List the main directions of the methodological activity of the educator. Dow methodical work

Deputy Head for MVR Aksenyuk V.R.

first category

The success of the work of a preschool institution largely depends on the quality of methodological work with personnel. Methodical work takes special place in the management system of a preschool institution, since, first of all, it contributes to the activation of the personality of the teacher, the development of his creative activity. All its forms are aimed at improving the qualifications and skills of the educator.

Methodological work in kindergarten is carried out in the following areas:

Directions of methodological work are interconnected with each other and allow to improve the theoretical level and skills of teachers, thereby enriching the content of the pedagogical process.

Information and analytical direction.

In order to solve various pedagogical problems and creatively organize methodological work, it is necessary to have information about the state of work of preschool educational institutions, new directions in pedagogy and psychology of preschool education and upbringing. , about new programs and technologies, as well as about the level of professional competence of teachers. The preschool educational institution has created a database of teachers, their educational level, experience, etc.

An important area of ​​work with teaching staff is the organization of their professional development. The preschool educational institution draws up a long-term plan for the next academic year, in which terms and forms of advanced training of teachers and course preparation are envisaged. The purpose of certification is to determine the compliance of the level of professional competence of teaching staff with the requirements of qualification and qualification category.

Teachers of preschool educational institutions systematically undergo retraining at refresher courses at the IDPOPR in Chelyabinsk and at the educational institution of Kopeysk.

To improve self-education and the level of professional competence of teachers on the issues of education and training of children of preschool and primary school age, a library of special psychological and pedagogical literature has been created and is constantly updated.

The following periodicals are subscribed annually:

    "Preschool education",

    "Preschool Pedagogy",


    "The upbringing and education of children with developmental disabilities" and many others).

Acquaintance with interesting and new information also passes through the Internet. The study of new literature is carried out in the form of pedagogical readings, informational consultations, oral journals, on which school year each teacher speaks, acquainting colleagues with interesting articles.

In the preschool educational institution there is not only a data bank of teachers, but also a bank of information about the families of kindergarten students - a family social passport. When organizing work with parents, the teacher needs knowledge about where and with whom the child lives, is responsible for his upbringing and education. This bank includes the following information:

    middle name of parents

  • nationality,

    social status,

    place of work,

    living conditions, etc.

Over the years of the existence of a preschool institution, a certain system of interaction with organizations has developed:

    children's library,

    city ​​central library,

    physical education dispensary,

    local history museum,

    MOU secondary school No. 1,

    art school.

At the beginning of the academic year, cooperation agreements are signed with the administration of these institutions.

Motivational-target direction.

High-quality support of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution is impossible without the high efficiency of the organization of methodological work. The leading criterion for the beneficialness of the pedagogical process of our team is the creative orientation of preschool teachers, which creates a favorable atmosphere for improving professional competence.

At the beginning of the school year, together with the head of the preschool educational institution, the Creative Council of Teachers, the goals and objectives of the work of the teaching staff, forms and methods of educational work in kindergarten are determined.

At the Pedagogical Council No. 1, the draft work plan of the teaching staff for the next academic year is approved, the projects of the areas of pedagogical activity of narrow specialists, the schedule of classes, which is being developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 22.08.96 No. 448, are approved.

The integrity of the pedagogical process in the preschool educational institution is ensured by the following programs:

    S (K) OU 4 types, ed. L.I. Plaksina;

    "Rainbow" ed. T.N. Doronova.

Analyzing the results of the work carried out in the past academic year, the main directions and annual tasks of pedagogical activity and educational educational process in DOW. At the beginning of the academic year, the Creative Council of Teachers develops a plan of methodological measures. Working on the draft annual plan, teachers and parents are surveyed, where they indicate the issues of interest to them in raising and educating children.

Over the years of the existence of the preschool educational institution, teachers have accumulated quite a lot of experience in educational and educational work with children, which they willingly share among colleagues of the institution and the city. Open events scheduled by months are reflected in the annual plan.

Each teacher during one academic year or several years (if necessary) is engaged in the detailed development of one issue of raising and educating children preschool age and accumulation of material on the chosen topic. The result of the work is an increase in the level of self-education of the teacher and the accumulation of methodological recommendations on the problems studied. At the end of the academic year, the "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas" is held, at which the experience gained during the academic year is exchanged, and the prospects for its implementation for the next year in the preschool educational institution are determined.

The most interesting developments of teachers are formed into advanced pedagogical experience. This is an incentive for teachers.

