A conflict situation is more precise in a conflict. Conflict situations and ways to overcome them

Conflict t is a clash of incompatible views, positions, interests, a confrontation between 2 or more parties that are interconnected, but pursuing their different, often opposite goals.

AT explanatory dictionary Russian language Ozhegov conflict is defined as collision, serious disagreement, dispute. There are 2 main modern approach to understanding the conflict.✓ generalized (conflictological); ✓ psychological.

Generalized, or conflictological, the approach treats conflict as any collision opposite sides, forces, etc.

Psychological approach does emphasis on the human nature of the interacting parties. It is considered as a clash of opinions, views and positions and implies the obligatory presence of a subject of the conflict - either an individual or a group of people. At the heart of any conflict lies a contradiction.. They may be contradictory. ✓ goals; views; opinions; values; interests; needs. contradictions necessary but not sufficient conditions for conflict. They turn into conflict only through carriers of contradictions (specific people, groups, social strata, political parties, states).

. The main features of the conflict This social phenomenon, generated by the very nature of social life (like a person, society by its nature cannot be conflict-free, and ideal, perfect. Disharmony, contradictions and conflicts are constant components of social development. Therefore, conflict must be perceived as normal social phenomenon as a process and way of human interaction); ✓ the phenomenon is widespread, ubiquitous, ubiquitous(conflicts arise in all areas human activity. They are an integral component of the development of society and man); ✓ it interaction, which takes place in the form of confrontation, clash, confrontation of personalities or social forces, views, interests of at least 2 parties. Necessary conditions for the emergence of a conflict ✓ the presence of a situation perceived by private traders as a conflict; ✓ significance of the situation for participants in the conflict; object indivisibility conflict;✓ availability threats on the part of one of the opponents, the achievement of goals by another participant;✓ wish participants continue the conflict to achieve your goals.

Conflict situation- these are conflicting positions of the parties on any issue, the pursuit of opposite goals, the use various means on their achievement, mismatch of interests, desires, etc.

The conflict situation is basis conflict. Mandatory factors of any conflict are.✓ subjects of the conflict; ✓ the object of the conflict; ✓ the subject of the conflict.

Subjects of the conflict- participants in the conflict interaction, whose interests are directly affected. Individuals (managers, employees) as well as groups, organizations, states can act as subjects. Subjects protect interests that are significant to them. Another part of the participants whose interests are indirectly affected are mediators, witnesses, involuntary participants in the conflict, etc.

Object of conflict- a specific material, social or spiritual value claimed by each of the conflicting parties. The subject of the conflict- an objectively existing or imaginary problem, a contradiction that is the cause of the dispute.

In psychology, conflict is defined as "a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible with each other tendencies, a single episode in the mind, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people associated with negative emotional experiences. From this it can be seen that the basis conflict situations in a group between directed interests, opinions, goals, different views. Conflicts arise where they collide different schools, different manners of behavior, they can also be fed by the desire to get something that is not supported by appropriate opportunities. The greater the scatter of criteria when making decisions and options these decisions, the deeper the conflict can be.

Because people are chasing different goals, perceive the situation differently, receive different remuneration for work, conflicts arise in organizations. The conflict is defined by conscious behavior one of the parties (individual, group or organization as a whole) causes a disorder of the interests of the other party.

But in many cases, the conflict helps to reveal the diversity of points of view, gives Additional information helps to identify more alternatives or problems Conflict - the struggle for values ​​and claims to a certain status, power, resources, in which the goals are, neutralization, damage or destruction of the opponent. Conflict - clash of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions or views of two or more people. Thus, it is possible to formulate signs of a conflict: - the presence of a situation perceived by the participants as a conflict; - the indivisibility of the object of the conflict, i.e. the subject of the conflict cannot be divided fairly between the participants in the conflict interaction; - the desire of the participants to continue conflict interaction to achieve your goals. Conflict situation - these are conflicting positions of the parties on any occasion, the desire for opposite goals, the use of various means to achieve them, a mismatch of interests, desires, etc. Conflict situation- the state is quite mobile, unstable, it can easily change when any of the constituent elements changes: the views of the opponents, object-opponent relations, when the object of the conflict is replaced, the appearance of conditions that impede or exclude the interaction of opponents, the refusal of one of the subjects from further interaction, etc. Conflict situation is the condition for conflict. For such a situation to develop into a conflict, into dynamics, an external influence, a push or an incident is necessary.

Causes of conflicts

Topic 4.1. The concept of conflict and conflict situation.

1. The concept of conflict and conflict situation

2. The structure of the conflict

3. Causes of the conflict

4. Stages of conflict

Conflict - from lat. Conflict - clash.

Exist various definitions conflict, they all emphasize the presence of contradiction, which takes the form of disagreement if we are talking about human interaction. The basis of the conflict is always a lack of agreement, therefore, they determine conflict as a lack of agreement between two or more parties - individuals or groups, as a clash of divergent goals, interests, positions, opinions and views of the subjects of interaction, fixed by them in a rigid form.

The lack of agreement is due to the presence of various opinions, views, ideas, interests, points of view, etc. However, it is not always expressed in the form of a clear clash, conflict. This only happens when existing contradictions, disagreements disrupt the normal interaction of people, impede the achievement of goals. In this case, people are simply forced to overcome differences in some way, and enter into open conflict interaction.

Conflicts between people, groups of people exist as long as there is a person. The problem of social conflict is relevant for any society. Conflict is a phenomenon that constantly accompanies human life and threatens it. Wars, revolutions, the struggle for power, the struggle for property, interpersonal and intergroup conflicts in organizations, domestic and intra-family conflicts - all these are varieties of social conflicts. For example, friends claim a certain good in life, but this good can belong to only one person. Such a situation is called a situation of competition, competition, rivalry. On the basis of it, simple conflict relations are formed. Who will win? How will relations between people develop at the moment of competition or competition, and what will be the nature of these relations later?

These questions can be answered only when you know what conflict is.

First of all, it is necessary to define the concept of "conflict" (from lat. - collision). At present, there is no generally accepted understanding of the essence of conflict in psychology.

§ Another approach is to understand the conflict as one of the types of social interaction of individuals or social groups, in which the actions of one side, faced with opposition from the other, prevent the realization of its goals (interests, needs). At this approach conflicts are possible only with social interaction.

In addition, sometimes the conflict is understood as:

§ specific kind communication, situational incompatibility, situation of not found way out, type of competitive interaction. With this approach, the essence of the conflict lies not so much in the emergence of contradictions, clash of interests, but in the way of resolving the contradiction that has arisen, in the opposition of the subjects of social interaction. The contradiction indicates a division of interests between various groups and categories of people. all sorts of social contradictions arise everywhere and always, but only a small part of them is resolved through conflicts.

Let's choose a definition of conflict acceptable to us.

Conflict- this is a way of resolving contradictions that arise in the process of social interaction, which consists in counteracting the subjects of the conflict and is usually accompanied by negative emotions and feelings experienced by them in relation to each other.

The difference in interests and views of people, the mismatch of perceptions and assessments of certain events can lead to controversial situations.

If the subjects of the conflict resist, but do not experience negative emotions (for example, in the process of discussion, combat sports), or, conversely, experience negative emotions, but they do not outwardly manifest them, do not oppose each other, then such situations are pre-conflict.

If the situation that has arisen poses a threat to achieving the goal set by at least one of the participants in the interaction, then a conflict situation arises.

Conflict situation is a situation in which two (or more) parties express interests, desires, goals, contradictory each other.

For the contradiction to develop into a conflict situation, the following are necessary: ​​the significance of the situation for the participants in the conflict interaction; "deficiency" of social positions (statuses, roles) and sources (ie certain material or spiritual resources); the desire of participants to continue conflict interaction to achieve their goals.

Conflict situations are of two types: with fierce rivalry when the interests are diametrically opposed and the gain of one side means the loss of the other, and with rough competition, when not-so-opposing interests intersect.

Information in conflict characterizes the main information flows, primarily related to the formation information models conflict among its participants and their information exchange during the development of the conflict.

Significant features of the conflict include:

§ the presence of a contradiction between the subjects;

§ their opposition;

§ unwillingness to find a way out of the current situation through consent;

§ negative emotions and feelings towards each other.

