What does 6th sense mean. distrust of strangers

Candies in a box, you can call man's sixth sense.

Thanks to this sense, we can determine how many elements of the same kind are in place in this moment time.

It is known that there are five basic senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste and each of them in the brain has its own topographic map, that is, a map that shows where the neurons that form them are. Now scientists have found that such a map exists for the perception of quantity.

Sense of quantity different from symbolic numbers. The latter we use to represent quantities or other quantities. When we perceive quantity, we visually process the characteristics of the image.

To better understand what controls our sense of quantity, scientists conducted a study on eight participants. They asked them to look at the cards different amount points. During this experiment, the researchers analyzed the response of neurons using functional magnetic resonance imaging.

As it turned out, there is an anatomical the "quantity sense" center, which is located in the back of the parietal cortex.

Scientists say that this part of the brain, which is responsible for the perception of quantity, works like a sixth sense.

"When we see a small number of elements, we don't need to count them. We immediately know how many there are," explained study author Ben Harvey of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands.

human feelings

We know the basic five human senses. However, some scientists believe that we have them, on at least, nine, and some claim that there are more than 21 of them.

Under the feeling this case refers to a system of a group of sensory cells that respond to certain physical phenomena, and correspond to a specific area of ​​the brain.

Here are the basic and other lesser known human senses:

Five human senses

Vision- in fact, it can be divided into two senses, depending on the type of receptors: color vision (cones), and brightness (rods).

Taste- some people think that taste can be divided into five senses, depending on taste buds(sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami). Umami determines the taste of the amino acid glutamate, which is present in meat and is used as a flavoring agent.

Touch also considered a separate feeling from pressure, temperature, pain and even itching.

Hearing- the ability to perceive vibrations environment, such as air and water, which are in contact with the eardrums.

Smell- the ability to detect odor.

Other human senses

Thermoception- the ability to feel hot and cold.

proprioception is a sense by which we determine where our body parts are located in relation to other parts of the body. This feeling is tested by the police when they want to know how sober a driver is by conducting a test "close your eyes and touch your nose with your hand." We also use proprioception when we want to scratch our heel without even looking at where it is.

Feeling of tension Tension receptors are located in the muscles and allow the brain to monitor muscle tension.

Nociception- the feeling of pain has a unique sensory system, and is not an overload of the rest of the senses.

Sense of balance helps us maintain balance and sense body movements as we accelerate and change direction. With the loss of this feeling, a person ceases to distinguish up from down, and moves with difficulty without outside help.

Thirst- allows our body to monitor the replenishment of fluid loss.

Hunger This system tells us when we need to eat.

magnetoception is the ability to determine magnetic fields to know the direction of travel. This sense is well developed in birds and insignificantly in humans.

sense of time- there is a lot of controversy about what helps a person to determine time. However, studies have shown that we have a very precise sense of time, especially in our youth.

In everyday life, as well as in literature, it is accepted that a person has five senses. This follows from the phrase - "caught with some kind of sixth sense." Or from other, but similar in content phrases. The conclusion is clear - a person has five senses. And no more. By sixth sense we mean intuition.

The astronauts object: the sense of balance is an equivalent, equal feeling, we just do not notice its “work”. And intuition then becomes the seventh sense.
The question is: what is full list? Or, as always, did it ever occur to anyone to name ALL the feelings of a person in one list?

We proceed from the assumption that, according to Darwin, a person belongs to the animal range, is simply located on higher level development. But there is something in a person that rejects official science. And this “something” visibly exerts its influence on the behavioral qualities of a person. And this “something” stands above the person, above the person. This “something” is the human soul.


HUMAN FEELINGS, they are animal
(i.e. - inherent in the animal world).

FEELINGS of perception of the surrounding world,
determined ANATOMICALLY.
1. Vision.
2. Hearing.
3. Smell.
4. Touch.
5. Taste.
6. Balance.
7. ……….?

FEELINGS of self-perception, feelings of manifestation of one's own internal state,
(Due to temporary hormonal changes or local chemical reactions).
1. Discomfort, anxiety, fear
2. Laziness (here - dystonia disease, here - fatigue)
3. Food hunger (including thirst)
4. Sexual hunger
5. Jealousy, rivalry
6. Passion (attraction to specific person like a foreshadowing of love
7. Satisfaction and bliss after the actions taken, after receiving the result.

SPIRITUAL FEELINGS, not inherent in animals.

