Serpeika runs around the city. Toponymy

Lower Serpeyka Street located in the center of Serpukhov under Cathedral Hill, on the bank Serpeika river- along its lower course. In this regard, she received the name. Nizhnyaya Serpeika starts from Sitzenabivnaya Street and ends at the crossroads with Krasnaya Gora Street.

According to one of the versions, it was the Serpeika that gave the name to our city, which, before flowing into Nara, goes around the Cathedral Mountain like a sickle. President of the Academy fundamental sciences Andrey Alexandrovich Tyunyaev I am sure: the name of the river itself is formed from the root SERP, which in ancient times means “serpent”: that is, Serpeika is a snake. So the river was called, apparently, due to the nature of its course and channel: it flows, slowly and imperceptibly meandering.

Quite small, a little less than two and a half kilometers long, it does not freeze under a crust of ice even in severe frosts. Starting in the area of ​​​​the Serpeysky Pond on Vesennyaya Street, it flows through central part city, crosses the streets of Lunacharsky - through underground pipes, 1st Moscow, diving under the Zemlyanoy Bridge. Further - to the south, along the Cathedral Mountain. Then it intersects with Tulskaya Street and flows into Nara in the area of ​​the former mechanical plant.

Not just a ravine. Life at the springs

Lower Serpeyka is one of the oldest streets in our city. P.F. Simson- the first historian who essentially "discovered" the history of Serpukhov, describes in detail both the ancient Posad, spread out at the foot of the mountain, and Podil, located in a wide ravine near the vymly (cut). Many churches were built on this site - St. Frol, St. Savior, Holy Trinity, St. George, St. Elijah, Holy Friday and the Nativity of the Blessed One. Entire lines of shops stretched out, alternating with town houses. Opposite the city-fortress, "detinets", there are two mountains - Voskresenskaya and Afanasievskaya, separated from each other by a ravine. There were also churches: the Resurrection of Christ and St. Athanasius. Houses on Posada in many places were located in groups.

In the Middle Ages, as well as during the periods of invasions Crimean Tatars the deep ravine served as an additional obstacle for the attackers, forming, together with the Nara River, the moat and the walls of the Kremlin, a powerful defensive point. Its population, despite the various hardships and dangers of enemy attacks, gradually increased. In particular, settlers came from other places - "comers". When later the ancient Serpukhov Posad was turned into a prison - a wooden fortress with walls and towers, it did not lose its former character, remaining mainly a trading center. The fortifications also attracted the surrounding population: under their protection, merchants traded much more boldly.

This place is also connected with the founder of the Vysotsky Monastery, a significant figure for Russian spirituality - St. Sergius of Radonezh, who came to the city along the Old Moscow road ...

Once upon a time, you could swim and fish in the river. And in the strongest flood that happened about forty years ago, when Nara rose to Proletarskaya Street, Serpeika overflowed so much that people were taken out of here in boats.

There are many springs on this land - the water in them is clean and tasty. And the spring that gave life to a small pond and flows into the Serpeika is considered holy and healing. Previously, townspeople and pilgrims used to come to him to drink, wash, and collect holy water with them. Priests came to the spring at Christmas, Epiphany and Easter, consecrated the water, took it to the temples.

There used to be twenty-two houses on both sides of the river. There was enough space for everyone - both people and animals. Cattle were kept in each yard - horses, cows, pigs, goats, sheep and, of course, birds - geese, turkeys, ducks, chickens.

Persecution of Faith

In the houses on the Lower Serpeik, nuns lived in shelters who served in churches. The proximity of the street to several temples at once contributed to the piety of the inhabitants.

When icons were thrown out of churches and burned at the stake in the 1930s, women and children saved them, risking their freedom and life. Among the icons, by the way, were the ancient ones, the brushes of Rublev ...

AT Soviet time only Elias Church worked. The persecution of faith forced people to visit the temple in secret. But all the children from Nizhnyaya Serpeika were necessarily baptized, and sometimes weddings took place in Ilyinka ...

