leave without consolation the one who shows concern for his neighbor!

1 child

Red like a drop of blood on the cross

Without end and edge - round everywhere!

Symbol of eternal life, red egg

Like a flower from paradise bloomed on my hand!

2 child

Everywhere there is noise and laughter

Songs. Joy and fun

Congratulations to all-all-all

Happy first spring holiday!

The song "Easter Spring Has Come"

Hostess: Guys, let's thank our young artists for such a wonderful performance.

And to you, my dear children, I once again congratulate you on the bright holiday of Easter and I want to give these Easter eggs. Christ is risen!

The children answer: He has truly risen!

I wish you health, happiness, joy, peace. I wish you often please your parents with good deeds and do not forget to congratulate your parents, relatives and friends on the holiday!

The children leave the room to the sound of bells.

A short scene from the celebration of Easter

The night before Easter descended on the earth.
The city is quiet, everyone is waiting for the holiday.
Soon the solemn ringing of the bell tower
The world will be reminded of the wondrous Christ!

After suffering and shameful death
The Savior of the people was placed in the coffin.
On the third day, Jesus the Conqueror
Resurrected in glory with the radiance of the rays!

But not thinking about God that night,
There was a man from a den of thieves.
That night he carried out an assignment -
Raid one of the houses!

Here he is on target. Fits inaudibly.
I pressed the button, called and it's worth it.
The landlady comes to the door,
He crouched, trembling a little.

Thinking that their own returned,
The hostess opens the door, but here,
She sees a stranger in front of her.
Mentally calls God for help!

God answered her, - the villain was confused,
He did not raise his hand, he followed her.
Her joyful gaze met the guest:

God sent you to visit us today!
You know, today is a great day,
After all, Jesus, our Savior is risen!
Deliverance to all sinners, salvation,
He brought us from radiant skies!
You undress, come here.
Ours should be here soon.
Here I am, preparing a treat for the table, -

What's wrong with me, why can't I
Raise your hand to hit her
Behind, as before, I sacrifice my own?

Do not be shy - we are simple people,
We believe in the Lord, we love Him!
This is great happiness for sinners!
This wealth is the most valuable!

What to do? Kill or not?
This woman surprises me.
What a reception, and words, and hello!

You tell me, do you believe in God? -


It's very sad, but He loves you,
And keep amid sorrow and trouble!

Yes, maybe it's true that He loves me,
But I'm not worthy of love!
I am very low and a sinner before God,
Only He knows, but you don't!

What did you say? Not worthy of love? -

He was forgiven for his crimes
Heavenly doors opened before him.
So now God forgives the dead,
If we give our heart to Him.

God sent a guest to us today.

Well, now sit down with us, eat:
The Great Holiday is everywhere today!

Oh, if I were like them -

You read more from that book,
As it says, it's all good.
Maybe this reading will help me?
How tired of wandering in the dark!

Finished eating, cleaned dishes.
The owner himself took the Bible to read,
And explained the precious Word,
So that the unfortunate sinner could also understand.
Children, wife have long rested,
Only two of them remained
And about salvation for all the oppressed
We read for a long time in the quiet of the night.
In the morning we went to a meeting with a guest.
The choir sang how the Savior had risen,
And preachers in the Word of the Lord
The people were read about the glory of heaven.
Here the preacher said:
Those who wander away from God!
Who else has no peace, no love,
Reveal your iniquities to God.
Jesus Himself is now calling everyone,
The gift of forgiveness He gives to everyone!
Who is ready to repent today?
Who will bring his heart to Him?
Let's pray!

God have mercy! God have mercy! -

So with an exclamation he called out to God.
For a long time he cried about all the crimes,
What his enemy directed him to do.
The heart was torn to freedom from captivity,
The Day of Atonement brings grace!
So he got up, no longer a criminal, -
God forgiven wanderer of the earth,
Received forever among the redeemed,
With joy, with peace in a tired chest.
There was rejoicing in heaven that day:
The sinner found peace in reconciliation!
And on earth they glorified Jesus
Joyful, pure and friendly praise!

