Themes and problems of Russian literature of the 19th century. Final word of the teacher

The nineteenth century in Russian literature is the most significant for Russia. In this century, A.S. began to show their creativity. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.N. Ostrovsky. All their works are unique and carry great meaning in themselves. Even to this day, their works are held in schools.

All works are usually divided into two periods: the first half of the nineteenth century and the second. This is noticeable in the problems of the work and the visual means used.

What are the features of Russian literature in the nineteenth century?

The first is that A.N. Ostrovsky is considered to be a reformer who brought a lot of innovations to dramatic works. He was the first to touch on the most exciting topics of that time. Not afraid to write about the problems of the lower class. Also, A.N. Ostrovsky was the first to be able to show the moral state of the souls of the heroes.

Secondly, and I.S. Turgenev is known for his novel Fathers and Sons. He touched on the eternal themes of love, compassion, friendship and the relationship between the old generation and the new.

And, of course, this is F.M. Dostoevsky. His themes in his works are extensive. Faith in God, the problem of small people in the world, the humanity of people - all this he touches on in his works.

Thanks to the writers of the nineteenth century, today's youth can learn kindness and the most sincere feelings through the works of great people. The world was lucky that in the nineteenth century these talented people were born and lived, who gave all mankind new food for thought, discovered new problematic topics, taught sympathy for their neighbor and pointed out the mistakes of people: their callousness, deceit, envy, renunciation of God, humiliation of another person and their selfish motives.

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The 19th century is one of the most significant in Russian literature. It was this era that gave the world the names of the great classics, who influenced not only Russian, but also world culture. The main ideas inherent in the literature of this time are the growth of the human soul, the struggle between good and evil, the triumph of morality and purity.

Difference from the previous century

Giving a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it can be noted that the previous century was distinguished by a very calm development. Throughout the previous century, poets and writers sang of the dignity of man, tried to instill high moral ideals. And only at the end of the century more daring and bold works began to appear - the authors began to focus on human psychology, his experiences and feelings.

Reasons for flourishing

In the process of working on homework or a report on the topic “General characteristics of Russian literature of the 19th century”, a student may have a natural question: what caused these changes, why was literature able to reach such a high level of development? The reason for this was social events - this is the war with Turkey, and the invasion of Napoleonic troops, and the abolition of serfdom, and public reprisals against oppositionists. All this led to the fact that completely new stylistic devices began to be applied in literature. Working on a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it is worth mentioning that this era rightfully went down in history as the "Golden Age".

Orientation of literature

Russian literature of that time was distinguished by a very bold formulation of questions about the meaning of human existence, about the most pressing socio-political, moral and ethical problems. The significance of these questions she deduces far beyond the limits of her historical epoch. When preparing a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, one must remember that it became one of the most powerful means of influencing both Russian and foreign readers, gaining fame as an influential force in the development of education.

Epoch phenomenon

If it is necessary to give a brief general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it can be noted that the common feature of this era was such a phenomenon as "literary centrism". This means that literature has become a way of conveying ideas and opinions in political disputes. It has become a powerful tool for expressing ideology, defining value orientations and ideals.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether this is good or bad. Of course, giving a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, one can reproach the literature of that time for being too "preaching", "mentoring". Indeed, it is often said that the desire to become a prophet can lead to inappropriate guardianship. And this is fraught with the development of intolerance towards dissent of any kind. Of course, there is some truth in such reasoning, however, when giving a general description of Russian literature of the 19th century, it is necessary to take into account the historical realities in which the then writers, poets, and critics lived. AI Herzen, when he found himself in exile, described this phenomenon as follows: "For a people who have been deprived of freedom of speech and self-expression, literature remains almost the only outlet."

The role of literature in society

Almost the same thing was said by N. G. Chernyshevsky: “Literature in our country still concentrates the entire mental life of the people.” Pay attention to the word "yet" here. Chernyshevsky, who argued that literature is a textbook of life, still recognized that the mental life of the people should not be constantly concentrated in it. However, "for now", in those conditions of Russian reality, it was she who took on this function.

Modern society should be grateful to those writers and poets who, in the most difficult social conditions, despite persecution (it is worth remembering the same N. G. Chernyshevsky, F. M. Dostoevsky and others), with the help of their works contributed to the awakening of a bright man, spirituality, adherence to principles, active opposition to evil, honesty and mercy. Considering all this, we can agree with the opinion expressed by N. A. Nekrasov in his message to Leo Tolstoy in 1856: “The role of a writer in our country, first of all, is the role of a teacher.”

