Spelling of verb suffixes. Spelling of suffixes in Russian

Both in adjectives and in each part of speech, the complexity of writing causes a certain set of morphemes.

Suffixes -ek- and -ik- in nouns

The basic rule says that the suffix -ik- in those words in which the letter "i" is preserved during their declension.

The suffix -ek- is written in those words in which the vowel "e", on the contrary, drops out when they are declined.

For example: “lamp-ik - lamp-ik-a”, “brook-yok - stream-k-a”.

Suffixes –chik-, -schik- in nouns

The basic rule says that in such suffixes, after the letters “g”, “z” - “s”, “d” - “t”, the letter “h” is always written, and in the remaining cases, the letter “u”. For example: “driver-z-chik”, “le-t-chik”, “svar-r-schik”.

"O" and "e" in sibilant suffixes in adverbs, adjectives and nouns

The rule is used that in such cases the letter “o” is written under stress, “e” without stress. For example: "beggar", "book". The exception is the word "more".

Suffixes with one (two) letters "n" in adjectives

There is a rule that -nn- is written in those adjectives that were formed from nouns whose stem ends with the letter "n", or formed using the suffixes -onn- or -enn-. For example: “root-n - core-nn-oh”, “lemon-n - lemon-nn-th”.

One –n- is written in the following suffixes: –in-, -an-, -yan- (“windy”, “earthy”), except for the words “”, “tin” and “wooden”.

AT short adjectives always use as many letters "n" as there were in, from which the adjective was formed.

Suffixes -k-, -sk- in adjectives

The suffix -k- is written in adjectives that have short form and (or) were formed from some forms of nouns that have a stem that ends in the letters "k", "ch", "c". In the remaining cases, the suffix -sk- is always written.

Suffixes –yva- (-iva-) and –ova- (-eva-) for verbs

If a verb used in the present and (or) future tenses ends in -iu or -iuu, then in the past tense or indefinite form the suffix -yva- or -iva- is written. And, conversely, if it ends in -th or -yu, then the suffix "-ova-" or "-eva-" is used. For example, “close - close - close”, “k-th - k-ova-t”.

Suffixes with one and (or) two letters "n" in participles and adjectives formed from verbs

Two -nn- are written verbal adjectives and in full passive participles, in cases where they have a prefix (except for the prefix non-), if they were formed from verbs with the suffixes -ova- or -eva-, they also include various dependent words, if they were formed at the same time from perfective verbs.

One -n- is written if the word was formed from a verb that has an imperfect form. Also one -n- will be written in short suffixes passive participles.

Suffixes with vowels and one (two) letters "n" in adjectives and participles

The letter "e" is written in the suffixes of those participles (adjectives) that were formed from verbs in -it, -et. The letters "a", "ya" are written if they were formed from verbs ending in -at, -yat.

One of the most difficult topics for students is spelling. verbal suffixes-yva- (-iva-) and -ova- (-eva-). With the help of the suffix -yva- (-iva-) verbs are formed from perfective verbs imperfect form: justify (s. v.) - justify (n. v.); mix (s. v.) - mix (n. v.). With the help of the suffix -ova- (-eva-) verbs are formed from other parts of speech, more often from nouns: scourge - to scour; longing - longing.

A common mistake is to confuse the suffix -ova- (-eva-) with the suffix -yva- (-iva-) in the indefinite form of verbs and in the past tense.

Students should learn that if in the 1st person singular the suffix -yva- (-iva-) is preserved, then it should be written in an indefinite form, as well as in the past tense.

If in the 1st person singular the verb ends in -th, -th, then in the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffix -ova- (-eva) should be written. (Here there is an alternation of oats, and evsyu.)

This topic requires a long fix. Tasks can be like this.

1. Form the form of the 1st person singular from verbs, indicate the type, highlight the suffix.

Follow, call, participate, finish, scoop, persist, patronize, be absent, manage, push, shout, test, sympathize, organize, try.

