If you spit on yourself Arkady Raikin. The best sayings of Arkady Raikin's characters

About love:

I am a lecturer, I give lectures on a ship. There - about love, back - about friendship. A woman, I'm not afraid of this word, is a friend of man!

About myself:

I started drinking, smoking and talking at the same time.

About professionals:

Here is such a thick ... dissertation, and the topic is interesting - there is something in the nose ...


Unless you have a deliberate hack before you, be kind, respect the work of the artist.

About details:

At the inside medieval knight- our sawdust


Did you know that a long memory causes its owners much more inconvenience than a short one? In any case, it does not always make sense to advertise a long memory, because there are often those who want to shorten it.


As one passenger said, one drinks, and everyone has a headache.


The era was terrible, just terrible. The mood was vile and the atmosphere was vile. But, nevertheless, there was fish in Kama!

About the past:

As always, the theater was in constant travel. There were times when I woke up not knowing where I was. Every year they came to Moscow for about two months, worked a little longer in Leningrad, toured for a month in different cities. I had a permanent room at the Moskva Hotel, where we left Kostya in the care of my grandmother.

About life:

The wisdom of life, among other things, lies in the fact that it, life, inevitably pulls us back when we take ourselves too seriously, that is, when we focus too much on our achievements and thus lose our sense of reality. Excessive seriousness - especially in relation to oneself - the same carelessness. These are, if you will, two sides of the same coin. Be that as it may, it is useful to feel - and the sooner the better - that reality depends little on the fact of your existence. Whether you achieve what you are striving for or not, whether you are happy or not, the world, in essence, is completely indifferent to your fate, it is ready to do without you. Whoever is offended by this cannot be helped by anything.

About books:

Non-conflict literature is an invention of idiots and scoundrels.

About the important:

If a person is in trouble - good word is never redundant

About work:

Transience is an essential property of the theatre. Perhaps, in no other art, success is so obvious, tangible. As well as oblivion.


For me, a mask is, first of all, an image-mask created by an actor. His offspring. The mask is not a cover, not a camouflage, but a concentrated, freed from particulars embodiment of the essence of the depicted character. She's not a character taken in individual plan and gradual, consistent development, but type. That is, a character raised to the level of a generalizing, grotesque - tragic or comic - exaggeration.

About quality:

No one will take the liberty of criticizing a mathematics professor's books on differentials without having the appropriate mathematical training. No one dares to give instructions to a surgeon without understanding anything in medicine. But there is one area that everyone has the right to judge. This is art.

On choosing a life:

The truth is not easy and convenient. But I spoke the bitter truth that worries me. And not for laughs. My law of life is not to be silent, not to please strong of the world this.

About people:

A fool is a person who is out of place.


People who live by the sea do not feel this beauty, they walk past it, as if past photo wallpapers.


It may be objected that there is simple people, universities, as they say, did not finish, but in their own way inner qualities superior to any other civilized boor. Of course. But do not assume that these people are such by nature, and nothing more. They are also nurtured. Brought up by the ethical standards of life that have evolved over the centuries. Education of feelings is the acquired restraint of an internally liberated person, this is self-respect, which is inseparable from respect for others.

About success:

Luck, like a rich inheritance, always happens to someone else.

About faith:

christian religion teaches - if you are hit on the left cheek, substitute the right. Well, maybe there are such fans. But I have not seen a person who would live according to this covenant. But I, regardless of whether I was right or wrong, was beaten on both the right and left cheeks, and in the absence of a third, everything was repeated again. It seems to me that the point is that we must seek justice, fight for it.

About personality:

Difficulties, troubles, persecutions - they do not form a personality. They only reveal, certify the existing, but hidden for the time being traits of character. A person is shaped by happiness. And if he did not grow up the way we all would like, then, most likely, because happiness was not enough for him.

About Russia:

Our man and our people always drank a lot, because they ate little.

About family:

A married man feels bad at home, a single man - everywhere.

About future:

Everything is fine with us! And we are good on the left, and we are good on the right, and we are good on the back! And ahead of us is so good that there is nowhere to go further!

About art:

Artistry the highest standard nothing but a form of manifestation of courage before life. A way to endure hardships and hardships stoically, without becoming numb from them, without sinking to the point of recognizing even in the most cruel of them the overwhelming power of fate.

About friendship:

My friends want to marry me at all costs: you know, there are people who feel bad when others feel good.

About money:

Our man is always ready to part with his life, but never with a dozen.


He accepted children to the conservatory without a hearing! .. And what should a child do if he has no hearing, but has money!

