Get rich writing. How to get rich in Russia: practical advice for the lazy and not so

Have you ever wanted to get rich quick? This article will help you analyze several safe ways to get rich with minimal risk. In addition, we will tell you about long-term methods to help you capitalize on the amount of money you already have.


Part 1

Quick ways to get rich

    Participate in the state lottery. The lottery is not exactly risky, but a very successful method in the fight for wealth, although the chances of winning are close to zero. But someone has to win. That is why there can be no lottery without a win.

    • Each lottery has a different principle of operation. Some offer instant wins, while others require you to guess a combination of winning numbers that will be made public at a later date. Crossing-out lotteries bring a smaller jackpot to the winner than lotteries that require guessing a combination of numbers.
  1. Try to engage in transactions in the over-the-counter market. Investments increase the amount of potential income and financial loss by multiplying your initial capital. In fact, transactions on the OTC market are a rather risky way to make money, so it is important to analyze the available information and make a choice where and how to invest.

    • Most exchanges limit the amount of initial capital. OTC transactions, on the other hand, give investors the chance to take money as collateral for investment in order to conduct transactions with all available funds.
  2. Play games of chance. If you can afford to lose a certain amount of money, gambling will be the easiest way for you to consistently earn big money. To minimize the risk of financial loss, play those games of chance, the winnings in which do not depend only on chance, for example, a casino. There is also an option to bet on sweepstakes and horse racing. You have the opportunity to get basic information and determine the approximate result of the competition.

    Resell houses. Home resales involve the process of buying a home at a low price, refurbishing it, and selling it immediately. You make a profit from the repair work. The most important thing in this business is speed. Most investors try to update and put the house up for sale within six months. The only problem with this scheme is that you must have initial capital.

    • Ideally, investors should buy dilapidated houses in a good area. Thus, they will be able to buy a house at the lowest price and sell it at the highest rate.
    • Due to the past foreclosure crisis, demand for home purchases increased in 2013. That is why the real estate market has expanded its activities. Now the resale of houses is at the peak of popularity.
  3. Create a viral YouTube video. YouTube videos are very easy and cheap to create (most of the popular videos were shot with iPhones). When your video becomes popular, it will be able to generate income for you. The best way to create a viral video is to provide content that is unique and engaging to the audience.

    • Common themes for a viral video: animals doing interesting and funny things; athletes doing incredible stunts; people saying/doing funny or weird things. It is most important to create a short video, because long videos will not be able to attract people's attention and will not be popular with a wide audience.

    Part 2

    Easy ways to make extra money
    1. Recycle scrap metal. If you have unwanted metal items lying around your house or garage, take it to a scrap yard for a small fee. Look for unnecessary items made of steel, brass, aluminum and iron.

      • Typically, these items include old car parts, toasters, plumbing fixtures, Christmas lights, tin cans, and old musical instruments.
      • Different scrap metal collection points have different prices. Some locations only accept certain metals, so look around for the best option.
    2. Sell ​​plasma. If you are in good health, you are eligible to donate plasma, the colorless liquid in your blood, and earn extra income. Contact your local donor center or the Red Cross.

      • Plasma donation reimbursement varies by plasma center, but typically costs between $20-$30 per visit. Donors who come for the first time can receive additional rewards.
      • Keep in mind that donating plasma takes time. This is especially true for the first visit to the donor center, since you will have to do a complete examination of the body before the procedure.
    3. Donate sperm. Healthy men aged 18-35 are eligible for sperm donation. This method can bring in up to $1,000 per month.

      • Remember that sperm donation is a purely selective procedure. Be prepared for questions and careful examinations. Some sperm banks select candidates based on height, hair color, eye color, ethnicity, and certain medical conditions.
    4. Do household chores. Babysitting, walking the dog and cleaning the house are great ways to make money in the shortest amount of time. Qualified nannies are in the highest demand. Contact friends, family, and neighbors to see if they need the above services.

    5. Give away things you don't use. If you recently bought items that you don't need and are in good condition, return them to the store where you purchased them. This is a great way to earn money on a regular basis.

      • Please note that each store has its own return policy. You may have to return items with price tags and/or a receipt. Some stores provide credit but not cash.
    6. Start selling tickets. The resale process involves buying tickets for a concert or sporting event and reselling them at an inflated price. Thus, you will be able to make a profit. You must be careful. Selling tickets at face value is considered acceptable, but in some states, profiteering is illegal. Make sure things are going well in your state.