2. Put these verbs in the indefinite form and in the past tense.

Choking, envying, cheering, inventing, exploring, organizing, swinging, nurturing, writhing, freaking out, pecking, biting, attacking, chasing, testing, exploiting, flinching, feuding, pondering, worrying.

3. Write out verbs from these phrases, putting them in an indefinite form, underline the suffixes.

We form a brigade, come up with proposals, try pies, explore the area, take the opportunity, look around, participate in amateur performances, pursue the enemy, talk with the guys, act independently.

4. From perfective verbs with the help of the suffix -yva (-iva-) to form imperfective verbs. Compose phrases with them: look out (s.v.) - look out (n.v.) from the window.

Persuade, record, win, intimidate, plow, capture, weigh, draw in, educate, express, envelop, shake, slam, bite, conquer, invent, experience, mix, show.

5. Form verbs with the suffix -ova- (-eva-) from these nouns. Compose phrases with them: feeling - to feel pain.

Team, benefit, expense, envy, excitement, grief, conversation, participation, sympathy, trial, research.

6. Replace these phrases with verbs with the suffix -ova- (-eva-): point out shortcomings - criticize.

Solemnly walk (walk), varnish (lacquer), send a telegram (telegraph), be a boss (patronage), take part (participate), travel to new places (travel), follow in the footsteps (chase), give orders (command) .

7. To these verbs Choose antonyms, underline suffixes.

Blame (justify), sleep (wake), grieve (rejoice), save (spend), keep silent (talk), save (spend).

8. Find synonyms for these verbs and set expressions.

a) Process (cultivate), applaud (applaud), stay (be present), help (contribute), try (zealous), prophesy (predict), ask (intercede), treat (treat), repeat (rehearse).

b) Rest on our laurels (to be inactive), raise to a pedestal (exalt), add fuel to the fire (incite), take water in your mouth (to be silent), climb out of your skin (zealous), stand on its hind legs (oppose).

With the help of the suffix -va-, an imperfect form of verbs is formed. The ability of the suffix -va- to appear and disappear depending on the species helps students to recognize it and distinguish it from the suffixes -ova-, -iva-.

stop (st.) - stop (n. v.)

learn (st.) - learn (n. v.)

ripen (s. v.) - ripen (n. v.)

weaken (st.) - weaken (n. v.)

Always stressed, the suffix -va-, appearing in the verb, pulls the stress over itself, and the vowel in front of it becomes unstressed (stop, weaken). To test this vowel, the suffix -va- (stop, weaken) should be omitted.

Exception: stuck, eclipse, extend

Strengthening exercises

1. Check the unstressed vowel, dropping the suffix -va-, place the stress: sing - sing.

Ripe, get sick, put on, give out, pour, knock out, give out, drink down, dress, weaken, interrupt, learn, get up, succeed, create, master, sew up, warm up, overcome, endure.

2. Change the form of the verb by inserting or omitting the suffix -va-. If this is not possible, explain why: revolt (n. v.) - revolt (s. v.); to score (s. v.) - to score (n .. in.); count (n. v.) - suf. -yva-.

Dominate, close, submit, emerge, open, liquidate, put on, give out, howl, yearn, finish, blow, sow, embroider, get up, distress, sow, achieve, swim across, close, serve, shoe, follow, search, close, to give, to experience, to beat up, to write out, to speak out, to sprinkle.

3. Write out verbs with the suffix -va- from these verbs, write these verbs without a suffix next to them, form the 1st person singular of the present or future simple tense: to be in time - to be in time - I will have time.

Paste, warm, be present, mix, chant, vote, attach, dress, worry, ask, interrupt, pursue, intensify, demand, seek, annoy, compare, possess, close, triumph, sneak up, look around, ridicule, stack, confess, submit, complain.

4. From given text write out the verbs, underline the suffixes. We watched the monkeys that lived on the tops tall trees. They could be easily examined, photographed, because they seemed to have no fear of anyone. On the trees, the monkeys performed real miracles: they did not jump, but fluttered from branch to branch, swayed, tumbled in the air. Monkeys obtained food easily, Everything that is edible, they plucked, embraced, examined, sniffed and tasted. Something was laid on the cheek, something was thrown away.