Interesting Facts and vivid statements legendary Arcadia Raikin. Arkady Raikin was more than an actor. He was a legend - the country knew and loved him. In those days when everyone was silent, one person was allowed to speak and joke - Raikin. And he did it brilliantly. Leonid Yarmolnik said in an interview: “The world does not appreciate the heritage and traditions of Arkady Raikin. But he is a real Russian Chaplin. Raikin is still the highest benchmark for the stage in terms of taste. Everything was so harmonious in him that so far not a single pop artist has been born who could compare with him. We lead this quote to the fact that at the All-Union competition, which determined the fate of the artist, Raikin portrayed Charlie Chaplin. And the then master of the pop genre, Nikolai Smirnov-Sokolsky, according to him, decided to test the young artist. More, however, it looked like the honored artist decided to put a pig on a younger competitor. Nikolai Pavlovich hid the cane needed for Raikin's act. He was forced to rush around the theater in search of something even remotely resembling a cane. Raikin managed to get only some kind of stick from the cloakroom attendants. And even with such poor props, Arkady Isaakovich's performance was a colossal success. Arkady Raikin was at odds with the authorities. Despite the fact that Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev was a big fan of the comedian's work, Arkady Raikin managed to make enemies in his power. In 1970, Grigory Romanov became the party leader of Leningrad, who fiercely disliked both the Leningrad Variety and Miniature Theater in general, and Arkady Raikin in particular. Contemporaries later said that Romanov put pressure on the artistic director, forbade him to appear on television and radio. And the party official still managed to survive Raikin and his theater and Leningrad. It was decided to move to Moscow, and the General Secretary, Leonid Brezhnev, supported this decision. Now the Leningrad Theater is known as the Russian State Theater "Satyricon". It is managed by the son of Arkady Isaakovich Konstantin Raikin. By the way, it was Grigory Romanov, a party functionary, who presented the Order of Lenin to Raikin in 1981. Such is the irony. Arkady Raikin became an artist against the will of his parents Raikin's father, Isaac Vladimirovich, was sure that his first-born son Arkady would follow a scientific path and predicted a serious career for him. Moreover, for some time the future actor worked as a laboratory assistant at the Okhta Chemical Plant. But Arkady Isaakovich did not like this occupation. From childhood, he gravitated towards the stage, to the theater, he was engaged in the drama circle from school. Against the will of his parents, Arkady Raikin entered the Leningrad College of Performing Arts, in parallel with his studies, he took private lessons from the famous artist of that time, a recognized master of musical eccentricity, Mikhail Savoyarov. As a result, immediately after graduating from a technical school, Raikin was assigned to the Leningrad Theater of Working Youth. Four years later, the young artist became a laureate of the First All-Union Variety Artists Competition, realized that drama was not his calling, and moved to the Leningrad Variety and Miniature Theater. And three years later, Raikin became the artistic director of the theater.

October 24 marks the 102nd anniversary of the birth of comedian and pop actor Arkady Raikin. This man very subtly felt satire and knew how to joke. Today we decided to recall the best sayings of Raikin's characters.

Arkady Isaakovich was born into a Jewish family in Riga. The humorist had two sisters and younger brother. Already in primary school school Raikin began to go to the drama club. When the boy was eleven, he moved with his family to Petrograd, and at the age of eighteen he went to work for Chemical plant. Soon Arkady realized that the stage was his vocation, and at the age of 24 he graduated from the College of Performing Arts in Leningrad. He managed not only to study and work, but also to take acting lessons from Savoyarov, who was a famous artist of the musical eccentric genre. Arkady even managed to star in two films at the end of the thirties, but no one noticed his heroes.

In the fall of 1939, Raikin became famous after he performed mimic numbers. Thanks to these skits, the comedian becomes a laureate of the All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. Before and after the war Arkady Isaakovich long time worked at the Theater of Miniatures and simultaneously acted in films. A resounding success comes to the humorist in the sixties. His unusual and ridiculous characters, sparkling humor and original presentation of monologues captivate Soviet viewers, who are not surprised to see Raikin's strange and funny heroes on TV screens. At the same time, Arkady is recruiting a troupe of talented artists to put on performances and parody numbers together. Roman Kartsev, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Lyudmila Gvozdikova and Viktor Ilchenko performed with the artist.
Today we decided to remember the most bright phrases, pronounced by the heroes of Arkady Isaakovich from the stage.

“I started drinking, smoking and talking at the same time”

"A fool is a man who is out of place"

“In the Greek Hall, in the Greek Hall ... a white mouse!”

"I'm wearing a suit that's shiny in some places..."

“The taste is spessyfissian!”

"Okay, Gregory. Excellent, Konstantin!

"If I am in quiet place lean against a warm wall, then I’m still very much nothing!

