Holodynamics - metaprograms of the subconscious. What kind of psychotechnics is this - holodinamics

Holodynamics. What is it, shall we try?

Everything is created first in the mind, by our thought forms.
It's like a child exploring the world
Kitty - the image of a soft creature, arches its back, can scratch. The sun shines high overhead, warm, sometimes hot, the tree is large, rough, grows from the ground, smells like leaves.

We remember images, not words. Similarly, images of events remain in memory. in order to remove our limitations, we need to learn to talk to ourselves in the language of the unconscious, the language of images, activating both the right and left hemispheres.
This helps to significantly expand the worldview and significantly improve the quality of life. you become more open, you begin to feel the taste of life more, it becomes finer hearing, the colors of the world are much brighter.

I invite my readers to take a journey into the world of my limitless possibilities learn to hear the voice of your intuition.
The first step will be getting to know your higher self, which knows everything about you, because it is eternal: your past and your future, this is your Guide, the Inner teacher. tune in and let's start the journey.

Holodynamics is like a game. Did you know that pain in the spine is not associated with the deposition of salts, as is commonly believed, but with deep muscle spasms, and spasms are a reaction of our body to stress. When you feel bad, your shoulders droop, you seem to shrink. Working with images in the muscles of the body, we straighten, expand, become more joyful, filled and calm.

I invite you to seminars on Holodynamics in Kaliningrad, you can learn how to use this very effective methodology on one's own.

"Holod in namics - "Dynamics of the Whole", or "Movement to the Whole", or "The Path to Unity" - a technique created about 30 years ago by a doctor of physics and psychology, scientist and fairy tale writer W. Vernon Wolfe.
The author expressed his diverse talents harmoniously weaving knowledge modern psychology, discoveries latest physics and the experience of diverse ancient philosophical and esoteric schools into a magnificent original pattern of their Methods, Science, Art and fascinating Game.

Holodynamics does not allow the leader to influence a person. It can help solve almost any problem, from physical illness, addiction to alcohol, depression, relationship problems with loved ones, infertility and to ... success in business and awareness of one's destiny.

The object of work in holodinamics is a thought form ("holodine" in the terminology of W. Wolf) - an image of pain, fear, resentment, condemnation, desire for power, self-doubt, distrust of people, anger, etc. We have listed only those images that make our lives difficult. And W. Wolf called them immature holodines, or "shadows".

As a result of work in the Field of Love, "shadows" are transformed into positive thought forms of calmness, joy, love, warmth, lightness, etc. But, keeping in mind the fundamental idea united world, where Good and Evil are only parts of a single Whole, we do not stigmatize even some of the inhabitants Subtle world epithets "bad", "negative". The holistic (holistic) worldview sees in them children who have to "ripen".

Holodynamics, of course, is a psychological technique. 14 years of practice have convinced us that it often has a psychotherapeutic and healing effect. But there is one property for which we especially appreciate W. Wolfe's technique - it is cheerful (although often the Traveler, who solves his problems, cries, remembering insults and fears) and exciting Game. And in it there is no place for manipulation, pressure, imposition of anything by the leader. "Life is the essence female and does not give away his secrets in response to violence "(Metous Yavkov. "Taumler, warrior of God").

And the foundation of the building of Holodynamics is the concept of the Field of Love.
"You must train yourself to see the truly good gull in each of these birds and help them see the same gull in themselves. That's what I call love." (Richard Bach. "A seagull named Jonathan Livingston").

This higher being that controls the fate of each person, W. Wolf called the Full Potential (PP). It is this Higher "I" of the client - the Traveler that will lead him to an amusing trip consciousness.

And now, having called on the help of your PP and other intuitive guides, you start a conversation with the "shadow". We remind you that the least work in this case goes to the left (logical) hemisphere. You will analyze, evaluate with the host later. And, being in the process, trust your right (intuitive) hemisphere, perceive everything that you see, hear, feel, as a whole, as a picture from afar, where individual strokes of the artist's brush are not visible.

The Journey begins at the Place of Rest (the Traveler chooses the starting point himself). Together with the PP and a team of guides, we follow the "trail" of our "shadows", overtake them, carefully examine them and "lure" them into the process of change, having previously found out what she, the "shadow", really wants. A kind of analogue of a photo hunt with the aim of "showing" the true appearance of an immature mental image and helping it to "ripen" ("fix" the manifested reasonable, kind, eternal).

Confidence in success rests on one of the main principles of Holodynamics: every immature thought form has a deep positive intention. Therefore, even when a tumor or resentment “says”: “I want to kill you!”, We do not stop loving this image, but simply continue to ask: “What will you feel then?” - "Oh, I will finally become free, joyful, light!". Now it's the Traveler's Guides' turn. They fill the ("shadow") with lightness, joy, freedom, after which the snake, spider, stone turn into a bright cloud, a ray of sunshine or a flower.

Often, the transformation of immature qualities fails until the person realizes what the painful events were supposed to teach him. And then we ask the guides to take the Traveler to magical place Planning, where he will not only understand his life "lessons", but can get information about main goal current incarnation, about its purpose."
(author of the article Svetlana Privalskaya)

Holodynamics is a safe way to travel to your own inner world, the opportunity to meet and make friends with the characters that inhabit it, as bright and exciting as in the movie Avatar 3D.

We all know how to do it right, we all want to be healthy, rich and happy. We all know that we need to quit smoking, do exercises in the morning, love ourselves, stop being late for college, not choose the wrong guys, etc. But who does it?

For me, Holodynamics is a way to qualitatively change my life. Easily and without anguish, without self-criticism and one-time effort of will. Knowing and changing yourself at a symbolic, figurative level, change your real life.

Vernon Wolf proposed an original concept of self-improvement of the individual. He offered simple, effective methods to make your life and the lives of loved ones happy.
Holodynamics considers a person who initially has all the possibilities and abilities. Everything that is in the universe is in every person, and the processes occurring in a person and in the universe are interconnected.
Our ideas about the world that live in our minds, thoughts, feelings, emotions are holographic images, information about the Universe in the refraction of our consciousness. These images are called "holodines". They positively or negatively influence our actions, stimulate or, conversely, hinder our development. The extent to which a person can realize and transform holodine, or in fact stereotypes, depends on his effectiveness and success in life.

To learn more about Holodynamics, "theorists" can read Rector J. Kirk's book Holodynamics. Tracking Guide” and “practitioners” come to the seminar on Holodynamics.

How can the knowledge and skills gained at the seminar on holodinamics help?

  • Find inner support in stressful situations.
  • Learn how to put your thoughts and feelings in order.
  • Learn how to change your external reality, the events of his life - through precise internal transformations.
  • Take a fresh look at your usual "problem situations" - and see solutions.
  • Surprised to hear the intelligible voice of your own subconscious.

Holodynamics - unlocking the potential of the individual

I have already published material about this method in the blog "Health without problems". However, this method helps not only in the improvement of the human body. It helps to cleanse your own subconscious as a whole from all the causes of problems, troubles and troubles that arise in it.

Therefore, I decided to put it in a separate blog so that the reader does not have the erroneous opinion that the method works only to improve human health.

I want to warn you right away that mastering this method, will have to work hard. But it's worth it. You can get rid of any seemingly insoluble problem by ridding yourself of its internal causes.

If it is difficult for someone to start working with this method on their own, then you can get individual consultations. An announcement about this with details can be read on the blog at this link :(Psychologist services )

This will teamwork with the Holodynamics method, during which I will be able to answer all the questions that arise along the way, as well as help eliminate difficulties in mastering this method. But this is only for those who want to start quickly and effectively eliminate the internal causes of their problems.

About what the subconscious is, the site also contains information in the main blog (starting with the first blog articles, for example, "About the subconscious", "Learning to live without problems", "The power of your subconscious", "Why do problems arise?").

Gotta be honest with yourself

Before you begin, prepare yourself a blank notebook of no less than 24 sheets, in which you will write down everything I ask you to. This is the only way to get real results.

At the same time, I warn you that it is necessary to do all the exercises necessarily and in good faith. Otherwise, then do not be offended by me for the result.

I think I do not need to explain to you for a long time how important it is HONESTLY Answer questions for yourself that you don't want to answer. Otherwise, you should not read this material further, as it will not bring you any benefit anyway.

An exercise.

