How to become a successful and purposeful person. What is purposefulness

If finishing what you started is a whole test for you, then most likely you have some problems with determination. It is she who allows us to take new heights, achieve our goals and improve own self-esteem. There is nothing more pleasant than realizing that you are able to pull yourself together and, without spraying over trifles, get from point A to point B.

We bought a gym membership, inspired by the idea of ​​​​losing 5 extra pounds, but you only had enough for two visits, and as for the figure, is it still there? Well, welcome to the club. There are millions of people like you. And these millions cannot boast of purposefulness. They dream that they will save up a decent amount for holidays abroad, but again they buy a tour package on credit. They promise themselves that by their birthday they will be able to fit into their favorite dress 2 sizes smaller, but before the holiday they sadly put it away in the closet. They can’t even refuse to buy the thirtieth and, in fact, completely unnecessary lipstick, despite the fact that they have long dreamed of saving money for a down payment and taking a one-room apartment in a residential area on a mortgage.

No matter how big or small your goals are, they are all empty sound if purposefulness is not one of your strengths.

In general, no matter how big or small your goals are, they are all empty words if purposefulness is not one of your strengths. However, you should not give up on yourself and go with the flow of life. Purposefulness can be developed, and if you approach this issue with all responsibility, then impressive results will not be long in coming.

Understand why you need it

Let's go back to the weight loss example. Why are you going to the gym? The vague answer "in order to shed a few extra pounds" is a claim to lose. Be specific in your desires. Maybe you want to get rid of 5 kilos that bother you? Or maybe you dream of achieving certain volumes of the waist and hips? And if you imagine how your beloved husband will look at you, how the clothes that are still far away on the mezzanine will sit on the figure, how confident you will be when you put on a bright open swimsuit on the beach ... In general, be sure to explain to yourself why you go to one goal or another. Explain in detail, feel every word spoken or written in a notebook, imagine the result and sincerely enjoy these fantasies. Believe me, this is much “tastier” than a sugary cake or oversweetened tea, which makes the jaw cramp.

Make a plan of action

Big goals are usually very intimidating. If you say to yourself: “In six months I will save up for a good renovation in the kitchen,” then such a goal can either cause a wave of fear (“where can I get so much money?”, “Six months is too short a time”), or even sink into oblivion. But one has only to approach it more deliberately, draw up a plan to achieve the goal, and everything becomes much easier. First, you need to study the market building materials and kitchen furniture, decide how you see your kitchen. Then calculate the budget for this venture, and then understand - will you pull expensive repairs if you save up for it for six months? Perhaps you should give yourself a little more time, or cut back on your monthly expenses by skipping Sunday trips to the sushi bar and buying cosmetic jars that then gather dust on the bathroom shelf?

Spend an honest conversation with yourself for a couple of hours and find out what you would like to achieve in the first place.

Don't set too many goals at the same time

It is very easy to get lost among the many goals, especially if some of them are not really necessary for you - imposed by society, for example. Spend an honest conversation with yourself for a couple of hours and find out what you would like to achieve in the first place. Let your thoughts now remind nursery rhyme: “Drama circle, photo circle, chorus circle - I want to sing”, pull yourself together and try to understand what goal would make you especially happy. Let it be weight loss again. Decided - it's good. Now mentally push all other goals into the background, saying to yourself: "I'm not forgetting about you, I'll just get to you a little later." You will see, it will be much easier to cope with one task than with a dozen. And after some time, the second will connect to one, then the third, but you will already become more collected and purposeful, and the abundance of “I want” and “need” will not scare you.

And finally...

To develop self-awareness, psychologists advise doing the following:

1. Ride a bike. This sport is a kind of model of how to behave in Everyday life: look around so as not to stumble on an obstacle and not get into an accident, keep your concentration on the road and pedal tirelessly, because without this effort you simply will not reach your destination. Biking is a great helper in the pursuit of purposefulness.

