In the main subgroups of the periodic system, the reducing power of atoms of chemical elements increases from. Redox properties of elements depending on the structure of their atoms

1) a decrease in the radius of atoms

12. In which group periodic system is the element E, which is part of the acid NEO 4?

1) IV 2) V 3) VI 4) VII

13. In the series of oxides SiO 2 - P 2 O 5 - SO 2 - Cl 2 O 7 acid properties

1) increase

2) decrease

3) do not change

4) first decrease, then increase

14. In which row simple substances arranged in order of increasing metallic properties?

Decreases from left to right over the period

1) atomic radius of elements

2) number valence electrons in atoms

4) acidic properties of hydroxides

16. In order of increasing electronegativity, the chemical elements are arranged in a rad:

1) C, N, O 2) Si.Al.Mg 3) Mg, Ca, Ba 4) P, S, Si

17. A chemical element is located in period IV, group IA. The distribution of electrons in the atom of this element corresponds to a series of numbers:

Electronegativity chemical elements with an increase in the charge of the nucleus of an atom

1) increases both in periods and in groups

2) decreases both in periods and in groups

3) increases in periods, and decreases in groups

4) decreases in periods, and increases in groups

19. In what series are the chemical elements arranged in ascending order of their atomic radius?

Among the elements of the third period, the smallest atomic radius has

2) aluminum

In the main subgroups of the periodic system, the reducing ability of atoms of chemical elements increases with

1) a decrease in the radius of atoms

2) an increase in the number energy levels in atoms

3) a decrease in the number of protons in the nuclei of atoms

4) an increase in the number of valence electrons

Decreases from left to right over the period

1) the number of valence electrons in atoms

2) atomic radius of elements

3) electronegativity of elements

4) acidity of hydroxides of elements

1) cesium 2) sodium 3) lithium 4) zinc

The oxide with the most pronounced acidic properties forms

1) silicon 2) phosphorus 3) sulfur 4) chlorine

Most strong base forms

1) magnesium 2) strontium 3) barium 4) cadmium

26. The acidic character is most pronounced in the higher oxide, formed by the element:

1) Sn 2) A1 3) C 4) S

The acid character is most pronounced in the higher oxide formed

1) beryllium 2) boron 3) phosphorus 4) silicon

The strength of oxygen-free acids of non-metals of group VIIA, according to the increase in the charge of the nucleus of atoms of elements

same value valency in hydrogen bond and the higher oxide has the element

30. Acid properties oxides in the series SiO 2 --> P 2 O 5 --> SO 3

1) weaken

2) intensify

3) do not change

4) change periodically

31. Gaseous hydrogen compounds of composition EN 3 form

1) Be, Ca, Sr 2) P, As, Sb 3) Ga, Al, B 4) Te, S, Sc

In a row of elements

Cl ® S ® P ® Si

1) the number of electron layers in atoms decreases

2) the number increases outer electrons in a volumes

3) increase atomic radii

4) non-metallic properties are enhanced

Non-metallic properties most pronounced in

1) sulfur 2) oxygen 3) silicon 4) phosphorus

largest radius has an atom

1) tin 2) silicon 3) lead 4) carbon

Among the chemical elements

Li --> Be --> B --> C

1) the number of valence electrons in atoms increases

2) the number of electron layers in atoms decreases

3) the number of protons in the nuclei of atoms decreases

4) atomic radii increase

The ability of chemical elements to attach or donate electrons is related to the structure of atoms and their position in the periodic system of elements of D. I. Mendeleev.

metal atoms in chemical reactions can only donate electrons and be reducing agents.

Metal elements include: elements of 1-2 groups; elements of groups 3-12, as well as lanthanides and actinides; elements of group 13, except for boron; elements of group 14, except for carbon and silicon; elements of group 15, except for nitrogen, phosphorus and arsenic. atoms metal elements contain on external level one, two, three electrons.

The most active reducing agents are alkali and alkaline earth metals, among which the most active is francium. A measure of the reducing activity of metals is the ionization energy.

For non-metals: F, Cl, Br, I, At, O, S, Se, Te, N, P, As, C, Si, B, H, the addition of electrons is more characteristic. Atoms of non-metals, with the exception of hydrogen and boron, have four, five, six, seven electrons at the external energy level.

