The influence of biorhythms on the human body. Daily biorhythm: definition, concept, influence on organs, norms and pathologies, disrupted rhythms and examples of their recovery

Biological rhythm is one of the most important tools for studying the time factor in the activity of living systems and their temporal organization.

The repeatability of processes is one of the signs of life. At the same time, the ability of living organisms to sense time is of great importance. With its help, daily, seasonal, annual, lunar and tidal rhythms of physiological processes are established. Studies have shown that almost all life processes in a living organism are different.

The rhythms of physiological processes in the body, like any other repetitive phenomena, have a wave-like character. The distance between the same positions of two oscillations is called a period, or a cycle.

Biological rhythms or biorhythms are more or less regular changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes. The ability for such changes in vital activity is inherited and found in almost all living organisms. They can be observed in individual cells, tissues and organs, in whole organisms and in populations. [

We highlight the following important achievements of biorhythmology:

  • 1. Biological rhythms are found at all levels of organization of wildlife - from unicellular to the biosphere. This indicates that biorhythm is one of the most common properties of living systems.
  • 2. Biological rhythms are recognized as the most important mechanism for regulating body functions, providing homeostasis, dynamic balance and adaptation processes in biological systems.
  • 3. Provisions on the temporary organization of living systems are formulated, including
  • - man - one of the basic principles of biological organization. The development of these provisions is very important for the analysis of the pathological states of living systems.
  • 4. Biological rhythms of the sensitivity of organisms to the action of factors of a chemical (among them drugs) and physical nature have been discovered.

This became the basis for the development of chronopharmacology, i.e. ways of using drugs, taking into account the dependence of their action on the phases of the biological rhythms of the functioning of the body and on the state of its temporal organization, which changes with the development of the disease.

5. Patterns of biological rhythms are taken into account in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Biorhythms are divided into physiological and ecological.

Physiological rhythms, as a rule, have periods from fractions of a second to several minutes. These are, for example, the rhythms of pressure, heartbeat and blood pressure. There are data on the influence, for example, of the Earth's magnetic field on the period and amplitude of the human encephalogram.

Ecological rhythms coincide in duration with any natural rhythm environment. These include daily, seasonal (annual), tidal and lunar rhythms. Thanks to ecological rhythms, the body is oriented in time and prepares in advance for the expected conditions of existence. So, some flowers open shortly before dawn, as if knowing that the sun will soon rise. Many animals hibernate or migrate before the onset of cold weather. Thus, ecological rhythms serve the body as a biological clock.

The biorhythms of the body - daily, monthly, annual - have practically remained unchanged since primitive times and cannot keep up with the rhythms of modern life. Each person during the day clearly traced the peaks and recessions of the most important life systems. The most important biorhythms can be recorded in chronograms. The main indicators in them are body temperature, pulse, respiratory rate at rest and other indicators that can only be determined with the help of specialists. Knowing the normal individual chronogram allows you to identify the dangers of the disease, organize your activities in accordance with the capabilities of the body, and avoid disruptions in its work.

The most strenuous work must be done during those hours when the main systems of the body function with maximum intensity. If a person is a "dove", then the peak of working capacity falls on three o'clock in the afternoon. If the "lark" - then the time of the greatest activity of the body falls at noon. "Owls" are recommended to perform the most intense work at 5-6 pm.

Having an understanding of the basic biological rhythms, one can consider the influence of biological rhythms on a person's ability to work.

Near-annual (circannual) rhythms are called, corresponding to the change of seasons, i.e., annual or seasonal, bearing in mind that these rhythms, like circadian ones, do not differ in rigid period stability. These rhythms are caused by the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Seasonal rhythms were formed in the course of natural selection and entrenched in the natural structures of the body. Spring is a rather difficult time of the year, more suicides are committed in spring, depression is more common in people with an unbalanced psyche. Autumn is the best season for a person. Annual rhythms are characteristic of all physiological and mental functions. Mental and muscular excitability in people is higher in spring and early summer, in winter it is much lower. Metabolism, blood pressure, pulse rate change significantly: it becomes less frequent in spring and autumn, and becomes more frequent in winter and summer. In the circa-annual rhythm, the working capacity of a person changes in autumn, it is the greatest. Therefore, for the implementation of creative ideas, no doubt, autumn is good. Summer is best used for hardening, building endurance.

Consider the influence of the monthly, weekly and daily cycle on the performance of the human body.

The monthly cycle, in contrast to the weekly cycle, exists objectively in the surrounding nature. This is the so-called sidereal month - 27 1/3 days - the period of rotation of the Moon around the Earth and 29 1/2 days - the synodic month - the time from one new moon to another. All monthly cycles are somehow connected with the rhythm of sexual activity. At the same time, about monthly cycles affecting the entire body cause greater stability of the female body, since the oscillatory mode in females trains their physiological systems and functions, making them more stable.

We know well that the main action of the Moon on the Earth is connected with

the interaction of their masses (the law of universal gravitation), which manifests itself in the form of ebbs and flows in rivers and seas, as well as with the shielding of the Earth by the Moon from the electromagnetic radiation of the sun or an additional flow in the form of reflected light. It is important to know and take into account hypertensive and hypotensive patients.

So, hypertensive patients should beware of the full moon, when the blood rushes to the head as much as possible, and hypotensive patients should beware of the new moon, when the blood rushes to the legs.

At the change of the lunar phases, it is necessary to take breaks in work to replenish strength, as well as take short breaks in work at the peaks of the phases. Therefore, it is advisable to plan the load at work during the monthly cycle, in accordance with biological rhythms, because. on the critical days of the cycle, efficiency decreases and the general well-being of the body worsens.

In the weekly rhythms, the social (exogenous) component is emphasized - the weekly rhythm of work and rest, in accordance with which the functional functions of our body change.

The dynamics of working capacity is influenced by the weekly rhythm: on Monday, workability occurs after the weekend, the maximum working capacity is observed in the middle of the week, and by Friday, fatigue is already accumulating, fatigue and working capacity are falling. Therefore, on Monday and Friday, the workload should be reduced at the expense of other working days. The weekly biorhythm affects not only physiological, but also mental processes, or rather, the holistic flow of both. That is why a particularly successful routine is the one when the physical and intellectual activity of a person alternately intensifies. The weekly rhythm streamlined labor activity, adapting it to the physical capabilities and needs of the body. This rhythm is not accidental, and the struggle with it is the struggle of a person with his own, but not yet known laws.

Of course, one cannot live strictly according to the schedule, but it is quite possible to take into account the peculiarities of each day and, in accordance with this, control oneself. When distributing the workload, keep the following in mind:

  • a) do not plan labor exploits on Monday. Monday is the day of conflicts, heart attacks and strokes;
  • b) active action days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday;
  • c) Friday is a day of calm, routine work that does not require stress and stress.

The change of day and night, the season leads to the fact that human organs also rhythmically change their activity. The daily cycle is one of the main cycles that affect human performance.

A person's well-being largely depends on how the mode of work and rest corresponds to his individual biorhythms. The activation of organs is subject to the internal biological clock. With the energy excitation of the body, the main organs interact, adjusting them to each other, and to changes in the environment. The full cycle of energy excitation of the organs is completed in approximately 24 hours. Moreover, the maximum activity of organs lasts about two hours. It is at this time that human organs are better amenable to therapeutic effects.

Below is the time of maximum activity of a person in his daily biorhythm:

  • - liver - from 1 to 3 am;
  • - light - from 3 to 5 o'clock in the morning;
  • - large intestine - from 5 to 7 in the morning;
  • - stomach - from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning;
  • - spleen and pancreas
  • - iron - from 9 to 11 am;
  • - heart - from 11 to 13 hours of the day;
  • - small intestine - from 13 to 15 hours of the day;
  • - bladder - from 15 to 17 hours of the day;
  • -kidneys - from 17 to 19 pm;
  • - circulatory organs, genitals - from 19 to 21 pm; -
  • - organs of heat generation - from 21 to 23 o'clock at night;
  • - gallbladder - from 23 to 1 o'clock in the morning.

The value of circadian rhythms can be used to increase, as well as to reduce the doses of drugs, since even small dosages are absorbed to the maximum during the period of organ activity. In addition, you must be very attentive to your health during the working day, in accordance with the biological maximum activity of the organ prone to any disease, try to avoid stress and excessive stress during this time.

In addition, as noted above, the rapidly developing science of biorhythmology today divides people into large groups depending on who gets up and goes to bed when. Traditionally, these groups are called by analogy with birds that lead a lifestyle similar to humans: "larks", "owls" and "doves".

Characteristic signs of a "lark": maximum efficiency in the morning, adherence to generally accepted norms, non-conflict, love of peace, self-doubt, the presence of psychological problems.

"Lark" - an introvert: closed on himself.

By nature, larks are conservatives. Changing the mode of work or lifestyle is painful for them, but the larks are very categorical, and if they decide on something, they do not change their decisions. Often larks are tyrants, pedantic and straightforward. Nevertheless, larks in the business environment are always highly respected precisely for these qualities, plus for punctuality and unprecedented performance during the day. biological rhythm performance cycle

Early risers have no problem waking up. Just waking up, they are ready to get down to work or arrange a general cleaning. They tend to turn on the TV in the morning, crawl under a cold shower and run around the streets. All this tones up the body, already prepared for early activity.

They wake up abruptly, without the help of an alarm clock, and go to work without pumping themselves up with coffee.

"Owls" are markedly different from "larks". Peaks of working capacity in "owls" were revealed in the evening (at night), they easily adapt to changing regimes, the forbidden sleep zones are shifted to a later time. These people easily relate to successes and failures, are not afraid of difficulties, emotional experiences, they can be attributed to extroverts - people whose interests are directed to the outside world. "Owls" are more stress-resistant, although under equal conditions they are burdened with a large bouquet of diseases.

There are not so many real owls - only about 40% of the total population of our state. Owls live according to internally conditioned, endogenous rhythms. Owls really do better to go to bed later, as they have their most productive period at the beginning of the night. In the right hemisphere at this time, they have a focus of excitation, which contributes to creativity.

Unfortunately, the biorhythm of owls is such that there is practically no way to move them to strenuous actions in the midst of a working day.

Experts call "doves" people whose biorhythms and indicators are between those of "larks" and "owls". In "pigeons" the peak of activity of physiological functions falls on the daytime hours.

Accordingly, physical activity during charging of the "pigeons" should be somewhat less than that of the "larks", but more than that of the "owls".

The simplest and at the same time quite effective way to assess the adequacy of the load is the state of health after charging.

