Thursday in English how to pronounce. Days of the week in English (name and origin)

Know the days of the week English language you must from school. But they are so painfully remembered that they become global problem even for people who speak excellent English.

We will provide you wonderful ways to remember the days of the week and translate them into English through associations and songs. But first, let's get to know them personally!

In the image above you can see the names days of the week in English, their translation, transcription and pronunciation in Russian.

But the most important thing is the cuts. It is the abbreviations that are most often used in the correspondence of Americans, which incredibly confuse Russians. Therefore, when you learn the days of the week in English, learn them along with abbreviations to show your level of education in the field given language, as well as your modernity of views.

How to remember the days of the week in English?

Method 1: Learn a children's song!

This is one of the most famous songs among not only Russians who are trying to learn English, but also among Americans. YES! Unbelievable but true. This is the song the kids sing English schools to learn the days of the week as well as their order.

So, having learned and sung a song about the days of the week in English, you will become even closer not only to the language, but also to its speakers, plunge into the environment of their learning methods and gain valuable knowledge.

As you sing the song, try to create a series of associations. Scientists argue that associations are in the best possible way memorization.

Method 2: Take advantage of our associations!

Agree that the associations are quite vivid. We even did a little experiment among our students.

Some of the students learned the days of the week using the “memorization” method, and some in the manner described above. So, the days of the week in English are the simplest simplicity if you learn them with us!

It is the way of associations that helps to remember words faster. Forget cramming, be as innovative as we are online school AirySchool!

Our tutors got rid of the stereotyped teaching methods of the USSR a long time ago. We are able to find creative approach to the study of any topic of the English language. After all, who, if not us, will show imagination for the benefit of the development of the field of education? It's a joke, of course, because we are not alone on this path. We are only trying to help visitors to our site get acquainted with the innovations of studying not only the topics of the days of the week in English, but also tenses, articles, idioms and other features of the language.

What do you think is the difference between the English week and the Russian one? Both there and there are seven days: five weekdays and two days off. But there are a couple of differences...

AT modern world a person needs to know the days of the week in English and their abbreviations, because one way or another he encounters them: in the calendars used on various gadgets (phones and tablets), in any programs, partially or not at all Russified. Not everywhere there is a translation into Russian, so you can get confused without knowing English at all. It would seem why you can get confused if the days of the week are the same everywhere, and you can simply determine by sequence which day is which? The point is that in English week the beginning is not considered from Monday, as with us, but from Sunday (despite this, Saturday and Sunday are also considered days off for them, and from Monday to Friday they are weekdays). And sometimes because of this, the calendar is slightly different from the Russian one - the first day is Sunday, not Monday. And all weeks end in this case, respectively, on Saturday. That is why, so that you have an idea of ​​how the days of the week are written in English, and do not make a mistake when using the new calendar, we have prepared this material for you.

You have learned the first difference from a week in Russia starting on Monday. What is the second difference? The difference lies in the fact that the days of the week in English are considered proper names and are always written with capital letter.

Actually, let's move on to listing them and writing them with translation into Russian.

Days of the week in English with translation into Russian

Sunday - Sunday
Monday - Monday
Tuesday - Tuesday
Wednesday - Wednesday
Thursday - Thursday
Friday - Friday
Saturday - Saturday

Example sentences using these words:

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Sunday is my favorite day of the week.
I like Saturday too. I like Saturday too.
Today is Monday. Today is monday.
It will be on Tuesday. It will be on Tuesday.
I received the parcel on Wednesday. I received the package on Wednesday.
I will write you on Thursday. I will write to you on Thursday.
We meet with my friends on Fridays. We meet with my friends on Fridays.

What are the days of the week in English abbreviated

There are two types of abbreviations: two letters and three. Let's list all the options.

Sunday - Sun - Su (Sun)
Monday - Mon - Mo (Mon)
Tuesday - Tue - Tu (Tue)
Wednesday - Wed - We (Wed)
Thursday - Thu - Th (Thursday)
Friday - Fri - Fr (Fri)
Saturday - Sat - Sa (Sat)

Note that abbreviated names are also capitalized.

We hope that now you will be able to distinguish the days by their designations in the calendar, even if they are not translated into Russian.

The first thing taught in the course foreign language, is the ability to talk about yourself. And for beginners, it is not a problem to come up with a banal sentence: “ My name is Kolya, I study English". Difficulties arise with the use of more common expressions, where, in addition to what you are doing, you also need to indicate when, where or with whom. And today, having learned the days of the week in English with pronunciation, we will learn how to use them as a simple addition and as independent sentences denoting the date.

The words-names of the days of the week in English refer to everyday vocabulary language, because the need to designate a specific day arises quite often. Before moving on to memorizing the words themselves, we note a few interesting and important occasions their use in the English-speaking environment.