The atoms of fluorine most actively attach electrons, which, having the highest electronegativity, is a strong oxidizing agent. It is followed in terms of oxidizing power by oxygen, whose atoms can only donate electrons to fluorine atoms. Other non-metals can not only accept, but also donate electrons, which means that they exhibit not only oxidative, but also restorative properties, which are much weaker. A measure of the oxidative power of an atom is a value called electron affinity.

Regarding the redox properties of ions, the following can be said. Alkaline and alkaline earth metals almost do not show oxidizing properties. On the contrary, cations of low-active metals in the highest degree of oxidation are oxidizing agents, for example, Fe 3+ . Metal cations in an intermediate or minimal oxidation state predominantly exhibit reducing properties, for example Fe 2+ .

Negatively charged ions of non-metals (Cl -, S 2-, N 3- and others) exhibit only reducing properties.

For example: S 2- - 2ē → S 0

Within each period with increasing serial number elements, their reducing ability decreases, and oxidative - increases. So, in the second period, lithium is only a reducing agent, and fluorine is only an oxidizing agent. This is the result of an increase in the charge of the nucleus of atoms, a decrease in the radius of atoms and a gradual filling of the external energy level with electrons (a lithium atom has one electron, a fluorine atom has seven). In this case, the ionization energy increases, and the electron affinity also increases.

Within each group of s- and p-elements, with an increase in the atomic number of the elements, the reducing ability of their atoms increases, and the oxidizing ability decreases. So, in group 16, oxygen is a strong oxidizing agent, and tellurium is a very weak oxidizing agent and in some reactions even exhibits the properties of a reducing agent. These patterns are due to an increase in the radius of the atoms of the elements, in connection with which the ionization energy and electron affinity decrease.

how do the acidic properties of higher oxides of elements of group III of the main subgroup of the periodic system of Mendeleev change?

What will happen when copper filings are added to a diluted sulfuric acid solution?
feature is the basis for building modern version periodic system of Menelev?

Describe the chemical element Fluorine based on its position in the Periodic Table. According to this plan: Symbol of a chemical element and its


II. The position of a chemical element in the periodic system of elements D.I. Mendeleev:

1) serial number;

2) period number;

3) group number;

4) subgroup (main or secondary).

III. The structure of the atom of a chemical element:

1) the charge of the nucleus of an atom;

2) relative atomic mass chemical element;

3) the number of protons;

4) the number of electrons;

5) number of neutrons;

6) number electronic levels in the atom.

IV. Electronic and electron-graphic formulas of an atom, its valence electrons.

V. Type of chemical element (metal or non-metal, s-, p-, d- or f-element).

VI. Formulas of the higher oxide and hydroxide of a chemical element, characteristics of their properties (basic, acidic or amphoteric).

VII. Comparison of the metallic or non-metallic properties of a chemical element with the properties of neighboring elements by period and subgroup.

VIII. The maximum and minimum oxidation state of an atom.

Metal atoms donate electrons ___________________ or ____________________

electron layer and turn into ______________________ ions.
2. Properties of metals in the main subgroups of the periodic system D.I. Mendeleev
are changed as follows:
number of electrons on the outer layer _____________________________________________
atomic radius ________________________________________________________________
electronegativity ________________________________________________________
restorative properties _________________________________________________________
metallic properties _____________________________________________________________
3. Reducing properties of metals in side subgroups with increasing
serial number
4. The degree of oxidation in the series Be - Mg - Ca:
a) increases as the number of electron layers of the atom increases
b) changes periodically, as the number of the period changes
c) decreases, as the electronegativity of atoms decreases
d) the same, since the number of valence electrons is the same
5. General metallic bond and other types chemical bond: _________________
6. The type of chemical bond that is implemented in the Sn-Pb alloy:
a) ionic c) hydrogen
b) metallic d) covalent
7. Factor that caused polymorphism:
a) a different mass of elements that form a substance
b) variety inorganic substances
in) big number chemical elements
d) difference in crystalline forms
8. Properties uncharacteristic of substances with a metallic crystal lattice:
a) low temperature boiling
b) thermal conductivity
c) fragility
d) low electrical conductivity
e) hardness
f) plasticity
g) metallic luster
h) low density
i) magnetism
9. The most ductile metals: ______________________________________________
Practical significance plasticity of metals: __________________________________

Patterns of changes in the properties of chemical elements and their compounds by periods and groups. General characteristics of metals IA-IIIA Characteristic transition elements: copper, zinc, chromium, iron - according to their position in the Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev and structural features of their atoms.General characteristics of non-metals VIA-VIIA groups in connection with their position in the Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev and structural features of their atoms.