Conflict and conflict situation

General concept of conflict

The people who work in organizations are different. Accordingly, they perceive the situation in which they find themselves differently. Differences in perception often lead to people disagreeing with each other. This disagreement arises when the situation is really of a conflict nature. The conflict is determined by the fact that the conscious behavior of one of the parties (individual, group or organization as a whole) conflicts with the interests of the other party. The manager, according to his role, is usually at the center of any conflict in the organization and is called upon to resolve it by all means available to him. Conflict management is one of essential functions leader. On average, managers spend about 20% of their working time resolving various kinds of conflicts. To effectively manage conflict, you need to know what conflicts are, how they arise and proceed, how these conflicts can be eliminated.

So, a conflict is a contradiction between two or more parties, i.e. individuals or in groups, where each side makes sure that its point of view or goal is accepted and prevents the other side from doing the same.

There is an opinion that conflict is always an undesirable phenomenon, that it must be avoided and immediately resolved as soon as it arises. Indeed, even in organizations with effective management some conflicts are not only possible, but even desirable.

Thus, the conflict can be functional and lead to an increase in the effectiveness of the organization or dysfunctional and lead to a decrease in group cooperation and the effectiveness of its activities. The role of conflict depends largely on how well it is managed. In order to manage the conflict, it is necessary to know the causes of its occurrence.

Types of conflict and levels of conflict in an organization

From the point of view of the causes of the conflict situation, three types of conflicts are distinguished. The first is the conflict of goals. In this case, the situation is characterized by the fact that the parties involved in it differently see the desired state of the object in the future. There are many methods for resolving such conflicts. The second is a conflict caused by the fact that the parties involved disagree in their views, ideas and thoughts on the problem being solved. The resolution of such conflicts requires more time than the resolution of conflicts related to conflicting goals. And finally, the third is a sensory conflict that appears in a situation where the participants have different feelings and emotions that underlie their relationship with each other as individuals. People simply irritate each other with the style of their behavior, doing business, interacting. Such conflicts are the most difficult to resolve, since they are based on causes related to the psyche of the individual.

There are five levels of conflict in the organization: within the individual, between individuals, within the group, between groups, within the organization. These levels are closely related.

The first type is intrapersonal conflict. He can take different forms. One of its most common forms is a role conflict, when conflicting demands are made to one person about what the result of his work should be. For example, a store section manager requires a salesperson to be in the department at all times, providing customers with information and services. Later, he expresses dissatisfaction with the fact that the seller spends a lot of time on customer service and pays little attention to replenishing the department with goods. Another situation: the immediate supervisor - the head of the department instructed the merchandiser to speed up the quality check of shoes, and the quality manager insists on improving the quality check of shoes by slowing down technological process. Both examples indicate that the performers were given conflicting tasks and were expected to produce mutually exclusive results. In the first case, the conflict arose as a result of conflicting demands placed on the subordinate, in the second - because of the violation of the principle of unity of command.

The second type - interpersonal conflict(most common). Managers often have to defend the interests of the team (allocation of resources, equipment usage time, etc.). Moreover, everyone believes that he must convince the higher authorities to allocate these resources to him. There may also be a clash between two specialists for the implementation of their projects. A conflict is also possible between two candidates for one vacancy (position), as well as between individuals with different character traits, views and values.

The third type is the conflict between the individual and the group. Informal groups establish norms of behavior. Everyone must comply with them in order to be accepted into this group. However, if the expectations of the group are in conflict with the expectations of the individual, conflict may arise.

Conflict can also arise on the basis of the official duties of the head. The leader may be forced to take disciplinary measures that may be unpopular with subordinates. Then the group can strike back - change the attitude towards the leader.

The fourth type is intergroup conflict, that is, between groups (formal and informal), as well as between the trade union and the administration. Functional groups often conflict with each other due to differences in goals. For example, in a customer-facing sales department, there must always be large inventory to fulfill orders, which in turn increases costs and, as a result, is contrary to the interests of finance and other departments.

Intra-organizational conflict is most often associated with opposition and clashes arising from the way individual jobs or the organization as a whole were designed, as well as from the way power is formally distributed in the organization. There are four varieties of this conflict: vertical, horizontal, linear-functional, role-playing. In real life, these conflicts are closely intertwined with each other, but each of them has its own rather distinct features. So, vertical conflict is a conflict between levels of management in an organization. Its occurrence and resolution is due to those aspects of the life of the organization that affect vertical ties in organizational structure: goals, power, communications, culture, etc. Horizontal conflict involves parts of the organization that are equal in status and most often acts as a conflict of goals. The development of horizontal links in the structure of the organization in many ways helps to resolve it. Linear-functional conflict is more often of a conscious or sensual nature. Its resolution is associated with an improvement in relations between line management and professionals, for example, through the creation of task forces or autonomous groups. Role conflict occurs when an individual performing certain role, receives a task inadequate to his role

3. Causes of conflicts and their consequences

The causes of conflicts are different. Consider the main reasons.

1. Allocation of resources, which are always limited. Management seeks to allocate materials, human resources and finances among different groups in the most efficient way to achieve the goals of the organization. At the same time, each group wants to get not less, but more, as a result, a conflict arises.

2. Interdependence of tasks. It exists wherever one person or group is dependent on another person or group for a task.

3. Differences in purpose. Conflict situations arise when the enterprise is divided into divisions that become more and more specialized. They formulate their own goals and can devote themselves to achieving them. more attention than to achieve the goals of the entire organization.

4. Differences in assessment of the situation and opinions. The idea of ​​a situation depends on the desire to achieve specific purpose. Instead of objectively evaluating a situation, people may consider only those alternatives and aspects of the situation that they believe are favorable to their group and personal needs. For example, a subordinate may believe that he always has the right to express his opinion, while a leader may believe that a subordinate has the right to express his opinion only when asked and must unquestioningly do what he is told.

5. Differences in behavior and life experience. Studies have shown that people with different life experiences (education, work experience, age and social characteristics) do not always achieve complete mutual understanding. When they cooperate, conflicts arise.

6. Unsatisfactory communication connection. Workers without information cannot understand the situation or the point of view of others, which is the cause of the conflict.

The consequences of conflicts can be functional. The problem can be solved in a way that is acceptable to all parties, and as a result, people will feel more involved in solving the problem. This, in turn, minimizes or completely eliminates the difficulties in implementing decisions: hostility, injustice and the need to act against the will. Another consequence of conflict is that the parties will be more willing to cooperate rather than antagonize in future situations. Possible and important implications conflict is also a decrease in the likelihood groupthink and the submissive syndrome, when subordinates do not express ideas that contradict the ideas of leaders.














The ideas of harmony and conflict, peace and violence have always been one of the central ideas in various religious movements. The theme of the struggle between good and evil is presented in a significant number of works of culture and art. Contradictions in nature, society and thinking, clash opposite desires and motives in human soul, struggle between people, social classes, states - all this has been the subject of reflection of philosophers for many centuries.

You can live without the word "conflict," but you can't live without conflict. There is hardly a person who has never got into any conflicts. "If there is no conflict in your life, check if you have a pulse." (C.Dixon).

However, whether we like it or not, conflicts are inevitable in our lives, and it remains only to take care to reduce the harm that they can bring, and, if possible, to derive some benefit from them. And for this you need to know what conflict is, how it arises, and what to do with it. Finding the cause of the conflict is its resolution.

Causes of conflict in the organization

Note that of the entire typology of conflicts, we are interested in those that take place at the socio-psychological and partly individual-psychological (personal) level. In the first case, research psychological mechanisms awareness of conflicting values, norms, orientations and goals of individuals and groups in the process of their joint activities, as well as forms of interaction and conflict resolution social facilities. In the second case, the psychophysiological features and characteristics of an individual are studied, and their influence on the emergence of a conflict, the dynamics of a person's behavior in a conflict, and the reverse influence of the experience of conflict relations on the formation of personal characteristics.

All conflicts have multiple causes. The main ones are the limited resources to be shared, the interdependence of tasks, differences in goals, differences in the values ​​presented, differences in behavior, in the level of education, as well as poor communications, job imbalances, lack of motivation, etc.

