Self perception. Adequate perception of oneself is the way to success! When is the self-concept formed?

federal agency of Education

State educational institution

higher professional education

Department of Special Psychology

The specificity of perception of oneself and other people

younger students with mental retardation

Course work

specialty 050716 "Special psychology"




Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects study of the perception of oneself and another person by children with mental retardation

1.1. The process of perceiving oneself and others

1.2. Non-verbal means of communication in the process of perceiving a person by a person

1.3. Age aspect social perception

1.4. Psychological and pedagogical studies of the perceptual side of communication in children with intellectual disabilities

Chapter 2

2.1. Organization, methods and methods of studying the social perception of children of primary school age with mental retardation

2.2. Features of self-perception junior schoolchildren with intellectual disability

2.3. Perception of human emotional states by younger schoolchildren with mental retardation




The social environment, public relations impose certain requirements on the personality of children with intellectual disabilities, expressed in the fact that, depending on the level and activity of perception and knowledge of the people around them, they must correctly recognize and evaluate them and themselves. They must regulate their own behavior, be able to navigate in various situations, updating and enriching their social experience make decisions and act in accordance with the prevailing norms in society.

Communication of children with intellectual disabilities with others, perception and understanding of themselves, their loved ones and strangers are mandatory for the development and formation of personality and have importance for the successful course of the processes of social adaptation.

Social perception is an important link that determines the entire line of human behavior in communication. The study of the perception of another person and oneself in a child with mental retardation makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the maturity of his personality, to predict social success in his future life.

The problem of perception and understanding of a person by a person began to be actively developed in Russian psychology in the 70s of the XX century. A significant contribution to its development was made by A.A. Bodalev, Ya.L. Kolominsky, V.A. Labunskaya, G.M. Andreeva and others. Features of perception and understanding of information about another person in children and adolescents with mental retardation were studied by O.K. Agavelyan, S.Z. Sternina, N.B. Shevchenko and others.

Today, more and more people talk about the socialization of mentally retarded children, one of the components of this process should be the development of their perception of themselves and the people around them, which is included in the concept of social perception. Children of this category, being included in the process of communication, should be able to understand the behavior of another person according to external expression assess the personality traits of people, navigate in conflict situations, update and generalize their social experience and take right decisions in various situations.

In this paper, the process of social perception is characterized, its age features and specificity in children with mental retardation, as well as the results of an experimental study of the perception of themselves and other people by mentally retarded younger schoolchildren.

object social perception of younger schoolchildren.

Thing: the specificity of the perception of oneself and other people by mentally retarded junior schoolchildren.

Target research: to identify the features of social perception in mentally retarded younger students.

placed before us tasks:

1. Analysis of the concepts "perception of a person by a person", "perception of oneself".

2. Theoretical study of the development of social perception in the norm and in mental retardation.

3. Experimental study of the specifics of the perception of oneself and other people by mentally retarded junior schoolchildren.

For the experimental study, the following methods and methods: a questionnaire in the form of scaling - the "Ladder" method (V.G. Shchur), projective method- the "Draw yourself" method (A.M. Prikhozhan, Z. Vasilyauskaite), the test - the "Emotional identification" method (E.I. Izotova).

Base research - special (correctional) general education school of the VIII type

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of studying the perception of oneself and another person by children with mental retardation

1.1 The process of perceiving another person

Characteristics of the process of perception of a person by a person

The first stage of cognition of another person, as well as oneself, is a sensual image, which is formed as a process of constructing an image. The perception of a person by a person, like any other perception, is characterized by objectivity, which lies in the fact that the properties of a person's appearance are reflected as properties belonging to this person. Also, social perception is inherent in such features as objectivity and subjectivity, integrity and structure.

The basis of the integrity and structure of perception is the reflection of the shape (and contour) of the object, which distinguishes it from the environment and expresses the unity of the structure of the object as a whole. Thus, the outline of the face and the general silhouette of the body are the most important identifying features of a person for the perceiving subject.