      • Ticket resale only works for events where all tickets are sold. Otherwise, you will have to sell the ticket at a nominal or reduced price.

There are hundreds of petabytes of useless information on the Internet about how to get rich. However, for a person who seriously set out to increase his own well-being, there should also be resources where truthful, and not fraudulent, recommendations are given.

Winning the lottery will forever remain a way to get rich from scratch, for narrow-minded people, although almost every second resident of Russia regularly buys lottery tickets. The point is whether they buy them for the purpose of "earning money" or just for fun.

Let's look at ways of legal enrichment while maintaining a clear conscience.

Getting rich - how is it?

Many who are wondering how to get rich from scratch in Russia have little idea of ​​what they want to achieve. How much money do they need, what is wealth for them, what are these “ways to get rich” in general, and where do they come from, that is, who invented them. One day, one god of wealth sat down and posted +100,500 ways on the Internet how to get rich from scratch. So that they, who want to correct the financial decline, find them through Yandex or Google and apply ...

What are the numbers in people's heads when it comes to getting rich? Million dollars. Money for an apartment or a car. It is rare that someone seeks funds to help loved ones or start a business. This is already an advanced level, and on average people in the ward simply want to live better, richer.

The mistake that many who have a chance to improve their financial condition make is that they are looking for ways to get rich in 60 minutes. And for 30? Not so realistic anymore, but 60 is normal.

It's not that there are no answers to how to get rich quick or how to get rich easily. The problem is that those who seek speed forget about duration: no one wants to get a million and lose it, they are probably thinking about how to get and save money, increase capital. Joking aside, we've got a couple of ideas for those of you who aren't quite brainwashed yet.

Why 99% of people are not rich yet?

Let's face it, the methods that are massively used by millions of citizens of our glorious homeland do not work in the vast majority. Why? Because they include the following:

  • doing nothing;
  • work for an uncle for a penny;
  • hope for a deposit in a bank with a meager interest, when the inflation rate exceeds bank promises twice.

If you are asking how to get rich quick from scratch, then these methods will not help you. Well, how to get rich from scratch, lying on the couch? This will work only if you have your own Internet business, and you check the work of your employees through a laptop.

First steps to wealth

To get started, define a goal - a specific amount of money you are aiming for, as well as what you plan to spend it on. Next, start learning. We were taught to read and write at school, professions - in subsequent educational institutions. No one ever taught us how to get rich quick. Therefore, the task of each is to undergo such training on their own.

Where to start learning? Read Rich Dad Poor Dad by R. Kiyosaki and learn all about the cash flow quadrant. Let's dwell on the synopsis of his ideas on how to get rich quick.

There are four types of workers:

  1. hired employees;
  2. freelancers, freelance artists or consultants in private practice;
  3. businessmen;
  4. investors.

Many do not even know about the existence of categories 3 and 4, or rather, most people have never considered the possibility of becoming them seriously.

Kiyosaki says that first category- the most dependent people, the boss pays them money, they can be fired at any time, they have one source of income - salary. Second category- earn more consistently. These include doctors in private practice, lawyers, real estate agents, freelance artists, freelancers of all stripes. They cannot be fired, which means they have more influence on their income.

Businessmen and investors- two categories that can become financially free and know how to get rich quick. A businessman is the creator of his business, the owner, the owner. People work for him, he himself no longer has to stand at the machine all day. This category includes executives, founders of companies, shareholders, sole proprietors of the business. They receive dividends from profits, while they themselves may not work.

Investors invest money to earn them even more money. They know well how to get rich in a crisis. They invest in real estate, stocks, precious metals, and other businesses. Their capital works and earns them even more profit.

A rich person starts with thinking. Millionaires think differently, they have other habits that are different from the habits of ordinary, low-earning people. Therefore, they know how to get rich in a crisis, and exaggerate their capital at the time of a market downturn, and not vice versa.

Here are some of the habits of the wealthy that affect their lives and how they make decisions about money:

  • self confidence;
  • positive thinking;
  • daily accounting of expenses;
  • work with the subconscious;
  • gratitude for everything that is in life;
  • helping others;
  • “pay yourself” – saving 10% of any income;
  • charity.

Working with thinking can be mastered in a training dedicated to this. Training is an effective way to improve skills in a short period of 2-3 days. How easy it is to get rich will no longer be a question when the millionaire mindset is developed.