Common and different in the representatives of the "Golden Age"

When preparing materials on the topic “General characteristics of Russian classical literature of the 19th century”, it is worth saying that all representatives of the “Golden Age” were different, their world was unique and peculiar. Writers of that time are difficult to sum up under any one general image. After all, every true artist (this word means a poet, a composer, and a painter) creates his own world, guided by personal principles. For example, the world of Leo Tolstoy is not similar to the world of Dostoevsky. Saltykov-Shchedrin perceived and transformed reality differently than, for example, Goncharov. However, representatives of the "Golden Age" also have a common feature - this is responsibility to the reader, talent, a high understanding of the role that literature plays in human life.

General characteristics of Russian literature of the 19th century: table

The "Golden Age" is the time of writers of completely different literary movements. To begin with, we will consider them in a summary table, after which each of the directions will be considered in more detail.

GenreWhen and where did it originate

Types of works

RepresentativesMain features


17th century, France

Ode, tragedy, epic

G. R. Derzhavin (“Anacreotic Songs”), Khersakov (“Bakharian”, “Poet”).

The national-historical theme prevails.

The ode genre is predominantly developed.

Has a satirical twist

SentimentalismIn the second half XVIII in. in Western Europe and Russia, most fully formed in EnglandTale, novel, elegy, memoir, travelN. M. Karamzin (“Poor Liza”), early work of V. A. Zhukovsky (“Slavyanka”, “Sea”, “Evening”)

Subjectivity in assessing the events of the world.

Feelings come first.

Nature plays an important role.

A protest is expressed against the corruption of high society.

The cult of spiritual purity and morality.

The rich inner world of the lower social strata is affirmed.


Late 18th - first half of the 19th century, Europe, America

short story, poem, tale, novel

A. S. Pushkin (“Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “Boris Godunov”, “Little Tragedies”), M. Yu. Lermontov (“Mtsyri”, “Demon”),

F. I. Tyutchev (“Insomnia”, “In the Village”, “Spring”), K. N. Batyushkov.

The subjective prevails over the objective.

A look at reality through the "prism of the heart".

The tendency to reflect the unconscious and intuitive in a person.

Gravity for fantasy, the conventions of all norms.

A penchant for the unusual and the sublime, a mixture of the high and the low, the comic and the tragic.

The personality in the works of romanticism aspires to absolute freedom, moral perfection, to the ideal in an imperfect world.

RealismXIX c., France, England. Story, novel, poem

Late A. S. Pushkin (“Dubrovsky”, “Tales of Belkin”), N. V. Gogol (“Dead Souls”), I. A. Goncharov, A. S. Griboyedov (“Woe from Wit”), F. M. Dostoevsky ("Poor People", "Crime and Punishment"), L. N. Tolstoy ("War and Peace", "Anna Karenina"), N. G. Chernyshevsky ("What to Do?"), I. S. Turgenev (“Asya”, “Rudin”), M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (“Poshekhon stories”, “Gogolevs”),

N. A. Nekrasov (“Who should live well in Russia?”).

At the center of a literary work is objective reality.

Realists seek to identify causal relationships in events.

The principle of the typical is used: typical characters, circumstances, specific time are described.

Usually realists turn to the problems of the present epoch.

The ideal is reality itself.

Increased attention to the social side of life.

Russian literature of this era was a reflection of the leap that was made in the previous century. The "Golden Age" began mainly with the flowering of two currents - sentimentalism and romanticism. Since the middle of the century, the direction of realism has been gaining more and more power. Such is the general characteristic of Russian literature of the 19th century. The tablet will help the student to navigate the main trends and representatives of the "Golden Age". In the process of preparing for the lesson, it should be mentioned that the further socio-political situation in the country is becoming more and more tense, contradictions are growing between the oppressed classes and the common people. This leads to the fact that in the middle of the century the development of poetry somewhat calms down. And the end of an era is accompanied by revolutionary sentiments.