Time cures…

The inhabitants of this place, accustomed to early childhood to work on the land, they were always artisans, capable of building a house and keeping cattle, and in production they did not the last man be known. Many worked in a cotton-printing factory and a mechanical factory. Teachers, doctors, cultural workers, engineers also came out of Serpeika…

In our time, people still live on the banks of the Serpeika, residential buildings that are more than two hundred years old have been preserved, some of them are cultural monuments. A 300-year-old relict oak tree still grows in the valley...

Russian historian, writer, TV presenter F.V. Razumovsky in his book “The Artistic Heritage of the Serpukhov Land” described these places as follows: “The view from Voskresenskaya Mountain, located above the hem of ancient Serpukhov, can be defined as a spectacle of the city, in which the decorativeness of the silhouette is combined with the spatial differentiation of the urban ensemble. The opening panorama cannot be captured at a glance, no most modern photograph can convey the whole variety of compositional effects. You can spend hours admiring the urban landscape, look at town churches and houses, observe everyday life Serpukhov.

This wonderful urban landscape was created by Russian urban planners over the centuries - from the end of the 14th century to the first half of the 17th century. Much has changed since then in the appearance of Serpukhov, but its basis has remained the same: the redevelopment of the streets did not affect the natural terrain, new stone churches were erected in the very places where wooden ones used to stand, dozens of houses that had suffered during numerous fires were rebuilt , each time developing into a picturesque low-rise building surrounded by greenery. Therefore, today we can see the city as it was several centuries ago.”

The significance of Serpukhov is reflected in the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of September 24, 2013, according to which our city entered the top twenty historical settlements with archaeological, historical, architectural, urban planning, aesthetic, scientific and socio-cultural value ...

However, the current reality is harsh ...

On December 19, hearings were held on the transfer of land along the Serpeika from the R-1A zone (historical recreational landscape areas) into the zone C-3 (social and business). Their difference lies in the fact that in the R-1A zone any capital construction is prohibited, while in the C-3 zone wide range objects, including shopping centers, multi-apartment residential buildings and auto repair centers that will completely destroy historical landscapes ancient city.

In the city administration, the hearings were stormy: not only residents of the Serpeiki district came to save the historical site, but also citizens who are not indifferent to what is happening, representatives of ancient city families, in particular, Alexander Dmitrievich Konshin.

Outraged residents demanded from the representatives of the administration - the head of the Department of Architecture and Construction of the Administration Serpukhov E.N. Levina and Deputy Mayor A.L. Balakhchi leave the historical zone alone. The sculptor, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a senior lecturer at the Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, addressed the authorities on behalf of the townspeople Ilya Dyukov:

- All the territory indicated in the draft resolution is an ancient valley and adjoins the heart of the city - Cathedral Hill. Volodarsky Lane is generally located right on the territory of the Serpukhov Kremlin. The Serpeiki Valley is surrounded by ancient Orthodox churches. Of course, it is necessary to take care of this territory, its improvement, but not to interfere with the inhabitants, but to help them.

It's been six months in this historical place there is a hotel - the so-called hostel. Who gave permission for its functioning, the residents could not find out, representatives of the administration said that they did not know about it.

At the hearing, a letter from the Chairman of the Council of Deputies O.V. Kuznetsov, who spoke out against the transfer from the R-1a zone of the territories located on the streets of Nizhnyaya Serpeyka, Serpukhovskaya and along Volodarsky Lane.

Residents greeted with applause the set of measures proposed by I. Dyukov for the improvement of this area:

1. Restore the wall on the earthen bridge that protected the residential area from noise, dirt, litter, exhaust and accidents.

2. Restore the old staircase between Moskovskaya, Serpukhovskaya and Nizhnyaya Serpeika streets.

3. Eliminate the iron hangar, built in the "dashing" 90s and disfiguring the view of the Trinity Church of the 17th century.

4. Remove the city collector from under the Trinity Church.

5. Clear the bed of the Serpeika.

6. Cut down weeds and plant crops.

7. Clear the holy spring.

8. Again consider the question: by what right was a hotel built on Nizhnyaya Serpeyka, 13 in 2014?

9. To build on the site of a burned-out wooden house of the 19th century a wooden one-story building in the historical style and transfer it to the Orthodox Youth Patriotic Club.

