What does idk mean. About the history of gaming slang

In the 21st century, brevity has become the closest sister of not only talent, but also close friend most internet users. Brevity is sometimes a close relative of saving time and money. If Pushkin were alive, he would have gone bankrupt by sending sms, write every time “I remember wonderful moment, you appeared before me ... ”instead of the modern“ ILY ”(I Love You).

Be sure to send another "SY" ( see you) that the interlocutor will understand you correctly. We also advise you not to write such messages to older people and do not forget that in oral speech such words sound at least strange, but for your grandmother it is also intimidating.

How not to get lost in the world of abbreviations and abbreviations, read below and right now!

The most common and short ones do not need a lengthy introduction. For those whose eye hurts "a lot of letters", Anglophiles have adapted the following spellings of common words:

b- be
asap- as soon as possible
b4- before
bout- about
C- see
day- they
idk- I don't know
l8er- later
gr8- great
str8- straight
ttyl- talk to you later
wht- what
w8 - wait
U, Y- you
u2- you too
cnt- can "t
gd- good
love- love
r are
1t- want
2 - too, to
2day- today
4 - for

Do you still think that IMHO is a brutal “I have an opinion, you can argue with hell”? Then we come to you with explanations. The Russian "IMHO" has become an echo of the English "IMHO", which is not at all distinguished by pretentious impudence, but politely reminds that it is only "in my humble opinion" - "In My Hummble Opinion". The abbreviation "FYI" (For Your Information) means "for your information."

It's not a brand of clothes or a car. There is no brand smell here at all: the expression of gratitude “thank you”, familiar from childhood, is reduced by Russian-speaking lovers of abbreviations to “attc”, English-speaking “thanks” are most often converted to “tnx”, “thx” or “thanx”. "Thank you" is often written with the acronym "ty", which has nothing to do with the Russian "you".

"LOL" has nothing to do with a similar-sounding Russian word. This is just an acronym for "laughing out loud" or "lots of laughs", which literally translates as "laughing out loud." Be careful, because some innocent "LOL" can be interpreted as a goofy laugh like "gee-gee-gee" or a skeptical "haha how funny."

NP and YW
Polite people respond to "thank you" with "please." In the maelstrom of events, the solemn “You” re welcome” is reduced to “yw” - “you are always welcome” or “contact.” “NP” has nothing to do with what you had time to think about in Russian - just a light and carefree “no problem" - "no problem", "no problem".

plz and pls
Let's continue the lesson of English computer-sms courtesy: "PLZ" and "PLS" stand for "please" / "please".

What does XOXO mean?
"HOHO" is not the laugh of a good Santa. Include as much fantasy as you need to understand Malevich's Black Square. “HOHO” is a symbolic image of the action “hugs and kisses”, which in Russian sounds like “kiss-hug”. Where is the logic? The letter "X" resembles lips folded in a bow and means a kiss. Someone considers "X" a symbol of two kissing people, then the left and right halves are represented as separate lips. The letter "O" symbolizes the embrace between the kissers.

Do you know what it's like to laugh until your abs hurt? Figuratively speaking, rolling on the floor with laughter. In English, "ROFL" means the same: Rolling On the Floor Laughing.

Do not understand what is happening, taken aback by what you saw, sincerely perplexed? WTF is here to help! The phrase "What the fuck?" translates as "what the hell? ” or even “what the hell?”, having a compact version of “wtf”.

In this phrase, you can fit a huge range of emotions from joy to disgust. "OMG" stands for "Oh my God!" or "Oh my God!" in Russian.

Is your lively conversation interrupted by a phone call? And “no time to explain, I will soon” is packaged in three letters “brb” - short for the phrase “be right back”. Thus, the interlocutor reports that he left, but promised to return. Usually, after "brb" they write the reason for the absence, for example: "brb, mom "s calling" or "brb, someone at the door".