FEELINGS ARE SIMPLE (not everyone has them, but almost everyone is capable of them).
1. Pity, regret, conscience, shame, guilt.
2. Tact, ethical caution (behavior in society or in relation to one's neighbor).
3. Affection, dislike (respect, disrespect, sympathy, antisympathy for another person).
4. Pride in oneself (in other words, pride, that is, according to the Bible, it is a mortal sin).
5. Pride for someone (here - patriotism)
6. Self-confidence, in someone (in other words - correctness, correctness of one's own actions, words).
7. ……….?

COMPLEX FEELINGS (does not appear in everyone, and not all people are capable of complex feelings).
1. A sense of foreseeing the future (intuition, the so-called sixth sense).
2. Feeling of importance in other people (happiness).
3. Feeling of mutual importance and need in another person (respect).
4. Feeling of rejection and rejection of another person, other people (hatred).
5. Sense of musical beat (perception of music, ear for music).
6. Sense of duty (for deeds, to someone).
7. Feeling of "elbow" (interaction with a partner).


not included in any of the lists.
(Here's the point: the number of sensual groups, lists in the future can be increased.)

1. For a harmonious family, it is necessary to have feelings of fidelity, devotion and reliability.
By the way, maybe fidelity, devotion and reliability do not belong to the category of feelings? Maybe these qualities, these epithets from the field of relationships?

2. Confidence (feeling number 6 on the list of spiritual feelings) - as a mirror image of loyalty and devotion. And confidence comes from within. Confidence is a FEELING.
And because the family is not based on loyalty ( reverse action), but on confidence (feeling).


(group names to be specified):

1st group of feelings: feelings due to the presence of organs designed to perceive the world around us.

2nd group of feelings: feelings conditioned functional features organs of perception.

3rd and 4th groups of feelings: feelings due to the presence of the soul.


NOTE: two human feelings(No. 7 and No. 7) are not defined, this issue still requires reflection.

The sixth sense is our ability to perceive the subtle or invisible world of angels, ghosts, Heaven, Hell, etc. It also includes our ability to understand the subtle causal relationship between various events which are beyond the understanding of the understanding of the mind. Extrasensory perception (ESP), clairvoyance, premonition and intuition are synonymous with the sixth sense (the ability to subtle perception).

"The Sixth Sense" is a special gift that only a few possess. Some people are able to see through others and predict the future. Where do these "paranormal" abilities come from? Many scientists have dealt with this issue, as a result of which several hypotheses have been put forward. But, despite these theories, some phenomena are still difficult to fit into any rational explanation.

"Past" consciousness

The "sixth sense" can give a person information about an event that happened earlier with other people. Suppose such a "clairvoyant" can say that the stranger standing in front of him was engaged in martial arts. But how did he understand it? Perhaps the possessor of the “sixth sense” unconsciously came to this conclusion by observing the movements of the person in front of him, which reminded him of the movement of a fighter, or by paying attention to the speed of his reaction. Therefore, what happened is not magic, but is explained due to the peculiarities of information processing in our brain.

"Voices" in the head

Since ancient times, people have explained the appearance of voices by such mystical incidents as possession, communication with spirits, angels or demons. In psychiatry, this phenomenon indicates a sign of schizophrenia. But how to determine whether the voices are pathological, or whether they are in fact the appeals of incorporeal creatures that only people who are sensitive to subtle matters can hear. After all, some remain quite sane despite the presence of these voices, and even sometimes become esotericists and practitioners. They help people in situations in which no one but them knows. However, most scientists refuse to admit that people have superpowers, calling such seers sick people or ordinary charlatans.


Despite finding scientific explanations for many "paranormal" cases, inexplicable things still happen in life. For example, telepathy. Anyone can read minds. Especially if these are the thoughts of relatives and friends, which are easy to “read”, having studied their interests and characteristics over many years. However, how can we explain the phenomenon when we recognize the thoughts of a person at a distance, and, moreover, an unfamiliar one? After all, this is more than intuition. So, it can already be called the "sixth sense".

Prophetic dreams

Prophetic dreams, for the most part, are not at all dreams-predictions about the future. It’s just that, most likely, a person “adjusts” an event from such a dream to those that occur in reality. Most often he saw something like this in Everyday life which was very easy to predict. For example, a tense relationship with a friend may be reflected in a dream in which a person sees a quarrel with a friend. The next day they really fight. But such a dream cannot be called "prophetic."

The sixth sense is our ability to perceive the subtle or invisible world of angels, ghosts, Heaven, Hell, etc. It also includes our ability to understand the subtle causal relationship between different events that beyond understanding understanding of the mind. Extrasensory perception (ESP), clairvoyance, premonition and intuition are synonymous with the sixth sense (subtle perception ability). On this website, the words sixth sense, ESP, and subtle perception are used interchangeably.