10. Raise again the question of the legality of the construction of the so-called boat station in the floodplain of the Nara River.

The appeal was signed by the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of this historic district. The entire hall (with the exception of only one person) voted against the transfer of land in this part of the city from the R-1a zone (historical recreational landscape areas).

Deputy Mayor A.L. Balakhchi promised the townspeople that the results of the hearings, together with letters and appeals, would be the main arguments in making a decision.

This story also interested the journalists of the Podmoskovye 360 ​​TV channel, who filmed everything that happened on camera. Together with the residents, they visited the hotel and the collector, on Cathedral Hill, admired the beautiful view, interviewed I. Dyukov, A.D. Konshin and, inspired by what they saw and heard, promised to closely follow the development of events.

We will also monitor the situation.

Lower Serpeyka - like a snake

Lower Serpeyka Street located in the center of Serpukhov under Cathedral Hill, on the bank Serpeika river- along its lower course. In this regard, she received the name. Nizhnyaya Serpeika starts from Sitzenabivnaya Street and ends at the crossroads with Krasnaya Gora Street.

According to one of the versions, it was the Serpeika that gave the name to our city, which, before flowing into Nara, goes around the Cathedral Mountain like a sickle. President of the Academy of Basic Sciences Andrey Alexandrovich Tyunyaev I am sure: the name of the river itself is formed from the root SERP, which in ancient times means “serpent”: that is, Serpeika is a snake. So the river was called, apparently, due to the nature of its course and channel: it flows, slowly and imperceptibly meandering.

Quite small, a little less than two and a half kilometers long, it does not freeze under a crust of ice even in severe frosts. Starting in the area of ​​​​the Serpeysky Pond on Vesennyaya Street, it flows through the central part of the city, crosses Lunacharsky Street - through underground pipes, 1st Moscow Street, diving under the Zemlyanoy Bridge. Further - to the south, along the Cathedral Mountain. Then it intersects with Tulskaya Street and flows into Nara in the area of ​​the former mechanical plant.

Not just a ravine. Life at the springs

Lower Serpeyka is one of the oldest streets in our city. P.F. Simson- the first historian who essentially "discovered" the history of Serpukhov, describes in detail both the ancient Posad, spread out at the foot of the mountain, and Podil, located in a wide ravine near the vymly (cut). Many churches were built on this site - St. Frol, St. Savior, Holy Trinity, St. George, St. Elijah, Holy Friday and the Nativity of the Blessed One. Entire lines of shops stretched out, alternating with town houses. Opposite the city-fortress, "detinets", there are two mountains - Voskresenskaya and Afanasievskaya, separated from each other by a ravine. There were also churches: the Resurrection of Christ and St. Athanasius. Houses on Posada in many places were located in groups.

In the Middle Ages, as well as during the invasions of the Crimean Tatars, a deep ravine served as an additional obstacle for the attackers, forming, together with the Nara River, the moat and walls of the Kremlin, a powerful defensive point. Its population, despite the various hardships and dangers of enemy attacks, gradually increased. In particular, settlers came from other places - "comers". When later the ancient Serpukhov Posad was turned into a prison - a wooden fortress with walls and towers, it did not lose its former character, remaining mainly a trading center. The fortifications also attracted the surrounding population: under their protection, merchants traded much more boldly.

This place is also connected with the founder of the Vysotsky Monastery, a significant figure for Russian spirituality - St. Sergius of Radonezh, who came to the city along the Old Moscow road ...

Once upon a time, you could swim and fish in the river. And in the strongest flood that happened about forty years ago, when Nara rose to Proletarskaya Street, Serpeika overflowed so much that people were taken out of here in boats.

There are many springs on this land - the water in them is clean and tasty. And the spring that gave life to a small pond and flows into the Serpeika is considered holy and healing. Previously, townspeople and pilgrims used to come to him to drink, wash, and collect holy water with them. Priests came to the spring at Christmas, Epiphany and Easter, consecrated the water, took it to the temples.