The already short word "Really", meaning "truth", "really", in the messages began to be reduced to "RLY". Perhaps, in order not to be mistaken once again in the number of letters "l" in this word?

By the way, the acronym "BTW" stands for "By The Way" or "by the way" :)

AFK or g2g
Are you going to be temporarily separated from your favorite computer? Need to get away from the keyboard? Hurry up to report it in 3 characters "AFK" ( Away From Keyboard) or "g2g" / "GTG" (Got To Go) - it's time to go.

Do you want to express your opinion with a certain amount of uncertainty? Then feel free to use the tactful acronym "AFAIK" (As Far As I Know), which in Russian sounds like "as far as I know."

Hard rock band A.C./DC and official abbreviation from physics "alternating current / direct current" (alternating current / direct current) can go to rest for now. In slang, the expression " AC/DC" means bisexual. The reduction added scandalous rumors about the members of the famous group. If you are interested in one more slang expression words "bisexual" in America, here it is - "each way".

Is there an incomprehensible "BYOB" at the bottom of the invitation to the party? The owners politely warn: a snack at their expense, and take care of the drink yourself. "Bring Your Own Bottle" means "bring your own bottle."

See a friend with an unzipped pants? Tell him "XYZ" and he'll understand. "XYZ" - instead of a thousand words. It translates as "Examine Your Zipper" or "check the lock on your fly."

"SY" is not "si" and not "su", but the farewell phrase "See you!" or in English "See You". Why bother with the whole 6 characters? "SY" or "CYA" or even "CU" is just right!

We hope the article clarified for you what you have long wanted to ask the all-knowing Google, but did not dare to spend a couple of minutes. Abbreviations and acronyms, like everything in this world, are good in moderation. THX, GTG, SY!

As is known, computer games love people different ages and nationalities. With the advent of the Internet, the passage of your favorite shooter or RPG has gone beyond four walls gamer rooms. Multiplayer games appeared, the plot and gameplay of which very quickly conquered the widest audience that went beyond not only one country, but also the mainland. The dynamism of the gameplay, as well as the lack of elementary knowledge among most users of English language, gave rise to special slang. AFK, GG, BRB - what does each of these terms mean?

About the history of gaming slang

First of all, gamers owe the appearance of convenient gaming slang to the English language. As you know, in many countries of the world it is taught in schools as an additional one. All sorts of politicians going on international conferences speak to each other in English. Stars and musicians, speaking in non-native countries, address the public in the same language. Gamers are no exception. Having chosen English as the most widely spoken language, they soon ran into two significant problems:

  • The gameplay is dynamic, it takes too much time to write some commands in the chat.
  • Most players have difficulty communicating on foreign language despite the fact that English is quite common.

The need to create a language that does not force the player to spend precious seconds, sometimes capable of turning the game around, and at the same time understandable to every user, led to the emergence of gaming slang.

What does BRB mean in games?

An appeal to the original source of the expression will help answer this question. What does BRB mean in English? The term comes from the phrase be right back, which translated into Russian means "I'll be right back." This should not be confused with the more common expression AFK, which means that the player is not in place. Nevertheless, these two terms are very similar to each other, and if we consider them in more detail, then what does BRB mean? Deciphering the phrase implies that the person who wrote it will return to the computer very soon, unlike the author of the second expression. In addition, AFK also acts as an insult, as they say about people who do not respond to in-game messages and pretend that they have moved away from the gaming device.

Features of gaming slang

Why is it better to use abbreviations like BRB in the game? What does this saying mean? At first, the player may react negatively to slang that is incomprehensible to himself. Especially if moral principles force him to always write correctly, avoid mistakes in words and follow the rules for punctuation. Moreover, a person, entering the game and seeing the level of communication of the inhabitants there, can feel superiority, and promise himself never to stoop to this. This endeavor is commendable, but how much does it contribute to improving the skill of the game?