Resource allocation. In an organization, resources are always limited. Management must decide how to allocate materials, information, human resources and finances among different groups in order to achieve the organization's goals in the most efficient way. People tend to be more accepting of their problem and always want more, not less. The need to share resources almost inevitably leads to various conflicts.

Differences in purpose. Specialized units organizations and even subgroups form their goals, are responsible for their achievement, receive payment for final result. Therefore, departments may pay more attention to achieving them than to the goals of the entire organization. Differences in purpose are often seen between the individual and the group.

Interdependence of tasks. The possibility of conflict exists wherever one person or group is dependent on another person or group for a task. The reason for the conflict, as a rule, is that neither functions, nor means, nor duties, nor power, nor responsibility are clearly distributed among departments and workplaces.

Differences in perceptions and values. Differences in values ​​are a very common cause of conflict. Instead of objectively assessing the situation, people focus on those views, alternatives, and aspects of the situation that they believe are favorable to the group and personal needs.

Poor communication. Poor communication is both a cause and a consequence of conflict. It can act as a catalyst for conflict, making it difficult for individuals or groups to understand the situation or the perspectives of others. Common communication problems that cause conflict are ambiguous quality criteria, failure to accurately define official duties and functions of all employees and departments, as well as the presentation of mutually exclusive requirements for work. These problems may arise or be exacerbated by the inability of managers to develop and communicate to subordinates. exact description official duties.

Poor communication is also a consequence of conflict. Thus, the level of communication between its participants decreases, misconceptions about each other begin to form, hostile relations develop - all this leads to an intensification and continuation of the conflict.

Job imbalance. A frequent source of conflict in an organization. Takes place when job function is not fully backed by means and, accordingly, by rights and power.

Wrong control. Control in management should not be dictated by suspicion. Cynical power uses indefinite, total control: everyone is under suspicion at any time and therefore already half guilty. In such a situation, a person, in the end, loses self-control and, due to nervousness, it will really become worse to work.

Differences in behavior and life experience. A person does not feel an identity and immediately tunes in to the fact that he will not be understood by another person. There is a barrier to communication.

In addition, studies show that all employees can be divided into three groups according to their commitment to conflicts:

Conflict Resistant

Refraining from conflict


The number of the latter group is somewhere around 6-7% of the total staff. According to the English researcher Robert Bramson, in order to ensure a favorable psychological climate in the unit, the main efforts should be made only on a tenth of the staff - difficult subjects. The remaining 9/10 themselves strive for orderliness. Among the "difficult" Bramson identifies five types of troublemakers. Let's briefly describe them:

Aggressive. They are divided into three subtypes: tanks, snipers and explosives. Tanks are absolutely sure that their advice is the most competent. The only thing they do not like is aggressive reactions from those with whom they communicate. In order to achieve any success in a dispute with tanks, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to "let off steam", and then, they often even become tame. Snipers shoot at people with various taunts and witticisms and thereby bring frustration to the collective actions of personnel. Most effective reception influence on them is to demand a detailed explanation of what he thinks under one or another of his witticisms. But at the same time, the sniper should not lose his face, otherwise he "explodes" or hides "with a stone in his bosom." Explosives are types that fall on opponents with abuse, while they lose their temper so artistically that it gives the impression to others that they have been greatly offended. They need to be allowed to throw out the accumulated emotions.

Complainers. These types so colorfully describe their "troubles" that the listener often develops an opinion in their favor. The best thing to do in such cases is to paraphrase the complaints in your own words, making it clear that their experience has been noticed.

Indecisive. These types of people take so many trial steps before doing anything that they irritate those around them. The indecisive shun those who put pressure on them. They carry out the orders imposed on them without enthusiasm.

Irresponsible. To some extent, these are anxious individuals, but anxiety does not give rise to conflict, but to aggression. If they feel the warmth of the attitude towards themselves, their behavior will, as it were, go into the framework by itself.

know-it-alls. They are, in essence, valuable workers, but behave in such a defiant way that they cause feelings of inferiority in those around them. It should be remembered that they rarely agree to admit their mistakes.

Lack of respect for management. If the majority of employees have a feeling that the style and methods of management do not meet practical needs, then this can cause a conflict situation. Dissatisfaction with the level of business or managerial competence of the head has a great demotivational potential. Obviously, it is important to know what the staff expects from their leaders, and draw the appropriate conclusions from this.

Lack of motivation. If it is possible to match the consumers of individuals with the needs of the organization, it is obvious that the staff will go all out to satisfy these needs, which no coercion will provide.

The main types of conflicts in relation to subjects

There are four main types of conflicts:

intrapersonal conflict

interpersonal conflict

Conflict between the individual and the group

Intergroup conflict

intrapersonal conflict. It is expressed by the struggle of contradictions within a person, accompanied by emotional tension. One of the most common forms is role conflict: when conflicting demands are made to one person about what the result of his work should be. Intrapersonal conflict also arises as a result of the fact that the requirements are not consistent with personal values, and is also a response to work overload or underload. The latter is associated with a low degree of job satisfaction, the absence of a real case. This circumstance often painfully hits the category of workers who have been working for a long time. vigorous activity at work, but then, for certain reasons, were forced to drastically change the volume or place of work. This problem is currently very relevant.

Interpersonal conflict. This type of conflict is the most common. The conflict between personalities arises where different schools, behaviors collide, they can also be fed by the desire to get something that is not supported by appropriate opportunities. Interpersonal conflict can also manifest itself as a clash of people with different character traits, attitudes and values. In an organization, interpersonal conflict is most often a manager's struggle for limited resources, capital or labor, time to use equipment, or approval of a project; this struggle for power, privileges; it is a clash of different points of view in solving problems, different priorities.

Conflict between the individual and the group. A conflict can arise between an individual and a group if that individual takes a position that differs from that of the group. In an organization, people interact directly with each other, not only as functionaries of the organization. Spontaneously arise relations, unregulated by any instructions. In the process of functioning of the group, group norms are developed, standard rules the behaviors of its members. Compliance with group norms ensures the acceptance or non-acceptance of the individual by the group.

Intergroup conflict. These conflicts often arise from lack of clear coordination of functions and work schedules between departments. The reason may also be a lack of resources: materials, information, new equipment, time, etc. Intergroup conflicts also arise between informal groups.

Conflicts in terms of the causes of the conflict situation

From the point of view of the causes of the conflict situation, there are three types of conflicts. The first is a conflict of goals, when the situation is characterized by the fact that the parties involved in it differently see the desired state of the object in the future. The second is a conflict of knowledge or when there is a situation in which the parties involved have different views, ideas and thoughts on the problem being solved. And finally, the third is a sensory conflict that appears in a situation where the participants have different feelings and emotions that underlie their relationship with each other as individuals. People simply irritate each other with the style of their behavior, doing business, interacting or behaving in general.

Functional Consequences of Conflict

Conflicts contribute to the development and change in the organization, as they reveal shortcomings in the organization, reveal contradictions. They help reduce resistance to change.

Conflicts contribute to maintaining dynamic balance and social stability. The reasons are revealed, and do not go deep, where they are even more intensified and have a destructive effect on the organization.

Conflict can also reduce the chances of groupthink and submissiveness syndrome, when subordinates do not express ideas that they believe are contrary to the ideas of leaders. This can improve the quality of the decision-making process, as additional insights and "diagnosis" of the situation lead to a better understanding of it; symptoms are separated from causes and additional alternatives and criteria for their evaluation are developed. Through conflict, group members can work through possible problems in execution even before the solution starts to be executed.

Conflicts contribute to the formation of group solidarity, which makes it possible to eradicate the causes of internal disunity and restore unity. But it is necessary to cancel that such an impact is exerted by conflicts affecting only such goals, values ​​and interests that do not contradict the foundations of intra-group relations. In a trend, such conflicts contribute to the change of intra-group norms and relations in accordance with the urgent needs of individual individuals or subgroups.

In the process of conflict, the problem can be solved in a way that is acceptable to all parties, and as a result, people will feel more involved in solving this problem. This, in turn, minimizes or completely eliminates the difficulties in implementing decisions - hostility, injustice and compulsion to act against the will.

As a result of the conflict, the parties will be more willing to cooperate rather than antagonize in future situations that may be fraught with conflict.