Let's test our own feelings now by asking ourselves next questions and HONESTLY answering them:

1) Do I want to go too deep into my soul now?

Can I honestly answer questions like:

2) Do I really believe that I can solve all my problems?

3) I'm afraid that I'm wasting my time on what I'm reading right now?

Mark all your answers to the questions asked.

If you HONESTLY answer these questions - you BIG FELLOW!

If you answered “no” to the first two questions and “yes” to the third question, then be sure to highlight these answers in your notebook. They will be very useful to us in the future.

Getting ready to act

More VERY IMPORTANT point that we need to discuss before we begin to master new methodology. If you are really determined to learn how to get rid of the causes of your problems and troubles on your own, then you need to tune in to serious work.

Although I have simplified the method that you are offered to the maximum, this does not mean that everything will come to you “on a silver platter”. Will have to make an effort. And for the most part, to introduce everyday exercises into your daily life, which will take some time to get used to.

We are all people of habits. Habits are hard to change and not always desirable. But if you are reading these lines and have read up to this point, then you care about how your life will develop in the future. And this means that you need to take it for granted that you will have to change your usual way of life and introduce new habits into it. And for this you will have to make some efforts.

It is generally accepted that a habit is fixed in a person if he performs certain actions every day for 21 days. For example, if you DAILY do the same exercise, then after 21 days you develop a habit of doing it. And in the future, it will no longer be necessary to make such serious efforts in order to do this exercise every day. But naturally, the mood to do this exercise every day should remain.

How to understand the causes of problems?

Conscious and subconscious

Let's now digress a little on theory and recall such concepts as consciousness andsubconscious. Without this, we will not be able to deal with our problems and their causes.

For some of you, these concepts are not new for a long time. But as they say, “repetition is the mother of learning!”

Each person has consciousness, subconsciousness and superconsciousness (Spirit or higher "I").

I will try to describe these concepts as I understand them. Consciousness is the part of our mind that we use to Everyday life. Consciousness has logic and intelligence as assistants. Consciousness is controlled by the will, it sets goals, evaluates the results obtained, thinks abstractly, is tied to time. A person is aware of approximately 5% of the information that is in his subconscious.

The subconscious is a storehouse of information that accumulates in a person from his very birth with the help of all his feelings, i.e. with the help of sight, hearing, smell, etc. For the most part he uses the information accumulated by a person without even realizing it. Moreover, all the information about the past incarnations of his soul has been accumulated in the subconscious.

A digression for those who do not believe that the soul incarnates on Earth many times. Of course, not everyone believes that the soul comes into this world many times. I didn't believe it myself before. However, many of us like to ask questions like:

1) What is the meaning of people's lives if they come into this world once?

2) If God exists, if he is our Father, and we are created in his image and likeness, then will a father really allow his children to live just one life and sink into obscurity? And in what way are we like him?

3) What is the point of having sick and crippled children?

If we live only one life, can we answer these questions?

If we try to accept the information that our soul incarnates on Earth many times, then everything can be explained.

First, our soul learns through its incarnations, accumulating the experience of life on Earth. At the same time, if the soul in its past incarnations in the process of its training sinned greatly, then in next life she has to go through lessons in order to understand and realize her mistakes. To do this, the soul itself agrees to come into a new incarnation as a sick or crippled child, or to be born in dysfunctional family. When a person goes through a difficult experience, he quickly comes to understanding and spiritual awareness.

Secondly, we are all really created in the image and likeness of the Creator, our Father, only not in the sense of a physical body, but in terms of the possibilities inherent in us, which many of us are not yet aware of. But if we recall psychics, prophets and others prominent personalities, then you can understand what possibilities we are talking about. So, in every person from birth all these possibilities are laid, only in someone they are developed, and in someone they remain undiscovered until the end of life.

In the meantime, a question for you: Can you say that I answered these three difficult questions?

I also recommend that you read the book Journey of the Soul by Michael Newton (the book can be downloaded for free on the Internet). Michael Newton is a hypnotherapist. For ten years he has been gathering information by hypnotizing his clients about what their souls have been doing between lives. And I must say that all the patients interviewed during this time under hypnosis had similar information about the afterlife. In particular, that before coming to Earth, each soul independently chose the program of this life and its purpose for this incarnation.

I deliberately digressed from the topic. The fact is that further this information will be useful to us for further understanding of what will be discussed.

So, back to the concept of "subconscious". What is written about him in books on traditional psychology?

« Already from birth, a person accumulates knowledge, experience, which are forgotten over time, but thanks to the subconscious, you can restore every second of your life, even the very moment of birth. Under the control of the subconscious, the functioning of the body occurs: motor activity, digestion, heart rhythm, and so on.

Sometimes the subconscious plays with us bad joke, forcing us to behave the way he wants. Thus, actions that we repeatedly repeat, or reactions to a certain situation, eventually become automatic, no longer controlled by consciousness - they remain in the subconscious and begin to control us.

On the one hand, this, of course, makes life easier for us - we don’t have to think about every action, but on the other hand, some situations require different decisions, but we are led by the subconscious, like those puppets (however sad it is to realize).

It is in the subconscious that a person can find answers to all his questions, because it stores not only information acquired during life, but also the knowledge and experience of ancestors.

The subconscious is not tied to time, it perceives information literally. It follows from this that if the goals set by the consciousness do not agree with the settings of the subconscious, the victory for control human behavior dominated by the subconscious. One of known ways extract necessary information from the subconscious - this is the introduction of a person into a state of hypnosis. This technique is often used to make a person realize the causes of his fears, the roots of which are hidden, as a rule, in childhood, and learn how to deal with them ... "

That is, I did not come up with this information myself, but took it from scientific literature.

So it is this information that leads us to the fact that all our problems are connected precisely with what is in our subconscious. From birth, we acquire a certain experience, evaluating the events that happen to us in our own way. For example:

  • burned finger, appeared inner fear in front of the fire (fear was deposited in the subconscious),
  • fell from a tree or from a hill, hit hard, fear of heights appeared.
  • bitten by a dog, there was a fear of dogs.
  • a friend has pocket money, but I don’t, envy appears,
  • someone greatly unfairly offended, there was an insult somewhere inside, in the subconscious, etc.

Those. what are we talking about? Nothing just goes away, all the emotions that arise, as well as certain beliefs, beliefs, settle inside us, in the subconscious.

Our subconscious always acts for the good of a person, tries to protect him from bad things, to protect him. But it does this taking into account the programs embedded in it, incl. negative.

For example, in the human subconscious there is firm conviction that money is evil. And the subconscious, guided by this program, saves a person from having money in his wallet. Therefore, this person will always have the problem “where to get money for life? After all, our subconscious mind does not think, it accumulates information about the world around us and a person's life experience, and in accordance with this controls all feelings, emotions and actions of a person.

At the same time, there are in our subconscious those emotions, beliefs and beliefs that we have as a “legacy” from past lives.

For example, since childhood I did not know how to manage own emotions. If something was not for me, she began to freak out very much. It was very difficult to control my emotions. And no matter how much during my life I tried to learn to control myself, nothing worked. Although I am a stubborn and purposeful person.

When I realized that the reasons for this must be sought in my subconscious, and then I also learned to remove these reasons, I got rid of this problem in a few weeks. Compare: 40 years (so much I tried to get rid of my imbalance in character) and a few weeks. How do you like the difference? And there were several reasons for my imbalance and “mentality”: fears, self-doubt, dislike for my character.

So our task is to learn to find in your subconscious the reasons that created your current problems.

The first attempt to understand the causes of their problems

And now we are logically approaching the fact that everything that we have outside is a reflection of what we have inside in the subconscious. I understand that this is not very clear to many. Let's go through it one more time.

We have already said above that our soul comes into this world to learn, gain experience, and most importantly, it comes in order to grow spiritually. For spiritual growth, the negative that has been accumulated in our subconscious greatly interferes.

And what does each person accumulate in the subconscious during his entire life, and even previous lives? Different emotions (fears, resentment, hatred, pain, etc.), negative beliefs, negative character traits, etc. All these negative energies accumulated in our subconscious do not disappear, they accumulate until we realize that we have them. In the course of his experience (often negative), a person suddenly begins to understand and realize WHAT prevents him from moving forward. At the same time, his beliefs and beliefs corresponding to this situation may change.