Of course, it should be understood that if game process proceeds calmly, the character stands in the city and prepares potions for the coming battle, and the person who controls it can only entertain himself with conversations with friends, you can afford a calm and measured conversation. But if peaceful environment turns into a fight? When events unfold too quickly, the enemy is constantly attacking, and if you spend time writing a full command to the allies, you can miss important detail? And this can turn into a defeat. In addition, it is much easier for many players to perceive the established slang. You should not sometimes neglect such convenient expressions as BRB.

What does the term GG mean?

Another common term most often used in MOBA games. Translated from English, this is good game". Usually written at the end of a match, as a sign of respect for the opponent who won.

At first glance, gaming slang is vast and hard to learn, but by memorizing the most common expressions, such as BRB, which means when used, you can gradually learn the rest. It is not so important how a person communicates with allies, the main thing is that they understand each other and move together towards the intended goal, towards victory. It is very important to have patience, a friendly attitude and in no case stoop to insults, then mutual assistance and success to the team are guaranteed.

Today we will talk about fashion computer abbreviations(and not only). We have two wonderful videos on this topic. Let's get started!

asap= as soon as possible. This abbreviation is often used for letters and brief notes at work (which are called memo) and translated "As soon as possible". For example, "Call me back asap!" means "Call me back as soon as possible!"

What is IOU?

iou= "I owe you." This word can be used within business relations and translated "I owe you"(usually about money). In legal English, the abbreviation IOU is a signed document certifying the existence of debt obligations.

Principles for reading some abbreviations

Our quick-witted reader could already independently guess that some abbreviations in English can be easily spelled or numbers, and get a meaningful phrase. First, let's look at the most common characters:

  • u = you (you);
  • r = are (is);
  • c \u003d see (see);
  • y = why (why);
  • 8 = ate (ate);
  • 2 = two/to/too (2/to/too);
  • 4 = for (for).

New abbreviations appear with great speed, but once you understand the basic logic and mechanism of formation, you can decipher them yourself! The main thing is to know how letters are read. Examples: ICQ = I seek you (I'm looking for you), icu = I see you (I see you), i4cu = I foresee you (I foresee you), sk8 = skate (skate). A little more difficult: y u no…? = why you no (why don’t you)…? = Why don't you...?

Yes, that's right, there is an ERROR: …cat don't… Such

Unfortunately, not all abbreviations are so easily deciphered. Those abbreviations where each letter corresponds to a word are called initial abbreviations . For example, BST = large solar telescope, UNSC = UNSC = United Nations Security Council = United Nations Security Council. Even more unfortunately, they can have many meanings ... For example, UNSC can also stand for United Nations Space Command (UN Space Command).


lol= laugh out loud = laughing out loud= neighing. This is probably the most popular abbreviation on the Internet, so everyone should know it!

What does BRB mean?

brb= be right back. If during conversations in ICQ or Skype you need to go to the toilet, you can write to the interlocutor brb, which means "I'll be there soon". Also, this abbreviation will be useful for gamers to know.

omg what does that mean

omg= oh my god = Oh my God! This abbreviation is especially popular with young girls. According to some native English speakers, the word God can offend the feelings of another person, so it's better to say oh my goodness/gosh. However, the translation into Russian will not change.

WTF translation

wtf- one of the many informal (read - obscene) abbreviations. It expresses an extreme degree of misunderstanding and stands for what the fuck = what the fuck…?/what the fuck? Naturally, this phrase can sound offensive and unpleasant. try to use it only in the company of friends. And then mom finds out and makes an atata.

Other abbreviations

  • plz = please = please;
  • l8r = later = later;
  • ?4u = question for you= question to you;
  • jk = just kidding = just kidding;
  • asl = age, sex, location = age, gender, location (used for online dating);
  • ttyl = talk to you later = talk to you later;
  • cya = see you = see you;
  • np = no problem = no problem;
  • idk = I don't know
  • tmi = too much information = too much information;
  • k = okay = okay / good.