Conflict contributes to the structuring of the organization, determining the position of various subgroups within the system, their functions and the distribution of positions of power among them.

Dysfunctional Consequences of Conflicts

If you do not find an effective way to manage the conflict, the following dysfunctional consequences may form, that is, conditions that interfere with the achievement of goals.

Increased emotional and psychological tension in the team.

Dissatisfaction, a bad state of mind and, as a result, an increase in staff turnover and a decrease in productivity.

Less cooperation in the future.

Barriers to change and innovation.

High commitment to one's group and more unproductive competition with other groups in the organization.

The idea of ​​the other side as the "enemy", the idea of ​​one's own goals as positive, and the other side's goals as negative.

Curtailment of interaction and communication between the conflicting parties. An increase in hostility between conflicting parties as both interaction and communication decreases.

The conflict often changes priorities so much that it threatens the true interests of the parties.

At the heart of any conflict is a situation that includes either conflicting positions of the parties on any occasion, or mismatched interests, desires, and inclinations of opponents. For the conflict to grow, an incident (reason) is needed when one of the parties begins to act, infringing (even unintentionally) on the interests of the other side:

Conflict = conflict situation + incident

An incident only leads to conflict when there are contradictions waiting to be resolved.

Of great importance for the conflict is the time factor, since the conflict is fraught with growth.

Stages of conflict development

1. A situation related to competition or infringement of the interests of the parties.

2. Awareness by the conflicting parties of their interests.

3. Awareness of the legitimacy of their claims.

4. Incident - an open entry into a conflict, a manifestation of hostility. Here is the first attempt to resolve the conflict. Management influence is applied. If the attempt fails, then:

5. Growth and deepening of the conflict. Groups pop up hidden reasons, which is explained by the support of others, the search for supporters. The initial conflict is overgrown with new claims, reflecting the interests of new participants and the contradictions between them. All this is growing like a snowball. Therefore, the leader must act, take action. The conflict must be brought within certain limits, rules of procedure accepted by both parties must be adopted, or assistance must be sought from some third party that is an authority for both others.

6. If the conflict cannot be resolved, then:

7. The transition of the conflict into antagonism.

8. Conflict resolution.

9. Post-conflict. It is possible, especially in the case when the conflict was resolved by finding a compromise.

Unresolved conflict causes the greatest damage to organizations. According to some estimates, more than 65% of problems in the workforce are associated with violations of relations between employees, and not with a lack of skills or motivation for the behavior of individual workers.

What do unresolved conflicts lead to?

To the loss of managerial time. A study of management problems in the United States showed that 25% of the time spent on management is spent on resolving conflicts. This figure rises to 30% for lower-level managers.

To the deterioration of the quality of decisions made. For acceptance right decision the one who accepts it needs sound information. If relations between sources of information (employees, superiors, subordinates, support staff) and those who make decisions are broken, then deliberately distorted information will lead to unpredictable consequences.

To the loss of skilled workers. In the United States, it has been calculated that the dismissal of a junior manager or an experienced technical worker leads to the loss of an organization of an amount approaching the annual salary.

To reorganization. Reshuffling employees, separating conflicting ones (for example, changing the immediate supervisor) can reduce stress, but increase costs.

To sabotage. Damage to reputation, intentional damage to equipment, violation of production process are the most obvious losses from the conflict.

To loss of working time. Conflict can lead to absenteeism. In addition, doctors have established that most diseases are of a psychogenic origin, etc.

Classification of conflicts

According to their importance for the organization, conflicts are divided into constructive and destructive.

Constructive conflict occurs when opponents do not go beyond ethical norms, business relations and reasonable arguments. The reasons are usually shortcomings in the organization of activities and management. The resolution of such a conflict leads to the development of relations between people and the development of the group. The consequences of such a conflict are functional and lead to an increase in the effectiveness of the organization.

Destructive conflict occurs in two cases:

When one of the parties firmly insists on its position and does not want to take into account the interests of the other party or the entire organization as a whole;

When one of the opponents resorts to morally condemned methods of struggle, he seeks to psychologically suppress his partner. The consequences of such conflict are dysfunctional and result in reduced personal satisfaction, group cooperation, and organizational effectiveness.

Thus, the emergence destructive conflicts contribute, as a rule, subjective reasons.

In terms of direction, conflicts are divided into horizontal (in which persons who are subordinate to each other are not involved), vertical (in which persons who are subordinate to one another participate) and mixed (represented by both “vertical” and “horizontal” components).

Conflicts that have a “vertical” line are the most undesirable for a leader, since his actions are considered by all employees (not to mention the participants in the conflict) through the prism of this conflict. And even in the case of complete objectivity of the leader, in any of his steps they will see intrigues in relation to his opponents. And since the information or training of subordinates is often not enough to evaluate the actions of the leadership, the misunderstanding is usually compensated by speculation, mostly of an aggressive nature. As a result, the conflict intensifies.

Conflicts can be open (lie on the surface, visible to the naked eye) and hidden (hidden from the eyes of the observer, recognized by indirect signs, among which the main ones are tension in interpersonal communication, abrupt change in relation to work. The task of the leader is to raise hidden conflicts to the surface and resolve them).

According to the nature of objectivity or subjectivity, the causes of the conflict can be divided into objective and subjective, respectively.

Conflicts differ in the scope of their resolution - business or personal-emotional.

Fundamental for the development of the conflict are such psychological moments as the perception of the situation by its participants, their attitude towards it, the strategies of their behavior. It is they who lead to the fact that on the basis of the same reason conflicts of completely different psychological types arise.

Conflict Management

As noted above, even in an organization with effective management, conflicts cannot be eliminated, but they can be managed in such a way as to maximize the overall benefit for the conflicting parties. There are several effective ways. Consider four options for managing a conflict situation:





conflict prevention strategy.

1. Eliminate the real thing conflict.

2. Involve as an arbitrator a disinterested person with a willingness to submit to his decision.

3. Make sure that one of the conflicting parties refuses the subject of the conflict in favor of the other.

conflict suppression strategy. It is used in relation to conflicts in an irreversibly destructive phase and to pointless conflicts:

Purposefully and consistently reduce the number of conflicting parties.

Develop a system of rules, norms, regulations that regulate the relationship between potentially conflicting people.

To create and continuously maintain conditions that impede or prevent direct interaction between potentially conflicting people in relation to each other.

delay strategy. These are temporary measures that only help to weaken the conflict so that later, when the conditions are ripe, to achieve its resolution:

1. Change the attitude of one conflicting party to another:

a) Change the strength of one or both conflicting parties in the imagination of the opposite side;

b) Reduce or increase the role or place of one of the conflicting in the imagination of the other.

2. Change the perception of the conflicting person about the conflict situation (the conditions of the conflict, the relationship of people associated with it, etc.)

3. Change the significance (nature, form) of the conflict object in the imagination of the conflicting person and thereby make it less conflict (reduce or increase the value of the conflict object and thereby make it unnecessary or unattainable, respectively).

Tasks of the leader in conflict resolution

Of great importance, according to psychologists, in resolving conflict situations is the communication of participants, the central point of which is negotiations. Assuming to have a conversation with his opponent, the leader (if he himself is one of the parties to the conflict) must first, as fully as possible, analyze the current situation. The tasks of the leader in resolving the conflict are as follows: it is necessary to find out the cause of the conflict, determine the goals of the conflicting parties, outline areas for convergence of the points of view of the conflicting parties and clarify behavioral features subjects of the conflict. The study carried out in this way makes it possible to general idea about all aspects of the conflict situation.

To do this, analyze the situation by substituting the following questions:

Reason for the conflict. Do the conflicting parties understand the cause of the conflict? Do you need help to get out of the conflict? Where is the cause of the conflict? Have the conflicting parties asked for help?

The goal is conflicting. What exactly are the goals of the conflicting parties? Is everyone equally striving towards these goals? How do these goals fit with the overall goals of the organization? Is there a common goal that could unite the efforts of the conflicting parties? Do the disagreements of the parties relate to the purpose of the activity or the means to achieve it?

areas of convergence. On what issues the conflicting parties could work out general views? These are, of course, the problems of a business and emotional atmosphere conducive to the establishment of a favorable psychological climate In the organisation.