Cycling is a kind of model of how to behave in everyday life.

2. Get a pet or become a gardener. Of course, you can limit yourself to children's games like Tamogochi, but you can simply turn off the electronic pet, but not the real one. It is important for you to understand that you are responsible for those whom you have taught, and never forget that your life, along with the achievement of goals, is the fruit of your daily work.

3. Read books. Firstly, it's just interesting and useful, and secondly, every book you read to the end is your small victory. It is important for you to learn how to get things done, so why not start at least by reading fiction?

Try all the possibilities. It's always important to know that you did your best.


Do you find it difficult to achieve goals - even when you know they are worth it? You may have tried to push yourself through your willpower...but nothing worked.

Instead of willpower, you need more determination. That way you won't run out of energy - you'll even find yourself enjoying life!

Here's how to become more purposeful:

#1: Spend time doing work that you enjoy.

If you are faced with a choice of how to spend your time - for example, what job to get, or what to major in college - choose what you like. A job that pays a little more, or a specialization that is a little more prestigious, will not help you become more purposeful.

Even if you work for unloved job, you are probably responsible for some tasks. You may be asked to take on a new interesting project? Can you offer your boss help with some work?

#2: Be proud of what you do

Some actions may seem completely useless. Perhaps in your work you are a tiny cog in a huge machine, and your contribution is very difficult to notice. But the truth is, it still matters, otherwise your company wouldn't hire you.

Being purposeful is easier if you take pride in your work and do it the best you can.. Whether you're cleaning the house or working with clients, make it a point to do it well.

#3: Think about the result

In a perfect world, every job has a reward. Naturally, this is not always the case. Surely there are a whole bunch of uninteresting and unexciting tasks on your list, but you, by all means, try to complete them, as this will bring you closer to your goals.

Try to focus on result: a master's degree, or the money you get if you save. You could even find a picture to help you visualize that outcome (the job you want or the car you plan to buy) and keep it handy..

#4: Be Careful When Rewarding Yourself

Some motivate themselves with awards: “As soon as I answer these letters, I will eat a chocolate bar”. This will help if you really need to force yourself to complete a particular task, but if you do it too often, you will hope for a reward, and not for natural motivation.

Instead, think about the reward that comes with the task itself.: “As soon as I answer these letters, I will control the situation” or "Answering emails will make my clients happy". Instead of seeing a task as just another item on your list, think about the impact it will have on you and your loved ones.

#5: Learn something new

We are all learners by nature - this helps us survive. "Study" is not only for children or students: it is what we do all our lives. If you've ever tried to figure out a program and ended up screaming eureka, then you know how great it is to learn something new.

If there are any special areas in your life in which you feel purposeful, is it because of your insecurities? Perhaps you hate cooking, writing, exercising, or something else because you know that you have to struggle to get something right. Taking the time to learn how to do this can increase your motivation.

#6: Stay Focused While Working

Perhaps you have an incentive to begin new thing... but if your attention wanders after five minutes, you're making an effort to stimulate motivation. Every time you get distracted by something (like Facebook or your phone), you lose focus.

Focus on one thing at a time - even if you have to turn off the Internet or block sites that distract you. If you get distracted and get back to work, your work will be endless - it is much more stimulating to confidently move towards the goal.

How do you become (or have already become) purposeful?
Share your secrets in the comments!


As you know, men are more purposeful, but there are women who are not inferior to them, study the women's blog, or women's blogs, you will be surprised how much a person who sets goals correctly can achieve!

People who have a purpose in life usually feel much better and more comfortable. Purposefulness helps a person achieve what he wants in life. Sometimes it can surprise you that you seem to be trying hard to achieve something, but the desired result never comes. To understand how to become a purposeful person, it is worth learning a few things. When a person achieves the desired result, his life improves significantly. This should be his motivation. When he begins to understand that one should not be afraid of the difficulties that may be encountered on the way and perceive them differently, then a lot will change. It is important that the work is not perceived as hard labor. After all, it is thanks to this very work that you need to get the desired result. Work or a hobby should bring pleasure, in this case the result will be positive. When a person is doing what he really wants, it is much easier for him to become purposeful. Doing an activity that brings joy and good mood, a person has much more motivation to move towards his goal.

