Seventh International Pedagogical Readings on Humane Pedagogy. Program

Committee on Education of the Administration of the City District "City of Kaliningrad"

Kaliningrad Regional Institute for the Development of Education

Kaliningrad branch of the All-Russian Center for Humane Pedagogy

MAOU "Lyceum No. 49", Kaliningrad

Seventh International Pedagogical Readings on Humane Pedagogy

"Manifesto of humane pedagogy - the way to the future"

Create beauty and harmony of life around you

through the creation of beauty and harmony of life in oneself.


May 3 at19.00 on the stage of the assembly hall of the IKBFU I. Kant (Nevsky, 14), the student theater "Third Floor" will present for the participants of pedagogical readings and residents of the city the play "Dandelion Wine" (variations on the theme of the story of the same name by Ray Bradbury). Stage Director and Stage Writer - Evgeny Myshkin.

Health camp "Olimp", Sosnovy Bor


10.00 Registration of participants.

10.30 General meeting. Opening speech- Igor Alexandrovich Kirshin , Ph.D., hands. Kaliningrad branch of the Center for Humane Pedagogy, Knight of Humane Pedagogy.

Greetings: Head of the International Center for Humane Pedagogy Sh.A. Amonashvili, participants of the Readings.

11.30 Verbal and creative workshop "Thank you, my forest ...". Leading: Igor Alexandrovich Kirshin.

12.30-13.30 Lunch.

13.30 – 14.00

14.00 Creative Lab "Live, think, feel, love". Presenter: Irmine Pogrebnyak, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Humane Pedagogy of Latvia, Head of the Humane Pedagogy Center of the Anninmuiža Secondary School in Riga, Knight of Humane Pedagogy. (Riga, Latvia).

15.00 -17.30 Section work:

Theatrical and pedagogical workshop "Ways to the Theater of the Future". Leading: Evgeny Igorevich Myshkin, head of the student theater of the IKBFU I. Kant "The Third Floor", Knight of Humane Pedagogy (in club).

creative workshop "What can I do for the Future?" Leading : Olga Zitser, Tatyana Vasilievna Titeeva, founders of the Nizhny Novgorod department of humane pedagogy, leaders of the creative association "Keepers", Sanatorium orphanage in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.

creative workshop “The life of the family education group “Ladybugs”(answers on questions). Presenter: Natalia Goncharova, head of the family education group at MADOU CRR Kindergarten No. 50.

17.40 Dinner.

18.40 -19.30 Discussion of the creative results of the day .


8.50 Departure from the South Station to Mamonovo (to Sosnovy Bor station).

10.30 General meeting.

11.00 – 12.20 creative workshop « DobrNotes of a “terrible” doctor (treatment is only a means on the way to spiritual communion with a child). Leading: Igor Olegovich Ermetov, Vice-President of the All-Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Association of Humane Pedagogy, Head of the Kyiv Department of Humane Pedagogy, Knight of Humane Pedagogy (Kyiv, Ukraine).

12.30 - 13.30 Dinner.

13.30 – 14.00 Acquaintance with the participants of the Readings.

14.00 - 15.30 Section work:

Parent workshop: "Spiritual Parenthood" Presenters: Irina Alekseenko , teacher of additional education, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Elena Semyonova, school psychologist, Marina Filicheva , art history teacher (Maxim Gorky School, Klaipeda, Lithuania).

Creative Lab "The Way to the Future - what is it?" Presenters: Vladimir Khamitovich Gilmanov, Doctor of Philology, Professor of IKBFU I. Kant; Anna Soltys, philologist student. Faculty of the IKBFU I. Kant.

16.00 creative workshop "Spiritualization of class space". Presenter: Maria Nikolaevna Martynets, primary school teacher, MAOU Lyceum No. 49.

16.30 – 17.30 Discussion of the creative results of the Readings.

17.30-18.30 Tea.

18.30 Departure of the Lithuanian delegation.

20.00 Departure of the participants of the Readings to Kaliningrad.

  • Dress - marching.
  • Hot meals are organized in the camp "Olympus".
  • Registration fee - 150 rubles. (except for foreign citizens and students).
  • Members:scientists, university and school teachers, psychologists, parents, teachers of additional education, specialists from the education department of Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine.


