48 out of 100 what is the score mtsko. Why are mtsko checks needed?

The director of the Moscow school is interested in having teachers who provide high results come to work. That is why the directors invite candidates for the vacant position of "teacher" to provide a certificate with the results of an independent diagnosis. This raises the question of what should be the result, which will be "passing" for work at school.

Now the teacher who has passed the diagnostics brings a certificate to the potential employer, which indicates the percentage of diagnostics completed, that is, the ratio of the sum of the initial points scored by the participant to the maximum number of points.

Passing diagnostics gives a teacher or applicant for this position a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the conditions for conducting independent diagnostics and final state certification, to analyze the content of control and measuring materials compiled according to current specifications.

Logical questions arise: in this case, is there a need to assign points based on the results of work? Is it objective to focus solely on the score obtained in the selection?
The task of the employer in the selection of candidates is to determine the general level of professional competencies. Therefore, it is advisable to indicate in the certificate with the results of the diagnosis the level demonstrated by the participant, and not just dry numbers.

It is clear that the introduction of this form of presentation of results requires considerable effort: analysis of the overall performance, drawing up level scales, but in the end everyone will receive an objective and understandable result for everyone. To do this, it is necessary to form a scale with which it will be possible to rank the results by levels, for example: “below basic”, “basic”, “high”, “expert”.

Teachers with a result corresponding to the level of "below basic" should be treated with special attention. Does this teacher have enough knowledge in the subject?

If a teacher, after receiving a result corresponding to the basic level, really wants to work at a school, he will actively improve his qualifications, come back to the Center for Diagnostics and demonstrate a high result. The resulting list of controlled content elements that are checked during diagnostics can help him in this.

Teachers of Moscow schools today have every opportunity for continuous professional improvement and achievement of a high level. This level will certainly interest many employers.

The presence in an educational organization of teachers who have reached the expert level is necessary to increase its competitiveness and form an expert community.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that students of pre-professional classes work closely with teachers of specialized universities. They compare the level of subject preparation of their school teacher with the level of knowledge of teachers working in research laboratories. It is important to offer teachers of specialized classes such control measuring materials that would be focused not only on the school curriculum, but also on the programs of the first courses of specialized universities.

We sometimes hear that the coach who raised a champion was never one himself. And as if a teacher who prepares children for the GIA does not have to have a high result himself. But any champion himself is fluent in theory and practice. Also, the teacher should be well versed in the subject and teaching methods. Pupils and parents will trust the school where such teachers, educators and educators work.

Vasily LEVCHENKO, Principal of School No. 1206, Chairman of the Association for Educational Quality Management

There are three types of final work in the education system:

  • administrative control and verification work;
  • diagnostic and control work, monitoring of MCKO;
  • final final exams.

Both of them have the same goals.

Firstly, the final works are designed to check the state of the quality of education in educational institutions.

Secondly, thanks to them, the actual level of knowledge of students in certain subjects, their theoretical knowledge and practical skills are revealed.

And, thirdly, the final works are aimed at monitoring the implementation of curricula and calendar and thematic planning in educational institutions.

On the official website of the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education, you can find all the relevant information in the sections related to monitoring and diagnostics.

Organization and conduct of administrative control and verification work in educational institutions

The final work must be carried out strictly according to the schedule approved by the director of schools.

They are held in all subjects, with the exception of music, fine arts, world art culture, physical education and the foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics.

The subject teacher decides what tasks will be in the work, but coordination with the deputy director for educational work is mandatory.

During the test, in addition to the subject teacher, there is an assistant, of the same specialty or from among the administration.

Students write their work on special stamped sheets. The time to complete the tasks is one lesson.

On call, all work is surrendered, no one has the right to detain. If one of the students did not have time to write, such a task will be considered unfulfilled.

The teacher and assistant must check the work within one day. Grades are given according to the requirements.

Diagnostic and control work, monitoring MCKO

Such checks should be planned in advance. Not later than two weeks before the event, teachers and students must be warned.

Testing papers are checked by subject teachers within three days, and monitoring studies are analyzed at the ICAC center.