Subjects of the conflict. Who is the leader? How do people treat each other? What are the features of linguistic and non-linguistic factors of communication? Do they act among the conflicting generally accepted norms behavior?

The preliminary analysis of the situation is necessary component effective implementation conversations. When conducting a conversation, the leader must maintain control over the situation, i.e. Direct the course of the conversation to right direction, in accordance with the formulated purpose of the conversation. Negotiations must be dynamic. Analysis of the situation, a deliberate choice of a course of action, an effective discussion of the situation with its participants, ways to turn an emerging conflict into an effective tool for solving a problem, searching for best solution and even as a means of improving human relations.


To change the attitude towards conflicts practically means to change the outlook on life. Try to look at conflicts in a new way, and you will be able to confidently and even creatively find a way out of them.

Faced with difficult situation, we sometimes show ourselves not with better side We begin to cherish our difficulties instead of trying to cope with them.

AT Difficult situations it is not always necessary to look for the perfect solution. Such a search can not only put us in stalemate, but it may not be useful on its own. We need to look for a working solution that "changes the specific situation, behavior and thinking."

Looking at problems, including conflict, as something positive can be helpful and can transform your thinking and help you find a solution.

List of used literature

1. Meskon M. Kh., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. - M., "Case" - 1992.

2. Borodkin F.M. Koryak N.M. Attention: conflict. - M., 1989.

3. V.S. Yanchevsky. Labor contract. - Zhytomyr, 1996

4. Sarzhveladze N.I. Personality and its interaction with environment. Tb., 1989


in the discipline "Business Ethics" on the topic:

Conflict situations: three levels, types and types of conflicts


1. The concept of "conflict situation" and "conflict"

2. Classification of conflicts

3 Structural description of the conflict

4. Causes of conflicts

4.1 Causes of conflict in the organization

5. Forms of work with conflicts

6. Methods of conflict resolution


List of used literature


The basis of any organization is people (team), and without them the functioning of the organization is impossible. The set of object conditions in which people find themselves in the process of joint activity predetermines and limits the ways of their interaction. The number of needs that can be satisfied in communication is also limited by the circumstances. In this regard, production situations often arise in teams, during which contradictions are found between people on a wide range of issues. By themselves, these disagreements and contradictions can act as a positive factor in the movement of creative thought. However, when they become acute, they can hinder successful collaboration and lead to conflict. Appropriate management of these processes is necessary, the task of which should be to prevent the emergence of undesirable, negative conflicts, and to give the inevitable conflict situations a constructive character. Conflict management is one of the most important functions of a leader.

When asked how they feel about conflicts in organizations, most managers at any level of management will answer that this is bad, undesirable, and evil for the leader. In the life of a production team, conflicts are a reflection of the struggle of opposites at the level of the individual, social groups, society (collective) as a whole. Therefore, it would be more correct to consider conflict as the norm of industrial relations.

Any organization in its life is associated with the inevitability of the emergence of various kinds of conflicts within it. Conflict is a natural condition for the existence of any community of people, the source and driving force behind the development of this community. Such a perception of the conflict makes it possible to use it as a tool to influence the development of the organization through changing, if necessary, its culture, structure and thereby creating conditions for the most effective work team to achieve organizational goals.

1. The concept of "conflict situation" and "conflict"

The life situations in which people find themselves are extremely diverse. Circumstances in the life of an individual or a whole social group can be transient, transient or, on the contrary, long-term stagnant. They can be characterized by a certain spiritual atmosphere and one or another level of material wealth. They are associated with the territorial distribution of subjects, various social hierarchies and many other factors.

Usually, the conflict is preceded by two groups of phenomena: the objective life situation in which the opposing parties are located, and these parties themselves - people who have certain interests and values.

Any conflict is based on a situation that includes either opposite positions of the parties on some issue, or opposite goals or means of achieving them in given circumstances, or a mismatch of interests, desires, inclinations of opponents, etc.

This is the so-called conflict situation. It should include objects and subjects of a possible conflict.

Most often, researchers understand a conflict situation as “such a combination of circumstances that objectively creates the basis for a real confrontation between social actors" one .

In order for the conflict to begin to develop, an incident is necessary when one of the parties begins to act, infringing on the interests of the other. An incident can arise both at the initiative of the subjects of the conflict, and regardless of their will and desire, due to either objective circumstances or accident.

Similarly, conflict situations can arise either at the initiative of opponents, or objectively, regardless of their will and desire. In addition, a conflict situation can be created intentionally, in order to achieve certain goals in the future, but it can be generated, albeit intentionally, but without a specific goal, and sometimes to the detriment of oneself. The same applies to the incident.

There are various definitions of conflict, but they all make it clear that there are contradictions that take the form of a disagreement.

“Conflict” is a collision of oppositely directed incompatible tendencies, interpersonal interactions and relations of individuals or groups, as well as in the creation of a separate individual, associated with an acute negative experience” 2

“Encounter is a common form of contact between people. In some cases, the clash manifests itself exclusively in the struggle, in the attempts of opponents to disarm each other. Other forms of clashes are more like fights between boxers or swordsmen.”3

Not even the conflicts themselves are destructive, but their consequences: fear, hostility, threats. A defensive reaction can arise and take hold - behavior that enters the structure of a person and distorts the nature of thinking, actions and feelings.

Conflicts can be hidden and obvious, but they are always based on contradictions, not consent. The lack of agreement is due to the presence of a variety of opinions, views, ideas, interests, points of view, etc.

2. Classification of conflicts

The presence of a huge number of general and particular classifications of the conflict, given by psychologists, suggests that there are as many of them as there are different sides to psychology. The main features on the basis of which various typologies of conflicts are proposed include: the object of the conflict; features of the parties; duration; functions; manifestation forms; type of relationship structure; consequences etc.

There is a multivariate typology of the conflict, depending on the criteria that are taken as a basis.

Most conflicts are brewing gradually, the conflicting parties express their claims only in a narrow circle. Attempts are being made to resolve the issue peacefully, by satisfying the request or canceling the order. If this method does not cause a positive reaction or encounters refusal, the conflict goes from the latent incubation period into an open form, while each of the parties seeks not only to justify their actions, but also to attract supporters. Then the conflict becomes protracted.

Thus, in terms of scale and duration, conflicts are divided into:

General and local;

Global (cover the entire team or most of it) and partial (occur between employees or between an employee and a manager);

Short-term and protracted;

Short term and long term.

According to the goals defended by the parties, conflicts are divided into:

Pursuing personal goals;

Pursuing group goals;

Pursuing public goals.

Goals are also divided according to their moral content (for which the conflict is started), by time (close or distant), by publicity (open or hidden).

According to the sources and causes of occurrence, there are:

Objective and subjective;

Organizational, emotional and social and labor;

Business and personal.

According to the communicative orientation, there are:




Horizontal - the relationship of opponents equal in their official status, and vertical - the clash of people or groups of different positions.

By functional significance, conflicts are divided into:

Positive (constructive) and negative (destructive);

Creative and destructive.

The positive role of conflicts is that they are necessary and even inevitable for the development of the labor collective. The constructive side is more pronounced when the level conflict is sufficient to motivate people.

According to the forms and degree of collision, conflicts are distinguished:

open and hidden;

Spontaneous, initiated and provoked;

Inevitable, forced, devoid of expediency.

Settlement methods:

Antagonistic and compromise;

Fully or partially resolved, leading to agreement and cooperation.

There are classifications of another type (Table 1).

Depending on the subjects of the conflict and the nature of its occurrence, five main levels of conflicts are distinguished, which are closely related: interpersonal conflict, conflict between the individual and the group, intergroup conflict, intragroup and intrapersonal conflict.

Table 1 Types of conflicts depending on the subjects

Localization of interaction.

Subjects of the conflict


Intrasubjective (intrasubjective)

Internal (including a participant in a conflict between an individual and a group or a member of a conflicting group)

Intra-group (including in a group in conflict with another group or individual)

Intersubjective (intersubjective)

Interpersonal (including between members of one of the conflicting groups)



Interpersonal conflict. This type of conflict is perhaps the most common. It manifests itself in organizations in different ways. Most often, this is the struggle of managers for limited resources, capital or labor, time to use equipment, or project approval. Each of them believes that since resources are limited, he must convince the higher authorities to allocate these resources to him, and not to another leader. Similar, only more subtle and prolonged, can be a conflict between two candidates for promotion in the presence of one vacancy.