Cast: Voice-over Detective Jesus Roman soldiers: 2 pcs. Angel Women: 2 pieces Peter John Thomas Unnamed disciples: 2 pcs. High Priest (only needed on video) Scene: Part of the stage should be separated under the tomb: a small angle…

Recitation for Pascha I Jesus Friends, I announce to you What is predetermined for me And in Galilee I anticipate you all as one whole. The author of the Word of Christ is full of sadness And in the set of oil lamps His Eyes, that ...

Time machine. Diyovі individuals: Karkusha, Donkey, pharaoh, servants of the pharaoh - 2, radniki - 3, Moses, Aaron, Jewish family (father, mother, son, donka), father with two sins, Jesus, natovp. Calling on those who are small, actors can play on ...

Reader 1: He had honor and glory in Heaven, He had His servants. No one was offended there, But diminished for the people. He knew persecution and suffering, Living in the midst of darkness and sin, But he won without hesitation All the temptations of the enemy. Then he accepted Calvary ...

Scene #1 Yulia and Nastya appear on the stage. Nastya: The meeting was just great, you, as always, were on top ... Yes, they just didn’t take their eyes off you and signed the contract without looking! And how do you do it?! You are just smart...

Cinderella Act 1. A girl runs in, hung from head to toe with shopping bags. Behind him is a backpack with a mop sticking out of it. Cinderella: Well, I'm finally home. Hooray-hooray (tired and out of breath). So. Have I bought everything? Sponges for dishes, cereals ...

Characters: fictitious characters, with the help of which some real events are told about Cassia - a devout Jewish girl of the middle class, 17 years old, blind Mariam - Her younger sister, 15 years old, Susanna - Mother of Cassia and Mariam ...

RESURRECTION ACT 1 Two warriors are sitting near the fire and talking. On an iron plate, you need to light dry alcohol, and put twigs next to it. Or draw and put fire on cardboard. #1 Not scary? No. 2 It's scary, evening, silence. #1…

TULIP AND NARCISS Theme of the scene: resurrection from the dead Author: Nason Dina, 1999 CHARACTERS: Tulip, Narcissus, gardener, author DECORATION AND DESIGN: Flowers are dressed in yellow and red respectively, a shovel for ...

Act 1 Birth of Christ CHARACTERS: Joseph, Mary, Shepherd 1, Shepherd 2, Shepherd 3 DECORATION and DECORATION: baby, manger, barn, pitchfork, hay, bags, wheel, hammer, saw, board, yoke, staves 3, bags 3

Scene 1 Night. Two guards guard the stone at the tomb of Jesus. Guard 1: Don't sleep! Listen, get up! We are commanded to guard the stone. Guard 2: Why are you shouting? Get out. I just lay down to lie down. Guard 1: We received the order...

Three people stand on the stage and hold tree branches in their hands. Leading: Once in a distant beautiful country On the highest beautiful mountain Three trees began to talk. They dreamed about their life. One said: 1st tree: When I grow up ...

Scene 1 On the stage, Ruth is doing household chores. Ruth: What could have happened? Where could he have stayed so long? Maybe something happened in the synagogue? An excited Joseph enters. Ruth: Joseph, at last you have come, I am so...

Scenario of the Easter performance based on the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "Five from one pod". The materials were provided by the Sunday parish school "Golden City" at St. Nicholas Church with. Usolye of the Samara region.

1 action

Leaders, peas.

Music sounds - the theme of peas.

The hosts go out to the music, unfolding the "pod" - a green cloth. During the words of the first presenter, 5 cheerful peas pop up and squat down against the background of a green pod. They push, "grow" - stand up to their full height, but do not protrude from the pod.

1st Lead:

There were five peas in the pod; they themselves were green, the pod was also green, well, they thought that the whole world was green; that's how it should have been! The pod grew, and so did the peas; they adapted themselves to the room and sat all in a row.