Knowing your own physical biorhythm (duration 23 days) should be especially interesting for those who are engaged in physical labor in any form - professionally (masseur, dancer, builder, etc.) or, for example, in sports. Such people feel the influence of the physical biorhythm better. As a rule, in the higher phase, a person feels full of energy, enduring, physical work does not require large expenditures of energy, everything works out.

The emotional rhythm (duration 28 days) affects the strength of our feelings, internal and external perception, intuition and the ability to create.

This biorhythm is especially important for those people whose professions are connected with communication. In the lifting phase, a person is more dynamic, tends to see only the pleasant aspects in life. He turns into an optimist. Working in contact with other people, he achieves good results, is able to do a lot of useful things.

The intellectual rhythm (duration 33 days) primarily affects the ability to work according to a plan using mental abilities.

This applies to logic, intelligence, learning ability, the ability to foresee this or that event, combinatorics, internal and external orientation - in the literal sense of "presence of spirit." Teachers, politicians, referents, journalists and writers are well aware of the "pendulum" of this biorhythm. It is easy to imagine what effect it has at the stage of recovery: support for any intellectual activity, good assimilation of educational material and information. The person is able to concentrate. If you attend a professional development seminar, then it will be much more useful in the upswing phase than in the downswing phase.

Each of these rhythms reaches its highest phase at half its length. Then it drops sharply down, reaches the starting point (critical point), and enters the decline phase, where it reaches the lowest point. Then it rises again, where a new rhythm begins.

Critical days are of particular importance for each biorhythm. They mark the critical time, which can last several hours, sometimes a whole day or even more. Their influence on the body, thoughts and feelings can be compared with the influence that a change in climate has or the movement of energy in one direction or another during the full moon. By the way, the critical points of the emotional rhythm usually fall on the day of the week when you were born.

The influence of biorhythms occurs constantly, they permeate us, give strength or completely deprive us of energy. All three biorhythms are connected with each other and with other factors (health, age, environment, stress, etc.).

The relationship of the body, feelings and spirit leads to the fact that the impact of each of them cannot be interpreted unambiguously, from this point of view, each person is individual.


biorhythm medical performance athlete

People have known about the existence of biological rhythms since ancient times. Already in the "Old Testament" instructions are given on the correct way of life, nutrition, alternation of phases of activity and rest. Scientists of antiquity wrote about the same: Hippocrates, Avicenna and others.

The science that studies the role of the time factor in the implementation of biological phenomena and in the behavior of living systems, the temporal organization of biological systems, the nature, conditions for the occurrence and significance of biorhythms for organisms is called chronobiology. It is one of the directions formed in the 1960s. section of biology-chronobiology. At the intersection of chronobiology and clinical medicine, there is the so-called chronomedicine, which studies the relationship of biorhythms with the course of various diseases, develops treatment and prevention schemes for diseases taking into account biorhythms, and studies other medical aspects of biorhythms and their disorders.

The founder of chronobiology - the science of biorhythms, is considered to be the German physician Christopher William Hufeland, who in 1797 drew the attention of colleagues to the universality of rhythmic processes in biology: every day life repeats itself in certain rhythms, and the daily cycle associated with the rotation of the Earth around its axis regulates life all living things, including the human body.

The first serious scientific research in this area began to be carried out at the beginning of the 20th century, including by Russian scientists I.P. Pavlov, V.V. Vernadsky, A.L. Chizhevsky and others. By the end of the 20th century, the fact of the rhythmicity of the biological processes of living organisms was rightfully considered one of the fundamental properties of living matter and the essence of the organization of life. But until recently, the nature and all the physiological properties of biological rhythms have not been elucidated, although it is clear that they are of great importance in the life processes of living organisms.

In particular, the recent cancellation of daylight saving time was due to the fact that after the change of clocks, a large part of the population had health complaints. From this it follows that a change in human biorhythms, even for 1 hour, has negative consequences for health.

Also, the paper considers the studies of many Russian and foreign scientists to identify the influence of biological rhythms on the performance of athletes, namely: why do highly qualified athletes set world records in one season, and in the next their results are much lower? It should be noted that the experiments were conducted not during one training session or one day, but over many years, which indicates the high accuracy of the studies.

The object of research is human biological rhythms.

The subject of the study is the influence of biorhythms on health and the human body.

The purpose of the work is to study the influence of biological rhythms on the life of people.

Consider the essence of the concept of "biorhythms";

To study various classifications of biorhythms;

Investigate the influence of biorhythms on the performance of athletes;

Draw conclusions about the importance of biorhythms in human life.

1. The concept of "biorhythms"

Biological rhythms - (biorhythms) periodically repeating changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes and phenomena. They are characteristic of living matter at all levels of its organization - from molecular and subcellular to the biosphere. They are a fundamental process in nature. Some biological rhythms are relatively independent (for example, the frequency of heart contractions, respiration), others are associated with the adaptation of organisms to geophysical daily cycles (for example, fluctuations in the intensity of cell division, metabolism, animal motor activity), tidal (for example, opening and closing shells in marine molluscs associated with the level of sea tides), annual (changes in the number and activity of animals, growth and development of plants, etc.)

Biorhythms are divided into physiological and ecological. Physiological rhythms, as a rule, have periods from fractions of a second to several minutes. These are, for example, the rhythms of pressure, heartbeat and blood pressure. Ecological rhythms coincide in duration with any natural rhythm of the environment.

Biological rhythms are described at all levels, from the simplest biological reactions in the cell to complex behavioral reactions. Thus, a living organism is a collection of numerous rhythms with different characteristics. According to the latest scientific data, about 300 daily rhythms have been identified in the human body.

The adaptation of organisms to the environment in the process of evolutionary development went in the direction of both improving their structural organization and coordinating the activities of various functional systems in time and space. The exceptional stability of the frequency of changes in illumination, temperature, humidity, geomagnetic field and other environmental parameters, due to the movement of the Earth and the Moon around the Sun, allowed living systems in the process of evolution to develop stable and resistant to external influences time programs, the manifestation of which are biorhythms. Such rhythms, sometimes referred to as ecological or adaptive (for example: diurnal, tidal, lunar and annual), are fixed in the genetic structure. Under artificial conditions, when the body is deprived of information about external natural changes (for example, with continuous lighting or darkness, in a room with humidity, pressure maintained at the same level, etc.), the periods of such rhythms deviate from the periods of the corresponding rhythms of the environment, showing that very own period.

The biorhythmic system (human biorhythms) is an example of a complex and biologically expedient organization of living matter. In humans, biological rhythms are not all formed at the same time. Circadian, annual, for example, declare themselves immediately after birth. As the child grows, biorhythms become more pronounced, their amplitude increases, that is, the possibility of deviation from the average level. The greater the range of rhythmic fluctuations of various physiological functions, the easier it is for the body to adapt to changing conditions.

Human circadian (circadian) biorhythms have been studied in the most detail. It is believed that they are decisive in the complex hierarchy of rhythmic vibrations. The human body is characterized by an increase in physical activity during the day and a decrease at night, when the heart rate, body temperature, oxygen consumption, blood sugar, and blood pressure decrease.

But in those suffering from hypertension, blood pressure rises in the evenings, and sometimes at night; hypertensive crises most often occur between 16 and 24 hours. Acute circulatory disorders in the form of pulmonary edema or cardiac asthma are observed mainly in the late evening hours, and exacerbation of peptic ulcer mainly in the period from 2 to 4 am. Children are born, as a rule, at night, and even medicinal substances act differently depending on the time of their administration.

Already, experts are trying to take into account human biorhythms in the treatment of steroid hormones, antihypertensive drugs. Treatment of endocrine diseases is carried out taking into account the daily rhythm of the maximum and minimum production of hormones in the body. Chronotherapists argue that drugs prescribed taking into account human biorhythms can be used at a lower dose.

The study of the individual characteristics of human biorhythms is important for assessing the ability of a person to adapt to new conditions, extreme factors, for example, space flight conditions, when moving to other latitudes, as well as in predicting recovery.

Accounting for human biorhythms to a certain extent changes our understanding of the so-called norm - indicators characterizing the state of physiological and biochemical processes. It is known, for example, that in the evening even in a healthy person, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases markedly compared to the morning hours. There are reasons to assert that for diagnostics, not individual indicators of the state of functions, but their daily fluctuations, are more informative. It is no coincidence that recently in cardiology clinics, if necessary, the frequency, for example, of heart contractions, is examined using monitors connected to the patient, fixing its changes during the day or more.

Under the influence of unfavorable factors (abrupt changes in the regime of work and rest, sleep disturbances, rapid change of time zones), a mismatch between the components of the biorhythmic system may occur. At the same time, some processes proceed in the same rhythm, while others seem to shift in phase. This phenomenon is called desynchronosis. It is characterized by rapid fatigue, decreased performance, weakness, drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, increased heart rate, and sweating. This condition seems to be familiar to many from the experience of long-distance flights. When a person's biorhythms are disturbed, as a rule, the diseases that a person has are exacerbated. That is why clinicians pay so much attention to the need for patients to comply with the daily regimen.

Of undoubted interest is the change in human biorhythms with age. The amplitude of rhythms in the elderly decreases, some rhythms may disappear altogether, and some change their duration. With age, the proportion of daytime sleep increases, and nighttime sleep becomes intermittent. In a word, the decay of the biorhythmic system can be considered one of the signs of aging.

The reason for such a violation of human biorhythms is, first of all, age-related changes in organs, tissues and physiological systems. Not the last role in this is played by the diseases inherent in old age, separation from the team, changes in the habitual biorhythm of a person of work and rest, and a decrease in motor and mental activity. Strict observance of the daily routine, participation in social activities and feasible work - this is the best medicine for maintaining the biorhythmic system (human biorhythms) at the proper functional level, and hence preventing premature aging.

2. Classification of biorhythms

Rhythm classification is based on strict definitions that depend on the selected criteria.

Yu. Ashoff (1984) subdivides the rhythms:

According to their own characteristics, such as the period;

According to their biological system, for example population;

By the nature of the process that generates the rhythm;

According to the function that the rhythm performs.

The range of biorhythm periods is wide: from milliseconds to several years. They can be observed, in individual cells, in whole organisms or populations. Most of the rhythms that can be observed in the CNS or the circulatory and respiratory systems are characterized by great individual variability. Other endogenous rhythms, such as the ovarian cycle, exhibit little individual but significant interspecies variability. There are also four circa rhythms, periods that do not change under natural conditions, i.e. they are synchronized with environmental cycles such as tides, day and night, phases of the moon, and seasons. Tidal, diurnal, lunar and seasonal rhythms of biological systems are associated with them. Each of these rhythms can be maintained in isolation from the corresponding outer cycle. Under these conditions, the rhythm flows "freely", with its own natural period.

