Pitiful person: people who are unhappy with everything.

Yesterday, for some reason, no one asked about the name. But in the film there are no lights, no brothel, but only the boundless sky, into which the eyes are fixed main character, and the moral law by which she lives. It is a great temptation to compare, but Lyuba is not Sonechka Marmeladova - a timid, downtrodden creature who went out into the street under duress. Prostitution is own choice heroine, free from the morality of people living on earth, but endlessly loving these people. And not only people, but all living beings. “Why so much?” She only asks when she sees the shore strewn with dead fish - the consequences of fishing local residents. “The seagulls will peck,” he hears in response. And then until late at night cleans the coast. The act is strange - from the point of view of the majority. But it is quite natural for her, risking her life to save a child or crying because of the death of a spider. Lyuba gives little account of her actions, guided by orders from above. And therefore it turns out above all conditionally respectable fellow citizens. And fellow citizens, as history shows, such people are mercilessly dealt with. One guy was even nailed to the cross. For the fact that against the background of his righteousness, their sins were too clearly visible. But the people in Gordon's film aren't bad at all. Just very specific in their earthly aspirations and claims. Quite to yourself modern society consumption. “There will be a lot in capitalism, but little will remain,” says the urban madman Adam, who went through the front and the camps. Adam too - a man without skin, with burned nerves, creates " periodic table Adam”, in which among the main elements are “philanthropy” and “mercies”. And to him, a thin ragamuffin, the beautiful Lyuba is quite a match. And if she was 20 kilograms thicker, as required by the script, the effect would be different. Against the background of the other ladies of the picture - large, bodily, she with translucent collarbones, aristocratic narrow wrists, thin ankles, looks completely unearthly, although infinitely strong. Lyuba easily rebuffs, does not allow herself to be poisoned, as happens with Adam. The climactic scene of the film - her fight with a young, reinforced concrete handsome man - they say about such a "good guy". For some reason, there are a lot of such guys today - they are not evil, they are simply focused on one goal - making money, and for this, as Dostoevsky wrote, "some limitedness of mind is needed." Adam at the end of the film is still sent to a psychiatric clinic. Love is dying. Dies with a smile on his lips and the thought of tomorrow.

I hate the phrase: “I feel sorry for you / you!” For the most part, this phrase hides: “You vile pathetic bastard! I am right and D'Artagnan, you are wasting your life, and not a single decent person in an open field will take a shit with you! Pity is enough negative feeling. Awkward, aching, in which there is nothing good. It's really not worth pitying anyone, it automatically lowers the victim to the level of the plinth, and exalts the pitying one to the stars. You can sympathize, you can be angry, you can be perplexed, but it’s not worth pitying someone, like women leaving the discussion with the same “I’m very sorry for you”.

A miserable person is often unhappy. If , then misfortune definitely exists. Pitiful people are long and lastingly unhappy, but not only happy with this, but as if swimming in their musty swamp. One gets the feeling that they hate their lives even more than the lives of the people around them. Pathetic people do exist, but I would like to believe that there are not so many of them as it seems. In any case, what makes them worthless?

1. They love to find the bad side of everything.

Hell, they're looking for flaws everywhere. My wife recently told me that she has a friend who in general cannot but find faults in other people. Either this waist is too wide, or the ass is saggy, the third chin grows to the third. Even in people who look quite good to themselves, she will find some extremely perverse flaw in the form of imperfection of the oval of the face or similar crap. If they don't see flaws in other people, they always see him in the situation. “It will only get worse!”, “Drop this topic!” and such statements are extremely frequent among these comrades. HE looks at the world in exclusively gray tones. Of course, there are also bad people, there are some good ones, but you can’t think that the whole world is black and white, even without the most insignificant shade of gray.

They see the bad in any situation, they constantly whine, they want to put a bag over their head and choke them, like in the Manhunt game.