2nd Lead:

The sun illuminated and warmed the pod, the rain watered it, and it became cleaner and more transparent; the peas were nice and cozy, light during the day and dark at night, as it should be.

The 2nd presenter at this time holds the “sun” over the heads of the peas, then a cloud (made of cardboard, on the handle), as if watering them, while the peas rejoice, jump, wash, laugh.

They grew and grew and more and more thought, sitting in a pod, that it was time for them to do something.

Peas portray how they think - everyone gets up in different "thinking" poses.

1st pea (with challenge):

Century, or what, should we sit here?

2nd pea (with anxiety):

How could we not dry out from such a sitting! ..

3rd pea (making a visor out of the palm and looking into the distance here and there):

Seems to me there's something behind our pod! I have such a feeling!

1st Lead:

Several weeks passed; the peas turned yellow, the pod also turned yellow.

The hosts turn the “pod”-fabric over with the yellow side.

All the pots in chorus (looking around with surprise):

The whole world turns yellow!

1st Lead:

Suddenly, they felt a strong jolt!

The music is louder, the peas are screaming and pushing, holding on to each other, each screaming its own, and at the same time:

- Oh, mothers!
- What is it doing!
- Ah ah ah!
- It's an earthquake!
- End of the world!

They grapple with their elbows, roll first in one direction, then in the other, as a result they fall and squeak loudly, like a girl.

4th pea (getting up and putting himself in order):
Well, now we will soon be released into the wild!

1st pea (admiring in the mirror and adjusting the outfit after the push, looking at the others with a challenge):

And I would like to know which of us will go the farthest! However, we'll see soon!

5th pea (modestly):

Come what may!

Music is the theme of peas.

2nd Lead:

But then the pod ripened and burst, and all five peas rolled out into the bright sun.

The peas roll around the edges of the stage - spinning and shouting their words at the same time.

1st pea: I fly, I fly where I want! Catch who can!

Flying across the stage.

2nd pea: And I'll fly straight into the sun; here's a real pod! Just for me!

It flies in the other direction.

3rd, 4th peas: Wherever we go, we sleep there! But we're still up to something! We'll go the furthest!

They fly away in an embrace.

5th pea: Come what may!

2nd Lead:

She flew up, hit the old wooden roof and rolled into a crack just under the window of the attic closet. There was moss and loose earth in the crack, the moss covered the pea; so she remained there, hidden, but not forgotten by the Lord God.

- Come what may!

The 5th pea is hiding behind the window, and it is not yet visible.

2 action

Mother, daughter, presenters, angel.

Music sounds - the theme of the mother.

The mother takes care of the housework: she rearranges the cast iron, sweeps the floors, checks how her daughter is doing ...

1st Lead:

And in the closet lived a poor woman. She went to day work: she cleaned stoves, sawed firewood, in a word, took on everything that turned up; she had enough strength, she also had no desire to work, but she still did not get out of need! Her only daughter, a teenager, remained at home. She was so thin, frail; she had been lying in bed for a whole year: she did not live and did not die.

Mother (standing far from the child's bed and telling the audience):

She goes to her sister! I had two of them. It was hard for me to feed two; well, the Lord God shared his care with me, took one to himself! I would like to keep the other one, but He, apparently, does not want to separate the sisters! But come what may!

He approaches his daughter, strokes her head, calms her and himself:

Daughter, Easter is coming soon, will we paint eggs with you?

Girl (sitting in a crib, leaning on a pillow, very weak, frail, painting an Easter egg in the picture):

Yes, mommy, they become so beautiful, they burn like coals! Do you know why Easter eggs have to be red?

She shows her mother a picture that she painted before - a testicle.

Fragment of the performance. Girl painting an egg

Mother (sitting down on the edge of the crib and stroking the girl's head):

There is even a legend about it. Do you remember I told you what Easter is?


Mommy, tell me! I love it when you talk about God!