Numerous studies have shown that a holistic image arises gradually and its formation is associated with the spatio-temporal conditions in which a person reflects an object. The action of these conditions always affects the emerging image of a person. A.A. Bodalev writes that great importance in the formation of the image of a person has a perspective in which they usually see the perceived object. The difference in height in the process of perception has a huge impact on the emerging image.

The perception of a person by a person also has such a feature as constancy. So, despite changes in the illumination and remoteness of the observer, the image of the perceived person remains relatively constant. It is also characterized activity, which consists in active micro- and macroscopic eye movements. At the first stage of establishing a perceptual image of a person, with the help of macro eye movements, receptors are directed to the perceived person and his location in the field of perception is determined.

Perception of self and others is characterized by meaningfulness. Through words, the generalized knowledge about a given category of people, formed as a result of social practice and more or less assimilated by the perceiving subject, is included in the image of a person. Thanks to the word, the image of a perceived person includes content that is not given directly, sensually. It may really characterize the perceived, or it may not be inherent in it at all.

Features of the appearance and behavior of the perceived person and changes in them, fixed at the time of perception, do not rigidly determine the behavior of the perceiver, because the impact of these features is mediated by his experience, inner world, goals, motives, attitudes. The subject of perception, unable to abstract from them, usually connects appearance, the manner of behavior and style of action of another person with certain aspirations, tastes, moral principles, actual and potential possibilities of the perceived.

Thus, another person is perceived not only in his original physical qualities (height, gender, age, figure, face, etc.), but also as a person occupying a certain position in society and playing a particular role in the life of the perceiving subject.

Yu.P. Platonov defines socio-perceptual process- as a complex process: a) perception of external signs of other people; b) subsequent correlation of the obtained results with their actual personal characteristics; c) interpretation and prediction on this basis of their possible actions and behavior. He notes that in this process there is always an assessment of another person and the formation of an attitude towards him emotionally and behaviorally.

In psychological knowledge, the process we are describing is inextricably linked with communication and is one of its components. A. V. Petrovsky and others refer the process of perceiving a person to a person to the “perceptual” side of communication. He says that communication becomes possible only if the people interacting can assess the level of mutual understanding and be aware of what the communication partner is like. Participants in communication seek to reconstruct in their minds inner world each other, to understand feelings, motives of behavior, attitudes towards significant objects.

V. G. Krysko defined the functions of social perception (social perception), usually the roles that it performs in the process of interaction between people are reduced to:

    to man's knowledge of himself, which is starting base to evaluate other people;

    cognition of partners in interaction, which makes it possible to orient in the social environment;

    establishing emotional relationships that ensure the choice of the most reliable and preferred partners;

    organization of joint activities on the basis of mutual understanding, allowing to achieve the greatest success.

So, the perception of oneself and the other is inextricably linked, B. S. Volkov writes that self-esteem affects the perception of others and when communicating it is important to know how the interlocutor perceives and evaluates himself.

For a more complete understanding of the process of interpersonal social perception, it is also necessary to know its mechanisms and effects that arise in the process of perceiving oneself and another person. They coincide, as these processes are interconnected and similar.

Mechanisms and effects of social perception

A person enters into communication as a person, and is perceived by a partner also as a person. The impressions that arise in this case play an important regulatory role in the process of communication. Firstly, because, knowing the other, the knowing individual himself is formed. Secondly, because the success of organizing concerted actions with him depends on the degree of accuracy of "reading" another person.

The idea of ​​another person is closely related to the level of one's own self-consciousness. This connection is twofold: on the one hand, the richness of ideas about oneself determines the richness of ideas about another person, on the other hand, the more fully the other person is revealed, the more complete the idea of ​​oneself becomes. From the position of psychoanalysis, this idea was expressed by L. S. Vygotsky, who wrote that a person becomes for himself what he is in himself, through what he represents for others.

These processes include at least two people, and each of them is an active subject. Consequently, the comparison of oneself with another is carried out, as it were, from two sides: each of the partners likens himself to the other. When building an interaction strategy, everyone has to take into account not only the needs, motives, attitudes of the other, but also how this other understands my needs, motives, attitudes. All this, according to G. M. Andreeva, leads to the fact that the analysis of self-awareness through another includes two sides: identification and reflection. In addition, this process also includes causal attribution.