So in order to understand how to become a purposeful person, you need to do only what will be interesting and enjoyable. If you are lucky to find a job that gives you joy, then you will never get tired of it. Fatigue and busyness will no longer be felt, but there will only be a desire to do what you love. A person becomes purposeful when he has a hobby or favorite job. He wants to achieve best results because he sees noticeable improvements in his life. Continuous self-improvement and personal development help to improve your own results.

What kind of person is goal oriented?

Will all people be able to find such an occupation for themselves? It's hard to answer. Sometimes social opinion gets in the way, and sometimes health can make it difficult to achieve your goal. In this case, it may be worth looking for a target that is as close as possible to the original one. Some people are hindered by a sense of fear. They should contact knowledgeable people, psychologists. They will help you deal with many problems and set goals. If you do not want or cannot seek professional help, then you should independently approach this issue. After all, this is also the achievement of the goal.

You can decide what kind of business you like to do the most if you remember your childhood. What I wanted to become, what fascinated me the most and succeeded. Perhaps this is where the answer lies. Sometimes unfulfilled childhood dreams make themselves felt in adulthood. Therefore, if the goal is not defined, then it is worth delving carefully into your memory, and it is possible that this is where the answer lies.

To understand how to become a purposeful person, you should listen to the following tips.

Spend your time and energy only on what really interests you. The choice should stop on what the soul lies to. Not always high salary will help you become more purposeful if the work does not bring pleasure.

It's important to be proud of what you do. It doesn't matter how high the position is. Small work can be done, but the overall workflow cannot be done without it. Therefore, it is also necessary and important. Considering this, it will be easier to complete tasks and work.

Thinking about the positive result of your actions will be a great motivation. Unfortunately, the authorities cannot always reward a hardworking employee. But don't dwell on it. Uninteresting tasks can be done simply in order to achieve your goal, and not to please someone else. It is important to follow the intended path and not turn off to the side.

Your work can be rewarded from time to time. Only it should not be just a material thing, since in this case, the motivation will be unnatural. The reward for your work can be considered an increase in your qualifications, faster work, which allows additional rest and more.

Even when it seems that you know everything, you need to continue to learn something. Continuous development personality gives a lot of favorable results. Books, the Internet, various trainings and tests will help with this. After all, a person has to learn all his life, in adulthood he can master a computer, learn new languages. Learning and learning new things will help develop as a person and understand how to become a purposeful person.

The ability to concentrate is very important point In human life. Often you have to make an effort not to be constantly distracted. When working on the Internet, it is difficult for people to do only work and not go to other sites. Sometimes you need to learn how to set a goal for yourself, and until the plan is completed, in no case should you switch to another business. Such a person can be called purposeful.

Purposeful is called a person who knows what to strive for and actively achieves the goals. At the same time, it is important not to recall your main goals from time to time, but to regularly allocate resources for them. If you want to develop this quality in yourself, you first need to figure out what components it consists of.

1. Know where to aim

One of important conditions success is the presence of certain abilities. If a person is not competent enough, he will not have enough skills, knowledge and skills to achieve certain tasks.

Therefore, it is necessary to constantly improve, expand your horizons, try to keep abreast of recent events and understand what is happening around. If you are interested specific area activity, pay enough attention to its study. Collect as much information as possible, improve your professionalism, gain experience.

2. Calculate forces

It is also important to learn how to break a large goal into small tasks. Otherwise, a person sees a too high barrier in front of him, which is difficult to immediately overcome.

It is no wonder that even a stubborn person can give up if it is not clear where to start, how to approach the realization of their dreams. Think about what steps your goal consists of, what tasks you need to complete in order to get close to it.