Here are some suggestions for training.

1) The saw snores juicy, eating into a tree, the planes whistle, shuffling, chop axes loudly, and the whetstone sobs, licking the ax blade (M. G.).

2) Cats rush to the palisade, but do not have time to climb over it, but squeeze between the stakes and get stuck (Paust.).

3) You are looking for a place for yourself somewhere near the edge, look around, inspect the piston, wink with a friend (T.)

4.) Shiryaev sipped tea from a glass and listened to the conversation (Ver.).

5) The constable predicted a storm for me and advised me to stay overnight (P.).

6) Everyone envied the harmony that reigned between the haughty Troekurov and his poor neighbor (P.).

7) The man was whistling something and waving a small stick to the beat (M.S).

Ilinka looked at us with a timid smile of surprise and, when he was offered to try too, refused (L.T.).

9) Sparrows awkwardly squeaked and fluttered on their small wings (L.T.).

10) They talked over tea ... about Cossack affairs, about neighbors, about Russia, about which Olenin talked, and they asked (L.T.).

11) She combed their curls and moistened them with tears (G.).

12) The subject jumped up, locked the door and looked around (G.-M.).

13) Night to spend the night - not a century to age (ate).

Spelling of verb endings

1. Depending on personal endings, verbs are divided into two large groups: on verbs of I and II conjugations.

II conjugation includes:

· verbs in -it (except for verbs shave, lay, build, which belong to the I conjugation),

· 7 verbs per -et (twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure),

· 4 verbs per -at (drive, breathe, hold, hear).

All other verbs belong to the I conjugation.

Personal endings of verbs in the present or future past tense:

2. There are several conjugated verbs , not related to any of the two conjugations: want, run, eat, create, give .


1 person read, take

2 person read, take

Z face reads, takes


1 person read, take

2 person read, take

3 person read, take





want to










are eating




create create create create


will give

let's give

give me

will give

3. If a verb with a prefix obes- (obes-) is transitive, then it is conjugated according to the II conjugation, and if it is intransitive, then according to the I conjugation (for example, compare the conjugation of verbs discourage (someone)) and to debilitate (oneself).

4. In verbs of I conjugation in the form of the future tense, the ending is written -et , and in the form of the imperative mood - the ending -ite (You will send this letter tomorrow. - Send this document immediately.)

b ( soft sign) in verb forms Oh.

1. b (soft sign) is written:

· in infinitive (write, bake, want, wash ),

· in endings 2 person singular choose, wash, do, wash ),

· in imperative mood (fix, hide ), BUT lie down, lie down,

· in return particle , which comes after the vowel ( bent, turned, come back );

2. b (soft sign) is not written:

· in 3rd person singular present or simple future tense ( washes, done ).

Spelling of verb suffixes

1. In the indefinite form, verbs most often have the following suffixes: -a- (hear, do); -I- (sow, bark); -e- (see, offend); -and- (baby, drink).

Remember: 1) after the vowels of the root in the infinitive, a suffix is ​​never written -e- . In this position, only the suffix can be stressed -I- or -and- (to stand, to drink, to milk). Unstressed suffix -I- written in verbs winnow, start, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, sow, sow, melt, cherish, smell, and the suffix -and- - in verbs build, cost, rest, double, triple, glue;

2) after soft consonants (except h ) in unstressed position suffix -I- written in verbs bow, cough, and the suffix -e- - in verbs see, offend, depend, hate, frost;

3) in the suffixes of verbal forms of the past tense, the same vowel is preserved as in the infinitive. For example: recoverede t - recovere l, laI t - laI l, glueand t - glueand l.

2. Suffixes -yva- (-iva-), -ova- (-eva-).

In verbs with the suffix -yva- (-iva-) (always unstressed) having imperfective meaning (sometimes also multiple actions), written before in the letters s or and , For example: roll up, smear, see; to overwhelm, to talk, to jump, to hear, to twist, to beg, to insist .

