English for lawyers just english. Reshebnik just english English for lawyers basic course

The textbook was prepared by the teaching staff of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov based on curriculum English language course for law schools. Complies with the current Federal...

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"Just English. English for Lawyers. Basic Course" is a new, improved and supplemented edition, revised in connection with its inclusion in the anniversary series of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Classical University Textbook.
The textbook includes modern professionally oriented materials from legal and socio-political sources in the UK and the USA, processed for law students. The texts of the manual allow you to master the legal vocabulary, study the basic concepts of jurisprudence on authentic material, learn about the history and functioning of state, political and judicial structures English-speaking countries, as well as to develop much-needed text analysis and discussion skills for a legal professional.
The textbook was prepared by the teaching staff of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov on the basis of the curriculum of the English language course for law schools. Corresponds to the current Federal State Standard of Higher Education of the new generation.
For legal professionals studying English.
13th edition, stereotypical.

Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov

Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​Department of English for humanitarian faculties

Yu. L. Tumanova

V. A. Queen MacAri

M. L. Sveshnikova

E. V. Tikhomirova

Just English


Textbook for law schools, ed. T. N. Shishkina

work. Coordinates the selection of audio and video materials for law students.

Tikhomirova Elizaveta Vladimirovna - Teaches at the Department of English for the Humanities Faculties of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov since 1990, Elizaveta Vladimirovna coordinates methodological work in English in the first year of the Faculty of Law. Organizes seminars and master classes for legal professionals in the field of teaching English.


unit 1. The Need For Law 4

Unit 2, The First Laws: Laws of Babylon 8

unit 3. The First Laws: Ancient Greece and Rome 12

unit 4. The Foundation of British Law: The Magna Carta .... 15 unit 5. The Foundation of British Law: Habeas Corpus Act ... 19

unit 6. Foundation of British Law:

The Petition of Rights and the Bill of Rights 21

unit 7. The European Law of the 19th Century:

Napoleon's Code 25


unit 1. The Study of Crime 30

Unit 2. Crimes and Criminals 36

unit 3. The Causes of Crime 39

unit 4. Punishment 43

unit 5. The Purpose of State Punishment 48

unit6. Treatment of Criminals 49

unit 7. Capital Punishment: History 55

Unit 8. Capital Punishment: For and Against 60


unit 1. The History of Police Forces 68

unit 2. The Organization of Police Forces 71

unit 3. Police Powers 77

unit 4. Police and the Public 87

Unit 5. Scotland Yard 96

unit 6. Police Techniques 101

Contents VIII

unit 1. Origins of the Jury 108

unit 2.Jury Duty 112

unit 3. Selection of the Trial Jury 118

unit 4. In the Courtroom. . . 124

unit 5 Kinds of Cases 130

unit 6 Steps of the Trial 137

unit 7. The Value of Juries 143


unit 1. Penal and Correctional Institutions

throughout History 152

Unit 2. Prison Population 160

unit 3 Prison Life 165

unit 4. Alternatives to Prison 172

unit 5. Rehabilitation 178

Part I Famous Legal Documents throughout History 186

  1. Hammurabi's Code of Laws (1758 B.C.) 186

  2. The Laws of William the Conqueror (1066-1087) 188

  3. The Magna Carta (1215) 189

  4. The Petition of Rights (1628) 195

  5. The English Bill of Rights (1689) 199

  6. The U.S. Declaration of Independence (1776) 204

  7. The U.S. Bill of Rights (1791) 207

  8. European Prison Rules (1990s) 208
Part II. Philosophers of Law 215

Part III. Notorious Criminals 220

Part IV. Famous Detectives - 231

Part V The Stupidest Criminals 234


" Just English. English for lawyers. Basic course"-

this is a new, improved and supplemented edition of a series of textbooks JustEnglish.

The proposed textbook is intended for students of law schools and faculties and is designed for a wide audience of professionals studying English in connection with the legal specialty.

The textbook includes modern authentic professionally oriented materials from legal and socio-political issues, processed and adapted for law students.

In accordance with the requirements of the curricula of law schools, the textbook is built on the principles of complexity and intensity using the latest materials, tools and teaching methods. An integrated approach and interdisciplinary connections make it possible to take into account the degree of familiarity with the issues under discussion on mother tongue. Intensity is achieved by providing a variety of texts and tasks of various volumes and degrees of complexity within one section (unit). Modern teaching methods make it possible to consistently guide students through sections of special vocabulary, form basic skills in working with literature in the specialty and use the knowledge gained for conversation in English and discussion on the topics studied.

The manual allows you to teach students with different levels of knowledge and provides ample opportunities for classroom and independent work. Legal vocabulary is introduced thematically, consolidated in a variety of exercises and finds its application in discussions and role-playing games.