  • All countries use traditional system seven-day week, but countries such as Canada, the United States and Israel count the new week from Sunday. At the same time, workdays still begin on Monday and end on Friday. This point is important to consider if you plan to visit a country with a similar calendar.
  • The designation of a specific date begins with the day of the week: Friday, August 18, 2017. By the way, the abbreviations are not made exactly like in Russian. In order to shorten the name of the day, simply take the first two or three letters of the word: Mo./Mon., Su./Sun., We./Wed, etc. In some calendars, they even designate the day of the week with one first letter.
  • Grammatically English days weeks are proper nouns and are always capitalized. This rule also applies to abbreviated forms.

Remember these features, as they are important for developing a competent English speech. And now we will learn how to pronounce the names of days correctly.

Days of the week in English with pronunciation, transcription and Russian translation

In order to make it easier to learn the names, we will analyze each word separately and with an example everyday situations. For working out correct pronunciation use the transcription below.

Common names

You can designate all days of the week at once with a phrase construction daysoftheweek/deɪzəvðə wiːk/. Saturday and Sunday also have a generalized meaning, they can be called weekend/wiːkɛnd/.


First day working week, it's Monday, it will sound in English Monday. Since the English language is developing rapidly, today, along with the traditional transcription /mʌndeɪ/, the pronunciation /mʌndi/ is increasingly used.


Tuesday is denoted by the word Tuesday. The name is pronounced /tjuːzdeɪ/ or /tjuːzdi/. Be careful, it is often confused with a similar spelling Thursday, which stands for Thursday!


Wednesday- that's what Wednesday is called in English. It has two transcriptions, like the words that were pronounced above: /wenzdeɪ/ or /wenzdi/.


So we have come to the study of the word Thursday, which was mentioned when meeting with Tuesday. In order to never confuse them, it is necessary to remember securely correct writing and the sound of every word. So, in English, this day of the week is written Thursday and pronounced /θə:zdeɪ/ or /θə:zdi/.


The last day of the working week in Russian is Friday, but in English Friday. The word has the same types of transcriptions that we studied when getting acquainted with other days: /fraideɪ/ and /fraidi/.


Saturday in English is called Saturday, and has the transcription /sætədeɪ/ and /sætədi/.


Last day off, i.e. Sunday, called in English Sunday. We learn its pronunciation: /sΛndei/, /sΛndi/.

So, we learned how the days of the week are indicated in English, got acquainted with their pronunciation, translation and application in practice. It remains to learn how to easily and quickly memorize the vocabulary of the lesson.

Learn the days of the week in 5 minutes

In order to quickly master the material or explain it in accessible form child, we will resort to the method of associations. All days of the week can be compared with already familiar words that will be consonant with their pronunciation. Or pick up a musical motive and sing the names of the days of the week to the children.

Associations and consonances

Phrase Pronunciation Translation
Monday is a moon's day. /Monday from ae moons day/ Monday is a lunar day.
Tuesday is a two's day. / Today from e ace day / Tuesday is a day for two.
Wednesday is a wedding day. / Wednesday from e wading day / Wednesday is the wedding day.
Thursday is my birthday. / Todayday from May Day/ Thursday is my birthday.
Friday is a fly-day. /Friday from e flyday/ Friday is flight day.
On Saturday I sleep all day. /On Saturday Ai sleep ol day/ I sleep all day on Saturday.
Sunday is a sunny day. /Sunday from e sleigh day/ Sunday is a sunny day.

Song to learn

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday too.
Wednesday, Thursday just for you.
Friday, Saturday that's the end.
Now let's say those days again!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday!

Our site site continues to publish different interesting methods development, education for children. Today there will be a description of how easier it is to remember the days of the week in English for a baby?

The first thing to do is to take a calendar, open all the days of the week in pictures, read them and understand what exactly the days of the week are associated with? The baby or you. In my version, these associations look like this.

In the stationery store we buy the most ordinary notebook for a small number of sheets, in my cage. Here we will paste all the pictures and write the words.

Monday- It is Monday. If you type on the Internet, then everyone explains that there is a word moon - the moon, in the word Monday one letter “o” disappears, nevertheless this is the day of the moon. You can take a photo of the moon, but when I pronounce this word, it evokes the image of a baby who does not want to eat semolina porridge. We write through the letter "o", and we read "Munday". This moment highlight with a marker.

Tuesday- It's Tuesday. On Tuesday we play cards. Tuesday, you hear the ace that is in playing cards. In the photo you can show a game of cards, cards or an ace card, as you like.

Wednesday- Wednesday. The letter "d" is written, but not read - this must be remembered. Wednesday - Ben goes to the doctor, for example, to donate blood from veins s.

Thursday- Thursday. The combination th is an interdental sign, we read sho (o) zdey. On Thursday we look at the stars.

Friday Friday. All the children are looking forward to this day, because there are 2 days off ahead. Working people on the 5/2 system are also waiting for him, which means that on Friday we go to heaven - Friday.

