The correct pronunciation in English is the subject of the body. The main parts of the human body in English

It turns out that in order to teach a child how the parts of the body are called on English language, you need very little.

First, choose which words we need

Eye - eye - - [ay];
Nose - nose - - [nouz];
Mouth - mouth - - [mouse];
Cheek - cheek - - [chi: k];
Eyebrow - eyebrow - [ˈaɪbrau] - [aybrau];
Eyelash - eyelash - [ˈaɪlæʃ] - [ˈaylash];
Beard - beard - - [bied];
Language - tongue - tongue - [tang];
Forehead - forehead - [ˈfɔrɪd] - [ˈforid];
Ear - ear - [ɪə] - [ie];
Neck - neck - - [neck];
Shoulder - shoulder - [ˈʃəuldə] - [ˈsheulde];
Finger - finger - [ˈfɪŋɡə] - [ˈfinge];
Belly - stomach - [ˈstʌmək] - [ˈstamek];
Knee - knee - - [none];
Waist - waist - - [waist];
Back - back - - [back].

Now we need to make the process of learning English words for the baby interesting and bright.

What needs to be done so that the child remembers "Parts of the Body" in English?

1. Show each part of the body on yourself, and then on the baby. It is better to start with the face, having learned 3-4 names, then, each time adding 2-3 new words.

2. If the child remembers the words, move on to simple sentences:
- It's a nose (touch your nose).
What's this? -It's a nose. (touch baby's nose)

It’s a mouth (we circle the mouth along the contour without touching).
These are eyes (we touch our eyes, then the baby).
There are ears. (touch ears) One ear, two ear.

3. Swipe fun game"Who is faster?"
— Touch your eyes!
— Touch your mouth!
— Touch your ears!
Repeat faster and faster each time. True, only if the baby is no longer confused.

4. We complicate the game and call it "Confusion".
- Touch your nose. (touch eyes)
Touch your eyes. (touch nose)

If the kid has learned the words, give him the opportunity to be a commander. Let him give orders, and you - execute.

5. In parallel with these games, it would be nice to gradually learn the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes", which will help you easily learn some "Body Parts" in English

7. Watch videos and cartoons in English on the topic "Body Parts", which will help you figure out the correct pronunciation of words:

Body Parts

Parts of the body are the first thing a child feels with his skin, the first thing he wants to touch and what he wants to learn how to control. When the mother picks up the baby, he feels her hands, presses against her. He looks at her face, studies its features. When he learns to control his hands, he begins to study first his fingers, then his legs, stomach, face, etc. He also touches and visually studies the body parts and facial features of mom, dad and other close people.

Therefore, let's start learning nouns in English from body parts. They are easy to explain without translation, you can simply point to these parts of the body in yourself, your child, animals and toys.

  • For proper use of the materials, please read
  • To properly prepare your child for lessons, read
  • Don't skip topics, do them one by one. But it is possible and desirable to periodically return to the topics covered.
  • Use language transition rituals to start every class right. You can read about them in the Introductory Lessons.
  • If you yourself are just starting to learn this language, then it will be useful for you to read


Tasks can be done in any order, combined with each other.

#1 The most important task in this thread

In this topic, the child is most important to master:

  • construction This is ... (It is ...) / These are ... (this ...)
  • the use of possessive pronouns my - my / my / mine)
  • plural formation of nouns

An explanation of these structures can be found in quick reference by grammar.

Your task is to name your child and his body parts, as well as parts of the body of his toys with the appropriate pronouns.


1. Show on yourself:

  • This is my leg (this is my leg)
  • These are my legs (these are my legs)
  • I raise my leg (I raise my leg)

2. Show on male toy:

  • This is his leg (this is his leg)
  • These are his legs (these are his legs)
  • He raises his legs (he raises his leg)

3. Show on female toy:

  • This is her leg (this is her leg)
  • These are her legs (these are her legs)
  • She raises her leg (she raises her leg)

4. Show on both toys:

  • These are their legs (these are their legs)
  • They raise their legs (they raise their legs)

5. Show on the child:

  • This is your leg (this is your leg)
  • These are your legs (this is your leg)
  • You raise your leg (you raise your leg)

6. Show on yourself and the child:

  • These are our legs (these are our legs)
  • We raise our legs (we raise our legs)

Repeat the same for other parts of the body. Make everything fun! Move actively. Otherwise, it will be a very boring task for the child.


