Presentation on stress relief at work. Ways to quickly relieve stress

Our life is accelerating. And a huge burden falls on a child in adolescence. In order for you to cope with stress, you need to learn to recognize when and what emotions, feelings can cause stress and how to deal with it.

Pay attention to this moment. If your mind is constantly occupied by disturbing thoughts, for example: "I'm worried about ..., I'm worried about ..."; if you constantly make involuntary movements such as curling your hair, biting your nails, shifting from foot to foot, these are signs of nervousness. Therefore, you must learn to take care of yourself, to recognize them.

9 ways to help your teen deal with stress

1 . You don't have to deal with everything alone. If you have too many responsibilities, you can ask your parents, brothers and sisters, friends to help you. Even a simple heart-to-heart talk about how many problems you have will already provide some emotional support.

6. You can start a diary in which you will describe your feelings, thereby materializing them on paper, freeing yourself from them and understanding what was behind them.

Or you can try to depict your negative emotions with the help of paints, and then destroy this drawing.

Don't forget the saying that

"Business people who don't know how to deal with stress die young."

Remember, that:

The most important thing in life is the ability to develop a certain frame of mind, a positive attitude towards the world around.

A person suffers not so much from what is happening, but from how he evaluates what is happening.


Each person has the ability of AUTO-REGULATION - you just need to be able to use it in a timely manner.

Man is not helpless in the face of stress.

The concept of stress The concept of stress Stress is a non-specific response of the body to any demand placed on it. Stress (English - tension). Introduced by the Canadian physician and biologist Hans Selye in 1936. Stress is a non-specific response of the body to any requirement placed on it. Stress (English - tension). Introduced by the Canadian physician and biologist Hans Selye in 1936.

Stress is our body's natural response to external stimuli. Often noise, conflict situations at work and in the family are the causes of stress. It should be noted that as long as our body is able to respond to these stimuli, there is no need to worry, but if the body succumbs to these aggressors and cannot withstand their "pressure", you should be wary.

"Signs of stress" anxiety, anxiety, fear, fear, tension, tension, uncertainty, uncertainty, confusion, confusion, depression, depression, defenselessness, defenselessness, panic, pallor or redness, panic, pallor or redness, increased heart rate, increased heart rate, shivering, shaking, sweating, sweating, dry mouth, dry mouth, difficulty breathing, difficulty breathing, dilated pupils, dilated pupils, muscle stiffness, muscle stiffness, difficulty swallowing, difficulty swallowing, stomach cramps. stomach spasm.

Ways to deal with stress: Ways to deal with stress: eat regularly and exercise; eat regularly and exercise; avoid excessive consumption of caffeine, which can cause feelings of restlessness and agitation; avoid excessive consumption of caffeine, which can cause feelings of restlessness and agitation; do not smoke or take drugs; do not smoke or take drugs; develop self-confidence, for example, express your feelings in a politely assertive way: I get angry when you yell at me. Please stop screaming develop self-confidence, for example, express your feelings in a politely assertive way: I get angry when you yell at me. Please stop screaming

Ways to deal with stress: Ways to deal with stress: learn to deal with complex tasks, for example, divide the task into several small ones; learn how to cope with complex tasks, for example, divide the task into several small ones; get rid of the negative mood: replace negative thoughts about yourself with alternative neutral or positive ones: replace the phrase My life will never get better Although I am in a hopeless situation, but if I make an effort, everything will change for the better; get rid of the negative mood: replace negative thoughts about yourself with alternative neutral or positive ones: replace the phrase My life will never get better Although I am in a hopeless situation, but if I make an effort, everything will change for the better; learn to accept a positive result of work, not an ideal one, stop demanding perfection from yourself and others; learn to accept a positive result of work, not an ideal one, stop demanding perfection from yourself and others;

Ways to deal with stress: Ways to deal with stress: take a break: listen to music, talk with friends, play with your pet; take a break: listen to music, talk with friends, play with your pet; form a circle of friends who can help and encourage you. form a circle of friends who can help and encourage you. Switch to something good, remember happy moments. Switch to something good, remember happy moments. Remember, we are strong when we believe in ourselves. Remember, we are strong when we believe in ourselves.

A set of exercises 1. Grasp the seat of the chair you are sitting on with both hands, strain and stretch up. Count to six, lower your arms along your torso and relax. 1. Grasp the seat of the chair you are sitting on with both hands, tighten and stretch up. Count to six, lower your arms along your torso and relax. 2. Bring your hands behind your head and press firmly on the neck at the base of the skull, while counteracting this pressure. 2. Bring your hands behind your head and press firmly on the neck at the base of the skull, while counteracting this pressure. 3. Massage your fingers - from the base to the tips. Men massage the left hand first, while women start with the right hand. 3. Massage your fingers - from the base to the tips. Men massage the left hand first, while women start with the right hand. 4. Inhale slowly (mentally counting to six), hold your breath for two seconds, exhale slowly (by counting to twelve). 4. Inhale slowly (mentally counting to six), hold your breath for two seconds, exhale slowly (by counting to twelve).



