Who are you - undecided people?! Indefinite circle of people. Uncertainty leads to big breakthroughs

I'm typing in a notepad. I never liked notepads. And print. While typing, you forget the idea you want to convey. But...
My favorite writing style I would call indefinite. It's always an ellipsis at the end...
For some reason, I now remember how in 2008, having first arrived at the sea, we climbed to swim. It was 10 pm. And before that, they were looking for a way to Svetlana for a very long time. Sochi seemed to be a very progressive city. Everything is in its place.
It’s a pity that now it’s not possible to just take everything and leave ... One thing interferes, then another. I'm probably not one of those who will receive everything undeservedly ... Although.
I'm talking about uncertainty. Everyone has good mood. There are almost no people left in Moscow - only foreigners walk in the center on Sundays. And I. A newly minted Moscow artist who painted only two oil paintings: "View from the Window" and "View of Europe Square from the Opposite Bank". Somehow, the second name even turned out to be ambiguous ... from the "opposite shore" - this must be from Russia.
I have no idea how books are written. I mean, in my life I have opened a lot of books and even read, but I have no idea about the "kitchen" of preparing books. Perhaps this "undecided" style of writing of mine will open the way for new generations of writers - after all, many of their style is not fully defined - like life itself ...
Perhaps writing somewhere in Gagra or in Bocas del Toro would be more pleasant than in musty Moscow. But then the whole meaning of the "undecided" style is lost: a person spends the summer at a crossroads, burns through the precious minutes of that very freedom for the sake of undecided goals. He uses the universal jubilation, universal joy and laughter to think of great plans to overthrow the world kings. Who are we, undecided?? Why are there so many of us and why are we so often dissatisfied with something?
Dissatisfied people rushing to work
and people snoring after her.
The fish that got to the idiot are unhappy,
unhappy train rides in the subway ...
Perhaps the answer is so simple...
Maybe it goes away with the years.
But we are filled with gray sand
In which bile is mixed with wires
Who are we? Undecided mass piece?
When we feel good - do we cry?
When we feel bad - we write?
And only when our chair goes to the bottom
Are we pretending not to hear?

Poems are the salvation of such people,
which traffic lights have come up with for joy!
Who will never wait for news
And do all sorts of nasty things.
They are bored with everything
But how it sometimes breaks the soul!
That another will be tormented to read them:
And the other -
But I'll tell these two loafers
How the grass almost turned me
And how sick on Mondays ...

interactive list. Start typing your search word.



gray-brown-crimson, indistinct, diplomatic, not a candle to God, not a hell of a poker, indefinite, vague, not two nor one and a half, extensible, half in the middle, neither this nor that, suspended, obscure, inaccurate, indistinct, vague, devilishly obscene, foggy , neither fish nor meat, half-hearted, streamlined, evasive, half-hearted, neither peahen nor crow, unidentified, ambiguous, indefinite, unreliable, unreliable, unknown, blurry, diplomatic, unspecified, unmeasured, unspecific, between heaven and earth, it doesn’t sew, it doesn’t flog, it doesn’t moo and it doesn’t calve, neither yes nor no, neither fasten it, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan, in question, dark, hangs in the air. Ant. reliable, certain, reliable, clear, unambiguous

UNCERTAIN synonyms what is UNCERTAIN, UNCERTAIN this is the meaning of the word UNCERTAIN, origin (etymology) UNCERTAIN, UNCERTAIN stress, word forms in other dictionaries

+ UNCERTAIN synonym - Dictionary of Russian synonyms 4

Undefined... Dictionary of the use of the letter Yo

App., use. comp. often Morphology: indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, more indefinite; indefinite; nar. indefinite 1. Indefinite is something that you do not understand or understand poorly because it is not entirely clear or accurate ... ... Dictionary Dmitrieva

Indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, ... ... Word forms

UNCERTAIN, indefinite, indefinite; indefinite, indefinite, indefinite. 1. Not exactly established. "He gets a table, a room, and an indefinite salary." Chekhov. indefinite time. Uncertain conditions. 2. Not quite… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

UNDETERMINATED, oh, oh; nah, nah. 1. Not exactly established. In an undefined direction. 2. Not quite distinct; inaccurate, obscure. N. color. N. answer. Indefinite promises (evasive). Indefinite mood or indefinite form ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

uncertain- indefinite, short. f. indefinite, indefinite, indefinite, indefinite... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

uncertain- indefinite; briefly form yonen, yonna, adj. (not exactly established; indistinct, obscure, vague) and indefinite (lingu., math.) ... Russian spelling dictionary

Indefinite, yonen, yonna, yonno, yonny; comp. Art. her … Russian word stress

uncertain- *indefinite, but only together lingu., mat. terms... merged. Apart. Through a hyphen.

uncertain- indefinable uncountable - Themes Oil and gas industry Synonyms indefinable uncountable EN undeterminable ... Technical Translator's Handbook

uncertain- oh, oh; lazy and lazy, lazy, lazy. see also indeterminate 1) Not exactly established. Indefinite term. N th quantity. Step back a new distance. A man of uncertain occupations. Going in an unknown direction... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Mathematical analysis for economists. Workshop. Tutorial. Vulture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Demina T.I .. Tutorial contains theoretical and practical material in the following sections mathematical analysis: sets, complex numbers, number sequences, functions of one…
  • List of birds of the Russian Federation, Evgeny Koblik. List of birds Russian Federation, prepared by the Initiative Group at the Menzbeer Ornithological Society, includes all species and subspecies of birds reliably recorded to date ...
  • UNCERTAIN, -and I, -oh; -lenen, -lenna, -lazily.