There used to be twenty-two houses on both sides of the river. There was enough space for everyone - both people and animals. Cattle were kept in each yard - horses, cows, pigs, goats, sheep and, of course, birds - geese, turkeys, ducks, chickens.

Persecution of Faith

In the houses on the Lower Serpeik, nuns lived in shelters who served in churches. The proximity of the street to several temples at once contributed to the piety of the inhabitants.

When icons were thrown out of churches and burned at the stake in the 1930s, women and children saved them, risking their freedom and life. Among the icons, by the way, were the ancient ones, the brushes of Rublev ...

In Soviet times, only Ilyinsky Church worked. The persecution of faith forced people to visit the temple in secret. But all the children from Nizhnyaya Serpeika were necessarily baptized, and sometimes weddings took place in Ilyinka ...

Time cures…

The inhabitants of this town, accustomed from early childhood to work on the land, were always artisans, able to build a house, keep cattle, and be known as not the last person in production. Many worked in a cotton-printing factory and a mechanical factory. Teachers, doctors, cultural workers, engineers also came out of Serpeika…

In our time, people still live on the banks of the Serpeika, residential buildings that are more than two hundred years old have been preserved, some of them are cultural monuments. A 300-year-old relict oak tree still grows in the valley...

Russian historian, writer, TV presenter F.V. Razumovsky in his book "The Artistic Heritage of the Serpukhov Land" He described these places in this way: “The view from Voskresenskaya Mountain, located above the hem of ancient Serpukhov, can be defined as a spectacle of the city, in which the decorative silhouette is combined with the spatial differentiation of the urban ensemble. The opening panorama cannot be captured at a glance, no most modern photograph can convey the whole variety of compositional effects. You can spend hours admiring the city landscape, looking at town churches and houses, observing the daily life of Serpukhov.

This wonderful urban landscape was created by Russian urban planners over the centuries - from the end of the 14th century to the first half of the 17th century. Much has changed since then in the appearance of Serpukhov, but its basis has remained the same: the redevelopment of the streets did not affect the natural terrain, new stone churches were erected in the very places where wooden ones used to stand, dozens of houses that had suffered during numerous fires were rebuilt , each time developing into a picturesque low-rise building surrounded by greenery. Therefore, today we can see the city as it was several centuries ago.”

The significance of Serpukhov is reflected in the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of September 24, 2013, according to which our city entered the top twenty historical settlements with archaeological, historical, architectural, urban planning, aesthetic, scientific and socio-cultural value ...

However, the current reality is harsh ...

On December 19, hearings were held on the transfer of land along the Serpeika from the R-1A zone (historical recreational landscape areas) into the zone C-3 (social and business). Their difference lies in the fact that any capital construction is prohibited in the R-1A zone, while a wide range of objects are allowed in the C-3 zone, including shopping centers, apartment buildings and auto technical centers, which will completely destroy the historical landscapes of the ancient city.

In the city administration, the hearings were stormy: not only residents of the Serpeiki district came to save the historical site, but also citizens who are not indifferent to what is happening, representatives of ancient city families, in particular, Alexander Dmitrievich Konshin .

Outraged residents demanded from the representatives of the administration - the head of the Department of Architecture and Construction of the Administration Serpukhov E.N. Levina and Deputy Mayor A.L. Balakhchi leave the historical zone alone. The sculptor, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a senior lecturer at the Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, addressed the authorities on behalf of the townspeople Ilya Dyukov :

- All the territory indicated in the draft resolution is an ancient valley and adjoins the heart of the city - Cathedral Hill. Volodarsky Lane is generally located right on the territory of the Serpukhov Kremlin. The Serpeiki Valley is surrounded by ancient Orthodox churches. Of course, it is necessary to take care of this territory, its improvement, but not to interfere with the inhabitants, but to help them.

For six months now, a hotel has been operating in this historic place - the so-called hostel. Who gave permission for its functioning, the residents could not find out, representatives of the administration said that they did not know about it.

At the hearing, a letter from the Chairman of the Council of Deputies O.V. Kuznetsov, who spoke out against the transfer from the R-1a zone of the territories located on the streets of Nizhnyaya Serpeyka, Serpukhovskaya and along Volodarsky Lane.