1.1. Stress symptoms (A)

1.2. Consequences of stress (B)

1.3. Causes of stress (A)


2.1. Life Methods (C)

2.2. Active protection (V)

2.3. Relaxation (V)


3.1. Stress at work (A)

3.2. Stress Management Techniques (A)

3.3. Techniques for stress relief (C)


Written version of the presentation

Half a century ago, Hans Selye introduced the concept of stress, which forced scientists to reconsider generally accepted views on human interaction with the environment.

There is a lot of talk these days about the stress of administrative or supervisory work, pollution, retirement, physical stress, family problems, or the death of a relative. But how many of the passionate debaters who defend their strong beliefs bother to search for the true meaning of the term "stress" and its mechanisms? Most people have never thought about the difference between stress and distress!

Most of us have probably experienced stress. But what are the actual symptoms that confirm that the body is under stress? What effect can long-term stress have on our body? Let's try to answer these questions here.

From a physiological point of view, stress is a biochemical reaction of our body to emergency and emergency situations. When some kind of threat arises or something causes extreme excitement, the oldest part of our brain - the so-called "reptilian consciousness" - reacts when it sends certain information substances that enable us to better cope with such emergencies. It is this process that we subsequently perceive as stress.

In fact, it wouldn't be a problem for us at all. If not for one but. If we are too often under stress, it can lead to physical and mental problems. However, we must understand the following for ourselves: Stress is a reasonable reaction of our body.

But for us, a state of prolonged stress can be dangerous and indeed fraught with risk.

In this case, stress can indeed lead to organic and psychological problems and cause the development of various diseases. What are the effects of prolonged stress on the body?


High blood pressure

Heart disease


Stomach ache



Sexual violations

What are the symptoms of stress?

General activation of the sympathetic nervous system: that is, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, blood pressure rises, breathing speeds up, sweating begins, heart rate increases, etc. are all typical symptoms of resistance and flight in an anxious situation.

Excitation of the pituitary gland and the adrenal cortex system (leads, for example, to the release of the hormones cortisone and corticosterone (stress hormones).

Increased release of catecholamines (NA, A and serotonin) as well as cortisone and corticosterone.

An increase in free fatty acids, because accumulated reserves are used up under stress.

An increase in the concentration of gastric juice.

So: stress is the body's response to extreme conditions that violate the emotional calmness and balance of a person.

When stress continues for a long time, migraines, high blood pressure, back pain, diabetes mellitus, and impotence may occur against the background of severe irritation of the nervous system.

What is the cause of stress?

Experts believe that any situation to which a person reacts with strong emotional arousal can cause stress. It should be borne in mind that stress can cause both positive emotions, such as the birth of a child, marriage (marriage) and negative ones - the loss of a job, the death of a loved one. Situations that provoke stress can also be of a minor nature (a long wait in line or in a traffic jam).

All sorts of adverse factors that occur in our lives every day cause a stress response. It turns out that stress is not some very rare phenomenon, like, for example, a flood or a solar eclipse. Stress, in fact, either continues or occurs quite often. However, minor stress is an inevitable, but completely harmless phenomenon. Only excessively frequent or too strong stresses can greatly deplete the body's adaptive system, which in turn may well cause psychosomatic diseases.

A person whose adaptive resource is insufficient, and the body can no longer successfully withstand stress, becomes passive. He has a feeling of depression, helplessness, hopelessness. In fact, we know how to “handle” such situations. Men, as a rule, climb into a bottle to get out of such a state, women have a more “humane” way - discharge with the help of violent crying. However, there is a clear imperfection in these methods of stress relief. There are two more, much more useful.

Active protection against stress. It is necessary to change the field of activity and find something more suitable for spiritual harmony, contributing to the improvement of health (music, sports, collecting, etc.).

Active relaxation (relaxation) is considered the most effective, with its help the natural adaptation of the human body, both mental and physical, increases.

We are happy when we are not sick, everything is fine in our family and at work. And it does not matter whether a person works in a ministry or raises children at home, if he does not like what he does and the work does not bring pleasure, then happiness will be incomplete.

Of course, work is stressful. Especially when you are working on a serious project, and suddenly the computer turns off when you stay after a working day, to finish the work for colleagues who have gone on vacation, when employees and the boss do not allow you to live in peace, and so on.

Not all stress is bad though. Positive stress improves work performance. Established project deadlines stimulate and organize. Adrenaline, released before the oral presentation, allows you to speak more emotionally, and the report sounds livelier. Positive stress provides a sense of satisfaction by making work fun.

The hardest part of dealing with stress in an organization is not making employees feel intrusive. A good solution is to purchase a corporate membership for sports. In addition to relieving stress, it provides an opportunity for employees to bond. However, not every person after a hard day's work will agree to physical activity. Other forms of corporate events aimed at team building are also useful. Not every person can correctly assess their emotional state and take appropriate measures. Therefore, the anti-stress effect should be based on professional experience and knowledge. These qualities are possessed by a qualified psychologist.