Identification literally means identification yourself with another, one of the easiest ways to understand another person is to assimilation himself to him. In situations of interaction, people most often use the following technique: an assumption about the internal state of a partner is based on an attempt to put oneself in his place.

The concept of "identification" in its content close concept " empathy". Descriptively, empathy is also defined as special way understanding of another person, but here we mean not a rational understanding of the problems of another person, but rather the desire to emotionally respond to his problems. The mechanism of empathy is in certain ways similar to the mechanism of identification: in both cases, there is the ability to put oneself in the place of another, to look at things from his point of view. But looking at things from someone else's point of view does not always mean identifying yourself with that person. If a person identifies himself with someone, this means that he builds his behavior the way this other person builds it. If a person shows empathy for another, then he takes into account partner's line of behavior, but he can build his own in a completely different way.

However, it is important for the subject of communication not only to understand another person from a distance, from the outside, but also to take into account how an individual who has entered into communication with him will perceive and understand him. In other words, the process of interpersonal perception is complicated by the phenomenon reflections.

Question to the psychologist:

If you look from the side, then I'm not satisfied bad life: I have a young man with whom we have been together for a long time, I graduated from the university, I live in the city where I wanted to, I have a job, friends and a roof over my head (albeit a removable one).

BUT, I am terribly, terribly, terribly lazy, narcissistic, selfish, envious and insecure. I can’t name the dates when I became like this, I have been like this all my life. My family is good, not ideal, they quarreled, but like all parents with children.

So the guy: he's very good man, and I love him, but this is not the kind of love that is with passion and all possible takeaways of the brain, I just clearly understand that I would like to be with this person all my life. He is reliable, kind and will never offend me, and I feel good with him, and as for passion and the like, I have never had this with anyone. If someone really liked, it was rarely mutual. When I liked one person very much, I behaved simply humiliatingly, well, according to the law of the genre, he didn’t care. Those. while I played a proud touchy, I was interesting to him, and then I realized that I liked him and began to humiliate myself ... it’s unpleasant to remember.

Studies: I studied at school as an average student - not bad and not good, but I entered the university on a budget, I think that I was just lucky. Acted on the principle: just need higher education. I studied badly at uni. We are friends with a classmate - both studied poorly, but in the 3rd year she suddenly went to excellent students, and I, as I was a loser, remained. And what is most unpleasant, I have some kind of anger and envy because of this towards her. This is about friendship: we are still friends with this classmate, and she is still better than me in everything and, it seems, I should be happy for her, but it’s hard. Runs and everything. I am an evil person.

I have few friends, or rather this one girl is. I'm not a sociophobe, I'm just somehow too lazy to maintain relationships with people. At school was separate topic: I tried to be friends with a girl whom everyone idolized and then, it seems, they didn’t treat me badly either, but as soon as we quarreled with her, everyone didn’t give a damn about me.

I guess I'm an introvert - I'm comfortable alone with myself, but at the same time I want to uncontrollably break away with a large bunch of people, while in this bunch I will not always feel comfortable.

My boyfriend has friends who treat me very well, and I am also relatively comfortable with them, but this is not friendship, although it cannot be said that I did not try.

Work: I hate it, I hate my team, which consists of 5 people twice my age. Okay, I'm here on assignment and I'm leaving soon, BUT I have no idea what I'd like to do. Again, I'm lazy as hell.

Basically, I hate myself. I hate the fact that I am lazy, that I wasted my youth (14-20 years old) for nothing (I was very very notorious, especially for money - I am not from a wealthy family, rather from a poor one, I hate myself for that I don’t know how to be friendly, and when I start getting close to someone, I become sarcastic and spiteful, because I am envious, etc.

The psychologist Sologubova Ekaterina Alexandrovna answers the question.