This direction is worth mentioning, giving a general description of Russian literature of the early 19th century. After all, classicism, which arose a century ago before the beginning of the "Golden Age", primarily refers to its beginning. This term, translated from Latin, means "exemplary" and is directly related to the imitation of classical images. This direction arose in France in the 17th century. At its core, it was associated with absolute monarchy and the establishment of the nobility. It is characterized by ideas of high civic topics, strict observance of the norms of creativity, established rules. Classicism reflects real life in ideal images that gravitate towards a certain pattern. This direction strictly adheres to the hierarchy of genres - the highest place among them is occupied by tragedy, ode and epic. It is they who illuminate the most important problems for society, are designed to reflect the highest, heroic manifestations of human nature. As a rule, "high" genres were opposed to "low" ones - fables, comedies, satirical and other works that also reflected reality.


Giving a general description of the development of Russian literature of the 19th century, one cannot fail to mention such a direction as sentimentalism. The voice of the narrator plays an important role in it. This direction, as indicated in the table, is characterized by increased attention to the experiences of a person, to his inner world. This is the innovation of sentimentalism. In Russian literature, Karamzin's "Poor Lisa" occupies a special place among the works of sentimentalism.

Noteworthy are the words of the writer, which can characterize this direction: "And peasant women know how to love." Many argued that an ordinary person, a commoner and a peasant, is morally superior in many respects to a nobleman or a representative of high society. Landscape plays an important role in sentimentalism. This is not just a description of nature, but a reflection of the inner experiences of the characters.


This is one of the most controversial phenomena of Russian literature of the Golden Age. For more than a century and a half, there have been disputes about what lies at its basis, and no one has yet given any recognized definition of this trend. The representatives of this trend themselves emphasized the originality of the literature of each individual people. One cannot but agree with this opinion - in every country romanticism acquires its own features. Also, giving a general description of the development of Russian literature of the 19th century, it is worth noting that almost all representatives of romanticism stood up for social ideals, but they did it in different ways.

Representatives of this movement dreamed not of improving life in its particular manifestations, but of the complete resolution of all contradictions. Many romantics in their works are dominated by the mood of fighting evil, protesting against the injustice reigning in the world. Romantics also tend to turn to the mythological, fantasy, folk tales. In contrast to the direction of classicism, a serious influence is given to the inner world of a person.


The purpose of this direction is a truthful description of the surrounding reality. It is realism that matures on the soil of a tense political situation. Writers begin to turn to social problems, to objective reality. The three main realists of this era are Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Turgenev. The main theme of this direction is life, customs, events from the life of ordinary people from the lower classes.

(with presentation)

1. Introduction. The concept of the literary process + presentation
2. Russian literature in the context of national history. The main themes and problems of Russian literature of the XIX century.
3. Classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism. The Origin of Realism in Russian Literature in the First Half of the 19th Century.

Russian romanticism


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  7. The problem of the people and power in the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov".
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Gogol Nevsky Prospekt.

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Bazarov and the nihilists.
Bazarov through speech.
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Conflict between fathers and children.
Image of Bazarov.
An event with game elements based on Turgenev's work
Bazarov and parents