Ways to get rich for future millionaires

Let's now talk about specific ways to get rich. First, one word of caution: no matter how many ways you read about how to get rich, remember that only action can change the balance of a bank account. Not reading, not thinking, not fantasizing. Finding a suitable way to get rich, immediately apply!

  1. Start business. Become the owner of a company with hired employees. They work, you get money.
  2. Become an investor. Investing money with maximum profit is the ideal way to get rich, because then money makes money.
  3. Learn a new profession that pays more than your current job. This method is the easiest and is suitable for employees. If you build a career, then the salary can be raised to heaven, but there will also be a ceiling there.
  4. Raise your qualifications. To get more from your current job.
  5. Leave your job as a freelancer. So you can set the fee yourself, although you will also have to look for clients on your own.

There are a million ways to get rich. All of them will be variations of the above categories.

If your goal is how to get rich quick, you should do math. Calculate how long it will take to implement each of the plans that come to mind. Timing, the cost of associated costs, the prospect of new income growth - consider everything! The concept of "fast" is also different for everyone.

Instead of an afterword

Dreaming about how to get rich is good at night before going to bed, but you will have to implement a real plan on how to get rich from scratch during the day. There is no need to be cowardly on the path of change for the better, it is worth sticking to the chosen goal. Therefore, if the question of how to get rich is not just an unrealizable thought for you, then go ahead, get down to business.

Money is not just paper. Money is the advantage of a quality life. Money can give you the opportunity to relax comfortably, open your own business, do what you love, acquire noteworthy connections, buy necessary or simply liked quality things. Money can give you a feeling of inner freedom, confidence, peace. Therefore, no matter what anyone says, in many ways. Now it remains to understand the most difficult thing - how to get rich after all.

If you want to be rich, live within your means

The most important and at the same time the most banal principle underlying the universe. If the Earth is a pancake lying on elephants standing on a turtle, then the turtle itself fell apart on this principle. It's simple: spend less than you earn. Do not rush to close the article and squeal that such advice was given to you in the sandbox. But what's the point: everyone seems to know about it, but they live beyond their means, they buy apartments that they don’t pull, they play magnificent weddings that no one needs, they drive cars out of rank that suck out all the money. And in order to somehow pay for all this, they get into loans to spend more than they can. Usually they are driven by a blind faith that a little more - and they will be able to get rich, wealth, opportunities will come, and there will be so much money that they will fall out of the wallet. So wait for these good times, take your time, be patient.

An interesting way to get rich is to pay yourself tax

If the government unexpectedly increased taxes and forced you to pay an extra thousand every month, then you, whether you like it or not, will have to pay that money. Otherwise, problems and resorts of Mordovia await you. However, when it comes to saving money, people find many reasons why they can't start, why this thousand is only needed today and right now, and so on and so forth.

To avoid temptations, set up an automatic bank transfer. And every time when funds fall on your salary card, some of them will automatically be transferred to your savings account. Because while you are going to put aside your hard-earned money, there will be no money left on the card. Get an emergency supply and pretend that this account simply does not exist. Then in a few years you may be able to get rich, and you will thank us and yourself.

Don't play the stock market - it won't help you get rich

To play the stock markets, you need two things: talent and an understanding of how things work. If bidding is not yours, then don't bother, for God's sake, you will only be disgraced, and you won't be able to get rich. If you have read the revelations of a broker and watched several thematic films, then this is still very little to consider yourself smart and move stocks. Some people naively believe that there is not much difference between playing the stock market and poker. This is partly true, but deeper knowledge is required here.

Better take long-term investments. Here, too, you need to understand, otherwise you will give everything you have accumulated to some swindler and find out that the Perm Tampons company never existed. The market is changeable like the mood of the president of a small republic, rushing between two superpowers: today something is profitable, but tomorrow it already burns out. Therefore, if possible, use the services of a financial advisor.

Find additional sources of income

One source of income is good, but seven is better. Try to find at least one millionaire in whose bag money pours from one source. They are rather reminiscent of the Wolf from the famous Soviet electronic game, which frantically caught eggs. So it is here: you need to do everything, control everything, earn everything. Difficult? It's hard, and no one said it would be easy.

Try not to take on too many loans

This, of course, is convenient, it is European, but only if you are not going to get rich. We talked about this above and say it again: all your decisions should be based on the financial situation that happened. If they are not now, it is not certain that they will be in the future. And to take loans, to bind oneself with bondage to banks, to stifle with interest rates and, in which case, to take another loan to pay off the loan ... These words make my soul feel bad, like after alcohol poisoning. Of course, anything can happen, the need comes from where you didn’t expect it, and you can’t do without a loan, but don’t rush to beg from the bank, leave this option as a last resort.