Tell your child phrases from templates, combining various words. Speak whole phrases, not individual words ("It's my hand", not just "hand"). Be sure to follow the words positive emotions and actions. Show your body parts, show the body parts of a child, as well as body parts of toys. Encourage him to repeat the movements after you. Don't translate anything. Repeat each phrase several times. It is not necessary to use all phrases and words in one lesson. One such task should last no more than 3 minutes, then finish the lesson or move on to any other task. Use toys, make skits and mini-dialogues with them.

An example of a dialogue (when the toy speaks, change your voice and facial expressions, move the toy):

  • — Touch my left hand
  • - It is your left hand (a toy or you show your left hand or the left hand of a toy)
  • — Touch my right hand
  • — It is your right hand(toy or you show your left hand or the left hand of the toy)

Then turn to the child. If he does not understand, then repeat this action with a toy.


See pictures depicting people and animals (you can watch large family photos). It will be good if the pictures or photographs are funny or will evoke positive memories in the child. Show parts of the body and face, name them. Repeat each phrase, view the same pictures or photos several times.


  • This is a nose. (This is nose)
  • This is his handThis is his hand)
  • This is my leg.(This is my leg)
  • This is your head.This is yours head)


You can mold a man from plasticine or draw on paper, and then show his body parts. The man must be funny. Make it very fat and very large (call it He is big / He is small), very high and very low (He is tall / He is low), very thick and very thin (He is thick / He is thin). Blind the leg and attach it in place of the head, shake your head and attach it in place (Is it his head? Oh, no! It is his leg!). Any absurdity will amuse your child, and at the same time cause him the necessary associations for memorizing words.


Read any verse to the child and perform the necessary movements in the text. Show body parts according to the text in the rhyme. You can hum every rhyme to any tune. Repeat the verse several times at one time. Connect toys to the game. Let them also perform movements, show their body parts.

Find the lyrics below. Some verses are repeated from last topic. But this only makes the learning process easier for you and your child.


Watch the video, sing along (even if only those words that you know) and perform the movements.


Play the games listed at the end of this topic

New vocabulary

  • you should know these new words before starting classes with your child
  • You can learn words not all words at once, but in groups of 3-5 words, and gradually add them over several days
  • The last column shows transcription in Russian letters as a hint, but I draw your attention to the fact thatRussian letters cannot convey everyone English sounds . In particular: interdental [s] and [z] (when written th), English [p], nasal [n] (when written ng) and special English vowels. Therefore, if you still do not read English well, be sure to first read )
Possessive pronouns:

yours (your)

his (neuter)


finger on hand

finger on the leg

foot (feet)

tooth teeth)

the chin



Long short

Big small

High Low

Fat thin



open - close

take - put

raise - lower

Question words:


Possessive pronouns:




raise - put down

Question words:

how much / how many



[foot (feet)]

[tus (yew)]

[left right]


[open close]

[take - put]

[raise - put down]

[how mach / how mani]

Grammar Quick Reference

For parents who are starting to learn the language or who do not speak it well enough:

  • You need to master the following grammar rules

1. Good news! Plural nouns formed by simply adding the ending -s.

Bad news! Sometimes there are exceptions to this rule. But they are few, you just need to know them.

Exceptions to the words of this topic: tooth / teeth - tooth / teeth, hair / hair - hear (no plural)

2. Good news! In English actually no gender concept. Gender can only be determined by the context of the meaning of words in animate beings. At inanimate objects kind is not. Therefore, you do not need to decline pronouns and adjectives. Their forms never change, unlike the Russian language.

3. Bad news! In English, unlike Russian, there is a concept article. The article is such service words that are used with nouns to give them a sign of certainty or indefiniteness. There are only 2 articles in English indefinite a (an - this form is used before nouns beginning with a vowel) and defined the .