Residents greeted with applause the set of measures proposed by I. Dyukov for the improvement of this area:

1. Restore the wall on the earthen bridge that protected the residential area from noise, dirt, litter, exhaust and accidents.

2. Restore the old staircase between Moskovskaya, Serpukhovskaya and Nizhnyaya Serpeika streets.

3. Eliminate the iron hangar, built in the "dashing" 90s and disfiguring the view of the Trinity Church of the 17th century.

4. Remove the city collector from under the Trinity Church.

5. Clear the bed of the Serpeika.

6. Cut down weeds and plant crops.

7. Clear the holy spring.

8. Again consider the question: by what right was a hotel built on Nizhnyaya Serpeyka, 13 in 2014?

9. To build on the site of a burned-out wooden house of the 19th century a wooden one-story building in the historical style and transfer it to the Orthodox Youth Patriotic Club.

10. Raise again the question of the legality of the construction of the so-called boat station in the floodplain of the Nara River.

The appeal was signed by the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of this historic district. The entire hall (with the exception of only one person) voted against the transfer of land in this part of the city from the R-1a zone (historical recreational landscape areas).

Deputy Mayor A.L. Balakhchi promised the townspeople that the results of the hearings, together with letters and appeals, would be the main arguments in making a decision.

This story also interested the journalists of the Podmoskovye 360 ​​TV channel, who filmed everything that happened on camera. Together with the residents, they visited the hotel and the collector, on Cathedral Hill, admired the beautiful view, interviewed I. Dyukov, A.D. Konshin and, inspired by what they saw and heard, promised to closely follow the development of events.

We will also monitor the situation.

Lower Serpeyka starts from Zemlyanoy Bridge. We wrote more than once about the history and reconstruction of this building. Recall that it is called Earthen because of the embankment above Serpeika - a dam connecting two high banks of the river. It was erected by order of Empress Catherine II, who did not like the too steep ravine (she had to go along it on her way to the Crimea). The year before last, the administration of Serpukhov found funds and found an opportunity to repair sidewalks, embankments, and reconstruct the pipe through which the Serpeika flows. Approaches to the riverbed were put in order, the embankment was strengthened. The stone border of the pipe now has an attractive appearance.
The Serpeika flows along the bottom of a deep ravine, sometimes slightly changing its course. It curves like a sickle around Cathedral Mountain (hence its name) and flows into Nara. The water gurgles, overflows over the pebbles. Only in early spring and after heavy rains it rages noisily, reminding that it flows along the bed of a small, but still a river.
Once, in the memory of the old-timers of the Lower Serpeika, it was possible to swim and fish in the river. In the strongest flood that happened about forty years ago, when Nara rose to Proletarskaya Street, Serpeika also overflowed, so much so that people were taken out of here on boats.
Serpeika freezes over in winter. In severe frosts, you can safely walk on its ice, covered with a cap of snow - you will not fail. But more than ten years ago, when galvanic waste from Metalist was dumped into the river, the water turned poisonous yellow in summer, and did not freeze in winter. Fortunately, frogs and leeches have returned to the river and to the nearby pond, a clear sign of water purification. Serpeika is fed by numerous springs - the water in them is delicious.
In any settlement, life revolves around a reservoir - a river, a lake. So it is with Serpeika: water - for drinking and cooking (from springs), for washing clothes and washing dishes (they went to rinse on the tray), for watering the garden.
It is now on the Lower Serpeyka from the bridge to the Cathedral of houses - one, two, and counted. But once on both sides of the river there were twenty-two houses. There was enough space for everyone - both people and animals. Cattle were kept in every yard: there were horses, cows, pigs, goats and sheep; in without fail poultry - geese, turkeys, ducks, chickens. Music was blasting around village life- clucking and crowing, lowing, neighing, bleating.
And the voices of the children were the noisiest. In the summer, grandmothers let their grandchildren go outside early, while the dew was still on the grass and did not scatter into different sides bird fluff and feathers. Feather to feather - and the kids filled the pillows.
For children and youth back in the 60-70s, sports grounds were arranged by the residents themselves. They played football, threw the ball over the volleyball net, threw it into the basketball hoop.
However, even at the end of the nineties, up to fifteen people gathered in the summer: Muscovites who came "to the dacha" - to the houses in the neighborhood were added to their own. Mothers and grandmothers organized children's holidays, evening gatherings around the fire with memories and songs.
… Houses, like people, grow old and dilapidated. And yes, there are fires. Someone sold their house and went to an apartment, someone abandoned it. The fences sagged and collapsed, nettles flooded the gardens, once rich in apples, plums, pears and cherries. Of the twenty-odd houses, seven remained. They have gas, but some owners have to go to the pump for water.
The spring, which gave life to a small pond and flows into the Serpeika, was considered holy, healing. Citizens and pilgrims came to him to drink, wash, and collect holy water with them. The priests came to the spring at Christmas, Epiphany and Easter, consecrated the water, took it to the temples.
In houses on the Lower Serpeika, nuns lived in shelters who served at churches. The proximity of the street to several temples at once contributed to the piety of the inhabitants. When icons were thrown out of churches and burned at the stake in the 1930s, women and children saved them, risking their freedom and life. But among the icons there were ancient ones, the brushes of Rublev ...
In Soviet times, only Ilyinsky Church worked. The persecution of faith forced people to visit the temple in secret. But all children from Nizhnyaya Serpeika were necessarily baptized, and sometimes weddings took place in Ilyinka.
The inhabitants of this town, accustomed to working on the land from early childhood, were always artisans, able to build a house and keep cattle, and in production they were not the last person to be known: many worked at a cotton factory and a mechanical plant. From here came teachers, doctors, cultural workers, engineers.