Delhi year 3

When there is a goal, a person behaves more responsibly with his money. When it is not there, funds go down on all sorts of rubbish. If you save up for a Land Cruiser when you get 28,000 a month, then you will be more responsible in buying bread.

In general, in order not to starve and do everything right, you need to set one big goal at the beginning of the year (academic or calendar - it doesn’t matter), then break this goal into parts (four months each). This will make it easier to control your progress, and it will save you from any minor headaches.

Formula "50-30-20"

If you don’t know how to manage your income, contact financial experts. No money for financial experts - we will help. Given the current economic model and all the nightmare that comes with it, the most profitable way to proceed is as follows: 50 percent of your income should be spent on needs (for example, housing, car payments, food, etc.), 30 percent should be spent what you want (clothes, good meals, etc.) and the other 20 percent should be set aside.

Now, when you are young, there is not a damn thing about money, and you can’t even buy bones for jelly, your spending will most likely be based on the “70-20-10” pattern. This, in general, is not bad, but you need to strive for the “50-30-20” scheme.

Surround yourself with responsible people

Nothing stimulates financial success like hanging out with people who have already achieved it. Communicate with people older than you who have achieved something in their lives, contact those who share financial goals similar to you. It is quite difficult to maintain financial discipline surrounded by careless spontaneous spenders.

Ideally, of course, find yourself a mentor who will accompany you throughout the path to success. This should be a successful, proven and well-known person. If you show interest in learning, show that you sincerely want the same for yourself, and do not show yourself as a fool, then most likely you will be helped.

The year is more important than the month

As a rule, at the end of each month we sum up the results. This is correct, this is certainly good, but one can speak of success only after the end of a more impressive and longer period. Therefore, any results must be summed up at the end of the year. If the goal is large-scale, then even six months may not be enough. After three months, you can save 30% of your total income, but by the end of the year, only 10% of them may remain. Do you hear the difference?

How a change in attitude towards money helped him achieve financial stability. He grew up in a poor family, often not knowing if they would be able to pay the rent or if they would be left on the street at the end of the month. He had to watch relatives and friends quarrel over money.

He now owns his own business and no longer lives paycheck to paycheck. He did not become a millionaire, but he reached the point where you do not need to constantly think about finances. Kim shared tips that he would have given himself at 18. Perhaps they will be useful to you too.

Money is a tool that allows me to do what I love. I don't see them as an end in themselves. Now I don't need any more money. But I continue to work and earn money to help my family and loved ones.

1. If you convince yourself that you need a thing, don't buy it.

One of the biggest financial mistakes is buying things unnecessarily. We often do this: we buy new clothes, a phone or a computer, just to keep up with others and feel fashionable. But most of these things are us.

When something is really needed, you understand it right away. If you have to convince yourself before buying, do not take this thing.

2. Don't buy early models

When you see a new model of car, camera or smartphone, do not rush to buy them. Wait for the next version: it will not have problems and flaws that the first versions sin with. You will save yourself from unnecessary headaches.

3. Be generous with what makes you happy

Money can buy happiness if you spend it on experiences and things that matter to you. If they delight, inspire and motivate, they are a necessary investment in your well-being.

Just remember that the pleasure of things passes faster than the experience.

After two weeks, we get used to new things and stop noticing them. Impressions please much longer. They can be mentally re-experienced. In addition, they help us grow and develop new skills.

4. Earn more and spend less

Many people start spending more after a pay rise. They buy an expensive car, travel more often and eat in cafes. As a result, they do not become richer, but remain approximately at the same level of prosperity. But if you earn more and spend less, there will be free funds. They can be deposited or invested.

Think about how you could earn more: take on additional responsibilities at your current job, find a part-time job, get busy. Then think about how to spend less. For example, cook at home and go to cafes less often. Spend less on clothes. Sell ​​your car and use public transport. Don't chase the latest fashions. Use the remaining funds to pay off debts or save up for something.

5. Never go into debt

No matter how rich you are, if you are in debt, you are a slave to the banking system. To pay them and maintain the necessary standard of living, you will have to work. Maybe in a job that you don't like.