For example, a person was very afraid to speak in public. But then an unforeseen situation occurred, and he had to overcome himself and go out to the public with a speech. It turned out that it was not so scary. After he had successfully performed many times with public speech, he changed the negative belief that he was not given it. The inner fear of public speaking disappeared.

Or, for example, a person has a difficult unforeseen situation, he gets into a serious accident and is on the verge between life and death. A lot of people, having been in such situations, especially in a state clinical death, greatly reconsider their value system. At the same time, their character traits and beliefs change, and the old ones are gradually erased from the subconscious.

But we don’t need to cleanse our subconscious of negativity in this way. The paradox is that "we start to turn on our brains", mainly when we are "pecked by a fried rooster in one place."

The language of the soul and superconsciousness of man

Here I decided to place the information that I already gave in the main blog of the site. However, I think that it is appropriate to place it here again. Once again, I think it will not hurt to remind myself of what can be useful in working on the method.

Our soul comes into this life with a certain program. Its task is to help a person move along the path of his destiny. Usually, in the program of its next incarnation, the soul necessarily includes its spiritual growth, including getting rid of negative emotions, beliefs, beliefs and negative character traits.

From birth, the soul and superconsciousness of a person constantly “look after” him, always ready to help. Perhaps, from our point of view, they help in a rather peculiar way, but their task is not to let us turn off our path, to preserve and purify our soul, and not to decide purely practical tasks how, for example, to become a millionaire or buy a villa on the coast mediterranean sea. They speak to us in one of the languages ​​available to us - the language of success, luck or, conversely, failures, problems, punishments.

1) The soul begins its prompts, using the language of our state, energetic, emotional, intuitive. That is why it is very important to listen to your heart, to listen to your intuition. The heart never lies.

Unfortunately, many of us from childhood are not taught to trust our intuition, we do not listen to it. But every person can remember a situation from life when he intuitively felt that he did not need to do something (go somewhere), but did (went) and made a mistake. Dig into your memory, be sure to remember something from your own experience. If you do something, go somewhere (it doesn't matter: to visit, to a business meeting, or to a romantic date) and your soul sings, you are on the right track. If you feel some discomfort, heaviness, vague anxiety - stop, think: do you need it, is it yours.

2) But if we do not listen to our intuition, then the soul begins to apply language of signs and signals . Some minor misunderstandings suddenly begin to happen to us: he stumbled, or choked, began to hiccup, his leg cramped, someone prevented him from saying or doing something, something fell, etc. We, unfortunately, do not pay any attention to this. All this is not accidental, there are no accidents. Did you choke when your mother-in-law was on fire, or did you start to hiccup, deciding to lie to your wife? Rest assured, this is a signal - you are wrong. Such signs can only be interpreted after a fait accompli. And they will not be repeated if you understand everything. In the case when you do not understand what your soul is trying to tell you, the signs, as a rule, are repeated up to three times, and then move on to the next, coarser way of communicating with you.

3) If a person has not understood the small clues that the soul makes to him, then she begins to communicate with him at a less pleasant language - language situations : negative, of course, to make it clearer. That is, from this moment the “educational process” begins. And now you can no longer find the person you need, important meeting did not take place, the vacation fell through, it seems to you that all your plans are beginning to collapse.

If you had a big fight with a loved one, you were greatly offended at work, or you were simply “thrown”, it is worth thinking deeply about who you are and why you live? We need to rethink our goals and life values. At the same time, there is no need to get angry and worry, but it is worth analyzing: why is this happening? What do these situations tell you? All these situations are yours life lessons. If you don't understand them, you will have to solve more complex ones. life tasks situations will become more tense. When the lesson is understood, the situation levels off, and failures are quickly replaced by successes.

For example, you have the opportunity to get a high-paying job in a company. You need to call there, but you have lost your phone. You decided to go to the office of this company, but you stood at the bus stop for a long time and were late for an interview.

This soul tells you that you do not need to get this job. You will be "thrown", or it is not yours at all, and you will soon become bored and uninteresting in this work.

With my friend was real case. For a long time she could not meet with one person on a very important matter for her. Finally, she made an appointment, went to the bus stop (she didn’t have a car at that time), waited for him for an hour, the bus didn’t wait, realizing that she was very late, she returned home “not salty.” Imagine her surprise when the next day she found out that the man was not going to meet her. He had changed his mind about doing business with her.

4) If the language of situations is not enough for a person, then the soul is forced to switch to the language of failures. And this is a negative impact on the most significant aspect of your life. If for a person the most valuable is his finances, then with money he suddenly becomes “tense”, if he is healthy, then they hit him, if family or love relationship, then they collapse, if the well-being of loved ones (children, parents, loved ones), then they are beaten.

For example, now we have a very large number of people in serious financial difficulties. What does this say? It's time to rethink your relationship with money. Too many negative beliefs and fears on this topic have accumulated in people in their subconscious.

Often as educational process disease emerges.

So, for example, Masha worked in a commercial firm. There was so much work that she constantly had to stay late until 8-9 pm, and also work on weekends. Although the work bored her for a long time and did not bring spiritual satisfaction. But sitting inside constant fear change something in your life. Suddenly, she breaks her leg and sits on "sick leave" for more than a month. After her recovery, Masha is vaguely hinted that such lengthy sick leaves are not profitable for a commercial company. And Masha has to quit and look for another job.

They always beat in such a way that only the blind or thick-skinned can not notice and feel the pain. And you always need to figure out why this happened to you. If you understand this, such problems go away. This includes illness. Thus, you can get rid of any problems or diseases - past and present. Often, with the help of such failures or illnesses, the soul directs a person on his path so that he fulfills his earthly destiny, or does not allow him to turn off his path.

I'll tell you from my life experience. Before the start of perestroika in our country, I worked as a teacher at the university. I liked the work very much. But very difficult times came, and for financial reasons I was forced to go to work in the banking system. Not immediately, but gradually, we had no problems with money. However, gradually this work bored me terribly. She began to go to work as if she were going to hard labor. At home she became terribly irritable. She began to quarrel frequently with her loved ones. I had to return to teaching, although it was scary to leave the bank (teachers receive very low salary we have on Far East). But later it turned out that I worried for nothing. With the help of additional hours of work, my average income at the university even became a little higher than it was at the bank. But I worked with great pleasure. Therefore, she was constantly good mood. Naturally, everything worked out in my family. Not for nothing now more people begin to understand that it is necessary to do what the soul lies to. Later I realized that my purpose was to teach other people. I love doing this. So what am I doing now?

5) For the "dumb" prompts of the soul are repeated three times. If a person does not respond, then begins to apply language direct contact . That is, you meet a person (go to a psychologist, a priest, get to a training session, talk with relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, friends or neighbors) and they explain to you what is the reason for your failures, why you have such problems. For example, your friend said to your face that you became very irritable in recent times(which people usually don’t like very much: it’s unpleasant to hear the “truth-womb” about yourself)

Or you saw on TV, on the Internet, a book or a magazine came across in which you accidentally read an article, as if written for you personally. If you understand that this is not happening to you by accident, draw certain conclusions, then life will begin to change in better side. You have a chance.

6) The language of aggression - this is the next, coarser way of communication - a text expressed in a rough form. For example, you are going on a romantic date. You are met by a drunk who suddenly throws some unpleasant abusive words after you. And then everything depends on you. If you understand that this is a sign, then you will not be particularly upset that the date will not take place, since the person with whom you scheduled the meeting will not come.

Or you sit at work and are very angry with your husband. A work colleague shared information with you that your husband cheated on you. For yourself, you decide that you will not tolerate this and file for divorce, despite the fact that you live well with him and you have children. Suddenly, a completely whole chair breaks under you at first glance. You fall and get severely hurt. This means that you plain text make it clear:

Ø that you are wrong, immediately believing your work colleague,

Ø what will come of your undertaking, and a fall in life is much more painful and tangible than falling from a chair.

7) The language of "to be or not to be?" And then studying proccess becomes even rougher and tougher, the problems increase: as if incurable diseases appear suddenly (for example, cancer, diabetes, etc.), accidents occur with serious consequences. If after that a person does not understand anything, he simply leaves earthly life. What to do? We ourselves are to blame for everything, and only we ourselves can fix everything.

preliminary stage

Before you start working with your subconscious, you need to learn how to communicate with it. To make it easier to communicate, first you need to decide what type of people you belong to, depending on the characteristics of the perception of the world.