  • Indefinite article a (an) came from English word"one" (one), and literally means one of many. If for the first time you name an object that does not have special signs, then before the noun meaning this word, you need to say a. For example, This is a hand (This is a hand, one of two), This is a finger (this is a finger, one of 10). Accordingly, this article is used only with singular nouns.
  • Definite article the comes from the English word "this" (that), and literally means this one. If you single out a specific object with certain characteristics, then the article the is used. For example, This is the left hand (This left hand, the left hand is one of a kind).

As can be seen from the examples, depending on the context, both articles can be used with the same nouns. If you are still confused and it is difficult for you to master this concept, which is not at all in your native Russian language, then you can use possessive pronouns before all the parts of the body that you call the child, then you do not need to use articles.

Example: This is my hand. This is your hand. This is my left hand. This is your left hand.

3. In the offer verb must always be present. It is impossible to say how in Russian without the verb "this is my hand." In English, this will literally sound like “this is my hand” - “It is my hand”. Or “I am big” - “I am big” (literally “I am big”)

4. Auxiliary verb to be(be)used in the absence of a semantic verb (“this is my hand” - “It is my hand”). Cconjugation of the verb to be in the simple present tense:

  • I am (short for I'm)
  • You are (abbreviated as You're)
  • He / she / it is (he's / she's / it's
  • We are (we're)
  • They are (they're)

5. Auxiliary verb to do(make)used in interrogative sentences with a semantic verb (What are you showing me? - What do you show me?). Cconjugation of the verb to do in the present simple:

  • I do
  • You do
  • He/she/it does
  • We do
  • They do

6. Word order in interrogative sentence : strict, you can’t change words in places. If you leave the word order as in the affirmative sentence and use only interrogative intonation, then the phrase will express surprise, not a question. The Englishman will not understand that you are asking him, he will think that you are simply surprised by some fact.

6.1 The question of clarification or about the ownership of the subject:

  1. auxiliary
  2. subject
  3. other parts of the proposal

Example: is this your hand? Is it your hand?

6.2. a question with a question word, but without a semantic verb:

  1. question word
  2. auxiliary
  3. subject
  4. other parts of the proposal

Example: Where is your hand? — Where is your hand?

6.3. Question with a question word and with a semantic verb:

  1. question word
  2. auxiliary
  3. subject
  4. semantic verb
  5. other parts of the proposal

Example: What are you showing me? What do you show me?

Rehearse each question separately. For each lesson with a child, one version of the question to consolidate the material. Run every time through every option maximum amount combinations of verbs and nouns you already know.

7. Features of the question "how much"

  • how many- used when asking about something that can be counted by the piece: how many hands do you have? How many hands do you have?
  • how much- is used when it is impossible to count by the piece, but you can say a lot or a little: how much time do you have (by piece it can only be hours or minutes, and time cannot be one or two, only little or a lot)? — how much tume do you have? how much money do you have (one piece can only have rubles or dollars, but money cannot be one or two, only a little or a lot)? How much money do you have?

8. Conjugation of the verb to have(to have) in simple present tense:

  • I have
  • You have
  • He/she/it has
  • We have
  • They have

Phrase Templates

  • You must master these phrase patterns and try to combine all the words from the list of new vocabulary according to their example.
  • You can use not all phrases at once, but gradually add phrases with new grammatical structures (for example, first simple affirmative sentences from the first and second person, then add the third person, then questions without interrogative words, and then questions with question words). While you are mastering one grammatical structure, you pass all new words through it in the game with the child so that you remember the grammatical structure.
  • If your child already knows how to count, you can enter the score already in this lesson. Count arms, legs, eyes, ears, etc. (one - one [one], two - two [tu], three - three [sri], four - four [fo], five - five [five], six - six [sis], seven - seven [seven], eight - eight [eit], nine - nine [nein], ten - ten [ten]). If your child can't count yet, don't use numbers in class just yet.

I have hands

I have 2 hands

Do you have legs

How many hands do you have?

I have 2 hands

How many fingers am I showing?

I show you 4 fingers

Where is my hand?

Here is my hand

He has a tail

I show you my hand

Show me your hand

This is my hand.

This is your hand.

Where is my hand?

Here is my hand

What am I showing you?

What are you showing me?

Is it my arm or my leg?

Is this my right or left hand?

Yes. Correctly. You are right.

I raise my hand

I lower my hand

What am I lifting?