1. In the series Na --> Mg --> Al --> Si

1) the number of energy levels in atoms increases

2) the metallic properties of the elements are enhanced

3) decreases highest degree element oxidation

4) weaken the metallic properties of the elements

2. For elements of the carbon subgroup with increasing atomic number decreases

1) atomic radius

2) the charge of the nucleus of an atom

4) electronegativity

3. In a row of elementsnitrogen - oxygen - fluorine increases

1) hydrogen valency

2) the number of energy levels

3) the number of external electrons

4. In a series of chemical elementsboron - carbon - nitrogen increases

1) the ability of an atom to donate electrons

2) the highest degree of oxidation

3) the lowest degree of oxidation

4) atomic radius

5. Which element has more pronounced non-metallic properties than silicon?

1) carbon 2) germanium 3) aluminum 4) boron

6. With an increase in the charge of the nucleus of atoms, the acidic properties of oxides in the series

N 2 O 5 --> P 2 O 5 --> As 2 O 5 --> Sb 2 O 5

1) weaken

2) intensify

3) do not change

4) change periodically

7. In ascending order of non-metallic properties, the elements are arranged in row:

1) O,N,C,B

2) Cl,S,P,Si

3) C,Si,Ge,Sn

4) B,C,O,F

8. In order of increasing metallic properties, the elements are arranged in row:

1) A 1, Ca, K 2) Ca.Ga.Fe 3) K, Al, Mg 4) Li, Be, Mg

9. In which order are the elements arranged in ascending order of their atomic number? radius?

1) Si,P, S.C1

2) O,S,Se,Te

3) At, I, Br, Cl

4) Mg, Al, Si, P

10. Which element forms a gaseous hydrogen compoundcorresponding to the general formula RH2?

1) boron 2) potassium 3) sulfur 4) chromium

11. In the main subgroups of the periodic system, the reducingthe ability of atoms of chemical elements increases with

1) a decrease in the radius of atoms

2) an increase in the number of energy levels in atoms

3) a decrease in the number of protons in the nuclei of atoms

12. In which group of the periodic system is the element E, which is included inacid composition HEO 4 ?

1) IV 2) V 3) VI 4) VII

13. In the series of oxides SiO 2 - P 2 O 5 - SO 2 - Cl 2 O 7 acid properties

1) increase

2) decrease

3) do not change

4) first decrease, then increase

14. In which order are simple substances arranged in order of increasing metallic properties?

1) Mg, Ca, Ba

2) Na, Mg, Al

3) K,Ca,Fe

4) Sc, Ca, Mg

15. Decreases from left to right over the period

1) atomic radius of elements

2) number of valence electrons in atoms

4) acidic properties of hydroxides

16. In order of increasing electronegativity, the chemical elements are arranged in a rad:

1) C, N, O 2) Si.Al.Mg 3) Mg, Ca, Ba 4) P, S, Si

17. The chemical element is located in IV period, IA group. The distribution of electrons in the atom of this element corresponds to a series of numbers:

1) 2,8,8,2

2) 2, 8, 18, 1

3) 2, 8, 8, 1

4) 2,8, 18,2

18. Electronegativity of chemical elements with increasing charge of the atomic nucleus

1) increases both in periods and in groups

2) decreases both in periods and in groups

3) increases in periods and decreases in groups

4) decreases in periods, and increases in groups

19. In which order are the elements arranged in ascending order of their atomic radius?

1) Rb,K,Na,Li

2) Na, Mg, Al, S

3) F, Cl, Br, I

4) C, N, O, F

20. Among the elements of the third period, the smallest atomic radius has

1) sodium

2) aluminum

3) phosphorus

4) sulfur

21. In the main subgroups of the periodic system, the reducing ability of atoms of chemical elements increases with

1) decrease in the radius of atoms

2) an increase in the number of energy levels in atoms

3) a decrease in the number of protons in the nuclei of atoms

4) an increase in the number of valence electrons

22. Decreases from left to right over the period

1) number of valence electrons in atoms

2) atomic radius of elements

3) electronegativity of elements

4) acidity of hydroxides of elements

1) cesium 2) sodium 3) lithium 4) zinc

24. The oxide with the most pronounced acidic properties forms

1) silicon 2) phosphorus 3) sulfur 4) chlorine

25. The strongest base forms

1) magnesium 2) strontium 3) barium 4) cadmium

26. The acidic character is most pronounced in the higher oxide formed by the element:

1) Sn 2) A1 3) C 4) S

27. The acid character is most pronounced in the higher oxide formed

1) beryllium 2) boron 3) phosphorus 4) silicon

28. The strength of oxygen-free acids of non-metals VII And groups, according to the increase in the charge of the nucleus of atoms of elements