The classification of biological rhythms according to Halberg is the most common - classification by oscillation frequencies, i.e. by the reciprocal length of rhythm periods (see Table 1)

Rhythm zoneRhythm areaLength of periodsHigh frequency Ultradian less than 0.5 h0.5-20 hours

Classification of biorhythms N.I. Moiseeva and V.N. Sysueva (1961) identifies five main classes:

High-frequency rhythms: from a fraction of a second to 30 minutes (rhythms occur at the molecular level, appear on the EEG, ECG, are recorded during breathing, intestinal motility, etc.).

Rhythms of medium frequency (from 30 minutes to 28 hours, including ultradian and circadian lasting up to 20 hours and 20 - 23 hours, respectively).

Mesorrhythms (infradian and circaseptane about 7 days lasting 28 hours and 6 days, respectively).

Macrorhythms with a period of 20 days to 1 year.

Metarhythms with a period of 10 years or more.

According to the form, the following types of physiological oscillations are conditionally distinguished: impulse, sinusoidal, relaxation, mixed.

Rhythms with a period of several years and decades are associated with changes in the Moon, the Sun, in the Galaxy, etc. More than 100 biorhythms are known with a period from fractions of a second to hundreds of years.

Biological rhythms coinciding in multiplicity with geophysical rhythms are called adaptive (ecological). These include: daily, tidal, lunar and seasonal rhythms. In biology, adaptive rhythms are considered from the standpoint of the general adaptation of organisms to the environment, and in physiology, from the point of view of revealing the internal mechanisms of such adaptation and studying the dynamics of the functional state of organisms over a long period of time.

.1 Circadian or circadian biorhythms

The circadian rhythm is the so-called circadian (more precisely, circadian, from Latin: "circus" - about and "die" - day) rhythm, which is one of the main biorhythms for all living things and is determined by the time of the Earth's rotation and, therefore, the day-night change . Currently, more than three hundred different human circadian biorhythms have been discovered and studied, which, occurring in various systems, organs and tissues, form a harmonious system of biooscillators that are conjugated in phases, maintaining the consistency and the desired sequence of various functions of the body, the coordination of the work of various organs.

In a healthy body, the maxima and minima of the functional activity of various organs fall on different sections of the 24-hour time scale, separated by certain intervals. The coincidence in time of the maxima of various vital processes can cause serious diseases. For example, the simultaneous secretion of digestive juices by the stomach and liver can cause stomach ulcers, etc. The sequence of activation and rest of various systems and organs is also extremely important.

The circadian rhythm of changes in external influences, which operates throughout the entire existence of life on Earth, has entered the dynamics of the functioning of the human body so strongly that even complete isolation of a person from the external environment does not lead to a strong change in the duration of this rhythm. Numerous experiments in deep caves, specially equipped rooms, as well as on spaceships have shown that the duration of the daily cycle of a person isolated from the outside world and living in a free mode (sleep when you want to sleep; food when you want to eat; the absence of any changes in light, temperature, etc.) are somewhat different for different people. Usually it is somewhat longer than 24 hours (24.5-25.9 hours), but may be somewhat shorter (23.5 hours). All attempts to impose on a person an artificially set duration of the day, for example, 12, 18 or 48 hours, ended in failure - the functions of a person came to a complete breakdown. The human body at different times of the day is a different physiological and biochemical system. Even the structure of cells changes in some cases beyond recognition.

The maxima and minima of the functional activity of various organs fall on different sections of the 24-hour time scale, separated by certain intervals.

From Appendix 1 it can be seen that the tides of organ activity have a duration of approximately two hours. For each of the acrophase organs, i.e. the state of minimum activity is observed 12 hours after the period of maximum activity. Various parameters of the body's activity also change. Thus, blood pressure is maximum in the period of 16-19 hours, minimum - in the period of 1-4 hours. The temperature is maximum at 17-18 o'clock, minimum - at 1-4 o'clock, etc.

It should be noted that the individual characteristics of each person can lead to certain differences from this scheme (“larks” and “owls”). The daily distribution of activity is also influenced by social stimuli (time of work, entertainment, communication), the temporary regime of loads and rest. A sharp shift in the mode of functioning of the body relative to the established rhythm (phase shift) is a strong stress for the human body. Such a shift occurs, for example, during air travel across several time zones. Even a shift of only one hour during the transition to daylight saving time and vice versa is hard on weakened organisms. Everyone is familiar with the sensations experienced after a flight with a change in local time at the destination in relation to the point of departure. Sleep disturbance (cannot sleep at night, and vice versa during the day), weakness, physical and mental discomfort, low performance, pain in the heart, stomach pain. Gradually, a person gets used to the new time, his biorhythms are rebuilt, and his health improves. Different people react differently to the time shift, some more easily, others more painfully, but everyone reacts. After a westward flight (i.e., phase delay), rebuilding occurs on average faster than after an eastward flight (i.e., phase advance).

During the transition to a new time, the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness are the first to be rebuilt, followed by others, such as the functioning of internal organs, changes in body temperature, etc. Some biorhythms are more mobile, others less. As a result, a state of desynchronosis occurs, which characterizes the mismatch of various biorhythms of the body. The period of adaptation to the new time depends, in addition to individual characteristics, on the magnitude of the rhythm phase shift. With large shifts, for example, flights Moscow-Kamchatka, Russia-USA are accompanied by a violation of functions for 30-60 days. Although outwardly a person already feels good after a few days of getting used to the new time, this is given at the cost of excessive tension, the mobilization of internal reserves. As a result, there are long-term sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal disorders, neurosis, angina pectoris, even in healthy people. For a weakened body, such stress can cause serious illness, and even death.

Long flights and, as a result, desynchronosis have become one of the typical diseases of the century, sometimes called the disease of businessmen. But not only businessmen suffer from it. When flying across several time zones, the intake of adaptogens, such as dibazol, lemongrass, ginseng, radiola rosea (golden root), eleutherococcus, etc., can be of some help, which, by harmoniously mobilizing the body's defenses, help it overcome the stress caused by desynchronosis , reduce the risk of developing diseases caused by it. Acceleration of adaptation to the new time is caused by tranquilizers that knock down the rhythm of wakefulness and sleep, as well as, excuse me, drinking, which knocks down daily biorhythms and thereby accelerates the restructuring of the body's functioning according to a new schedule.

Children endure flights more difficult than adults, but quickly adapt to new conditions. In elderly and weakened people, the residual effects of desynchronosis can manifest themselves for a very long time - months and even years. No less dangerous are the consequences of movements over long distances in the latitudinal direction (north-south), but for reasons other than desynchronosis. However, that's another story. Interestingly, most centenarians, as a rule, have lived all their lives in one place, one region, although there are people among travelers who have lived a long century. In this case, apparently, the systematic training of the body, which is the best medicine, played its role. One of the characteristic manifestations of circadian rhythms is sleep. As you know, there are two fundamentally different stages of sleep: slow sleep and fast sleep. The night sleep of each person is divided into cycles, the duration of which is constant throughout life and is 1.5-2 hours. Each cycle consists of five stages: one stage of REM and four stages of non-REM sleep.

The balance between the total duration of non-REM and REM sleep is very important. The disruption of this balance, which occurred during one night, must be restored during subsequent sleep. If this does not happen, nervous exhaustion occurs, weakness, drowsiness, irritability, headaches, etc. appear.

Sleep begins with a "slow" phase, lasting 10-15 minutes. The frequency of the biocurrents of the brain decreases from 8-13 hertz to 3-6 hertz (alpha rhythm) and after a while a delta rhythm is established with a frequency of 2-3 hertz. Deep sleep sets in. The brain shuts down and rests. Deep sleep lasts about an hour and a half, then REM sleep occurs, lasting 10-15 minutes. In this phase, the human body is motionless, and the brain is working hard. During this period, we dream. Then, usually without noticing it, we wake up for a few minutes and a new sleep cycle begins. Each of us knows well from our own experience how bad it feels sometimes, being awakened by an alarm clock. Ancient Japanese doctors called such an awakening a blow to the head with a baton. To prevent such blows, it is recommended to observe yourself: at what time, waking up, do you feel the best. This is the time to set the alarm. At the same time, it is better not to sleep, but to win as a dream. Same when falling asleep. It is best to go to bed shortly before the start of slow sleep according to your body's "schedule". One and a half - two hour periods of change of activity and passivity occur during the day. Feeling a surge of fatigue, drowsiness, it is better not to try to overcome yourself, encouraging, for example, with coffee or in another way, but, having found time to relax, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and switch off for a few minutes. Instant sleep, lasting one to two minutes, will allow you to relax and restore your activity better than any doping. Not to oppose nature, trying to defeat it, but to adapt to what it dictates is the surest way to solve problems.

The biological clock of our body is a tool that serves both to optimize the internal temporal order of work of all its components, and a means for performing purposeful activities. For example, many of us, going to bed in the evening, mentally say to ourselves, for example: “Tomorrow I have to get up at six o'clock” and open our eyes exactly at the appointed time. No alarms. Not all, of course. And usually with some practice.

As a finer structure of circadian biorhythms, a two-hour period of time is distinguished, caused by a number of geophysical reasons, the details of which we will not go into. Let's just say that among the pulsations of atmospheric pressure, it is also a two-hour period that stands out. The biological clock built into all living things often shows enviable accuracy: one-day butterflies leave their cocoons and go on a mating flight not only on the same day, but almost at the same hour; the ringed polychaete worm - palolo, which lives in some areas of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, floats to the surface from the ocean floor once a year exactly one day before the last quarter of the moon in October. The number of floating worms is so great that the sea is teeming with them.

As mentioned above, biological rhythms cover a wide range of periods - from a millisecond to several years. Most of the rhythms observed in the central nervous system are characterized by great individual variability in the circulatory and respiratory systems.

The four circa rhythms do not change over time, because they are synchronous with the cycles of the external environment. These are geophysical rhythms: day and night, ebbs and flows, moon phases and seasons. Each of these rhythms can be maintained by the body for a long time in isolation from the external geophysical rhythm.

3. Biorhythms and sports performance

One of the important patterns of biorhythms is the existence of periods of potential readiness of the body to the effects of the environment and the greatest reactivity of the body, as well as periods when the body cannot fully respond to the loads imposed on it or other influences.

Physical influences that optimally stimulate physiological intracellular renewal give the greatest effect, and influences that disrupt the work of biological rhythms lead to an overstrain of body functions and negative phenomena.

Monitoring the amplitude of body temperature, heart rate (HR) and other indicators during the day provides information about the state of the body. Flattening of the amplitude of indicators is a signal of trouble in the body.