Verbs with suffix -ywa- (- willow - ) should be distinguished in writing from verbs with the suffix - ova - (- Eve- ). The verbs of these two types form the forms of the present tense in different ways: verbs in -ovate (-evate ) have the form of the 1st person on th (-yuyu ) (with absence -ov-, -ev - ), For example: I talk - talk, head - manage, envy - envy, confess - confess, preach - preach, scourge - scourge, mourn - grieve; for verbs - yvat (-ive ) 1st person form ends in -I am (-Ivayu) (with preservation -yv -, -willows- ), For example: inspect - inspect, deploy - deploy, reconnoiter - reconnoiter, visit - visit .

3. Vowels before -va - . In imperfective verbs with a suffix -va- , having the form of the 1st person on -wow , unstressed vowels before in checked by general rule, For example: overcome(overcome), obsolete(obsolete), wash down(write down), sing(record), sow (sow), undertaking (venture), congeal (freeze), outpost (stop).

However, in the following verbs - wat b(in 1st person -va-yu) a special suffix is ​​written -Eve- with a letter e in place of an unchecked unstressed vowel: eclipse, prolong, corrupt(eclipse, prolong, grow), stuck, stuck(get stuck, get stuck); to overwhelm, to exhort, to intend, to doubt .

4. -e(t), -i(t). The verbs are different -et and -it b. Verbs on -et (in 1st person -her ) - intransitive I conjugations - have the meaning of ‘become something, acquire a sign’, for example: to weaken, to weaken‘become powerless, lose strength’, numb, sour‘become harsh’. Verbs on - it (in 1st person and absent) - transitive II conjugations - have the meaning ‘to make something, endow with a sign’, for example: enervate, enervate‘make someone powerless, deprive of strength’, numb, numb, numb, numb. Compare the same stressed suffixes in verbs like ( on)whiteness and ( on)whiteness, (about)weaker , (once)have fun.

5. -ene (t), - eni (t). The acquisition of some trait, the transition to another state is also expressed in intransitive verbs I conjugations on -ene-be , in which the unstressed vowel before n transmitted by letter e : to freeze, to ossify, to become stiff, to stiffen, to grow, to become torn, to become bloody, to glaze over, to go berserk, to be dumbfounded, to numb. Correlative transitive verbs II conjugations on -eni-t, denoting the endowment with a sign, are also written with a letter e : to freeze, to stiffen, to ossify, to bloody, to frenzy, to numb etc.

Writing verbs in - enet and -marry inconsistent with the spelling of the corresponding relative adjectives, in which (if any) is written in the suffix before n letter I : ice, bone, blood, herbal, wooden etc.

Exception: in verbs crimson and crimson(option: scarlet thread) a letter is written I as in adjective scarlet.

Comments of the teacher on the studied material

Spelling of verb suffixes in tables

Possible difficulties

good advice

It is difficult to remember the spelling of all unstressed verbal suffixes.

Fill in the gaps in List 1 by printing it out first.

It is easy to confuse verbs with the suffixes -iva-, -yva-, -ova-, -ova- and verbs with the stressed suffix -va-.

This may result in a spelling error.

Nap ... wat.

Aim ... to be.

Distinguish verbs with stressed -va- from other verbs. Remember that they are written special rule.

Nape-wa-t (before the suffix -va- the same vowel is written as under the stress in the single-root verb without the suffix -va-: sing, sing).

Aim-iva-tsya (I aim-iva-yu - the vowel in the suffix is ​​preserved, therefore, it is written -iva-).

Don't forget about -va- verbs that are not spelled according to the rule: fill in the gaps in List 2 by printing it out first.

Melt - that ... l.

Sow - se ... l.

Winnow - ve ... l.

Fly - re ... l.

Barking - la ... l.

Hope - hoped ... hoped.

Toil - ma ... was.

Start - start ... l.

Hear - hear ... l.