    1. Not exactly established. A man of uncertain occupations. Go in an undefined direction.A man of indeterminate years entered, with an indefinite physiognomy, at a time when it is difficult to guess the age. I. Goncharov, Oblomov. The prep class was dismissed indefinitely. Kataev, A lonely sail turns white.

    2. Indistinct, obscure. There is an indefinite sound, similar to someone's voice. Chekhov, Steppe. It was only then that I noticed that the crest of the ridge, which had hitherto been visible clearly and distinctly, now had indefinite, indistinct contours. Arseniev, Dersu Uzala. || Not fully conscious; vague. There is always an indefinite, vague fear for his rights in him. Dobrolyubov, dark kingdom. Masha excited me --- sadness. This sadness was indefinite, vague, like a dream. Chekhov, Beauties. || Evasive. As soon as the matter concerned the war and what the nobility was gathered for, the rumors were indecisive and indefinite. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace. I promised in vague terms to plead. Kuprin, Olesya.

    3. Expressing nothing. [The woman], taking a deep breath, made some vague gesture with her hand and stared at the soldier. Naumov, At the ferry. The boy looked with that dull and indefinite look with which one looks before known age all newborns. Korolenko, Blind Musician.

    Indefinite pronouns (gram.) - a category of pronouns expressing a general, approximate indication of an object, attribute or quantity, for example: something, some, several.

    indefinite form verb (gram.) - the form of the verb, naming the action or state in the process of its commission, regardless of the person and time; infinitive.

    Indefinite Equations (mat.) are equations containing more than one unknown.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. lang.; Polygraphic resources, 1999;

Uncertainty is the energy of life. Do not let her intimidate you, if she is not there, life will be extremely dreary.
R.I. Fitzhenry

The state of uncertainty is that period of time when you are not yet sure how good the result of the enterprise you have conceived will be. Staying in this state strengthens the character, in fact, it is uncertainty that gives life meaning and taste. This is what makes our existence interesting. Well, if you knew what to expect from life at every moment, because it was very, very, very boring. Of course, there are areas of life in which uncertainty is not welcome. For example, your coffee should have the taste you are used to, the car should start in the morning, and after visiting the doctor it is desirable that your health be in in perfect order, without any uncertainties.

You will certainly feel uncertainty if you decide to start your own business, start a family, buy a house or change your profession. But it is necessary to transcend this phase of uncertainty in order to achieve something much more in your life.

Many people are wired to see something bad in change, when in reality there is nothing special about change. By classifying events, we ourselves give them a negative or positive coloring. "Negative" events are those that take us out of our comfort zone.

But everyone who has managed to make dreams come true will tell you that a miracle happens just at the moment when you find yourself out of your comfort zone.

What can cause uncertainty in your life?

Uncertainty leads to big breakthroughs

Recall major shifts and successes in your life. Was it really at the moment when you were moving towards the goal that you were 100% sure of a good result?

Here's what Alissa Finerman - Coach says career growth, author of "Living in Your Top 1%: Nine Essential Rituals to Achieve Your Ultimate Life Goals":

“One of my clients was quite successful in catering in New York, but she wanted to achieve something different. She wanted something better for herself. She was looking into other lines of work, and together we decided that she could pursue a career in residential real estate. Everyone around told her that now is not the best time to break into this market, but she made up her mind and was adamant. She became a broker in famous company and became Newcomer Broker of the Year 2011. This year she is already on her way to the chair of the office manager, but most importantly - she loves her job! But to get all this, she had to take a step into uncertainty.

Uncertainty leads to increased levels of self-confidence

When you successfully overcome difficulties: open your own business, or lose weight, or change your specialty, or start new project- you prove to yourself that you can do it!

Uncertainty pushes you out of your comfort zone, which is unpleasant, and you begin to work on solving problems in order to return to comfort. When you overcome challenges, you gain confidence in your abilities. Always remember your victories, this will keep you feeling confident.

Uncertainty leads to growth

After 25 years of success, Oprah Winfrey has closed her most popular talk show. Few would want to part with such incredible success to launch your own cable channel. Not everything goes so smoothly, but nevertheless, in small steps, the OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) channel continues to grow and develop. Every entrepreneur, every successful person must go through a stage of uncertainty in order to continue to grow.

The truth is that uncertainty is the fuel that helps you grow towards your highest potential and achieve goals.

Change your attitude towards uncertainty, adjust yourself to the fact that uncertainty leads to unique opportunities and increase your potential. This is one of key points success - learn to relate to the state of uncertainty correctly. This right (positive) attitude will help you open up completely, do brilliant work and, most importantly, not be afraid to regularly go through transition periods in your life.