Educational institutions are obliged not to interfere with the conduct of this kind of verification, but on the contrary, to contribute in every possible way and to organize the conduct as efficiently as possible.

The results are discussed at the pedagogical councils, information and recommendations are made for further effective work.

Works are evaluated according to the system with which the school works. This assessment affects the final score for the intermediate assessment.

Such checks make it possible to objectively check the quality of students' knowledge and the effectiveness of the presentation of knowledge by subject teachers. Schools can apply for independent diagnostics themselves.

Final final exams

Detailed information about this type of final work is presented on the official website of the Regional Information Processing Center of the city of Moscow.

Official website of the Regional Information Processing Center of Moscow - main pageOn this site you can find the entire regulatory framework for exams, schedule, results, training tasks, current news, information on filing appeals. All information is correct and up to date.

To date, there are four types of final final exams:

  • Final essay
  • GIA, OGE and USE
  • Final essay

The final essay can be assigned to schoolchildren of 11 classes. If they participate in the GIA in certain subjects - Russian language or mathematics, then an essay at the end of grade 10 is not assigned.

The results of the final essay can be accepted as admission to the GIA or for admission to educational institutions of higher education. It is carried out in those schools in which graduates directly study.

  • GIA, OGE and USE

State final certification is a general concept for the OGE and the USE. In some sources you can find - GIA-9 (this is the OGE) and GIA-11 (this is the USE). As the names make clear, these are the final final exams for grades 9 and 11, respectively.

Students who do not have academic debts and who have mastered the curriculum in full are allowed to pass the final certification. Marks in subjects should not be lower than "satisfactory".

OGE or GIA-9 is the main state exam, which is taken by schoolchildren who finish the ninth grade. They are required to submit four items.

Without passing them, they will not receive a certificate, which means they will not be able to enter educational institutions of a secondary technical orientation or transfer to the tenth grade.

The subjects required for delivery are the Russian language and mathematics, and the other two are at the choice of the student himself.

The score must be at least “satisfactory”, that is, “3”. The grade for passing this exam affects the grade in the certificate.

The USE or GIA-11 is an exam that graduates of the eleventh grade take. It is called unified, since its results are credited both for assessment at school for a certificate, and for assessment at entrance examinations at higher educational institutions.

Knowledge on the exam is tested from the fifth to the eleventh grade, so they can overlap with tasks in the exam.

Schoolchildren also take four subjects, of which the compulsory ones are Russian and mathematics, and the other two are optional (physics, chemistry, biology, literature, geography, history, social studies, a foreign language - English, French, Spanish, German, computer science and information and communication technologies).

Most often, graduates choose those subjects that they need for admission to higher educational institutions in order to reduce their time and not take them extra. If you do not score the minimum points, then the student does not receive a certificate, but graduates from school with a certificate.

The USE is conducted on the territory of a different school, not the one in which students are directly trained, and by teachers from this school.

Moreover, the exam is held under cameras to exclude any kind of violations both on the part of the students and the organizers.

There is a strict list of items that you can take with you to class. Assistance from teachers is strictly prohibited.

Participants of the examination process will see all tasks for the first time in the first minutes of testing.

The package with them is opened by the teacher in front of the students. Unlike the OGE, the grades here are given in a hundred-point system, where one hundred is the maximum score.

This exam is held throughout the country at the same time on the same day. Any "merging" of information is categorically excluded, all of it is strictly classified. Schoolchildren must submit applications for participation in the USE in selected subjects before March 1 of the current year.

Once all applications have been submitted, a schedule of examinations will be drawn up.

Tasks are complexes of a standardized form, including test tasks and detailed written questions.

Students may be exempted from passing the Unified State Examination or the OGE in a specific subject if they are winners or prize-winners of All-Russian Olympiads, members of Russian national teams participating in international Olympiads.

Additionally, it is possible to take exams on other days if the pass was for a good reason that meets the requirements, or on the same day, according to the schedule, two subjects that were chosen by one student. For such cases, additional days of certification are assigned.

If the student does not agree with the grade, the student may file an appeal within the time limit.

