My typical week in English. A story about my usual day (My daily routine)

I am going to tell you about my working day. First of all let me introduce myself, I`m Leonid. I'm a pupil of 6th form. I study at school number 4 in Apatity.

Morning… I get up at seven o'clock. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. I am glad to see my family at the kitchen. My parents love me and always suppose me. My house is my castle. We sit at the table and have our breakfast together. My family is the best. I love it. Every bird likes its own nest. My family likes different proverbs, and we use them in our every day live. Sometimes we have some little problems in my family, but nobody knows about it. Don't wash your dirty linen in public.

As usual we eat porridge and fruits. Most of all I prefer apples. Mum always says "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". After my breakfast I go to school. It is big and nice. I`m good at many subjects. I think "Knowledge is power`. Usually I have 5-6 lessons. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes. Of cause we have breaks between the lessons. But you know - business before pleasure. My favorite subject is Literature. I am fond of reading "Reading makes a full man. Also I am keen on sports. After my lessons I go to school gym. Richard Steele said "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body".

Evening... As a good student I do my home work. At exactly 8 o`clock we have supper. And the same time my father comes back home. Punctuality is the politeness of kings. At the family table we eat and speak about our last day. I like those hours. East or West, home is best.

At 10 o'clock I go to bed. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

I hope you like my story, may be it`s not interesting, but it is a real day of my life.


I am going to tell you about my working day. First of all, let me introduce myself, I'm Leonid. I am a 6th grade student. I study at school number 4 in Apatity.

Morning …. I get up at seven o'clock. One morning hour is like two evening hours. I am glad to see my family in the kitchen. My parents love me and always support me. My home is my castle. We sit down at the table and have breakfast together. My family is the best. I love her. Each bird praises its nest. My family loves different proverbs and we use them in our life every day. Sometimes we have little problems in the family, but no one knows about it. Do not take dirty linen out of the hut.

We usually eat oatmeal and fruits. Most of all I love apples. Mom always says that "One apple a day is enough for a person not to get sick." After breakfast I go to school. She is big and good. I do well in many subjects. I think "Knowledge is power". I usually have 5-6 lessons. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes. And of course, we have breaks between lessons. But you know, it's an hour of fun. My favorite subject is Literature. I love reading. Reading fills a person. Also I am fond of sports. After school I go to the school gym. Richard Steele said that "Reading is for the mind, but strength training is for the body."

Evening... As a good student, I do my homework. We have dinner at 8 o'clock sharp. And at the same time my father comes home. Accuracy - the politeness of kings. At the family table we eat and talk about the past day. I like these watches. Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

At 10 o'clock I go to bed. Early to bed and early to rise - this makes a person healthy, rich and wise.

I hope you enjoyed my story, it may not be interesting, but this is a real day in my life.

Gudin Leonid

I start my day early in the morning. I usually get up at 7 a.m. and do things that everybody does at this time: washing, having breakfast and working out for 30 minutes. Also, I get my things, like a wallet, keys, backpack and a tablet, and leave home at about 9 o'clock. I don't have a car that's why I go to the bus stop and wait for the bus. It takes 50 minutes to get to my office by it.
My day at work is typical: phone calls, talking to people, answering emails, writing reports and discussing some important issues with my boss. So you can imagine that I have my hands full.
During the day we have a break for lunch. I usually eat in the kitchen with co-workers. Sometimes we play foosball, ping-pong, and video games. Then back to work. I usually leave at 7:15 p.m. After leaving my office I head to downtown where I have dinner with my best friend in our favorite cafe. Then straight from the cafe, I go to the supermarket to buy some food and go home.
While returning home in public transport I always read some interesting tales which I found on the web. I am at home at about half past nine. And the first thing that I have to do is to feed my hungry cat. After that, I can change into more comfortable clothes and prepare supper. I always have a lot of housework to do in the evening, I water the flowers, tidy up my flat and take a shower. Sometimes I watch TV series, Skype to my relatives and play hide-and-seek with my cat. At last, I go to bed at 12.
So now you know how I spend my working day.