An excerpt characterizing the Serpeik (a tributary of the Nara)

– Well, what about the gifted ones?.. You are afraid of them, Your Holiness, aren’t you? Otherwise, you would not have killed them so brutally. Tell me, if you still burn them at the end, then why is it so inhumane to torture them even before they climb the fire? Is it really not enough for you that atrocity that you create by burning these unfortunate people alive? ..
“They must repent and confess, Isidora!” Otherwise, their soul will not be cleansed, despite the fact that I betray them to the flames of the holy fire. They must get rid of the birth of the devil in them - they must get rid of their dirty Gift! Otherwise, their soul, having come to Earth from darkness, will again plunge into the same darkness... And I will not be able to fulfill my duty - to join their fallen souls to the Lord God. Do you understand this, Isidora?!
No, I didn’t understand ... since it was the real nonsense of an extremely crazy person! .. Caraffa’s incomprehensible brain was a mystery to me behind the seven heaviest locks ... And, in my opinion, no one could comprehend this riddle. Sometimes the Holy Pope seemed to me the smartest and most educated person, knowing much more than any ordinary well-read and educated person. As I said before, he was a wonderful conversationalist, shone with his tenacious and sharp mind who completely subjugated those around him. But sometimes... what he "said" didn't sound like anything normal or understandable. Where was his rare mind at such moments?
“Have mercy, Your Holiness, you are talking to me now!” Why pretend?! What "lord" are we talking about here? And to what "lord" would you like to join the souls of these unfortunate "sinners"? And in general, can you tell me which Lord you yourself believe? If, of course, you believe at all ...
Contrary to my expectation, he did not explode in anger... He just smiled and said in a teacher's tone:
“You see, Isidora, a person does not need God to believe in something,” seeing my dumbfounded face, Caraffa laughed merrily. – Isn't it funny to hear this from me, Isidora?.. But the truth is, it is true, although I understand that from the lips of the Pope it must sound more than strange. But I repeat, man truly does not need God... He needs another person for this. Take even Christ... He was simply very gifted, but still a MAN! And he only had enough to walk on the water, revive the half-dead, show a few more of the same “tricks”, well, and for us it’s correct to declare that he is the son of God (and therefore almost God), and everything went exactly as it has always been - the crowd, after his death, happily rushed after their redeemer ... not even fully understanding what he really redeemed for them ...

Radomir (Jesus Christ), who could walk on water...