See the video for examples of the use of these abbreviations and the subtleties of their use! Want even more speeds? 😉 Watch the tutorial.

Gluten is Chemical substance protein group gray color and elastic consistency, insoluble in water. This substance is contained in cereal crops in descending order: in wheat, rye, barley, etc.

There are two fairly common names for gluten that we often see on food packaging: gluten and cleber. To avoid confusion, let us immediately clarify that there is no difference between these names. It's just that gluten is gluten in English, and kleber is German.

1 Composition and chemical features

Dry wheat gluten is a combination of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. In small quantities, it also contains sulfur and phosphorus compounds. The amount of nitrogen in wheat grain can reach 16%, and it is this indicator that will determine the quality of the cleber.

From useful properties Wheat gluten can be distinguished as follows:

  • high content of vegetable proteins in finished products;
  • the presence in the composition of 18 vital amino acids;
  • the presence of vitamins A, B, E, phosphorus and calcium;
  • can serve as a natural preservative, extending the shelf life of products;
  • the content of gluten in wheat affects the quality of airiness, elasticity and elasticity of the dough.

1.1 What is a Gluten IDK?

The DCI is a device that measures the gluten deformation index after washing 4 grams of crumb (raw gluten) in water at 18°C ​​in order to completely wash out the starch.

The algorithm of the deformation index measurement process is as follows:

  • completely free from starch;
  • the rubbery protein is placed on the platform of the IDK instrument;
  • for 10 minutes, the gluten crumb crushes the load (punch);
  • the arrow on the device determines the IDK indicator.

The deformation index measurement indicator is divided into three groups:

There are two more indicators that are not included in the groups, but are measured: unsatisfactory strong with an indicator from zero to 15 units and satisfactorily strong with a deformation index level from 20 to 40.

Such gluten is distinguished dark color, which manifests itself in grain after a violation of growing, drying or storage technologies. The gluten of the first three groups is distinguished by a light gray or light yellow tint.

1.2 Procedure for determining the quantity and quality of gluten using the Glutomatic 2200

1.3 Use of dry gluten

Dry gluten is added at factories Food Industry in order to increase the quantity and quality of the raw mass of gluten in flour products. This technique is technologically individual for each production.

Dry gluten is used to make:

  • bakery products;
  • frozen products from puff pastry;
  • semi-finished products (dumplings, pasties, dumplings, etc.);
  • pasta;
  • sausages, sausages, minced meat.

2 What causes a high percentage of gluten in wheat?

So, the reasons for changing the quantity and quality of cleber in wheat grain are:

  • genetic- depends on the variety;
  • environmental- depend on the conditions under which wheat grew and ripened;
  • exogenous- depend on those chemical and physical reagents with which the grain was treated before or after harvesting.

In addition, geneticists have found that targeted selection of varieties and the choice of the amount and composition of fertilizers used can directly affect the quality physical properties gluten in grains.

In addition, it has been proven that by changing the amount of nitrogen fertilizer used, cytogenetic changes in grain characteristics can be achieved. This nature of changes can be purposefully controlled in the right direction. As a result, you can get elevated level content of protein or amino acids in ripened grain.

But still, decisive factors, which affect the final ratio of quality and quantity of gluten in wheat, consider three main dependencies: soil condition, climatic conditions and humidity level. The higher the humidity, the less content grain protein.

Procedure for testing gluten

In conclusion, I would like to recall such a common phenomenon as celiac disease. It's a disease genetic nature, at which the body begins to perceive gluten (gluten, kleber) as a foreign enzyme.

Gluten intolerance manifests itself mainly as an allergic reaction in the form of: vomiting, joint pain and migraine, weight loss and stomach cramps. It is possible to determine the presence of a disease only in a medical laboratory, with the help of enough a large number tests. And in the case of a positive test result, a person with gluten intolerance is prescribed a gluten-free diet.