does not change

changes periodically

29. The element has the same valence value in the hydrogen compound and the higher oxide





30. Acid properties of oxides in the series SiO 2 --> P 2 O 5 --> S O 3

1) weaken

2) intensify

3) do not change

4) change periodically

31. Gaseous hydrogen compounds of EN composition 3 form

1) Be, Ca, Sr 2) P, As, Sb 3) Ga, Al, B 4) Te, S, Sc

32. In a row of elements

Cl ® S ® P ® Si

1) the number of electron layers in atoms decreases

2) the number of external electrons in atoms increases

3) the radii of atoms increase

4) non-metallic properties are enhanced

33. Non-metallic properties are most pronounced in

1) sulfur 2) oxygen 3) silicon 4) phosphorus

34. An atom has the largest radius

1) tin 2) silicon 3) lead 4) carbon

35. In a series of chemical elements

Li --> Be --> B --> C

1) the number of valence electrons in atoms increases

2) the number of electron layers in atoms decreases

3) the number of protons in the nuclei of atoms decreases

4) atomic radii increase

36. An atom has the largest radius

1) bromine 2) arsenic 3) barium 4) tin

37. Electronic configuration 1 s 2 2s 2 2 р 6 3. s 2 Зр 6 3 d 1 has an ion

1) Ca 2+ 2) A1 3+ 3) K + 4) Sc 2+

38. What electronic configuration does an atom have the most active metal?

1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p 1

1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3 s 1

1s2 2s2

1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3 s 2 3 p 1

39. In order of increasing reducing power, metalslocated in the line:

1) K,Al,Cr,Sn

2) Sn, Cr, Al, Zn
3) Sn, Ca, Al, K

4) Au, Al, Ca, Li

40. Among the elements: sodium --> magnesium --> aluminum


1) atomic radius

2) recovery ability

3) chemical activity

4) electronegativity

41. Magnesium has metallic properties

1) weaker than that of beryllium

2) stronger than aluminum

3) stronger than calcium

4) stronger than sodium

42. In order of decreasing reducing properties, metals are arranged in a row:

1) Al, Zn, Fe

2) Al,Na,K
3) F e, Zn, Mg
4) Fe, Zn, Al

43. An atom has the largest radius

1) lithium 2) sodium 3) calcium 4) potassium

44. Elements II Groups from top to bottom

1) the radii of atoms decrease,

2) the number of valence electrons in the atom increases

4) the number of valence electrons in an atom decreases

45. The strength of the bases increases in the series:

1) Be (OH) 2, Mg (OH) 2, Ca (OH) 2

2) Ba (OH) 2, Ca (OH) 2, Be (OH) 2

3) Ca (OH) 2, Mg (OH) 2, Be (OH) 2
4) Sr (OH) 2, Ca (OH) 2, Mg (OH) 2

46 . For elements I Groups from top to bottom

1) amplify oxidizing properties

2) reducing properties weaken

3) the radii of atoms increase

4) the radii of atoms decrease

47. Valence electrons most easily donate atoms

1) aluminum 2) sodium 3) beryllium 4) magnesium

48. The restorative properties are most pronounced in

1) aluminum 2) magnesium 3) sodium 4) potassium

49. The main properties of substances weaken in the series:

1) Na OH --> KOH --> RbOH

2) A1(OH) 3 --> Mg(OH) 2 --> NaOH

3) Ca (OH) 2 --> Mg (OH) 2 --> Be (OH) 2

4) B (OH) 3 --> Be (OH) 2 --> LiOH

50. Are they true the following judgments?

BUT. Both chromium and iron form stable oxides in the +3 oxidation state.

