5 largest. Sequoia is the tallest tree currently growing

Meteorites fell to the ground many times: one fell quite recently - we are talking, of course, about the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite. There are others, no less famous and much larger, the consequences of the fall of which were sometimes devastating.

1. Tunguska meteorite

On June 17, 1908, at seven o'clock local time, an air explosion with a capacity of about 50 megatons occurred in the area of ​​​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska River - this power corresponds to an explosion hydrogen bomb. The explosion and the ensuing blast wave have been recorded by observatories all over the world, huge trees on the territory of 2000 km² from the alleged epicenter were uprooted, and not a single whole glass was left in the houses of the inhabitants. After that, for several more days, the sky and clouds in the area shone, including at night.

Local residents said that shortly before the explosion they saw a huge fireball flying across the sky: unfortunately, given the year of the incident, not a single photograph of the ball was taken.

None of the numerous research expeditions found any celestial body, which can serve as the basis for the ball. At the same time, the first expedition arrived in the Tunguska region 19 years after the event described - in 1927.

The event is attributed to the fall to Earth large meteorite, later called the Tunguska, but scientists were unable to detect fragments of a celestial body or at least the substance remaining from its fall. However, in this place, an accumulation of microscopic silicate and magnetite balls was recorded, which could not have arisen in this area due to natural causes, therefore they are attributed to the cosmic origin.

It is still not known exactly what caused the explosion: there is still no official hypothesis, but the meteorite nature of the phenomenon still seems the most likely.

2. Meteorite Tsarev

In December 1922, residents of the Astrakhan province were able to observe the fall of a stone from the sky: eyewitnesses said that the fireball had huge size and made a deafening noise in flight. After that, an explosion was heard, and from the sky (again, according to eyewitnesses) it began to rain from stones - the next day, the farmers who lived in that area found fragments of stones in their fields oddly shaped and kind.

The rumor about the incident quickly spread throughout Russia: in Astrakhan province expeditions arrived, but for some reason they did not find traces of a meteorite fall. It was possible to find them only 50 years later, when plowing the fields of the Leninsky state farm - a total of 82 chondrite meteorites were found, and the fragments were scattered over an area of ​​25 km2. The largest fragment weighs 284 kg (now it can be seen in the Moscow Museum named after Fersman), the smallest - only 50 grams, and the composition of the samples clearly indicates their extraterrestrial origin.

The total weight of the fragments found is estimated at 1225 kg, while the fall of such a large celestial body did not cause significant damage.

3. Goba

The largest whole meteorite in the world is the Goba meteorite: it is located in Namibia and is a block weighing about 60 tons and a volume of 9 m³, consisting of 84% iron and 16% nickel with a small admixture of cobalt. The surface of the meteorite is iron without any impurities: there is no other solid piece of natural iron of this size on Earth.

Only dinosaurs could watch the fall of Goba to Earth: it fell on our planet in prehistoric times and long time was buried underground until a local farmer discovered him while plowing a field in 1920. Now the object has been given the status of a national monument, and anyone can see it for a small fee.

It is believed that when the meteorite fell, it weighed 90 tons, but over the millennia of being on the planet, erosion, vandalism and Scientific research caused a decrease in its mass to 60 tons. Unfortunately, the unique object continues to "lose weight" - many tourists consider it their duty to steal a piece as a keepsake.

4. Sikhote-Alin meteorite

On February 12, 1947, a huge boulder fell in the Ussuri taiga - the event could be observed by residents of the village of Beitsukhe in Primorsky Krai: as always happens in the case of a meteorite fall, witnesses spoke of a huge fireball, the appearance and explosion of which was followed by a rain of iron fragments, which fell on an area of ​​35 km². The meteorite did not cause significant damage, but it broke through a series of funnels in the ground, the depth of one of which was six meters.

It is assumed that the mass of the meteorite at the time of entry into the Earth's atmosphere ranged from 60 to 100 tons: the largest fragment found weighs 23 tons and is considered one of the ten largest large meteorites peace. There are also several large blocks formed as a result of the explosion - now the fragments are stored in the Meteorite Collection of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N. I. Grodekov.

5. Allende

Allende fell to Earth on February 8, 1969 in the Mexican state of Chihuahua - it is considered the largest carbonaceous meteorite on the planet, and at the time of its fall its mass was about five tons.

