1988 went down in history as a year.

I will find vodka

In 1988, the well-known Chinese wish not to live in an era of change became popular in our country. Because this era has come and many even managed to get used to it. Even standing in line for vodka has ceased to seem something terrible. Even the introduction of coupons for this business, and at the same time for sugar, tobacco products, and in many regions for other goods, was just one of the ways to find and get it. There were others. The well-known song of the group "Smokie" "What Can I Do" - "I'll find vodka" served as an anthem. At the end of the year, the mouthpiece of the anti-alcohol campaign, the magazine "Sobriety and Culture", in full accordance with the absurdity of the current moment, began publishing the great poem by Venedikt Erofeev "Moscow - Petushki".

Everything went to the fact that Mikhail Gorbachev became more and more popular in the West and less and less popular in the USSR. There he was friends with the inveterate bourgeois conservatives Reagan and Thatcher, and here the notorious perestroika, acceleration and socialism with a human face became the subject of bold jokes in the revived KVN. One publicity pleased. Almost every Friday there is a sharp "Look" on TV. Sometimes the transmission was covered up. But they did not cover up the “Before and After Midnight”, which was published once a month on Saturdays. Thick literary magazines passionately competed with each other in the publications of our previously forbidden emigrants and not our anti-Soviet, like Orwell.

And it was not at all pleasing that the Soviet Union began to fall apart with blood. In Nagorno-Karabakh and Sumgait, Armenians and Azerbaijanis began to cut each other.

But Soviet and American athletes, after 12 years of boycotts, finally met in person at the Olympic Games in Seoul. On October 1, Gorbachev became chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the nominal head of state. What's the point?

Pavel Kuzmenko

Little Johnny is cramming a lesson: “God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere...” - Dad, is there a god? - Silly, but is there any cheese? This is a fable!… Little Johnny is cramming a lesson: “God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere...” - Dad, is there a god? - Silly, but is there any cheese? This is a fable! Type: Sadistic rhymes

One girl's mother died when she was dying - she said: - Never buy a black rose, but only a white one. One day the girl went to the market and the view ... One girl's mother died when she was dying - she said: - Never buy a black rose, but only a white one. Once the girl went to the market and sees: a woman in black is standing and selling black flowers. The girl really liked the flowers, and she decided to buy them. The girl bought one black rose. He goes further, sees a woman in white, and she has white roses in her hands. The girl bought a white rose. The girl came home and put the roses in the water. At night she sleeps and suddenly a black, black woman comes out of a black rose. She stretches out her hands to the girl and wants to strangle her. But at this time, a white, white woman comes out of the white rose. She grabs a black woman and strangles her. The girl wakes up and sees a white rose on the table in the water, and the black one is broken. The girl immediately remembered her mother's order and threw out a black rose. She never bought black again, only white.

ratings: 0

Let's remember the significant events of the distant 1988. In that year, which according to the calendar is exactly comparable to the current year, a huge number of events took place that influenced the fate of the Soviet Union and its people.

On May 29, 1988, Ronald Reagan arrived in the USSR.

The President of the United States arrived on an official visit to the country, which a few years earlier he called the "Evil Empire" and called on the whole world for a crusade against the USSR ... The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere. The Soviet leader suddenly became more accommodating, made unprecedented compromises.
Meeting Gorbachev and Reagan.

1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'.

Meeting of MS Gorbachev with His Holiness Patriarch Pimen and members of the Holy Synod. Kremlin. May 7, 1988

Festive services were celebrated in Moscow churches throughout the week, and on June 11 an all-night vigil was held. Then the celebrations were held in Kyiv, Leningrad and Vladimir, and after June 18 - in the dioceses. After a 70-year period of planting atheism in the country, a new stage began in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. June 12, 1988 In the Trinity Cathedral of St. Danilov Monastery, the Primates and representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches celebrated the Divine Liturgy and a festive moleben.

May 15, 1988 - the beginning of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

Seeing comrades on their last journey.

The Soviet Union sent troops to Afghanistan in 1979. During the 9 years of the war, about 600,000 Soviet servicemen visited there, more than 15,000 soldiers died and, according to various sources, up to two million Afghans. About 200 Soviet soldiers are still missing. On May 15, 1988, after the Geneva agreements concluded in April on a political settlement of the conflict, the USSR began the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. The last convoy with Soviet troops crossed the Afghan-Soviet border on February 15, 1989.
Soviet troops leave Afghanistan.

March 8 - The Ovechkin family of Soviet musicians hijacked a plane. On March 8, 1988, the passengers of the Tu-154 flying from Irkutsk to Leningrad were in high spirits. They did not yet know that the large Ovechkin family flying with them would hijack the plane in a few hours and demand to fly to London. Ninel Ovechkina and her children also had their own special plan, for which the exemplary family had been preparing for almost half a year - an airplane hijacking and a daring escape from the Soviet Union.

Musical group Seven Simeons.

On June 12, 1988, the final of the first beauty contest "Moscow Beauty" took place.

Masha Kalinina is the first Moscow beauty.

The first Soviet beauty contest was the contest "Moscow Beauty-88", and the first "officially" recognized domestic beauty was the tenth grader Masha Kalinina.

The beginning of the collapse of the USSR.

On November 16, the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR declared sovereignty, which was the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Rally on November 26, 1988 in Tallinn.