Depending on the characteristics of the perception and processing of information, all people can basically be conditionally divided into three categories:

1) visuals- people who perceive most of the information with the help of vision. They also usually have a well-developed third eye, ie. simpler - a person can see images when he closes his eyes.

2) Audials- those who mainly receive information through the auditory canal. These people can hear a voice in their head. Don't be scared, it's not talking about mental disorder person. It is his superconsciousness that communicates with him (it can also be called the Spirit or the Higher Self)

3) kinesthetics- people who perceive most of the information through other sensations (smell, touch, etc.) and with the help of movements. In this case, it is mainly about touch. For these people, first of all, sensitive experience, emotional reinforcement are important. They also remember smells well. tactile contacts, physical actions.

You can now check which of these types of people you can relate to.

Exercise 1. Close your eyes and try to see inner vision some image. For example, a rainbow. You can create your own image. If you made it without special efforts, so you can be attributed to the first type of people.

To check, you can give yourself the task to look at a number of images invented on your own. If it is still difficult for you to come up with it yourself, then I can tell you: a flower, a butterfly, a sea, a forest, etc. If you can easily complete the task, then you can already confidently be attributed to the visuals.

Exercise 2. If you failed to see the image with your inner vision, do not be discouraged. So, we will define your type further. Ask yourself: Have you ever heard a voice in your head? If not, then surely you can be attributed to the 3rd type of people, kinesthetics. If at least once you have heard a voice in your head before, then you can be attributed to the auditory. Well, if you have heard a voice inside more than once, then confidently classify yourself as an auditory.

Exercise 3 For kinesthetics. In order to double-check whether you are really a kinesthetic, try to feel certain sensations inside. For example, mentally set yourself to feel the heat in the solar plexus area. If after that you felt warm in the solar plexus, then you really belong to kinesthetics.

Remember given fact, it is useful when communicating with the subconscious.

Learn to communicate with your subconscious

To do this, you need to sit in a place where no one will bother you, relax well. If you find it difficult to relax quickly, you can do breathing exercises or turn on meditative music.

After you relax well, close your eyes and mentally address your subconscious: "Beloved subconscious, I intend to constantly communicate with you. Please, tell me, how will you answer my questions with "Yes"?"

And watch your body carefully and mental images(if you are a visual). The auditory can hear the answer of the soul. A kinesthetic student will definitely feel some movement in the body.

For example, when I just started communicating with my subconscious, to the answer “Yes”, I had a rise right hand. And now I have one of the fingers of this hand rising.

Someone may lift their leg or something will happen in the stomach, back or head. When you feel that the movement in the body has occurred without your conscious participation, mark for yourself (preferably in a notebook so as not to forget in the future) how your subconscious mind will answer “Yes” to your questions.

For convenience, you can ask for a “Yes” answer using your hands.

Now decide in the same way how your subconscious mind will answer “No” to you.

I advise you to be sure to write down the answers in a notebook, because at first you can confuse where the answer is “Yes” and where is “No”.

If you are an auditory person, then you may not need to ask your subconscious mind leading questions with yes and no answers. Most likely, you will be able to hear more specific answers to your questions.

Now, for double-checking, ask your subconscious mind the first question (in the future, when talking with it, you will need to ask it only such questions that can be answered “yes” or “no”): “My beloved subconscious mind, are you willing to help me work with my problems?

It will definitely answer you "yes". But if suddenly it answers "no", do not be alarmed. Just mark this moment in your notebook. Later I will explain why we need this.

Be sure to thank your subconscious for this conversation.

Learning to find the cause of any problem

Main Cause Criteria

In order to learn how to communicate more effectively with your subconscious with yes and no answers, you need to know what to ask. To do this, we will conditionally divide all the subconscious negative causes of our problems into the following negative energies:

1) Emotions: fears, resentment, envy, jealousy, pride, hatred, anger, aggression, ambition, pain, greed, panic, stress, grief, disappointment, irritability, accusation, condemnation, evaluation, etc.

2) Feelings: doubt, pity, disbelief, anxiety, fear, excitement, self-doubt, prejudice, dependence, limitation, arrogance, temptation, need, insufficiency, lack of demand, loneliness, helplessness, discomfort, feeling of self-dislike, a sense of shame , a sense of bias, a sense of rage, impotence, a sense of revenge, a sense of duty, a sense of gain, etc.

3) Negative beliefs (thousands of them, everything you believe in today),

4) Negative attitude (on different cases life),

5) Negative Traits character, etc.

6) Specific current problems and others (all people are individual, so there may be other criteria).

Exercise 4 Sit comfortably in silence, relax. To check again, ask your subconscious mind how it will give you “yes” and “no” answers. Then ask her:

Do you have a disbelief that your subconscious mind can help you cope with your problems?

If the subconscious mind answered “yes”, be sure to mark it in your notebook for yourself. We will need to work on this in the future in the first place.

In the future, in order to understand the cause of your problem, you must first, with the help of leading questions, find out in order which negative energies (see the above list from 1 to 6) are the causes of your problems. And at first it’s better to write it all down in a notebook so as not to forget.

Looking for reasons

Here we are still training to find the cause of one of your problems.

In order to identify the causes (there may be several) of your most pressing problem, ask your subconscious mind in a relaxed state:

1) “Do I have the causes of my problem (clearly state your problem)?”

2) "There are several reasons?"

3) “What is one of the causes of my problem? These are emotions, feelings, negative beliefs, negative attitude, trait...?

When you answer “yes” to one of the answers to the third question, mark it in your notebook.

If the answer of the soul concerns one of the 3-6 points of this list, then you will have to listen to yourself a little, to think. By asking the soul leading questions (i.e. with the answers “yes”, “no”), find out more specifically the cause of your problem. You know yourself well, so if you practice often, you can learn to quickly find the causes of your problems.

Once you have determined the specific cause of your problem, the next step must be performed in accordance with your type of perception of the world around you:

1) For visuals : Ask your subconscious mind to show you an image of this negative energy. The negative image usually looks gloomy, in black, gray-black or brown, and the image is usually not very pleasant. It immediately becomes clear that this is the image of your negative energy. You can ask your subconscious mind again if the image shown to you is really the cause of your problem.

2) For kinesthetics : Ask your intellect to tell you where this negative energy is located in the body. Then try to feel it. Each kinesthetic person may have individual sensations: tingling, heaviness, burning, itching, pain, or some other discomfort.

3) For auditory : If you do not see images with your inner vision, then you should take this step in the same way as kinesthetics. If you see well with your third eye, then do as described in paragraph 1 - for visuals.

Having imagined how your negative energy looks or feels, it is necessary to transform it from negative into positive, i.e. transform. We'll talk more about this.

The essence of a simplified version of the Holodynamics method

I want to say that the Holodynamic method is actually much more complicated than the one I want to tell you about in the first place.

Now we will talk about a simplified version, which I developed myself for ease of use. The main thing is that it works just as efficiently. This has been verified by me many times in the process of clearing my own subconscious from negativity.

In order to transform the negative energy that is in your subconscious into positive, we use the most strong energy in the Universe - the Energy of Love.

Before using this method, you must firstturn to God (the Merchant, the Creator, whoever calls it), being in a special, meditative state and ask: inhale and exhale this request. By permission of the Creator, in the Divine flow, this thought form will return through the sixth center (third eye) to the subconscious and turn it on to work with the consciousness of the individual. That is, an opportunity will open up - to manage the subconscious with the help of the consciousness of the person himself, new opportunities for working at the level of the subconscious will open up.

You can enter a special meditative state in the following way: imagine that you are in a beautiful, pleasant, comfortable place for you (where you like to be: at the sea, in nature, at home, etc.), feel peace, tranquility, mentally fill it is a place of Divine energy of Love.

Once you have decided on the image (visual and auditory) or sensation (kinesthetic and auditory) of the cause of your problem, ask your subconscious mind:

How does this negative energy feel (you need to treat it like a living one) when it is in your body and creates a problem for you?

1) Audials can immediately hear the answer,

2) If you see an image (visuals) of this negative energy, then observe its behavior after you have asked this question: it can rejoice, have fun or feel strong, powerful, be satisfied, etc.

3) If you feel this negative energy (kinesthetics), then you need to listen carefully to what your subconscious mind will answer to this question, or you will understand the answer to this question. Kinesthetics, after you ask this question, catch the first thoughts in your head, without including logic. The first thought that comes to mind is the answer to this question.