Let me fix your pillow, you close your eyes, and I'll read, okay?

3 Action

Myrrhbearers, angel.

The girl falls asleep listening to her mother. For the first quatrain, the mother sits next to her daughter, then, when the words of the myrrh-bearing women begin, she covers her daughter and quietly leaves. Here the action unfolds at the Holy Sepulcher.

Mother (reading a book, turning the page):

At dawn we went to the Tomb,
Shaking dew from sleepy herbs,
Carrying from myrrh and aloes
Fragrant composition.

Music begins to sound - sad and solemn - the theme of the myrrh-bearers 1.

The myrrh-bearing women solemnly walk from the depths of the hall, between the spectators, mournfully carrying the vessels, and as they go they begin to speak words.

1st myrrhbearer:

We walked without thinking about a miracle,
In a cold, pink beam.
You are the world in an earthen vessel,
She leaned over and held it on her shoulder.

2nd myrrhbearer:

And we were so afraid to remember
His shame, and death, and pain...
Like hot wounds washed
Your hair is night pitch.

Like nails from His palms
You, quietly crying, extracted
Looking at the blood, which, as from clusters,
It flowed in thick drops.

3rd myrrhbearer:

Maria Mother and you - both of you
It was received from the soldiers
And laid in a new coffin
Pouring the aroma on the body.

Look, Saturday night has passed,
And a new day is replaced by darkness.
Sister, tell me why
Are you suddenly quickening your pace?

The myrrh-bearing women stop at the Tomb and make their way to it in the thickets of branches.

1st myrrhbearer:

The garden is near. Here is the lily bowl
Glittered out of the dawn mist.
Sister, why are our clothes
So unnaturally white?

How densely the branches hung here.
Give me a vessel. They came. It's time.
Here is the cave. Where is he? Empty!
Who took it? Oh who, sister?

The music sounds louder, you need to show how they recoiled in horror from the entrance to the cave, confusion, fear.

2nd myrrh-bearer (rushes between others, looking for an answer):

Who blocked the entrance to the cave?
What happened in the night?
The empty cover turns white, complex,
There are white rays in the cave.

The music is solemn, the theme of the myrrh-bearers 2.

Where is the body? Where are the guards? Where is the fence?
Everything is just white flowers.
I'm running towards! No, don't.
You loved - you will meet!

The angel very solemnly, slowly flapping its wings, appears from the side of the cave, the myrrh-bearing women, at his appearance, move back, clearing the way and bow their heads in bow.


Don't look for Jesus, He is risen.
He is in heaven and will come down from heaven again.

The angel flaps its wing in the direction of the myrrh-bearing women, passes them, goes towards the sleeping girl, stops, strokes her head, passes by the window, from where the 5th pea waves a twig to him, he also flaps his wing in her direction, solemnly retires, passing like this way circle. The myrrh-bearing women follow him.

The music is louder and more solemn.

The myrrh-bearing women solemnly depart, leaving the first myrrh-bearing Mary Magdalene.

Mary Magdalene (walks gradually to the edge of the stage, reads very penetratingly):

I was the first to know that Christ
Resurrected from the dead. early in the morning
I went to anoint his body with the world,
But the stone that blocked the way to the cave
Was rolled away by an unknown hand,
And the coffin was empty, only the sheets lay -
His funeral clothes,
When I stood in confusion
Suddenly a wonderful light lit up the whole cave,
An angel of God appeared before me...
And proclaimed...
- There is no living with the dead,
Don't look for Christ here
He is risen!

Music, theme of myrrhbearers 2.

Passes across the stage, as if recalling and restoring events in memory.

Then Master stayed with us for forty days
And, ascending to the Father in heaven,
He sent us to preach.
And I, like all the disciples of Christ,
I walk around the world from country to country,
Proclaiming the Risen Christ,
I proclaim the gospel to the world.

The throne of the emperor appears on the stage, Tiberius solemnly comes out, accompanied by a servant, sits down on the throne, the servant stands with a fan a little behind.