Each organ has its own period of increase in metabolism (metabolism), and a period of decrease in its functions. In the process of growth and development of the body, there are periods when several organs become less efficient - then the functionality of the whole organism decreases.

If during such a period increased demands are made on the body, then an underdevelopment of the organ in a growing organism or overstrain in an adult may occur.

This explains why a football player at one age shows high results in the game, while at another he becomes less active, gets sick more, gets injured. Training load tolerance control, doctor's and coach's control allow to develop a training system in which game activity and training loads will be built taking into account the player's individual capabilities.

Individualization of game activity, training load, despite the need for collective actions of the team, is quite possible. It should be carried out in a daily cycle, multi-day biorhythms, in annual and multi-year cycles.

Knowledge of the laws of chronobiology allows you to predict the state of the body of a football player.

3.1 The influence of daily biorhythms on the performance of athletes

During the day, the state of a person changes, there are periods of increased functionality and periods when performance decreases. Body temperature can be an indicator of the biological rhythm during the day. The peak (acrophase) of body temperature in the armpit was noted at 16-17 hours. On average, the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature during the day for men is 0.48 degrees.

The maximum value of oxygen consumption (MOC) in the body was detected at 18:00, the minimum - at 10:00 am.

In the morning, muscle strength is less than in the afternoon. The lowest rates in various sports exercises even among highly qualified athletes are at 13-14 hours, when the working capacity of the cardiovascular system is reduced and during physical exertion its reaction is much worse than at other hours.

With static stress, the body copes worse at 8, 10 and 14 o'clock in the morning, and better - at 18 o'clock. The sensitivity of the human body to high temperatures is less in the morning, and to low temperatures - in the afternoon. However, there are different chronotypes among people, and this is important in different sports.

American scientists conducted research to determine the chronotypes of athletes in various sports - mainly "morning" (competitions in which are held mainly in the first half of the day) and mainly "evening" sports (competitions in the afternoon).

Studies of a team of elite athletes in golf and water polo showed that in the first case, the advantage is given to "larks" - people of the morning chronotype, and in the team where competitions are held in the afternoon - mainly "owls" - people of the evening chronotype.

The work carried out in Russia confirms this situation: among hang gliders - the largest number of "larks", and among football players - more "owls" and "arrhythmics" (3% of "larks", 34% of "owls", 55% of "pigeons") . A person's belonging to a particular chronotype is determined by the international Ostberg questionnaire. There is also a longer questionnaire modified by S.I. Stepanova.

In Japan, researchers checked the reliability indicators of its results twice a year to determine the chronotype.

The biorhythmological type of a person is his individual property, it is an element of his design.

"Larks" are individuals of a moderate chronotype, who prefer an early morning rise, a hearty breakfast and an early bedtime. In the afternoon, they are less attentive, making one and a half times more mistakes than "owls".

Most "larks" have low sensitivity to hypoxia according to the Stange test (holding the breath after a deep breath), which is an important indicator of the body's reactivity. With physical and thermal stress in the evening, the body of "larks" works with more stress than "owls" or "pigeons". "Larks" prefer a light dinner.

“Pigeons” (or “arrhythmics”) are people of the daytime chronotype who prefer a morning rise at 7-8 o'clock, a normal breakfast and dinner. Their working capacity is high from 10 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm.

People of the evening chronotype - "owls" - prefer to get up late in the morning and go to bed well after midnight. Light breakfast in the morning, heavy dinner. Many mistakes are made in the morning hours.

Football is predominantly an evening sport, and "larks" during such games experience much more stress on the body's functions than "pigeons" or "owls". Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to these players in terms of recovery measures after the game, to offer a more thorough warm-up before the game.

During morning workouts, on the contrary, “owls” are less attentive, they need a more substantial warm-up in order not to get injured.

Attention should be paid to ensuring proper sleep for football players, especially before the game. It is not recommended to place "owls" and "larks" in the same team during training camps, they usually interfere with each other, and this does not contribute to normal falling asleep.

Teaching techniques is most expedient to carry out during the hours of the typologically determined active state of the body.

Football players use a sauna or a Russian bath to recover. It should be noted that if the sauna is more suitable for football players, then the steam bath is more useful for female football players. In the "owls" when staying in the sauna (80 and 100 degrees) in the morning, there is a significantly greater tension in the mechanisms of thermoregulation than in the "larks" and "doves". In the evening hours, the "larks" experience greater stress on these systems.

Balancing physical activity is especially necessary for young football players who have pronounced desynchronosis, a long recovery period after physical exertion, and many cases of heart overstrain.

3.2 The influence of multi-day biorhythms on the performance of athletes (on the example of football players)

Scientists have long paid attention to the fact that all life processes are undulating, and by the method of self-observation they determined periods of 7, 14, 21 and 28-30 days in fluctuations of a number of physiological functions.

Multi-day biorhythms of animal growth also constituted fairly distinct periods, which are characteristic of many animals.

Multi-day periodic components during long-term monitoring of blood pressure, heart rate, the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in 1 mm 3 of peripheral blood and a number of other indicators made it possible to identify periodic components close to 6, 9, 12-13, 16-18 and 30 days.

It has been determined that each of the studied physiological parameters has not only its own periodicity, but also certain mathematically significant relationships. Thus, the daily values ​​of the number of erythrocytes are shifted by 1-2 days in relation to changes in the total number of leukocytes.

It can be assumed that the total interaction determines more stable multi-day human biorhythms.

For many years, studies have been conducted that confirm or reject the existence of "hard" biorhythms:

physical biorhythm with a period length of 23 days (11.5 days - positive phase and 11.5 days - negative phase).

Emotional biorhythm - 14 days positive phase and 14 days negative phase.

Intellectual biorhythm - 16.5 days - positive phase and 16.5 days - negative.

Researches have given interesting data in sports, both in our country and in foreign countries. The conclusions of many researchers come down to the fact that such biorhythms exist and have a certain influence on fluctuations in human functional capabilities, but they are not clearly manifested in all people.

For a long time, attention was paid only to “critical days” - days when the biorhythm passes from a positive phase to a negative one, but later works appeared showing that the most unfavorable moments are periods when all three biorhythms are in a negative phase. In joint work with military pilots, N.M. Lyukshinov noted that it was at this time that the greatest number of errors were made on the simulator.

As shown by Ukrainian scientists, "critical days" begin to appear in those cases when the body is in difficult conditions.

Determining biorhythms is quite simple: the number of days lived before the event under study is determined (age is multiplied by 365 days + the number of days before the event under study from the date of birth + the number of leap days). The resulting amount must be divided by 23 (the remainder of the division indicates the day of the physical biorhythm for this number). Then we divide the same amount by 28 (the remainder indicates the day of the emotional biorhythm). Then we divide the same amount by 33 (the remainder indicates the day of the intellectual biorhythm). There are also special programs for computers.

In G. Uzhegov's book ("Biorhythms for every day, 1997"), simple tables are proposed for determining multi-day biorhythms. In the books and doctoral dissertation of N.P. Bilenko, a simple table is given for determining the periods of the lunar month.

The Japanese scientist, head of the laboratory of biorhythmology H. Tatai, proposed a mini-computer for determining biorhythms, and it is sold in many countries.

3.3 The influence of annual biorhythms on the performance of athletes (on the example of football players)

Many coaches notice that during the year the performance of a football player is not always the same. For a long time, scientists have studied the influence of the seasons of the year on the human body, on its diseases, and emotional state. But not all the studied cases fit into the dependence of the season. This prompted the idea that a person has an “individual year”, regardless of the calendar year.

The first clear confirmation of the existence of the “annual clock” of the body was obtained by the doctors K. Fischer and E.T. Pengelli in 1963. In 1975, N.M. Lyukshinov put forward a hypothesis according to which the first annual endogenous (internal) cycle begins from the moment of conception, ending 3 months after birth, and the genetic program for changing the intensity of metabolic processes is repeated in each subsequent annual cycle (according to growth processes in children and physiological regeneration - processes of body renewal - in adults).

The data of N.M. Lyukshinov made it possible to conclude that in the annual endogenous cycle there are “risk zones” and “zones of high working capacity” or “high resilience”. A wave-like change in the intensity of the body's metabolic processes is a necessary condition for the manifestation of motor activity and, conversely, motor activity is necessary for the growth and activation of physiological regeneration processes.

In the works of N.M. Lyukshinov, it was determined that the greatest number of diseases and injuries, mortality from myocardial infarction occurs in the month before the date of birth. The greatest number of records in athletics (or rather, personal records of athletes) was set in the first month after the date of birth. N.M. Lyukshinov's research together with the cytochemical laboratory under the direction of R.P. Nartsisov made it possible to establish that the first month from the date of birth is the most vital in terms of blood parameters. In addition, the 9th month from the date of birth is highlighted. The first 6 months from the date of birth (with the exception of the 2nd) are more favorable in terms of blood parameters than the second from the date of birth. At this time, there are fewer diseases and injuries, physical activity is better tolerated. The least viable in terms of blood counts are the 2nd and 12th months from the date of birth. During these months, immunity decreases, the adaptive capabilities of the body deteriorate. Individually manifested in a number of cases and the 8th month from the date of birth, for injuries and diseases.

This can explain why the greatest number of personal records in sports is celebrated in the first month from the date of birth, why this month is distinguished by the greatest vitality. N.M. Lyukshinov's studies showed that in the annual human endogenous cycle there are months of the greatest working capacity of the 1st, 3rd and 9th, as well as months - "risk zones". The most pronounced month of this zone is the month before the date of birth, the less pronounced is the 2nd, 8th months from the date of birth.

Doesn't this explain the "natural selection" that is currently taking place in predominantly summer and predominantly winter sports. In the first 6 months from the date of birth, the highest level of health, high training loads and stresses are better tolerated, the most “effective” first month from the date of birth.

The first month from the date of birth is the most productive and, as N.M. Lyukshinov's studies have shown, the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th months from the date of birth are distinguished by a smaller number of diseases and injuries. It can be assumed that this period of the endogenous year is the most favorable for the main sports season.

This provision should be a guideline in the management of the training process, in the application of restorative means and measures. N.M. Lyukshinov compared the composition of a highly qualified football team from 1991 to 1999 according to the seasons of birth. Interesting data were obtained: in 1991, 59.2% of the football players in the team were born in winter months (12, 1, 2), 30% in spring (3, 4, 5), and 10.8% in summer (6, 7 , eight). In 1999, in the team of this club: only 14% - winter months, 37% - spring, 22.2% - summer and 27% autumn.

In the composition of the elite women's team of football players in 1999, only 10% of the winter months of birth, 33% - spring, 30% - summer and 25% - autumn.