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  • Introduction.
  • Russian literature of the 19th century
  • in the context of world culture.
  • The main themes and problems of Russian literature of the XIX century.
  • I am insanely proud of not only the abundance of talents born in Russia in the 19th century, but also their astonishing diversity.
  • M Gorky
How do you understand the words of M. Gorky?
  • How do you understand the words of M. Gorky?
  • What talented writers and poets is M. Gorky talking about?
  • Exercise.
  • Remember and name the most significant works created in the 18th and early 19th centuries.
  • 17.05.17
Difficult and cruel were the conditions in which advanced Russian literature developed. The feudal system left its mark on all areas of Russian life. A heavy political oppression reigned in the country. Tsarist censorship ruthlessly suppressed free speech. The greatest figures of Russian literature were persecuted, many of them ended their lives tragically.
  • Difficult and cruel were the conditions in which advanced Russian literature developed. The feudal system left its mark on all areas of Russian life. A heavy political oppression reigned in the country. Tsarist censorship ruthlessly suppressed free speech. The greatest figures of Russian literature were persecuted, many of them ended their lives tragically.
  • 17.05.17
Nevertheless, Russian literature reached in the XIX century. amazingly bright flowering and took one of the first places in Europe.
  • Nevertheless, Russian literature reached in the XIX century. amazingly bright flowering and took one of the first places in Europe.
  • The feudal regime caused discontent among the broad peasant masses. Throughout the 19th century a mighty democratic revolution was ripening in Russia.
  • The best works of Russian literature and art arose on the crest of this democratic upsurge; they indirectly, and sometimes directly reflected
  • dissatisfaction of the masses, their indignation at the oppression of serfs.
  • 17.05.17
Russian literature grew in a tense ideological struggle. Progressive writers and artists, animated by the ideas of freedom, waged a constant struggle with the writers of the reactionary-monarchist, and then the bourgeois-liberal direction, who defended the social system of their time or were inclined to only slightly reform it.
  • Russian literature grew in a tense ideological struggle. Progressive writers and artists, animated by the ideas of freedom, waged a constant struggle with the writers of the reactionary-monarchist, and then the bourgeois-liberal direction, who defended the social system of their time or were inclined to only slightly reform it.
  • 17.05.17
  • Decembrists on the Senate Square.
Literature played an enormous role in the development of advanced ideas, it was the sphere in which advanced thought was able to manifest itself especially strongly and energetically. “Among a people deprived of public freedom, literature is the only tribune from which he makes the cry of his indignation and his conscience heard,” Herzen wrote.
  • Literature played an enormous role in the development of advanced ideas, it was the sphere in which advanced thought was able to manifest itself especially strongly and energetically. “Among a people deprived of public freedom, literature is the only tribune from which he makes the cry of his indignation and his conscience heard,” Herzen wrote.
  • 17.05.17
  • 17.05.17
  • Russian artists were not separated from what was happening abroad.
  • They responded to social events in Western Europe, mastered the advanced achievements of art and literature. The extraordinary intensity and rapid growth of Russian culture led to the fact that the currents that developed in
  • literature and art of Western Europe for several centuries, existed in Russia at the same time, intertwined with each other.
  • E. Manet. Portrait of Emile Zola
  • 17.05.17
  • Classicism, which found perfect expression in various spheres of Russian art, developed in parallel with the romantic trend, and at the same time, already in the 1920s, the features of realism were determined in Russia, which became the leading trend in the literature of the 19th century.
  • The Patriotic War of 1812 and the patriotic upsurge associated with it gave a powerful impetus to the development of Russian national culture. The most educated estate in Russia was then the nobility. Most of the cultural figures of this era are from the nobility or people who are somehow connected with the nobility culture.
At the beginning of the XIX century. literature becomes the leading area of ​​Russian culture, which was facilitated primarily by its close connection with the progressive liberation ideology. Pushkin's ode "Liberty", his "Message to Siberia" to the Decembrists and "Answer" to this message of the Decembrist Odoevsky, Ryleev's satire "To a temporary worker" (Arakcheev), Lermontov's poem "On the Death of a Poet", Belinsky's letter to Gogol were, in fact, , political pamphlets, militant, revolutionary appeals that inspired the progressive youth. The spirit of opposition and struggle inherent in the works of progressive Russian writers made Russian literature of that time one of the active social forces.
  • At the beginning of the XIX century. literature becomes the leading area of ​​Russian culture, which was facilitated primarily by its close connection with the progressive liberation ideology. Pushkin's ode "Liberty", his "Message to Siberia" to the Decembrists and "Answer" to this message of the Decembrist Odoevsky, Ryleev's satire "To a temporary worker" (Arakcheev), Lermontov's poem "On the Death of a Poet", Belinsky's letter to Gogol were, in fact, , political pamphlets, militant, revolutionary appeals that inspired the progressive youth. The spirit of opposition and struggle inherent in the works of progressive Russian writers made Russian literature of that time one of the active social forces.
  • 17.05.17
The intelligentsia, originally made up of educated people of two privileged classes - the clergy and the nobility, is increasingly actively involved in the formation of Russian national culture. If in the XVIII - first half of the XIX century. the leading role in culture belongs to the noble intelligentsia, then
  • The intelligentsia, originally made up of educated people of two privileged classes - the clergy and the nobility, is increasingly actively involved in the formation of Russian national culture. If in the XVIII - first half of the XIX century. the leading role in culture belongs to the noble intelligentsia, then
  • in the second half of the 19th century. - raznochintsy. The composition of the raznochintsy intelligentsia (especially after the abolition of serfdom) comes from peasants. In general, raznochintsy included educated representatives of the liberal and democratic
  • bourgeoisie, who belonged not to the nobility, but to the bureaucracy, the bourgeoisie, the merchant class and the peasantry. This explains such an important feature of the culture of Russia in the 19th century as the process of its democratization that has begun. The number of writers, poets, artists, composers, scientists from the unprivileged classes, in particular from the serfs, but mainly from among the raznochintsy, is increasing.