Depending on her response, you mentally begin to fill this energy with what she feels. For example, joy, happiness, fun. Or pleasure, pleasure, bliss. Or strength, power, confidence, etc.

At the same time, in all cases it is also necessary to fill it with the Divine energy of love, pure Divine light and harmony, all pure Divine energies.

Visuals and audials (seeing images), fill this image until it turns into a positive image, painted in beautiful cheerful colors.

Kinesthetics and audials (feeling energies), fill the place in your body where you felt negative energy until you no longer feel that you have it there or the sensations become pleasant. However, if there are several reasons for the problem, then the uncomfortable feeling in your body may not go away, but remain until you completely cope with your problem.

In order to make sure whether your negative energy has been transformed into positive or not, you can ask the subconscious mind: did I completely transform this negative energy into positive?

If you got the answer “yes”, then thank the trackers, send them our love and release them into your space.

If the subconscious answers “no”, then you start looking for next reason this problem.

Repeat the whole procedure until the subconscious answers “yes” to this question. This means that your problem will become a thing of the past in the coming days, and you will forget about it once and for all.

For convenience, I will describe belowin short the whole method of working with the subconscious mind:

1) Find a quiet place, relax very much, imagine that you are in a very beautiful pleasant comfortable place for you (the entrance to a special meditative state), fill this place with the energy of Divine love. Turn to the Merchant and ask: "Creator, please turn on my Subconscious" - inhaling and exhaling this request.

2) Ask your subconscious mind how it will give yes and no answers,

3) Ask: Do you have a subconscious reason for your problem (clearly formulate the problem)? If yes, please specify which one.

4) Imagine an image of this negative energy (visuals and auditory people who see with the third eye) or try to feel this negative energy in the body (kinesthetics and auditory people who do not see with the third eye), how it responds in your body, what you experience.

5) Ask your subconscious mind how does this negative energy feel when it is inside you and creates a problem for you (visuals can determine this by the behavior of the image they see)?

6) Having received an answer (in the form of an image, thought or voice), mentally fill this negative energy with what was in its answer, as well as the Divine energy of love, pure Divine light and harmony, all pure Divine energies. We fill until the visuals turn the negative image into a positive beautiful picture, and for kinesthetics - until the sensation in the body disappears or until a pleasant sensation appears (if the uncomfortable sensation in the body does not disappear for a long time, then there may be other reasons for your problem and the discomfort will go away only when you completely get rid of all the causes of your problem). Audials may hear a voice telling them that the negative energy has already been removed.

7) We ask a clarifying question: is the negative energy (we call this particular negative energy) completely transformed? If not, we continue to fill further.

8) If the answer is “yes!”, we thank all the tracking participants, send them our love and let everyone go to their own space. (In the future, this item can be done when all the causes of your problem are completely transformed into a positive one.)

9) We ask a question to the soul: Have I got rid of all the causes of my problem? We work until we get the answer "yes" to this question.

When you first start working with this method, it seems very complicated. However, with practice anything is possible. And gradually I began to apply this method on the go, going somewhere, sitting on the bus, cleaning the house, etc.

It must be borne in mind that each person is individual and unique. And what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, if you work effectively this technique in a slightly individually modified form, this is normal (i.e., gaining experience, you will slightly correct this method).

The main thing is that it really works.

At the same time, I want to warn about the responsibility for what you are doing. The fact is that our subconscious is a very powerful energy. Any program can be put into the subconscious mind. But if you work with him not in a positive, but in a negative way, then in the future you can greatly damage yourself.

Therefore, your main goal is to transform the negative energies of the subconscious into positive ones with the help of the Divine Energy of Love (this energy cannot harm anyone). Only then can you save your life from big troubles, troubles and unwanted difficulties.


Eliminate interference

One tip: before you start working with the proposed method, you need to set it up correctly. A lot depends on your attitude.

If you, before you start, start thinking that you are unlikely to succeed, then do not expect results. Therefore, in the first days, every time before you start working with this method, you must mentally give yourself the installation several times: “I will definitely succeed!”

I want to warn you that this technique can be difficult for those who have a lot of such negative energies in their subconscious as fears, doubts, disbelief, self-doubt, etc.

1) If you are afraid that in the process of working with this technique you can see very scary images, then you first need to remove your fears. You probably have the following negative energies:

  • fear of “starting to work with this technique”,
  • fear of "seeing terrible images", etc.

If you do not get rid of these and similar fears, then you are unlikely to "reach your hands" to start clearing your subconscious of negativity.

Consider that of all your immediate problems, the most important is the presence of fears in your subconscious. Before you can work on your other problems, you need to get a “yes” answer from your subconscious mind to the question: “I have completely eliminated all the fears that prevent me from getting rid of negative reasons my problems?"

2) If you do not trust this method, then I am sure that there are many doubts and disbeliefs in your subconscious. In this case, you need to track and get rid of these negative energies first of all. Otherwise, you will not be able to work with this technique. You won't succeed, no matter how hard you try.

Consider that of all your pressing problems, the most urgent at the moment is the presence of doubt and disbelief in your subconscious. Before you start working on your other problems, you need to get a “yes” answer from your soul to the question: “Am I completely rid of all doubt, disbelief and self-doubt?”

Why is it so important? The Bible says one very wise phrase: "According to your faith it will be to you!" Indeed, what a person believes in, he receives in his life.

Your subconscious with certain beliefs and beliefs attracts like a magnet, exactly what you believe in, although you are not always aware of it.

This method can solve absolutely all your problems.

I myself started with a more complex version of the Holodynamics method, which is based on the ability of a person to see mental images. (Using this method, I have helped many people solve their pressing problems.)

However, I never managed to see with my inner vision the images of my negative energies, since I am a kinesthetic.

Gradually, I redid this method for myself, taking as a basis my inner feelings. And then I also simplified it for myself (reading further, you will understand how much). The main thing, having simplified, I saw that it still works effectively.

At first, this technique seems rather complicated, but it is only at first. Until everything is remembered, you can work with this material as a cheat sheet.

If you devote 15-30 minutes to this technique every day, you will begin to feel the result of your work in a week or two. If it will be hard to get, in the early days you can track for one reason, until it becomes much faster.

What is Holodynamics?

Sometimes the simplified technique described above may not work if the problem is of the same nature or a very severe problem (for example, cancer diseases, diabetes, etc. severe illness etc.). In these cases, it is better to work with the full version of the Holodynamics method.

The word holodinamics is translated as the dynamics of the whole (meaning bringing the human body into complete harmony).

This method was originally developed and implemented more than 50 years ago by quantum physicist Vernon Wolfe. His book is called “Holodynamics. How to develop and manage your inner personal power”, it is translated into Russian, and it can be easily downloaded on the Internet.

However, I do not advise you to do this, since it is quite difficult to read. You understand, it was written by a physicist. If you want to read the theory on this method, it is better to do it with Russian authors. There are more accessible books on the subject. But I want to warn you that in this blog I tried very hard to describe this method as clearly as possible for the reader.

What is the difference between "Holodynamics" and its simplified version:

1) The work is carried out with your superconsciousness (your Spirit), in "Holodynamics" it is called the full Potential.

2) Before inviting your full Potential, you need to mentally imagine and see with your inner vision your place of rest: the place where you would feel most comfortable, calm, safe. It is very individual, it can be different for each person. This may be the seashore, or in a clearing in the forest, or maybe at home in some kind of calm quiet place etc.

3) Having imagined our place of rest, we fill it with the field of Universal love so that this place is bright and beautiful.

4) After that, we invite our full Potential and ask if he agrees to work with us at the moment. And if he agrees, we continue to work in the same way as we worked according to the simplified method. Only now we communicate with the full Potential and listen to what he answers us. Consider the first thoughts that arise in your head (at the same time we turn off the logic) as the answer of your full Potential.

5) After completing the work, we thank our full Potential for help, send our love to him and let him go into our space.

6) If you can’t completely get rid of all the causes of your serious problem, we ask your full Potential to take you to the situation that was the root cause of this problem. Your full Potential can show you a situation from a long time ago.

For example, from early childhood, which you do not remember, from infancy and even from the time when you were in the womb.

If the problem goes by gender (for example, several generations in the family have always had a severe hereditary disease), then you can ask your full Potential to take you by the hand and take you to the situation by gender that was the root cause of this problem.