“The educator who does not fetter, but liberates, does not suppress, but exalts, does not crumple, but develops, does not dictate, but teaches, does not demand, but asks, will experience many inspiring minutes together with the child, more than once following the struggle with moistened eyes angel with Satan, where the bright angel wins.

Janusz Korczak

International pedagogical readings on humane pedagogy have been held annually since 2002 in Moscow during the winter holidays. Organizers of the Readings: GOU VPO "Moscow City Pedagogical University", International Center for Humane Pedagogy , International Center of the Roerichs, All-Russian Public Organization "Center for Humane Pedagogy", All-Ukrainian Public Association "All-Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Association of Humane Pedagogy", Latvian Association of Humane Pedagogy, Association of Humane Pedagogy of Lithuania, Association of Humane-Personal Pedagogy of Estonia.

The readings are supported by: the Russian Academy of Education, the International League for the Protection of Culture, the Association of Creative Teachers of Russia, the Public Movement "Parental Care", the Shalva Amonashvili Publishing House.

Information support is provided by: "Teacher's newspaper", the newspaper "First of September", the newspaper "Commonwealth", the magazine "Culture and Time", the magazine "Three Keys".

Sh.A. Amonashvili, the permanent organizer and leader of the readings, professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, honorary professor of many universities in Russia and abroad, member of the Expert Council on Educational Problems of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, calls the Pedagogical Readings the steps to enter humane pedagogy.

2002 - First International Pedagogical Readings "Human Pedagogy and Spirituality of Educational Spaces".

2003 - Second International Pedagogical Readings "My smile, where are you?"

2004 - Third International Pedagogical Readings “Why don’t we live our lives as heroes of the spirit?”

2005 - Fourth International Pedagogical Readings “Without a heart, what will we understand?”

2006 - Fifth International Pedagogical Readings “Hurry, children, we will learn to fly!”

2007 - Sixth International Pedagogical Readings "Truth School".

2008 - Seventh International Pedagogical Readings “In the Cup of the child shines the germ of the grain of culture”.

2009 - Eighth International Pedagogical Readings “The true education of a child is in the education of oneself”.

2010 - Ninth International Pedagogical Readings “In order to give the Child a spark of knowledge, the teacher must absorb the sea of ​​Light”.

2011 - Anniversary Tenth International Pedagogical Readings "How to Love Children".

2012 - Eleventh International Pedagogical Readings.

March 22-24, 2013 - Twelfth International Pedagogical Readings "Manifesto of humane pedagogy - the way to the future".

Application form for participation in the Twelfth International Pedagogical Readings (doc)

"Master, inspire me to be creative"

On January 9–11, 2012, the Eleventh International Pedagogical Readings were held at the Moscow City Pedagogical University "Master, inspire me to be creative".

Teachers who gathered from different parts of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Baltic countries reflected on the true essence of the concepts of "creativity", "inspiration". It is no secret that many people attribute these concepts to the sphere of art or science, not seeing their necessity in the daily life of a child, and an adult too.

The participants of the Readings, using their experience as an example, showed the ennobling and uplifting influence of creativity on children, teachers themselves, and on the whole world of education. In the work of laboratories and master classes, in general meetings, there was a serious discussion about the fact that education should not be allowed only on a material basis, that teachers need to learn how to inspire children for the most important creativity - the creativity of constant joyful cognition.

But in order to inspire a student, the teacher himself must be inspired. Together, teachers searched for the secret of this sublime state of mind, sometimes elusive; found out what forces and energies help to find it. They gave their findings to each other with joy: someone is inspired by the ability of children to be surprised at the world, someone is inspired by communication with nature, the latest ideas of advanced science, the desire to think broadly and go beyond their subject, overcoming their fears and fears, someone is inspired obstacles and the labor of recognizing the meaning of habitual concepts.

But, perhaps, the main thing that united all the teachers is the understanding of the need to realize the Higher World and bring the news about it to children. According to Sh.A. Amonashvili: “We will not be able to understand a lot, perhaps the most significant, if we do not believe and feel that there is Living Heaven above us, and we are part of them. From the Living Heavens we receive "manifestations of all inspirations." They, these boundless gifts of the Universe, give us the supermundane state, in which we experience a surge of unusual power of creative forces. The Creative Universe within which we exist is the source of our inspiration for creativity.”