Raise your leg/arm/head

Lower your leg/arm/head

I clap my hands

Clap your hands

Let's clap your hands

I touch my/your hand

You touch my/your hand

Touch my/your nose

This is the left (right) hand

He is big, you are small

I have two hands

How many hands do you have?

I have two hands

How many fingers do I show?

I show you 4 fingers

Where is my hand?

I show you my hand

Show me your hand

This is my hand.

It is your hand.

Where is my hand?

What do I show you?

What do you show me?

Is it my hand or my leg?

Is it my right or left hand?

Yes. right. You are right.

I put down my hand

What do I raise?

Raise your leg/hand/head

Put your leg/hand/head

Let's clap our hands

I touch my / your hand

You touch my / your hand

Touch my / your nose

This is the left (right) hand

He is big, you are small


[ah have that hands]


[how mani hands do yu have]

[ah have that hands]

[how mani fingers do ai have]

[ay show yu fo fingers]

[wearyz mai hand]

[hieriz mai hand]

[hee haz e teil]

[ai show yu mai hand]

[show mi yo hand]

[zis from my hand]

[it from yo hand]

[wee from my hand]

[hieriz mai hand]

[wat doo ai show yu]

[wat doo yu show mi]

[from it mai hand o mai leg]

[from it may wright o left hand]

[yes. wright. yu a wright]

[i rise my hand]

[ai pete down my hand]

[wat doo ai raise]

[raise yo leg/hand/head]

[put yo leg/hand/head]

[ay clap my hands]

[clap yo hands]

[lets clap aue hands]

[ai touch mai / yo hand]

[yu touch mai / yo hand]

[touch mai / yo hand]

[zys from the left (right) hand]

[hee from big, u ar pitches]

Possible Ancillary Items for a Given Topic

  • Toys that can show parts of the body and face
  • Pictures with large images of people and animals, where you can show parts of the body or facial features. You can also use family photos.
  • Fun music to sing rhymes to or play the freeze game


You can show these cards to your child while learning the corresponding words. Cards can be shown in in electronic format or print and cut.

ADVICE! Cards should be used only to consolidate knowledge of new words. Do not start learning words from cards. Words should be taught in context with other already known words.

  • What is it? - What is it?
  • What do I show you? What am I showing you?
  • Is it nose or eye? Is that a nose or an eye?

Poems on the subject

Dance To the Beat

and stamp your feet

Come on and dance to the beat.

and nod your head

Now it's time to go to bed.

Dance to the rhythm

Shake your feet

Let's dance to the rhythm

Wave your hands

and nod your head

And now it's time to sleep.

[dance to the beat]

[shake yo legz

end stamp yo fit]

[kamon and dance to the beat]

[uive yo armz

end nod yo head]

[know it's time to go to bad]

My Body

And a little nose.

My body

10 fingers on the hands,

10 toes,

And a small nose.

[mai badi]

[tan fingers]


[end a little nose]

Show Me Five Fingers

Show me five fingers

Show me four fingers

Touch your knee.

Show me three fingers

Touch your nose.

Show me two fingers

Touch your toes.

Show me one finger

With this finger

show me 5 fingers

Show me 5 fingers

Let me see.

Show me 4 fingers

Touch your knees.

Show me 3 fingers

Touch your nose.

Show me 2 fingers

Touch your toes

Show me 1 finger

Let me see.

With one finger

Show me.

[show mi five fingers]

[show mi five fingers]

[let mi si]

[show mi pho fingers]

[touch yo ni]

[show mi sri fingers]

[touch you know]

[show mi tou fingers]

[touch yo toz]

[show mi one finger]

[let mi si]

[wiz sis finger]

[point to mi]

Two Little Eyes

Two little eyes to look around.

Two little ears to hear each sound.

One little nose to smell what's sweet.

One little mouth that likes to eat.

two small eyes

Two small eyes look around.

Two little ears hear every sound

One little nose feels something sweet

One little mouth loves to eat

[that little eye]

[to that little eye to that look around]

[tu little iez tu hie ich sound]

[One Little Nose To Smal Watts Sweet]

[One Little Mouse Z Likes To It]

Body Part Poem

On my face I have a nose

And way down here I have 10 toes.

I have two eyes that I can blink,

I have a head to help me think.