This situation can happen in the past lives of one of your blood relatives, so as you mentally move into this situation, you can see the movement through the tunnel with your inner vision. This means that your soul has moved into your past or the past of your loved ones.

At the same time, getting into the situation that is the root cause of your problem is easier for those who have a good third eye. The situation that is the root cause of your problem is usually very negative, and therefore rather unpleasant. Something bad is happening to you.

To make it clearer, here are real examples:

1) I was looking for the cause of my self-doubt, and my soul transferred me to my school childhood, into a situation where I was constantly humiliated by one boy in the class. He constantly exposed me in front of classmates in a very unfavorable light. This was one of the situations that influenced my self-doubt in the future and problems with the lumbar spine, in particular (the so-called chronic sciatica).

2) A 9-year-old girl constantly had a problem, she reacted very slowly in class to the tasks given by the teacher, and therefore lagged behind her classmates in the classroom.

When they began to trace the causes of this problem of hers, her soul took us away at a time when she was still in her mother's womb. The pregnancy turned out to be unplanned, so the mother's child was not needed. In this regard, the girl had a negative energy in her subconscious - dislike for herself, which was the root cause of her lethargy.

3) One of my close relatives has long been worried about diabetes. When I began to work with her full potential (this is also possible, i.e. work with the full potential of another person, only you always need to ask permission from the full potential), it turned out that she had a very negative outlook on life, a lack of joy and constant discontent what happens to her. In order to find the root cause of all this, I had to mentally move into her past lives more than once.

4) One woman had a birth problem: in her family, men either died or left their wives. She had a stepfather, half-sisters from different fathers, her brother died, she divorced her husband, then her son died. It turned out that this problem came from the depths of her family, and the cause was herself, only in one of her past lives. In the situation that became the root cause of this problem, she was a girl who took a man away from a strange family. BUT ex-wife this man for this cursed her entire family up to the 7th knee.

A small digression. If we had not worked with this woman and removed the root cause, then the situation could continue to repeat itself in her children, grandchildren, etc., as well as in subsequent generations of her sisters.

It's me that most of the negative that accumulates in our subconscious goes to the "inheritance" of our children, grandchildren, etc., until it is transformed into a positive.

That is why it is so important now to seriously cleanse your subconscious of negative energies. To help our descendants live better and be healthy, without that burden of negativity in the subconscious, which we can karmically pass on to them.

Note. The last situation I described is very complicated. It may not be possible for a person to fix it himself, but only with the help of a specialist. I have a Teacher who taught me how to practically apply Holodynamics, and also helped me get rid of such complex problems coming from past lives and by birth. Now I can deal with these issues myself.

7) Once in the situation that is the root cause of your problem, you fill it with the Divine energy of love, pure Divine light, harmony until it changes in a positive direction. When you see that the picture has changed and everyone in this situation is happy, go back to the present time and ask your full Potential, is the problem completely solved? If the problem is not completely solved, then there are even earlier situations that became the root cause of this problem. This means that it is necessary to get into an earlier situation with the help of the full Potential and transform it into a positive one.

If in the process of working with your problems, you have a desire to completely cleanse your own subconscious, then for this you should learn to track all the clues that your soul gives. And for this, it is worth reminding yourself more often that the world is a mirror, and also re-read from time to time the information given at the beginning of this blog, called "The language of the soul and superconsciousness of man."

Change of beliefs.

There are four levels of belief:

Level 1 - inner convictions. At this level, there are beliefs that have been held in the subconscious since childhood. This is what we learn in life. These are the programs that we have adopted and that have become part of us. These "beliefs" are held as energies in the frontal lobe of the brain.

Level 2 - genetic beliefs. This is hereditary memory. Programs are passed down from ancestors or added to genes in this lifetime. These are internal beliefs over two generations old. This level of belief represents the energies stored in the morphogenetic field of knowledge around a person's DNA.

Level 3 - historical level. At this level, there are deep genetic eyewitness memories, or it concerns past lives. It could be a deep energetic genetic memory, or it could be past lives, or even experiences of the collective consciousness of humanity that we are bringing into the present. It doesn't matter where they come from, but this level is very important. Memories are held in the human auric field.

4th level - Soul level. This is the deepest level. Our souls are still in the process of learning and can be reoriented. If a person keeps the programs at more than one level, the soul can be affected as sadness and regret can be transferred to that soul. These programs are removed from the integrity of the individual, starting from the heart chakra, outward.

Since some programs are only held at one level, extracting programs from the Soul level does not necessarily remove them from all levels. Programs are restored if they are checked out only at one level, and not at all four.

Key Beliefs.

In order to greatly reduce your time and effort in working with your beliefs, it is worth learning how to work with key beliefs.

Key Beliefs- these are the deepest programs that are the basis for other programs (beliefs). Core beliefs are at the core of the problems a person has. You must look for a basic belief by asking your subconscious mind questions about the problems you have.

To find the basic program, visualize a system of beliefs in the form of a pile of blocks (refer to your subconscious with a request to tell you the key belief you need).

At the base of the piling up of blocks lies a key internal belief, which is a program that is held by an internal installation that holds other belief systems around it. This is the "source" of the other programs above.

Ask your subconscious mind (your full potential): " What are the key internal beliefs holding this belief system?»

As soon as the key belief is removed from the subconscious, all the negative energies that have accumulated after that will disappear automatically. What is the saving of time and effort?

Once you have a key program (core belief), ask your subconscious mind for suitable programs (beliefs) to replace it, which can be entered after removal negative programs(negative core beliefs).

For example, a key negative belief was discovered: "something in my body hurts all the time." By removing this negative program, you can replace it with a new one: "my body is completely healthy." Or, for example, a key belief is discovered: "There is no happiness in life." By removing it, you can use self-hypnosis to consolidate a new belief: "I constantly feel happy!"

In order for this program to take root, this belief must be repeated several times daily in the form of affirmations or affirmations (positive questions that the body resists less. For example, "why do I live in full abundance of money?")

However, if all negative key beliefs are removed from the subconscious, then self-hypnosis methods to install positive programs may not be needed.

I must say that the installation of new positive programs in the subconscious also speeds up the process of cleansing your subconscious from negative energies.

So each person can decide for himself what is best for him to do.

For real results

practice needed

I think I do not need to explain to you in detail the point that with practice everything is possible. The more you work with this technique (with a simplified version or with Holodynamics), the better you will get it.

For example, now I don’t have to sit, relaxed in a chair in silence, in order to track down and remove the causes of my problems. I've been doing this on the go for a long time to fix problems as soon as I get hints.

I learned to see signs everywhere that tell me that there is some kind of problem in me. Often, if you do not immediately remove the problem, then you quickly forget about it.

I walk down the street, I ride in transport, I clean my house, etc. (that is, when my head is free from mental activity), while on the go I track my negative energies. I can do this when the TV is on or if someone is talking nearby. And I need less and less time to trace the causes of my problems.

At the same time, for serious problems in my subconscious now there are no reasons anymore. Therefore, to be honest, I have long forgotten what serious problems are.

Life turns out to be a wonderful thing. You can feel healthy and happy man constantly.

And we create all our problems for ourselves. And looking for the causes of our problems in the world around us is a waste of time and effort, a path that leads to a dead end.

Sometimes the simplified technique described in previous articles may not cope if the problem is of a kind (for example, men do not stay in the family, either die or leave) or a very serious problem (for example, cancer, diabetes, and other serious illnesses , self-dislike, etc.). In these cases, it is better to work with the "Holodynamics" technique.

What is the difference between "Holodynamics" and its simplified version?

Description of the "Holodynamics" method in steps:

Step 1.The work is carried out with your superconsciousness (your Spirit), in "Holodynamics" it is called the Full Potential.

Step 2Before inviting your Full Potential, you need to mentally imagine and see with your inner vision your REST PLACE: the place where you would feel most comfortable, calm, safe. It is very individual, it can be different for each person. It can be the seashore, or in a clearing in the forest, or maybe at home in some calm, quiet place, etc.

Step 3Having imagined our PLACE OF REST, we fill it with the field of Universal love so that this place is bright and beautiful.

Step 4After that, we invite our Full Potential and ask if he agrees to work with us at the moment. And if he agrees, we continue to work in the same way as we worked according to the simplified method. Only now we communicate with the Full Potential and listen to what he tells us. Consider the first thoughts that arise in your head (at the same time we turn off the logic) as the answer of your Full Potential.