2. They hate their friends and those who treat them well.

It is not known what causes some people's love and respect for you, as well as hatred. If you seriously think that people treat you the same way you treat them, you are wrong. Often, some comrades sympathize with us literally out of nowhere. Disrespect is a bad thing. Pathetic people hate their friends. Often they choose unfortunate people as friends, people with disabilities and more or less normal people for the purpose of poking their brains. Often miserable girls choose dumb girlfriends for themselves in order to look better against their background. So, to my great shame, some young men also act. There are those who drip heavily on the brains of some of their comrades, poisoning their lives. They are not even friends with people, but together they pity each other.

3. They constantly escape from reality, spend a huge amount of time on dubious entertainment.

Do you remember the article about These guys have either embarked on this slippery slope or are already on it. — is vital. But these guys choose extremely destructive and simply useless methods. Play computer games and watching series is fine. Playing MMORPG all day and night and watching some endless anime is a waste of time. It's one thing when you've done something like this a few times if you do it all year round, everything is bad. Drinking, taking drugs and eating are also doubtful.

There are more pleasant ways to escape from reality - one of them.

4. They hate getting up in the morning… seriously

Everyone says they hate getting up in the morning and going somewhere. Most often, this is such a routine complaint that it is simply difficult for him to get up. It is physically difficult for this person to get up, it is tantamount to pain when urinating. He can put off the moment when you need to tear your head off the pillow many times and is extremely often late. The inconvenience of having to get up for him cannot be compared with the usual human desire to sleep more. He hates life, hates his job, and hates the world around him, which has done nothing wrong to him.

5. They roll their lips, quarrel with those who are close to them, for any reason.

And they will certainly leave completely, slamming the door. Often, these people have a relationship literally with the first person they meet. They met, she expressed interest, and he began dating her without much sympathy, because "he doesn't have a second chance." Since they do not and cannot have strong sympathy, a miserable person can part with her on any suitable occasion, in order to suffer enough later and receive his portion of pity. Did she say something wrong, did something wrong, turned on the music too loudly? A pathetic person is not able to forgive, if only because he simply does not want to. But this happens not only because pathetic people want pity. Often they react inadequately, because they absolutely cannot forgive any inconvenience for the sake of at least someone.

6. They directly point out flaws

Pathetic people love to bring others down to their level, usually pointing out any flaws they find. By this they show that every person is unattractive and more miserable than they are. They consider themselves not so miserable, so others do not like finding their shortcomings. If you ask them why they are doing this, they will be genuinely surprised and will keep saying that this is normal and that they want to help.

But they know what they're doing. They want to see your reaction to see how your mood get worse. But they will be all right.

Pitiful people want to believe and make the world really ugly as they see it for themselves, so they diligently remember and point out the faults of others. After which they wait for someone to agree with him, confirming their belief that it really is as ugly and terrible as they believe.

7. They don't like themselves, but they still think they're better than others.

Strange confidence, right? Pathetic people are unhappy in the first place because they dislike so much about themselves. This puts a decent amount of pressure on their fragile minds, regardless of whether there are these shortcomings or not.

The flaws they see may really exist, but they believe that others have flaws enough to be better than others and keep doing nothing. They don't like themselves, but they are driven to keep themselves at the top of the food chain.

What do they get as a result? I believe they are pieces of shit, but they best pieces shit on the planet. Some people seriously think that these people are honest with themselves and people, confessing their shortcomings, but in fact, they are categorically dishonest with themselves.

Pitiful people are, first of all, people who feel sorry for themselves, and only then cause pity in others. Is it normal? Isn't it something unnatural for a person to feel sorry for himself and arouse the pity of others?

“Why not,” some will answer, who do not see anything bad in pathetic people, “it is much worse if a person is ruthless, and not when he is pathetic.”

And in my opinion, it's much worse. In my opinion, to be a miserable person is to be at the lowest level of one's development. And if a person is faced with a choice between who to be: miserable or ruthless, then it is better to be ruthless. Being a ruthless person is scary, but it is much more scary to be a miserable person. Being a ruthless person is, of course, also not high level development, but he is above the level of a miserable person. A little later I will say why being a ruthless person, although scary, is better than being a miserable person.

It is difficult to call a miserable person even a person. Pitiful creature - that's it correct name. A miserable creature is, first of all, a helpless being, helpless in absolutely everything. When we see a person helpless in everything, what do we do? We begin to feel sorry for him. And why? But because longing, sadness and despondency, in relation to someone's helplessness, is natural for a person who is at a level of development higher than the level of a ruthless person.

