Quotes from American writers about the novel by Anna Karenina. Quotes from the book "Anna Karenina

The collection includes quotes from the novel "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy, written in 1873-1877. I? Do you find? I'm not weird, but I'm stupid. Eh, it happens to me. All I want to do is cry. It's very stupid, but it passes. - So I didn’t want to leave Petersburg, but now I don’t want to leave here.

God gave the day, God gave the strength. And the day and strength are devoted to work, and in it is the reward.

Nowhere have I missed the countryside, the Russian village, with bast shoes and peasants, as I spent the winter with my mother in Nice. Nice itself is boring, you know. Yes, and Naples, Sorrento are good only for a short time. And it is there that Russia is especially vividly remembered, and it is the village.

All diversity, all charm, all beauty of life is made up of shadow and light.

I was looking for an answer to my question. And the answer to my question could not give me a thought - it is incommensurable with the question. Life itself gave me the answer, in my knowledge of what is good and what is bad. And I did not acquire this knowledge by anything, but it was given to me together with everyone, given because I could not take it from anywhere.

Everything is mixed up, there are only children running around.

I always think that men do not understand what is noble and ignoble, but always talk about it.

It's all about that stupid smile.

This is our Russian indifference - not to feel the obligations that our rights impose on us, and therefore to deny these obligations.

Yes, Alabin gave dinner on glass tables, yes, - and the tables sang: Il mio tesoro, and not Il mio tesoro, but something better, and some small decanters, and they are women.

I recognize zealous horses by some of their brands, I recognize young men in love by their eyes.

Yes, to become your mistress and ruin everything...

What he called his convictions was not only ignorance, but that it was such a mindset in which it was impossible to know what he needed.

The only salvation from people is to hide your wounds from them.

Not at all, why do you despise Matvey and me so much?

The wife is getting old and you are full of life. You will not have time to look back, as you already feel that you cannot love your wife with love, no matter how much you respect her. And then love suddenly turns up, and you are gone, gone!

Pretense in anything can deceive the most intelligent, insightful person: but the most limited child no matter how skillfully hidden it is, recognizes it and turns away.

There is a way out of every situation. You need to decide.

Shame and shame! answered the colonel. - You are afraid of one thing - it is to meet Russians abroad.

How often the happiness of marriages according to reason scatters like dust, precisely because that same passion appears that was not recognized.

She began to think with pleasure about how he would suffer, repent and love her memory when it was already too late.

Levin made the remark long ago that when people are awkward because of their excessive compliance, humility, it will very soon become unbearable from their excessive exactingness and captiousness.

He realized that she was not only close to him, but that he now did not know where she ended and he began.

People who cannot do anything should make people, and the rest should contribute to their enlightenment and happiness.

Well, go, my Tanchurochka.

On Varenka, she realized that it was enough to forget yourself and love others, and you would be calm, happy and beautiful. And that's what Kitty wanted to be...

You can't forbid a man to make himself a big wax doll and kiss it. But if this man with the doll came and sat down in front of the lover and began to caress his doll, as the lover caresses the one he loves, then the lover would be unpleasant

That is why reason is given to a person in order to get rid of what worries him.

There are no conditions to which a person could not get used, especially if he sees that everyone around him lives the same way.

Vronsky's mother, having learned about his connection, was at first pleased - and because nothing, according to her concepts, gave the last finish to the brilliant young man as a link in high society and because Karenina, whom she liked so much, who spoke so much about her son, was nevertheless the same as all beautiful and decent women, according to the concepts of Countess Vronskaya.

Denying a fact is not an answer.

He could not look at her for a long time, as at the sun, but he saw her, like the sun, and without looking.

Love those who hate you, but you cannot love those whom you hate.

He knew that she was there, by the joy and fear that seized his heart. She was standing, talking to a lady, at the opposite end of the ice rink. There seemed to be nothing special about her clothes or her posture; but for Levin it was as easy to recognize her in this crowd as a rose in nettles. Everything was illuminated by her. She was a smile that lit up everything around.

In addition to intelligence, grace, beauty, there was truthfulness in her ... What an amazing, sweet and pathetic woman.