Composition on the topic My working day

I start my day early in the morning. I usually get up at 7 o'clock and do what everyone does at this time: wash my face, have breakfast and exercise for 30 minutes. Also, I pack my things like my wallet, keys, my backpack and tablet and leave the house at around 9 o'clock. I don't have a car, so I go to the bus stop and wait for transport. The road to the office takes 50 minutes by bus.
My work day is the same as everyone else's - phone calls, talking to people, answering emails, writing reports and discussing important issues with my boss. So you can imagine how busy I am. During the day we have a break for lunch. I usually eat in the kitchen with colleagues. Sometimes we play table football, table tennis and video games. Then I return to work. I usually leave at 7:15 pm. After leaving the office, I head to the city center, where I have lunch with my best friend at our favorite cafe. Then, straight from the cafe, I go to the supermarket, buy groceries and go home.
Returning home by public transport, I always read interesting stories that I found on the Internet. I'm at home about half past ten. And the first thing I have to do is feed the hungry cat. After that, I can change into more comfortable clothes and cook dinner. I have a lot to do around the house: water the flowers, tidy up my apartment and take a shower. Sometimes I can watch a series, talk to my relatives on Skype and play hide-and-seek with my cat. Finally, I go to bed at 12 at night.
So, now you know how I spend my working day.

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"My Working Day" is one of the basic English topics along with . The story about our daily routine is logically intertwined with the grammatical theme of Present Simple, because everything we do during the day happens on a regular basis. And this is one of the most popular use cases for this.

To compose a story about your ordinary daily routine, you will need special vocabulary that you can learn with the help of cards.

Below are some examples of My Working Day essays for different groups of students.

Example 1: For Primary and Secondary School

I usually get up at 7 o'clock on weekdays. I make my bed, open the window and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom where I clean my teeth and wash my face. If I have enough time, I take a shower. Then I go back to my room where I dress myself and brush my hair. 10 minutes later I have breakfast.

After breakfast I take my bag and go to school. As I live not far from school, it takes me only five minutes to get there. I don't want to be late for the first lesson so I come to school a few minutes before the bell. The lessons begin at eight o'clock in the morning and they are over at half past one in the afternoon.

After classes I go home and have dinner there. After dinner I have some rest, watch TV and play games. Then I do my homework. We have a lot of subjects at school and it takes me about three hours to do my homework. Sometimes I go to the library to get ready for a report. As a rule, I have no free time on my weekdays.

Eight o'clock is the supper time in our family. We all get together in the kitchen and discuss different problems. Twice a week I go to the volleyball class in the evening. At about 10 pm I go to bed.


On weekdays I usually get up at 7 o'clock. I make my bed, open the window and do my exercises. Then I go to the bathroom, where I brush my teeth and wash my face. If I have enough time, I take a shower. Then I return to the room where I dress and comb my hair. Ten minutes later I have breakfast.

After breakfast I take my briefcase and go to school. Since I live near the school, it only takes me 5 minutes to get there. I don't want to be late for the first lesson, so I arrive at school a few minutes before the bell. Lessons start at eight o'clock in the morning and end at half past one.

After school I go home and have lunch. After lunch I have a little rest, watch TV and play games. Then I do my homework. At school, we study a lot of subjects, and preparing homework takes about three hours. Sometimes I go to the library to prepare for a report. As a rule, I do not have free time on weekdays.

In our family, eight o'clock is dinner time. We all gather together in the kitchen and discuss various issues. Twice a week in the evening I go to play volleyball. I go to bed around 10 pm.

Option 2. For high school students and students

I am very busy on my weekdays. My working day begins early in the morning. My studies starts at 8 o'clock, so I have to get up at 7 to be ready for it. I never wake up myself, my mother always wakes me up. Sometimes I do my morning exercises, then I rush to the bathroom. I clean my teeth, wash my face. The cold water makes me feel not so sleepy. Then I go back to my room, make the bed. I switch on my radio, put on my clothes, comb my hair, put a little makeup. By that time my breakfast is ready (my mother cooks it for me).

At a quarter to eight I grab my bag and rush to my school/University. Usually I have six or seven lessons a day, it lasts till 3 o'clock. After each lesson there is a break, so I can talk to my friends or eat my sandwich. After classes I go home. First of all, I need to walk my dog. Then I have my dinner and a little rest.

The teachers give us a lot of homework, so I start doing it about 4:30 pm or 5:00 pm. As a rule, it takes me two or three hours to do my home assignments.
My parents get home at about six o'clock. We watch soap operas on TV, have supper together. We discuss the news, I tell about the lessons and school.
After it, I help my mother to do some work about the house - wash dishes, sweep the floor, clean the room.