1. How can we perceive and understand the invisible world?

As defined by SSRF, the "subtle world" (subtle dimension) is the world beyond the understanding of the five senses, the mind, and the mind. The subtle world means not visible world angels, ghosts, heaven, etc., which we can only perceive with our sixth sense.

We perceive the gross material (visible) world with our five physical senses (i.e. sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste), our mind (our emotions), and our intellect (the ability to make decisions). When we are talking about the invisible (subtle) world, then we perceive it with five subtle senses, subtle mind and subtle intellect (they are also called the sixth sense). When the sixth sense is developed or activated, it helps us to perceive the subtle world or subtle space. Perceptual experience subtle world also called "spiritual experience".

spiritual experience

What did it feel like?

The woman smelled the scent of roses from a bouquet of roses.

The woman smelled sandalwood in the absence of any sandalwood.


Seen from a rough measurement

Invisible even from the subtle dimension

How was it perceived

Five sense organs, mind and intellect. AT this example, this was perceived by the organ of charm, i.e. nose.

Sixth sense, i.e. through the subtle senses (the five subtle senses, the subtle mind, and the subtle intellect). In this example, it was perceived by the subtle organ of charm.

In the picture above, we see one woman smelling roses. This will not represent spiritual experience, since there is a specific source of rose fragrance, i.e. bouquet of roses. In another painting, we see a woman who does not inhale the scent of roses. She reflects on the beginning of her working day. Suddenly and without any apparent reason, she smells a strong scent of sandalwood. She initially dismisses thoughts of it as she can't see where the scent is coming from and continues to think about her work day. However, the scent follows her on her workplace and stays with her throughout the morning. She asks other people if they smell the scent, but no one smells it. This event will represent a spiritual experience. In this case, this woman actually perceived the fragrance coming from the subtle space. She sensed the fragrance through her subtle charm organ. The ability to perceive or sense subtle space through the five subtle senses, subtle mind, and subtle intellect is also called the sixth sense.

2. Subtle perception through the subtle senses

Spiritual level of a person (%)

5 subtle feelings

Subtle mind and subtle intellect

As can be seen from the table above, the maximum level of perception subtle organs feelings are reached spiritual level 70%. Consequently, further increase spiritual level is not accompanied by an increase in the perception of the subtle by the five senses. However, the subtle mind and subtle intellect continue to tune in more and more to the Universal Mind and Universal Intellect until reaching the spiritual level of 100%. The table below shows the minimum required to be perceived through each of the five subtle senses if the person's sixth sense was purely a function of the spiritual level. For example, you can perceive subtle odors by 40%.

This diagram serves as an explanation direct connection between spiritual level and sixth sense. However, it is important to note the following:

  • If a person has experience fine sense of smell, it does not necessarily mean that he (or she) has reached the spiritual level of 40%. Most likely, we are talking about an instant or temporary increase in the spiritual level (or the ability to subtle perception), due to intensive spiritual practice (for example, chanting the Name of God, or spending time in the company of the Saints, etc.)
  • Other factors may also contribute to this experience. For example, if ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) want a person to be frightened by smelling urine around the house, they can use their spiritual energy to make it happen. As a result, the person who is being attacked may smell a subtle scent without the need to raise one's spiritual level.
  • It also does not mean that all people at the 40% spiritual level necessarily perceive subtle odors. a person is a collection of many properties: the sixth sense is just one among them. See article about.
  • This does not mean that all these people can perceive up to 100% of all available subtle odor options, and it also does not mean that they can perceive them all the time and at any time.
  • This also does not mean that a person at a spiritual level of 40% or higher necessarily perceives subtle odors. A person can reach Holiness (i.e. the spiritual level of 70%) without ever perceiving anything with the five subtle senses. One of the reasons for this may be that this person has already had this experience in past life, and he no longer needs this experience. However, all Saints have a sixth sense, associated with a subtle mind and intellect.

You can also see from the diagram above that the ability to perceive through the subtle senses of touch and hearing is acquired only at higher spiritual levels. The reason for this is that they are the subtlest of the five subtle senses.

5. Sixth Sense (ESP) and Gender

As a rule, women have a stronger sixth sense compared to men. Extrasensory perception (ESP) comes more naturally to women, and they are the most intuitive. One of the main reasons for this is that men rely more on the intellect and use the arguments of reason more often.

