Physical education note. How to write an explanatory note: to the school, to the teacher about the absence of a child, an explanatory note to the principal of the school, to the physical education teacher about exemption from stress

Many parents do not attach importance to the form of applications they send to the school. However, the relationship between teachers and your child directly depends on how the application is written, what phrases you use in it. In order not to spoil mutual understanding, parents are advised to adhere to simple rules drafting documents.

How to fill out the application correctly?

Let's list primary requirements to the application written for exemption from study on family circumstances:

  1. The document should write the truth. False information, errors can lead to administrative punishment. For example, you should not sign a paper for a "stranger" child, because you are not the parent of your son / daughter's friend.
  2. When writing, you must adhere to the official style. Information should be presented briefly, clearly and clearly so that the class teacher or director does not have any questions.
  3. The document must be written by hand or typed on a computer. , on an A4 sheet.
  4. Above, on the left side, you must leave a place for the data of the order which will be prescribed by the secretary of the educational institution. Also, the distance is necessary for filing a document.
  5. You can draw up a document only with a blue (not gel) pen. When printing the application, you can use the blue ink of the scanner.
  6. It is worth specifying specific reasons for the absence of a child - even if he misses 1 day. This may be treatment, a visit to a doctor, the presence of a child at the funeral of relatives, etc. You shouldn't cheat. For example, many parents go on vacation for several days, and the application indicates other reasons. After returning to school, a tanned child will call mixed reactions teachers. They may begin to distrust you and him, become prejudiced, show envy.
  7. A statement is not a notice. It is forbidden to use the phrases "I bring to your attention", "notify". So you only aggravate the relationship between the class teacher and the student.
  8. At the end of the document, you must indicate that you take responsibility for the life, health and education of the child this day for yourself. Many will say - "but how else, I'm a parent, why would I enter such a phrase." Note the guide educational institution will consider your application and leave it unattended, since the responsibility for education lies with the employees of the school, lyceum. If the child does not attend classes due to rest, then no one will go through the material with him again, but they will ask. Therefore, you need to indicate that you will be taking the curriculum at home. Of course, the director may put forward other requirements, but this is considered the main one.

Consider how to fill out an application to school correctly - sample applications from parents

  1. With right side there is a "cap". You must indicate to whom you are sending the application. AT this case This is the head of the school. Enter his name, position.
  2. In the same part, write who it is from. Please also include your name, address and contact phone number. In case of refusal or any questions, you will definitely be called.
  3. Title of the document - Application - written with capital letter and there is no dot at the end!
  4. Next, in the main part, enter who you want to release from classes. It is necessary to indicate not only the initials, but also the class of study, as well as the date of the pass (11/01/16).
  5. Specify the reason for the absence.
  6. Make an offer that responsibility for the life, health and passage curriculum lies on you.
  7. Don't forget to sign and date.
  8. In some cases, the director requires the signature of the class teacher with whom you will need to coordinate the exemption from classes.

How to write a note to the teacher about the exemption from physical education?

    The surest option is to bring a certificate from a doctor from the hospital

    Then the child will definitely not go to any physical education

    If you are going to write a note, then you need to write like this

    Dear full name (teacher)

    Forgive me to release Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich from physical education classes

    Sincerely, mother / father of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (name of mother or father)

    As you can see, nothing complicated.

    You can include your mobile number at the end.

    If you suddenly decide to call from school

    If your child is unable to attend physical education class for health reasons. and you don’t have a doctor’s certificate, then you can write a note to the teacher with something like this: Dear, name of the teacher! I ask you to release my son / daughter, full name of the student / student of the class from physical education classes for health reasons.

    At their discretion, the teacher will decide whether or not to release your child from classes. But it’s better to go to the doctor and get a certificate of release.

    The text of the note to the physical education teacher on exemption from classes for one lesson can be compiled in following form: top right corner- teacher physical education school 1 Name, Patronymic and Surname of the teacher from the parent: indicate your Name, Patronymic, Surname; from the beginning of the line - I ask you for my son or daughter, the name and surname of the child, a student of the class, due to poor health, to be released from the physical education lesson today, indicate the date. Put the signature and transcript of the signature, date.