In the winter months, the workload of football players is significant, work is underway on the basic qualities necessary for football. Football players whose current season falls six months before their date of birth (including the "risk zones" of the 8th, 12th months from the date of birth) with high physical exertion will experience significantly more stress on the body than the rest, and diseases are more likely , injury.

The neuromuscular system is one of the first to come to the defense of the body in case of diseases and other influences. With great physical exertion, such players may experience overstrain of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system (especially in the 8th and 12th months from the date of birth). The consequence of overvoltage is the occurrence of microtraumas, which, according to Z.S. Mironova, can cause a pathological process, trophic disorders and lead to structural changes in muscle tissue, articular cartilage. These injuries are typical for football players. Particularly negative during such periods of the "risk zone" are large volumes of jumping exercises, running uphill and on uneven terrain, forced movements in the joints. During these periods, even without acute injury, changes occur in the joints of the cartilage of the legs. In football players (especially 17, 20 years old) changes in bone tissue often occur, painful tubercles are locally palpated on the knees. Strengthening of metabolic processes (in "risk zones") leads to a decrease in the content of calcium and phosphorus salts in the blood, with a simultaneous increase in their content in the urine by 1.5 times. Prevention of the development of these phenomena characteristic of young football players (17.20 years old) lies in the individualization of the training process.

Teams always have players different ages. Young tend to perform all tasks along with others. This is especially dangerous for them in "risk zones". Individual tasks, a slight decrease in the volume of load exercises will save them from many troubles and injuries.

The question arises: is it necessary to put a football player on the game in the "risk zone"? Here, the observation of a doctor and a coach, both in training and before the game, will help. At first, having in front of you a graph of the endogenous year of each football player, you can follow in training how he transfers the load in the “risk zone” and, especially, how attentive he is at this time. You can offer the option of including such a player not for the whole game, but only in the first or second half of it. If it is decided not to include it for the whole game, then on the days before the game he needs a longer rest and the use of restorative agents, massage, and ensuring a long restful sleep. A special place should be occupied by psychoregulatory training, the use of music, both during training and before the competition. At present, this issue has already been sufficiently well developed, and the influence of music on the change in the psycho-emotional state of a person has been determined. The creative approach of the coach to the organization of the training process will help in improving the skills of the players. The first month from the date of birth should be used for maximum loads, for practicing techniques in a game environment. The data of N.M. Lyukshinov allow us to say that each month of the annual endogenous cycle has its own characteristics and they must be taken into account in the individualization of the training process. It is necessary to take preventive measures and prevent the possibility of injury in the "risk zone".

3.4 The influence of long-term biorhythms on the performance of athletes (on the example of football players)

In the practice of football, there are often cases when a famous football player is invited to the team, who “shone” with goals last season, and this season he had injuries, illnesses and no special results - they begin to “write him off”, commentators talk about his lack of prospects, lethargy on the field, and psychologically they "kill" him. So it was with many leading athletes who ended their sports career like that.

Back in the 20th century, the connection of human life with the "nodal" points that occur at certain age periods was determined.

Talented people experience, as it were, “creative outbursts”, which differ in the productivity of creativity, the activation of spiritual life.

Scientists in the field of sports paid attention to the unevenness of the long-term dynamics of sports results.

Growth rates of sports results either increase or decrease. The study of the long-term dynamics of sports results in 500 highly qualified athletes of various sports revealed a certain pattern.

In talented athletes, the rate of increase in sports results significantly increases in a year by a third in men, in women - in a year.

Among men, 3 groups of athletes were identified, in which the results increased abruptly at 15, 18, 21, 23 and 27 years. In the other group, the increase in results was at 16, 19, 22, 25, 28 years. The third group was the least numerous, especially in strength sports - at 17, 20, 23, 26 and 29 years old.

In women, 2 groups were identified - 15, 17, 19, 21 and 23 years (odd age), and in the other group - 14, 16, 18, 20 and 23 years (but this group was less numerous than the first).

This pattern was confirmed by cytochemical changes in the blood and the incidence of tuberculosis. That after 2 years, immunity decreases by 3 in men, the vitality of the body worsens. In women, this occurs after a year. It has been established that the origin of these long-term biorhythms, changes in the functional immune capabilities of the body are associated with changes in hormonal activity.

Occurring individual variants, when athletes, especially with deviations in the genital area, have a “male” three-year rhythm, and in men, especially at the end of a sports career, a “female” rhythm (in a year), confirmed the significant role of the endocrine system.

In the first few years of specialization, the results of talented athletes grow rapidly, sometimes without visible rhythm, due to physical, special training and mastery of the technique of this sport. Then, upon reaching the “initial” high result for this sport, they begin to change rhythmically, abruptly.

Depending on individual characteristics, several options were identified in the long-term dynamics of sports results: for men - a significant increase in results, the next year - an increase, but less pronounced, and then a decline - a deterioration in the result or its stabilization, and then again an unexpected jump in indicators. There is an option when stabilization occurs between years of large gains.

Even the preparation for the Olympic Games does not affect the rhythm and growth rate of results. However, if with the help of any artificial influences it was possible, by breaking the rhythm, to increase the results, then in the next few years there was a decline in the growth rates or worsening of the results.

Such work should be carried out most actively with football players aged 17-20, since it is at this age that it is easy to get a heart strain if the muscles are not well prepared for work. The experience of the strongest coaches allows us to consider such work expedient for older athletes in the preparatory period, especially at 23, 26, 29 years old.

The famous sprinter Valery Borzov wrote in the Smena magazine: “Studying biorhythms (which, I confess, I did not attach importance to before, but now I take them into account in my daily work), scientists came to an interesting pattern: it turns out that male athletes are characterized by a three-year cycle activity. This means that if an athlete performs successfully in a given year, he succeeds, he is “carried” ... And then in another period: “What do you feel at the same time? Of course - nothing special. But it no longer “carries”, there is no constant desire to train, this is reflected in the tone, in the mood, there is a predisposition to injuries. You begin to attach paramount importance to such things as the path, massage, regimen, and so on, in general, important, but if before you just took note of them and somehow adapted, now they seriously annoy you. Better to say impossible. It is during these periods that psychological support is needed, education of the will, the desire to defeat oneself, to build a training regime as efficiently as possible showed that talented football players and older ones can be part of a team, but for this and to preserve their health, an individual approach is needed. Young players 17 - 18 years old, who are training together with older and more experienced players, are also involved in responsible football players, actively use restorative means. Maximum loads and volumes of training work during such periods should not be increased, and training should be accompanied by control over load tolerance and recovery after it.

It is not uncommon for such talented young football players to experience changes in bone tissue, knee pain, etc. due to heavy loads. The desire to work in a team, emotional upsurge, conscientious fulfillment of all the proposed loads do not allow a young football player to carefully control his condition, therefore this should be done by the coach in order to prepare full-fledged personnel, and not to treat them later. It is possible to predict the year of the next results by the increase in the indicators of special tests, in addition, if a football player was born in late autumn or early winter, then his “peaks” of results will probably be at 18 years old, if in spring or summer - then at 19 years old.


The science of biological rhythms - biorhythmology - is still very young. But now it is of great practical importance. By artificially changing the seasonal cycles of lighting and temperature, it is possible to achieve mass flowering and fruiting of plants in greenhouses, high fertility of animals. Currently, the time factor is taken into account in the treatment of many diseases, and primarily in the treatment of cancer.

Biorhythmological developments are also necessary to improve the system of medical support for people involved in the development of the northern and eastern regions of the country, to improve the methods of early diagnosis of diseases, the quality of medical prognosis and increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. Scientific recommendations are needed on the optimal temporal structure of the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of students - the daily dynamics of memory, attention, figurative and concrete thinking. There are scientific reserves for solving these problems. Biorhythmology is being researched in many institutions. However, the work is carried out separately, the exchange of information is difficult. There is no unified national program of biorhythmological research. Not enough attention is paid to the training of specialists. There is no proper funding from the state. All these problems can lead to difficulties in the development of biorhythmology, which will undoubtedly affect people's health. However, this young science already has many achievements that are very important for humanity.

The main achievements of biorhythmology:

Biological rhythms are found at all levels of organization of living nature - from unicellular to the biosphere. This indicates that biorhythm is one of the most common properties of living systems.

Biological rhythms are recognized as the most important mechanism for regulating body functions, providing homeostasis, dynamic balance and adaptation processes in biological systems.

It has been established that biological rhythms, on the one hand, have an endogenous nature and genetic regulation, on the other hand, their implementation is closely related to the modifying factor of the external environment, the so-called time sensors. This connection in the basis of the unity of the organism with the environment largely determines the ecological patterns.

Provisions on the temporal organization of living systems are formulated, including man, one of the basic principles of biological organization. The development of these provisions is very important for the analysis of the pathological states of living systems.

Biological rhythms of the sensitivity of organisms to the action of factors of a chemical (among them drugs) and physical nature have been discovered. This became the basis for the development of chronopharmacology, i.e. ways of using drugs, taking into account the dependence of their action on the phases of the biological rhythms of the functioning of the body and on the state of its temporal organization, which changes with the development of the disease.

The patterns of biological rhythms are taken into account in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

.Biological rhythms have a great influence on all aspects of human life.

.There are various classifications of biorhythms. They are based on strict definitions that depend on the selected criteria. There are: the classification of biorhythms by Yu. Ashoff, the classification of biological rhythms according to Halberg, the classification of biorhythms by N.I. Moiseeva and V.N. Sysuev.

.Biorhythms significantly affect elite sport, and an athlete who does not take them into account will not be able to achieve great results in his chosen sport.


Biorhythms, sports, health. Agadzhanyan N.A., Shabatura N.N.-M: Physical culture and sport, 1989.

biological rhythms. Brief Medical Encyclopedia. V.A. Doskin, N.A. Lavrentieva-M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, second edition, 1989;

Sports physiology. Textbook for institutes of physical culture. Kots Ya.M. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1986;

Diurnal rhythms of biological processes and their adaptive significance in onto- and phylogenesis of vertebrates. Gubin G. D., Gerlovin E. Sh. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1980;

Chronobiology and chronomedicine / Ed. F. I. Komarova.-M.: Medicine, 1989;

Time according to the biological clock. Winfrey A. T. -M.: Mir, 1990;

Biological rhythms. Ed. Yu. Ashoff.-M.: Mir, 1984;

From Clock to Chaos: Rhythms of Life. Glass L., Mackie M.-M.: Mir, 1991;


Tides of activity of human organs

Biological rhythms are periodically repeating changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes and phenomena in the human body.