Recently, it has become common to conduct corporate psychological trainings aimed at reducing the impact of stress and strengthening ties in the team. This method has a number of disadvantages: the unavailability of psychologist services at the time of need, relatively high cost, subjectivity. A significant barrier to using the services of a psychologist is the prevalence in society of a stable stereotype against professional assistance in this area. Most people will react painfully to the offer of the employer to visit a psychologist.

The use of medicines has a number of similar disadvantages, the most terrible of which is that some can be harmful to health.

Another method is the use of technical means. Modern technology can analyze and correct the emotional state of a person due to the presence of biofeedback. The use of technology is not associated with such subjective factors as the mood of a specialist or his competence. Unlike a psychologist, devices are available exactly at the moment when it is needed. Their use often does not make a person feel that he is sick and is being treated. It is worth noting the high speed of the session (15-20 minutes).

A stress relief method acceptable for use in companies should meet the following requirements:

pursue preventive goals;

Create a comfortable environment, avoiding the atmosphere of a medical office;

Adapt to specific needs;

Integrate into corporate systems;

Use several recovery methods;

Be designed for independent use.

The best solution for a company in the fight against stress will be a combination of the use of technical means to quickly solve problems that have arisen and various forms of corporate recreation and sports.

Name: " Stress. How to deal with stress?» — presentations.
Bychek T.V., Chetvergova L.N.
Year: 2012
Number of slides: 11 and 26
Format: presentation in ppt format. (rar archive).
Size: 4.15 Mb
Good quality

Stress in literal translation from Latin means tension, load.

During stress, the human adrenal glands produce the hormone adrenaline, which makes the human body work to its fullest.

The natural release of the hormone into the blood occurs in a situation of danger, physical exertion, emotional arousal and many other factors that require concentration, coordination of well-coordinated work of the whole organism.

Stress is needed to save lives, to make difficult decisions immediately.
Didn't you somehow manage to avoid an accident, not burn yourself with boiling water, catch a falling child?

All these “miracles” were created by stress.
However, what to do if the body is always in “combat readiness”?
Prolonged excitement, even positive, leads to one result - the exhaustion of the nervous system.

So you need to know how stress occurs and how to control it.

The profession of a teacher in its negative impact on the physical and mental health of a person is second only to the professions of a miner, surgeon, civil aviation pilot and policeman.

The educational process in a modern school leads to professional burnout associated with manifestations of apathy, depression, and emotional exhaustion.

Research shows:
up to 80% of teachers are in a state of increased anxiety. All this leads to apathy, pessimism, professional burnout, and a decrease in the effectiveness of the educational process.

Presented presentations contain information about methods of dealing with stress and burnout syndrome.

  • What is stress and why is it needed?
  • Hans Selye founder of the doctrine of stress
  • Levels and Causes of Stress
  • Consequences of negative influence
  • Methods of first aid with.
  • How to express your feelings?
  • Resolving conflicts with the help of OPVC
  • Self-regulation and relaxation skills

Stress (from English,
stress - tension),
tension state,
occurring in humans
or an animal under the influence
strong influences.

people's life is constantly
experience great stress or
small. (Accidentally pushed into
bus, late for the control,
got a deuce, does not call
beloved, quarreled with
neighbor, fell ill, etc.)
strength test, push
overcoming difficulties.
problem to be solved,
can be stressful for a person.

Types of stress

human activity
becomes less
successful, and look at
the world is more
Man experiencing
unbridled joy,
delight in your
Eve stress

The reasons:

Occurs as a result of prolonged
Man forced for a long time
be in a state
- danger;
- nervous;
- physical overvoltage;
- constant anxiety and;
- excitement.

Types of stress:


How to deal with stress
Do not accumulate bad emotions, splash out
them (cry to a friend in a vest,
cry, cry alone).
About some problem, it's better not to
beat in hysterics - let the problem
rest until morning. (Morning is wiser than evening.
Take a break from anxious thoughts for an hour,
do some business.
Focus on what's in
good of your life.

Change something in your life
(hairstyle, buy a new thing, tie
scarf in a special way, rearrange the furniture in
your room, etc.)
B vitamins
Physical exercise
Relaxation (muscle relaxation)
Expand your social circle
with new people
communication with nature,
favorite animals

Slow count up to 10 times

between the numbers
be at least two seconds. For
convenience we believe
1 (two, three);
2 (three, four);
3 (five, six), etc.

Relaxation (balance
breath, create a feeling
heaviness in the head, shoulders, arms,

Please yourself as much as possible
what can make you happy. Maybe
maybe it will be a good book or
the smell of your favorite perfume, chocolate or
bath with fragrant herbs.
Remember and feel your
previous feelings from these
pleasant things.

Breathing exercises: Inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth 3 times longer than inhalation. Repeat 6-7 times.

Another option: holding your breath
If you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown
and do not control yourself, the exercise will give
relief. Breath holding is necessary
produce on exhalation. Sit with your elbows on
back against the back of a chair, or lie on your back.
Exhale slowly and pinch your nose with both
fingers. Hold your breath for as long as possible
circles before the eyes. The harm of such a delay
will not.