Interpersonal conflict can also manifest itself as a clash of personalities. People with different personality traits, attitudes and values ​​are sometimes just not able to get along with each other. As a rule, the views and goals of such people differ radically.

Conflict between the individual and the group. Production teams set standards for behavior and performance. Everyone must comply with them in order to be accepted by an informal group and, thereby, satisfy their social needs. However, if the expectations of the group are in conflict with the expectations of the individual, conflict may arise. For example, someone will want to earn more, either by working overtime or by exceeding the norms, and the group views such "excessive" diligence as negative behavior.

Intergroup conflict. Organizations are made up of many groups, both formal and informal. Even in the best organizations, conflicts can arise between such groups. Informal organizations that feel that the leader is treating them unfairly can rally tighter and try to “pay off” with reduced productivity.

Intra-group conflict is not just the sum of interpersonal conflicts, but a clash between parts or all members of the group that affects group dynamics and the results of the group as a whole. Production, social and emotional processes within the group influence the emergence of causes and ways to resolve intra-group conflicts. Often intragroup conflict arises as a result of a change in the balance of power in the group: a change in leadership, the emergence of an informal leader, the development of group action.

Intrapersonal conflict occurs within an individual and is often a conflict of goals or a conflict of views. It becomes a conflict of goals when an individual chooses and tries to achieve mutually exclusive goals. Intrapersonal conflict becomes a conflict of views when an individual recognizes the failure of his thoughts, dispositions, values, or his behavior in general.

3. Structural description of the conflict

The conflict-forming structure includes three levels:

1) grounds for collision, i.e. that contradiction, the actualization of which shows us the conflict as a phenomenon;

2) the reality of the collision (the phenomenon of conflict), which is a mutually determined action, striving for autonomy through dominance, adaptation, elimination, etc.;

3) meta-conflict phenomena: experiencing attitudes towards the subject of contradiction and / or conflict action, interpersonal relationships participants, auto-relations of the subject of the conflict action, expectations, etc.

Only reconstructions at all three levels of description can present the full structure and dynamics of the conflict. Such an approach makes sense as a practice-oriented one, since the purpose of the conflict is to resolve the contradiction that has become actualized in it through its resolution.

The problem, however, is that each of these levels has its own description languages, which are not yet integrated into a coherent model. Many modern attempts to describe and, accordingly, to investigate, and then to build ways of resolving conflicts, most often take one of two levels as a starting point: phenomenal or metaphenomenal, i.e. description and work takes place either in the material of a real collision, or in the material of experiences. About the fact that the generating contradiction is the fundamental goal for discovery, through connections -

If any new forms are needed to implement the interaction and/or the existing resource does not meet the requirements of this interaction, we fix it as a conflict. It is simply presented to us by its difficult side, requiring attention and special energy costs. In other words, the question of the appearance of the phenomenon of conflict is connected not only with the specifics of mutual actions, but also with their intensity. There is such a boundary in the collision when the interaction becomes "visible" and requires special concentration on itself. This visible part of intense interaction is usually called conflict. This means that, regardless of the qualitative characteristics, the structure of the conflict is made up of internal and / or external actions that form the unity of interaction.

Hence, conflict is such a characteristic of interaction in which actions that cannot coexist in an unchanged form mutually determine and mutually change each other, requiring a special organization for this.

External and internal conflicts are fundamentally different in their structure, but in an external conflict, the actions that form the unity of interaction literally belong to different persons or groups that implement the cumulative action. Here it is important to pay attention to the fact that external interactions always have simultaneously and inner plan, and, consequently, the structures of such conflicts are much more complex and form at least two levels.

So, the structure always has:

1) related, interdependent and changing (influencing) each other actions;

2) interests, goals, values ​​of the parties participating in this interaction;

3) experiences of these parties in connection with what is happening.

In an external collision, this structure is doubled, and its analysis requires the formation of such a space of thinking, in which it is important to "keep" this doubling in mutual reflection. In intrapersonal conflicts one can discover, as it were, the life of two characters acting on different grounds, but at the same time experiencing both the meaning of the "colliding" actions and the collision itself. A curious psychological phenomenon arises, which metaphorically looks like the formation (actualization) of an internal institutional structure and the generation of a third instance, which does not participate in the collision, but, as it were, observes and has the opportunity to act resolving.

4. Causes of conflicts

In terms of causes, there are three types of conflicts:

1. Conflict of goals. The situation is characterized by the fact that the parties involved in it differently see the desired state of the object in the future.

2. Conflict of views, when the parties involved differ in views, ideas and thoughts on the problem being solved.

3. Conflict of feelings, when participants have different feelings and emotions that underlie their relationship with each other as individuals. People simply irritate each other with the style of their behavior, doing business, interacting.

4.1 Causes of conflict in the organization

conflict behavior resentment

Every conflict has its own cause. N.I. Kabushkin identifies the following groups of causes that give rise to conflicts:

1. Insufficient coherence and inconsistency of the goals of individual groups and employees.

To avoid conflict, it is necessary to clarify the goals and objectives of each unit and employee by transmitting the relevant instructions orally or in writing.

2. Fuzzy delineation of rights and obligations. The consequence of this is a double or triple subordination of performers, when the subordinate is forced to:

a) himself to rank the received orders according to their degree of importance at his own discretion;

b) demand this from his/her immediate supervisor;

c) grab everything.

3. Limited resources. Even in the largest organizations, resources are always limited. Management decides how to properly allocate materials, human resources, finances, etc. between different groups in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Giving more resources to one will cause resentment and lead to all sorts of conflict.

4. Insufficient level of professional training. Due to the unpreparedness of the subordinate, he is not trusted to perform certain types of work that is performed by another employee. As a result, some workers are underloaded with work, while others are overloaded with it.

5. Unreasonable public censure of some and undeserved praise of other employees - "favorites". This situation always provokes conflict.

6. Contradictions between the functions included in the terms of reference of the employee and what he is forced to do at the request of the head.

7. Differences in behavior and life experience. There are people who constantly show aggressiveness and hostility towards others and are ready to challenge every word. Such people create a nervous atmosphere around them, leading to a conflict situation. Differences in life experience, values, education, seniority, age and social characteristics reduce the degree of mutual understanding and cooperation.

8. Uncertainty of growth prospects. If an employee has no growth prospects or doubts its existence, then he works without enthusiasm, and the labor process becomes painful and endless for him.

9. Unfavorable physical conditions. Extraneous noise, heat or cold, poor layout of the workplace can cause conflict.

10. Lack of benevolent attention. The cause of the conflict may be the intolerance of the leader to fair criticism, inattention to the needs and concerns of subordinates, etc.

11. Psychological phenomenon. Feelings of resentment and envy (everything is better for others, others are more successful, happier, etc.).

Considering the causes of conflicts, it is necessary to take into account that in certain situations the leader is the source of the conflict. Many unwanted conflicts are generated by the personality and actions of the leader, especially if he allows himself personal attacks, is vindictive and suspicious, does not hesitate to publicly demonstrate his likes and dislikes.

The reasons for the conflict can also be the unscrupulousness of the leader, his false understanding of unity of command as a principle of management, vanity, harshness and rudeness in dealing with subordinates.

5. Forms of work with conflicts

Conflict resolution is its final stage. In addition to the main resolution models - "winner-loser", "winner-winner", "loser-winner", the expediency of using the concepts of "maximum gain", "minimum loss", "mutual gain", "combination of gain and loss", " synthesis of conflicting opposites” and others. different kinds ending the conflict: ending the conflict by destroying one of the parties or complete subjugation of the other; transformation of both conflicting parties in the direction of harmonizing their interests and positions on new basis; mutual reconciliation of opposing agents; mutual destruction of opposites. In the implementation of the first and last of these possibilities, the end of the conflict is accompanied by an intensification of the struggle. With the implementation of other forms, the conflict gradually fades.

Distinguish between full and incomplete conflict resolution. If there is a transformation or elimination of the basis of the conflict (reasons, subject), then the conflict is resolved completely. Incomplete resolution occurs when only some of the structural elements conflict, in particular, the content of the confrontation, its field, the motivational basis for the conflict behavior of the participants, etc.