3. Understand desires

The most difficult thing in developing a sense of purpose is to set an actual goal. Determining what actually makes a person happy is not easy. There are many around false values that are cultivated in society.

Choosing the wrong needs, a person can spend a lot of effort in vain and not get satisfaction. A purposeful person is able to abstract from what is fashionable, what others need, and determine what things will make him happy.

4. Get over yourself

Sometimes you need to overcome your own laziness in order to achieve something. If this is not done, some initiatives may remain in the same place.

Remember your goals, motivate yourself with the benefits that your activity will bring to you. Draw in your head the perfect picture of the future, which is sure to be the way you envisioned if you put in your best effort. Sometimes you just need to discard all unnecessary thoughts and immediately begin to act, work, strive for results. Be sure to celebrate all your achievements and praise yourself.

5. Realistically look at things

Soberly assess your own capabilities. It is important not to underestimate or overestimate them. This is the only way to achieve maximum results.

If you set a too difficult, unattainable goal for yourself, you will soon lose all enthusiasm for drawing, not seeing significant success. Too small, unambitious tasks will not give you the opportunity to realize your full potential and get satisfaction.

Do you find it difficult to achieve goals - even when you know they are worth it? You may have tried to push yourself through your willpower...but nothing worked.

Instead of willpower, you need more determination. That way you won't run out of energy - you'll even find yourself enjoying life!

Here's how to become more purposeful:

#1: Spend time doing work that you enjoy.

If you are faced with a choice of how to spend your time - for example, what job to get, or what to major in college - choose what you like. A job that pays a little more, or a specialization that is a little more prestigious, will not help you become more purposeful.

Even if you work at a job you hate, you are probably responsible for some tasks.. You may be asked to take on a new interesting project? Can you offer your boss help with some work?

#2: Be proud of what you do

Some actions may seem completely useless. Perhaps in your work you are a tiny cog in a huge machine, and your contribution is very difficult to notice. But the truth is, it still matters, otherwise your company wouldn't hire you.

Being purposeful is easier if you take pride in your work and do it the best you can.. Whether you're cleaning the house or working with clients, make it a point to do it well.

#3: Think about the result

In a perfect world, every job has a reward. Naturally, this is not always the case. Surely there are a whole bunch of uninteresting and unexciting tasks on your list, but you, by all means, try to complete them, as this will bring you closer to your goals.

Try to focus on result: a master's degree, or the money you get if you save. You could even find a picture to help you visualize that outcome (the job you want or the car you plan to buy) and keep it handy..

#4: Be Careful When Rewarding Yourself

Some motivate themselves with awards: “As soon as I answer these letters, I will eat a chocolate bar”. This will help if you really need to force yourself to complete a particular task, but if you do it too often, you will hope for a reward, and not for natural motivation.

Instead, think about the reward that comes with the task itself.: “As soon as I answer these letters, I will control the situation” or "Answering emails will make my clients happy". Instead of seeing a task as just another item on your list, think about the impact it will have on you and your loved ones.

#5: Learn something new

We are all learners by nature - this helps us survive. "Study" is not only for children or students: it is what we do all our lives. If you've ever tried to figure out a program and ended up screaming eureka, then you know how great it is to learn something new.

If there are specific areas in your life where you feel purposeful, is it because of your insecurities? Perhaps you hate cooking, writing, exercising, or something else because you know that you have to struggle to get something right. Taking the time to learn how to do this can increase your motivation.

#6: Stay Focused While Working

Perhaps you have an incentive to begin new thing... but if your attention wanders after five minutes, you're making an effort to stimulate motivation. Every time you get distracted by something (like Facebook or your phone), you lose focus.

Focus on one thing at a time - even if you have to turn off the Internet or block sites that distract you. If you get distracted and get back to work, your work will be endless - it is much more stimulating to confidently move towards the goal.