As in general often impeccably moral women, tired of the monotony of moral life, she not only excused criminal love from afar, but even envied her.

There are fewer charms in life when you think about death - but calmer.

A woman who has not guessed with her heart what the happiness and honor of her son lies in does not have a heart.

Lost battles usually start with lucky shots.

If good has a cause, it is no longer good; if it has a consequence - a reward, it is also not good. Therefore, goodness is outside the chain of causes and effects.

You can save a person who does not want to die; but if nature is all so depraved, depraved, that the very death seems to her salvation, then what is to be done?

For him, all the girls in the world are divided into two grades: - one grade is all the girls in the world, except for her, and these girls have everything human weaknesses, and the girls are very ordinary; the other sort is she alone, having no weaknesses and above all human beings.

Respect invented to hide empty place where love should be.

Yes, brother, women are the screw on which everything turns.

A believer cannot be unhappy, because he is not alone.

You remember that I forbade you to pronounce the word "love", this nasty word, - Anna said with a shudder; but right away she felt that with this one word: forbid, she showed that she recognized her right to him and thereby encouraged him to talk about love.

It's in the air, it's in the heart

All happy families similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

I think, I think… if so many heads, so many minds, then so many hearts, so many kinds of love.

Everything was mixed up in the Oblonskys' house.

I can't think of you and myself separately. You and I are one for me

This whole world of ours is a small mold that has grown on a tiny planet. And we think that we can have something great - thoughts, deeds!

I tried everything, - he thought, - there is only one thing left - not to pay attention.

... My life now, my whole life, regardless of everything that can happen to me, every minute of it is not only not meaningless, as it was before, but has an undoubted meaning of goodness, which I have the power to put into it!

“All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. »

“You want the activity of one person to always have a goal, so that love and family life will always be one. And this does not happen. All diversity, all charm, all beauty of life is made up of shadow and light. »

“So before you have time to look back, you already feel that you cannot love your wife with love, no matter how much you respect her. »

“We must live by the needs of the day, that is, forget ourselves. »

“As often happens between people who have chosen different kinds of activity, each of them, although, reasoning, and justifies the activity of the other, in his soul despises it. It seemed to everyone that the life that he himself leads is one real life, and which is led by a friend - there is only a ghost. »

“And I am not fit for other people. »

“The conversation began nicely, but precisely because he was too nice, he stopped again. It was necessary to resort to a sure and never changing means - slander. »

No matter how much he told himself that he was guilty of nothing, this memory, along with other shameful memories of the same kind, made him shudder and blush. »

“She did not retract everything she learned, but she realized that she was deceiving herself, thinking that she could be what she wanted to be. »

“But as soon as he remembered what he was doing and began to try to do better, he immediately experienced the full burden of labor. »

"Let's go out! »

"The pain was strange and terrible, but now it has passed."

“Everyone could know, suspect it, but no one should have dared to speak. »

“Perhaps out. »

“He liked it all, but he liked it so many times already! »

“If you seek perfection, you will never be satisfied. »

“Everything is saved by death. »

"Scary drama"

“In infinite time, in the infinity of matter, in infinite space, a bubble-organism is released, and this bubble will hold and burst, and this bubble is me”

“The terrible thing is that it is impossible to uproot the past. You can’t tear it out, but you can hide the memory of him.”

"In order to do something about family life, either perfect discord between spouses, or loving consent is necessary. When the relationship of the spouses is indeterminate and there is neither one nor the other, no action can be taken. Many families over the years remain in their old places, hateful to both spouses, only because there is neither complete discord nor agreement.

"If you seek perfection, you will never be satisfied"

“The road is not a reward, but work. And I would like you to understand this. Now, if you work, study in order to receive a reward, then work will seem hard to you; but when you work, loving work, you will find a reward for yourself in it.