Step 5After completing the work, we thank our Full Potential for help, send him our love and RELEASE HIM TO YOUR SPACE.

Step 6If you cannot completely get rid of all the causes of your serious problem, ask your Full Potential to take you to the situation that was the ROOT CAUSE of this problem. Your Full Potential can show you a situation from a long time ago. For example, from early childhood that you do not remember, from infancy and even from the time when you were in the womb.

If the problem is gendered (for example, several generations in the family have always had material problems), then you can ask your full potential to take you by the hand and lead you to the gendered situation that was the ORIGINAL CAUSE of this problem. This situation can happen in the past lives of one of your blood relatives, so as you mentally move into this situation, you can see the movement through the tunnel with your inner vision. This means that your soul has moved into your past or the past of your loved ones. At the same time, getting into the situation - the ROOT CAUSE of your problem is easier for those who have a good third eye. The situation, which is the ROOT CAUSE of your problem, is usually very negative, and therefore rather unpleasant. Something bad is happening to you.

To make it clearer, here are real examples:

Example 1I was looking for the cause of my self-doubt, and my soul took me to my school childhood, to a situation where I was constantly humiliated by one boy in the class. He constantly put me in front of classmates in a very unfavorable light. And he began to humiliate me after I stole a few kopecks from a girl in the 1st grade. I stole it not because of some kind of self-interest, but out of childish curiosity. I was immediately exposed, exposed in front of the whole class as a thief, and then my parents shamed me for a long time for what had happened. (Since that time, I swore off taking someone else's) In general, the situation was so painful for me that it was very unpleasant to return to it. This was one of the situations that influenced the development of my self-doubt in the future. After I transformed this ORIGINAL CAUSE, I felt that now a completely different situation remained in my past, a positive one, in which none of this happened, and I just gave those pennies back to the girl after playing enough.

Example 2In one family there is a foster girl 9 years old. Tanya constantly had a problem, she reacted very slowly in class to the tasks given by the teacher, and therefore lagged behind her classmates in the classroom. When they began to trace the causes of this problem of hers, her soul took us away at a time when she was still in her mother's womb. The pregnancy turned out to be unplanned, so the mother's child was not needed. In this regard, the girl's subconscious has a negative energy - dislike for herself, which was the root cause of her lethargy.

Example 3One woman had a birth problem: in her family, men either died or left their wives. She had a stepfather, half-sisters from different fathers, her brother died, she divorced her husband, then her son died. It turned out that this problem came from the depths of her family, and the cause was herself, only in one of her past lives. In the situation that became the root cause of this problem, she was a girl who took a man away from a strange family. And the ex-wife of this man for this cursed her entire family up to the 7th generation.

A small digression. If we had not worked with this woman and removed the root cause, then the situation could continue to repeat itself in her children, grandchildren, etc., as well as in subsequent generations of her sisters. This I mean that most of the negativity that accumulates in our subconscious goes to the "inheritance" of our children, grandchildren, etc., until it is transformed into a positive. That is also why it is so important to seriously engage in cleansing your subconscious of negative energies. To help our descendants live better, without that burden of negativity in the subconscious, which we can karmically pass on to them.

Note.The last situation I described is very complicated. It may not be possible for a person to fix it himself, but only with the help of a specialist. Personally, a specialist in “Holodynamics” helped me at one time to get rid of such complex problems coming from past lives and by family. Now I can deal with these issues myself.

Step 7Once in the situation that is the root cause of your problem, you fill it with the Divine energy of love, pure Divine light, Harmony, Holiness until it changes in a positive direction. When you see that the picture has changed and everyone in this situation is happy, go back to the present time and ask your full potential, is the problem completely solved? If the problem is not completely solved, then there are even earlier situations that became the root cause of this problem. This means that with the help of full potential, it is necessary to get into an earlier situation and transform it into a positive one.

The Holodynamic Method can be applied by working with the Full Potential of another person. You just have to be very careful with this.

First, you need to ask your Full Potential if you can invite Full Potential to the PLACE of REST (name someone: by last name, first name and patronymic). Then, having thanked your Full Potential, say: I invite the Full Potential (full name) to the place of my rest.

After you realize that he has appeared, thank him for being here and BE SURE TO ASK PERMISSIONS work with him. And then the methodology is the same. And after the end of the work, you must definitely LET IT GO TO YOUR SPACE.

You already know that at present most of our karma has been removed as a result of the TRANSITION that has taken place. Only that part of the karmic heritage from past lives that we need to pass the lessons has been left. And since part of the karma remained, then "Holodynamics" in its full version may be useful to you in the process of cleansing your subconscious.

And that's all for today.

With love, Lena.

(to be continued)

Holodynamics (from the English "whole" - solid, and "dinamic" - action). Very often, when explaining the origin of the name “Holodynamics”, they use wordings such as the dynamics of the Whole, the power of the Whole in action, life in development. It seems to us that for Holodynamics, as a type of holistic thinking, translation is much closer - movement towards integrity. This interpretation is much closer to the essence of this psychological technique. Recognized efficient system transformation of human consciousness, Holodynamics is one of the most environmentally friendly (using the laws of the development of the Universe) practices.

Per recent decades research in the field theoretical physics it has been established that the subconsciousness of each person is a fragment of the Universal Consciousness or the Information Field of the Universe. The subconscious, as a microscopic part of a huge hologram - the Universe, stores information about the Universe as a whole. This One Whole is inaccessible to our rational comprehension. However, access to it is possible through intuitive sensory perception, which is one of the qualities of our Full Potential (or Higher Self).

Each of us is 100 percent responsible for our problems - this is the first fundamental position of Holodynamics. Our life takes on new perspectives when we realize that the limitations of the surrounding reality are predetermined only by our view of it. We regain the ability to live according to our own conscious choice, - as a higher rational being.

Any problem in a person's life, whether it concerns him physical health or affects social relations, - contains a message intended for spiritual healing, is a sign that allows you to find a path and gain integrity at the level of subtle bodies. All the lessons and trials we have received make us stronger, they are designed to turn on the process of awareness. Therefore, the problem needs to be investigated different angles, you should look for the positive aspect in everything. Those whom we habitually consider enemies turn out to be our teachers and coaches who show our weaknesses. And the task of Holodynamics is to help in the process of transforming negative associations in our minds into positive emotions.

Holodynamics is a harmonious system of personal and spiritual development, which, having allowed to determine real reasons the origin of a particular problem, enables a person to solve the following tasks:

  • Form holistic thinking, combining intuitive and rational approaches;
  • Increase the effectiveness of treatment with academic (official) methods, and often, completely heal without using conventional means;
  • Cope with destructive sociopathogenic influences (as an example - evil eye, damage, magical effects);
  • Get rid of the accumulated over the years negative feelings and feelings, remove nervous tension, get rid of a breakdown, neurosis, depression, bad mood;
  • Improve family relationships;
  • Raise on quality new level relationships with business partners;
  • Get closer to your Highest Personal Potential, most effectively realizing all your abilities and talents.

The method of Holodynamics in practice confirms that by constant inner work above ourselves, we can become the creators of our own destiny. With the help of special techniques, one can penetrate deep memory and be able to cope with a problem that is inherited through the genetic code, which may have arisen in previous incarnations. Using holodynamic approaches in everyday life, you will one day feel that by changing your attitude to what is happening around you, you are able to change the circumstances of your life and simply enjoy life.

The subconscious has a huge impact on human behavior.

The ability to work with your internal attitudes is the key to a successful life.

Where is the subconscious and how does it work?


Subconscious- an area of ​​\u200b\u200bmental activity that is not directly related to conscious mental processes.

The images that arise here are not directly controlled in any way.

The subconscious level is that area of ​​human experience that has no clear explanation. These are all kinds of insights, guesses, automatic actions, intuitive actions, prophetic dreams, associative links.

This behavior is not random or chaotic. It has its logic, sequence, justification. You can form guidelines, determine intentions, make decisions, but all this will be hidden from the direct thought process.

Each person, listening to himself, can always clearly determine the moment at which he acted on a subconscious level.

But to understand such moments, a pronounced desire for self-knowledge, for work on oneself is required. A superficial attitude towards oneself and one's actions often does not allow one to determine real motives for their own behavior.

