A fet push to drive the rook alive. A.A. Fet

“With one push to drive the rook alive ...” Afanasy Fet

With one push to drive the rook alive
From the smoothed ebb of the sands,
One wave to rise into another life,
Feel the wind from the flowering shores,

To interrupt a dreary dream with a single sound,
Get drunk suddenly unknown, dear,
Give life a breath, give sweetness to secret torments,
Someone else instantly feel your own,

Whisper about what the tongue goes numb to,
Strengthen the fight of fearless hearts -
That's what the singer only the chosen one owns,
That is his sign and crown!

Analysis of Fet's poem "With one push to drive a living rook ..."

AT last years Afanasy Fet was in a severe depression during his life, which left an imprint not only on everyday life, but also on the work of the poet. The reason for such a depressing morale of the retired headquarters captain lies in the realization of his own mistakes, which Fet, alas, was no longer able to correct. In his youth, the poet refused to marry the girl he loved, since his father could not give her a solid dowry. As a result, Fet started a family in a fairly adulthood and at first sincerely believed that wealth will be able to brighten up the indifference that he felt for his wife.

But years passed, the situation only worsened, and soon the poet realized that love rules the world, and not money, titles and position in society. But Fet still hopes to find a way out of this situation. It was then that the poem “With one push to drive the living boat ....” is born, which the author, by misunderstanding, forgets to include in the collection “ Evening lights". The work will be published only after the death of the poet, although thanks to a letter to literary critic Nikolay Strakhov will become aware of the existence of this work in literary circles much earlier.

In this work, notes of optimism are clearly audible, so unusual for the later period of this poet's work. It is not surprising that Nikola Strakhov, having familiarized himself with the verses, found them surprising and not without grace. Indeed, the poet dreams of “ascending in one wave into another life”, where feelings and sensations will come first. He wants to “smell the wind from the flowering shores” and at the same time “interrupt the dreary dream with a single sound.” The most amazing thing is that Fet sincerely believes that this is possible, and he has the strength to start all over again, giving up wealth for the sake of peace of mind. The poet understands that only in this way can he restore his former lightness and beauty to his poems, once and for all getting rid of the gloomy motives in his work, inspired by life itself. “This is what the singer only the chosen one owns, this is what is his sign and crown,” Fet believes.

However, a very silent time will pass, and the author realizes that he missed the moment when it was still possible to correct or change something. Elderly and sick, accustomed to comfort and luxury, the poet is not ready to exchange all this for the opportunity to become free from any obligations. But the author will never be able to voice this idea in verses that will never become sublime, joyful and filled with carelessness.

With one push to drive the rook alive
From the smoothed ebb of the sands,
One wave to rise into another life,
Feel the wind from the flowering shores

To interrupt a dreary dream with a single sound,
Get drunk suddenly unknown, dear,
Give life a breath, give sweetness to secret torments,
Someone else instantly feel your own,

Whisper about what the tongue goes numb to,
Strengthen the fight of fearless hearts -
That's what the singer only the chosen one owns,
That is his sign and crown!

In the poem “With one push to drive a living boat ...” all the main motifs of Fet's lyrics were combined - such as feeling, creativity, love, sound, silence, sleep. Before us is a brief moment when the world opens up before the hero in all its beauty, in all its fullness of feelings. The poem is imbued with harmony, a sense of peace, although it would seem that it entirely consists of a list of actions:drive away , climb , interrupt , to give , whisper , enhance .
Size - iambic pentameter with female and male endings- inscribes a poem in a series of works love lyrics- a series begun by Pushkin's “I loved you. Love is still, perhaps ... ”, - in which feelings and thoughts are brightly highlighted first of all lyrical hero. Indeed, in Fetov's poem there is not a word either about other people or about outside world- only the state of the human soul. However, it may seem that there is no lyrical hero as such (in fact, not a single line of this poem contains the wordsI my etc.), but this is still not the case: it’s just that the hero is in complete harmony with life, nature - hisI does not stand out against the background of the entire surrounding world, but “dissolves” in it, accepts it, readyto feel someone else's instantly …. Therefore, all acute experiences, torments recede into the background, and even love is mentioned briefly here - as a feeling that is homogeneous with everything else in this quiet harmonious universe: the hero dreamswhisper about something before which the tongue becomes numb ....
The poem is built as a string of phrases similar in syntax, which, due to constant rhythmic repetitions (every odd line is full-stressed, in every even line the stress on the 4th foot is missing) and some repetitive words (one in the first line,to give in the second) is pronounced as if like a spell, forcing some kind of mysterious and at the same time sweet sensation. This spell must finally be resolved by some statement that would discharge the growing feeling throughout the poem and explain its source, - such a statement completes the poem:
That's what the singer only the chosen one owns,That is his sign and crown!
The last lines are opposed to all the rest in rhythm: in them the first stanza is not iambic, but choreic - pointing particles are pronounced with emphasishere . This emphasizes the special importance of the final lines for the entire poem. First, they interrupt the enumeration of actions and characterize them assign and crown of the singer , that is, the poet's favorite work, only possible for him alone. Secondly, these lines transfer the situation described in the poem to eternity: now there is no doubt that all these actions are not the hero’s momentary desires, not the pictures that arise in his imagination, but the eternally existing manifestations of the poetic gift. These lines introduce the theme of creativity into the poem, which allows you to take a fresh look at the entire previous list. If in the first stanza the hero appears as a figure capable of dramatically changing something in the world around him (one to push the living rook away,one wave to rise into another life) , then in the second he is already primarily a contemplative, whose soul is open to the whole world and greedily absorbs all impressions and feelings, dreamingsuddenly get drunk on the unknown, dear , to feel someone else's in an instant. Now, in the final lines, another face of the hero appears, which includes the two previous ones: he is a creator, capable of both being filled with impressions from the world around him, and suddenly creating something in this world.(intensify the fight of fearless hearts) , destroy(a dreary dream to interrupt with a single sound) , move(drive the rook alive) .
Thus, we have before us a poem about poetry. Let's try to attribute it to the Russian poetic tradition of talking about creativity. Like all his predecessors, Fet calls poetry a gift that distinguishes the poet from all other people (the singer is namedelected , his businesssign and crown ). However, this is the only thing in which the poem “To drive the living boat with one push ...” echoes the poems of other poets. Fet, as we can see, has neither the opposition of the poet to the crowd (as, for example, in Pushkin's sonnet "To the Poet", the poem "The Poet and the Crowd", Lermontov's "Prophet", "The Death of the Poet"), nor the "common cause" that unites the poet and the people (as, for example, in Lermontov's Poet). Perhaps, Fet's idea of ​​poetry is closest to that which we meet in Zhukovsky and Tyutchev: poetry is a mysterious gift sent down from above (“I aspire to the east with my soul! // Pretty for the first time there // Appeared in splendor over the earth // Overjoyed heaven,” Zhukovsky writes in “The Phenomenon of Poetry in the Form of Lalla Rook”; “She flies from heaven to us - // Heavenly to earthly sons, // With azure clarity in her eyes ...”, - we read from Tyutchev in the poem “Poetry” ). It would seem that Fet continues the line of Zhukovsky and Tyutchev: he writes about poetry as a gift, depicts the moment this gift descends on the poet, while all attention is focused on his feelings at that moment. However, in Fet we will not find the statement that inspiration descends from heaven: the process of creativity, as it appears in the poem “With one push to drive the living boat ...”, is subject to more poet.
So what is the poem about? About the happiness of creativity, about the poetic gift, which is inextricably linked with other bright feelings in the world of the hero: with the enjoyment of nature, love, the ability to feel life in all its fullness and versatility, to experience each of its manifestations as something personal, to live in harmony with the world .