  • 17.05.17
  • Raznochinets
Even against the backdrop of all the richest world classics, Russian literature of the last century is an exceptional phenomenon. It could be said that it is like the Milky Way, clearly standing out in a sky strewn with stars, if some of the writers who made up its glory did not look more like dazzling luminaries or independent "universes". The names alone of A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Gogol, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy immediately evoke ideas about vast artistic worlds, a multitude of ideas and images that are refracted in their own way in the minds of new and new generations of readers. The impressions produced by this "golden age" of Russian literature were beautifully expressed by T. Mann. speaking of its "extraordinary internal unity and integrity", "the close cohesion of its ranks, the continuity of its traditions".
  • Even against the backdrop of all the richest world classics, Russian literature of the last century is an exceptional phenomenon. It could be said that it is like the Milky Way, clearly standing out in a sky strewn with stars, if some of the writers who made up its glory did not look more like dazzling luminaries or independent "universes". The names alone of A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Gogol, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy immediately evoke ideas about vast artistic worlds, a multitude of ideas and images that are refracted in their own way in the minds of new and new generations of readers. The impressions produced by this "golden age" of Russian literature were beautifully expressed by T. Mann. speaking of its "extraordinary internal unity and integrity", "the close cohesion of its ranks, the continuity of its traditions".
  • 17.05.17
“We all came out of Gogol's Overcoat,” Dostoevsky figuratively remarked, characterizing Gogol's influence on the development of Russian literature.
  • “We all came out of Gogol's Overcoat,” Dostoevsky figuratively remarked, characterizing Gogol's influence on the development of Russian literature.
  • 17.05.17
  • At the beginning of the XX century. Gogol receives worldwide recognition and from that moment on he becomes an active and ever-increasing figure in the world artistic process, the deep philosophical potential of his work is gradually realized.
  • 17.05.17
  • The end of the noble period of the liberation movement, and the beginning of the Raznochinsk, bourgeois-democratic, could not but have a serious impact on the development of the Russian democratic camp of literature. She took decisive steps towards democratization, approaching the combative and topical issues of public life. The final demarcation of the liberal and democratic tendencies in the Russian social movement led to a regrouping of forces in literature as well.
  • The writers are employees of the Sovremennik magazine.
  • 17.05.17
  • In the 1950s, the Sovremennik magazine united around itself the greatest democratic and liberal-minded writers. By the end of the 1950s, moderate writers finally broke with the magazine, and it became the organ of revolutionary democracy. Chernyshevsky became the ideological leader of the journal. The revolutionary-democratic camp in literature was also represented by Herzen, Dobrolyubov, Nekrasov, Saltykov-Shchedrin. They were opposed by writers who gravitated towards liberal and moderately monarchist views. The most significant of them were Turgenev and Goncharov. However, the urgent need for bourgeois-democratic reforms and the presence of a democratic upsurge in the country in a number of cases helped these artists to preserve the depth and strength of social criticism in their work.
  • N.A. Nekrasov - editor of the Sovremennik magazine.
  • Literary magazine "Contemporary"
Major events of the 19th century The main themes of Russian literature of the 19th century
  • 1825 - 1855 - the main question: “Who are we? What is happening to us?
  • A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"
  • 1855 - 1861 - the main question: "Who is to blame?"
  • I.S. Turgenev "Notes of a hunter", I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Provincial essays"
  • 1861 - 1881 - the main question: "What to do?"
  • N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?", F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
Socio-political struggle in the second half of the 19th century
  • Revolutionaries - Democrats
  • Westerners
  • Populists
  • Slavophiles
  • Opposed:
  • autocracy;
  • religion;
  • serfdom
  • Defended:
  • autocracy;
  • orthodoxy;
  • serfdom
  • Strived:
  • to the liberation of the peasants;
  • to the introduction of the republic
  • Defended:
  • - loyalty to the principles of autocracy, but did not accept Nikolaev's despotism
They were united by the thought: “Russian life needs fundamental changes” How to conduct them?
  • Revolutionaries - Democrats
  • Westerners
  • Slavophiles
  • Revolutionaries - Democrats
  • Westerners
  • Slavophiles
  • Salvation of Russia only in revolution
  • Russia needs reforms from above, without revolution
In the literature, the socio-political confrontation is reflected in the struggle of two directions:
  • critical realism
  • "natural school"
  • "pure art"
  • “The period from 1856 to 1880 is the time of the greatest achievements of Russian critical realism of the 19th century” (D.D. Blagoy)
  • The theorists of "pure art" romanticized the sublime and beautiful, contrasted the "eternal" in art with the "topical", urged to be far from "worldly excitement"
  • Writers of democratic convictions grouped around the Sovremennik magazine
Major problems in 19th century literature
  • good and evil;
  • guilt and punishment;
  • peace and war;
  • the energy of man and his inaction;
  • wisdom and frivolity;
  • love and alienation;
  • despotism and slavery;
  • labor and idleness;
  • body and soul;
  • faith and skepticism.
  • The main trends in literature of the 1st half of the 19th century
  • classicism
  • sentimentalism
  • romanticism
  • realism
  • pre-romanticism
  • novel genre
  • (A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, V. F. Odoevsky);
  • historical novel (A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol).
  • Russian realism of the second half of the 19th century, without losing its social sharpness, goes to philosophical questions, poses the eternal problems of human existence. The literature of this period felt acute anxiety for the fate of man at that stage of history, when, in violation of religious truths, a fanatical faith arose in science, its absolute impeccability, in the possibility of eliminating social imperfection.
  • The lessons of Russian classical literature have not yet been learned. We are only making our way to their comprehension, passing through the bitter experience of the historical upheavals of the 20th century. We all have something to think about.