As I told you earlier, people must be able to direct and manage them correctly, Isidora. Only then is it possible to fully control them.
– But you will never be able to control entire nations! .. For this, armies are needed, Holiness! And even assuming that you would somehow subjugate these peoples, I am sure that there would be again brave people who would lead the rest to reclaim their freedom.
“You are absolutely right, Madonna,” Caraffa nodded. - Peoples do not submit voluntarily - they must be subordinated! But I'm not a warrior, and I don't like to fight. This creates great and unnecessary inconvenience... Therefore, in order to subdue peacefully, I use a very simple and reliable way– I destroy their past... For without a past, a person is vulnerable... He loses his ancestral roots if he does not have a past. And just then, confused and unprotected, he becomes a “clean canvas” on which I can write any story! .. And believe me, dear Isidora, people only rejoice at this ... because, I repeat, they cannot live without a past (even if they don't want to admit it to themselves). And when there is none, they accept anything, just not to “hang” in the unknown, which is much more terrible for them than any other, fictional “story”.

Serpeyka in the historical center of Serpukhov, view from the Zemlyanoy Bridge
Water consumption

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- Location

spring street

- Height

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- Coordinates
- Location

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- Height

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- Coordinates

 /  / 54.91250; 37.40611 () Coordinates :

river slope

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Water Register of Russia

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Pool code
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Serpeika- a river in the city of Serpukhov, Moscow Region, a left tributary of the Nara.

Source near the Serpeysky Pond on Vesennyaya Street. It flows through the central part of the city, including through the historical quarters, to the southwest from the source. Intersects with the streets of Lunacharsky (underground pipes), 1st Moscow (Zemlyanoy bridge of 1815). Then it flows south along Cathedral Mountain, where the Serpukhov Kremlin was located, then the channel turns southwest again, intersects with Tulskaya Street ( road bridge) and flows into Nara near the Mechanical Plant.


Flat type. Food is mixed, with a predominance of snow in spring and ground during the rest of the year. Length - about 2.2 km. Freezes in early December, opens in early April.


Serpukhov was founded in the 14th century on a cape at the confluence of the Serpeika with the Nara on a hill also called Cathedral (Red) Mountain. According to one version of the origin of the toponym Serpukhov, title locality gave precisely Serpeika. In the Middle Ages, as well as during the invasions of the Crimean Tatars, the deep ravine of the river served as an additional obstacle for the attackers, forming, together with the Nara River, the moat and walls of the Kremlin, a powerful defensive point.

On the hills along the banks of the Serpeika (first of all, on Ilyinskaya Gora), the oldest areas of the urban settlement were located. Coat of arms of Serpukhov

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Serpeyka in the historical center of Serpukhov, view from the Zemlyanoy Bridge
- Location

spring street

- Coordinates
- Coordinates

Russia, Russia

R: Rivers in alphabetical order R: Water bodies in alphabetical order R: Rivers up to 5 km in length R: River card: fill in: Serpeika basin area (Nara tributary) Serpeika (Nara tributary)

Serpeika- a river in the city of Serpukhov, Moscow Region, a left tributary of the Nara.

Source near the Serpeysky Pond on Vesennyaya Street. It flows through the central part of the city, including through the historical quarters, to the southwest from the source. Intersects with the streets of Lunacharsky (underground pipes), 1st Moscow (Zemlyanoy bridge of 1815). Then it flows south along Cathedral Mountain, where the Serpukhov Kremlin was located, then the channel turns southwest again, intersects with Tulskaya Street (automobile bridge) and flows into Nara in the Mechanical Plant area.


Flat type. Food is mixed, with a predominance of snow in spring and ground during the rest of the year. Length - about 2.2 km. Freezes in early December, opens in early April.


Serpukhov was founded in the 14th century on a cape at the confluence of the Serpeika with the Nara on a hill also called Cathedral (Red) Mountain. According to one version of the origin of the toponym Serpukhov, it was Serpeika who gave the name to the settlement. In the Middle Ages, as well as during the invasions of the Crimean Tatars, the deep ravine of the river served as an additional obstacle for the attackers, forming, together with the Nara River, the moat and walls of the Kremlin, a powerful defensive point. On the hills along the banks of the Serpeika (first of all, on Ilyinskaya Gora), the oldest areas of the urban settlement were located.