In the children's performance, everyone said thatfri - this is french fries, I said then, so that they remember that on this day they are given french fries for free. You can find a picture depicting walking, relaxing, listening to music.

Saturday- Saturday. When writing, it is clear that the word is similar to the word satire, but children, even at the age of 12, do not understand and do not associate it with this word. Setadey - set - a game in tennis. On Saturday we play tennis, go in for sports.

Sunday- Sunday. Sun means the sun. Sunny day is Sunday.

Many children begin to argue and say that it is raining or snowing outside the window.

We find suitable pictures on the Internet, clippings from magazines, or let children draw. We take a small notebook, I have 24 sheets, you can cut the drawing album so that the sheet is white (without a ruler and a cage). We apply glue and glue the photo. We write days with colored felt-tip pens.

On the left side, it is better to write the prepositions with which the days of the week are used. AT this case is "on". On Monday - on Monday.

Below are ordinal numbers and a sentence about a given day of the week.

On Monday we open the notebook on Monday, on Tuesday on Tuesday, we call the day, we spell it several times. And so, through the visual range, a baby and even an adult can easily learn the days of the week.

You can put the notebook in a transparent file for documents and hang it on the front door (kitchen door). Change the days of the week according to the days. And your baby will gradually remember all the days of the week.

The days of the week in English, there are only seven of them, they got their name from the names of the planets adopted in classical astronomy. The planets, in turn, were named after gods. At first it was believed that Sunday was the first day of the week, but now international standards The first day of the week is Monday. This article contains not just the names of the days of the week, but also poems, poems and songs, with the help of which the memorization of the names of the days of the week and their order becomes much easier.

Days of the week in pictures

Song about the days of the week in English

A wonderful rap song, it is simply impossible not to learn the names of these days!

Writing, transcription, the meaning of the days of the week.

Monday[ˈmʌndı] - Monday, the first day of the week (the first day of the week), the day of the moon (The Moon). The ancients believed that there were three "unlucky" Mondays in the year: the first Monday in April, the second Monday in August, and the last Monday in December.

Tuesday[ˈtjuːzdı] - Tuesday, the second day of the week (the second day of the week), the name comes from the old English Tiw’s day, Tiu is a Scandinavian one-armed god associated with the planet Mars

Wednesday[ˈwenzdı] - Wednesday, the third day of the week, from Old English Woden's day. Wooden or Odin is a Germanic and Old Norse god associated with many areas of life: knowledge, poetry, healing and others. Planet Mercury.

Thursday[ˈθɜːzdı] - Thursday, the fourth day of the week (the forth day of the week), the name comes from Thor's day - Thor is the Scandinavian god of thunder. Jupiter day.

Friday[ˈfraıdı] - Friday, the fifth day of the week, the day of Venus, the goddess of love, formerly called Frigg's/ Frica's day. Currently, this day is associated with the planet Venus.

Saturday[ˈsætədı] - Saturday, the sixth day of the week, the only day that has retained its ancient Roman name from the god and planet Saturn.

Sunday[ˈsʌndı] - Sunday, The seventh day of the week, named after The Sun, was traditionally a day of rest and worship, considered a happy day for the birth of children.

Poems about the days of the week in English

"Monday Baby" - Popular nursery rhyme- fortune-telling, which refers to the future of the child, depending on his birthday. Helps children remember the seven days of the week. All days in this poem speak of a good future for children, except for one - Wednesday.

Monday's baby is good from the face
Tuesday's child is full of grace
Wednesday's child is full of grief
Thursday's baby will go far
Friday's child works hard all his life
The Sabbath child loves and bestows,
But the child that is born on Sunday is both just and wise and good in every way.

Another rhyme is a memory about the days of the week in English with a translation:

Wash on Monday
Stroke on Tuesday
Fix on Wednesday
Beat the butter on Thursday
Pick up Friday
Bake on Saturday
Rest on Sunday.

And another funny old poem about the days of the week I WENT TO TOWN (I went to the city somehow) with a gorgeous translation into Russian, made by a military pilot, journalist, writer, poet and physicist Viktor Petrov.

Sunday in church
I went to the priest.
City people seem to
Wanted the same too.

On Monday, here it is:
I went to buy a coat
Suddenly - camels! Here's the deal!
I bought myself a goat.

Tuesday. City. No money.
Got myself a vest.
But why!? left plaques,
Two pockets and two buckles.

On Wednesday I went to the city
Behind the leg on the table.
There's a fire! You, mister, nevermind!
And the pig is dancing a jig.

Here on Thursday I am early in the morning
In town. Bread would be a loaf!
The city took the Green Serpent -
The baker is drunker than the baker!

Friday. thought up for the future
Eat pumpkin pie.
But I rub against the apple tree! ..
And I had to eat charlotte.

I won't hesitate to tell:
Somehow I went on a Saturday
Not to the cinema, not to work,
I went to choose my wife...
I squint here and there.
O! Beautiful madam!
I turned around - my God!
I rushed headlong home.