In such cases, a hearing will be scheduled at which the student, together with their teacher, will defend their opinion and, possibly, receive additional points.

All requirements for conducting any kind of final work and tests comply with the requirements of the state educational standard of the federal level, are documented in orders and resolutions. Their implementation is strictly controlled.

Such a system of evaluation of students allows you to objectively and qualitatively test their knowledge and, accordingly, the effectiveness of the work of school institutions.

Alexey Ivanovich, what questions do schools ask most often?
- Despite the fact that this form of work in Moscow has existed for three years already and we constantly give explanations on this procedure, we continue to receive various questions regarding the organization and content of external independent diagnostics.
- Then the first question will be: why should the school participate in diagnostics?
- Each school has a system of internal monitoring of the quality of education. Evaluation of educational achievements of students is the most important part of this process. If such monitoring is focused only on the use of internal materials (tests, dictations) prepared by school teachers, then the teaching staff may develop a subjective picture of the assessment of educational achievements. In addition, in this case, there is no opportunity to compare the successes of their students with the achievements of students of other educational organizations. Thus, participation in independent diagnostics of educational achievements allows schools to receive objective information about the quality of education, compare the results of their students with the results in the city or district, get acquainted with the achievements of the best educational organizations and focus on them. Analysis of errors and shortcomings based on the results of each of the diagnostics allows you to timely adjust the learning process to achieve better results in the future.
- How many classes in parallel should participate in independent diagnostics and who determines this?
- The school itself decides which diagnostics to sign up for and how many classes will take part in it. Since all diagnostics are carried out according to the annual plan, the school administration has the opportunity to familiarize itself with the list of activities even before the start of the school year and include the selected diagnostics in the plan for internal monitoring of the quality of education. Of course, there are extremes here. Some schools strive to get the best results in independent diagnostics and always put up one best class in parallel for all events. Others try to transfer all internal monitoring to the rails of independent diagnostics and declare all classes of this parallel for each diagnostic at once. Of course, one should not adhere to these extremes, because, for example, in the first case, the main goal of independent diagnostics is not achieved - obtaining by the school administration of objective information about learning outcomes. In addition, the schedule of independent diagnostics is such that two events can be held on one day for the same class, for example, in September of this academic year, diagnostics in Russian language and mathematics for the 7th grade were held on September 18, and for the 9th first class - 25 September. It is clear that one class cannot take part in two events at once on the same day, therefore, at each stage, within the framework of one direction of diagnostics (subject or meta-subject), only one class can be declared. In the second case, when the whole parallel (for example, ten classes) is declared for diagnostics, the event becomes extremely costly, because 10 independent observers should come to the school, which is hardly advisable. Since the options for diagnostic work are left at the school, it is better to apply for independent diagnostics of grades 1-2, and then carry out diagnostics on your own using the same materials in other classes.
- The decision on the diagnosis is made by the school, but is it necessary to obtain the consent of the parents to participate in the diagnosis?
- As a rule, independent diagnostics of educational achievements is the same evaluation activity as a test or essay, which is usually carried out by a teacher. In this case, the consent of the parents, as well as for the usual control work, is not required. However, in Moscow, a comprehensive diagnosis of educational achievements in primary school is carried out annually, which involves a survey of children and parents. It uses a variety of personal data, it is not only about educational achievements, but also about the various individual characteristics of students. In order for a child to participate in such a complex diagnosis, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the parents.
- What happens when the administration is interested in objective information about learning outcomes, but does not want bad results to become known outside the school?