"How to Love Children"

On January 9–11, 2011, the Moscow City Pedagogical University hosted anniversary Tenth International Pedagogical Readings "How to Love Children".

Today, the problems that exist in pedagogy are discussed at many levels. And none of the participants in this discussion has any doubts that our children need new modern schools, and teachers need to continuously improve their professional level in order to clearly organize the educational process.

But it is also absolutely necessary to talk about the most important thing in education - about the child. The fact that he, a child, is not an accident, but a phenomenon in our lives. The child, as a phenomenon, carries within itself its life task, its mission, and possesses the greatest energy of the spirit to fulfill its mission. To reveal as fully as possible, relying on these postulates, all the potential inherent in the child by nature, to educate a noble person in him is the task of humane pedagogy.

The wonderful teacher Sh.A. Amonashvili says that the school will not be able to solve its pressing problems if it does not return a thousand times to how to love children. The educational space should be filled to the brim with the spiritual, refined, wise, inspiring, sacrificial love of educators and teachers for children and students. For humane pedagogy, this is an axiom. But you need to understand - how , exactly how love children and every child, so that love becomes the most effective and kind force of education. We need to understand how the feeling of love improves all participants in the educational process, and how through it we can ennoble the world of education.

This issue - "How to love children" - was devoted to the Tenth International Pedagogical Readings.

From January 31 to February 1, 2018, the Fifth All-Russian Pedagogical Readings on Humane Pedagogy were held in Moscow. Teachers from different regions of Russia these days were united by a common theme: "The family is the bosom of human culture." The organizers of the event note that the topic is really relevant, because in the pursuit of false values, many people forget about the important, eternal, true. About family.

Tatyana, teacher, Moscow

For me, this event is not only a firework of ideas and a sea of ​​new knowledge, it is also a breath of spirituality and sincerity! The energy of the brilliant genius of Shalva Alexandrovich Amonashvili spreads far beyond the hall and passes through the hearts of all his admirers. It is such a pleasant feeling of unity with the speakers, when you pass through every word and agree with them with all your being. Well, numerous like-minded people create an atmosphere of trust and solidarity! Thanks to the master classes of real professionals in their field, I gained invaluable experience and information, with which I now have to work and rethink!

At the opening of the readings, the guests were greeted by the President of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Knight of Humane Pedagogy VV Ryabov. In the course of a rich program, the participants of the event heard an emotional speech by K. Sh. Mansurova, Chairman of the International Public Movement "Parental Care", Knight of Humane Pedagogy (Moscow, Russia) on the topic "The role and importance of the family in the unity of the peoples of the world." The report “A mother's heart is a classroom for a child” - I.K. Pogrebnyak, head of the Latvian Center for Humane Pedagogy, Knight of Humane Pedagogy (Riga, Latvia). M. V. Boguslavsky, Doctor of Pedagogy, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Knight of Humane Pedagogy (Moscow, Russia), in his work “The Family as the Bosom of Education of the Values ​​of Human Culture”, analyzed the models of family education and shared the results with the audience. Sh. A. Amonashvili, Head of the Laboratory of Humane Pedagogy at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Honorary President of the International Center for Humane Pedagogy, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Knight of Childhood (Moscow, Russia) spoke at the meeting of heads of regional centers and delegations.

On the second day of the readings, the guests attended various master classes that gave them a firework of pedagogical ideas and findings. In conclusion, the hymn of humane pedagogy was sounded.

The high level of organization of the Readings is the result of the well-coordinated work of E.N. Chernozemova, Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University, President of the All-Russian Center for Humane Pedagogy, Knight of Humane Pedagogy (Moscow, Russia) and M.I. Shishova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, laureate of the Moscow Mayor's Award, vice-president of the All-Russian Center for Humane Pedagogy, junior researcher at the Laboratory of Humane Pedagogy of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Knight of Humane Pedagogy (Moscow, Russia). I would like to express special gratitude to the director of ISP S.N. Vachkova and Deputy Director of ISP V.M. Ivanchenko for high-quality technical support of the event both at general meetings and at master classes and photo shoots. And, of course, one cannot fail to note the volunteers, masters and bachelors of the IOPS MSPU, whose help was very timely and noticeable.