Lesson 1.

Topic: The main themes and problems of Russian literature of the 19th century. Artistic discoveries of Russian classic writers.

Purpose: to characterize the historical development of Russia in the 19th century, to give a general description of the literature of the 1st half of the 19th century, to identify the main stages in the development of Russian classical literature, the evolution of literary trends and genres.

I would like to start with the lines of Ivan Bunin's poem "The Word"

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -
Only the word is given life:
From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard,
Only letters are heard.

And we have no other property!
Know how to save
Though to the best of my ability, in the days of anger and suffering,
Our immortal gift is speech .

Answer the questions:

    Why does the word "Writing" begin with a capital letter?

    What is a "world graveyard"?

    What is the idea of ​​the first quatrain?

    Which line of the second quatrain, in your opinion, contains the idea of ​​the whole poem? Explain your point of view.

Literature allows us to carry human thought through the millennia, linking distant ancestors and their modern descendants.

The study of works of literature in high school takes place in the context of the historical and literary process. What he really is?

What literary trends in the 19th century successively replaced each other? What names of writers do you associate with a particular literary movement?

It is the works of these writers that make up the golden fund of Russian literature. The 19th century is the golden age of literature. Please note that the historical and calendar age do not match. What event ends the historical golden age of literature?

Historical and literary process closely related to the development of society. It reflects both the eras through which humanity has passed on its historical path (for example, the era of Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, etc.) and the artistic trends or trends developed by the culture of different periods (for example, classicism, romanticism, realism).

Classicism (Fonvizin, Griboyedov), sentimentalism (Karamzin), romanticism (Zhukovsky, Lermontov), ​​realism (Pushkin)

World War I

The main themes and problems of Russian literature of the 19th century:

Look at the table, which outlines the works studied in grade 9. Determine the range of problems that interested the writers of that time



    Spiritual and moral quest of a person

    Appeal to the people in search of a moral ideal

    Fighting social injustice and human oppression

    The Problem of "Righteousness"

Features of Russian literature of the 19th century:

    "Teaching" mission of Russian literature. Its task is to form national self-consciousness, to determine spiritual and moral guidelines. The main idea: the conviction that changes for the better depend primarily on the moral health of a person, on his spiritual growth, and not on the restructuring of the existing social order.

    High ideology, awareness of his high destiny and responsibility to society, the writer is the spiritual leader of the nation, defender, savior.

    Publicism and satirical nature of literature. Literature is the leading form of social consciousness, i.e. incorporates philosophy, politics, aesthetics, etc.

    The humanistic nature of literature, a consequence of this - attention to the common people;

    Historicism of literature -the ability to convey the appearance of a particular historical era in living pictures, concrete human destinies and characters.

    Russian literary criticism as a special literary phenomenon (Chernyshevsky, Pisarev, Dobrolyubov)

The rapid development of journalism ("Contemporary", "Notes of the Fatherland", "Russian Word"

Lesson summary