Fatigue is a state of temporary decrease in human performance.

Biological rhythms can be observed at all levels of organization of living matter: from intracellular to population. They develop in close interaction with the environment and are the result of adaptation to those environmental factors that change with a clear periodicity (the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and its axis, fluctuations in illumination, temperature, humidity, the strength of the Earth's electromagnetic field, etc.).

Depending on the frequency, biological rhythms are combined into several groups: high-frequency biological rhythms, medium frequency oscillations and low-frequency biological rhythms.

Biorhythms are the basis of the rational regulation of the entire life schedule of a person, since high performance and good health can only be achieved if a more or less constant daily routine is observed.

A person's performance during the day changes in accordance with daily biological rhythms and has two peaks: from 10 to 12 and from 16 to 18. At night, performance decreases, especially from 1 am to 5 am.

This means that the most convenient time for preparing homework is from 16:00 to 18:00 for those who study on the first shift, and from 10:00 to 12:00 for the second. This is the most efficient time for sports.

It is useful for everyone to know the individual rhythm of working capacity. This knowledge will help you perform the most difficult tasks.

Not all people are characterized by the same type of fluctuations in performance. Some ("larks") work vigorously in the morning, others ("owls") - in the evening. People belonging to the “larks” experience drowsiness in the evening, go to bed early, but wake up early, feel alert and efficient. "Owls", on the contrary, fall asleep late, wake up in the morning with difficulty. They are characterized by the greatest efficiency in the second half of the day, and some - in the late evening or even at night.

It is important to learn that the correct mode of study and rest ensures high performance and a vigorous state for a long time. This mode should take into account the individual characteristics of a person.

It is also necessary to take into account the possible consequences for health and well-being of violations of the coordination of biological rhythms, including those associated with changes in climatic and geographical conditions (quick entry into an area with a different time zone - an airplane flight to a place of rest, to another place of residence). For a more painless adaptation to new conditions, several rules can be recommended to students, the observance of which will facilitate adaptation to a change in the time zone:

  1. If the change in the place of stay associated with moving to another time zone will be short-lived, then it is advisable to maintain a regime close to permanent in the new place.
  2. If a long stay is expected in a new place and work is ahead that requires maximum effort, then it is advisable to gradually change the mode of work and rest at the place of permanent residence in advance (5-10 days in advance), adapting to the new time zone.

Fatigue Prevention

Fatigue develops as a result of intense or prolonged mental or physical activity and is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue. Fatigue is a normal state for the body that plays a protective role.

Fatigue is manifested in a decrease in the intensity and rate of reactions, in the appearance of errors, and impaired coordination of movements.

The development of fatigue is largely associated with the organization of the regime of work and rest. If the next training or physical activity occurs during the period of incomplete recovery of strength, then the fatigue progressively increases. If rest after fatigue is insufficient, then overwork gradually develops.

Prevention of fatigue in senior school age largely depends on the student himself and consists primarily in the ability to correctly assess his condition, exercise self-control over the indicators of the duration and intensity of mental and physical stress and rest. Fatigue prevention also includes following the rules of a healthy lifestyle, active sports, daily routine and proper nutrition. When organizing a daily regimen, it is necessary to constantly alternate mental and physical work, to use active rest more widely to restore working capacity. You need to go to bed at the same hours every day, get up, eat, do physical education and sports, etc. The slightest deviations from the established regimen lead not only to a decrease in working capacity, poor health, but also to a decrease in academic performance.


  1. To maintain high performance, you need to know your biological rhythms.
  2. The causes of overwork can be mental and physical overexertion, excessive noise, insufficient sleep and inadequate rest.
  3. Systematic monitoring of your condition, its constant analysis will provide invaluable assistance in planning your loads for the day, week and month, will allow you to use time more rationally and realize your capabilities to solve your tasks.
  4. The ability to plan your workload in accordance with your capabilities is an important direction in the prevention of overwork and in the system of a healthy lifestyle.


  1. How does long-term TV viewing affect your well-being?
  2. How to take into account biological rhythms in everyday life? Justify your answer.
  3. What factors in your behavior most often contribute to fatigue?
  4. What types of physical activity most effectively restore your academic performance? Justify your answer.


  1. Think over and write down in a safety diary a personal regimen during the preparation for tests and exams that you consider the most effective.
  2. Using the "Additional Materials" section, the Internet and the media, prepare a message on the topic "The Importance of Self-Control in an Individual Healthy Lifestyle System."
  3. Using the "Additional Materials" section, the Internet and the media, using examples of biographies of centenarians, prepare a message on the topic "The impact of a healthy lifestyle on longevity."

* This work is not a scientific work, is not a final qualifying work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information, intended to be used as a source of material for self-preparation of educational work.


Interest in the regular repetition of the physiological processes of the human body has been traced for many centuries. The ancient Greek poet Archilachus wrote two and a half millennia ago: "Know what rhythm controls people." The great Hippocrates pointed out the need to consider the seasons and their impact on a person. Periodicity as the main property of living organisms was noticed in medieval science during the Renaissance. The studies of Roger Bacon, Johannes Kepler, were based on the knowledge of the laws of rhythm.

Modern science is successfully developing a new area of ​​research - chronobiology. Achievements of domestic biorhythmology have found wide application in the organization of the regime of work and rest, increase in working capacity, physical improvement of a person.

Biological rhythms are of great importance for medicine. They gave development to such new approaches as chronomedicine, chronodiagnostics, chronoprophylaxis, chronotherapy.

1 Biological rhythms and their impact on human health. Desynchronosis and prevention of its consequences

1.1 Biorhythms and their types

Biological rhythms are an evolutionary form of adaptation to the conditions of rhythmic changes in the parameters of the external environment. This is a temporary interaction of various functional systems of the body with each other and with the environment, contributing to their harmonious coordination and life activity in general.

From this point of view, biological rhythms are a complex sequence of multi-stage processes of biochemical and biophysical transformations in the human body. A number of scientists believe that the "mistresses" of biorhythms are RNA and DNA molecules. It is possible that the parameters of the rhythms of physiological functions are set by a certain genetic program, but in any case they are implemented through a change in metabolic processes under the influence of external and internal factors.

Biological rhythms are so precise that they are often referred to as "biological clocks." There is reason to believe that the mechanism for counting time is contained in every cell of the human body. These are DNA molecules that store a store of genetic information.

According to the function performed, biorhythms are divided into physiological (working cycles of individual body systems) and ecological (adaptive adaptations to periodic environmental influences).

According to the duration of the period, rhythms are distinguished:

- daily (circadian);

- monthly;

− seasonal;

- perennial.

Of all the listed biological rhythms, the circadian rhythm has been the most studied today.

According to the classification of the famous chronobiologist F. Halberg, the rhythmic processes of the body are divided into three groups:

Group 1 - high frequency rhythms (with a period of up to 0.5 hours). These are the rhythms of breathing, the work of the heart, electrical phenomena in the brain, the frequency of oscillations in systems of biochemical reactions.

Group 2 - rhythms of medium frequency (with a period of 0.5 hours to 6 days). This is a change of sleep and wakefulness, activity and rest, circadian changes in metabolism and many other functions.

Group 3 - low frequency rhythms (with a period of 6 days to 1 year). These are weekly, lunar and annual rhythms, covering cycles of hormone excretion, menstrual, seasonal changes in the course of biochemical reactions, long-term changes in performance.

Speaking of biological rhythms, one should not forget that in everyday life a person is surrounded by numerous physical and social synchronizers (time sensors), which lead to the optimal interaction of the body's rhythms with the rhythms of the external environment.

Physical synchronizers include: alternating light and dark; daily and seasonal fluctuations in temperature and humidity, barometric pressure, electric and magnetic fields.

The social time sensor is the routine of production and household activities.

To maintain health, each person needs to synchronize an individual rhythm with these factors, taking into account the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, the mode of work and rest, the work of public institutions, transport, and others. We should not forget about the rhythm of life of colleagues in study, work and social life.

1.2 Daily rhythms of physiological processes

The basis of periodic changes in the functions of the human body are daily biorhythms. Thanks to them, a person can work hard during the hours of the optimal state of the body, using periods of relatively low functioning to restore strength.

A person reacts to all external influences depending on the phase of the rhythm, its strength and the direction of the reaction. The phase of biological rhythms is characterized by the position of the oscillating system at a certain point in time. During the period of interaction of one rhythm with another, a coincidence or divergence of phases occurs. A sharp change in external conditions can lead to a phase shift, which is observed, for example, during human flights over long distances or with a sharp change in climate.

In modern science, human circadian rhythms are used as a universal criterion for assessing the state of health.

The daily rhythm of body temperature, which acts as a kind of biological synchronizer, is of great importance for the adaptation of the body to constantly changing environmental conditions.

The daily dynamics of body temperature has a wave-like character. Its minimum value falls on the time interval from 1 am to 5 am, and the maximum - by 18 o'clock. The oscillation amplitude is 0.6 - 1 0 С.

It has been experimentally established that an increase in the amount of adrenaline in the blood occurs in the morning, before the start of the period of physical activity. Its maximum falls at 9 o'clock, which leads to a fairly high mental activity of a person in the first half of the day.

Bio-electrical activity of the brain also undergoes characteristic changes during the day. At night, a person's memory and muscle strength decrease, slowness in actions is noted, and the number of errors increases when solving arithmetic problems.

Taste and hearing buds are most acute between 6 and 7 am. Breakfast should be eaten as soon as possible after waking up, since from this time the metabolism begins to gain momentum. Take vitamins in the morning too - useful substances are better absorbed.

Go to the optometrist early in the morning, especially if you have a hereditary predisposition to glaucoma. At this time, eye pressure is highest.

If you are going to the dentist, get a vaccination or get a tattoo, make an appointment with a specialist in the morning. The body will be full of natural painkillers. During the day, the level of natural anesthesia falls and decreases to a minimum towards the night.

The best time to drink alcohol is around 8 pm, as the liver enzymes that break down alcohol are on full alert. But after 10 pm the situation changes dramatically.

Generalization of the experience of studying periodic changes in the human body, especially its mental, physical and mental activity, allowed scientists to express the general daily rhythm, which can be used in the organization of life processes. In a simplified form, it can be represented as follows:

The first half of the day (until about 12 - 13 hours) - maximum activity;

The second half of the day (until about 15 - 16 hours) - a decline in activity;

Evening (until about 20 - 21 hours) - a slight increase in activity;

Late evening and night - minimal activity.

If each person analyzes his activity, performance and well-being during the day, using data on the circadian rhythms of the body, it will become clear why the maximum load is easier to bear in the first half of the day, in the second - drowsiness occurs and the overall tone decreases. body, and in the evening there is a feeling of fatigue. But at the same time, one should not forget that adequate data can be obtained only if the regime of work and rest is observed.