So never borrow. If you are thinking of starting your own business or creating some kind of project, but for this you need to get into debt, postpone this venture. Start only when you can pay all the expenses yourself. So you risk less. And the lack of funds forces us to look for a creative approach to problems.

6. Learn not to want more of what you already have.

Being rich doesn't mean having everything you can. Real wealth is when you don't need anything other than what you already have.

And a billionaire can be poor if he constantly needs more and more. He may own real estate all over the world, but if his friend has a private spaceship, he will still be jealous.

We feel like we're missing something when we compare ourselves to the people of us. Instead, compare yourself to those who are poorer. Then your current lifestyle will seem sufficient to you.

7. Look not for perfect, but for good enough

We always strive for the ideal, we want to have the best. But think, do you really need the best car, the most powerful smartphone or an apartment in the most respectable area? Maybe what you have now is enough?

Try not to use the phrase "the best" for a month. Watch how your attitude to shopping changes and how much money you save.

8. Don't buy too many items from the same category

Life is much easier if you have one phone, one computer, one pair of casual shoes. In clothes, you can limit yourself to one type of trousers, shirts, socks. You will make fewer decisions, be less nervous and spend less money.

Look at your belongings and think, what 10% of them do you use 90% of the time? Try . Sell, donate or throw away your extra items. You will feel relieved, you will be able to pay more attention and energy to important things.

9. When choosing a product, be guided by a lower price

The brain clings to the first price you see. Then you choose a product in comparison with this price. If at first you were offered a camera for 50 thousand, and then for 30, the second one will seem like a bargain. Although, perhaps, a camera for 15 thousand would suit you.

To spend less, look at lower cost items first. Compared to them, the rest will seem more expensive. As a result, you will stop at an acceptable option and do not spend too much.

10. Change Your Environment to Consume Less

The environment affects how much we consume. When everyone around you often changes gadgets and cars, buys new clothes and dine in a restaurant, it will be difficult for you to resist. If you want to spend less and live more modestly, try changing your environment. Naturally, it is not always possible to move to another area or city. But you can change your lifestyle. Go to the mall less often and avoid anything that makes you want to buy something.

11. Block out ads

We do not even notice how advertising changes our idea of ​​a product, making us want it. Avoid it by all means. Don't watch TV, don't read magazines, turn on your browser's ad blocker. Unsubscribe from newsletters. Buy paid versions of apps to disable ads.

12. Remember: the more money, the more problems.

Money is desirable up to a certain point. When you have enough to pay your rent, save some money and not worry, more income won't make you happier. As income increases, so does stress. You need to worry about the tax, about unsuccessful investments, about greedy relatives who are asking for money and secretly waiting for your death.

The same applies to things. For example, the larger your house, the more worries: you need to clean a large area, buy more furniture, most of all repair and change. Therefore, when considering a purchase, consider such hidden disadvantages of owning a new thing.

13. Invest in your development

The most important thing is to invest not in the stock market, but in yourself. This will help. Most often, a book is a squeeze of the author's ideas for several years or even for a lifetime. This is an opportunity to learn about the lessons that the other person has learned and apply them to your own advantage.

The more you invest in expanding your knowledge, finding new ideas and developing creativity, the more you will benefit.

If you get at least one new idea from the book that inspires you, then you have not wasted your money.

14. Before helping others, ensure your own financial stability

If you're having trouble with money, don't lend it to anyone - not even a family member. You will worsen your situation and, in addition, spoil the relationship.

It is better not to lend money to friends and family at all. If you want to help, give them for free. This is the only way you can maintain a good relationship. But help when your own financial situation is stable.

15. Don't invest in stocks

You won't get rich on them. Professional traders often act randomly. But it's not only that. Even if the value of your shares rises by 30%, the profit from this cannot be compared with the benefit from. After gaining new skills, after a while you will earn more.

Think about how such investments will help you get rich. Maybe you should take some courses, sign up for a seminar, or start your own business.

16. Don't take risks

It is believed that entrepreneurs like to take risks just for the sake of risk, but this is not true. Good businessmen carefully consider their actions and do not allow situations in which you can lose all your capital.

If you are going to start your own business or invest in something, remember that you can always fail. Prepare for this and make sure you don't lose all your funds.

17. Strive not for wealth, but for not going broke

If you are a business owner, focus not on how to increase profits, but on how not to go bankrupt. If you are an employee of a company, think about how to stay fit. For example, you can learn new skills or expand your responsibilities.