"School is the gateway to the future"

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

November 28, 2016 marked the 110th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian scientist, philosopher, culturologist, art critic - D.S. Likhachev.

Dmitry Sergeevich left a kind of spiritual testament to humanity, and his “Letters on the Good and the Beautiful” are addressed to children and youth as builders of a new, more spiritually perfect life. Likhachev's anniversary is a worthy occasion to actualize in education the eternal values ​​that he wrote about - kindness, intelligence, happiness, commitment to beauty and noble aspirations, moral attitude to nature. There is no doubt that the decisive role in the development of these qualities in a growing personality belongs to the school.

As part of the anniversary year, D.S. Likhachev February 18, 2017 in Yekaterinburg The Seventh Regional Pedagogical Readings on Humane Pedagogy will be held School is the gateway to the future.

Teachers, class teachers, educators, teachers of additional education are invited to participate in pedagogical readings; heads of educational organizations and their deputies; parents, specialists of educational authorities, as well as everyone who is interested in humane pedagogy, which K.D. Ushinsky associated, first of all, with the development of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.

Purpose of pedagogical readings– to determine the models, directions of organization of the educational process and the educational environment, as well as the forms and methods of education that contribute to the destiny of a person (according to D.S. Likhachev):

- "increase the good in those around us";

- “to have one's own service – service to some cause. Let this thing be small, it will become big if you are faithful to it.

Pedagogical readings are expected to discuss the following issues:

- the image of the school and teacher of the future and the ways of its implementation;

- the role of the teacher and the school in shaping the child's ideas about himself and his place in this world, about his destiny;

- goal-setting and its role in the life of a teacher and a child; ways to achieve aspiration for the future;

- upbringing by one's own example: from an intelligent teacher to an intelligent student;

- we teach and learn to be happy: on the way of pedagogy;

- creativity as the meaning of life; ways of co-creation of the child and the teacher;

- implementation of anticipatory education - education directed to the future;

- humane pedagogy is the key to the harmony of society and nature, the sustainable development of civilization;

- development of ecological and moral culture of children through spiritual and moral qualities, sensory pedagogy (involving the feelings of the child in the educational process).

These questions, of course, do not exhaust the whole gamut of meanings in the problem posed, therefore we rely on your creativity, on your experience.

Pedagogical readings will include plenary session, the work of pedagogical laboratories, lunch and fireworks of pedagogical ideas.

Please note that the format of pedagogical laboratories (unlike the conference) involves:

Joint search, solving pedagogical problems on a certain topic with the inclusion of the experience of participants;

Limited time for participants to speak (up to 5 minutes);

The inappropriateness of reading reports and speeches on topics that are not directly related to the problem under discussion.

Venue for pedagogical readings will be determined by January 20, 2017 and presented on the website, in the group "Human pedagogy in the Urals" in the social network "VKontakte", as well as in additional information letters in the territory.

Scientific supervisor of pedagogical readings– Ivanov Sergey Anatolyevich, head of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "Center for Humane Pedagogy", candidate of pedagogical sciences;

Coordinator– Mochalina Olga Vladimirovna, Head of the Workshop of Pedagogical Creativity, Yekaterinburg.

Regulations for conducting pedagogical readings:

Registration of participants - 9.00 - 10.00.

End of pedagogical readings - 17.00.

Participants of pedagogical readings will be issued certificates of participation; participants in the fireworks of pedagogical ideas were awarded letters of thanks from the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "Center for Humane Pedagogy".

To participate in pedagogical readings, you must send an application before 02/10/2016. according to the form (Appendix 1).

Until 01/07/2017, we accept articles of 3-5 pages (with 1 interval) for publication in accordance with the requirements (Annex 2) in the collection, which will be printed by the beginning of pedagogical readings. Only materials containing own pedagogical experience (or own reflections) on the subject of pedagogical readings(mentioned above), demanded by the pedagogical community. Materials containing information borrowed from the Internet will not be published. The article is sent with a note in the "Subject" column - "Article full name, name of the educational organization."

