Feminine 3 declension ending. III. Statement of the educational task. I. Self-determination to activity

Class: 4

Lesson: Russian

Topic: 3 noun declension

The purpose of the lesson:

  • introduce students to 3rd declension nouns, introduce the term "third declension"; develop the ability to determine the declension of nouns in indirect cases,

UUD formed in the lesson:

Personal: develop cognitive interest to the language, communicative activity, evaluate the digestible content of knowledge;

Communicative: to learn to cooperate with classmates, the teacher, to participate in a collective discussion of the problem;

Cognitive: to put forward and substantiate hypotheses, refer to previous experience solving spelling problems, working with a rule in a textbook, comparing search results with a textbook;

Regulatory: to teach to set goals, to specify the objectives of the lesson, to exercise self-control, mutual control, error correction.

Forms of organization cognitive activity students:

  • individual,
  • group,
  • collective.

During the classes

Lesson stage.

The activities of the teacher.

Student activities.

1. Motivation of educational activity.

Good afternoon, dear guys! I see that you are all ready for our lesson. Smile at each other and look at the screen.

Read the proverb. Explain its meaning.

Carefree is the mouse that knows only one loophole. slide 1.

We have a lot of worries in life and today we must find a loophole, i.e. way out or solution to our problems.

I wish you to be wise, listen carefully, think and acquire new knowledge that you will be able to talk about.

Carefree - careless, careless, frivolous, not thinking about tomorrow.

2.Updating knowledge.

W write vocabulary words from dictation

Agronomist, iron, conversation, alley, library, station, saucepan.

Check yourself against the board.

Read the words. What do these words have in common?

On what basis can words be divided into 2 groups?

In notebooks, sign the declension at the top, above the words.

Guess the riddle:

What a gray animal
The tail is long, like a lace,
I just saw a cat
Did you run straight into the hole?

The mouse wants to find a place.

Students write down the words as they are dictated.

They check their work.

Evaluate work.

Nouns are in their initial form.

1 and 2 declensions.

Divide the words on the board into 2 groups.


3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty

To which group do we place this word?


Where do we write this word?

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears - brush-horns.
In appearance meek, but do not believe:
Terrible in anger this beast!

Can we attribute the word lynx to the 1st or 2nd declension?


In what group of words will we write this word?

Cannot be attributed to any declension.

Does not apply to 1st or 2nd declension.

in a separate group.


4. Building a project for getting out of a difficulty

What do these words have in common?

What do you think we will name this 3rd group?

What is our goal?

Determine the topic of today's lesson.

Who can already guess what names exist. belong to the 3rd declension?

Where can we test our assumption?

Page 97 rule.

Was our assumption correct?

What nouns belong to the 3rd declension?

Zh.r, zero ending.

3 declension.

Find out what names are. belong to the 3rd declension (Learn to identify the 3rd declension of nouns)

3 declension of nouns.

Zh.r. with a null ending.

In the textbook.

5. Implementation of the constructed project.

Let's make an algorithm by which we can determine the 3rd declension nouns.

1 step.

Put the noun in the initial form.

2 step.

Determine the gender, highlight the ending.

3 step.

Words f.r. with a null ending.

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

Turn on laptops and electronic application.

Find exercise 1 (upper right corner)

2 words are analyzed collectively on the board.

They work in pairs.

7. Physical Minute.

The game "One, two, three - name the declension."

Nouns are called. If a noun

1st declension everyone clap,

2nd - squat,

3rd - stand quietly.

Carrot, dictionary, phone, swallow, blizzard, soap, cloud, field, horse, horse, palm, palm, subway, brush, brush.

8. Independent work with a standard check.

Textbook work.

Page 97 exercise 172.

Read the task.

What do these nouns have in common?

How to determine which of them belong to the 3rd declension?

Write the words in 2 columns.

With the end.

Determine genus.


9. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

You have papers on your desks. Read.

Can these sentences be called text? Prove it.

Give the text a title.

Write out from this text sentences in which there are nouns of 3 declensions.

Underline the 3rd declension nouns.

Read what suggestions you have written.

What words are underlined?

10. Reflection.

Name the topic of today's lesson.

What is our goal? Have you reached your goal?

What nouns belong to the 3rd declension?

Continue the phrases:

It was interesting…

It was difficult…

I felt..

Today I watched...

Lesson grades.

Children reflect.



  1. Give the concept of three declensions of nouns in the singular. Learn to recognize three types of declension by ending and gender.
  2. Develop visual and auditory memory, concentration and attention span, enrich vocabulary children.
  3. Cultivate diligence, the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: explanatory dictionaries, computer, multimedia projector.

During the classes

I. Self-determination to activity.

- Good afternoon, dear children! I see that you are all ready for our lesson. Smile at each other and look at the board. Read the proverb. Explain its meaning.

Carefree is the mouse that knows only one loophole.

(children's answers)

- We have a lot of worries in life, and today we must find a loophole, i.e. way out or solution to our problems.