“I am a lecturer. I lecture on the ship. There - about love, back - about friendship. A woman, I am not afraid of this word, is a friend of man!

"Run fool"

"I understand you. But I promised to speak and I must keep my word.”

"Change boom?"

“If a person is in trouble, a kind word will not be superfluous”

"I respect you, and you respect me, we are respected people"

"Conflict-free literature is an invention of half-wits and scoundrels"

“Flying over Karaganda, I send everyone to such and such a mother”

"Dyfisit - the engine of spokefits relations"

“Mother, mother, dress the baby!”

“My father Sidorov tore me like a Sidorov goat, and nothing - he became a man! You need to flog them, flog them "

"They stood to death like buttons!"

“Intonation, my friend, intonation!”

“Everything in nature is linked and twisted”

“People who live by the sea do not feel beauty, they walk past it, like past photo wallpapers”

"Luck, like a rich inheritance, always happens to someone else"

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B Non-conflict literature is an invention of idiots and scoundrels.

AT Greek Hall, in the Greek Hall... WHITE MOUSE!

AT cous - spessfisssky!

AT everything in nature is linked and twisted.

D ifsit is the engine of spokefit relations.

D urak is a person who is out of place.

E If you lean me against a warm wall in a quiet place, then I’m still very good!

E If a person is in trouble, a kind word is never superfluous.

E As a boy, doing amateur performances, I was invited to perform at the nearby 41st school. I don't remember what I played, but I clearly remember that I noticed a girl in a red beret, in which a hole was made and a strand of black hair was passed through it. It was original and memorable. A few months later I met her on the street, recognized her and suddenly saw her lively, expressive, intelligent eyes. She was very pretty, you won’t pass by such a girl ... Nevertheless, I walked past, didn’t stop, embarrassed to talk to an unfamiliar person on the street. Several years passed, I became a student of the Leningrad theater institute. On the last year I somehow came to the student cafeteria and stood in line. Turning around, I saw that she was standing behind me. She spoke first, and I remember this conversation verbatim. “You study here. How wonderful it is!” - “Yes, I’m studying ... And what are you doing tonight” - “Nothing ...” - “Let's go to the cinema” When we entered the cinema hall, took our seats and the lights went out, I immediately told her “Marry me ...”

W let go of the fool.

And evil seriousness - especially in relation to oneself - the same carelessness. These are, if you will, two sides of the same coin.

To is it Apollo? Am I Apollo? He is Apollo. Well, fuck yourself Apollo.

L people who live by the sea do not feel this beauty, they walk past it, as if past photo wallpapers.

M my father Sidorov tore me like a Sidorov goat, and nothing - he became a man! You need to smack them, smack them.

M get married boom?

Once there was another anniversary at the Vakhtangov Theater, at which Arkady Raikin was supposed to perform (he was very fond of this theater, and he was invited to all theatrical festivities). He was going to the theater, and then he had a heart attack. They called an ambulance. On the way to the hospital, Arkady Isaakovich was put on a drip. Suddenly he raises his head: “Is it possible to drive along the Arbat?” - "Of course you can". - "Please slow down at the Vakhtangov Theater and wait for me for fifteen or twenty minutes." - "Arkady Isaakovich, I have no right to do this" . - "I understand you. But I promised to speak and I must keep my word.

P I started drinking, smoking and talking at the same time.

P flying over Karaganda, I send everyone to such and such a mother

At a dacha, like a rich inheritance, always happens to someone else.

I I respect you, you respect me, we are respected people.

Luck, like a rich inheritance, always happens to someone else.

My father, Sidorov Sr., tore me, Sidorov Jr., like a Sidorov goat. And nothing - he became a man!

As always, the theater was in constant travel. There were times when I woke up not knowing where I was. They came to Moscow for about two months every year, worked a little longer in Leningrad, and toured in different cities for a month. I had a permanent room at the Moskva Hotel, where we left Kostya in the care of my grandmother.

It hurts and scares me to hear the reasoning that our children have too much easy life, few hardships and hardships. And that from this, they say, they suffer human qualities. It is not true. Difficulties, troubles, persecutions - they do not form a personality. They only reveal, certify the existing, but hidden for the time being traits of character. A person is shaped by happiness. And if he did not grow up the way we all would like, then, most likely, because happiness was not enough for him.

If a person is in trouble, a kind word is never superfluous.

The truth is not easy and convenient. But I spoke the bitter truth that worries me. And not for laughs. My law of life is not to be silent, not to please the powerful of this world.

I am a lecturer, I give lectures on a ship. There - about love, back - about friendship. Woman, do not be afraid of this word, friend of man!