"PROGRAM 28-29 January 2016 Moscow For the Children of Light - teachers of Light All-Russian Readings on humane pedagogy "TO EDUCATE IN THE MORAL CLIMATE OF MEMORY" PROGRAM January 28-29, 2016 ..."

"Be educated

in moral

climate of memory

Third All-Russian Pedagogical

Readings on Humane Pedagogy


To the Children of Light - teachers of Light

All-Russian Readings

on humane pedagogy




Dear Colleague!

We are glad to welcome you to the All-Russian Pedagogical Readings and look forward to your creative participation in their work

Reading Organizers:

All-Russian Public Organization "Center for Humane Pedagogy"

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University"

Institute of Systemic Projects Laboratory of Humane Pedagogy Moscow Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "Center for Humane Pedagogy"

International Public Movement "Parental Care"

Readings are held on January 28-29, 2016 at the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University"

at the address: Maly Kazenny lane, 5B.

Registration of participants:

Program Group Readings:

M.N. Abramova, V.G. Akimova, T.I. Arkhangelskaya, M.S. Korotkova, K.Sh. Mansurova, G.V. Parshikova, E.N. Chernozemova, M.I. Shishova

Website of the All-Russian Center for Humane Pedagogy: January 28 9.00 – 10.00 Registration of the participants of the Readings 10.00 – 12.00 First general meeting 12.00 – 12.30 Break 12.30 – 14.00 Laboratories 14.00 – 15.00 Lunch 15.00 –16.30 Continuation of laboratory work 16.30 –16.45 Second general meeting 16.45 – 17.45 19.00 Meeting of heads of regional centers and delegations January 29 10.00–11.30 Fireworks of pedagogical ideas and findings 11.30–12.00 Break 12.00–13.30 Master classes 13.30–14.30 Lunch 14.30–16.00 Closing speech by Sh.A. Amonashvili 16.00 –17.00 Summing up Closing of the All-Russian Readings on Humane Pedagogy Participants of the Readings are served by the student canteen.

January 28 10.00 - 12.00 - First general meeting Chairman - E.N. Chernozemova, Doctor of Philology, President of the All-Russian Public Organization "Center for Humane Pedagogy", Knight of Humane Pedagogy.

10.00–10.10. Opening of the All-Russian Pedagogical Readings.

Anthem of Humane Pedagogy.

10.10–10.25. Greeting - V.V. Ryabov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, President of the Moscow State Pedagogical Educational Institution, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Moscow.

10.25–11.40. Greeting - I.M. Remorenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Rector of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Moscow.

10.40–10.55. Greeting - P.Sh. Amonashvili, President of the International Association of Public Associations "International Center for Humane Pedagogy", Tbilisi, Georgia.

10.55–11.30 “Pearls of memory” – Sh.A. Amonashvili, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Humane Pedagogy at the Institute of Systemic Projects of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Honorary President of the International Association of Public Associations "International Center for Humane Pedagogy", Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Knight of Childhood, Moscow.

11.30–12.00. "The genesis of memory education in the spiritual space of humane pedagogy" - M.V. Boguslavsky, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of the History of Pedagogics and Education of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Institute for the Development of Education Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education", Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Education on the History of Education and Pedagogical Science, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Moscow.

Greetings. Announcements. 12.00 – 12.30 Break

12.30 – 14.00 Laboratory work

1. Laboratory "Memory of the teacher"

Leading idea: “Where there is a good teacher, good children grow up there .... And it is very important what kind of memory he leaves about himself” D.S. Likhachev Leaders: E.S. Evdokimova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, Head of the Volgograd Regional Branch of the Center for Humane Pedagogy LLC, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Volgograd; N.M. Novichkova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Ulyanovsk Regional Branch of the Center for Humane Pedagogy LLC, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Ulyanovsk city.

2. Laboratory "Memory of the Spirit, or the Moral Law within me"

Leading idea: “Our birth is only falling asleep and forgetting our common home” W. Wordsworth Leaders: S.Yu. Stepanov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Karelia, full member of the Academy of Social Technologies, leader of the scientific and practical school of reflective psychology and pedagogy of co-creation, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Moscow; E.N. Chernozemova, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, President of the All-Russian Public Organization "Center for Humane Pedagogy", Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Moscow.