How is it arranged and how does it work?

In fact, the subconscious is a reflection of the intellectual, historical, emotional experience that has been formed in a person and makes him do certain things.

Our ideas about the surrounding reality are a set of images, thoughts, associations, sensations. Automatic reactions manifest as a result of the accumulation of these sensations and the formation of their own attitudes.

A vivid manifestation of the subconscious is intuition.

It is about her that people mention when they make decisions or take actions without a clear rationale for their behavior.

It seems to them that “something inside” tells them that they need to do this, and not otherwise. But if you ask them to justify their behavior, they will not be able to give it a logical explanation.

All knowledge, sensations, talents, skills that have ever been acquired during life, in the future constitute basis of hidden thinking.

Accordingly, in an educated, wise, intellectually and spiritually developed person, the degree of expression of intuition will be the highest. Such people have great potential, good instincts.

It is important to consider that experience includes not only positive talents and skills, but also negative attitudes and programs. Accordingly, one cannot unconditionally rely on one's own instinct and assume that it always prompts the right decision.

Accumulated in the past fears, resentment, anger, pride can guide behavior and make you make the wrong decisions. As a result, a person falls into the same negative situations again and again.

So, often people, having completed their destructive relationship with an unsuitable partner, in the future enter into a similar union.

The reason is that the past negative experience leaves an imprint on the perception of reality to building relationships. Wrong attitudes and learned in past relationships begin to be applied intuitively when choosing a new partner.

Psychology and development

The mechanism of such thinking is based on absorbing information and applying it at the right time.

The volume of conscious attention is many times inferior to the volume of subconsciously perceived information.

In other words, what escapes our immediate attention well absorbed on a different level.

Man in this moment time does not feel at all that he has just received some new experience, but in the future the acquired knowledge is bound to manifest itself in an absolutely unpredictable form.

All inexplicable reservations, unexpected forgetfulness, impaired concentration - result of the subconscious. Incomprehensible delays during preparations for an important and long-awaited meeting can be explained internally by a hidden unwillingness to go to this meeting.

Thus, the subconscious takes care of the person and tells him that the current actions are wrong. But most people make a mistake in such situations, guided by common sense rather than inner feelings.

It is necessary to develop your inner abilities to achieve success in all endeavors. A pattern always works in life - those who believe in it and go to the goal, no matter what, achieve success.

It is the inner conviction in achieving goals, positive thinking allow you to reach heights. Inner positive attitude guaranteed to attract good luck and all its attendant benefits. Negative attitudes repel luck and reduce the chances of success.

The action of the subconscious more tangibly affects people with strong and firm attitudes in life, since their volitional qualities partly aimed at managing and internal processes. This once again demonstrates that the subconscious mind can and should be controlled.

Basic principles of the development of the subconscious:

Theory of Z. Freud

Z. Freud gave great attention realm of the subconscious. He believed that it was link between the unconscious and the immediate.

Freud was the first scientist to come to the conclusion that a person has certain internal motives that prompt him to do unexpected and incomprehensible actions.

Scientist repeatedly conducted experiments with the use of hypnosis. These studies confirmed that even the information acquired in a state of hypnosis is not only fully perceived and remembered, but also in right moment it is used for its intended purpose.

Interaction with consciousness

Conscious behavior programs for any member of society are the main schemes which he adheres to.

The subconscious plays a background role. At the same time, in terms of significance in certain situations, it can come to the fore.

AT extreme conditions, in stressful situations, in conditions of separation from society with its norms and rules of conduct the human psyche switches to a different mode of functioning.

It is at such moments internal processes become primary. At this time, impulsive-reactive, poorly conscious emotional reactions, automated actions, etc.

When the situation stabilizes, they again come to the fore conscious-volitional reactions more characteristic of the socialized individual.

Thus, both types of thinking are always present, but the degree of their expression at the current moment of time depends entirely on the proposed circumstances.

difference from the unconscious

Unconscious actions are performed by a person on the basis of inherent in him by the fact of birth instincts and reflexes. All behavioral acts at this level are regulated exclusively by biological mechanisms that do not have direct relationship to the process of thinking.

For example, a person pulls his hand away from a hot object, squints at the sun, screams in fear, etc.

All these processes are manifested automatically regardless of their level of education, intellectual or spiritual qualities. The experience of life in society does not play any role in the formation of such skills.

It is the attitude exclusively towards natural biological mechanisms distinguishes behavior from the subconscious, formed on the basis of personal experience and with specific justification.

Communication with the subconscious

How to open, enter and communicate with the subconscious? To establish a dialogue, you can talk in the following ways:

Sinelnikov's theory

According to V. Sinelnikov, to achieve inner harmony can through dialogue with your subconscious. It is necessary to choose the type of communication that will be most effective - special signals, signs, physical sensations, visual images, etc.

And it is important not to force yourself specific ways interactions, rather than letting them take shape naturally.

To communicate with the subconscious, you need to retire, relax and mentally ask a question inside yourself. It is important to be extremely careful and sensitive to catch the received response.

For example, if you choose to communicate with the subconscious visual system, then in response to each question a certain picture will appear in the imagination. It is important to have time to catch and analyze it.

Technique of communication with the subconscious of Valery Sinelnikov:


There are many techniques for working with the subconscious, but all of them boil down to two main tasks.: getting rid of negative attitudes and resentments, developing positive thinking.

Getting rid of destructive installations and determined to achieve success is possible completely .

Getting rid of negativity

How to remove negative attitudes from the subconscious?

Every person carries a large number of negative programs, insults.

They not only influence emotional condition, but also hinder to move forward and achieve the goals.

Our attitude to any sphere of life is only a reflection of the prevailing, which may have nothing to do with reality.

For example, after a series of failed relationships, a woman may come to the conclusion that normal men do not exist.

But this opinion is based only on her subjective experience, which has nothing to do with reality.

What is setup work? To cleanse the subconscious of negative attitudes you need to do the following step by step:

  1. Get a special notebook or notebook where all negative attitudes will be recorded.
  2. When thoughts appear that carry a negative connotation, write them down in a notebook.
  3. Having analyzed the existing negative attitude, cross it out with a red pen and write the opposite positive attitude on top.
  4. Recognize a new positive program and make efforts to implement it.

Fulfillment of desires

The technique of tuning the subconscious to the fulfillment of desires works on the same principle. Necessary write out all your desires, formulating them very clearly and in detail.

It is better to take a separate sheet for each desire and indicate the day on which it was put on paper. Usually all desires affect four fundamental areas:

If everything suits one of these areas, then desires for this direction will be missing from the records. But, as a rule, a person will always find what to strive for and what to dream about in any of these areas.

It is important to periodically re-read what has been written and make sure that certain results have been achieved in the time that has elapsed from the original date of writing the desire.

As a result, the subconscious will adjust to positive tone, encouraged by the real successes that have been achieved.


Holodynamics- the direction of transpersonal psychology, in which the laws of quantum physics are applied. Supporters of the doctrine are of the opinion that any physical sensations of a person can be given a psychological explanation.

From the point of view of holodinamics, each individual can achieve highest success, to fully reveal its potential, if it learn to recognize the signals of the body.

The perception of the surrounding world is like a hologram. A person thinks that he sees specific images and phenomena, but in fact he notices only the reflection of it internal perception these images and phenomena.

That is, people themselves create their own picture of the world, which can differ significantly from real situation of things.

Methods of influence

How to get into someone else's subconscious?

The question of the ethics of penetrating into the subconscious of another person rather controversial.

In essence, this is manipulation. However, psychology deals with ways of influencing other people in a similar way.

How to influence? The most effective methods:

  1. Repetition. This method of exposure is often used in advertising and marketing. The constant obsessive repetition of the same images may initially cause irritation, but then the resistance weakens, and the broadcast attitudes are assimilated.
  2. Direct contact. uses a direct dialogue, during which the interlocutor has a friendly attitude towards him, calm voice, open eye contact.
  3. Hypnosis. Hypnosis is the most effective way subconscious programming.

    With the help of hypnosis, you can not only control people, but also eliminate serious psychological problems: insomnia,.

    Thanks to hypnosis, a person can reach a completely new round of its development.

Thus, the human subconscious has complex organization. Ability to understand yourself and your internal installations helps you succeed in life. And having mastered certain psychological tricks You can learn how to manipulate other people.