To date, Allende is the most studied meteorite in the world: its fragments are kept in many museums around the world, and it is notable primarily for being the oldest discovered body. solar system, whose age was accurately determined - it is about 4.567 billion years old.
In addition, a previously unknown mineral, called pangit, was found in its composition for the first time: scientists suggest that such a mineral is part of the set space objects in particular, asteroids.

big and very large items, animals, people have always attracted people, and we are equally interested in both man-made objects, for example, the Great Chinese Wall, and natural ones, for example, Pacific Ocean. Let's leave aside the galaxies and the Universe, otherwise everything that we can see in comparison with them will be no more than an atom.

1. Robert Wadlow is the tallest man

In the Guinness Book of Records, it is recorded as the most A tall man on the ground. The poor man suffered from acromegaly and a pituitary tumor, which is why he did not stop growing all his life. short life. He died at the age of 22, reaching 272 cm in height and 199 kg in weight. Until the age of 4, he fit into the framework of standard growth, but after that he retained infantile growth rates and began to draw attention to his appearance. At the age of 8, he already had the height of a tall adult - 188 cm, and at 9 years old he easily climbed the stairs in his father's arms. At the age of 10, his weight reached 100 kg with a height of 198 cm. At 18, Wadlow wore shoes 49 cm long. By that time, he had become famous throughout America, so he received shoes for free. The giant's parents were anthropometrically ordinary people, father had a height of 180 cm. The length of Robert's hand on his 21st birthday was 32.4 cm!
However, the health of the colossus began to deteriorate rapidly: he began to feel bad legs, had to walk on crutches. Last time his height was measured on June 27, 1940 in St. Louis, he was 272 cm. During a July 4 speech on the occasion of Independence Day, Wadlow rubbed his leg with a crutch, brought an infection that ended in sepsis. Attempts to save his life with a blood transfusion and surgery did not help, and on July 15 he died.

2 The Blue Whale Is The Largest Living Animal

Whales, along with dolphins and killer whales, are mammals, and the blue whale is the largest of known to people Living creatures. Usually these giants weigh 100-120 tons, but the largest of the caught specimens pulled 150 tons, which is approximately equal to the mass of 40 African savannah elephants - the largest land animals. The body length of the giant reaches 33 m. The blue whale has a huge heart, weighing about 0.5 tons, and its lungs can hold up to 14 cubic meters of air. The diameter of the dorsal aorta of a blue whale can exceed 30 cm. But this giant feeds on tiny plankton in places where its accumulation is observed. An adult whale needs about a thousand kilocalories per day, for this he needs a stomach that can hold 1.5-2 tons of plankton.

3. Sequoia is the tallest tree currently growing

Sequoia red or evergreen from the cypress family reaches a height of over 110 meters. Groves with these giants grow in the southwestern United States. Each a big tree here without a doubt, more than 130 of them have already reached an impressive mark of 106 meters or more. In 2006 in national park Redwood, north of San Francisco, a new record high sequoia was found (115.61 m), which was named "Hyperion". Moreover, the researchers who found it claim that the work of the woodpecker damaged the top of the tree and prevented it from growing another 20 cm. In general, red sequoias grow quite quickly (by a meter in 4 years), so we can expect that they can soon find new record holder. On average, the age of the tallest redwoods is 1600 years, but it is believed that they can live up to 2000 years.

4. BELAZ-75710 - the largest car in the world

In 2013, the first copy of this mining dump truck with a payload capacity of 450 tons was produced by order of the Siberian Business Union holding. This giant began its activity in the city of Berezovsky Kemerovo region on the coal mine"Chernigovets". At the beginning of 2014, he delivered new record for the CIS countries and Europe, carrying 503.5 tons of cargo through the test site. Such a “mastodon” costs about 10 million dollars. Mining trucks are designed to work in very difficult conditions available on open pit mines, as well as in deep quarries in wide range temperatures (+- 50 degrees). The dump truck has 8 huge wheels with tubeless tires, and two diesel engines have a power of 3550 kW.