Planning and prognostic direction.

In order to improve the efficiency of the institution as a whole, it is necessary to determine a coordinated system of tasks and activities to solve them for the coming year.

When determining annual targets for the current academic year, analyzing the state of pedagogical work, in order to increase its effectiveness, it became necessary to develop targeted programs. So, in 2005, a team of kindergarten teachers introduced the target program "Pedagogy of Health" for five years of a comprehensive strategy for improving children's health. The program is aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of pupils of preschool and primary school age, creating a health-saving system of educational and correctional work.

In 2006, the target program for preparing children for school “Soon to School” was approved, where directions for methodological work were determined to improve the professional competence of preschool teachers, effective methods and techniques were developed for working with preschool children, the conditions necessary for the successful preparation of children for school, and issues of continuity between preschool and school levels.

In accordance with the annual plan, current plans are created: monthly, weekly, which concretize, in some cases correct, supplement the activities scheduled for the year, bring them into line with the conditions prevailing for a particular period of time.

All preschool teachers work according to a single thematic plan. This is reflected in the fact that one topic is considered for a month in all classes, which contributes to the expansion and consolidation of children's knowledge about the world around them, the development of an active and passive vocabulary, and the practical mastery of skills in various activities.

When drawing up the annual plan, all the specialists of the preschool educational institution develop a plan of joint events for the current academic year, including holidays, entertainment, quizzes, in the organization and conduct of which all teachers and employees of the preschool educational institution participate (teachers teach games and poems with children, specialists learn roles, the housekeeper thinks of new costumes, the artist draws the design, the chefs prepare a delicious treat).

At the beginning of the school year, a plan of integrated classes is also approved, which are conducted by narrow specialists together with group educators. This form of work is well received by parents at open events and is very popular with children.

Regular meetings are held with medical workers, where issues of medical and health-improving work are discussed. At the end of the academic year, health workers and the teaching staff develop a plan for summer recreational work, which reflects:

    General physical culture holidays on the street for the entire preschool educational institution;

    Musical holidays and entertainment;

    Classes and conversations with children on social orientation and life safety in the summer;

    A plan of recreational activities for children and consultations for educators and parents.

Organizational and executive direction.

The forms of methodical work are interrelated with each other and allow to improve the theoretical level and pedagogical skills of employees, and thereby enrich the content of the pedagogical process and ensure the implementation of the annual work plan of the kindergarten.

Methodological work in the preschool educational institution is built taking into account the difficulties of teachers in working through various forms using new achievements in pedagogical science and practice. Not only traditional methodological events are held (pedagogical advice, consultations, seminars), but also various pedagogical rings, KVN, collective viewings of classes, etc. In the process of applying active learning methods, teachers do not receive ready-made knowledge, but “extract” it in the process of independent study literature, comparison and analysis of different points of view on the problem, consolidation of knowledge in business games, solving problem situations, crossword puzzles, etc. This provides a more conscious approach to the material being studied, contributes to its memorization, maintains interest, and stimulates the creative activity of teachers.

Every year in the fall, the kindergarten holds an open day. On this day, a tour of the kindergarten is held, during which the parents of the pupils get acquainted with the conditions created for raising and educating children, open classes, holidays (Birthday of the group, Housewarming group), where teachers show effective methods of interaction with children.

Under the guidance of music directors, teachers of rhythm, art activity and a physical instructor, our pupils take an active part and are laureates of the city competition "Spring drops", winners of sports competitions "Gnomiki", laureates of zonal amateur art competitions for children with handicapped"Sparks of Hope".

In connection with the requirements of modern society, it became necessary to systematize the work to protect the life safety of children. In this regard, the teachers developed a cycle of classes on this topic, the main provisions of drawing and craft competitions, photo newspapers were designed and the content of road safety holidays with the participation of traffic police officers was developed.

The health of children depends not only on their physical characteristics, but also on the living conditions in the family. In the preschool educational institution, a lot of work is being done with the family to provide psychological and medical pedagogical assistance. An advisory center for parents on the upbringing of children has been created, briefings are organized in a question-answer form with the participation of a psychologist, doctors, speech pathologists and other kindergarten specialists.

Control-diagnostic direction.

The effectiveness of the work of the preschool educational institution is based on the constant improvement of the educational process, and therefore, it is necessary to identify the discrepancy between practice and the requirements that are presented in the programs of preschool education, as well as to determine ways to improve pedagogical activity. An important link in the methodological work is the organization and implementation of control in the preschool educational institution.