After all, what is pity? Pity is regret that causes a sad feeling, sadness, melancholy, despondency. And what can certainly cause a sad feeling, melancholy, despondency and sadness, if not someone's helplessness?

At the very beginning, I said that pathetic people are, first of all, those people who feel sorry for themselves. Why did I say so? Because being helpless does not mean regretting your helplessness. In an absolute sense, every person is helpless. But not every person becomes miserable because of this, not every person begins to regret his helplessness. All people are equally helpless before the raging elements, but not every person becomes discouraged from this helplessness. So, it's not just the helplessness of man. There is something else that makes a person miserable and makes him suffer for it. What?

Before answering the question of what exactly makes a person miserable, let's sum up one important result. A miserable person is not born, a miserable person is made.

A person is not born a miserable person, that is, feeling sorry for himself. Self-pity comes to a person as he develops. Every person experiences self-pity in the course of his development. But not everyone stays at this level. Most rise higher and higher in their development, far beyond self-pity. Self-pity is a certain stage in the development of a person, at which a person begins to think about himself, about his life and about his abilities, opportunities. Thinking, pathetic people begin to realize that there is no other way for them to improve the situation, but only through the development of greater abilities and greater opportunities in themselves.

What can prevent a miserable person from thinking? Only other people. Especially those who, with their pity, begin to encourage the lack of opportunities in miserable people to correct something in their lives. How? And so that they begin to solve the problems of miserable people. At the same time, compassionate people are sure that by doing so they help miserable people. I agree, they help them. But they help them stay pathetic people. And this is where the worst happens. A miserable person already ceases to be a miserable person, but at the same time he does not become more capable and does not increase his capabilities. He stopped seeing his helplessness, because everything that told him about his helplessness suddenly disappeared somewhere.

What made the pitiful man blind and made him stop thinking? This was done by the efforts of compassionate people. Compassionate people saved a pathetic person from his problems and thereby killed everything in a pathetic person that could change him for the better.

What should have been done? If pity for helplessness is an inevitability for a highly developed person, then let's at least to behave properly in such cases. What does it mean to behave properly? This means, experiencing regret, causing a sad feeling, sadness, longing, despondency in relation to another person, Don't stop him from thinking, not to do what will make him stop being a miserable person who has not increased his abilities and capabilities. This means DO NOT decide for pitiful person his problems.

And in conclusion. I promised to tell you why I think that being a ruthless person is better than being a pitiful person? Because ruthless people, not feeling pity either for others or for themselves, they, at least, have already ceased to be pitiful. Ruthless people are people who have realized their pity, are tired of it, annoyed by it. They still cannot do much, but they have ceased to be pathetic, they have learned NOT to feel sorry for themselves.

My neighbor went to throw out the garbage and heard a squeak. I looked into the tank - and there are three tiny kittens. Blue eyes - just opened.

Pulled it out and took it home. She began to feed them from the nipple, nurse them. On the first day, the kittens seemed to be okay, and then they got sick.

I took it to the clinic. The doctor said they had a severe cold. They did injections, pills. The neighbor is not a rich person, she lost her job because of the crisis. But she did not spare money for kittens. Only nothing helped. They've been out in the cold too long.

Some people threw it away because they don't need it. Someone picked it up because they are alive. And that one is a man, and that one is a man. But as if beings different breed. Some people feel sorry for everything that is alive. For others, it makes no difference: throw away an old coat or unwanted kittens in the trash.

My girlfriend was strangled by houseplants. She plants them, waters them, creates conditions, and there are more and more of them. The apartment is small, there is nowhere to put flowers. I say take it out. No, she can't. As he says, I'll throw them out. They are alive.

Another friend's mom can't throw out the kefir mushroom. It has grown so much that it produces kefir in industrial quantities. It is necessary to tear off a piece from it and leave it - let it produce three hundred grams a day. But what to do with that part of the fungus that is not needed? Maybe in the toilet? What are you! In no case! He's alive!