    The exemption is given by the doctor, and the note can be sent to the school physician, he will write the exemption.

    Exemption from physical education can only be given by a doctor.

    But if this is an isolated case, then the teacher can go to the meeting. With the text itself, as they say, no need to philosophize slyly.

    Write something like this:

    " Dear Ivan Ivanovich, I ask you to release my son Petrov Vasily on 10/04/2014 from classes at your lesson. Because he doesn't feel well.


    number signature.

    You can, of course, write a note to the physical education teacher. But the teacher has no right to let go of the lesson (if this is not last lesson on that school day).

    The teacher is responsible for ALL students in the class according to the list. If, thanks to the note, the student go where eyes look and get, for example, in an accident or commit an illegal act? Or it will simply rush along the corridor and interfere with the educational process. And if the student really does not feel well, and suddenly sharp deterioration states?

    Therefore, the student should not be released from the lesson, but should be sent to the medical room under supervision. school doctor or should be in the gym on the bench substitute. That is, present at the lesson without taking part in physical exercises.

    So, the text of the note itself.

    physical education teacher high school 345

    Prostokvashino to Murlykin Vasily Timofeevich

    from the parents of a 5th grade student Stepan Myshkin.

    We kindly ask you to release our son from physical exercises during the physical education lesson due to the fact that yesterday, 10/13/15. while playing football, he received a serious bruise of the soft tissues of the right shin. Please give another (at your discretion) task for the lesson so that Stepan can attend the lesson and perceive the educational material.

    We hope for your understanding, Vasily Timofeevich.

    Sincerely, Myshkina T.M.

    Myshkin V.I.

    tel. +7-912-234-4328; +7-922-56-47-456.

    The teacher must know where his student is if he did not come to class.

    Most often, students bring certificates of treatment of the disease to school during their absence.

    Sometimes students bring their teacher notes from their parents, which indicate the reason why their daughter or son was not in class.

    It is not difficult to write such a note to the teacher about exemption from physical education:

    Example: Dear Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, I ask you to release my son Pupkin Voldemar from a physical education lesson due to poor health for 1 day. 11/30/15 and signature :)

    I think that any teacher will take into account the request of the parents: there is no need to even indicate the reason, especially since the reason can be very personal. The most important thing is that the teacher does not have a suspicion that the student himself wrote the note.

    Therefore, be sure to identify yourself - indicate your name, number mobile phone, write that situations are different and you hope for understanding.

    If some serious competitions are scheduled on this day, passing standards, etc. be sure to indicate that all scheduled tasks will be done in the near future.

    At the end of the note, be sure to thank and do not forget to put a number and signature.

    I am writing notes from the release of physical education to my daughter in free form: I ask you to release my daughter on such and such a date ... due to poor health, painting and number

    But apparently I got carried away and one day the teacher called me and asked me to continue to have a certificate from the doctor.

    We really got bold, once a week we began to do this, she goes in for sports and her muscles hurt just to run.

    As he later told us, well, once every two months I would be silent, but this is too much, they also ask him, I was 100% wrong.

    A note you write to any teacher is a document that indicates why the teacher dismissed your child from his lesson.

    A note can be written in the same way as a statement, using a cap, main text and indicating the date.

    You can also write without a cap:

    Dear, Petrov Ptr Petrovich!

    I, your full name, the father of a student of class 7B, the full name of your child, I ask you to release (release) my child from your lesson due to (write the reason or for family reasons).

    Indicates the date the note was written and put a signature.

The school life of the child is very busy, but there are various unforeseen circumstances due to which the child cannot go to classes. Absence of the child in the lessons good reasons The school asks for confirmation. Moreover, this must be done by parents with the help of an explanatory note. In order not to compose explanations for a long time, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main points of drawing up notes and options for explanatory notes when various reasons absence.