Twice a week in the evenings I play tennis. When I do not go to play tennis, I stay home and watch TV, listen to the music, read magazines. Sometimes my friends call me and we go for a walk. At eleven o'clock, tired after a long working day I go to bed and fall asleep.


I am very busy on weekdays. My working day starts early in the morning. My classes start at 8 o'clock, so I have to get up at 7 to be ready on time. I never wake up by myself, my mother always wakes me up. Sometimes I do morning exercises, and after it I rush to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, wash my face. Cold water makes me feel less sleepy. Then I go back to my room and make my bed. I turn on the radio, get dressed, brush my hair, put on some make-up. By this time my breakfast is ready (my mother cooks it for me).

At a quarter to eight I grab my bag and rush to school/university. Classes start at eight, and I don't like to be late.
I usually have six or seven lessons a day that last up to three hours. There is a break after every lesson so I can talk to my friends or eat my sandwich. After classes are over, I go home. First of all, I need to walk the dog. Then I have lunch and rest for a while.

The teachers give us a lot of homework, so I start doing it around 4:30 or 5:00 pm. It usually takes me two to three hours to do my homework. My parents come home around six. We watch soap operas on TV and have dinner together. Then we discuss the news, I talk about the lessons and the school. After that, I help my mother around the house: I wash the dishes, sweep the floor, clean the apartment.

I play tennis twice a week in the evenings. When I don't go to play tennis, I stay at home and watch TV, listen to music or read magazines. Sometimes my friends call and we go for a walk. At eleven o'clock in the evening, tired after a long day at work, I lie down in bed and fall asleep.

Option 3. For adults

On weekdays the alarm-clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins. I'm not an early riser, that's why it's very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. I switch on my radio and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom, take a warm shower, clean my teeth and shave. After that I go to my bedroom to get dressed.

Usually my wife makes breakfast for me. But when she is away on business or just doesn't have to get up early, I make breakfast myself. While having breakfast, I listen to the latest news on the radio.

I leave home at 7.30 and go to the nearest underground station. After earning a degree in logistics, I took a position in a retail distribution center as an assistant manager. It takes me an hour and a half to get to work. But I don't want to waste my time on the train. I've got a small MP3 player and I listen to different texts and dialogues in English. Sometimes I read a book and retell it silently. If I come across an interesting expression I try to memorize it.

I usually arrive at work at ten minutes to nine though my working day begins at 9 sharp. There are always some emails to translate from English into Russian. Sometimes my boss wants me to discuss working issues with our business partners abroad. There are also a lot of phone calls which I have to answer.

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon we have lunch. We usually have lunch in a small cafe just round the corner. At 2 o'clock we come back to work. And we work hard till 5 o'clock. During the working day we also have several short coffee breaks. But sometimes we have no time for them.

I come home at about 7 o'clock in the evening. My family members are usually at home, waiting for me. We have dinner together. Then we sit in the living room, drink tea, watch TV or just talk. Occasionally I have to stay at work till 6 or even 7 o'clock in the evening. When we have a lot of things to do we go to work on Saturdays. So by the end of the week I get very tired. All I can do on Sundays is to sleep till eleven o'clock, watch television, listen to music and read something in English.

And still I always look forward to my next working day because I like my job. I think I get a lot of useful experience.


On weekdays, the alarm clock wakes me up at 6:30 and my work day begins. I don't like to get up early, so it's very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. I turn on the radio and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom, take a warm shower, brush my teeth and shave. After that I go to the bedroom to get dressed.

My wife usually cooks breakfast for me. But when she's on a business trip or just doesn't have to get up early, I make my own breakfast. During breakfast I listen to the news on the radio.

I leave home at 7:30 and go to the nearest metro station. After graduating in logistics, I got a position in a retail distribution center as an assistant manager. It takes me an hour and a half to get to work. But I don't want to waste my time on the train. I have a small MP3 player and listen to different texts and dialogues in English. Sometimes I read a book and retell it silently. If I come across interesting expressions, I try to remember them.

I usually come to work at 8:50, although my working day starts at 9. There are always a few emails to translate from English into Russian. Sometimes my boss wants me to discuss business matters with overseas business partners. There are also many phone calls that I have to answer.

At 1:00 pm we have lunch. We usually have lunch at a small cafe around the corner. At 2 o'clock we return to work. We work hard until 5 o'clock. We also have a few short coffee breaks during the working day. But sometimes we don't have time for them.