3. Laboratory "The prototype of the future in the deep memory of generations"

Leading idea: “Each inhabitant of the Subtle World receives an assignment according to his ability. Not only great commissions are given, but also within the limits of everyday life, where some benefit can be brought. But few people convey the memory of such tasks, which should alleviate karma.

Living Ethics Leaders: K.Sh. Mansurova, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Chairman of the International Public Movement "Parental Care", Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Knight of the Golden Badge "Servant of the Heart and the Rose", Moscow;

O.A. Andaralo, chairman of the Belarusian branch of the International Public Movement “Parental Care”, holder of the gold badge “Servant of the Heart and the Rose, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus.

4. Laboratory "A long echo of memory, or to keep the memory of others is to leave a good memory of yourself"

Leading idea: “Memory is different: good and bad, short and long. But there is still a good memory, the memory of the heart. This is a special memory, it is like a living being inside you. Good memory, memory of the heart, as if your guardian angel, guide, good adviser, ladder of the spirit, path. It is like a support against which you lean of your own free will, and which will not allow you to bend, but will lead you up. This memory is special ... "

Sh.A. Amonashvili Leaders: Kh.Z. Sultanova, Head of the Department of National Educational Policy and Regional Cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chechen Republic, Head of the Chechen Center for Humane Pedagogy, Honored Teacher of the Chechen Republic, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Grozny, Chechen Republic; Z.G. Khamidova, teacher of the German language, MBOU "Mekenskaya secondary school" of the village of Mekenskaya, Naur district, Chechen Republic.

5. Laboratory "Memory of the heart". "Memory is a call to heed,

Memory is the alarm to aspire, Memory is Light to be filled ... "

Sh.A.Amonashvili Leading idea: “Our experience, created by labor and creativity, crystallizes in our personal memory, manifests itself in our manners and actions, in our attitudes and habits, in views and tastes, in preferences and aspirations…” Sh.A. Amonashvili Leaders: G.V. Parshikova, teacher-organizer, teacher of the MHC GBOU "School No. 514", Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Moscow; S.N. Poplavskaya, primary school teacher, Gymnasium No. 1565 Sviblovo, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Moscow.

6. Laboratory “Earthly things are discovered by earthly science, But can it reveal the Miracle of Heaven?” Sh.A. Amonashvili Leading idea: “We preserve the people’s memory, the universal human memory in faith and science, in traditions and culture, in history and philosophy, in art and literature, in education and upbringing, in folk holidays and sacred days of memory.” Sh.A. Amonashvili Leaders: T.I. Arkhangelsk State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State Pedagogical University Institute of Secondary Vocational Education. K.D.Ushinsky College "Izmailovo", teacher, excellent student of education, Laureate of the "Moscow Grant", Chairman of the Moscow branch of the IPM "Parental Care", Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Moscow; O.V. Vorobyov, Moscow State Pedagogical Educational Institution Institute of Secondary Vocational Education.

K.D.Ushinsky College "Izmailovo", teacher, holder of the gold badge "Servant of the Heart and Rose", Moscow.

–  –  –

the main role in the history of the world "P. Coelho T.L. Pavlova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Research Laboratory "Psychology of Children's Giftedness" of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the National State Pedagogical University, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, holder of the Golden Badge of Honor "Property of Siberia"

in the nomination "Science and Education", Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Novosibirsk.

14.00 –15.00 Lunch 15.00 –16.30 Continuation of the work of laboratories 16.30 –16.45 Break 16.45 – 17.45 Second general meeting “The role of family traditions and generational memory in building the future” – K.Sh. Mansurova, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Chairman of the International Public Movement "Parental Care", Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Cavalier of the Golden Badge "Servant of the Heart and Rose", Moscow.

"Memory of the Heart in the Historical and Pedagogical Retrospective" - ​​T.L. Pavlova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Research Laboratory "Psychology of Children's Giftedness" of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the National State Pedagogical University, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, holder of the Golden Badge of Honor "Property of Siberia" in the nomination "Science and Education", Knight of Humane Pedagogy, city Novosibirsk.