Alive is something sacred. For some people. Others do not feel any holiness. In autumn, they will leave the dog at the dacha, because it barks and is inconvenient to keep in the city. And other people will take pity on her, take her to their tiny apartment and run around with her for the rest of their lives.

I don't mean to say that some people are good and others are bad. I want to say that the attitude to the living divides people into two camps. And it is not clear why some are in the first camp, where kittens are thrown out. And others - in the second, where they are picked up.

Responsible attitude towards animals is not from the mind and not from beliefs. They are born with it. Either it exists or it doesn't. If it doesn't exist, it's impossible to explain anything. You don't even have to try. Better, on the contrary, keep quiet.

People who throw away kittens consider a reverent attitude towards a living mental disorder. Therefore, people who pick up kittens hide it as their weakness.

But there is a phrase by which they are easy to identify. If a person says: “I don’t feel sorry for people at all,” it means that he is from the camp where kittens are rescued.

People are not sorry, because they themselves are to blame for their misfortunes and can help themselves. People have hands, brains, tools. They have rights and leverage. They can demand and achieve. And animals and plants cannot achieve. They are helpless. They will not even be able to swallow a pill on their own if they get sick.

If a person says that he does not feel sorry for people - most likely he has four cats and three dogs, all picked up by the sick and unhappy.

But if he says that he feels sorry for people, you are unlikely to find sick old women in his house, whom he sheltered out of pity.

This is the whole difference.

My neighbor went to throw out the garbage and heard a squeak. I looked into the tank - and there are three tiny kittens. Blue eyes - just opened.

Pulled it out and took it home. She began to feed them from the nipple, nurse them. On the first day, the kittens seemed to be okay, and then they got sick.

I took it to the clinic. The doctor said they had a severe cold. They did injections, pills. The neighbor is not a rich person, she lost her job because of the crisis. But she did not spare money for kittens. Only nothing helped. They've been out in the cold too long.

Some people threw it away because they don't need it. Someone picked it up because they are alive. And that one is a man, and that one is a man. But like creatures of a different breed. Some people feel sorry for everything that is alive. For others, it makes no difference: throw away an old coat or unwanted kittens in the trash.

My girlfriend was strangled by houseplants. She plants them, waters them, creates conditions, and there are more and more of them. The apartment is small, there is nowhere to put flowers. I say take it out. No, she can't. As he says, I'll throw them out. They are alive.

Another friend's mom can't throw out the kefir mushroom. It has grown so much that it produces kefir in industrial quantities. It is necessary to tear off a piece from it and leave it - let it produce three hundred grams a day. But what to do with that part of the fungus that is not needed? Maybe in the toilet? What are you! In no case! He's alive!

Alive is something sacred. For some people. Others do not feel any holiness. In autumn, they will leave the dog at the dacha, because it barks and is inconvenient to keep in the city. And other people will take pity on her, take her to their tiny apartment and run around with her for the rest of their lives.

I don't mean to say that some people are good and others are bad. I want to say that the attitude to the living divides people into two camps. And it is not clear why some are in the first camp, where kittens are thrown out. And others - in the second, where they are picked up.

Responsible attitude towards animals is not from the mind and not from beliefs. They are born with it. Either it exists or it doesn't. If it doesn't exist, it's impossible to explain anything. You don't even have to try. Better, on the contrary, keep quiet.

People who throw away kittens consider a reverent attitude towards a living being a mental deviation. Therefore, people who pick up kittens hide it as their weakness.

But there is a phrase by which they are easy to identify. If a person says: “I don’t feel sorry for people at all,” it means that he is from the camp where kittens are rescued.

People are not sorry, because they themselves are to blame for their misfortunes and can help themselves. People have hands, brains, tools. They have rights and leverage. They can demand and achieve. And animals and plants cannot achieve. They are helpless. They will not even be able to swallow a pill on their own if they get sick.

If a person says that he does not feel sorry for people - most likely he has four cats and three dogs, all picked up by the sick and unhappy.

But if he says that he feels sorry for people, you are unlikely to find sick old women in his house, whom he sheltered out of pity.

This is the whole difference.