Host (at the edge of the stage):

So to the glorious city of Rome one day
Maria came to the emperor ...
There were guards at the entrance to the palace,
And noble guests with rich gifts
They hurried to the emperor's chambers.

3 Action

Tiberius, servant, 3 guests, angel, Mary Magdalene.

Rome. Palace of Emperor Tiberius.
Music sounds - the theme of Tiberius.

1st guest (solemnly entering and kneeling before the emperor):

Great emperor and lord,
Accept this necklace as a gift,
From pearls, rubies and sapphires.

2nd guest:
Great King Tiberius! As a gift from us
Take this gold in abundance,
Let gold strengthen your power
And strengthen the power of the state.

3rd guest:
From Sicily we brought a diamond,
Of great value and very rare properties,
He is worthy to shine in the royal crown.

Tiberius nods graciously as he accepts the gifts, each of which the servant places on a platter.

Mary Magdalene appears. The emperor looks at her very menacingly.

The music is muffled - the theme of myrrh-bearers 2.

Mary Magdalene:
Once I was very rich
And brought valuable gifts.
Today I am rich only in faith
In the Savior and Lord Christ.
What can I give today?
Here is a gift - an egg, a symbol of life, -
Christ is risen!

He shows the emperor an egg and also puts it on a dish with other gifts.

Tiberius (surprised and angry, rising from the throne and approaching Mary):

How can anyone be resurrected?
It's incredible, it's impossible.
Then only I will believe on Sunday,
When the testicle is red.

Servant (in horror, throwing down the fan):

Oh emperor, look quickly
The testicle turns pink, no, it darkens,
O miracle!
It turned bright red!

(On a dish among the fabric, you need to hide the red testicle in advance, which the servant will pick up and give to the emperor.)

Tiberius picks up and shows in great surprise to everyone a red testicle, says in unison with Mary:

Indeed, Jesus Christ is risen!

They freeze at the edge of the stage, the emperor holds a testicle in his raised hand, Mary stands nearby.

The Easter troparion sounds - the male choir.

Very solemnly, the same angel comes out, goes around the emperor and Mary, waving his wing at them. They leave, the angel passes along the cave and leaves.

4 Action

Girl, mother, 5th pea.

The throne is quickly removed. Mother enters, cleans the house, hangs clean curtains on the window.

Girl (waking up)

Mom, what a wonderful dream I had! The testicle turned red! But do miracles really happen?

Mother (hopefully):

Everything is in the hands of God.


But how can the Lord help everyone at once, because there are many people on earth!


You see, sometimes help comes as if by itself, it happens that we don’t even notice that it was the Lord who sent it. It can come through a person or even through some inanimate object. After all, the emperor believed that Christ was Risen when he saw the testicle?

The girl listens very carefully.


Yes true…

The mother leaves, begins to get ready for the service, puts on a white scarf, takes off her apron, takes a basket with testicles.


Mommy, what is that green outside the window? So it sways in the wind!

Mother goes to the window and opens it.


Look you! Yes, this pea has sprouted! And how did she get in here? Well, now you will have your own garden! Daughter, I'm going to the service, because tomorrow is Easter. And I'll bring you a blessed egg.

The mother kisses the girl and leaves.

The music sounds louder, under it the pea grows more and more and plays ball with the girl, the ball falls, and the girl cannot get up and shows the pea with her hands that she cannot, then the pea blows soap bubbles from the window, the girl rejoices, catches them, laughs.

The mother returns, holds out the testicle, but stops, she is surprised and shocked: she sees the girl sitting up on the bed, talking to the pea.

Girl (seeing her mother, out of breath):

Mom, I think I'll get better! The sun warmed me up so much today. Pea, see how nice it grows in the sun? I'll get better too, start getting up and go out into the sun.


God bless! Here's an egg for you! Christ is risen!


Truly risen!