Here's my chin and very near

I have a mouth with which I eat.

Here are arms to hold up high,

And here's a hand to wave good-bye.

Poem about body parts

There is a nose on my face

And below I have 10 toes

I have two eyes that I can blink

I have a head that helps me think

This is my chin and very close

I have a mouth that I can eat

These are my hands that I raise high

This is the hand I wave goodbye

[badi pats poem]

[he may face ai have e know]

[end way down chie ai have ten toes]

[ay have tu az z ai can blink]

[ay have eh head to help mi sync]

[hieriz mai chin and vari nie]

[ay have e mouse wiz wich ah it]

[hie a amz tu hold up hai]

[end hieriz e hand to wave goodbye]

I have

It's very well!

I have

I have a head.

This is very good!

I have a nose

So that I can smell.

I have two eyes

And I can see

I have two ears

And I can listen

I have two legs

So that I can walk

I have a mouth

So that I can speak.

[ah hav]

[ah hav ah head]

[it's variable]

[ah have e know]

[saw ai ken smel]

[ah hav to ace]

[end ai ken si]

[ah hav tou iez]

[end ai keng hie]

[ah hav to legz]

[saw ai can walk]

[ah have e mouse]

[sou ai ken tok]

Do it

Pick up, put down, stand up, turn round

Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down

Look left, look right, look up, look down.

Turn round, sit down, touch something …brown!

Point to your teacher, point to the door,

Look at the window, look at the floor

Stand on your left leg, stand on your right.

Now sit down, touch something…white

Put your hands and touch your toes.

Cross your fingers, hold your nose.

Bend your knees and shake your head

Stamp your feet, touch something…red.

Do this

Pick something up, put it down, stand up, turn around

Clap left, right, bottom.

Look left, right, up, down

Look around, touch something brown

Point to yourself, then to the door

Look at the window, then at the floor

Step on the left foot, then on the right

Sit down, touch something white

Put your hands down and touch your toes

Cross your fingers, touch your nose

Bend your knees, hug 'em and shake your head

Stomp your feet, touch something red

[du it]

[pick up, pick down, stand up, ten around]

[clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down]

[bow left, bow right, bow up, bow down]

[ten round, sit down, touch samsin…brown]

[point tu yo tiche, point tu ze do]

[bow at the window, bow at the fl]

[stand onyo left leg, stand onyo right]

[naw sit down, touch samsin... white]

[put yo hands and touch yo toes]

[cross yo fingers, hold yo nose]

[band yo bottom and shake yo hand]

[stamp yo fit, touch samsin… red]

body parts

Knees and toes, knees and toes;

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Body parts

Knees, toes, knees and toes

Head, shoulders, knees, toes

Eyes, ears, mouth and nose

[badi pats]

[Head & Shoulders, Ni & Toes]

[down and tows, down and tows]

[Head & Shoulders, Bottom & Toes]

[ayz, iez, mouse and nose]

Jump the rope

Jump, jump, jump.

And jump it low.

Jump, jump, jump.

And jump it slow.

Jump, jump, jump.

Walk tiptoe, walk tiptoe

Very slow, very slow

Jump, jump, jump.

Clap your hands

And stamp your feet.

Jump, jump, jump.

Jump rope

Jump over the rope

Jump over the rope

Jump, jump, jump

jump high

And jump low

Jump, jump, jump

jump fast

And jump slowly

Jump, jump, jump

Walk on toes

Very slow (2 times)

Jump, jump, jump

Clap your hands

Stomp your feet

Jump, jump, jump

[jump the rope]

[jump the rope]

[jump the rope]

[jump, jump, jump]

[jump it high]

[end jump it low]

[jump, jump, jump]

[jump it fast]

[end jump it slow]

[jump, jump, jump]

[walk tiptoe]

[vari slow, vari slow]

[jump, jump, jump]

[clap yo hands]

[end stamp yo fit]

[jump, jump, jump]

Turn around

Make your right hand clap, clap, clap.

Make your left hand clap, clap, clap.

Turn around 1,2,3.

It's easy you can see!

Make your right foot tap, tap, tap.

Make your left foot tap, tap, tap.

Turn around 1,2,3.