Alice, good afternoon! I think that I will not “open America for you” if I say that the desire to change something is not enough. After all, it often happens that desires continue to remain such if a person does not make any efforts to fulfill them. After all, the belief in miracles “sits” so deeply in us, that someone will come and decide everything for us, make us happy, do good… And most importantly, we won’t have to pay for it. But, paradoxical as it sounds, you will have to pay for everything: for action, and even more so, for inaction. It just turns out to be a rather strange picture: on the one hand, you are not satisfied with your laziness, on the other, you are too lazy to do anything about it. What is she preventing? your personal growth? Relationships? Maybe it's not so useless after all? Maybe there is some secondary benefit for you in this laziness and it protects your borders? Think about it… After all, when deep down we really don’t want something, we find a lot of explanations for our inaction…

Alice, your request is not very clear to me - after all, what do you want? First, you write about how you consider yourself a selfish and narcissistic person. And then, again, to yourself, say that you hate ... Somehow this does not quite add up to the big picture. Those. Based on the foregoing, it turns out that you both love and hate yourself at the same time. So what is more in you: love or self-hatred? I think it's very important question to which you should respond.

And now we will analyze in order why you, after all, do not love yourself. You write that you consider yourself a very lazy person. I dare say that here you are a little cunning, or belittle your dignity - how, tell me, a lazy person can graduate from a university and get up every day at the same time in order to go to work. Pathologically lazy people they are not capable of this - they generally see nothing in life except their stomach and sofa. So it's not really about you. I want to say that here we are talking about the laziness that you, if you wish, may well control and manage it, subordinating it to your will.

Next, you write that your family did not have enough money to feel self-sufficient. This is your past, which no one is able to change. But you are quite capable of correcting the present and earn as much as you need so that the complexes you are talking about fade into the background, earn as much as you need for a comfortable and fulfilling life.

As for envy, it is very important to clarify the question for yourself: “What exactly do I envy?” After all, healthy envy can be a very powerful stimulus, that motivating component of our activity, which helps to rise to a higher level. high level in the profession, in self-development, etc. Mark on a piece of paper, point by point, what exactly you envy. You write that your girlfriend is better than you in everything. What exactly? What does she have that you don't? After all, if you look from a different angle, you can get everything and your age is completely uncritical for this.

I also heard that you belittle your dignity, do not appreciate what you have been given. After all, you even talk about entering a university as luck. Yes, with a big stretch, I can assume that it was so, but after all, you, be that as it may, unlearned and graduated from the institute. And this already says a lot. Appreciate yourself more, don't be so critical of yourself. And sometimes allow yourself to be a "bad girl."

Now about your unfriendliness... And how many girlfriends would you like to have? Perhaps such a narrow circle of communication is comfortable for you, and your irony and causticity is what is designed to protect your borders and prevent outsiders from entering your territory? The desire to be in a big company, in the spotlight - can be a template imposed on modern society that have nothing to do with you as a person. In my opinion, Alice, you need to learn to listen to yourself, your needs, to understand what you really want. This is hard science, but quite within the power of a person with intelligence.

I wish you good luck in your dialogue with yourself! Sincerely, psychologist Ekaterina Sologubova.

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- And who are you?

— I something? I am a photographer-stylist-coach-journalist-producer. And what?

Adequacy is such a thing that, as it were, exists, but it may not exist at the same time. After all, where one will surely raise thumb up, the other doubtfully twists the index at the temple.

To make matters worse, we live in a time of astonishing freedom of self-identification. Today it is easy to assign any identity to yourself and, without hesitation, go ahead, calling yourself anyone. Many well-defined professions have simply disappeared, or are rapidly disappearing before our eyes. Every year new ones appear - hybrid, derivatives.

As the saying goes, "every gopher is an agronomist!". And there's nothing you can do about it, and you don't have to.

But after all, it does not happen that without consequences. And they in this situation are "seasonal loss of contact with reality" (a phrase by Alexander Gerasimov). In other words, there is an inadequate perception of oneself and feedback from the world.

I will illustrate this problem little life sketch.