Hate - hate ... l.

See - view ... l.

Depend - hung ... l.

Offend - insults ... l.

Desperate - despaired ... despaired.

Feel - chu ... l.

Recover - recover ... l.

Resist - opposite ... l.

To be disgusted - disgusted ... l.

To weaken (to oneself) - weakened ... l.

Glue - glue ... l.

Believe - ver ... l.

To mark - met ... l.

Throw - throw ... l.

Immortality - immortality ... l.

Dilute - dilute ... l.

Approach - approached ... approached.

To be alarmed - alarmed ... was.

To weaken (someone) - weakened ... l.

Spelling participle suffixes

Possible difficulties

good advice

Without the ability to determine the conjugation of the verb, it is easy to make a mistake in the suffixes of the present participles.

To bark (? conjugation) - la ... shchi.

Lay (? conjugation) - stele ... shchi.

Refer to the topic "Spelling unstressed personal verb endings." Special attention look at exception verbs.

Without remembering unstressed verbal suffixes, it is easy to make a mistake in writing participles.

Zate ... t - zat ... ny.

Sow ... be - sow ... ny.

Return to the topic "Spelling of verb suffixes", look again at reference materials and in the "Teacher's comments" section.

Pay attention to the word movable.

The word movable has the suffix -im-, since it is derived from the obsolete verb move.

Sometimes it seems that for the same participle you can pick up two verbs at once, from which it is formed.

Noticed ... ny (from noticing or from noticing?).

Loaded… (from loading or from loading?).

Usually passive past participles are formed from perfective verbs. Choose from two candidate verbs the one that answers the question what to do? (i.e. perfective verb).

Noticed (from notice - sov.v.).

LOADED (from load - sov.v.).

Remember also:

kneaded dough (knead the dough);

implicated in a crime (to implicate in a crime);

rolled out barrel (roll out);

pumped out water (pump out).

Spelling of adjective suffixes

Adjective suffixes

Most adjective suffixes should be memorized. Some suffixes have special spelling rules.

Remember spelling following suffixes adjectives.

Enk- (onk)

usid chiv th

deceptionchiv th

envy Liv th

danger Liv th

taxLiv th

ox ev oh

aluminum ev th

flints ev th


holy fool


membrane chat th

frecklechat th


meat ist th

fatist th

delicious enk uy

max onc uy

Choice of suffixes -K- and -SK-

It is written -k-

1) If the adjective has a short form:


2) If the adjective is formed from a noun with a base on k, h, c (in this case, k and h turn into c):




Bolshevik - Bolshevik;

Uzbek - Uzbek.

In all other cases:

Verb suffixes

In the indefinite form of the verb and in the past tense forms, the same verbal suffix is ​​usually written:

When this suffix is ​​in an unstressed position, it should be memorized.

Pay attention to some verbs, the spelling of which suffixes presents a problem:

Choice of -EVA- / -OVA- and -YVA- / -IVA- in verbs

Research..to, advice..to, postpone..to.

Put the verb in 1st person singular. h. (bud.) time (what am I doing?).

If at the end -th / -th, then -OVA- / -EVA- is written.

If at the end -I am / -I am, then it is written YVA- / -IVA.

Explore - (I explore).

Advise - (I advise).

Postpone - (I'm postponing).

Participle suffixes

Spelling of suffixes real participles present time

Slumbering nature; believing in himself; creeping shrub.

Dormant nature - formed from doze, I sp.

Believer in himself - formed from believe, II sp.

Creeping shrub - formed from lay, I sp.

Spelling of suffixes of passive participles of the present tense

Inaudible .. my; opening..my; drawing..my.

Inaudible - formed from hear, II sp.

Openable - formed from open, I sp.

Drawn - formed from draw, I sp.

Spelling of vowels before the suffix -VSh- in real past participles

Rasta..gone; believed .. who; sowed..

Melted - melt.

Believer - believe.

Sowed - sow.

Spelling of the vowel before Н/НН in passive past participle suffixes