It is easy, you can see!

turn around

slam right hand clap, clap, clap.

Clap your left hand clap, clap, clap.

Turn around, 1, 2, 3.

It's simple, look!

Stomp your right foot top, top,

Stomp your left foot top, top,

Turn around, 1, 2, 3

It's simple, look!

[tön round]

[make yo right hand clap, clap, clap]

[make yo left hand clap, clap, clap]

[tyon eround, aun, tu, sri]

[itiz easy, yu ken si]

[make yo right foot tap, tap, tap]

[make yo left foot tap, tap, tap]

[tyon eround, one, tu, sri]

[itz easy, yu ken si]

Video on this topic

Everybody has a body

Everybody has a body

Everybody has a body

And everybody has body parts

You have ten fingers

You have ten toes

You have two ears

You have two eyes

And you have your own nose

You have two arms

You have two legs

And you have hair on the top of your head

Everybody has a body

And everybody has body parts

You use your hands to pick things up

You use your arms to get great big hugs

You use legs to run around

And your feet always touch the ground

Everybody has a body

And everybody has body parts

You use your eyes when you're looking

You use your nose to smell what's cooking

You use your ears to hear the song

You use your mouth to sign along

Everybody has a body

And everybody has body parts

Hey everybody! I have an idea

Why don't we all play a game!

And touch your nose

Wiggle your toes

Wrinkle your nose

Everybody has a body

And everybody has body parts

Everyone has a body

Everyone has a body

And everyone has body parts

Body parts

You have ten fingers

You have ten toes

you have two ears

you have two eyes

And you have one nose

you have two hands

you have two legs

And you have hair on the top of your head

Everyone has a body

And everyone has body parts

Body parts

You use brushes to lift things

You use your hands to hug

You use your legs to run around

Your feet are always on the ground

Everyone has a body

And everyone has body parts

Body parts

You use your eyes when you look

You use your nose when you sniff what's being cooked

You use your ears to listen to a song

You use your mouth to sing alone

Everyone has a body

And everyone has body parts

Body parts

Hey guys! I have an idea

Why don't we all play a game!


Touch your head

Touch your toes

touch your hands

And touch your nose

shake your head

Wiggle your toes

wave your hands

Wrinkle your nose

Everyone has a body

And everyone has body parts

Body parts

Body parts

Body parts

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes

This is me!

Games on this topic

1. If the child has already mastered the words and can name them, then show the parts of the body and ask them to name them in English.

What do I show you? What am I showing you

If the child only understands the words, but does not yet pronounce them, then call him body parts and ask them to show them.

Show me your left leg. Show me your left hand.

If he is wrong, he must perform some funny task. If he guesses correctly, then you are performing a funny task (for example, crow, croak, etc.)

Friends! Help make this site better! Write in the comments if you liked the lesson, what you want to change, add! Thank you!

When talking about ourselves, our appearance, at a doctor's appointment, when talking with friends, colleagues, buying clothes, we very often mention body parts. If you are learning English, then this topic should not be missed. Having mastered all the vocabulary, you will be able to travel without problems, visit shops abroad and, if necessary, seek medical help. So let's get started...

The question of where to start studying body parts in English puzzles many. It is best to start assimilation of the large components of our body, then consider each element in detail. We will present all the information in a table to make it easier for you to navigate.

External parts of the body

The main parts include, of course, large elements: torso, head, legs, arms. Each of them has components. How does it all sound in English? Interesting?

parts of body

A little bit of anatomy

When all the basic words on this topic are already familiar, then you can move on to the use cases.

Set expressions

With body parts in English, there are many idiomatic expressions that are not amenable to either word by word or logical translation. Your task is to learn them by heart. For example:

Hands (with the word arm):

to be up in arms- Be ready to get your way.

to give right arm to do it- give everything (give a lot) to do it.

to twist someone's arm- twist hands, push

Eyes (with the word eyes):

to keep an eye on something- keep an eye on something

to have eyes in the back of the head- have eyes in the back of the head

Someone's eyes are bigger than someone's stomach- eat with eyes

Hair (with the word hair):

let someone's hair down- relax, take a break

keep your hair on don't freak out, calm down

to be tearing someone's hair out- be obsessed with something

Leg (with the word leg):

to be pulling someone's leg = fool around, joke

It cost an arm and leg = is too expensive

to have not got a leg to stand on = no evidence.

