Educational game for children - Puzzles with matches. Card file of games with matches Card file on the topic Match puzzles examples rearrange 1 match

Match games


The game contributes to the development of concentration skills, voluntary memorization, the ability to listen to one's feelings and differentiate them, and the development of fine motor skills.

3 matches are laid out on the table. Tasks for the child.

  • Take one match.
  • Feel it. What is it: warm or cold, smooth or rough, thin or thick?
  • Smell her. Are you familiar with this smell?
  • Feel the match head. Consider it. What color is she? What form?
  • What do you think it's made of?
  • Put the match on the table. I'll mix them up, and you try to find her.


The game is aimed at the development of imagination, speech, the formation of cause-and-effect relationships, the expansion of ideas about the world around.

Put 5 matches on the table. The child chooses the match he likes, examines it, feels it, sniffs it.

Suggest answering the following questions.

  • Where did this match come from?
  • Where did the box come from?
  • How did he get into the store?
  • What are matches made in the factory from?
  • Where did our tree grow?
  • How did the tree become a match?

It turns out that our match has an interesting history.


The game will help develop voluntary attention and memory, fine motor skills, spatial representations.

Take 3 matches, shake them and throw them on the floor (carpet).

  • Where are the heads going?
  • Remember the pattern and try to repeat.

Hide the pattern under the napkin.

  • Remember the pattern and make the same one (he wants to find a brother or sister).


The game develops imagination and ingenuity.

Dump the matches on the table. Offer to build a house, a tree, a path, etc. out of them.

  • Who lives in this house? (fold from matches)
  • Where does this path lead? (fold from matches)


Draw a line on the floor with chalk or a stick on the ground and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match at a distance, like a spear. The winner can be determined by the final three rolls.


One match is placed on the table. Other matches are superimposed on this match from two sides with their heads towards. Then from above all this is fixed with one, two or more matches. All this "structure" must be lifted, without destroying it, by the lower match. It turns out like a hut. To do this, it is important to maintain a balance.


We draw - it means we lay out some given or derived figures or objects from matches: animals, a house, birds, a little man, a boat, etc. The author of the most witty and high-quality drawing becomes the winner.


This game requires patience and a lot of time. You need to mix matches from one box. In turn, each player pulls out matches one at a time. The task is to pull out the match so as not to stir the others. If the player managed to pull out a match without moving the others, then he takes out the next match. If it fails, then the move moves to another one. The one who pulls out the largest number of matches wins.


Make a well out of matches. The one with the highest heel wins and stays the longest.


  • Carry a matchbox, putting it on the top of your head.
  • Carry two boxes, putting them on your shoulders, like shoulder straps.
  • Carry the boxes, placing it with its end on a clenched fist.
  • Who will quickly collect the scattered matches.
  • Carry the box, putting it on your back in the lumbar region.
  • Carry the box by placing it on your leg in the area of ​​​​the instep of the foot.
  • Whose team above will build a "well" of matches in two minutes?
  • Carry the box, pressing it with your chin to your neck. The chin and neck of the box should rest against the ends.
  • Carry the outer part of the box, putting it on the nose.
  • Build a train with two wagons on the floor of matches.
  • Put an empty box on the floor and blow on it to make it move by itself.
  • Throw a match from shoulder height into a box lying on the floor.
  • Place the boxes on the table so that they do not touch each other and do not fall.
  • The lying box must be turned on edge with only one finger.
  • A matchbox is placed on the bridge of the participant’s nose, with which he needs to sit down without dropping it on the floor and without holding it with his hands.
  • with two matches, it is necessary to move the half of the other match a certain distance without dropping the carried “load”.
  • The child is shown a pattern of matches for 5 seconds, then he must restore the pattern.

We have all tried to solve puzzles with moving matches. Remember those? Simple, clear and quite interesting. We invite you to remember how this is done and solve these 10 exciting tasks. There will be no examples and math here, you can try to think over them together with the children. Each riddle comes with an answer. Here we go? 😉

1. Expand the fish

Exercise. Rearrange three matches so that the fish swims in the opposite direction. In other words, you need to rotate the fish 180 degrees horizontally.

Answer. To solve the problem, it is necessary to move the matches that make up the lower part of the tail and body, as well as the lower fin of the fish. Let's move 2 matches up, and one to the right, as shown in the diagram. Now the fish swims not to the right, but to the left.

