Another disaster in California. California faces record flooding that will cause $725 billion in damage

NEW DISASTER IN CALIFORNIA. AGAIN EVACUATION Cataclysms continue in California (USA). This western state The United States, severely affected by catastrophic wildfires, was at the mercy of large-scale floods and mudflows. The long-awaited rains not only helped to eliminate the last fires, but also heavily flooded the affected areas. The resulting flows of debris, dirt and ash provoked a local natural disaster. The main impact of the elements fell on the Batta area and Riverside County, where a month's rainfall fell in a day. For safety reasons, residents of a number of areas in Butte, Riverside, Orange, and Los Angeles counties were evacuated. Despite the fact that a number of roads were closed due to heavy rains, about 100 car drivers who did not have time to reach safe places, found themselves in a trap formed by mudflows. All drivers were released. Some of the affected residents were blocked in their homes, and some houses were flooded. Many victims of the elements waited out the bad weather on the roofs of houses, treetops and natural hills until they were evacuated by rescuers. For example, a man forced to bail out of a floodwater from a flooded river in Los Angeles was rescued by a fire department helicopter crew on Thursday (November 29) afternoon. residents Southern California urged to avoid coastal water as it may contain bacteria, chemical substances, garbage and other threats to human health due to runoff. SEL. CAUSES A mudflow is a strong flow of water that carries with it debris, ashes, stone fragments and dirt mixed with water. These landslides are much more dangerous and stronger than ordinary floods, they destroy everything in their path. The origin of mudflows is often associated with fires that destroyed the vegetation and exposed the ground, and with the heavy rains that followed them, which eroded the land and ruins in the burnt areas. Therefore, all these upper parts of the soil and debris are easily picked up by water and carried over a long distance. In addition, after fires in rough-textured soils, a water-repellent layer is formed, and it prevents the normal passage of water flow into the depths. The soil itself after the fire becomes like sand and is easily washed away. end result is that after a fire with a high or moderate severity, the ability of the soil to absorb water is greatly reduced. Any heavy rains turn into a flood, which carries away all the stones and debris lying on the surface of the earth. CHANGING OF THE CLIMATE. WAYS OF SOLUTION As is known, mudflows and landslides occur quite often in the USA, however, scientists in recent times began to express particular concern, as in areas such as California, the number of fires from drought and global warming increases, and mudflows may become more common. Climate change is increasing the length and magnitude of the fire season by reducing snow cover and increasing air temperatures. More high temperatures increase the risk of fires, and the ability of the atmosphere to retain water contributes to increased rainfall intensity after the fire season. The climate is changing and, as we see, very rapidly. Are we ready to extend a helping hand to every inhabitant of the planet, regardless of religion, skin color, age, eye shape? And if necessary, can each of us gratefully accept help? In order to safely survive the impending cataclysms caused by the cyclical climatic processes, we all need to unite and show all the best that we all have - love, kindness, mutual understanding, joy and creativity. After all, the Souls of all people are one, and each of us feels it. But each of us needs to make a choice. What is the main CHOICE that humanity faces today tells the first film "CHOICE" of a large-scale international project"ONE GRAIN". The brightest understandings and personal discoveries of people from different countries of the world on the topic of "human choice", its leading role in a person's life, which determines his future destiny. PHOTO and VIDEO here.

Californians are used to frequent earthquakes mostly of small force, but they understand that there is always a risk of strong shocks that will destroy houses and streets.

One of possible scenarios was named ARkStorm. According to him, the storm could bring a series of heavy rains to California in a short period of time. Flood control systems in certain moment can no longer cope with heavy rainfall, which will lead to the evacuation of 1.5 million people, flooding 25% of California and $ 725 billion in damage.

ARkStorm, according to forecasts, can devastate several areas of California, including Silicon Valley.

Such severe flooding could occur in California any coming winter, according to Jones and the USGS. The state has seen similar storms before.