I come home around 7 pm. My family members are usually at home waiting for me. We have dinner together. Then we sit in the living room, drink tea, watch TV or just talk. Sometimes I have to stay late at work until 6 or even 7 pm. When we have a lot of work, we go out on Saturdays too. Thus, by the end of the week I am very tired. All I can do on Sundays is sleep until 11:00, watch TV, listen to music and read in English.

I also always look forward to the next working day because I enjoy my work. I think I get a lot of useful experience.

In contact with

I get up at seven o'clock. Then I wash myself, put on my clothes and have breakfast. After breakfast I go to school. I usually have four or five lessons at school. I come home at one o'clock. Then I have dinner. I eat soup, chicken or fish and potatoes. After dinner I do my homework. In the evening I read or watch TV. I go to bed at nine o'clock.


  1. When do you get up?
  2. How many lessons do you have every day?
  3. What do you have for dinner?
  4. When do you do your homework?
  5. What do you do in the evening?

Words and expressions:

to eat soup- have soup
go to bed- go to sleep

My day (translation)

I wake up at seven in the morning. Then I wash, dress and have breakfast. After breakfast I go to school. At school I usually have four or five lessons. I come home at one o'clock. Then I have lunch. I eat soup, chicken or fish and potatoes. After lunch I do my homework. In the evenings I read or watch TV. I go to bed at nine o'clock.


  1. When do you get up?
  2. How many lessons do you usually have?
  3. What do you have for lunch?
  4. When do you do your homework?
  5. What do you do in the evenings?

The infinitive can perform the functions of various members of the sentence in a sentence. The main functions of the infinitive in English are the subject, the part of the simple predicate, the part of the compound verbal predicate, the nominal part of the compound predicate, the object, the definition and the circumstance.

Topic in English My working day (My working day) will be useful not only to those who go to work every day, but also to those who need to be told how their day goes. This text can also be used as topic My profession manager in English.

My working day (My working day) topic in English will help you plan an essay in English and tell in detail about what actions you do every day, how your day starts, how it goes, when you eat and go to bed.

Topic in English My working day can be used by students of schools and universities. The topic of daily routine is one of the most popular, and the topic My working day (My working day) with translation will help you when communicating on this topic.


my working day

My working day starts early in the morning. I get up at 7 a.m., do morning exercises, take a shower, clean my teeth and then I have breakfast. It usually consists of some porridge, two eggs, and some bacon. Then I put all the necessary things like my keys, mobile phone, and my wallet into my bag and go to work by my car. It takes me about 40 minutes to get to my office.

I work as a sales manager, so I have to make a lot of phone calls, answer emails, talk to people, attend meetings and write reports. So you can see that I`m constantly very busy.
At 1 p.m. we have a break for lunch. I usually eat in the canteen with my co-workers. We have a nice chat and even play table games from time to time. At 2 p.m. we go back to work.

I usually leave the office at 6.15 p.m. I meet with my best friend at the shopping mall, we have dinner at the cafe and then we buy some food in the supermarket.

While driving home I listen to my favorite radio station. I come home at about 9.30 p.m. If I`m not too tired, I do my domestic chores: I clean the flat, water the flowers, wash the dishes, do my laundry and prepare some food. Then I take a shower and read in bed or watch my favorite TV show. Then I turn off the light and fall asleep.


My work day

My working day starts early in the morning. I get up at 7 am, do my exercises, take a shower, brush my teeth and then have breakfast. My breakfast usually consists of porridge, two eggs and bacon. Then I put all the necessary things in my bag, such as keys, mobile phone and wallet, and drive to work. The journey takes me 40 minutes.

I work as a sales manager, so I have to make a lot of phone calls, answer emails, communicate with people, attend meetings and write reports. You can conclude that I am constantly busy.

At one o'clock we have a break for lunch. I usually eat in the cafeteria with colleagues. We have nice conversations and even play board games from time to time. At 2 o'clock we return to work.

I usually leave work at 6:15. I meet my best friend at the mall, we have dinner at a cafe and then we buy food at the supermarket.

While I'm driving home, I listen to my favorite radio station. I arrive home around 9:30. If I'm not too tired, then I do housework: I clean the apartment, water the flowers, wash the dishes, wash the clothes and cook. Then I take a shower and read in bed or watch my favorite TV show. Then I turn off the light and go to sleep.