18. Mentally exaggerate your spending and underestimate your income.

Very easy. We often look at the world through rose-colored glasses, overestimate ourselves and underestimate problems. Imagine that you are poorer than you are and cut your expenses. This will help you spend less and gradually accumulate funds.

19. Don't buy the most expensive things.

A $1,000 item won't make you ten times happier than a $100 item. Expensive items seem to bring more happiness, but that doesn't depend on how much money you spend. There is a certain amount, after which the pleasure of shopping no longer grows. For everyone it is different. Find this middle ground for yourself and don't spend more.

Do not forget that pleasures also become boring. Especially the joys associated with food, sex, travel and shopping. Over time, they cease to cause strong sensations, no matter how much you pay for them. Therefore, spending more and more money on things simply does not make sense.

20. "Think like a rich man, dress like a poor man"

So said Andy Warhol. Wear basic clothes, drive a normal car, choose practical items. Those who ostentatiously wear expensive branded products often, on the contrary, have no money and live in debt. They are simply insecure and want to attract attention at the expense of expensive things.

Be rich on the inside. Remember that you have everything you need. Think less about shopping. Spend more time and energy creating something important.

21. Live modestly than your income allows.

We get used to new things after two weeks. No matter how expensive they are, they no longer please us, because they become commonplace. Try to get used to a more modest lifestyle as well.

Buy a cheaper item, even if you have enough for an expensive one. Buy - inexpensive equivalent to original drugs. In a cafe, choose the cheapest coffee or the simplest dish. Over time, this will become a habit.

22. Don't Focus on Brands

When you look at a thing, think not about the brand or price, but about what it, in essence, is. Lexus is just an expensive Toyota Camry. Filet mignon is just a part of a cow carcass, and expensive wine is fermented grape juice. The new smartphone is just a piece of metal with a touchscreen. Brand suit - pieces of fabric sewn by some worker with a minimum wage.

Constantly reduce the value of such things in your eyes. Then they will become less attractive to you.

23. Don't give all your money to investments

If 99% of your funds are invested in real estate, you are deprived of financial freedom. In an unforeseen situation, you will not be able to pay off and will have to borrow. Try to always have free funds that can be quickly withdrawn from the account. This is also useful in case there is a profitable opportunity to invest them.

24. Don't Buy Anything You Can't Pay Without Credits

We are too optimistic about our possibilities. We think we can pay quickly. But debts are accumulating like a snowball. The more of them, the stronger you fall into slavery to the banking system. If you still want to use a credit card to receive bonuses, buy only what you could pay without borrowing.

25. Don't be cheap when you charge for your services.

Appreciate yourself. If you are an entrepreneur or freelancer, charge a little more for your services than you think you deserve. You may lose a few customers, but in the long run you will make more profit.

Of course, when you're just starting out, you can't ask for too much. To gain experience, work for some time for free. But then charge for services above average. If you agree to an average pay, you will always have to somehow make ends meet.

26. In your free time, work on what you love.

Many people want to quit their office job and do what they love: to become a photographer, a traveler or a writer. Don't do this until you have financial stability. Live off the income from your main job and study in your spare time.

Get up an hour earlier, use your lunch break, do something useful in the evening instead of watching TV shows. When the money from extra work is enough to pay the bills, you can leave the annoying company. But always have contingency funds and a back-up plan ready. You may have to live with your parents again or return to your old job.

27. Think about what else you can buy with the money you are going to spend

Usually, when buying, we only compare items of the same category. For example, smartphones from different manufacturers. But maybe instead of a cool new phone, it's better to go on an interesting trip? Or invest in your education? Or pay off part of the debt?

28. Imagine how you would feel about a purchase in 5-10 years

Look at things realistically. Any purchase in 5–10 years will lose its presentable appearance. This is especially true for cars. Better not chase fashion, but count on the long term.

29. Don't forget that money itself has no value.

Fundamentally, money is just paper. Even precious metals are nothing special - they are just shiny stones. Consider why they are important to you. Perhaps they give you a sense of stability or symbolize success. Determine what money means to you. For example, strength, the absence of pain, the ability to do what you want.

Don't take money too seriously. And do not forget about the really valuable things: relationships with loved ones, important work, gratitude.

30. Don't be a slave to money

Money is neither good nor bad - it's just a tool. We decide what to use them for. Think about how they affect your life. What do you need money for? What joys and anxieties can they bring? How can money help you and others? And can they ruin your life?

Provide yourself with everything you need for life. Once you have enough money for this, spend time and energy on your development. And then do something useful and help others.

