A bird is flying low, flying over my head. Zabolotsky Nikolai - the storm is coming

At the end of 1957, N. A. Zabolotsky wrote a poem called "The storm is coming." He was very fond of the beauty of Russian forests and fields and often praised it in his works. This verse refers to the philosophical style of writing.

From the first lines, it becomes clear to the reader that the work is talking about such a natural phenomenon as a thunderstorm. At the beginning, the poet often repeats the word “moves”, so when reading, it seems that all this is happening in the present tense. Nature is described in a very natural and natural way. There is a sense of imminent approach of a thunderstorm and this causes a feeling of anxiety and danger. In the first line, the image of a cloud is very expressively presented. The writer associates it with a living being. The cloud, as if, as if alive, walks through the unembraced sky with a flashlight. The writer compares the life of nature with human destiny.


  • A cloud - “She caught me”, “Striked me with lightning”
  • Lightning - "Burned with fire"
  • Cedar is compared to a man - "did not die at the porch"
  • « through living heart wood" near the cedar tree
  • “the wound from the fire runs” - like a path through the heart of a tree

Most main image(cedar tree) in the elegy is described in the fourth quatrain. Cedar, wounded by a thunderstorm and split into several parts, managed to resist and not succumb to the raging elements. His huge inanimate crown became an invisible support for the firmament. The image of the cedar reminds us strong in spirit and fearless creature. He didn't see fear. The tree did not break under the onslaught of the elements and withstood all the tests. This showed that he was not afraid of any bad weather. The sky after all this, showers him with stars in gratitude.

Metaphors of the poem:

  • "A cloud is moving with a lantern"
  • "Dead Crown"
  • "Showering Stars on Me"
  • At the beginning of the work - this word "moves"
  • In the middle is the phrase "how many times"
  • In the last lines - this is the phrase "I, like you"

In the elegy “The Storm is Coming”, the writer uses exclamatory sentences to express his delight and at the same time a feeling of anxiety and fear of the elements. This work reminds us of the fate of the writer himself. Which, like the "Cedar", overcame all the difficulties and trials of fate. He managed to carry through his whole life the desire to create. At the end of the poem, the poet does not give any answers, giving the reader the opportunity to find them himself.

Analysis of the poem Thunderstorm is coming according to plan

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Poem by N. Zabolotsky "The storm is coming"

And we must understand that there is an icon,
Which nature sends us...
N. Zabolotsky

Poet of thought, philosophical reflections, subtle lyricist- this is how Nikolai Zabolotsky entered Russian poetry of the 20th century. There was a lot in his life: studying at the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University, correspondence with K. Tsiolkovsky, arrest and exile, but most importantly, there was always poetry in his life. Poetry in which Zabolotsky defended the beauty of man and nature.
The poem "Thunderstorm is coming", written in 1957, refers to the last period of the poet's work, which the researchers called "classical". In the poems created at that time, the tradition of A. Pushkin, E. Baratynsky and especially F. Tyutchev is very palpable.
However, Zabolotsky does not repeat the ready-made poetic systems of his great predecessors, but reveals new possibilities in them:

A frowning cloud moves
Covering half the sky in the distance,
Moving, huge and viscous,
With a lantern in a raised hand.

Of course, for Tyutchev, the image of a cloud with a lantern in his hand was impossible. To create it, one had to go through the metaphorical searches of the poetry of the 20th century.
Tyutchev's parallelism of descriptions of nature and nature passing through the entire poem is preserved in the poem. mental life, thoughts of a lyrical hero. Speaking of silence, the poet admits:

How many times did she catch me
How many times, sparkling with silver,
Beat with broken lightning,
Stone rolled out thunder.

The lyrical hero not only emotionally perceives a natural phenomenon, in this case thunderstorm, not only correlates it with his emotional experiences, he, in Tyutchev's way, destroys the line between man and nature. And this leads to such bold and unexpected associations:

How many times, seeing her in the field,
I slowed down timid steps
And stood, merging involuntarily
With a white sheen of a voltaic arc.

And immediately the poet transfers our attention to a tree split by lightning. For classical poetry this image is quite traditional, but Zabolotsky finds his meaning here too. A burned tree becomes a support for the sky:

Here it is - a cedar at our balcony,
Split in two by thunder,
He stands, and the dead crown
Supports the dark sky.

This resilience of a “dead” tree is akin to the fate of a lyrical hero who suffered, knew sorrow and joy, love and hate, but did not break.
Before us are three stages of comparing the feelings of a lyrical hero with a split tree.
At first, the tree, supporting the person, tells him life:

Needles blackened from the top
They shower me with stars.

Then it turns out that the fate of the lyrical hero is harder than the “fire wound” inflicted on the cedar:

Sing me a song, tree of sorrow!
I, like you, broke into the heights,
But only lightning met me
And fire burned on the fly.