1.3 Desynchronosis and prevention of its consequences

The human body, as a whole, can exist only with a certain ratio of different oscillatory processes in cells, tissues, organs and functional systems and their synchronization with environmental conditions.

Desynchronosis is a mismatch of the body's biological rhythms with physical and social time sensors.

Desynchronosis is internal and external.

Internal - these are violations of the coordination of biorhythms within the body, for example, a change in the rhythm of nutrition in relation to metabolism, a mismatch of the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, leading to irritability, insomnia, poor health, disruption of the rhythm of work and rest.

External desynchronosis occurs when there is a mismatch between internal biorhythms and environmental conditions. This is a move from one time zone to another, seasonal desynchronization.

Mismatch and restructuring of biological rhythms is manifested in objective and subjective indicators. The former include changes in blood pressure, sleep disturbance, poor appetite, and the latter - irritability, loss of strength. According to the duration, desynchronosis is divided into acute and chronic, according to the strength of the mismatch - into explicit and hidden, according to the volume of manifestation - into partial and total.

Desynchronization of biological rhythms is a signal of trouble. Any disease is the result of a violation of one or another function of the body and a change in its daily rhythm.

Alcohol is a strong desynchronizer of biological rhythms. Small doses of alcoholic beverages do not cause serious changes in the body's bio-rhythms, while large doses, especially in the morning and afternoon, lead to serious disturbances. Systematic use leads to the appearance of chronic and total desynchronosis.

Studies by domestic scientists have shown that after taking an average dose of alcohol in a person, well-being, activity and mood increase for three hours. Then comes a sharp decrease in these manifestations, which is observed at about 27 hours. After 45 hours after alcohol exposure, all of the above parameters still do not reach their optimal level. Only on the third day is the restoration of daily rhythms of physical performance and the work of the hormonal system.

The problem of preventing desynchronosis is quite relevant today. Neuro-emotional stress, intellectual overload, violations of the regime of work and rest can lead to serious changes in the state of health.

In this regard, there is a need to organize the mode of life-activity in strict accordance with the rhythmic features of the organism. Particular attention should be paid to the prevention of seasonal disturbances, the organization of work during multi-shift activities, the synchronization of functions when moving from one time zone to another. We should not forget about the optimization of mental and physical stress, strict adherence to the regime of work and rest, schedule and diet.

2 Organization of the mode of activity. Efficiency and increase of its efficiency

2.1 The concept of mental tone

The main daily cycle, the basis and background for the flow of all the rhythms of the human body is the alternation of sleep and wakefulness. These two processes are inextricably linked and are the main condition for organizing the mode of activity and rest. Wakefulness is the basis of active and conscious activity of a person and occupies approximately 2/3 of his life. The energy side of it reflects the concept of mental tone.

Mental tone is the optimal intensity of mental processes that support the normal functioning of the human body with varying degrees of its activity.

Mental tone depends on individual and age characteristics, the type of life activity and the state of the human nervous system. The required level of tone is determined by the unconscious functions of the brain, but its conscious regulation is also possible.

The regulation of mental tone is carried out with the help of a wide range physical, mental and emotional influences. The most effective methods of its stimulation are the systems of psychological training, respiratory gymnastics and influence on the biologically active zones of the body.

The main methods and techniques of physical regulation are a variety of water and solar procedures, optimal physical activity, massage. It must be remembered that muscle tension increases tone, and relaxation lowers it. Outdoor walks, timely organization of recreation, switching activities have an effective effect. A stable increase in mental tone is provided by interpersonal relationships, favorite hobbies, music, literature, painting. Communication with flora and fauna has a peculiar effect on mental tone.

We should not forget about the noticeable influence of emotions on tone. Positive emotions, good mood, confidence and optimism contribute to its increase, and negative emotions, confusion, anger reduce it.

To stimulate mental processes, tonic drinks are used: tea, coffee, kvass. Alcohol and nicotine cause a short-term rise in tone, then leading to its sharp decrease.

2.2 Organization of labor activity

The most important condition for optimizing life and loads is the organization of a rational regime of work and rest. The main requirements of the physiological and mental foundations of work and study are the correct organization of the rhythm of work, the mode of work and the labor process.

There are four groups of factors that directly affect a person's labor activity:

- Sanitary and hygienic factors - microclimate, illumination of the workplace, noise level, intensity of air pollution.

- Psychophysiological factors - the mode of work and rest, the intensity of work, working postures, the magnitude of the load on the skeletal muscles, the higher parts of the brain, the central nervous system.

- Socio-economic factors - social security of the worker, his salary, purchasing power, availability of vacations, rest homes, kindergartens.

- Aesthetic factors - the interior of the workroom, the shape, color of the product, the style of work clothes.

To maintain a high level of efficiency, the principle of gradual entry into the labor process is of great importance. It is especially important to observe it after sleep, weekends, summer holidays and the transition to another type of activity. Any new activity must come into balance with the system of existing functions and skills. High productivity of work is ensured by a well-thought-out and proven sequence, a certain system of labor.

Rhythmic work is a uniform distribution of the load during the day, week, month, year. The requirement of rhythm is based on taking into account the physiological characteristics of the centers of the nervous system, which function most economically with the correct alternation of the processes of excitation and inhibition. A sharp decrease in performance can be caused both by excessive fatigue at a high pace of work, and by periods of inactivity. The organization of a work regime based on the rhythmic activity of the body and the work of the brain is a determining condition for economical and high-performance work. The work regime is understood as the alternation of periods of work and rest, which plays an important role in the prevention of fatigue.

The external environment plays a rather large role in the organization of mental activity. During physical work, the metabolism in the body improves, the need for oxygen increases. Increased respiratory rate, range of motion chest, which significantly increases the amount of air consumed. It is important that this air is clean, free of dust and other harmful impurities. In a stuffy, polluted atmosphere, with a lack of oxygen, a person develops a headache, weakness, and a sharp decrease in working capacity. In tobacco smoke, in addition to nicotine, there is carbon monoxide and other harmful substances that have a direct effect on brain function.

The working capacity of a person is significantly affected by the temperature and humidity conditions and the microclimate of the working room. The most productive for human labor activity is the air temperature in the range of 16 - 18 °C. Relative humidity should remain between 35 and 70%. At lower humidity they speak of "dry" air, which causes increased evaporation and dries the mucous membranes and skin. When humidity is more than 70% in damp and cold air, a person develops “chilliness” and chills, which also causes a decrease in working capacity.

Proper organization of work provides for the good maintenance of the workplace, i.e. the absence of unnecessary things, garbage, dirt on the desk. The order and clear arrangement of the necessary items greatly facilitate the work. You need to try to keep the situation during the work the same. A person gets used to work in a certain environment, which facilitates the effect of his loads.

Light is a strong stimulant of human performance. Lighting is considered sufficient if it allows you to work freely (without eye strain) for a long time and not cause eye fatigue. The light should not cut and blind the eyes. Its source should be placed on the left.

It has been established that the color of the surrounding objects, the coloring of the walls have a significant impact on the general well-being and performance of a person. Reds with golden hues - warm - cause an invigorating and exciting effect, and blue and green-blue - soothing, conducive to rest, peace and sleep.

Industrial, urban and household noise has a negative impact on health and mental activity. Noise is especially harmful to the nervous system in the evening, at night and in the morning. Efforts must be constantly made to eliminate this impact.

2.3 Organization of recreation

Rest is a state of rest or vigorous activity, leading to the restoration of strength and working capacity. Work and rest are closely related and represent two aspects of the normal functioning of the body. Properly organized and cultural recreation contributes to the preservation and strengthening of human health.

There are two main forms of recreation - passive and active. Passive (a state of physiological rest) is rest during a night's sleep. Many people think that physical rest, aimless pastime, is relaxation. In fact, this gives rise to apathy, relaxes the body, lowering its tone, and sharply impairs performance. Only in rare cases - with great physical fatigue - do people weakened by illness need peace, passive rest.

Active rest - rest, in which muscle groups that are not involved in the main work are temporarily switched on. Active rest relieves fatigue and restores working capacity. It trains the body, gives a person new strength and energy, increases the productivity of mental activity.

Rest during the working day is carried out at lunchtime, during additional regulated breaks and during micropauses between individual processes and operations.

A person needs not only mental and physical rest. He needs a moral, emotional and aesthetic rest. Excellent means of such relaxation are communication with children, laughter and humor. Personal intellectual predilections of people, their hobbies - fishing, hunting, playing music, chatting with friends are good for health. Art as a form of artistic amateur performance has a significant impact on the elimination of fatigue.

Do not forget about creating an emotional upsurge. Feelings of joy, satisfaction, triumph, delight excite the central nervous system, relieve fatigue and increase efficiency, strength and endurance. Tourism, mountaineering, out-of-town trips and excursions are very informative in this regard. Annual regular vacation is a vital necessity. It must be carried out so that the energy received is enough for the whole year.

2.4 Operability and efficiency improvement

Efficiency is the level of functional capabilities of an organism, characterized by the efficiency of work performed over a certain period of time.

Efficiency is determined by the state of health, gender, the nature of nutrition, the mode of work and rest, working conditions, mood and many other factors. It depends on the level of knowledge of a person, skills, abilities and experience, physical and mental condition.

Mental (mental) performance is expressed by the speed, quality and quantity of perception and processing of information, physical - by the strength, frequency and duration of muscle loads.

The highest efficiency is manifested in the correct coordination of a person's life rhythm with his individual biological rhythms.

Numerous studies by scientists from different countries have shown that there are people who experience the same fluctuations in the level of physiological capabilities during the day. They were called arrhythmics, or pigeons.

People of the morning type - larks - have a peak performance in the first half of the day. They wake up early, in the morning they feel cheerful, cheerful, in the evening they experience a sleepy state and go to bed early.

People of the evening type - owls - get up sluggish, often with headaches, are most efficient after 18 hours, go to bed late.

The German researcher G. Hump found that representatives of the morning type are mainly employees, the representatives of the evening type are people of mental labor, arrhythmias are people engaged in physical activity. Among students, larks make up 17%, owls - 35%, arrhythmics - 48%.

To maintain health, increase the level of working capacity, it is necessary that the lifestyle of a person coincide with the actual fluctuations in the temporal processes of his body. To do this, there are methods for determining the type of performance, based on identifying the temporary functional capabilities of the body and their compliance with the mode of labor activity. The most common is the Ostber test in the modification of Professor S. I. Stepanova.