6. Spiritual experiencesssubtle mind and subtle intellect

Sometimes, a person experiences a strange feeling of returning home at the sight of a completely unfamiliar house or a premonition of impending disaster. He may also experience endless love to a man who should not be to his liking. These are all experiences of the subtle mind. We cannot understand what caused these feelings. Sometimes we hear about people who receive information from the subtle dimension and who communicate with beings from the subtle worlds. This phenomenon will be explained in more detail in the paragraphs below.

6.1 How do people perceive this information?

As a rule, people who receive knowledge from the subtle dimension receive it in three ways:

  • they let the subtle being use their hand to write a message (known as automatic writing)
  • through a vision in which they see words or paragraphs in front of their eyes
  • through thoughts

Among the above methods, the most subtle is to receive an answer through thoughts.

6.2 Source of knowledge

People who receive knowledge from the subtle dimension receive it either:

  • automatically, through their ability to break through into the Universal Mind or Intellect
  • from subtle beings, in response to concrete questions asked. They can receive this information with the help of the sixth sense through the subtle mind and intellect.

In both cases, the person understands the subtle dimension, but only spiritually. developed person can distinguish if the knowledge was obtained in the first or second way. In most cases, a person communicates with subtle bodies from different subtle zones, for example, from Purgatory or Hell zones. Only in rare cases, a person receives knowledge from the Deities or from God, that is, from the Universal Mind and Intellect.

The type and quality (level) of the information received depends on spiritual level the person receiving it.

Information from inferior sources

Absolute knowledge, also known as Divine knowledge, is knowledge that is perfect and absolutely authentic. It either does not change or is the highest Truth.

Information received from thin bodies from such lower zones as Purgatory or Hell zones, is predominantly terrestrial in nature and matters only for a certain region of the earth, for a short period of time. An example of this is getting information about marriage prospects or about getting a job. Which Political Party will win elections in one country or another is also an example of this kind of knowledge received from the subtle bodies of the lower level from the subtle dimension.

The information received by Nostradamus is an example of this category. Nostradamus himself was at the spiritual level of 50% and received knowledge from the subtle body at the spiritual level of 40%. Many mediums fall into this category of acquiring knowledge.

Knowledge from higher sources

The whole Universe consists of 14 zones - 7 positive and 7 negative. Our earth is the only gross (physical) zone, and all other zones are subtle in nature. Paradise is just one of the positive subtle zones where we can go after death.

Knowledge received from the subtle bodies of the higher zones ( mahalok or higher) are of a spiritual nature. This knowledge is gradually becoming more and more universally in demand and has invariably great importance for centuries. Receiving Divine knowledge from the Universal Mind and the Universal Intelligence (i.e. from the Mind and aspects of the Divine Intelligence) is of the highest importance. As shown in the picture above, only the Saints can receive such knowledge. An example of this is the knowledge in the Holy Vedas, which was received by the Saints of ancient India.

In order to correctly determine the source or accuracy of knowledge, one must have a very high spiritual level, i. you need to be Holy at 90% or higher.

7.3 How do you know if the acquired knowledge comes from an external source or from your own subconscious thoughts?

There are several pointers that lead to the conclusion that knowledge comes from external source and not from your own imagination.

  • When content knowledge go beyond the knowledge of the receiver. For example, one seeker of God who barely graduated from school nevertheless receives complex schemes machines.
  • Another pointer is body of knowledge. One seeker from the Spiritual Research Foundation (SSRF) has been receiving Divine knowledge from the subtle world since October 28, 2003. Every day, she receives knowledge placed on 15-20 pages of A4 paper. At the moment, this spiritual knowledge is being analyzed and cataloged for the benefit of humanity.

7.4 Factors that decide who gains knowledge through the subtle intellect

There is a combination of factors that decides who will receive knowledge from the subtle world. The spiritual level of a person is one of key factors who decide who will receive knowledge from the subtle world. Apart from the spiritual level, there are other factors that decide who will have higher spiritual experiences (such as gaining knowledge):

  • Motivation and intense human desire
  • Necessity for the fulfillment of God's mission
  • Determination and blessing of the Guru ( spiritual teacher at a spiritual level of 70% and above)
  • human

It should be noted that if a person at a higher spiritual level is interested in acquiring knowledge of a lower nature, for example, about everyday events on Earth, then despite the fact that he is able to receive knowledge from subtle bodies of a more high level, he will receive such knowledge from the subtle bodies of a lower level. On the other hand, if a person at a relatively lower spiritual level (for example, at the 50% level) is highly motivated to learn higher principles spiritual science, then he will receive knowledge from the higher subtle bodies or from the subtle bodies of the higher worlds, especially if he was blessed by the Guru.