- In Moscow, they are implementing not only the principle of voluntary participation in independent diagnostics, but also the possibility for schools to independently decide on saving the results of diagnostics in the citywide information network (Moscow Register of Education Quality - MRKO). Within two weeks after the results of the diagnostics are posted in the MRCS, the administration of the educational organization can analyze the data obtained using the explanations and recommendations of the ICCS specialists, which are posted on the MRCS websites (in personal accounts) and ICCS, and based on the analysis, decide which results to save in the school's portfolio . Such a system allows the school to test weak grades without risking “highlighting” poor results. However, it is worth recalling that if a decision not to include the result in the IRCS has not been made within two weeks, then the results are automatically saved. Sometimes the administration chooses for independent diagnostics those classes in which the teachers teaching this subject plan to undergo certification in the near future. Undoubtedly, this is a very important area, especially since the results saved by the school are automatically included in the portfolio of teachers, and therefore, will be taken into account in the future during certification.
- When registering for diagnostics, MCKO asks for additional information, for example: the names and surnames of students, their marks for the last stage of intermediate certification, textbooks that they use in this class. Is it obligatory to enter these data in the MRKO?
- As for the first part of the question, without a list of students, the ICAC will not be able to post the diagnostic results in the personal accounts of students, which means that their parents will not get access to this information. True, such a need will soon disappear, since MRKO is the information and analytical system of the Department of Education. In this regard, MRKO has already been integrated with the register of institutions of the DOGM, and integration with the Contingent register is planned. Therefore, in the near future, the need to fill in the FI of students when applying for diagnostics will disappear: they will enter the system automatically.
Marks for intermediate certification allow you to assess the compliance of diagnostic results with school grades. Correlation of test results with school grades makes it possible to assess the reliability of measuring materials, ICCS constantly monitors this indicator of test quality. On the other hand, discrepancies of 2 or more points between the results of diagnostics and the school mark signal to the teacher and the school administration about the inconsistency of intra-school assessment with objective test results.
As for the data on the textbooks used, the ICSC conducts an analysis for all participants in the diagnostics as a whole. Correlation analysis also makes it possible to look at the differences in the results of studying certain topics or the formation of certain types of activities in the work of schools according to different educational and methodological sets. This makes it possible to identify the advantages and disadvantages of certain educational and methodological kits (TMK) and, as a result, makes the choice of UMK by teachers more meaningful.
- In what cases can the results of the school be recognized as unreliable?
- The results of an independent diagnosis of a school (or a specific class) may be considered unreliable, we take into account two factors:
analysis of student response forms;
analysis of feedback from independent observers on compliance with testing technology.
The results of the class are recognized as unreliable if the answers to several tasks were corrected in most of the forms. In addition, we use a special program that analyzes the frequency of identical incorrect answers in the class and thus fixes cheating. At the same time, we necessarily take into account the comments set forth by an independent observer in the act of observation: poor discipline, tips from students, non-compliance with testing technology.
- If the day of the diagnostics, which is indicated in the ICAC plan, is not suitable for the school, can it order it for another day?
- Independent diagnostics - the pleasure is by no means free. If the diagnosis takes place, for example, on October 2, then after it has been carried out, the work options are considered open and you can prepare to work with these options, as was the case with the KIM USE options that appeared on the eve of the exams on the Internet. Accordingly, the next day, diagnostics with an independent observer should be carried out using new materials, which leads to additional costs of budget funds. Therefore, it is better to either revise the schedule of your activities and take part in an independent diagnosis on the scheduled day, or conduct it in the internal monitoring mode on another day.
- If the school uses a different program in the subject and the proposed diagnostic does not suit her, can she order a diagnostic with a different content?
- As a rule, subject diagnostics, which are carried out during the academic year, are focused on the programs of the most common educational and methodological kits in the city. In accordance with the assignment of the Department of Education, the MCCS prepares one set of options for each diagnosis. If the school wants to receive individual measuring materials, then it can order them from its own financial resources.