5. Bagger-288 - the largest mobile machine

In 1978, the German Krupp built this giant walking excavator for Rheinbraun, which began working in the Hambach open pit in the west of the country. The giant machine was engaged in overburden work - cut off soil and waste rocks from coal seams, on which other equipment was already working. However, the Bagger-288 itself is capable of mining coal. Its length is 220 m, height is 96 m, and the height of its gigantic rotor is equal to an 8-story building. The colossus is able to move 240 thousand tons of material per day. With the available capacity, this excavator is capable of completely exhausting this deposit in 23 years.

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6. An-225 "Mriya" - the largest aircraft

This ultra-heavy-lift jet transport aircraft was designed and built back in the Soviet Union. It was developed by OKB im. Antonov, and the assembly was carried out in 1984-88 at the Kiev Mechanical Plant. On December 21, 1988, the first flight of the transport giant took place. Only two such machines were built, but only one is still in flight condition, it is operated by the Ukrainian company Antonov Airlines. main goal the creation of the aircraft was the transportation of reusable spaceship"Buran" and its components from production sites to the launch point. The wings of the "Dream" have a span of 88 meters, which is 4 meters more than the length of the aircraft itself, and its height (18.2 m) is approximately equal to a six-story building. An empty plane weighs 250 tons. To take off such a colossus, a runway of at least three kilometers long is required. Until now, the Mriya has remained the heaviest machine ever to take to the air. Mriya made its first commercial flight only in 2016, when it delivered an electric generator weighing 135 tons from the Czech Republic to Australia.

7. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building

This colossus, built in Dubai, is 828 meters high, which is equal to 163 floors. In shape, it somewhat resembles a slender stalagmite. Grand opening building took place in 2010. The skyscraper was immediately built in order to break the height record, therefore, during the construction process, its design height was kept secret from competitors, otherwise it would have to be amended to keep the lead. And this tower was supposed to become a “city within a city”, having everything in itself: boulevards, offices, apartments, hotels, parks, lawns, shopping centers. The construction of this "needle" cost about one and a half billion dollars. On the 124th floor (472 meters) is the highest on the Burj Khalifa viewpoint, although in height it is still inferior to a competitor from Shanghai financial center. With the help of special membranes, the air in the building is not only cooled, but also saturated with an aroma specially created for this skyscraper. The windows of the building have a reflective and dust-repellent layer, thanks to which a comfortable temperature is maintained inside, and they are also often washed.

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8. Tanker "Nock Nevis" - the largest cargo ship

This floating oil tanker has a length of 458.5 m, and in order to turn 180 degrees, you will need to swim at least 2 kilometers, and this is when turning with the help of tugs. The width of the tanker is almost 69 meters, that is, approximately equal to the width football field. There could be five such football fields on the upper deck. This is generally the most big ship ever created by man. But this giant had a flaw, which actually became his sentence. We are talking about a draft of 24.6 meters (approximately 7-storey building). The designers did not take into account that with such a draft the tanker would not be able to pass through either the Panama or the Suez canals, it was not even allowed into the English Channel, because it was feared that it would run aground there. As a result, the tanker was repeatedly resold, and when it did sink, it was raised and repaired, replacing 3,700 tons of crooked steel. Finally, in 2004, a new owner appeared at the ship, but by that time and time a lot had passed, and the tanker was outdated, so the ship found a new use - they made it a floating tank for loading and storing oil in the port of Dubai.

9. Everest - the highest mountain

At home, it is called Chomolungma, the top of which is 8848 meters above sea level. Everest resembles a pyramid in its shape, it once arose due to a "collision" lithospheric plate Hindustan to the Asian plate. The mountain is located near the border separating Nepal and China. At the "top of the world" they often blow the strongest winds. In January, at the top, the average temperature is -36 degrees, and at night it can drop to -60 degrees. Even in July it is near zero here. The majestic view of Everest has always attracted brave climbers to it, many of which have remained forever on its slopes and in ice cracks. Since the first conquest of Everest in 1953, death has gathered a considerable harvest here - over 260 people.

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10. Kulinnan - the largest diamond

In 1905, the largest diamond in history was found, which struck everyone with its size - 3106.75 carats or 621.35 g. It was named after Thomas Culinnan, the owner of the mine. The mineral was presented to King Edward VII. Later, the stone was cut into 9 large and about a hundred more smaller diamonds. The largest of them was called big star Africa" ​​or "Kulinnan I", it was given a teardrop shape with 74 faces, after which it was inserted into the scepter of Edward VII. In total, six of the largest diamonds from Culinnan began to adorn one or another royal regalia.