7.5 Sixth sense, premonitions, and time and space

Sometimes, people have premonitions about what is going to happen, or some sort of intuitive feeling about events that have previously happened. This is possible in two ways:

  1. With the help of subtle bodies: if subtle bodies put this premonition (this information) into the subconscious mind of these people. In most cases, these subtle bodies or subtle beings are ghosts from Purgatory or from the Hell zones. In some cases, these subtle bodies have the ability to see through time. If they do not have this ability themselves, then they get this information from higher-level ghosts, such as subtle sorcerers, who have this ability.
  2. Receiving this information from the Universal Mind and Intellect: e There are seven layers of Universal Mind and Intelligence. Depending on the level of his sixth sense, a person will be able to break through either the lower or the higher thin layer of the Universal Mind and Intellect.

In almost all cases, premonition (warning about the future), clairvoyance (receiving information from somewhere far away), and foresight (receiving information from the distant future) are from subtle bodies, that is, these gifts are not related to the ability of the person himself to receive information. from the Universal Mind and Intelligence. The harm that subtle bodies can do is explained in the next section.

7.6 Accuracy of knowledge received from the subtle world

As a rule, a person receives knowledge from subtle bodies of equal spiritual level. The accuracy and quality of knowledge also corresponds to the spiritual level. To understand this concept, imagine a scale between 0 and 100% with no knowledge at the 0% level. The lowest knowledge that the intellect can understand is at the 1% level, and what is available from the Universal Intellect is at the 100% level.

  • As a rule, a person at the spiritual level of 40% receives information from the subtle body of the corresponding spiritual level, i.e. 40%, however, the accuracy of this information is also at the level of 40% and the quality of knowledge is 40%.
  • Before reaching the spiritual level of 70%, knowledge is most likely from ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) and therefore, are accompanied by a certain amount of black energy. Those who do not know about the mechanisms for obtaining knowledge may not have an idea about this aspect and therefore, may blindly and directly believe in all the knowledge received. There is a high probability, if knowledge is obtained through subtle bodies, that it is partially or completely incorrect. Subtle bodies usually first give some correct information in order to gain trust. After gaining trust, they start giving various degrees false or misleading information. one more an important factor One thing to consider is that information received from subtle bodies is always shrouded in black energy. Therefore, she different ways adversely affects the receiver (for example: the receiver may experience serious problems with health, psychological weakness, clouded mind, etc.). But this process is so gradual that it goes unnoticed by the person himself, his family and his friends. If this process of obtaining information continues for a long time, this person gradually becomes truly a puppet in the hands of the subtle body, and then the subtle body can use this person in various ways to advance its interests.
  • However, after a person reaches a spiritual level of 70%, he receives knowledge from positive subtle bodies, such as Saints and Sages from higher worlds over Paradise. This person can also gain knowledge through the Universal Mind and Intellect, and this knowledge is not accompanied by black energy.
  • After reaching the spiritual level of 70%, a person begins to receive Absolute Knowledge from the Universal Mind and Intellect.

There are many levels of understanding negative aspect the subtle dimension (such as ghosts, demonic possession, and being attacked by ghosts). Quite often, what people are able to experience is just the tip of the iceberg. Only at a spiritual level above 90%, a person acquires the ability to perceive the entire spectrum of the subtle dimension.

Please see the article about the extent of our ability perceive paranormal activity sixth sense.

8. Sixth Sense Abuse (ESP)

The sixth sense should only be used for the realization of God, i.e. for highest goal spiritual development. From a purely spiritual point of view, it is considered abuse when the sixth sense is used for something else, such as peaceful affairs. In other words, if a psychic uses their psychic abilities to find out if a particular person will get married or get a job, then this is considered abuse from a spiritual point of view.

When a psychic abuses the sixth sense (ESP), two things happen over time:

  1. They lose their ability. This usually occurs over a 30 year period.
  2. They become targets for stronger subtle sorcerers. In the beginning, subtle sorcerers give psychics some correct information in order to inspire confidence. However, they then mislead these people and their investigators. In such cases, the psychic abilities of these people persist for more than long period, and it may even seem that these abilities are gradually improving. However, these psychic abilities are not manifested due to the piety of the psychics themselves, but because of the subtle sorcerer who guides the psychic. In such cases, this rare gift psychic abilities, which this person could use for the realization of God, is wasted on less important things.