- Who at school decides on the participation of classes in diagnostics?
- In most schools, the plan for internal monitoring of the quality of education and participation in external diagnostic activities are discussed at the teachers' councils, and approved by the school principal. On the basis of this plan, the administrator responsible for work in MRKO declares classes for participation in external diagnostics.
- How should the administration work with a teacher if his class is declared for independent diagnostics?
- Before carrying out diagnostics, it is necessary to ensure that the teacher familiarizes himself with the specification, codifier and demo version in a timely manner. Let me remind you that these documents are posted on the ICSC website already a month before the scheduled diagnostic day. The next important aspect is the preparation of students for the blank form of testing. Here you need to study the instructional materials, which are also posted on the site, and familiarize students in advance with the rules for filling out forms and the features of recording answers to tasks of various types. After receiving the results of the diagnostics, they are automatically uploaded to the classrooms of schools in the MRKO, after which it is necessary to fix the problems found, to ensure that corrective work is organized for all undeveloped content elements or skills. Since all the results are also placed in the students' personal accounts, it is desirable that corrective measures (additional tasks, consultation schedule) are also reflected there, so that parents can see how successfully their child fills the identified gaps. In addition to the instructional and methodological materials posted on the MCKO website in the “Monitoring and Diagnostics” section, the materials of webinars regularly held by the MCCS can help at the stages of preparing and analyzing the results (see the schedule of webinars http://mcko.ru/webinar/) . At webinars, issues related to the content of diagnostic work, the procedure for conducting tests, and analyze the generalized results of diagnostics are discussed. By directly participating in the webinar, the school and teachers can ask their questions, share their experience, and download the recordings of past webinars, use materials for methodological meetings with teachers.
- Suppose that after the diagnosis, the schools received the results for the class. How to determine whether they got a high or low result?
- The recommendations of the ICAC, which are placed in the classrooms of schools in the MRCS simultaneously with the results, contain information about the overall results for the city and explanations for interpreting the results of classes (schools). Among the indicators that the class - a participant in the diagnostics receives, there is an indicator called the "performance ratio". It is determined by the formula: Ri \u003d Xi / Xav., where Xi is the result of the diagnostic work performed by students of this class, Xav. - the result of the work performed on average for all OS involved in such diagnostics. The performance ratio Ri = 1 is the average result of the diagnostic work in general for all educational organizations participating in the diagnostics. The value of Ri >1 means that the results of the class are higher than the average indicators for the city, the most significant are the performance coefficients exceeding 1.2. Ri values< 1 говорят о более низких результатах, чем в среднем по городу, а критическими показателями здесь будут коэффициенты менее 0,8. Кроме этого, необходимо сравнить результаты выполнения по контролируемым элементам содержания или видам деятельности, сравнив их с общегородскими показателями.
- What diagnostics does the ICAC offer for schools making the transition to second-generation standards?
- The system of diagnostic measures of the MCCS involves the use of measuring materials both in accordance with the federal component of the state educational standard, and in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. If only subject tests are developed for the standards of the previous generation, then as an accompaniment to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, schools are offered both subject and meta-subject measuring materials. This academic year, activities are planned for grades 1-4 of primary school, grades 5-6 of basic school and for grades 10 participating in the pilot project for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Here we offer both independent diagnostic procedures and a wide range of measuring materials for internal monitoring of educational achievements in schools implementing the Federal State Educational Standard. To assess meta-subject outcomes, we offer measurement materials in five different areas: diagnostics of cognitive meta-subject skills, interdisciplinary concepts, reading literacy, problem-solving competence, and diagnostics of communication and regulatory skills in the framework of observations of students' project activities. At the beginning of the academic year on the ICAC website, we publish an order of the Department of Education, which indicates not only the name and dates of each diagnostic, but also the assessment of the requirements of which of the standards the event is aimed at.