The situation of incomplete resolution of the conflict gives rise to its resumption on the same or on a new basis. The permanent revival of the same conflict in a transformed form at a different level is characteristic of many of its types. The resolution of the conflict should be distinguished from its suppression, i.e. the forcible removal of one or both sides without eliminating the causes and subject of the confrontation.

Nor does the so-called abolition of the conflict lead to a resolution - this is an attempt to get rid of the conflict by reconciliation or obscuration, and not by overcoming the opposites underlying it.

No matter how diverse conflicts are, the process of their resolution is characterized by some common features. First of all, as a stage of a broader management process, it is carried out within the framework of its necessary conditions and principles, analyzed earlier. In addition, it has its own prerequisites, specific stages, strategy and technology.

Prerequisites for conflict resolution:

1. Sufficient maturity of the conflict, expressed in visible forms manifestation, identification of subjects, manifestation by them of their opposing interests and positions, in the organization of conflict groups and more or less established methods of confrontation.

2. The need of the subjects to resolve the conflict and the ability to do so.

3. Availability of the necessary means and resources to resolve the conflict: material, political, cultural, and finally, human.

The process of resolving any conflict consists of at least three stages:

    preparatory is the diagnosis of the conflict.

    development of resolution strategy and technology.

    direct practical activity to resolve the conflict - the implementation of a set of methods and means.

Conflict diagnosis includes:

a) description of its visible manifestations (skirmishes, clashes, crises, etc.);

b) determining the level of development of the conflict;

c) identifying the causes of the conflict and its nature (objective or subjective);

d) intensity measurement;

e) definition of the scope.

Each of the noted elements of diagnostics implies an objective understanding, assessment and consideration of the main variables of the conflict - the content of the confrontation, the state of its participants, the goals and tactics of their action, and possible consequences. The conflict is diagnosed in structural and functional terms, in situational and positional aspects, as a state and process.

When analyzing the determining factors, a number of questions arise related to which of them to recognize as determining, what is the relationship of causes, what, in fact, is the problem (contradiction) underlying the conflict. It is important to separate the problem from the conflict, since the conflict does not necessarily stem from the problem. The problem may involve a conflict-free solution. At the stage of diagnosing, the distinction between objective and subjective causes is of great importance, on which the understanding of the nature of this conflict and its sources depends.

It should also be borne in mind that in the process of conflict development, the range of causes may expand, and emerging new causes may acquire a significant impact, the development of conflict resolution strategies is carried out taking into account possible resolution models and conflict management principles. Based on this, depending on specific situation, the type of conflict, the level of its development and the degree of intensity, various strategies are envisaged. If, say, the end of the conflict is supposed to be carried out in the form of a “win-lose”, “win-lose” model, then a strategy is developed to eliminate one of the parties by bringing the struggle to a victorious end.

In a situation where the “win-win”, “win-win”, “win-win” model is possible, a strategy is being worked out to resolve the conflict by mutual transformation of the parties and, on the basis of this, mutual reconciliation. Weakening of the conflict, its transformation, gradual attenuation - these are the moments of the asymmetric solution of the conflict. Finally, in a situation in which neither side can win the confrontation, and both lose it, the strategy of suppressing the conflict, its mechanical elimination, turns out to be expedient.

Various models of conflict resolution were formed by historical practice. Subordination of one of the warring parties to the will of the majority, an agreement based on voluntary consent parties or coercion of one side by the other, a violent form of dispute resolution - these forms of the outcome of conflicts have been known for centuries.

Effective conflict resolution, i.e. resolution with the least loss of resources and the preservation of vital social structures, possibly if there are some necessary conditions and the implementation of the noted principles of conflict management. Among the first conflictologists include: the presence of an organizational and legal mechanism for resolving conflicts; a sufficiently high level of democratic culture in society; developed social activity of the main segments of the population; experience in constructive conflict resolution; development communication links; availability of resources to implement the compensation system. As far as principles are concerned, we are talking, first of all, about a specific approach to resolving specific conflicts.

Depending on the possible models of conflict resolution, the interests and goals of the conflicting actors, five main styles of conflict resolution are used:

Competition style;

Evasion style;

Fixture style;

Collaborative style;

compromise style.

A special place in the assessment of models and strategies of a person's behavior in a conflict is occupied by the value for her of interpersonal relations with the opposing side. If for one of the rivals interpersonal relations with another (friendship, love, comradeship, partnership, etc.) are of no value, then his behavior in the conflict will also differ in destructive content or extreme positions in the strategy (coercion, struggle, rivalry) . And, conversely, the value of interpersonal relationships for the subject of conflict interaction, as a rule, is a significant reason constructive behavior in conflict or the orientation of such behavior towards compromise, cooperation, withdrawal or concession.

The avoidance style, which involves avoiding conflict, is associated with a lack of personal perseverance and a desire to cooperate with others to resolve it. Usually in this case, a person tries to stand aside from the conflict, strives to become neutral. This style is used when the problem is not so important, when the person does not want to spend energy on solving it, when the person feels wrong, or when the other person has more power. The use of such a style may signify the individual's decision to let the conflict develop. This style can also be associated with aversion to tension and frustration. In some cases, trying to avoid conflict can reduce its intensity. However, ignoring dissent can cause even more dissatisfaction. With this approach to the conflict, both sides lose.

The style of competition or conflict resolution by force is characterized by great personal involvement and interest in eliminating the conflict, however, without taking into account the positions of the other side. It's a win-lose style. For application this style it is necessary to have power or physical advantages. This style can in some cases help to achieve individual goals. It requires a person to use volitional qualities. However, others have an unfavorable impression of the individual using this style.

Collaboration style is different a high degree personal involvement in it, and strong desire join forces with others to resolve interpersonal conflict

The style of accommodation, which encourages one to enter into the position of the other side, is a behavior based on the desire to cooperate with others, but without introducing one's strong interest into this cooperation. This style is of the type "no win - win" has a shade of altruism. This style can express a long-term strategy for developing in others an orientation towards cooperation in resolving interpersonal conflict. This style helps in striving to realize the desires of others. The owners of this style are generally evaluated positively by others, but are perceived by others as weak natures, easily amenable to other people's influence.

The style of compromise consists in such behavior during the resolution of interpersonal conflict, which moderately takes into account the interests of each of the parties. The implementation of this style is associated with negotiations, during which each of the parties makes certain concessions. Compromise is widely used in conflict resolution, and those who use it are generally viewed favorably by others. It's a no-lose-no-win style. In many situations, the style of compromise allows you to achieve a quick resolution of the conflict, especially in cases where one of the parties has clear advantages.

6. Methods of conflict resolution

The whole set of methods, depending on the types of conflict resolution models, can be divided into two groups:

The first group is conditionally called a group of negative methods, which includes all types of struggle, pursuing the goal of achieving the victory of one side over the other. The term "negative" methods in this context is justified by the expected end result of the end of the conflict: the destruction of the unity of the conflicting parties as a basic relationship.

The second group is by positive methods, since when using them, it is assumed that the basis of the relationship (unity) between the subjects of the conflict will be preserved. First of all, these are various types of negotiations and constructive rivalry.

The difference between negative and positive methods is relative, conditional. In practical conflict management activities, these methods often complement each other. In addition, the concept of "struggle" as a method of conflict resolution is very general in its content. It is known that a principled negotiation process may include elements of a struggle on certain issues. At the same time, the toughest struggle between the conflicting agents does not exclude the moment of negotiations on certain rules fight. Without the struggle of the new against the old, there is no creative rivalry, although the latter presupposes the existence of a moment of cooperation in the relationship between rivals, since it is a question of achieving common purpose- progress in a particular area of ​​public life.

Thus, the decisive condition for victory in an armed struggle is the achievement of superiority and concentration of forces in the place of the main battle. The same technique characterizes the strategy of other types of struggle, for example, the game of chess. The victory here is won by the player who knows how to concentrate his pieces where the decisive line of attack on the opponent's king is located.

It can be said that in any struggle it is necessary to be able to a) choose the field of the decisive battle in the best possible way, b) concentrate necessary forces in this place; c) choose the optimal time for striking. All techniques and methods of struggle involve one or another combination of these components.