And at the end of the poem, the greatness of man, his indomitable thirst to live, love, and create are already affirmed:

Why, split in two,
I, like you, did not die at the porch,
And in the soul is the same fierce hunger,
And love, and songs to the end!

Thus, the poem “Thunderstorm is coming” is not just a landscape sketch. It seems to me that before us vivid image poet of philosophical lyrics. Zabolotsky addresses the themes of life and death, the meaning of human existence.
The poem gives real details of the landscape: a cloudy sky, a tree split by lightning. But the philosophic nature of this work inevitably leads to an increase in its metaphorical nature: “sparkling with silver,” “a frowning cloud.” Here, nature does not oppose man, as it did in early lyrics Zabolotsky. She acts at the same time with him, sets off him state of mind his belief in the victory of life over death.
Numerous personifications found in this poem testify not only to the assimilation of nature to man. They have a deeper symbolic meaning: following Tyutchev, Zabolotsky saw in nature real life. Therefore, the cloud is able to “catch”, “beat”, and the “living heart” of the tree “shower with stars”. The barriers between the world of man and the world of nature have been destroyed: nature suffers and lives like man, and man, like a natural phenomenon, experiences the same feelings.
However, in the poem “The Storm is Coming,” there is another motive: a person can endure much more trials, but not bend and die.
landscape lyrics Zabolotsky was never simply descriptive. His lyrical hero not only emotionally perceives nature, but also seeks to comprehend its life, which is closely connected with human life.
Having passed a difficult life and poetic path, Nikolai Zabolotsky came to classical clarity philosophical lyrics. This is evidence of the unfading power of his poetry.

The main theme of this poem is the theme of a thunderstorm. According to the description alone, we can feel the whole state of nature: lightning trembling with torment; grass mixed with the shadow of a cloud. Everything in the world is waiting for something, everything is in obvious tension. But what exactly? We, like nature, in our case - main character We know that there will be a thunderstorm. But for us, this is a phenomenon that is most often comparable to disaster. And for nature, it is part of its essence. We may not understand how important and necessary it is, that this is part of life and will always be so.

The author's desire to show the importance of this phenomenon became the main idea of ​​the poem. He compares a thunderstorm with the birth of words and, in the end, combines them into a single whole: our thoughts diverge like lightning, and words sound like thunder. Everything shudders, trembles, everything waits and, finally, rejoices, because "the words on mother tongue is nothing but a reflection of the soul.

To create a special effect of hearing and touching this secret world, Zabolotsky uses paired consonants d-t, g-k, b-p. Their sound gives a real feeling of the presence of thunder, it seems that this whole picture is happening around you. The sound “o” stretches time, slows down the course of events, this makes it possible to think, to join what is happening while reading, so that you are covered by a wave and carried away into that extraordinary world created by the author. Time goes slowly also because the origin of something, in this case words, always does not occur immediately, but gradually. Long lines also give this effect.

An important role in this poem is played by the personification of nature:

"... The human rustle of grass, the prophetic cold on a dark hand..."

“... And flows down the body, dying in delight, water,

Herbs are falling into a swoon ... ".

We have no doubt that nature has a soul. At the moment when the first peals of thunder rumble, all nature awakens. unearthly pure beauty and spontaneity united in the guise of a bright-eyed maiden who appeared at that wonderful moment. All nature trembles, opens its arms towards a new birth and a brighter future. After the dark clouds gathered above the earth, after a long strain, enlightenment comes.

“... And, playing with thunders, the word rolls in a white cloud,

And the shining rain bursts into happy flowers.

"Shining Rain" washes away all adversity and glorifies the birth of a new word.

The role of the landscape is very important here. With the help of it, Zabolotsky shows the connection of one event (the birth of a word) with a natural phenomenon (thunderstorm). Also, with the help of it, we can observe the attitude of the author himself to what is happening. He emphasizes the "wonderful brilliance" of the virgin's nakedness, happy flowers, water fading in delight, and he himself is ready to rejoice with them.

Key phrases and the words are: the prophetic cold, the bright-eyed maiden, delight, the wondrous brilliance of nakedness, the white cloud and the word.

"Prophetic cold on a dark hand ..." - dark hand- this is a sleeping nature, a word not yet born, but a prophetic cold - predicting awakening or birth.

The bright-eyed maiden is a newborn, pure, with a wondrous brilliance of her nakedness (a new word).

A white cloud is a bright, immaculate one.

This poem is about the birth of the new and the pure. About eternal connection with nature. Here the soul of nature is revealed, which is able to feel and empathize, like a person. All herbs and flowers tremble before a miracle, and their rustle is comparable to human whispering.