2. Pick up the key

Exercise. In this problem, the shape of the key is composed of 10 matches. Move 4 matches to make three squares.

Answer. The task is solved quite simply. Four matches that form that part of the key handle must be moved to the key stem so that 3 squares are laid out in a row.

3. A glass with a cherry

Exercise. With the help of four matches, the shape of a glass is folded, inside of which there is a cherry. You need to move two matches so that the cherry is outside the glass. It is allowed to change the position of the glass in space, but its shape must remain unchanged.

Answer. The solution to this fairly well-known logical problem with 4 matches is based on the fact that we change the position of the glass by turning it over. The leftmost match goes down to the right, and the horizontal one moves to the right by half its length.

4. Seven squares

Exercise. Move 2 matches to form 7 squares.

Answer. To solve this rather complex problem, you need to think outside the box. We take any 2 matches that form the corner of the largest outer square and put them crosswise on top of each other in one of the small squares. So we get 3 squares 1 by 1 match and 4 squares with sides half the match.

5. Hexagonal star

Exercise. You see a star consisting of 2 large triangles and 6 small ones. By moving 2 matches, make sure that 6 triangles remain in the star.

Answer. Move the matches according to this scheme, and there will be 6 triangles.

6. Cheerful calf

Exercise. Move only two matches so that the calf is facing the other way. At the same time, he should remain cheerful, that is, his tail should remain directed upwards.

Answer. In order to look in the other direction, the calf simply needs to turn its head.

7. House of glasses

Exercise. Rearrange six matches so that two glasses make a house.

Answer. From the two extreme matches of each glass, you get a roof and a wall, and you just need to move the two matches at the bases of the glasses.

8. Libra

Exercise. The scales are made up of nine matches and are not in a state of equilibrium. It is required to shift five matches into them so that the scales are in balance.

Answer. Lower the right side of the scale so that it is level with the left. The match-base of the right side must remain motionless.

share Hello readers, friends! Today, the article is devoted to simple "toys" (they do not even need to be made, like others). And they are in every home.

For children there are many puzzles with matches, but how to captivate a child with them and what games are better to start with? These games are a great way to develop spatial thinking and logic! My sons are very fond of such tasks. I'm sure you'll love them too - you just have to start right.

Many matchstick puzzles are aimed at school children or even adults. How about with preschoolers?

In general, any "adult" logic game can be adapted for children: divided into several tasks, reducing the number of permutation options. And when the child is already confident in coping with such simple options (and most importantly, he will enjoy these games - because he succeeds!), Then you can move on to more complex versions. Let's try to do the same with matches.

A few simple rules for playing with matches with children

  • play with matches even children from 1.5 - 2 years old can, but on condition that they do not gnaw sulfur, and you make sure that the matches do not end up in the nose or ear
  • be sure to prepare smooth flat surface. It can be a book, a smooth table or a board.
  • start simple, even if your child is not a baby for a long time. Make sure the child understands what is shift 1 match, square, triangle. Let the child feel the joy of "victory"

Gleb and Mark play with matches

  • don't show correct answer. Just postpone the task until the next time, and next time give an easier one.
  • do not give tasks from the computer. Always give matches: it is important for children to try, they still have imaginative thinking is not developed enough to solve problems "in the mind"
  • to make puzzles more interesting use small toys or pictures. You will understand how to do this by looking at our tasks.

Games and puzzles with matches I have divided it into three stages. Start with the first stage - it will be interesting even for younger students, and three-year-olds are usually completely delighted with these fairy tale games!

Stage 1: kids play

Kids 2-3 years old will hardly puzzle over the task of how to make a square ... .. They need games of a different kind, namely laying out figures, objects, and even better fairy tales from matches.

It was comfortable for us to play at a low coffee table (we have it set aside for children's creativity and games). So, pour a few packs of matches into the middle and start the story. For example, like this:

there lived a hedgehog

He had his own house

One day he met a snake

The snake lived in thick grass

And so on: tell us about how they became friends, met a horse, a man, tried to climb a tree and why the hedgehog did not succeed.
The child will definitely get involved if you don’t touch him, but it’s just interesting to create, tell and build. A little time will pass and you will already listen to fairy tales performed by the baby =)

Stage 2: keep playing and building

After a while (I think for children from 3-4 years old), when you tell a fairy tale and build from matches, ask the child to help you. Build SAME house, make a horse-girlfriend, chairs for all guests. Thanks to these tasks, the child will build "according to the model", which is very important for the development of spatial thinking. Without this stage, it will be very difficult to move on to the next - real tasks and puzzles.