Body parts in English is not complicated, but important topic. Without her understanding, knowledge of all the words will be very difficult to move forward. Yes, at any time you can look into the dictionary. But very frequent peeping is tiring. We have given you the entire list, so put down the dictionary and study with us. Don't try to remember everything at once. It is best to do this by the groups that we have presented to you.

Parts of the body

Goal: improving lexical skills on the topic "parts of the body"

move lesson

    Organizing time.

Good morning boys and girls! Take your places and let's begin our lesson. First of all answer my questions:

    What day is it today? (Today is the 7 th of April.)

    What day of the week is it today? (Today is Monday.)

    What is the weather today? (The weather is sunny, warm, not cloudy, not cold, not rainy and not windy.)

    Who is missing today? (… absent today.)

    How do you think what we will do today?

    Look at the picture and think, what is the topic and purpose of today's lesson?

(The teacher during organizational moment welcomes the children and asks basic questions related to the date of the lesson, the weather and the presence or absence of children in class. The teacher then draws the attention of the children with a picture of body parts. Children are invited to independently formulate the topic of the lesson and the goal. Time 2-3 minutes.)

    phonetic charging.

Look at the board. Now your task will be to listen and to repeat the words.

    [e]pe n,le ter,he lp,le g, hea d, te n

    Ni ce, ki nd,ey e,ey es,bye , whi te

    See , mee t, stree t, tee th, fee t, knee

    [əu]go ,no ,no se, toe , toe s, shou leader

(The teacher turns on the audio recording and invites the children to listen and repeat each word, while observing the correct English articulation of sounds. After listening, the children read on their own. Time 3-4 minutes.)

    Speech workout.

Now let's play. I'll give you some cards with the English words and some cards with the Russian words. Your task is to match these cards.













foot (feet)

foot (feet)


arm (shoulder to wrist)




finger on the leg


arm hand)







tooth (teeth)

tooth teeth)


finger on hand





(The teacher invites the children to play a game - connect English titles body parts and their Russian equivalents. To conduct this game, the teacher gives each participant a card with an English or Russian word. Children get up from their seats, disperse around the class and, at the command of the teacher, begin to look for their "couple" with the English or Russian equivalent. Then the pairs line up in one row near the blackboard and read the words. First, in a pair, the participant who has the English version reads, then the other participant reads the Russian version. Tokens are awarded to the first three pairs that correctly found equivalents faster than the rest and lined up near the board. The game lasts 2-3 minutes.)

    Fizminutka number 1.

- Are you tired? Let's have a rest! Stand up, please!

(Children get up from their seats and do exercises. To help them, the teacher turns on a video with exercises in English. Time 2 minutes.)

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,

And eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose,

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

    Group work.

(The teacher divides the class into groups of 3-4 people and distributes worksheets to each group. Childrenwork 3-4 minutes.)

Next task for you is to fill in the vowels.

(After completing the task in groups, the teacher collects the answer sheets, and divides the children into pairs and distributes sheets with a new task to each pair.Dchildrenwork 4-5 minutes)

Your task is to correct the words below.

    Individual work with cards.

(Each student gets individual card with test task and completes it for 2-3 minutes, then the teacher collects the answer sheets.)

Now your task will be to circle the correct answer:

    Fizminutka number 2.

- Are you tired? Let's have a rest! standup, please! (The teacher invites the children to complete the second physical minute, saying the poem aloud. Time 1-2 minutes.)

Hands up, hands down

hands on hips,

Sit down!

stand up,

hands to the sides,

bent left,

Bent right!

Well done! Take your places!


Next task for you is to solve the crossword.(The teacher invites the children to solve an unusual crossword puzzle. the main task- correctly choose the names of body parts in English to make it keyword shoulders. This word is written in red chalk on the board, the rest of the cells are empty. Runtime 4-5 minutes.)

(On the right in the table is indicated example crossword solutions.

    Mysterious letter.

We have got a strange letter.some wordshave disappeared. Your task will be to complete the sentences.(The teacher shows the children a mysterious letter in which some words are missing. The task of the children is to insert the missing words. Each child receives an individual letter. Timefulfillment 3-4 minutes.)