The main thing in the article

How to write a note to school: the main points

For an explanatory note, an A4 sheet is taken, drawn up mainly by hand. You can print the note, since the parent's signature is uniquely affixed by hand. The writing style of the note is formal. Thoughts need to be formulated clearly, write only to the point.

The sheet of paper must be clean and even. There should be no drops, prints, blots, scuffs and crumpled paper.

  1. "Hat" notes. Start documenting. In the upper right corner in dative case(answers the question: to whom? why?) indicate the name of the class teacher. Write your initials below accusative(from whom?).
  2. Title. Below the cap, in the center of the sheet is written: Explanatory note.
  3. The basis. The following is a text in which you explain the reason for the absence of the child in class. The most common reasons are: absence due to illness, participation in various competitions and for family reasons. Do not go into too much detail, it is better to describe the situation briefly and clearly. Be sure to include the date you missed class.
  4. The ending. At the end is the current date and the signature of the parent with initials.

If your school has a website, study it carefully. Quite often, on the websites of schools, you can download samples of the necessary explanatory notes to your computer. They already have a “cap” specifically for your school, the name of the director is correctly written. This will make it easier for you to write a note and save time.

How to write a note to the class teacher about skipping school for health reasons: an example

When writing a note about missing classes for health reasons, it is enough to indicate that the child did not come to school due to poor health. If desired, you can enter the reason without going into details, for example, fever, poisoning. We recommend calling a doctor, because a note from a parent will help, if necessary, be absent from school for one day. More often, this note is written if the child suddenly woke up in the morning with poor health, nausea, and the parents do not know how soon the child will recover, and hope that this is a one-day illness. Either the child fell ill on Friday and the family hopes to cure him over the weekend.

An example of a note to school from parents about exemption from physical education

If you wish to remove your child from physical education for permanent basis, then you will have to attach a certificate from the pediatrician. In the case when a temporary suspension is necessary, it is quite possible to get by with a note from the parents.

Remember, the note exempts from physical activity for only one lesson, so the child’s poor health, a minor injury or critical days for girls will fit into such a norm. In case of a more serious injury or health condition, you will have to talk to the local pediatrician, who will issue a certificate.

Explanatory note addressed to the director about missing classes at school due to illness: sample

If the reason for the absence of the child is a deterioration in well-being, check with the class teacher whether a note will be enough. Often the educational institution asks to attach a certificate from the doctor to the note. In some schools, an explanatory note can be released from school for a maximum of three days. Each school has its own rules, so we advise you to coordinate everything specifically with your educational institution. When making a note addressed to the principal, be sure to indicate the grade in which your child is studying.

An example of an explanatory note to the class teacher about missing a lesson at school

Do not forget that the explanatory note is an official document. Observe the official style, do not make mistakes and blots. The general text is written in an arbitrary variant, but in business style. Possible reasons:

  • participation in the competition
  • visiting a doctor for a certain time,
  • the need to travel far for family reasons and the coincidence of the departure time of the bus or train with the lesson.

How to write a note to school from parents about the absence of a child at school for family reasons: sample

A note from the parents about the absence of a student for family reasons is drawn up according to the same rules as the explanatory notes with the reasons discussed above. When describing the reason, they usually simply write "due to family reasons." These very circumstances can be deciphered in brackets if desired, but they are usually announced in oral class teacher.

If you already know that the child will be absent from school for family reasons, we recommend that you immediately call the class teacher and tell about it by phone. Specify what explanatory note you will definitely send it to the school.

Sample note to school to release a child from a lesson

In this note, it is better to specifically clarify the reason why you need to leave early (ticket to the clinic so as not to miss the train, etc.). So the manager will be sure that the reason is really valid and there will be no unnecessary questions. Orally, make a promise that the child will study the missing material on his own or with your help and be sure to complete it. homework. And if there was a control at the lesson that the child missed, then specify the retake dates.