“There are no conditions that a person could not get used to, especially if he sees that everyone around him lives the same way. Every person, knowing to the smallest detail all the complexity of the conditions surrounding him, involuntarily assumes that the complexity of these conditions and the difficulty their explanations are only his personal, accidental peculiarity, and he does not think that others are surrounded by the same complexity of their personal conditions as he himself "

"Doubt is inherent in human weakness"

“On this occasion, Levin told Yegor his idea that in marriage the main thing is love and that with love you will always be happy, because happiness is only in itself”

“Why would you want to be like anyone else? You are good as you are,” said Varenka, smiling with her meek and weary smile.

“Women, you see, this is such a subject that no matter how much you study it, everything will be completely new.

So it's better not to study.

- Not. Some mathematician said that pleasure is not in the discovery of truth, but in the search for it.

“Digging into our soul, we often dig out something that would lie unnoticed there”

“No, I think, without joking, that in order to know love, one must make a mistake and then get better,” said Princess Betsy.

“All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of shadow and light”

““If good has a cause, it is no longer good; if it has a consequence - a reward, it is also not good. Therefore, goodness is outside the chain of causes and effects.”

“If good has a cause, it is no longer good; if it has a consequence - a reward, it is also not good. Herd to be good outside the chain of causes and effects.

“It seemed to everyone that the life that he himself leads is one real life, and that a friend leads is only a ghost”

"Struggle in the Infinite"

"struggle in the endless

“Hate sparkled in her eyes. »

"If you love, then you love the whole person as he is, and not as I want him to be."

"All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

"All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

“If good has a cause, it is no longer good; if it has a consequence - a reward, it is also not good. Therefore, goodness is outside the chain of causes and effects.

“All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. »»

"No one is satisfied with his condition, and everyone is satisfied with his mind"

"The only salvation from people is to hide your wounds from them"

“He realized that she was not only close to him, but that he now did not know where she ended and he began.”

"Stupid beef! Am I like this? he thought. (Vronsky)"

"You can offend an honest man and an honest woman, but to tell a thief that he is a thief is only la constatation d""un fait [establishment of a fact (French)]."

""I bad woman, I dead woman she thought, but I don't like to lie, I can't stand lies, and his (husband's) food is a lie. He knows everything, sees everything; what does he feel if he can speak so calmly? If he had killed me, if he had killed Vronsky, I would have respected him. But no, he only needs lies and decency,” Anna said to herself, not thinking about what exactly she wanted from her husband, how she would like to see him.

“And here is my opinion. Women are the main stumbling block in human activity. It's hard to love a woman and do anything. To do this, there is only one means with convenience, without a hindrance to love - this is marriage. How, how would you say what I think, - said Serpukhovskoy, who loved comparisons, - wait, wait! Yes, how to carry a fardeau [load] and do something with your hands is possible only when the fardeau is tied behind your back - and this is marriage. And that's what I felt when I got married. My hands were suddenly empty. But without marriage, to drag this fardeau along with you - your hands will be so full that nothing can be done. Look at Mazankov, Krupova. They ruined their careers because of women."

“- They say that whoever is the best man more than ten times does not marry; I wanted to be the tenth time in order to insure myself, but the place was occupied, Count Sinyavin said to the pretty Princess Charskaya, who had views of him.

“A man must be independent, he has his own male interests. A man must be courageous,” said Oblonsky, opening the gate.

That is, what? Go look after the yard girls? asked Levin.

Why not go if it's fun. Ca ne tirez pas a consequence [It will not have any consequences (French)] My wife will not be worse off from this, but I will have fun. The main thing is to keep the shrine at home. Nothing in the house. Don't tie your hands."

Please, or to add a quote to the book "Anna Karenina". That's not for long.

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
The first phrase (part 1, ch. 1) of the novel "Anna Karenina" (1875) by L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910).
Quoted: As a suggestion, consider the specific cause of family troubles. Sometimes serves as a form of consolation in difficult circumstances: “everyone has their own problems”, “to each his own”, “it’s not easy for everyone”, etc.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

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  • Anna Karenina. In 8 parts. Part 5-8 (MP3 audiobook on 2 CDs), L. N. Tolstoy. "Everything is mixed up in the Oblonskys' house". L. N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" (1877) - the immortal work of Leo Tolstoy about human passions, one of the greatest love stories in world literature. ...