The textbook consists of five chapters and an anthology.

  • AT first chapter discussed common problems rights and
    a historical overview of legal systems is given.

  • In the second chapter issues are considered in detail
    criminology and criminalistics.
just english. English for Lawyers

Chapter I. Law Worldwide



  • Rules, laws, regulations, law codes

  • Lawgivers, legislators

  • civil law, criminal law

  • government
What is your understanding of these words? give examples.

Law and Society

Mr. Jones, having murdered his wife, was burying her in the garden one night, when his neighbor, hearing the noise, asked him what he was doing.

"Just burying the cat," said Mr. Jones.

"Funny sort of time to bury a cat," said the neighbor.

"Funny sort of cat," said Mr. Jones.

Now it is obvious to everyone that, in a community such as the one in which we live, some kind of law is necessary to try to prevent people like Mr. Jones from killing their wives. When the world was at a very primitive stage, there was no such law, and, if a man chose to kill his wife or if a woman succeeded in killing her husband, that was their own business and no one interfered officially.

But, for a very long time now, members of every community have made laws for the mselves in self-protection. Otherwise it would have meant that the stronger man could have done what he liked with the weaker, and bad men could have joined together and terrorized the whole neighborhood.

If it were not for the law, you could not go out in broad daylight without the fear of being kidnapped, robbed or murdered. There are far, far more good people in the world than bad, but there are enough of the bad to make law necessary in the interests of everyone.

There is no difficulty in understanding this but it is just as important to understand that law is not necessary just because

there are bad people in the world. If we were all as good as we ought. to be, laws would still be necessary. If we never told lies, never took anything that didn't belong to us, never omftted to do anything that we ought to do and never did anything that we ought not to do, we should still require a set of rules of behavior, in other words laws, to enable us to live in any kind of satisfactory state.

How is one good man in a motor-car to pass another good man also in a motor-car coming in the opposite direction, unless there is some rule of the road? People sometimes hover in front of one another when they are walking on the pavement before they can pass, and they may even collide. Not much harm is done then, but, if two good men in motor-cars going in the opposite directions hover in front of one another, not knowing which side to pass, the result will probably be that there will be two good men less in the world.

So you can see that there must be laws, however good we may be. Unfortunately, however, we are none of us always good and some of us are bad, or at any rate have our bad moments, and so the law has to provide for all kinds of possibilities. Suppose you went to a greengrocer and bought some potatoes and found on your return home that they were moldy or even that some of them were stones. What could you do if there were no laws on the subject? In the absence of law you could only rely upon the law of the jungle. You could go back to the shop, demand proper potatoes and hit the shopkeeper on the nose if he refused to give them to you. You might then look round the shop to try to find some decent potatoes. While you were doing this, the shopkeeper might hit you on the back of the neck with a pound weight. Altogether not a very satisfactory morning shopping.

Or you might pay your money to go to see a film at a cinema. You might go inside, sit down and wait. When the cinema was full, might be flashed on the screen: "You"ve had it, Chums". And that might be the whole of the entertainment. If there were no law, the manager could safely remain on the premises and, as you went out, smile at you and say: "Hope

Chapter I. Law Worldwide

you"ve enjoyed the show, sir." That is to say, he could do this safely if he were bigger than you or had a well-armed bodyguard. Every country tries, therefore, to provide laws which will help its people to live safely and as comfortably as possible. This is not at all an easy thing to do, and no country has been successful in producing laws which are entirely satisfactory. But we are far better off with the imperfect laws which we have than if we had none at all.

TASK 1. Work in groups. Find in the text law-related words and expressions. Compare your lists with those of the other students. In your opinion, which of the items are legal terms? Consult a legal dictionary.

TASK 2. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

  1. self-defense

  2. bodyguard

  3. society

  4. behavior rules

  5. law of the jungle

  6. imperfect laws

  7. in the light of day

  8. harm

  9. anticipate all possibilities

  1. rely on someone

  2. demand
TASK 3. Translate the following passage into English paying special attention to the link words and expressions in bold type:

Obviously, that the law is necessary in the interests of the whole society.

Otherwise people would have to live by the law of the jungle.

Unfortunately, It is not easy to create perfect laws.

Hence, each community tries to establish its own own rules behavior.

However the law cannot satisfy everyone.

In any case, imperfect laws are better than lawlessness.

TASK 4. Make your own chain of arguments with the link words and expressions listed in Task 3, using the following keywords:

to rely upon smb./smth.

TASK 5. Which parts of the text correspond to the followingheadings? Put them in a logical order:

  • considering possibilities
    historical background
    D conclusion

  • examples
    P joke

Use the structural pattern built up in Task 5 to make a speech on one of the following topics:

  • Laws haven"t changed since primeval times.