"Thunderstorm is coming" Nikolai Zabolotsky

A frowning cloud moves
Covering half the sky in the distance,
Moving, huge and viscous,
With a lantern in a raised hand.

How many times did she catch me
How many times, sparkling with silver,
Beat with broken lightning,
Stone rolled out thunder!

How many times, seeing her in the field,
I slowed down timid steps
And stood, merging involuntarily
With the white brilliance of the voltaic arc!

Here it is - a cedar at our balcony.
Split in two by thunder,
He stands, and the dead crown
Supports the dark sky.

Through the living heart of wood
The wound from the fire lies,
Needles blackened from the top
They shower me with stars.

Sing me a song, tree of sorrow!
I, like you, broke into the heights,
But only lightning met me
And fire burned on the fly.

Why, split in two,
I, like you, did not die at the porch,
And in the soul is the same fierce hunger,
And love, and songs to the end!

Analysis of Zabolotsky's poem "The Storm is Coming"

The poem "Thunderstorm is coming", written in 1957, refers to last stage creativity Zabolotsky, when he became closer to the classical traditions of Russian poetry. In his works of that period, the influence of several authors of the nineteenth century is felt at once - Pushkin, Tyutchev and Baratynsky. The text under consideration belongs to natural-philosophical lyrics. The first lines of the work are a description of the landscape. Zabolotsky tells readers about the onset of a thunderstorm. Here important role movement plays - note that in the initial quatrain the verb "moves" is repeated twice. Due to this, there is a feeling that we see the picture drawn by the poet in the present tense. It even looks a bit cinematic. The most striking image of the first stanza is a cloud "with a lantern in its raised hand." She resembles a character in old stories - either a guard, or a sorcerer, or an ordinary peasant who went late in the evening or even at night to check the cattle in the barn.

In the fourth stanza appears key image poems - a cedar, split into two parts by thunders, wounded in the heart by fire. His dead crown acts as a support for the sky. Accordingly, this tree can be considered a kind of link between the two worlds - earthly and heavenly, physical and spiritual. In the last two quatrains, the lyrical hero compares himself with a cedar - exhausted, but able to survive. In the final lines, parallels with the life of Zabolotsky himself are clearly visible. Like a tree from a poem, he “rushed into the heights”, but only lightning met him there. Soviet authority frankly did not favor the work of Nikolai Alekseevich. The collection "Columns", which was published in 1929, received mocking reviews from critics. The next wave of persecution was caused by the publication of the poem "The Triumph of Agriculture". In 1938, Zabolotsky was arrested, absolutely groundlessly accusing him of anti-Soviet propaganda. He spent several years in the camps, being released only in 1944.

In the last stanza of the poem "The Storm is Coming," the lyrical hero calls himself split in two. He does not understand why the tree died after being struck by lightning, and he managed not only to survive all the storms of life, all the hardships, but also to remain a person who knows how to feel, who is able to create. Zabolotsky does not give any answers at the end, giving readers the opportunity to try to find them on their own.

N. Zabolotsky "Thunderstorm"

The main theme of this poem is the theme of a thunderstorm. According to the description alone, we can feel the whole state of nature: lightning trembling with torment; grass mixed with the shadow of a cloud. Everything in the world is waiting for something, everything is in obvious tension. But what exactly? We, like nature, in our case - the main character, we know that there will be a thunderstorm. But for us, this is a phenomenon that is most often comparable to a disaster. And for nature, it is part of its essence. We may not understand how important and necessary it is, that this is part of life and will always be so.

The author's desire to show the importance of this phenomenon became the main idea of ​​the poem. He compares a thunderstorm with the birth of words and, in the end, combines them into a single whole: our thoughts diverge like lightning, and words sound like thunder. Everything shudders, trembles, everything waits and, finally, rejoices, because “words in the native language” are nothing but a reflection of the soul.

To create a special effect of hearing and touching this secret world, Zabolotsky uses the paired consonants dt, gk, bp. Their sound gives a real feeling of the presence of thunder, it seems that this whole picture is happening around you. The sound “o” stretches time, slows down the course of events, this makes it possible to think, to join what is happening while reading, so that you are covered by a wave and carried away into that extraordinary world created by the author. Time goes slowly also because the origin of something, in this case words, always does not occur immediately, but gradually. Long lines also give this effect.

We have no doubt that nature has a soul. At the moment when the first peals of thunder rumble, all nature awakens. Unearthly pure beauty and spontaneity combined in the guise of a bright-eyed maiden who appeared at this wonderful moment. All nature trembles, opens its arms towards a new birth and a brighter future. After the dark clouds gathered above the earth, after a long strain, enlightenment comes.

This poem is about the birth of the new and the pure. About eternal connection with nature. Here the soul of nature is revealed, which is able to feel and empathize, like a person. All herbs and flowers tremble before a miracle, and their rustle is comparable to human whispering.