Work program in English Afanasiev. Multimedia learning tools

This manual for educational and methodological complexes on English language for students in grades 2-4 of educational institutions of the "Rainbow English" series is compiled on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education to the structure of the educational program, as well as taking into account the requirements set forth in the Exemplary Curriculum for Academic Subjects (elementary school). It defines the goals and content of teaching English in elementary school, on the basis of which the material in these educational and methodological complexes is selected and organized, thematic planning is proposed with the definition of the main types learning activities students, as well as recommendations on the material and technical support of the subject "English", recommendations are given on working with the electronic application to the textbook and the formation of students' ICT competence.

The basis for determining the content of training is an analysis of the real or possible needs of students in the process of communication. This manual highlights the range of topics and problems that are considered within the learning situations (units) defined for each year of study. This assumes that students may encounter the same topics at each subsequent stage of learning, which means their concentric study. At the same time, of course, a repeated appeal to the same topic implies its more detailed analysis, consideration from a different angle, deepening and expanding issues for discussion, comparison similar problems in various English-speaking countries, as well as in the students' home country.

The areas of communication and topics within which students develop the ability to use English for real communication at an elementary level are correlated with various types assignments and texts. For the most part, teaching materials (grades 2-4) include texts that have undergone the necessary adaptation and reduction. They include story texts of folklore genres (fairy tales, poems, songs), pages from guidebooks, as well as texts from the World Wide Web.

From the authors
Explanatory note
Course content implemented in a line of textbooks
Thematic planning for classes and sections of textbooks
I. Recommendations for working with electronic applications for textbooks and building students' ICT competence
II. Recommendations for the organization of design and research activities students
III. Recommendations on the educational, methodological and logistical support of the subject "English".

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