II. Knowledge update.

1. The game "I saw and heard."

Words are pre-written on the board in a column called "saw." The entry is closed.

- Now you will read six words from the board and the same number, but you will hear other words from me. We must try to remember those and other words.

The entry opens. The teacher leads with a pointer under the first word, the guys silently read it. The pointer stops at the end of a word. At this moment, the teacher pronounces another word (what is intended for auditory memorization), etc. The entry is then closed. The guys write down the words from memory in any order in two columns.

2. Self-test.

Children fill in the words that are missing.

What can you say about these words? (Nouns singular in the nominative case).

What groups can you divide these words into? (1. Animate and inanimate)

– Name animate names nouns. (2. By gender: male, female and neuter gender)

- Give nouns female; male; neuter. (3. At the end: -a-z, -o-e, O)

- Highlight endings.

- Why are all nouns in the singular, nominative case, and they have different endings? (depending on gender)

III. Statement of the educational task.

1. The game "Remember the words."

The words are written on a board or poster different font, different color, in different direction. For 10 seconds, the children read these words, then the words are closed. Children reproduce words from memory orally.

(case, gender, noun, declension, number, subject, question)

– What are we on this moment can we identify these words? (case, gender, number, ask a question)

– Why can’t we define these nouns? (declension)

- Why? (We don't know what declension is; we don't know how many declensions nouns have; we don't know which nouns belong to which declension)

So what is the topic of our lesson? (declension of nouns)

– What should we learn? (Find out how many declensions nouns have; learn to determine the declension of nouns)

IV. "Discovery of new knowledge by children".

1. - Where can we find out the meaning of the word "declination"? (in the explanatory dictionary)

Children work in groups with explanatory dictionary find the meaning of the word and read it out.

Declension - in grammar, a class of nouns with the same forms inflections.

2. How many declensions do nouns have in your opinion?

Children's statements.

- In order for us not to guess, but to find out everything faster, I suggest that you complete the task.

- Decline nouns.

Group work.

  1. water, earth.
  2. dad, uncle.
  3. table, horse
  4. window, sea.
  5. steppe, mouse

3. Verification.

Children name words and endings. The teacher writes the endings on the blackboard.

1 group 2 group 3 group 4 group 5 group
-and I
-s -and
-y -y
-oh -ee
-and I
-s -and
-y -y
-oh -ee
-and I
-y -y
--, -I
-om -em
-and I
-y -y
- o-e
-om -em

Look at the endings in the words. What conclusion can you draw? (nouns of groups 1 and 2, groups 3 and 4 have the same endings)

- How many groups formed? (3)

What nouns will belong to the 1st declension? To the 2nd declension? To the 3rd declension?

How to determine the declension of nouns? (you need to put the noun in Nominative case, singular, determine the gender, highlight the ending)

Let's try to create a cluster. (group work)

Children (one representative from the group) protect the cluster. The best child is chosen or the teacher offers his own.

V. Primary fastening.

Front work.

Open textbooks, find exercise 166 on page 88

- Read the task.

Determine the declension of each noun. Write the nouns in three columns - according to declensions.

(Children go to the board in a chain, determine the declination, write down)

Winter, spring, summer, autumn, hour, minute, year, day, night, notebook, pencil, feather, bird, bullfinch, thrush, river, lake, tree, apple tree, lilac, news, danger, desert, street, square, iron, field, seeder.

VI. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

And now we will check how you learned this material.

- Determine the declension of each noun. Write the nouns in three columns - according to declensions.

Pen, word, furniture, letter, sun, bow, horse, mouse, drawing, help, guest, grandfather, village, spruce, courage.

Self-check against the standard.

- Check if you have completed the task correctly.

- Who made a mistake? Why?


The game "One, two, three - name the declension."

The teacher or children name nouns. If the noun of the 1st declension is all clapped, the 2nd - they squat, the 3rd - they stand calmly.

Carrot, dictionary, phone, swallow, blizzard, soap, cloud, field, horse, horse, palm, palm, subway, brush, brush.

VII. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition.

Now look at the board. Choose the task that suits you.

- Read the task.

The work takes place on three levels.

Write down the sentences, determine the declension for nouns. Define sentence boundaries. Write off, for nouns determine the declension. Make proposals according to the schemes. Write it down. Determine the declension for nouns.
We were going pine forest. The view of the area was heat-weary. The path led us to a grove. We rested under a big tree. A forest path winds through the clearing, we like to walk along this path in late autumn, we are here watching the departure of birds. 1.



Group 1 - self-test according to the standard

Forest - 2 slopes, terrain - 3 slopes, from heat - 1 slope, path - 1 slope, to the grove - 1 slope, under a tree - 2 slopes.

Group 2 - peer review.

Group 3 - frontal check.

Children read out a sentence, name nouns and declension.

- Who completed their task without errors?

- Who made a mistake? Why?

- Whoever did everything right, put “+” in the margins of the notebooks

VIII. Reflection of activity.

- What was the task?