A hand has five…. A foot has five…. We have one head, one ….., one …. and one…. We have two eyes, two …, two ……, two ….., two ….., two ….. and two …. A man has thirty-two……


A hand has fivefingers. A foot has fivetoes. We have one head, oneneck, onenoseand onemouth. We have two eyes, twoears, twoarms, twolegs, twohands, twofeetand twoknees. A man has thirty-twoteeth.


What did we do at the lesson today, children?

What is the topic of our lesson? What was the purpose of our lesson? What have we learned today and how can it be useful to us in life? What mistakes did you make most often?

(The teacher asks questions in Russian, listens to the students' answers. After that, the teacher first invites the children to evaluate themselves and argue their assessment, then sets the final marks. If the mark that the teacher puts differs from the one that the student put himself, the teacher must argue solution.Time 3-4 minutes.)


The teacher distributes sheets with homework individually to each.


The teacher gives the children a template of a seven-color flower petal, the task of the children is to color the petal in accordance with their mood. Yellow - good mood, green - good mood, blue - sad mood, black - bad mood.

After all the petals are colored, the teacher fastens them into one flower and places them on the mood board. (Time 3 minutes)

Today I want to continue a series of articles about important groups of words. We offer to study the names of body parts in English. Many students admit that they know this topic superficially, only basic words, because their field of activity is not related to anatomy or medicine. But our life is so unpredictable: sometimes not knowing just one word in stressful situation could endanger someone else's life or your own.

When my close friend was vacationing in Europe, a very unpleasant incident happened to her. While walking, she stumbled and fell. The pain was very strong, they called an ambulance, only my friend did not know how to say "ankle" or "shin" on the phone. Fortunately, there was an English-speaking compatriot nearby who helped. But after this story, my friend can take the body parts test with her eyes closed.

And, of course, very often in a conversation we describe other people, their appearance and character. These are all cases in which knowledge of body parts in English will help you a lot.

Our body is made up of a body body), heads ( head), two hands ( two arms) and two legs ( two legs). We see with our eyes eyes), hear with ears ( ears), catch smells with the nose ( nose), eat with teeth ( teeth) located in the mouth ( mouth, lips - lips). When you are learning new words, it is best to work with pictures. We invite you to pronounce the words out loud and “apply” them to yourself, naming your (or someone else’s) body parts. And here are the pictures!

Body. Body

Word Translation
Body Body
hand Hand
head Head
Neck Neck
Elbow Elbow
shoulder Shoulder
Chest Thorax, chest
Armpit Armpit
arm Arm (from wrist to shoulder)
Abdomen, stomach Stomach
Waist Waist
Hip Thigh (side)
Thigh Hip
Knee Knee
Calf Calf)
Shin Shin
leg Leg
Foot(plural - feet) Foot (pl. - feet)

Face. face

Hope the first part was easy. Now let's look at the face and find out what it consists of. Do you know all these words?

Word Translation
face Face
Hair Hair
Skin Leather
Eyebrow Eyebrow
Forehead Forehead
Eyelash Eyelash
eye Eye
ear Ear
Cheek Cheek
nose Nose
Nostril Nostril
Mole mole, birthmark
Mouth Mouth
Lip Lip
Jaw Jaw
Chin The chin

Arms and legs. hands and feet

The next group of words for the curious. Consider the structure of the hands and feet.

Idioms with body parts in English

We ourselves do not notice how often we use set expressions (idioms) in our speech. For example, phrases such as “ears on the top of your head”, “the soul has gone to the heels”, “sit back”, etc. are common. Set expressions should be known by heart, as they cannot be translated literally. All words in the phrase lose their original meaning, and the expression is translated by any phrase as a whole. They say about a man deeply in love he is head over heels in love(lit. “he has a head above his heels in love”). If someone promises something but does not deliver, use the expression lip service(lit. "lip services") - empty promises. When they say that the said information should be trusted, this means that it is from a reliable source - the horse's mouth(lit. "from the mouth of a horse"). And in case someone tries not to notice certain facts, they will definitely say that he looks at everything through his fingers - to turn a blind eye to(lit. "to turn with a blind eye to something").