There are about 5 million lakes in the world, but we have only heard of a few of the largest. Do you think Baikal is the most big lake in the world? In fact, Baikal occupies only the 7th line in the ranking of the largest lakes!

Did you know that the area of ​​the largest lake on the planet is equal to the area of ​​52 million football fields and is comparable to the area of ​​Moscow multiplied by 150 times? Not? Then read below!

No. 10. Great Slave Lake - 28,930 square kilometers. North America.

The Great Slave Lake is the 10th largest lake in the world by area, and it is also the deepest lake in North America. Its depth is 614 meters. The dimensions of the Great Slave Lake are 480 km long, 19-109 km wide, and the area is 28,930 square kilometers.

From October to June, the lake is covered with ice; in winter, the ice can withstand the weight of trucks. Rivers flowing into the lake: Hay, Slave, Snowdrift, etc. The Mackenzie River flows out of the lake. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.

No. 9. Lake Nyasa - 30,044 square kilometers. East Africa.

Lake Nyasa (Malawi) is the ninth largest lake in the world. Lake Nyasa fills a crack in earth's crust in the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, located between Mozambique and Tanzania. The length of the lake is 560 km, the depth is 706 m. Nyasa contains 7% of the world's reserves of liquid fresh water.

Nyasa is known for its rich ecosystem, many of the species found in the lake are endemic. The origin of the lake is tectonic.

No. 8. Big Bear Lake - 31,080 square kilometers. Canada.

Big Bear Lake is located 200 km south of arctic circle within Canada. The lake ranks eighth in area in the world and fourth in North America. Lake dimensions: length - 320 km, width - 175 km, maximum depth- 446 m.

The lake has not much good story. Uranium was found here. It was from here that uranium was mined for the manufacture of bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The lake is almost always covered with ice, the ice rarely melts before the end of July. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.

No. 7. Lake Baikal - 31,500 square kilometers. Eastern Siberia.

Baikal is the deepest lake in the world, the largest water reservoir, which contains 20% of the world's liquid fresh water. Baikal is also considered one of the cleanest lakes in the world.

The lake ranks seventh in terms of area in the world and first in terms of volume. The dimensions of the lake are: length - 636 km, width - 80 km, maximum depth - 1642 m, volume - 23,600 km3.
The origin of the lake is tectonic, the age is more than 25 million years. The fauna of Lake Baikal is one of the most unique in the world, many species are endemic.

No. 6. Lake Tanganyika - 32,893 square kilometers. Central Africa.

Lake Tanganyika is one of the deepest lakes in the world, along with Lake Baikal. The lake lies between 4 countries - Democratic Republic Congo, Tanzania, Zambia and Burundi.

The dimensions of the lake are: length - 676 ​​km, width - 72 km, maximum depth - 1470 m, volume - 18,900 km3. The origin of the lake is tectonic.

Tanganyika lies in the deepest tectonic basin in Africa and enters the basin of the Congo River, one of largest rivers in the world.

No. 5. Lake Michigan - 58,016 square kilometers. North America.

Lake Michigan is one of the Great Lakes. This lake is the largest of the lakes located entirely within the United States. Michigan is the fifth largest in the world and the third among the Great Lakes. The volume of the lake is 4918 m3, length - 494 km, width - 190 km, maximum depth - 281 m. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.

No. 4. Lake Huron - 59,596 square kilometers North America.

Lake Huron is one of the Great Lakes. This lake is located on the territory of two countries: the USA and Canada. Huron is the fourth largest lake in the world. The volume of the lake is 3538 m3, length - 331 km, width - 295 km, maximum depth - 229 m. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.

No. 3. Lake Victoria - 69,485 square kilometers. East Africa.

Lake Victoria is located in Tanzania, Kenya. After the construction of the Owen Falls Dam in 1954, the lake was turned into a reservoir. There are many islands on the lake. Fishing is developed on the lake and there are many ports on the territory of the three countries. On the island of Rubondo (Tanzania), a national park has been formed.

Victoria is the third largest lake in the world. The volume of the lake is 2760 m3, the length is 320 km, the width is 274 km, the maximum depth is 80 m. The origin of the lake is tectonic.