Stage 3: start solving puzzles

Finally, we can move on to real puzzles. I collected simple puzzles that my 5 year old son could solve. I think your kids can do it too!

The easiest "preparatory" games

1. Fold 2 triangles out of 5 matches

2. Add one match to make 2 squares. (Harder option: Add one matchstick to make 3 quads)

3. Rearrange one match so that the hare's chair turns to the cabbage

4. How many squares are there? What about rectangles? Is a square a rectangle?

5. Add 2 matches to make 3 squares

6. Add one match to make 3 triangles

7. Turn the tracks in the opposite direction by rearranging 4 matches

8. There is a carrot in the basket. Move 2 matches so that the carrot lies under the basket

9. Make the letter H, the letter P, shifting one match

More difficult games

1. Move three matches so that the cancer crawls in the other direction

2. Turn the hut on chicken legs in the opposite direction

3. The wolf catches up with the hare. Move one match so that the wolf runs away from the hare

4. Move three matches so that the fish swims in the opposite direction

5. There is blue garbage in the scoop. Move 2 matches so that there is green debris in the scoop

6. Make 9 matches - 100 (Only if the child is familiar with this number)

7. Remove 3 matches to make a snowflake

8. Add three matches to make a wheel

9. The bunny is sitting on the roof. Hide it in the house by shifting three matches

10. Move 1 match so that the crocodile does not eat a bunny, but a carrot.

I will be glad if you like the games and matches become your favorite educational material =)

Sincerely, Nesyutina Ksenia

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In this section of the site you are presented with a lot of interesting puzzles, tasks, riddles, rebuses, games, logical tasks with matches. They all have answers. To pre-hide all answers, click the Hide Answers button. Subsequently, to get the answer, you need to click on the word "Answer", located below the task.

Solving puzzles, tasks, riddles with matches develops logic, thinking, visual memory, imaginative thinking.

1) Move one matchstick so that the equality becomes true.

3) Move one matchstick so that the equality becomes true.

4) Move one matchstick so that the equality becomes true. There are two possible answers.

5) Move one matchstick so that the equality becomes true.

6) Remove two matches so that only three squares remain.

7) How to make this equation with Roman numerals correct, while not touching a single match (you can’t touch anything, you can’t blow either).

8) Move one match to make a square.

9) Move 4 matches to make 3 squares.

10) Try to lay out six matches on a flat surface so that each of the matches touches the other five matches.

11) Move one match so that the equality becomes true. In this equation, four and three sticks in a row are equal to four and three, respectively.

12) How can only three matches be placed on a flat surface so that by placing a glass on them, the bottom of the glass will be at a distance of 2,3,4 matches from a flat surface (i.e. matches should be between the bottom of the glass and the surface of the table )?


Three matches are laid out on the table in the form of a triangle, as seen below in the figure. The larger the triangle, the closer the bottom of the glass will be to the table and vice versa.

13) Move two matches to make four squares.

14) Think about it, is it possible to lift as many as 15 matches with one match? How can I do that?

15) Move 4 matches to make 15 squares.

16) How to make seven triangles with the help of nine matches, the ends of the matches can be fastened with plasticine, i.e. get a 3D model.

On this page you are presented with an educational game for children - "Puzzles with matches". The game develops the child's ability to rearrange the elements of the object and plan their actions mentally.

Take a few sticks or matches and make a schematic image of an object out of them. After that, invite the child to mentally shift one or more sticks in such a way as to change this image to another or somehow change it.

According to the rules of the game, it is not allowed to actually shift the sticks, but if the child cannot complete this task mentally, let him try in practice. We advise you to make an effort so that the baby still learns to transform the object mentally, because. it is this form of the game that contributes to the formation of the ability to plan and test your thoughts without putting them into practice.

In the first picture, move one match so that the house turns in the other direction.

Move one match so that the cherry falls out of the glass.

Move two matches so that the deer turns around.

Move three matches to make four out of three squares.

Rearrange two matches so that the cherry is on the outside of the spade.

Rearrange two matches so that you get five squares instead of four.

Move four matches so that three squares come out of the key.

If during the game you came up with more puzzles with matches - write, it will be interesting!