Different situations in life should not unsettle your child. If a situation happened that you need to skip school, then the family should intervene. Parents need to understand the correctness of writing official documents. An explanatory note is a great option to ask your child for one day. Just don’t get used to and write them every week, just pitying or “justifying” the child from absenteeism. Write explanatory notes only as needed.

Dear parents! In cases of missing classes by children (due to illness - 1 day), please notify the physical education teacher using the application form below, so that the teacher can control the load and condition of your child in the lesson.

Physical education teacher __________________________________________



Due to poor health (fever, poisoning, minor injury, etc.)

Please reduce teaching load in my child's gym class


student(s)………..class or conduct a theoretical survey on the topic of the lesson


The date………………………….

Exemption from physical education at school after an illness involves the permanent or partial removal of a student from classes. Usually this is documented - a certificate from a doctor in case of an illness that is present on this moment, or recently transferred. Certificate 095 / y is given after an illness and releases the student from classes for a period of 2 to 4 weeks. Help 027 / y can exempt from physical education lessons for up to 3 months.

For a longer period of release, a KEK certificate is issued - the conclusion of a clinical and expert commission. The commission carefully examines the specific case and then confirms the long-term suspension with three signatures (attending physician, head of the clinic, head physician) and round seal. Such a certificate gives exemption from physical education at school for a year.

Sometimes the teacher can release the child from class on a note from the parents. This note is short-term and entitles you to an exemption, usually for 1 lesson. This may be due to the child’s poor health, when you don’t want to miss classes, but physical education can worsen the condition. Often mothers write such notes to girls who are afraid or embarrassed to do exercise during menstruation. By the way, not always the teacher and the nurse can meet halfway and accept these notes. Therefore, conflicts often arise between caring parents who protect their children and school teachers.

Children exempted from physical education can be divided into three groups. Children with some health problems (2nd group, preparatory) are engaged together with the main part of the class, but do not perform complex exercises that are contraindicated for them. Most often, they are exempted from crosses, relay races, gymnastic tricks, coups, etc. Their classes should take place according to the clear recommendations of the doctor. Children with serious deviations in health (3 gr.zd.). Such children should be engaged in a separate, specially created group for individual program. Such an exemption is given only if there is a KEK certificate. Children who are completely exempted from any physical activity (children with disabilities from 4 gr.zd.). Such children attend classes, but in order to receive an assessment in the certificate, they will need, for example, to write an essay.

Diagnoses in which children are completely or partially exempted from physical education may be as follows: Up to 1 month: flu, tonsillitis, SARS, acute intestinal infection (acute intestinal infection), bruises, dislocations, sprains, after chickenpox. Up to 3 months: gastroduodenitis, ulcer, pneumonia, bronchitis, postoperative conditions (for example, after removal of appendicitis). Up to 6 months: VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), asthma, bronchitis, ulcers, gastroduodenitis, concussion, psoriasis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, postoperative conditions, with scoliosis. Up to 1 year: asthma, heart disease, arthritis, concussion, psoriasis. If you have a visual disability. Complete release it is unlikely that any of the schoolchildren will receive from physical education at school.

In 2013, President of the Russian Federation V. Putin, at a meeting on the development of the system of physical education for children, said that in Russia there should not be schoolchildren who are completely exempt from physical education lessons. In his opinion, everyone should physical development, regardless of restrictions. It's just that the approach should be individual and special for each child who has certain limitations and contraindications.

Hello, friends! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch. I want to discuss with you a very burning topic - exemption from physical education at school.

Physical culture is the same important lesson, like mathematics, Russian or literary reading. You and I, as parents of students primary school, lucky. junior schoolchildren For the most part, the attitude towards physical education lessons is positive. They love them, which cannot be said about middle school students, and even more so older ones.

But sometimes situations arise in a child's life when physical exercise for him undesirable or even dangerous to health. This is where the exemption from physical education lessons is required.

All exemptions are temporary and are issued for periods ranging from one lesson to one year.