The lake was discovered and named after Queen Victoria by British traveler John Henning Speke in 1858.

No. 2. Lake Superior - 82,414 square kilometers. North America.

Lake Superior is the second largest in the world and the largest among the Great Lakes, located on the border of the United States and Canada. The volume of the lake is 12,000 m3, length - 563 km, width - 257 km, maximum depth - 406 m. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.

Etymology of the name. In the Ojibwe language, the lake is called Gichigami, which means "big water".

No. 1. Caspian Sea - 371,000 square kilometers. Europe Asia.

The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed body of water on Earth and is classified as the largest lake or sea due to its size. Located at the junction of Europe and Asia. Volume - 78,200 m3, length - 1200 km, width - 435 km, maximum depth - 1025 m. coastline The Caspian Sea is approximately equal to 6500 kilometers.

130 rivers flow into the Caspian Sea, the largest of them are the Volga, Terek, Sulak, Ural, Kura, Artek, etc. The Caspian Sea washes the shores of Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Russia, Azerbaijan.
The origin of the lake is oceanic.

Acquisitions for cryptocurrency, if we compare them with the money we are used to, is like putting goods on the counter under the current high level inflation and deflation tomorrow. Five top purchases made for bitcoins.

Top 5 largest purchases for cryptocurrency

After cryptocurrencies entered a person’s life, it became possible to exchange them for each other, for goods and various services provided, however, the exchange has long been the lot of a few enthusiasts, both sellers and buyers. Transactions were not frequent, some of them, as it may seem to us now, were curiosities, some even gained fame. You are presented with a list of the most famous purchases that were made for cryptocurrencies. High degree changes in the bitcoin exchange rate, with not too high, until recently, the competitiveness of the market did not provide an opportunity to use it as a full-fledged exchange medium. Acquisitions for cryptocurrency, when compared with the money we are used to, is like putting a product on the counter with the current high level of inflation and deflation tomorrow. Of course, there is no question of any stability of the exchange rate, which means that transactions take place not only not regularly, but very rarely, and this is, if possible, a very secretive process. And in the morning, the buyer begins to regret what he did, or the seller tries to return the sale back. Fifth place

In fifth place on the list of the largest bitcoin transactions is Oliver Janssens's 2013 purchase of a private jet liner from Brussels to Nice. A well-known rich man paid for the flight in a fairly well-known company. None of the parties disclosed the details of the deal, but according to some information, at that time such a flight could cost about 50 bitcoins. The price depended on the size of the liner. Fourth place

In fourth place is the acquisition in 2013 of a Porsche CaymanS by an unknown person from a Texas family. He paid 300 bitcoins for the car. All that is known about the new owner of the car is that he is a businessman working in the most various industries. Third place

In third place was the sale of his house with all the accessories for 85 bitcoins. This happened in the fall of 2017. The seller was Didi Taihuttu, who works as a programmer and has three children. Since then, the family of such a risky entrepreneur has been living in campsites. He became quite famous person, he still converts part of his income into bitcoins and plans to keep them at least until 2020.

Second place

Runner-Up - Sale by Michael Komaranski own house in Miami for 455 bitcoins. This happened in January 2018. The area of ​​the house is 900 m2. At that time, 455 bitcoins was equal to 6 million US dollars. The funny thing is that the sale was made in January, when the price of bitcoin was 10,000 dollars for 1 bitcoin, and a few days after the sale, the rate decreased by more than 35%. One bitcoin began to cost 6200 dollars. A good deal turned out for the seller, you will not say anything. In the study, which was conducted by experts, there were many real estate sales, but whenever possible, the participants in the transaction try not to disclose details. Therefore, only the most large-scale transactions in which the cost is known are included in the top five. First place

The first place in the largest transactions for cryptocurrency was the purchase of the delivery of two pizzas - 10,000 bitcoins were given for them! This transaction took place in May 2010. It was made by the programmer Laszlo Heinitz, who lives in Florida. At that time, bitcoin was not yet considered a recognized means on the exchange, and no one could specifically name its rate yet. Since that day, May 22 is considered as BitcoinPizzaDay by all fans of cryptocurrencies. Laszlo will forever go down in history as the buyer of two pizzas delivered for 10,000 bitcoins. Article purchased at https://www.textsale.ru/team577468.html