A. Fet's poem says that a true poet must vividly notice and capture on paper everything that happens around him.
He must penetrate the world of nature and the life of another person, awaken his compatriots to some kind of accomplishment, glorify his Fatherland, sing of love between a man and a woman...
The author shares the views of the lyrical hero, because he himself chose a similar path.
For a better understanding of the meaning of the work, Fet uses in one sentence whole line homogeneous predicates, which convey the main idea: drive, rise, smell, interrupt, get drunk, give, feel, whisper, strengthen. These verbs, like a snowball, fold into a single representation of life.
Among the means of expressiveness are epithets (a living boat, a dreary dream, secret torments), metaphors (to intensify the battle of fearless hearts).
The poem is written in iambic pentameter, which allows the author to clearly, strongly pronounce the words.
The intonation of this work is not calm, but, as it were, instructive, exclamatory.
In my opinion, the idea of ​​this poem is the following: the appointment of a poet and poetry for Fet in a deep understanding of life in all its manifestations, and the poet should be the chosen man, the singer of all things.
I completely agree with the opinion of Fet, a poet is a talent, man of genius, able to feel someone else's pain, sing love, etc.

/ / / Analysis of Fet’s poem “With one push to drive a living boat ...”

A hallmark of poetry late period Creativity Athanasius Fet is their gloominess and depressiveness. The poet was in a terrible state during this period of his life. He remembered and analyzed all the mistakes of his youth. It's just impossible to fix them.

Once upon a time, Afanasy Afanasyevich loved one woman very much. Their romance was sincere and pure. However, the poor author did not have the opportunity to create a marriage union with that beautiful person - Maria Lazich. Perhaps their relationship would someday become official, however, fate decreed otherwise and took Mary away during the fire. This news shocked the author and formed a scar on his heart.

Later, Afanasy Fet found himself another woman - rich and financially independent. He hoped that a comfortable and prosperous life would hide all the wounds of the past. However, after some time, the poet realized that the most important thing in life is love and mutual feelings, and not money accumulations and luxuries.

Years later, he realized more and more that he did not love his wife at all, that such family life frustrates and upsets him.

The poetic work “With one push to drive the boat I live ...” is similar to a ray of the sun that appears in the darkness. In the lines of the poem, the reader feels a certain note of optimism. The poet is ready to take the risk and leave present life, start all over again, only with sincere emotions and real feelings. He dreams that this dreary dream will be dispelled, that his soul will again be filled with feelings of joy and love.

However, this is only a fleeting emotion that has temporarily grown in the soul of the poet. In fact, being sick and elderly in comfort, coziness and wealth, the author would not have dared to change anything. And the works of his later work will never again acquire their former airiness and lightness.

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8. "Whisper, timid breathing…" – date of writing: 1850
theme this poem is nature. The author describes transition state nature from night to morning. Fet does not use verbs, and this technique gives the poem great expressiveness and beauty.
A large number of deaf consonants in each stanza slows down speech, makes it viscous, smoother, in tune with the poetic XIX century. Grammatically, the poem is a single exclamatory sentence passing through all three stanzas. See detailed