  • However hard people try, laws are always

  • Laws are not for ordinary people, they are
    for lawyers.

  • All laws are situational. They suit only
    a particular place at a particular time.

  • There is some eternal law. It is good for all times
    and places.
just english. English for Lawyers

Chapter I. Law Worldwide

Just for Fun

When asked to explain the difference between an ordinary citizen and a lawyer, a well-known barrister explained, "If an ordinary citizen gave you an orange, he would say, "I give you this orange." But if a lawyer gave you an orange, he would say, "I hereby give, grant and convey to you all my interest, right, title and claim of and in this orange, together with all its rind, skin, juice and pulp, and all right and advantage therein with full power to bite, cut, suck, or otherwise eat or consume the said orange, or give away or dispose of to any third party the said orange, with or without its rind, skin, juice and pulp, subject to any amendments subsequently introduced or drawn up to this agreement."

TASK 2. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why is it difficult to judge about the earliest laws?

  2. Where and why did the first laws appear?

  3. What issues did the early laws emphasize? Why?
TASK 3. The word LEGAL has the following words in Russian:

1) legal

legal person - legal entity

2) legal

legal text - legal text

3) judicial

legal action - legal action

  1. lawful, lawful
    legal owner - legal owner

  1. legal
legal activities - lawful, lawful activity

Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:


The Birth of Law

Rules and laws - and the conventions or customs from which they are descended - have been a part of human life ever since our ancestors first began to live in large and settled groups. But our knowledge is vague of laws that were in effect before the invention of writing in about 3500 B.C. The earliest known legal text was written by Ur-Nammu, a king of the Mesopotamian city of Ur, in about 2100 B.C. It dealt largely with compensation for bodily injuries, and with the penalties for witchcraft and runaway slaves.

TASK 1. Find in the text the words that mean the following:

the use of magic power, especially with the aid of evil spirits

a punishment imposed for a violation of law or rule

an accepted social custom or practice

not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed

payment for damage or loss, restitution

one from whom a person is descended

harm or damage done or suffered

1) legal activities

a) legal rights

2) legal address

b) legal owner

3) legal advice

c) valid

4) legal age

d) use

5) legal costs

your legal right

6) legal decision

f) legal history

7) legal document

f) legal advice

8) legal entity"

g) legal protection

9) legal ethics

h) legal document

10) legal expert

i) legal status

11) legal history

j) lawful,

12) legal language

legal activity

13) legal owner

j) professional ethics

14) legal process


15) legal protection

1) court decision

16) legal rights

m) majority

17) legal status

n) become a lawyer

18) legal force

o) legal costs

19) to enjoy one's legal rights

p) legal proceedings

20) to enter the legal profession

A new revised and expanded edition of the textbook has been prepared by the faculty of the English Language Department for the Humanities Departments of Moscow State University. MV, Lomonosov based on the curriculum of the English language course for law schools. The manual is designed for a wide audience of professionals studying English in connection with the legal specialty.

Law and Society.
Mr. Jones, having murdered his wife, was burying her in the garden one night, when his neighbor, hearing the noise, asked him what he was doing.
“Just burying the cat,” said Mr. Jones.
“Funny sort of time to bury a cat,” said the neighbor.
“Funny sort of cat,” said Mr. Jones.

Now it is obvious to everyone that, in a community such as the one in which we live, some kind of law is necessary to try to prevent people like Mr. Jones from killing their wives. When the world was at a very primitive stage, there was no such law, and, if a man chose to kill his wife or if a woman succeeded in killing her husband, that was their own business and no one interfered officially.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Just English, English for Lawyers, Basic Course, Tumanova Yu.L., Koroleva-MakAri V.A., Sveshnikova M.L., Tikhomirova E.V., 2002 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Grammar of the English language, Book for parents, Grade 4, Barashkova E.A., 2019 - This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation) for elementary school. It is the third component of the training kit, ... English language books
  • English Grammar, Textbook, Barkhudarov L.S., Shteling D.A., 2013 - This textbook provides a systematic course of English grammar, including morphology and syntax. In the course, normative information is combined with theory ... English language books
  • Keynote Intermediate, Workbook, Lansford L., 2016 - Excerpt from the book: MARK BEZOS got a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in advertising and public relations from Texas Christian … English language books

The following tutorials and books:

  • English, Basic Rules, 2003 - The guide contains all the basic rules of English grammar studied in grades 5-11 secondary school according to the new... English language books
  • English, Burenkova O.V., Mitroshina E.E., Rubina M.G., 2008 - The manual is intended for first-year students enrolled in the bachelor's program of the part-time department in the specialties 08010565 Finance and credit, 080109651 Accounting ... English language books
  • English in games, puzzles, charades, Stepanov V.Yu., 2014 - This manual is aimed at preparing students for passing final certification in English for an elementary school course. The guide offers… English language books
  • English grammar in games, 53 Grammar Games, Predko T.I., 2014 - Teaching English grammar through games is one of the most interesting, exciting and effective methods. Most effective games during … English language books

- so we continue the rubric for specialists. Today's issue will be devoted to legal English. In this article, we have collected textbooks, dictionaries, free professional magazines, etc. to advance your English higher and higher.