History of major storms in California

Eighty years ago, in March and February, the region experienced a record series of storms that caused mudslides that destroyed hundreds of homes in Southern California. The rain then fell at a rate of two inches (5 cm) per hour, flooding much of the San Fernando Valley. Due to complex weather conditions then died at least 21 people.

In 1862, they were under water most of Central Valley and Los Angeles County. Each Big City in the region was flooded, and downtown Sacramento could only be reached by boat. A third of California's agricultural land was destroyed, leaving the state bankrupt. The flood also killed just over 1% of the state's population.

The two storms were a wake-up call for California officials as the state began building dams designed to more pressure and water height.

But according to Jones, modern systems flood control in California is not able to cope with another storm of this magnitude.

California is not equipped to contain a major flood

According to the USGS, California's flood control systems need overhaul. Existing dams are unable to resist ARkStorm, which could flood an area 300 miles (483 km) long and 20 miles (32 km) wide.

When ARkStorm most of Sacramento, Orange County and Stockton will be under water.

Hypothetical flooding in Sacramento.
Infographic: USGS

Hypothetical flooding in Stockton.
Infographic: USGS

Other California cities that may experience extreme flooding in the coming years include parts of Silicon Valley (Santa Clara, Mountain View, Cupertino, San Jose, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Foster City, San Mateo, Burlingame, Fremont and Newark).

Local agencies provide $30 million annually to maintain dams in the Central Valley. But Michael Myertzwa, chief manager of the Flood Management Department water resources California, stated that in order to ensure effective work$130 million a year must be spent on these facilities.

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Landslide in California: Key Facts

At least 13 people have died due to landslides in Southern California caused by heavy rains and flooding, authorities say.

About 163 people are in the hospital, 20 were injured, and four more are in critical condition.

Approximately 300 people are reported stranded in Romero Canyon in eastern Santa Barbara.

According to the police, the situation is reminiscent of the battlefields of the First World War.

Flooding and landslides hit the areas scorched forest fires In the past year. Due to bad weather, approximately 48 km of the coastal route were blocked.

Image copyright Twitter/ @EliasonMike Image caption Giant boulders roll onto roads due to mudflows in California

Rescue Services it is said that a number of people are still missing, but the number of victims is expected to increase.

Thousands of people were evacuated from the flood zone, more than 50 rescue operations were carried out. Among the rescued is a 14-year-old girl who was found in the ruins of her own house.

Houses located outside the evacuation zone were hit the hardest, authorities said.

Heavy rains provoked mudflows in Montecito, where several houses were blown off their foundations, a spokesman for the Santa Barbara Fire Department said.

According to the BBC correspondent, boulders the size of a small car that came down from the slopes blocked the roads.

Fire chief Dave Zaniboni said five people were found dead in Montecito on Tuesday, believed to be victims of the elements.

The upscale neighborhood is home to several celebrities, including Oprah Winfrey's $90 million mansion.

The US Coast Guard has allocated several aircraft for the rescue operation. Residents were also asked not to use drones or their flights would be stopped.

On Monday, authorities called on several thousand Californians to leave their homes. This is the second mass evacuation in the past two months.

Authorities in the city of Burbank have imposed a mandatory evacuation after cars were swept away by mud flows.

Several roads are closed, including Route 101.

Image copyright Reuters Image caption Rescue dog searches for victims under the rubble

December fires, including the devastating "Thomas", swept through the region, destroying trees and plants that prevent landslides.

After a fire, plant residues and burnt soil create a water-repellent layer that blocks water absorption, which increases the risk of flooding.

"Areas that survived the fires are at particular risk of flooding," the US National Weather Service said in a statement.

Federal Agency for Management in emergency situations warned California residents that even those homes that had not previously been flooded are now at risk.

The warning followed after they were made public. In 2017, they exceeded $300 billion.

2017 was one of the three hottest years in the country on record, according to National Administration oceanic and atmospheric research of the country.

California is expected to receive up to 18 cm of precipitation in the valley and up to 23 cm in some areas. Snowfall in the region has intensified, according to the US National Weather Service.