Selection of a new partner or partner - what should be considered. Is it good or bad to be partners?

Partner, see lady Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. partner n. companion Dictionary of Russian sons ... Synonym dictionary

PARTNER see Partner ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 2 partner (11) sex partner (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

girl friend

girlfriend- partner, lover, lover, friend ... Dictionary foreign words edited by I. Mostitsky

girl friend- partner, lover, lover, friend ... Dictionary of foreign words edited by I. Mostitsky

girlfriend- partner, lover, lover, friend ... Dictionary of foreign words edited by I. Mostitsky

A special type of massage promotes the development of sexual potential, enhances sensitivity and sexual function. This massage is shown to everyone, regardless of marital status, age and sexual experience. He enriches intimate life,… … Sexological Encyclopedia

This term has other meanings, see Rock and roll (meanings) ... Wikipedia

Igor Starygin. Farewell Musketeer! ... Wikipedia


  • A real partner, A. McLean, J. Bruce, K. Brown. The collection includes action-packed novels by foreign masters. "Night without End" by A. McLean, which attracts attention with deep psychologism combined with a detective beginning, is replaced by intriguing ...
  • A True Partner, A. McLean, J. Bruce, K. Brown. The collection includes action-packed novels by foreign masters. "Night without End" by A. McLean, which attracts attention with deep psychologism combined with a detective beginning, is replaced by intriguing ...

Hello. Can you please tell me how to write radio partner or radio partner?

Compound words with first part radio- are written together: radio partner.

Question #281556
Hello. Regarding answer 281533: please provide a rule so that I can justify the dash and which I can refer to in similar cases. Thank you.

Answer help desk Russian language

Applications are appended with a hyphen, for example: partner countries. But if in combination with the application one of the parts contains a space (that is, it is a phrase), a dash is used instead of a hyphen: EU Member States.

Question #251708
Dear employees of the Russian language service! Thank you for your invaluable work.
I address you rarely, but aptly :) Do not scold me if I state it poorly.
How do you think the word "code-sharing" will be used in indirect cases?
Code-sharing (English code sharing) - an agreement on the joint service of an airline. It is formed by analogy with the word "weekend" (lit. "end of the week"): this is the designation of a flight with a joint double code of the operator and the partner airline.
If the word "week" does not exist in Russian, and therefore this word does not change (we do not say "weekend"), then the word "code" in Russian is present, and therefore can appear in a sentence in various case forms. Formally, the main word is "code" male, respectively, both words will be inclined: code-sharing, code-sharing, code-sharing ... There is no analogy with "barcode" here, since in this complex word the main word is "code" and it comes after the application "bar" .
But if you follow a different logic, namely that the expression "code-sharing" is a "tracing paper" from of English language and the first part is invariable, then it should be used as follows: code-share agreement, code-share flight, etc. - as, in fact, it is currently used. The adjective "code-share" is also formed from it.
I want to figure out whether the word "code" should change in this case.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

first part compound word(code) no need to decline. Correctly: codeshare, codeshare. Wed: Web, Web, but web mastering, web mastering.

Good day!!!
I have the following question. Words such as partner store, pencil case are written with a hyphen, everything is simple here. And how to write in the case of a client- individual or a resident individual? Those. where to the name of a noun. an adjective is added. I believe it is exactly as I wrote.
Thanks in advance!!!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In this case, the hyphen is replaced by a dash with spaces: the client is an individual, an individual is a resident.

Question #217545
Hello, please tell me how the expression is written: directors of partner companies, with a davis or separately?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct with a hyphen.
Question #213294
Please tell me, is everything correct "our employees are trained at the factories of foreign partner companies"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The offer is correct.
Question #212791
Good day! I have a few questions for you! 1. Is the preposition "from" used correctly: The area of ​​the Ural Federal District is 10.5% of the territory of Russia 2. Is the word "airport" correctly used: The beginning of a large-scale reconstruction of the airport complex 3. Is it correct to write: geographical advantage 4. Is there a hyphen or a dash? Airlines-partners of OJSC "Airport "Koltsovo" 5. Is there a hyphen or a dash here? Airlines - participants in the negotiation process 6. Is the phrase "negotiation process on cooperation" correct thank you very much!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. Correct spelling both with and without the preposition _ot_. 2. The offer is correct. 3. Out of context, the combination is correct. 3. You should write a hyphen. Also note that the names of airports are written without quotation marks: _JSC "Koltsovo Airport"_. 5. Correct dash. 6. The combination is incorrect. That's right: _negotiations about cooperation_.
Question #209166
Hello! Tell me: are quotation marks necessary or not for the word Golden in the text ("Golden Partner"), which is printed on a memorable souvenir in honor of the company's 10th anniversary to be presented to the most honored partner clients. With gratitude, Elena Faikina.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Quotes are not required.

I think many asked this question when starting to dance pair dances. I will make a reservation right away that this article will be intended primarily for dancers of social dances - bachata, salsa, zouk, tango, hustle and others. Although lovers of other dance styles, of course, will be able to learn a lot of important and interesting things here.

Before looking for a partner (or partner) for dancing, you need to identify your requirements. You, of course, understand that the more requirements, the less people can pass through this "sieve".

The trend in the “partner market” is that there are much fewer dancing men than girls. Even if a girl does not end up with admirers, it is far from a fact that she can easily find a dance partner. Most likely, you will have to fight.

There are two types of search - active and passive. Active search- it's up to you to search for ads according to suitable criteria. Passive - you make an ad and wait for someone to respond to it. As you may have guessed, it is better to use both.

So how do you write a good ad for a dance partner?

Here are some tips for you:

    Analysis of competitors. Of course, it's best to look at other ads in your category before writing an ad and make a note of what you like and what you don't.

    Creativity. Creativity to the point will allow you to stand out and attract additional attention.

    Photos. I think everything is clear here - it's always nice to look at high-quality photos. And it's even better to dance with a beautiful person.

    Partner requirements. They should not be too many and they should not be too high. Put yourself in the place of a potential partner and ask if you would write to the owner of this ad (or profile).

Advertisements can be placed on the following sites:

And now let's talk about where you can find "that one" partner if you search in the "active" mode. Here are some ideas for you:

    Friends. Ask your friends of the opposite sex if they are interested in dancing. They may be willing to keep you company.

    Dance parties. If you dance a little, then after dancing with a good man(!) you can ask if he is looking for a partner (shu) for dancing.

    Colleagues (classmates, classmates). If you have a good relationship at work (at school, at the institute, etc.), why not try? Perhaps this is where you will find the partner of your dreams.

    Dance schools. If you are in a dance school and have not yet found a partner in your group, then you can change the group, or change the dance school.

    Experience of other people. Ask for advice from your dance teacher, your dancing acquaintances. What do they think of it?