Mother (goes to the window to open the curtain):

Look, yes, a pea - it will soon bloom!

The mother turns away from the girl for a minute to take off the scarf, put the basket in the corner, so she does not immediately notice what is happening behind her back.


The girl starts to get up and with very uncertain steps, swaying, goes to the window. Pea stretches out her hands to her, the girl stretches her hands towards her.

Music sounds - the theme of the girl.

The mother rushes to her daughter to support her, then takes the girl and the pea to the middle of the stage, cries and rejoices, hugs the girl and the pea.


The Lord Himself planted and grew a flower to please you, dear, and me too! Miracle, Lord!

Happy and solemn music sounds, all participants come out to it, line up in 2 rows, leading in front.

2nd Lead:

Well, what about other peas? Have you forgotten about them, dear viewers? The one that flew where she wanted - catch, they say, whoever can - fell into the gutter, and from there into the pigeon's goiter and lay there, like Jonah in the belly of a whale.

1st Lead:

2nd Lead:

And the second, which was about to fly into the sun, fell into a ditch and lay for several weeks in musty water until it swelled.

2nd pea:

How nicely I have grown good! Really, I will soon burst, and I think not a single pea has been able to achieve more. I am the most wonderful of all five!

The rest of the peas pull her skirt and laugh at the braggart.

All artists (in chorus, spreading their arms towards the audience):

What do you think?

The music is louder. All participants in the performance bow, going to the edge of the stage in this order:

- girl and mother;
- peas;
- myrrh-bearing, angel;
- Tiberius, servant, guests;
- leaders.

The two presenters are high school girls with good diction.
Five peas (girls 7-9 years old)
Mother is a teenage girl 13-14 years old.
Girl - a thin girl 10-11 years old
Angel - girl or boy 5-6 years old
Tiberius - high school student or student
Servant - boy or girl 10-12 years old
Three imperial guests - boys 10-12 years old
1st Myrrhbearing Mary Magdalene and two more Myrrhbearing girls 12-15 years old or older.

Decorations and props:

Chair (old).
Window with a curtain (can be made from a theater screen).
Bench or bedside table under the window.
Pod (yellow fabric, green fabric 1x2 m.).
Entrance to the cave (drapery made of dark fabrics, curly "thickets", large potted plants, palm trees).
Throne (armchair, beautiful fabric for decoration).
Rod of Tiberius.
2 vessels.
Gifts to the king: "gold", "sapphire", "necklace".
Children's ball.
Blooming bouquet (for a pea).
Candlestick with a candle.
A pot of porridge.
2 testicles - red and white.
Beautiful curtain.
Climbing plant (artificial).
Album with a painted egg.
Colour pencils.
"Sun" and "cloud" with rain (can be made from cardboard).
Cup, spoon, bowl, pillow, blanket, basket.


Leading - full dress, pink scarves.
Peas - green sundresses, white turtlenecks, white tights and shoes, green bows in pigtails.
Tiberius - mantle, sandals, lower cape, wand, crown.
Servant - toga, fan.
Guests - hats, togas.
Myrrhbearers - long capes with hoods or something else covering the head, vessels in the hands.
Angel - a white surplice, a golden ribbon on his head, wings (you can buy them).
Mother - a long skirt, a jacket, a cap, a festive scarf, an apron, a towel, striped stockings, coarse sandals without backs.
The girl is a poor pale dress, blouse, handkerchief, sandals.

Scenery location:

In the middle of the stage, closer to the right wings, there is a girl's bed.
To the right of the bed is a window half-turned towards the audience so that you can see what is happening behind it. By the window is a bench covered with a modest cloth.
Next to the bed is an old chair or stool on which the mother puts food for the girl.
On the left side of the stage - half-turned to the viewer - the entrance to the cave (can be made from stairs draped with dark fabrics and twined with artificial greenery).

At the moment Tiberius appears, the scenery is not removed, but on the left side of the bed, closer to the viewer, the imperial throne is placed.