An English lawyer needs (period). This is undeniable. To work in international companies, and in a Russian company, but with a higher salary. For reading professional literature and foreign regulations, drawing up contracts with foreign contractors, doing research and much more.

First of all, a lawyer needs specific vocabulary, which must be pumped from four sides: reading, listening, speaking and writing. So we have found for you the highest quality sources of legal terminology.

I will say right away: The article is intended for those who already have a good level of basic English. After all, in any case, you first need to master General English -, common words and 4 skills.

The content of the article "English for Lawyers":

We are looking for professional vocabulary:

Downloading skills:

Legal Terms in English: Vocabulary Sources

Vocabulary for lawyers is very extensive, at least due to the large number of areas of legal activity (civil and criminal specialization, different types of law, etc.). So, in dictionaries, basically, basic legal vocabulary is concentrated, and in textbooks and English-language materials you can already find more highly specialized words. But first things first.

1. Legal English: textbooks

Textbooks will help those who decide to fully master legal English on their own, as they will give a guide, a curriculum.

English for Legal Professionals– an express course from Oxford for those who communicate in English with clients, business partners and colleagues. Great for self study.

Professional English in Use: Law– a training course from Cambridge covering wide range legal vocabulary. Topics include corporate and commercial law, intellectual property law, and more.

Absolute Legal English Book (English for International Law)– a course that is even suitable for preparing for the ILEC exam. Consists of nine units and covers the main areas of international law.

Legal English: How to Understand and Master the Language of Law– another full-fledged course that covers everything you need: vocabulary, written legal language and etc.

Test Your Professional English: Law- the book contains more than 60 tests and more than 500 words and expressions necessary for a lawyer.

Check Your English Vocabulary for Lawworkbook which aims to improve knowledge and understanding of legal terminology. Includes crosswords, puzzles, and more.

just english. English for lawyers. Basic course- contains a lot of English-language materials, which means you will learn a "live" legal language. It will help to master the basic concepts, develop the skills of text analysis, discussion, etc. The textbook is Russian-language, which means it is suitable for those who are not yet ready to fully engage in English-language manuals.

2. English Courses for Lawyers: Online Resources

On the Internet (especially in the English-speaking segment) you can find a large number of sites with various "activities" for the development of legal English.

As for specific terminology:

  • visual.merriam-webster.com - words on the topic "Justice";
  • www.nolo.com - online dictionary of basic legal vocabulary;
  • www.uscourts.gov, www.attorneygeneral.jus - two more legal dictionaries in English online.

I immediately warn you that all the dictionaries listed are explanatory, and not English-Russian (that is, the explanation of the lexical meaning is given in English, these are not legal terms in English with translation). If there are difficulties with understanding, use it, which will translate any word in two clicks.

4. Professional literature: magazines, decisions of foreign courts and other materials in English

The best way to improve vocabulary is to study legal articles in English and "take out" new words from there. Then the word will have a qualitative context, and memorization will become much more effective.

Materials on Lingualeo: English legal articles

Journals, court decisions: legal texts in English

The principle of working with texts and materials on third-party resources can be as convenient as in our library: 1. install ⇒ 2. poke on unfamiliar words ⇒ 3. and add them for further study.

Another hack: to our service to study it in free time through (on the road, queues, etc.)

So where can you find those English lyrics for lawyers:

  • www.abajournal.com
  • www.lawyer-monthly.com
  • www.lawyersweekly.com.au
  • thestudentlawyer.com
  • injury.findlaw.com
  • www.lawgazette.co.uk
  • www.law360.com
  • dlj.law.duke.edu
  • www.ejls.eu
  • www.ejcl.org
  • www.harvardhrj.com
  • www.law.com
  • www.breakinglegalnews.com

Another tip: look for decisions of foreign courts (for queries like judicial decisions). For example, the following sites provide access to court decisions:

  • Public Library of Law
  • find law
  • Justia
  • League.com
  • Cornell University Law School
  • Law Library of Congress Guide to Law Online
  • The Supreme Court of the United States

Downloading skills: writing, listening, speaking practice

As you already know, possession foreign language includes 4 sub-skills: reading (you will pump it by studying the above resources), listening, writing and speaking. For the last three skills, we found separate sites.

1. Letter

This refers to the preparation of legal documentation in English. So here are your helpers:

  • www.translegal.com - tips and templates for writing official requests, appeals, etc.