B. Chromium(III) oxide is amphoteric.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

51. Are the following statements correct?

A. Only s -elements contains IA group.

B. All elements of IA groups interact with water at room temperature.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

52. Chromium(VI) oxide is

1) main

2) acidic

3) amphoteric

4) non-salt-forming

53. Shows only basic properties

1) С r 2 O 3 2) С r (OH) 2 3) CrO 3 4) Cr(HE) 3

54. Strong oxidizing properties are characteristic of

1) copper oxide(I)

2) iron oxide(II)

3) chromium oxide(III)

4) chromium oxide(VI)

55. Are the following statements about iron oxides correct?

BUT.The oxidation state of iron in the higher oxide is + 3.

B.Higher iron oxide belongs to the basic oxides.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

56. In a series of oxides

CrO- FROMr 2 O 3 - FROMrOz

going on

1) decrease in the oxidation state of chromium

2) strengthening of reducing properties

3) increase mass fraction chrome

4) enhancing acidic properties

57 . Evaluate the validity of judgments about metals:

A. The stronger the atom holds valence electrons, the brighter

the metallic properties of the element are expressed.

B. The more pronounced the metallic properties of the element, the

its hydroxide is more basic.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

58. Assess the validity of judgments about metals:

A. Metal atoms are characterized by a small number of valence

electrons and their weak attraction to the nucleus.

B. The higher the degree of oxidation of the metal in its hydroxide, the

hydroxide has more basic properties.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

59. Assess the validity of judgments about metals:

A. Metal atoms can only form ionic bonds.

B. Oxides and hydroxides of metals always have a basic


1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

60. Are the following judgments about non-metals correct?

A. In the periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev allnon-metals are located in the main subgroups.

B. All non-metals are p-elements.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

61. For atoms of chemical elements located in a row:P-S-C1,increases

1) radius

2) oxidizing ability

3) recovery ability

4) number of unpaired electrons

62. Composition compoundsNaHEO 3 andNaHEO 4 may form

1) carbon2) sulfur3) chlorine4) phosphorus

63. It has the strongest acidic properties

1) HC1O 4 2) H 2 SO 3 3) H 3 RO 4 4) H 2 SiO 3

64 Compounds of the KEO composition 2 and KEO 3 forms an element

1) nitrogen2) phosphorus3) sulfur4) manganese

65. The ability of atoms of chemical elements to accept electronsintensifies in the series:

1)F --> O --> N

2) N --> F --> O

3) N --> O --> F

4) O --> N --> F

66. The oxidation states of chlorine, bromine and iodine in higher oxides and hydrogenconnections are respectively equal:

1) +1and-12) +7and-13) +7and-74) +5and-1

67. Sulfur exhibits both oxidizing and reducing properties when interacting with

1) hydrogen and iron

2) carbon and zinc

3) chlorine and fluorine

4) sodium and oxygen

68. In a row:Si --> R --> S --> C1

electronegativity of elements

1) increases

2) decreases

3) does not change

4) first decreases, then increases

69. Among the elements arsenic --> selenium --> bromine increases

1) atomic radius

2) number of unpaired electrons in an atom

3) the number of electron layers in an atom

4) electronegativity

70. Hydrogen compound of composition H 2 E 2 forms

1) carbon

2) silicon

3) boron

4) nitrogen

71. The element's higher hydroxideVIIAgroup match formula

1) H 2 EO 3 2) H 2 EO 4 3) NET 3 4) NEO 4

72. Phosphorus exhibits oxidizing properties when reacting with

1) calcium 2) sulfur 3) chlorine 4) oxygen

73. Higher chlorine oxide reacts with water to form an acid

1) HC1O2) HC1O 2 3) NSlo 3 4) HClO 4

74. The characteristic oxidation states of chlorine in its compounds are:

1) -1, +1, +3, +5, +7

2) - 2, +4, +6, +8

3) -3, +3, +5

4) -1, +2, +5

75. Acidic properties are most pronounced in higher hydroxide

1) nitrogen

2) phosphorus

3) arsenic

4) antimony

76. Nitrogen shows only reducing properties in the compound

1) N 2

2) NNz

3) NO 2

4) HNOz

77 . Are the following judgments about the properties of the compounds of an element true, electronic configuration whose atom1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 Zr 1 ?