"Discovery of the Inner Man" - E.N. Chernozemova, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Cavalier of the Golden Badge "Servant of the Heart and Rose", Moscow.

18.00 – 19.00 Meeting of heads of regional centers and delegations January 29 10.00 –11.30 Fireworks display of pedagogical ideas and findings


Sergey Astakhov, head of the GBOU "School No. 1945" Blue Bird "", Moscow.

Elena Karnikova, educator, SBEI "School No. 356 named after. N.Z.

Kolyada, 3rd year student of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow.

Anzor Aslambekov, English teacher, MBOU "Secondary School No. 2", Valerik village, Chechen Republic.

Svetlana Poplavskaya, primary school teacher, Gymnasium No. 1565 Sviblovo, Moscow.

Daniil Semichev, educator of the SBEI "School No. 354 named after D.M. Karbyshev", 3rd year student of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, holder of the silver badge "Servant of the Heart and the Rose", Moscow.

11.30–12.00 Break 12.00–13.30 Master classes 1. “Our true homeland is our childhood”

Leading idea: Childhood is an inexhaustible source of images that guide a person through life.

Leaders: P.Sh. Amonashvili, director of the children's art center "Basti-Bubu", writer, president of the International Association of Public Associations "International Center for Humane Pedagogy", Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Tbilisi, Georgia.

2. “Memory by the soul…”

Guiding Idea: "Trust in the aspirations of your soul

Purpose, mission, look for the meaning of life, the purpose of life, discover in yourself the gifts and gifts of your spirit, and act:

live, try, experience, suffer, rejoice, make friends, create, give, seek, observe, overcome, overcome .... " Sh.A. Amonashvili Leaders: V.G. Akimova, methodologist, SBEI “School No. 285 named after V.A. Molodtsov”, laureate of the Moscow Mayor’s Prize, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Cavalier of the Golden Badge “Servant of the Heart and the Rose”, Moscow; M.I. Shishova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, laureate of the Moscow Mayor's Award, head of the joint venture GBOU "School No. 1212", vice-president of the All-Russian public organization "Center for Humane Pedagogy", Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Cavalier of the Golden Badge "Servant of the Heart and Rose", Moscow.

3. "Family pantry of memory"

Leading idea: “To love your family, your childhood impressions, your home, your school, your village, your city, your country, your culture and language, the whole globe is necessary, absolutely necessary for the moral settledness of a person. Man is not a steppe tumbleweed plant that the autumn wind drives across the steppe. If a person does not like to look at least occasionally at old photographs of his parents, does not appreciate the memory of them left in the garden that they cultivated, in things that belonged to them, then he does not love them ”D.S. Likhachev Leaders: N .AT. Dodokina, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Educator of the Municipal Educational Establishment Educational Institution "Kindergarten of a General Developmental Type No. 6" Beryozka "", Head of the Parent University, Frolovo, Volgograd Region; E.S. Evdokimova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory for Problems of Education of Parents, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, Head of the Volgograd Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "Center for Humane Pedagogy", Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Volgograd.

4. "Moment of Truth"

Guiding Idea: What is the Moment of Truth? Illumination?

Awakening? Inspiration? Awareness? How to capture Moments of Truth? And how to create them yourself? The Moment of Truth is so necessary for us in the B-OS-NUTRITION of children, because we are so tired of dry moralizing. What does it take for the Moment of Truth to come together? Find and uncover the Moment of Truth.

Leader: M.E. Utkina, master, founder and lead coach of Mentors Studio, a personal development studio for children and teenagers, Moscow.

5. "Bridges of our LIFE - the path to self-knowledge and self-education"

Leading idea: “Children will never forget the one who approached them as an equal. They will keep such a memory for the rest of their lives.”

Leaders: employees of the MAOU "Secondary School No. 14 named after. V.F.

Fufachev" - E.L. Sazanova, director, L.V. Turanova, Deputy Director for educational work, I.G. Smirnova, teacher of additional education, head of the social and educational project "School on Wheels", S.B. Kuklina, primary school teacher, teacher of the course "Writing and speech activity", E.I. Kukushkina, primary school teacher, Serov, Sverdlovsk region.