Information note

The Federal Service for Intellectual Property registered the city of Moscow as the owner of the information and analytical system "Moscow Register of Education Quality" (IAS MRKO), on behalf of which the Department of Education acts (certificate No. 2013661983 dated December 20, 2013).

Why "troika"? We asked this question more than once to a teacher at school, a teacher at a university. They looked at the proven work and did not understand - sincerely did not understand - why "three", what is wrong? Looking back at our school years, we ask ourselves and today's school a question: is it right to put a mark on a child? Isn't such a criterion too categorical, and is such an assessment of knowledge objective?

We talked about the problem of school marks and possible alternatives with the director of the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education Pavel Vladimirovich Kuzmin.

- There are different grading systems: five-point, ten-point, alphabetic. What is the difference?

The grading system is not only a scale for grading, but also, in general, a control relationship between the teacher, student and parents. The variety of systems lies in the fact that in each of them the assessment meets certain criteria.

Each score or letter has a specific weight (or criterion/indicator). When a large range allows you to track the dynamics in detail and set exactly the score that the student deserves at this stage. On the other hand, with an increase in the range of assessment, the requirements for the clarity of the criteria also increase.

There are no grades in elementary school. There are suns and stars. But the essence does not change. The sun is also an estimate. One was given and the other was not. The other got upset. What do you think of it?

Evaluation and mark are different concepts. Evaluation is “information” about learning outcomes. A mark is a sign expression of an evaluation. There is no mark without evaluation. At the same time, an assessment is a tool that does not always translate into a mark. A “verbal” assessment (recommendation, if you like) gives an accurate description of the level of knowledge, but, being translated into a mark, narrows its meaning.

In elementary school, a non-grading system of assessment is used. Supporters believe that it contributes to sustainable psychophysical development - the absence of fear for "ignorance" of the material and getting an unsatisfactory mark. Opponents note a decrease in motivation and delayed parental control.

Yes, there are suns, and stars, and stickers, and prints that you can color in. This is a kind of incentive, encouragement, motivation for learning. The resulting "suns" cause an emotional outburst in children, stimulate learning activities. After all, everyone wants to receive praise, reward for their work, and children are no exception.

They say marks hang labels. An excellent student will not try to become even better, a lagging behind has resigned himself and a three is a dubious motivation for him. What is your attitude to "labels"?

The mark, indeed, can become a factor in the social "stratification" of the class into twos, threes, good students and excellent students. The minus of the mark is that it does not reflect the quality of training: it is not clear what is behind the "troika". Lack of what knowledge and lack of formation of what skills does it show?

Therefore, it is so important to explain in detail the criteria for marking for each type of activity in advance. It is a clear understanding of the criteria that make up the "five" that will give the child an awareness of his shortcomings and mistakes.

It is important to assess the dynamics of educational achievements, compare your past results with the present, how the assessment has changed and why, what has been achieved. It is important that the child himself understands this dynamic and is able to analyze at what stage he made a mistake and what he needs to correct.

You can captivate a child, regardless of his success, the main thing is to create conditions for him, with the help of which he will be able to show his abilities and take a fresh look at learning.

- You yourself carry out diagnostics of students and teachers. How do you evaluate them? How does the system work?

Each task tests knowledge and practical skills. According to the results of the diagnostics, the teacher sees the results of each student: which tasks were completed correctly and which ones were incorrect. Based on the results, the percentage of completion of the task by a particular class is indicated in comparison with the results of all participants in the diagnostics. Topics for which the "educational gap" in the performance of tasks is 10% or more are highlighted in color. Teachers are encouraged to analyze the reasons for this discrepancy.

Thus, diagnostics reveal problems in mastering the material. Among other things, we help to understand whether the child is able to think “metasubjectively” - that is, he understands the topic from the point of view of different disciplines.

- Is it even possible to cancel the marks? Or is it a utopia?

You can cancel the marks, but there is no point in canceling the assessment as a tool for the student and teacher to work together. A qualitative assessment shows the correctness, depth, amount of knowledge, skills.

The assessment process is also important for the teacher: it helps to understand the readiness of students to learn new knowledge, identify the causes of difficulties and errors, and determine the effectiveness of teaching methods and technologies.

Parents also need grades as a measure of their child's progress. But grades cannot be the main indicator of success. We would like parents to look not at grades, but at new knowledge and skills of the child. Parents should see not the marks, but the practical result.

- If the teacher does not put a mark, how does he organize "work on mistakes"?

With “mark-free” learning, two points are fundamental: on the one hand, the teacher notes the progress, success of each child, on the other hand, when evaluating, the teacher does not compare children with each other.

These can be conditional scales: various forms of graphs, tables, “lists of individual achievements”, “technological maps” with types of activities in the lesson, in which achievements are evaluated according to many parameters. Such forms allow you to identify problems at a certain stage and adjust further work, develop an action plan.

What did not come up with to captivate modern children with learning! Multimedia panels, educational projects in museums and parks and much more. Mark - "the last of the Mohicans" of the classical education system. What he “taught”, then he received. If you do not put marks, they will completely relax! Or not?