  • Garin G. F., Savoskul S. S., Shilov V. V. Serpukhov. - M .: Moscow worker, 1989. - 304, p. - ISBN 5-239-00271-1.

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An excerpt characterizing the Serpeik (a tributary of the Nara)

Meanwhile, another column was supposed to attack the French from the front, but Kutuzov was with this column. He knew well that nothing but confusion would come out of this battle, which had begun against his will, and, as far as it was in his power, held back the troops. He didn't move.
Kutuzov silently rode on his gray horse, lazily responding to proposals to attack.
“You have everything on your tongue to attack, but you don’t see that we don’t know how to make complex maneuvers,” he said to Miloradovich, who was asking to come forward.
- They didn’t know how to take Murat alive in the morning and arrive on time at the place: now there’s nothing to do! he replied to another.
When Kutuzov was informed that in the rear of the French, where, according to the reports of the Cossacks, there had been no one before, there were now two battalions of Poles, he glanced back at Yermolov (he had not spoken to him since yesterday).
- Here they ask for an offensive, they offer various projects, but as soon as you get down to business, nothing is ready, and the warned enemy takes his measures.
Yermolov screwed up his eyes and smiled slightly when he heard these words. He realized that the storm had passed for him and that Kutuzov would confine himself to this hint.
“He’s amused at my expense,” Yermolov said quietly, pushing Raevsky, who was standing beside him, with his knee.
Shortly thereafter, Yermolov moved forward to Kutuzov and respectfully reported:
“Time has not been lost, Your Grace, the enemy has not left. If you order to attack? And then the guards will not see the smoke.
Kutuzov did not say anything, but when he was informed that Murat's troops were retreating, he ordered an offensive; but every hundred steps he stopped for three-quarters of an hour.
The whole battle consisted only in what the Cossacks of Orlov Denisov did; the rest of the troops only lost a few hundred people in vain.
As a result of this battle, Kutuzov received a diamond badge, Benigsen also received diamonds and a hundred thousand rubles, others, according to their ranks, also received a lot of pleasant things, and after this battle, new changes were made in the headquarters.
“This is how we always do it, everything is upside down!” - Russian officers and generals said after the Battle of Tarutino, - just like they say now, making it feel that someone stupid is doing it upside down, but we would not have done it that way. But people who say this either do not know the business they are talking about, or deliberately deceive themselves. Every battle - Tarutino, Borodino, Austerlitz - everything is not carried out in the way that its stewards intended. This is an essential condition.
Countless free forces(for nowhere is a man freer than in a battle, where life and death are at stake) affects the direction of the battle, and this direction can never be known in advance and never coincides with the direction of any one force.
If many, simultaneously and differently directed forces act on some body, then the direction of movement of this body cannot coincide with any of the forces; but there will always be an average, shortest direction, that which in mechanics is expressed by the diagonal of the parallelogram of forces.
If in the descriptions of historians, especially French ones, we find that their wars and battles are carried out according to a predetermined plan, then the only conclusion that we can draw from this is that these descriptions are not correct.
The Tarutino battle, obviously, did not achieve the goal that Tol had in mind: to bring troops into action in order, according to the disposition, and the one that Count Orlov could have had; capture Murat, or the goal of instantly exterminating the entire corps, which Benigsen and other persons could have, or the goals of an officer who wanted to get into business and distinguish himself, or a Cossack who wanted to get more booty than he got, etc. But , if the goal was what actually happened, and what was then a common desire for all Russian people (the expulsion of the French from Russia and the extermination of their army), then it will be completely clear that the Battle of Tarutino, precisely because of its incongruities, was the very , which was needed during that period of the campaign. It is difficult and impossible to think of any outcome of this battle more expedient than the one that it had. With the least exertion, with the greatest confusion and with the most insignificant loss, the greatest results in the entire campaign were obtained, the transition from retreat to attack was made, the weakness of the French was exposed, and that impetus was given, which was only expected by the Napoleonic army to start the flight.