The aim of the struggle is to change the conflict situation. And this is achieved in three general ways:

Direct impact on the opposing subject, his means of struggle, on the situation; change in the balance of power;

True or false information of the opponent about his actions and intentions;

Obtaining an adequate assessment of the opponent's capabilities and the situation.

Consider some of the methods used in the struggle of the conflicting parties.

One such method is to achieve victory by obtaining the necessary freedom of action. This method is implemented by the following methods: creating freedom of action for oneself; fettering the opponent's freedom; even at the cost of some material or other losses, the acquisition of better positions in the confrontation, etc. For example, an effective method of discussion is to impose on the enemy, as a subject of discussion, such issues in which he is not very competent and where he can compromise himself.

An effective method is the use by one side of the functions and reserves of the enemy for its own purposes. Techniques in this case can be the use of the opponent's arguments in the discussion; forcing the enemy to take actions that are beneficial to the other side.

Highly important method struggle - putting out of action, first of all, the control centers of opposing complexes: the leading personalities of collectives and institutions, the main elements of the enemy's position. In the discussion, the main emphasis is placed on discrediting its leading participants, representing the side of the enemy, on refuting the main theses of his position. In particular, in political struggle Of particular importance is the disclosure and criticism of the negative traits of leaders, the failure of their activities.

Despite the fact that one of the main principles of conflict resolution is the principle of timeliness, efficiency, the method of delaying the case, or otherwise the "delay method" can be successfully used in the struggle. This method is special case choosing an appropriate place and time for delivering a decisive blow, creating an advantageous balance of forces and an advantageous situation for such a choice.

The slowness of the transition to decisive action is justified by the need to concentrate large forces and resources for victory. There is a well-known aphorism - time "works for us"; it characterizes the essence of the described method. In relation to the discussion, this method means that one should strive, when discussing any issue, to take the floor last, when all other participants have spoken. In this case, it is possible to develop an argument against which the previous speeches did not contain sufficiently serious arguments.

Another important method, closely related to the previous one, is avoiding the struggle. This method is an implementation of the evasion style. It is used in a number of situations:

When the task of mobilizing the resources and forces necessary for victory has not been solved;

In order to lure the enemy into a pre-prepared trap and gain time when changing the situation to a more favorable one;

Simulate a flight, in order to then take the enemy by surprise, provoking him to perform actions that are harmful to him.

The main positive method of conflict resolution is negotiation. Let us consider the most essential characteristics of the negotiation method and methods of its implementation.

Negotiations are a joint discussion by the conflicting parties with the possible involvement of a mediator of contentious issues in order to reach an agreement. They act as a kind of continuation of the conflict and at the same time serve as a means of overcoming it. When the emphasis is on negotiations as part of the conflict, they tend to be conducted from a position of strength, with the aim of achieving a one-sided victory. Naturally, this nature of negotiations usually leads to a temporary, partial resolution of the conflict, and negotiations serve only as an addition to the struggle for victory over the enemy. If negotiations are understood primarily as a method of resolving the conflict, then they take the form of honest, open debates, calculated on mutual concessions and mutual satisfaction of a certain part of the interests of the parties.

The described methods of communication and negotiations involve the interaction of individuals, teams. In life big role play conflicts that arise in the environment of mass communities, between not only small, but also large groups. Of course, such conflicts can be resolved through various negotiations and types of communication. However, communication in such cases does not take the form of a dialogue, but a multi-subject discussion of problems. These are various kinds of business meetings, seminars, conferences, congresses, etc.

Diverse and with the participation of numerous individuals and organizations, the discussion of controversial, vital for all issues, of course, ensures the resolution of some conflicts. A positive result of such activities is achieved under a number of conditions.

First, to ensure an objective consideration of debatable problems;

Secondly, free discussion of all positions and points of view, with equal opportunities for participation in the discussion of each subject;

Thirdly, the presentation of the results of the discussion in the form of recommendations summarizing the revealed unity of views and positions on certain issues.

The use of positive conflict resolution methods is embodied in the achievement of compromises or consensuses between opposing actors. These are forms of ending conflicts, mainly according to the type of "win-win", "win-win". They represent the realization of the styles of compromise and cooperation.

There are also structural methods of conflict resolution.

They include four main varieties:

1. Explanation of job requirements. The manager is obliged to clearly state to his subordinates the requirements for them, as well as explain the requirements, rules and procedures of work, what results are expected from each employee and department, what and who receives and provides information, determine the system of authority and responsibility.

2. Coordination and integration mechanisms. One of the most common coordination mechanisms is the establishment of a hierarchy of authority, which streamlines the interaction of the organization. The managerial hierarchy, the use of cross-functional services, target groups, meetings between departments justify themselves in managing a conflict situation. Establishing a hierarchy of authority streamlines the interaction of people, decision-making and information flows within the organization. If two or more subordinates have disagreements on some issue, the conflict can be avoided by contacting their common boss, inviting him to make a decision. The principle of unity of command facilitates the use of hierarchy to manage a conflict situation, since the subordinate knows perfectly well that the decisions of the leadership must be obeyed.

3. Corporate overarching goals. Setting such goals for various structural units or groups of employees allows you to coordinate their actions and direct the efforts of all participants to achieve a common goal. Establishing clearly defined goals for the entire organization as a whole helps ensure that business unit leaders will make decisions that benefit the entire organization, and not just the unit they lead.

4. The structure of the reward system. By influencing people's behavior through rewards, the dysfunctional consequences of conflict can be avoided. The reward system should be designed in such a way as to reward people who contribute to the achievement of corporate overarching goals. For this, various methods of encouragement can be used: gratitude, bonuses, promotions, etc. It is important that the reward system does not encourage unconstructive behavior of individual groups or individuals. The coordinated use of the reward system to reward employees who contribute to the achievement of corporate goals will help staff understand how they should act in a conflict situation.

In summary, the systematic, coordinated use of a reward system to reward those who contribute to the achievement of organizational goals helps people understand how they should act in a conflict situation so that it is in line with the desires of management.


The whole set of conflicts that permeate certain organizations, one way or another, is connected with the methods of managing it. For management is nothing but the activity of resolving conflicts for the sake of those goals and objectives that determine the essence of the organization. The manager is called upon to resolve private conflicts that arise between departments of the organization, between managers and employees, between producers and consumers of products, manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials in the name of more common interests organizations that he considers as the goals of his management activities.

List of used literature

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    Petrovskaya L. A. On the conceptual scheme of socio-psychological analysis of the conflict. -L., 1977.-538s.

    Daft R. Organizations. Textbook for psychologists and economists. - St. Petersburg: prime-EVROZNAK, 2002. - 352 p.

    Dmitriev S.M. Conflictology. - M.: Eco-press, 2005. - 427 p.

    Borodkin F.M., Karyak N.M. Attention: conflict! - Novosibirsk, 1983. - 112 p.

    Melibruda E. I - you - we. Psychological opportunities to improve communication. -M, 1986.-801s.

    Emelyanov S.M. Conflict management in the organization. - Publishers: "Avalon", "Azbuka-classika", 2006. - 256 pages.

    Koshelev A.N., Ivannikova N.N. Conflicts in the organization. Types, purpose, methods of management. "Alfa-Press", 2007. - 216 pages.

Determine the required level of profitability of some stocks, if the safe level corresponds to the interest rate of a government bond of 9% per annum. Risk coefficient b = 1.5. The general market average level of profitability of securities in the whole market for last year is equal to 13% per annum.

It is known that one of the forms of income is the acquisition of securities with a fixed and "guaranteed" income - dividends. However, the net income from the investment Money in the shares of different companies is not the same, the economic risk is also different, which is associated both with the economic results of enterprises and with the situation in the country's economy, in individual industries, in the stock markets. At the same time, statistics show that the higher the expected income, the higher, as a rule, the risk. And vice versa.

Since it exists for the investor in making a profit, the investor has the right to demand appropriate and sufficient compensation for this risk, which can be expressed by the desired level of profitability and determined by the statistical dependence of the following type

Yn \u003d Ub + b ∙ (Ur - Ub),

Pack=0.09+1.5(0.13-0.09)=0.15=15% (1.5)

Required level of profitability - 15%

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