A. Thisthe element forms a hydroxide with pronounced acidic properties.

B. The oxidation state of this element in the higher hydroxide is (+ 4).

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

78. Are the following judgments about sodium and beryllium compounds correct?

A. Sodium oxide exhibits basic properties

B. Beryllium hydroxide exhibits amphoteric properties

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Answers 1-4, 2-4, 3-3, 4-2, 5-1, 6-1, 7-4, 8-1, 9-2, 10-3, 11-2, 12-4, 13 -1, 14-1, 15-1, 16-1, 17-3, 18-3, 19-3, 20-4, 21-2, 22-2, 23-1, 24-4, 25-3 , 26-4, 27-3, 28-1, 29-2, 30-2, 31-2, 32-3, 33-2, 34-3, 35-1, 36-3, 37-4, 38 -2, 39-4, 40-4, 41-2, 42-1, 43-4, 44-3, 45-1, 46-3, 47-2, 48-4, 49-3, 50-3 , 51-1, 52-2, 53-2, 54-4, 55-1, 56-4, 57-2, 58-1, 59-4, 60-1, 61-2, 62-2, 63 -1.64-1, 65-3, 66-2, 67-4, 68-1, 69-4, 70-1, 71-4, 72-1, 73-4, 74-1, 74-3 , 76-2, 77-4, 78-3

1. In the main subgroups of the periodic system, the reducing ability of atoms of chemical elements increases with:

  1. a decrease in the radius of atoms;
  2. an increase in the number of energy levels in atoms;
  3. a decrease in the number of protons in the nuclei of atoms;
  4. an increase in the number of valence electrons.

2. In periods, the reducing properties of atoms of chemical elements with an increase in their serial number:

  1. weaken;
  2. intensify;
  3. do not change;
  4. change periodically.

3. Greatest restorative activity has:

4. In the row B - C - N - O (from left to right) non-metallic properties:

  1. weaken;
  2. intensify;
  3. do not change;
  4. change periodically.

5. In the series Na→K→Rb→Cs, the ability of metals to donate electrons:

  1. weakens
  2. intensifies
  3. does not change
  4. changes periodically;

6. The most pronounced metallic properties has:

7. The number of elements that form the following substances: carbine, fullerene, Activated carbon, coke, soot - equals:

  1. alone
  2. four;

8. The number of elements forming the following substances: light water, heavy water, super heavy water, hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, ozone - equals:

  1. six
  2. two;

9. Which statement is not true:

  1. elements - non-metals in the Periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev almost three times fewer items- metals.
  2. for elements - non-metals, the phenomenon of allotropy is more characteristic than for elements - metals.
  3. all elements - non-metals have the properties of allotropy.
  4. the causes of allotropy for non-metals are: different structure crystal lattices and different number atoms in molecules.

10. In the period with increasing charge atomic nucleus chemical elements have:

  1. an increase in the atomic radius and an increase in the electronegativity value;
  2. an increase in the atomic radius and a decrease in the value of electronegativity;
  3. a decrease in the atomic radius and an increase in the value of electronegativity;
  4. a decrease in the atomic radius and a decrease in the value of electronegativity;

11. The main properties are enhanced in the series:

  1. NaOH - Mg (OH) 2 - Al (OH) 3,
  2. Be (OH) 2 - Mg (OH) 2 - Ca (OH) 2,
  3. Ba (OH) 2 - Sr (OH) 2 - Ca (OH) 2,
  4. Al (OH) 3 - Mg (OH) 2 - Be (OH) 2;

12. Rb and Sr have the same:

  1. atomic radii,
  2. relative electronegativity value,
  3. degree of oxidation,
  4. the number of electronic layers;

13. Which statement from general characteristics subgroup properties alkali metals not true:

  1. the atoms of all elements contain one electron at the outer level,
  2. these elements form simple substances - metals that have the property of the photoelectric effect,
  3. the photoelectric effect is most pronounced in cesium,
  4. with an increase in the serial number of the atoms of these elements, the hardness of the metals they form increases;

14. Same numerical value, but the opposite charge of the oxidation state in the volatile hydrogen compound and in the higher oxide has the element:

  1. carbon
  2. oxygen;

15. Properties higher oxides elements of the third period is changed as follows:

  1. from amphoteric through basic to acidic,
  2. from basic through acidic to amphoteric,
  3. from basic through amphoteric to acidic.
  4. from acidic through amphoteric to acidic;

16. Which of the following statements is true:

  1. all halogens exhibit only oxidizing properties,
  2. chlorine atom has the highest electorality
  3. fluorine exhibits only oxidizing properties,
  4. the oxidation state of fluorine in the F 2 O compound is +1.