Evaluation should reflect the level of achievement of goals. This is possible with planning. Students receive a schedule of all control and diagnostic work and criteria for grading. If the student has not reached the lower limit set, he, together with the teacher, must finalize, re-perform the tasks that he did not cope with. Only in case of successful completion of all planned work, the student receives a "credit", i.e. mark of intermediate certification.

If the assessment system is developed jointly by all teachers, spelled out in local acts and brought to the attention of students and their parents, then the self-regulation mechanism begins to operate. Students understand what they must do to be certified in each subject. Such a system brings up responsibility for their results, teaches them to set goals (what level the student plans to achieve) and motivates them to learn.

To the question of "self-regulation". Tell us about the My Achievements app. Why was it created and can it become an assistant as a “tool of independence”?

This is a service of self-assessment, self-training: a student can check his level of knowledge, track the dynamics of success anywhere, at any time. You can evaluate yourself on various subjects. The application includes test papers, assignments from the GIA (USE and OGE), as well as assignments from international studies. The service contains reference materials: periodic table for chemistry, contour maps for geography, and so on.

The service is easy to use, there is no special terminology in it. You can register through social networks. The tasks are very different: the possibility of detailed and short answers, listening, dictations and presentations. Tasks with a detailed answer can be photographed or scanned and uploaded to the system using a QR code through a mobile application. The image will automatically be linked to the participant's work.

- What does performance monitoring look like? This is not a teacher who “sees everything”.

In the application, everything is automated: control of the time to complete the test, control of the remaining tasks. In addition, an automatic reminder function has been developed that it is necessary to take a break. In accordance with the norms of SanPin, intervals are monitored: for students in grades 3-4 - no more than 25 minutes, for students in grades 5-7 - no more than 30 minutes, for students in grades 8-11 - 35 minutes. The system has instructions on how not to subject vision to overload.

How does the app check creative assignments? For example, essays or presentations?

Indeed, tasks are available in the service that only an expert can evaluate. When using a mobile application, the image will be automatically processed and sent to a specialist.

The results of the "automatic" tasks will be available immediately after the completion of testing, and those that require "human" verification - after the examination, within three days.

- In what form do the results come?

The student receives not only information about correct or incorrect answers and the final score, but detailed information on his work: on what topics there are difficulties, what kind of difficulties and how to work on them.

- Does the service have an “exclusive option”? Something that makes the app different from other online tests?

One of the obvious and significant advantages is an online consultation with a specialist. All tasks are developed by experts from the Moscow Center for Educational Quality and specialists in the field of education, including international ones. Each task contains a visual instruction for completion. Students' questions are also answered by experienced experts.

- Intermediate result and plans for the future?

At present, all Moscow schools have received access to the electronic system. More than 10,000 people have already used the service.

Soon the system will be replenished with tasks for all classes in all subjects, the number of “international checks” will be increased, a closed bank of tasks for administrative tests will be created, diagnostics will appear within the medical, engineering and cadet classes. We also plan to create versions of tasks for children with disabilities.

Why MCQE audits are needed Everyone who is involved in primary and secondary education has probably already heard about the Moscow Center for Educational Quality (MCQE) and thought about how objective the assessment of inspectors is. MCKO diagnostics have two goals: firstly, to allow students to practice taking the Unified State Examination and the OGE, and secondly, to check the quality of knowledge that the student receives from teachers and tutors. And here the question arises: why are some teachers and tutors so outraged by the introduction of mandatory checks, if they are confident in their professionalism? It turns out that they lacked knowledge, and the checks are to blame? I explain: the meaning of independent diagnostics is not to check the student, but the quality of education that he receives. MCCS diagnostics are both mandatory and voluntary. In the first case, students take exams within the school. At the same time, the school pays for diagnostics from its own budget and selects subjects in agreement with the parents. If parents have doubts about the impartiality of the school, they can apply to the Center on their own. So if you are not sure about the quality of education or the objectivity of the assessment, take the opportunity and contact the ICAC. This will help not only to find gaps in education and identify the strengths of the child, but also greatly help him cope with the stress of the real state exam in the future.