When I was in Cyprus during the workshop NLP course, under our windows almost every evening there was a concert, where singers - animators gave a performance for vacationers very out of tune and not getting into the notes. The "concert" ended only at eleven in the evening. During this “concert”, I usually went out for a walk along the sea and admired the sunset, or went to bed comfortably, tightly closing the balcony door and windows. To not hear.

It's not that I'm an expert in music... Behind me is just a musician and Czerny's etudes for seven years in a row. Not that I have the right to judge... No, of course not! Everyone is free to express themselves however they want. But the ears, my native ears are not made of iron!

But for some reason these people decided that they were musicians. Somehow they proved to themselves that they are singers.

This situation has become a reflection for me. What then is “adequate self-perception”? What are its criteria? Is this very adequacy the key to success or an obstacle to it?

And I came to this conclusion:

Whoever we consider ourselves to be in this life, in order to understand whether this is true, we always need proof of and confirmation. Moreover, they should always be internal, so external.

Internal confirmations is what we think of ourselves. A set of memories (the more the better) of what we were successful at. Inner conviction and clarity in answering the question “Who am I?”

External confirmations is what other people think of us. Their opinion about who we are in their understanding and how much we are in demand by the world as who we claim to be. In other words, it is feedback from the world.

It happens that inner conviction is much more than external. For example: you consider yourself a writer, but the people around you are not ready to consider you as such, no matter how hard you try.

It also happens differently when there is much more external conviction than internal. That is, those around you are vying to tell you that you are a writer! And that they are waiting for your books or articles. But you refuse and disagree, and not at all out of modesty, but because of the inconsistency of this title with your internal criteria.

Not that I'm hinting at your inadequacy. But you must admit: in both cases, the imbalance is obvious. And this story is clearly not about success.

So how do you understand?

For the most part, it's pretty simple. include observation.

And this means:

  • Determine for yourself the internal and external confirmations that will let you know if you have become what you want to be;
  • Be attentive to feedback from both the inner and outer worlds;
  • Equalize distortions in your system;
  • Strive to ensure that there are as many external and internal confirmations that you are who you say you are!

For since "they called themselves a loader - climb into the back" and "respond for the market." So that later it would not be “excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years” (c).

All the adequacy and its attendant success!

Illusory reality is human self perception, peace. In connection with the transition to new level development, the separation of realities began to occur on Earth. Many people don't realize it, but they feel it. Most a prime example separation, when you are talking to a person, but he does not understand you, does not hear you, speaks as if you are not there.

A person, rising in his development, increases high frequencies in himself, rises higher from the 1st illusory world. It passes interesting period in my life, somewhere hesitating and doubting my changes. Changes from levels 1 to 9 self perception and the surrounding world. Appears inside inner peace of which Man thinks, speaks differently. Light frequencies also change, and only firmness, steadfastness in the decision to go for changes will help this path to pass quickly as interesting experience for the soul.

Realities are separated so that people do not come into contact with each other. By making himself, the Man goes to higher vibrational levels.

There are 9 illusory realities. Most people on Earth are in the 1-2 illusory world.

Characteristics of people of the 1st-4th illusory reality and perception of oneself at these levels.

  • talk a lot
  • experiencing fears
  • fighting energies are present
  • Soul screams in desperation
  • a smile on the outside, but a sin inside: fear of the death of oneself, children, “it won’t work”, envy, condemnation, disbelief, the need to prove something to someone, etc.

Injection self perception expands as you move up the illusory ladder. In 6-7 reality, awareness rises, there is fast reaction on their negative manifestations, their rapid transformation, the feeling increases. Gratitude makes it possible to quickly climb higher on the ladder of illusory reality.

From the 9th illusory world onwards, Man is in high frequencies. Such people lack emotionality, animal consciousness, dependence on the mind, while the sensual consciousness is highly developed, which grants direct communication with the Creator. Inside there is a smile, joy, calmness, inner lightness, silence, constant contemplation, and outside, anything.

High-frequency energies are pouring onto the Earth, carrying rapid change in Man on Earth. These changes occur differently for everyone, depending on pollution, energy potential. The separation of realities is lived by the Earth itself. People don't even know about it.

Do not put off your own transformation, no one will do it for you.