- Were you able to solve the problem? How?

– What were the results?

What did you do well in class?

- What caused the problem?

IX. Homework.

Learn the rule on pages 88 and 91, exercise 173.

Declension n. is their change in cases and numbers. There are 3 types of substantive declension. The numbering of declensions at school and university does not match. According to the calculations of A. Zaliznyak in Russian. noun m.r. and cf. most of all, therefore it is they who are ranked in grammars as type 1 skl.

Differing: noun cf. R. on -ME, child, path.

Indeclinable:taxi, incognito, Yevtushenko

Substantiated adjectives. and moreover. with adjective type of declension ( ice cream, canteen, animal, noun).

hard, soft, mixed (base on k, g, x)variety

Determine the type of declension ac. and according to school, its variety.

Frying - 1 school., 2 ac., soft; radio - non-consecutive; child - various; wolf - 2 pcs., 1 ac., soft; cake - adjective; reeds - 2 pcs., 1 ac., hard.

Variants of case endings

Singular form:

- R.p. –U:

    some real and abstract nouns in phrases with quantitative value: a glass of tea (taste of tea), get wax, kerosene, glue, varnish, chalk, turpentine, tesu, buy peas, fat, onions, honey, pepper, rice, cheese; make a fuss, make a fuss, talk nonsense

BUT: - if there is a definition for noun. the ending -a is written;

If the main word has the meaning of a specific quantity, then -a is written: a kilogram of sugar, five pieces of chalk.

    noun, having in its composition will reduce. suf.: drink kvass, tea, eat honey, cheese.

    In some phraseologist. revolutions: a week without a year, without a clan and a tribe, give a blunder, achieve good sense, ask pepper, not to laugh, turn up the heat, pick up the pace, eye to eye, thread by thread, there is no doubt what the spirit has ...

    after prepositions from, from, with(with the meaning of deletion or reason), before(limit, achievement), without(in adverbial combinations), particles neither:lose sight of, 5 years old, scream out of fright, starve to death, see you home, enter without asking, talk incessantly, never been, not a word, not a spirit, not a step further.

    in negative sentences:no wear, no lights out, no failure, no show, no mind.

The ending -A is now the main one in this form, it replaces the ending -U.

- Ex. –U

The ending -E is normative, but in a number of forms -U is required:

* in monosyllabic nouns. ( in hell, on the rampart, on the side, on board, in debt, in the forest, on ice…)

* in expressions with adverbial value ( work at home(cf.: house number),returned at the first hour(cf.: 60 minutes in one hour),catch on a gallop, seen a lot in his lifetime…)

Now the ending -U is being actively replaced by the ending -E and begins to acquire a colloquial character ( on vacation).

Plural form

- Im.p. - BUT

This ending appeared in Russian. the language is relatively recent (19th century) and began to actively spread, displacing the traditional ending -Ы. In the 20th century, it was mainly characteristic of professional and colloquial. speech. But at the beginning The 21st century loses its reduced color and becomes normative.

Regulatory the following forms: addresses, eyes, edges, cuts, stacks, runs, voices, domes, sails, watchmen, banks, directors, coachmen, passports, tenors (=s), sides, quails, towers, sides, houses, forests, clerk, black grouse, fans, gutters, masters, cooks, skulls, evenings, millstones, numbers, trains, best man, heaps, boats, warrants, varieties.

Conversational forms are: contract, designer, engineer, accountant, call, coach

-R.p. noun m. and Wed.

The vast majority of the have the ending -OB/-EB. But in some cases it is preferable null ending:

Name paired items:a pair of boots, trousers, boots, sneakers, boots, boots, stockings, shoulder straps, epaulettes, shorts, sandals, cuffs;

Name cubs animals(calves, goats)

- title nationalities with a base on n and R: British, Armenians, Bulgarians, Georgians, Turks, Gypsies, Tatars, Buryats, Turks…;

- title military groups(type of army): detachment of partisans, soldier;

Add. -ov: grenadier, cadet, hussar, dragoon;

- units measurements:number of amps, watts, volts, hertz, watts, bytes, bits.

Add. -ov: Ohm - ohm, gram-gramov , carat-carat, newton ...

Apples, but other names of vegetables and fruits - with OB

Predominant in noun. cf.

Noun parsing scheme

    word form in the text.

    Part of speech.

    Initial form (Im. p., singular).

    Own or common noun.

    Animate or inanimate

    Personal or impersonal.

    Concrete / abstract / real / collective.

    Number and correlation by number.

    Genus (determined only in singular).

    Case, case indicator, case value.

    Type of declension (according to school and academic), declension indicator, type of declension.

    syntax function.

Parse all the nouns from the sentence according to the scheme

A young man is sitting in the carriage. Heavily powdered, in stockings, in a ceremonial velvet camisole, he has glasses on his nose. He nonchalantly looks at the soldiers, at the running people, at the noisy crowds of people.