Lesson plan:

Just one lesson

A student may be released for one lesson at the written request of the parents. This request is made in the form of an application in free form. How to write it? For example, like this:

The note must indicate why you are asking to release your son or daughter from physical activity. The reason may be a headache, abdominal pain, mild poisoning, critical days in girls, etc. That is, a malaise that you plan to cope with on your own without going to a doctor.

By the next lesson, the student must either be healthy and ready for stress, or must be treated by a doctor.

It must be said that the fizruk is not obliged to take into account your note, since it is not an official document that allows him to release someone from classes. And here you can only rely on human relation teacher.

For 1 to 2 weeks

Children receive such a release after an illness, for example, SARS or acute respiratory infections, etc. It is issued by a pediatrician. The doctor writes out a certificate in the form 095 / y. Help sample:

Check that the following information is present on the certificate:

  • full name medical institution(in the upper right corner);
  • surname, name, patronymic of the student in the dative case and the date of his birth;
  • diagnosis;
  • the name of the educational institution to which the certificate is provided;
  • the period for which the student is suspended from lessons;
  • date of issue of the certificate;
  • seal of the medical institution;
  • signature of the doctor who issued the certificate;
  • personal seal of the doctor, which indicates his last name, first name, patronymic.

The period of suspension depends on the severity of the illness. Certificates are subject to strict accounting and have their own identification number.

For 1 month

Such an exemption can also be issued solely by a pediatrician. It is issued with a certificate 095 / y. True, in this case, a discharge epicrisis may also be required if the patient was treated in a hospital. Or a certificate in the form 027 / y is an extract from an outpatient card.

For 1 month, a schoolchild who has had severe viral diseases, such as:

  • chickenpox;
  • measles;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • angina;
  • acute intestinal infection;
  • rubella.

As well as a student who received such injuries as:

  • stretching;
  • dislocation;
  • injury.

Please note that with the above diagnoses, longer periods of release may be prescribed, it all depends on the severity of the disease.

For more than 1 month

Sometimes a release for more than 1 month is required. The pediatrician alone and alone cannot issue such a certificate. Here, the CEC (clinical expert commission) comes into play, consisting of at least three specialists: the attending physician, the head of the medical institution and the chief physician.

The timing of suspension from physical activity depends on the existing or past illness or injury and its severity.

When making a decision, the members of the commission rely on the discharge summary or certificate 027 / y, the results laboratory research, opinions and recommendations of medical specialists.

The commission draws up its decision in the form of a KEK certificate. It must be signed by all members of the commission. The authenticity of the certificate is confirmed by the seal of the medical institution that issued it. All data about this document is entered into the KEK journal.

Maximum term — 1 year

1 year is the maximum period for which the commission can release a student from physical education lessons.

Such exemptions are issued to children with very serious illnesses or physical disabilities that prevent classes. Often these kids either study in specialized educational institutions, or are on homeschooling. It is worth remembering that such annual certificates must be updated at the beginning of each academic year.

Full and partial exemption

Depending on the state of health of the student, doctors can exempt him from physical education lessons in whole or in part. With partial release, the certificate prescribes those restrictions in terms of physical activity that the children have. For example, you can not squat or bend over. Or you can not attend classes in the pool, etc.

Also, the child, by the decision of the attending physician or CEC, can be transferred to preparatory or special group health. I wrote in detail about health groups in physical education.

How to get an estimate?

Even if a student is suspended from physical education classes for a long time, he still needs to be certified. Not rated for this compulsory subject in next class The school does not have the right to transfer a student.

How to get an assessment if physical activity is contraindicated for a child? because it won't work? Write abstracts, carry out various projects, prepare reports. That is, study physical culture not in practice, but in theory.

I don't wish this on anyone. May all children be healthy! And let the movement be a joy for them. This, by the way, is not only a wish for children, but also for parents too.

And now a video with sad statistics. I didn't post it here to scare you. And in order to remind once again that the health of children is the most valuable thing in this life. And it needs to be treated with full responsibility by both doctors and teachers, and of course us, parents.

That's all, friends!

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article.

Happiness to you and good health!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!