6. “The parable approach as a tool for preserving the memory of mankind. A look into the future"

Leading idea: “Memory is the most important creative process. Through memory, good experience is accumulated, a tradition is formed, family skills, social institutions are created” D.S. Likhachev Leaders: I.G. Putintseva, director of the MAOU "Educational Center Gymnasium No. 6 "Gornostay"", honorary worker of education of the Russian Federation, deputy of the Council of Deputies, city of Novosibirsk; T.V. Arkhipova, Deputy Director for educational work of the MAOU "Educational Center Gymnasium No. 6" Ermine "", Novosibirsk.

7. “Memory keeps what was, but strives for what should be”

Leading idea: “Out of a holistic series of school lessons, it is necessary that one Lesson be formed - the Lesson of Life”

Sh.A. Amonashvili Leaders: M.N. Abramova, social teacher, SBEI "School No. 1212", academic secretary of the ICGP, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Moscow; T.N. Ermakova, primary school teacher, School No. 1347, Knight of Humane Pedagogy, Moscow.

13.30-14.30 Lunch 14.30-16.00. Closing speech by Sh.A. Amonashvili 16.00–17.00. Summing up the Closing of the All-Russian Readings on humane pedagogy Steps of entry into humane pedagogy 2016 - Fifteenth International Pedagogical Readings "To be brought up in a moral climate of memory"

(Tbilisi, Georgia) 2015 - Fourteenth International Pedagogical Readings "Teacher, show the Way of the Beauty of the Spirit!" (Grozny, Chechen Republic) 2014 - Thirteenth International Pedagogical Readings "Teacher" (Tbilisi, Georgia) 2013 - Twelfth International Pedagogical Readings "Manifesto of humane pedagogy - the way to the future"

(Moscow, Russia) 2012 - Eleventh International Pedagogical Readings "Teacher, inspire me to be creative!" (Moscow, Russia) 2011 - Tenth International Pedagogical Readings "How to love a child?" (Moscow, Russia) 2010 - Ninth International Pedagogical Readings "In order to give a child a spark of knowledge, a teacher must absorb a sea of ​​light" (Moscow, Russia) 2009 - Eighth International Pedagogical Readings "True education of a child in educating themselves" (Moscow, Russia) 2008 - Seventh International Pedagogical Readings "The germ of the grain of culture shines in the Cup of the child"

(Moscow, Russia) 2007 - Sixth International Pedagogical Readings "School Truth" (Moscow, Russia) 2006 - Fifth International Pedagogical Readings "Hurry up, children, let's learn to fly!" (Moscow, Russia) 2005 - Fourth International Pedagogical Readings "Without a heart, what shall we understand?" (Moscow, Russia) 2004 - Third International Pedagogical Readings "Why can't we live our lives as heroes of the spirit?"

(Moscow, Russia) 2003 - Second International Pedagogical Readings "My smile, where are you?" (Moscow, Russia) 2002 - First International Pedagogical Readings "Human Pedagogy and Spirituality of Educational Spaces" (Moscow, Russia) Dear Colleagues!

On January 30, everyone is given the opportunity to visit the following school museums of educational institutions in Moscow.

GBOU "School No. 514", building No. 1.

School Museum of Russian life.

Directions: Metro Kolomenskoye, exit in any direction, A 670, 724,751 to the stop "Kolomenskaya street", or A156, minibus 764M to the stop "School".

Address: Kolomenskaya emb., 16 GBOU School No. 170, structural subdivision No. 170 named after A.P. Chekhov.

1. A.P. School Museum Chekhov. Here you can see rare things, for example, O.L. KnipperChekhova and plunge into the atmosphere in which, in Chekhov's way, everything is fine.

2. School Geological Museum (about 7000 items). Each person has their own stone. Here you will find samples suitable for anyone and maybe you will understand which stone is yours.

3. School Museum of the History of Mathematics. In addition to getting to know the exhibits, you can get acquainted with a variety of mathematical games and try your hand at solving fun and challenging puzzles.

Directions: Metro Belyaevo, exit - the last carriage from the center, to the street to the left, from the metro 5-7 minutes on foot.

Address: st. Profsoyuznaya, 96-B.

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