“Peculiarities of thinking of the rich”

First, you should decide who you consider a rich person, and what should be called wealth. Despite the primitiveness of these questions, the answers will be very different.

Someone considers wealth to have decent housing, a car, and the opportunity to spend holidays in a foreign resort. For some, a capital of several million dollars seems insufficient.

According to writer and millionaire Robert Kiyosaki, wealth is measured by the amount of time a person can maintain a comfortable lifestyle without working. Kiyosaki is an active supporter of the formation of assets from which you can receive passive income (interest from capital).

It turns out that wealth is measured not by money, but by TIME, since all people need a different amount of money, but life time is limited and it is not advisable to spend it on something that does not bring pleasure. For most people, an unloved job takes all the time, and it is important to do what you love, because this is the only way to understand how to become rich and free from external circumstances.

Try to answer the questions:

  1. Why do some people get rich and some don't?
  2. Why is it that someone is forced to work day and night, but cannot get rid of poverty, while someone easily earns a comfortable life, has time for hobbies and outdoor activities?
  3. Why does money go to some people on its own, while others do not get out of debt?

In every great state there is only a fraction of luck, and it is attracted by a certain way of thinking.

There is no guarantee that by changing the attitude towards wealth, a person will become a millionaire. But the right approach will be the starting point and will allow you to take steps in the right direction.

All the manuals that offer information about methods for achieving financial success recommend starting with a fundamental change in the way you think. It's complicated. And it is even more difficult to start the transformation in a practical plane and change the stereotypes of behavior. But there is a difference between the perception of the world of the rich and the poor, and it is this difference that is primary.

13 main differences

  1. Wealthy people are sure that they create their own destiny. The poor believe that their lives are shaped by circumstances, and too rarely try to influence the course of affairs.
  2. The rich work to increase their wealth. The poor - to provide the necessary minimum.
  3. Both the rich and the poor dream, but the former actively act to realize their plans.
  4. The rich are open to bold ideas and look for opportunities in everything. The poor are obsessed with failure and problems.
  5. The rich seek out more successful people and learn from them. The poor watch with envy from the sidelines and prefer to communicate with people of "their" circle.
  6. The rich, if they envy the success of others, then with admiration, they look for opportunities to also use this experience. The poor persistently look for flaws in the success of others.
  7. The rich are extremely self-confident and like to brag about their successes.
  8. The rich don't panic when things get hard and take proactive steps to meet the challenges.
  9. The rich are sure that their income depends on effort and knowledge, the poor count hours worked.
  10. The rich easily change strategy, techniques, and even the field of activity. The poor see the futility of the path, but continue to go with the flow. They are more comfortable complaining about the injustice of the world.
  11. Successful people never stop learning and developing. The poor are lazy to learn and often think they know enough or talk about their inability to learn.
  12. Successful businessmen, having achieved their goals, draw new landmarks and continue development.
  13. The rich rarely perceive money emotionally. They think rationally. Businessmen see them as a tool to make their dreams come true.

"Main Principles of Wealth"

Every wealthy person has his own secret to success. But numerous studies have proven that all rich people intuitively choose typical behaviors. They do not rely on conventional wisdom and very often use non-trivial tricks.

Where most see obstacles and losses, successful people find new opportunities and win.

Typical habits of the rich

They always know what they will do today. Even without working, they plan the day and clearly allocate time.
- Rarely indulge in idle entertainment. TV is used to receive news. If they read, then developing books.
- They have the ability to devote themselves to work with their heads and do what they love.
- Surround themselves with positive, creative people and successful business people.
- Take care of your health and appearance.
- They trust themselves more and do not rely on a blind chance.

The most important acquisition habit to start your path to success with is appreciating your work. No matter what you do, love what you do.

Creativity is important, but it is also impossible to do without action and a clear goal.

Do not confuse frugality with stinginess and greed. Learn to give. Successful companies and rich people spend a lot of money on charity. Generosity is another common trait of millionaires.

“7 stages on the path from poverty to prosperity”

These tips will help you make a powerful breakthrough in practice and achieve a dramatic improvement in well-being in the foreseeable future.

1. Allow yourself to be rich and set a clear goal

Come up with and conduct a beautiful ritual and allow yourself to become rich. This is an extremely important point. You refuse poverty and radically change your life.