November 16, 1988 - the proclamation of the sovereignty of the Estonian SSR by the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR - the supremacy of the laws of the republic over the laws of the USSR was affirmed. This meant a challenge to the allied leadership and led to the collapse of the USSR. In 1989–90, other republics also proclaimed sovereignty.
People's Front of Tallinn.

A state of emergency has been introduced in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Starting from February 13, 1988, rallies were held every day on Lenin Square in Stepanakert, gathering 40-50 thousand people. The people demanded the withdrawal of Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan and reunification with Armenia.
Rally in Stepanakert.

The film "The Last Emperor" by Bernardo Bertolucci received 9 Oscars.

Created on a staged scale, the picture of Bernardo Bertolucci, who seemed to have decided to prove that he also knows how to make a great movie designed for the general public, was received with particular enthusiasm in America, where he collected $ 44 million (in terms of 2008, this is $ 74, 3 million). The Last Emperor won nine Oscars (in addition to those already mentioned - awards for the film, directing, editing and original music written by an international team consisting of the Japanese Ryuichi Sakamoto, the Englishman David Byrne and the Chinese Su Kon, as well as for the sound). In addition, the tape received many other awards in different countries - from Italy to Japan.

On October 16, the Latin American series Slave Izaura began to be shown on Soviet television for the first time.

Based on a 1976 novel by writer Bernardo Guimarães, this series was our first soap opera experience. The first series was released in the USSR on October 16, 1988. As expected, the series was ideologically consistent: it stigmatized slavery, exposed the aristocracy in an unfavorable light, and put ordinary honest people on a pedestal.

What do you remember about 1988, which exactly repeats the year 2016 according to the calendar?

On May 29, 1988, Ronald Reagan arrived in the USSR.

The President of the United States arrived on an official visit to the country, which a few years earlier he called the "Evil Empire" and called on the whole world for a crusade against the USSR ... The meeting was held in an unprecedentedly friendly atmosphere. The Soviet leader suddenly became more accommodating, made unprecedented compromises.

Meeting Gorbachev and Reagan.

1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'.

Meeting of MS Gorbachev with His Holiness Patriarch Pimen and members of the Holy Synod. Kremlin. May 7, 1988

Festive services were celebrated in Moscow churches throughout the week, and on June 11 an all-night vigil was held. Then the celebrations were held in Kyiv, Leningrad and Vladimir, and after June 18 - in the dioceses. After a 70-year period of planting atheism in the country, a new stage began in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church.
June 12, 1988 In the Trinity Cathedral of St. Danilov Monastery, the Primates and representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches celebrated the Divine Liturgy and a festive moleben.

May 15, 1988 - the beginning of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

Seeing comrades on their last journey.

The Soviet Union sent troops to Afghanistan in 1979. During the 9 years of the war, about 600,000 Soviet servicemen visited there, more than 15,000 soldiers died and, according to various sources, up to two million Afghans. About 200 Soviet soldiers are still missing.
On May 15, 1988, after the Geneva agreements concluded in April on a political settlement of the conflict, the USSR began the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. The last convoy with Soviet troops crossed the Afghan-Soviet border on February 15, 1989.
Soviet troops leave Afghanistan.

On March 8, 1988, the passengers of the Tu-154 flying from Irkutsk to Leningrad were in high spirits. They did not yet know that the large Ovechkin family flying with them would hijack the plane in a few hours and demand to fly to London. Ninel Ovechkina and her children also had their own special plan, for which the exemplary family had been preparing for almost half a year - an airplane hijacking and a daring escape from the Soviet Union.
Musical group Seven Simeons.

On June 12, 1988, the final of the first beauty contest "Moscow Beauty" took place.

Masha Kalinina is the first Moscow beauty.

The first Soviet beauty contest was the contest "Moscow Beauty-88", and the first "officially" recognized domestic beauty was the tenth grader Masha Kalinina.

The beginning of the collapse of the USSR

On November 16, the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR declared sovereignty, which was the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Rally on November 26, 1988 in Tallinn.

November 16, 1988 - the proclamation of the sovereignty of the Estonian SSR by the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR - the supremacy of the laws of the republic over the laws of the USSR was affirmed. This meant a challenge to the allied leadership and led to the collapse of the USSR. In 1989–90, other republics also proclaimed sovereignty.
People's Front of Tallinn.

State of emergency declared in Nagorno-Karabakh
... Starting from February 13, 1988, rallies were held every day on Lenin Square in Stepanakert, gathering 40-50 thousand people. The people demanded the withdrawal of Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan and reunification with Armenia.

Rally in Stepanakert

Bernardo Bertolucci's The Last Emperor Wins 9 Oscars

Created on a staged scale, the picture of Bernardo Bertolucci, who seemed to have decided to prove that he also knows how to make a great movie designed for the general public, was received with particular enthusiasm in America, where he collected $ 44 million (in terms of 2008, this is $ 74, 3 million). The Last Emperor won nine Oscars (in addition to those already mentioned - awards for the film, directing, editing and original music written by an international team consisting of the Japanese Ryuichi Sakamoto, the Englishman David Byrne and the Chinese Su Kon, as well as for the sound). In addition, the tape received many other awards in different countries - from Italy to Japan.

October 16 on Soviet television for the first time began showing the Latin American series "Slave Izaura"

Based on a 1976 novel by writer Bernardo Guimarães, this series was our first soap opera experience. The first series was released in the USSR on October 16, 1988. As expected, the series was ideologically consistent: it stigmatized slavery, exposed the aristocracy in an unfavorable light, and put ordinary honest people on a pedestal.