3 Features and prevention of fatigue during mental activity of a student

Fatigue - physiological defensive reaction organism, aimed at reducing the level of functioning of its systems in order to prevent negative changes.

Subjectively, this process is manifested by a feeling of fatigue and a temporary decrease in performance. Mental fatigue is characterized by a weakening of attention, memory, slowing down of thinking, a decrease in the speed of processing information, physical fatigue is characterized by a decrease in muscle strength and endurance, a deterioration in movement coordination, and an increase in energy costs when performing the same work. Its depth depends on the degree of adaptation of a person to a certain type of activity, physical and mental state, level of motivation and neuro-emotional stress. Fatigue is a reversible physiological state. Fatigue and its accompanying fatigue is a natural state of people leading an active lifestyle. The working capacity, which decreases at the same time, is not only restored during rest, but, having reached the initial level, it rises for some more time.

However, if performance is not restored by the beginning of the next period of work, then fatigue can accumulate and pass into a qualitatively different state - overwork, characterized by a more persistent decrease in the functional activity of the body.

Overwork is a pathological condition accompanied by lethargy, loss of appetite, and insomnia. There are beginning, mild, severe and severe overwork. To relieve the beginning of overwork, it is enough to regulate the mode of work and rest. With a mild degree, vacation or vacation should be used effectively. With severe overwork, an urgent organized rest is necessary. Severe fatigue requires treatment, as this changes the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Ways to prevent fatigue:

1 Timely appointment of rest - active or passive.

2 Increase in micropauses - intervals between separate operations.

3 Regulation of physical and mental stress.

4 Using functional music.

5 The use of factors that increase the flow of afferent impulses in the central nervous system, for example, performing industrial gymnastics, irritation of the skin during self-massage and mutual massage of the head, face, neck, torso.

6 Breathing exercises.


The organization of the regime of labor and physical activity, rest and nutrition in accordance with the biological rhythms of the body will help maintain and strengthen health, significantly increase efficiency and "immunity" to stress loads.

The range of possible rhythms of human life covers almost the entire range of time scales, from the wave properties of elementary particles to the global cycles of the biosphere. It is no coincidence that they believe that rhythm is the only law that can be imposed on nature, because it is taken from nature.


1 Issues of physiology and occupational health. − M.: 1973 − 108 p.: ill.

2 Harmony of health (mode of work and rest) / Ed. Pokrovsky. − M.: FiS, 1987 − 80 p.: ill.

3 Arnika, 1994 - 239 p.: ill.

4 Doskin V.A., Lavrentieva N.A. Rhythms of life. − M.: Medicine, 1991 − 176 p.: ill.

5 Demirchoglyan GG Computer and health: Risk factors and health improvement systems. − M.: Sov. sport, 1995 - 64 p.: ill.

6 Dudkin KN Visual perception and memory. Leningrad: Nauka, 1985 - 208 p.: ill.

7 Dyadichkin V.P. Psychophysiological reserves for increasing work capacity. − Minsk: Highest. school, 1990 - 119 p.: ill.

8 How to improve performance. / Ed. I. S. Bertashvili. − M.: Medicine. 1973 − 104 p.: ill.

9 Karkishchenko N. N. Psychounitropism of drugs. − M.: Medicine, 1994 − 204 p.: ill.

Biological rhythms or biorhythms are periodic processes in the body that affect human life. The rhythm of biological processes is laid down by evolution, subject to the influence of factors of the external and internal environment. Knowing the cyclicity of biorhythms and observing the normal course of biological processes is an important condition for maintaining health and longevity. This article is devoted to the topic of biological rhythms and their impact on human performance.

Nature of biorhythms

To maintain homeostasis in the body, all biological processes proceed with a certain rhythm. The state of the internal environment is influenced by the external environment, the physical processes of which are also subject to cyclicity. In nature, lunar and solar cycles, periods of high and low tides, seasonal and annual cycles regularly occur. Changes in temperature, humidity, light conditions, atmospheric pressure and the degree of solar radiation affect the biorhythms of humans and other living beings.

Scientists have proven that the nature of cyclicity is inherent in the genetic material (DNA and RNA). The course of metabolic reactions directly affects the rhythm of biological processes under the influence of changes in internal (physiological) and external (environmental) factors. Biorhythms in human life are of great importance, the violation of the cyclicity of physiological processes leads to the development of diseases, premature old age and death.

Types of biorhythms

There are many types of biorhythms that affect the vital activity of cells, organs, organisms and entire populations of people. Changing internal reactions to the variability of environmental conditions refers to the process of adaptation and increasing the chances of survival. Each type of cyclicity affects one or another physiological reaction, allows you to maintain balance in the body, not only on the physical, but also on the psycho-emotional level. Mood and emotional tone depend on the state of health, and vice versa. With a low psycho-emotional tone, diseases of organs and systems develop, which are known in medicine as psychosomatics.

Types of human biorhythms.

  1. By functional affiliation, physiological and ecological biorhythms are distinguished. Physiological associated with the rhythm of the body (pulse, breathing, alternating sleep and wakefulness). Ecological - responsible for adapting to constantly changing environmental conditions.
  2. According to the duration of the human biorhythm, daily, monthly, annual, long-term rhythms are distinguished. For example, the monthly cycle in women or the daily fluctuation in body temperature (up to 1 degree).
  3. By frequency, biorhythms are divided into high-frequency (period duration up to 30 minutes), mid-frequency (period duration from 30 minutes to 7 days), low-frequency (period duration from 7 days to a year). An example of a high-frequency rhythm is the frequency of respiration and pulse, electrical oscillations of the brain, a medium-frequency one is daily fluctuations in metabolic reactions, a change in periods of sleep and wakefulness, a low-frequency one is hormonal secretion, the menstrual cycle, fluctuations in the level of working capacity.

Depending on the specifics of the influence of biorhythms on human health, physical, mental and intellectual biological rhythms are distinguished.

  1. The human physical biorhythm is 23 days. In the first half of the phase, performance increases, reaches a peak in the middle of the phase, then gradually fades away. This type of cyclicity is most relevant for people of physical labor or athletes.
  2. The emotional biorhythm of a person is 28 days. Influences the emotional perception of events and life situations, is most active in the middle of the phase. Emotional cyclicity is better manifested in people of creative professions and professions related to communication.
  3. The human intellectual biorhythm is 33 days. Associated with mental indicators - attention, intelligence, logic, memory. Most relevant for people of mental labor. Mental abilities are enhanced in the middle of the biological phase.

It is necessary to know how to take into account different types of biological rhythms in a person's daily life. It depends on the state of health and the level of performance.

Types of people depending on biorhythms

Cyclic processes act as the most accurate "biological clock". Changes in physical and chemical reactions in the body affect the well-being and performance during the day. The most well-studied biorhythms are circadian cycles (circadian biological phases). The genetic code of each person contains a feature of circadian rhythm, which determines the relationship between biological rhythms and sleep.

There are 3 types of people depending on biological rhythms:

  • "larks" - go to bed early, get up early, the peak of working capacity falls on the first half of the day (until 12 noon);
  • "owls" - go to bed late, respectively, get up late, the peak of working capacity falls in the evening (16-20 hours), sometimes at night;
  • "Pigeons" - going to bed and getting up in the morning can be different, but the peak of working capacity falls on the daytime hours (13-16 hours).

When compiling the daily routine, it is necessary to take into account the individual daily biorhythms of each person. To reduce stressful situations, it is important to select work hours and professional activities depending on the genetic characteristics of the relationship between biological rhythms and sleep.

Nutrition and human biorhythms

Must be rational - this is a well-known fact. It is equally important to eat at certain hours of the day, at least 4 times a day. Proper nutrition and the alternation of biorhythms are closely related.

The time of taking breakfast, lunch or dinner is clearly regulated due to the cyclical metabolic reactions in the body. A person who adheres to an optimal diet is less likely to get chronic diseases from the digestive tract and other functional systems of the body.

According to the internal biological clock, human nutrition coincides with the rhythm of the secretion of hormones, enzymes, and biologically active substances in the brain. This allows you to prevent overeating and the development of obesity, strengthen the body's defenses, maintain efficiency during daylight hours. If you eat at the same time every day, you can feel a surge of strength and improve your health, get rid of depression and emotional instability.

Violation of biorhythms and prevention of failures of the "biological clock"

If you do not take into account the natural cyclicality, you can cause a "breakdown of the biological clock", which will negatively affect the work of the whole organism. Violation of the natural alternation of human biorhythms leads to the development of physical ailments, mental illness, and disruptions in the emotional sphere. This reduces the ability to productive activities, impairs performance and, in severe cases, leads to disability.

For example, constant work on night shifts causes neurosis, psychosis, disruption of the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems. According to the Labor Code, the number of night shifts per month is strictly regulated. It is especially difficult to work at night for "larks", night activities are more suitable for "owls". Individual features of human biorhythms must be taken into account when choosing a profession and mode of work.

Prevention of "biological clock" failures:

  • proper alternation of sleep and wakefulness;
  • work during the hours of greatest activity, according to individual biorhythms;
  • eating at the same time;
  • daily walks, physical education and sports;
  • selection of professional activities, according to the genetic characteristics of biorhythms;
  • , application of methods and .

Each of us has heard about the good physical and mental shape of yogis. The state of health at a high level without drugs was also supported by yoga thanks to deep knowledge of the biological cyclic processes in the body. Biorhythms in Eastern meditation practices have been taken into account since ancient times. Due to the balance between natural processes inside the human body and constantly changing environmental conditions, yogis had good health and achieved longevity.

Living according to biorhythms is not difficult. The body always tells you what needs to be done at one time or another. When compiling a daily routine, it is necessary to take into account internal and external circadian rhythms. Regularity and cyclicity are the basic rules for maintaining health. Food must be taken at the same time, go to bed and wake up at certain hours, engage in physical and mental labor during the phases of the greatest peak of biological activity. Living according to biological rhythms prevents the development of stress, chronic diseases, improves mood and determines a positive outlook on the surrounding reality.

Also remember. To acquire excellent health, a normal psyche, it is important to observe the cycle between tension and relaxation. You can not be completely relaxed, you need to lead an active lifestyle, play sports. But constant stress due to stress leads to the emergence of diseases of the psyche and body. To get rid of tension, it is best to use, or. Also, to maintain a balance between relaxation and tension, I advise you to do proper yoga or even better energy meditative practice.

What is proper yoga we will talk in the next article.

And now I propose to watch an interesting video about the human biological clock. From it you will also learn that non-compliance with the regime of sleep and rest, night wakefulness leads to illness. That in the morning you can’t give loads to the body, for example, run, as already mentioned in the article about and about many other things.