From now on, every step will be subordinated to the main goal. Don't think you'll become a soulless miser. On the contrary, your life will sparkle with new colors, courage and creativity will appear in it. You will begin to develop and improve in relationships with others, finances and marketing, because without these components it is impossible to achieve prosperity.

You will not have time to complain, look for excuses and reasons for failure. From now on, you rely only on your own strength and learn from mistakes. Your well-being depends only on one person.

You will constantly look for opportunities to accelerate the achievement of the goal. In an incomprehensible way, she will definitely begin to move towards you, throwing up good opportunities.

2. Find a teacher

Common mistakes can be avoided. Take advantage of the experience and knowledge of those who have already achieved success. It is not necessary to become a shadow of one of the rich people or blindly copy recommendations. Look for any opportunity to expand your knowledge and meet those who have achieved success in a particular field. These people willingly share their secrets with young entrepreneurs. Any experience of dealing with the rich will be useful.

3. Build the Habits of Rich People

We wrote about them above. Make a plan based on 13 points and follow it literally. Do not allow the habits of the poor to return, constantly control yourself.

Example. Stop wasting time on useless entertainment and replace it with self-development. Invest time in reading books in your area of ​​expertise, and study self-development literature from top business researchers and success coaches. Learn to communicate correctly, develop financial literacy.

It doesn't matter how old you are or where you live. Thanks to the Internet, everyone has access to knowledge. The ability to comprehend new information depends only on desire. Put into practice what you have learned right away.

4. Dramatically change your lifestyle and environment

Start hanging out with people who are richer and more successful than you. Stop complaining and generally mention bad luck and problems. Expand your circle of acquaintances. It is very difficult to move away from some especially close people. If they do not support you and pull you back, say goodbye without the slightest regret.

5. Financial Literacy Is Everything

Study hard books on finance. At first it will be difficult, but gradually you will understand all the terms and concepts. This is arch-important.

Make a personal financial plan. It will become a capital acquisition strategy, but should be based on a full assessment of the current situation.

Seek help from a financial advisor. All millionaires have such consultants who thoroughly understand the financial sector and give good advice. Steadily stick to the plan and do not allow yourself to make impulsive spending. Every penny saved and invested will bring a steady income in the future. Don't forget about it.

Are you spending more than you earn? Either change the situation, or prepare for bankruptcy. Debts, especially those with high interest, are evil. Loans for business development should be taken with extreme caution, after a thorough analysis of the prospects.

Keep painstaking and detailed records of expenses and income. Compile and analyze financial statistics for different periods of time. Eliminate everything that brings unnecessary costs.

6. Invest

Even minimal savings should be invested. You can invest in your own projects or look for profitable options on the side. Consult trusted experts and learn everything you can about investing.

7. Stay calm

Do not rush and do not use questionable methods of enrichment. Adventures will lead to collapse. Having succumbed to the temptation to spend the first large profits, very many go the distance. Passion is appropriate in work, but money loves cold calculation.

“4 proven schemes for achieving financial freedom”

Create sources of passive income

Passive income is well-invested capital that multiplies without your active participation:

Bank deposits;
dividends from the purchase of securities;
leasing real estate;
building a network in distribution activities;
referrals on Internet resources.

Several sources of passive income allow you to quit your job at any time and continue a comfortable life.

Create your own business

Large financial investments are not necessary for all activities. Too many successful businesses have been created with minimal capital or no money at all. It is more important to have a demanded product or service. Everyone has unique knowledge or skills. You have some talent or a bold business idea. If it is impossible to find an investor, start small and gradually expand.

Become an intermediary

If communication is your talent, offer mediation services. You do not invest or sell anything, but from each transaction you receive income in the amount of a certain percentage. Many people do not have time to search for services, goods, they need the help of an intermediary during complex negotiations. This is a very popular service where you can make big money without investing anything. But in this case, an impeccable reputation and the ability to fulfill given promises are extremely important.

Create an online business

Your own website is sure to generate income if you invest time in it. It is not necessary to spend big money on creation and promotion. Plenty of teaching materials. Offer popular topics or content that is close and interesting to you. With a little work, you will get your visitors and be able to earn passive income from advertising and other ways of monetization.

There are many opportunities for additional income on the Internet. Even without special knowledge or skills, you can earn some income. By constantly improving or mastering new professions that are in demand on the network, you can significantly increase your profits and quit your job.

Products and services presented on the Internet receive a huge audience. The number of potential clients is growing exponentially. It is very likely that an online store will bring significantly more profit than a retail outlet in the city center.