The following types of control have developed in the DOE:






For example, thematic control to create conditions for educational and educational work with children is carried out by preschool specialists who are competent in this matter. So, a speech therapist checks "Creating conditions in groups for the development of children's speech"; physical instructor "Creating conditions for the development of motor activity of preschoolers", etc. Specialists have developed the main provisions of the test (compliance with modern requirements, the availability of didactic and methodological material, compliance with age and program requirements, compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions, etc.).

The study of the pedagogical process, its objective assessment, the identification of the reasons that determine the level of educational work, and the subsequent development on this basis of recommendations for improving the pedagogical activity of a preschool institution is possible with the organization of pedagogical analysis. Pedagogical analysis is carried out on the basis of observation and control data. An analysis of the results of the work of the PEI is carried out annually.

    The state of health of pupils; morbidity in children; results of the organization of physical culture and health-improving work; general conclusions for the block (trend in health and healthy lifestyle life); reserves for planning activities for the new academic year.

    Results of the program implementation in all directions; analysis of the level of cognitive development of children, intellectual, artistic and aesthetic development, etc.; general conclusions and reserves for improving the quality of program implementation.

    The level of readiness for schooling of children of the preparatory group (the results of diagnostics of development); analysis of the progress of students in grades 1-2, former pupils of kindergarten; general conclusions.

    Results of advanced training and certification of teachers; applications of teachers for methodological assistance in the next academic year; the quality of the methodological support of the educational process; general conclusions, identified trends and reserves for planning work with personnel.

    System of work with parents (based on the results of the survey); implementation of plans for joint work of the preschool educational institution and the school; results of work with other organizations; general conclusions.

    The results of administrative and economic work and an assessment of the material, technical and medical and social conditions for the stay of children in a preschool educational institution.

Final control is carried out at the end of the academic year. At the final pedagogical council the results of the medical and pedagogical activities of the institution are summed up, the fulfillment of annual tasks, the state of the educational process (specialists acquaint the team with the results of comparative control) and health work (medical workers analyze the state of children's health) are analyzed.

In the course of pedagogical analysis and control, the activities of both an individual teacher (individually) and the pedagogical team as a whole are discussed, and the main areas of work to eliminate shortcomings are determined.

corrective direction.

The model of correctional and developmental work of the preschool educational institution is an integral system. Its goal is to organize upbringing and educational activities, including diagnostic, preventive and correctional and developmental aspects that ensure a high level of intellectual and mental development of the child.

A psychological-medical-pedagogical council has been functioning in the preschool educational institution since 2002. Over the years, the legal framework for corrective support of a child with developmental problems has been worked out: the order to establish the PMPK and the regulation on the PMPK have been approved, and a package of documents has been developed.

When determining the tasks and directions of educational work in order to increase the efficiency of pedagogical activity, it became necessary to select and systematize diagnostic tools for studying the level of development of pupils. A creative group of teachers of the preschool educational institution determined the diagnosis of the development of a child of preschool and primary school age (in the norm, with visual impairment, speech impairment), the criteria for development levels were drawn up - all this helps teachers to identify the characteristics of each child and his difficulties, predict the tasks of education and training, taking into account the zone nearest development. Diagnostics reflected the analysis of all aspects of the development of the child.

Diagnostic maps include the study of the level of development of various activities:




    game activity,

    social skills.

The main provisions of the ideas of each specialist working with the child for the PMPc have been developed. The results of the diagnostic examination are discussed at mini-pedagogical councils and meetings of the PMPK. During a joint discussion by teachers at the PMPK in correctional groups and mini-pedagogical councils in general educational groups, uniform requirements and recommendations are developed for teachers for propaedeutic and correctional educational work. In the course of the PMPK, a correctional educational route is also drawn up, the dynamics of the development of the pupil is traced.

Mini-pedagogical councils and PMPK are held 3 times a year (September, January, May), at the end of the year a final teachers' council is held, where the effectiveness of the educational work done is discussed. Thus, an important role in solving the problems of the quality of preschool education is given to the system of methodological work with personnel. Working with children requires a lot of stress, strength and energy from teachers, so goodwill, tact, exactingness based on respect among all participants in the pedagogical process are especially important in the team. The mechanism of interaction of all teachers of the preschool educational institution has been debugged for years, a group of like-minded people is actively and creatively working in the institution. All this, along with the organization of methodological work in the areas described above, contributes to the growth of pedagogical skills of teachers, their professional competence, and, as a result, to an increase in the effectiveness of the pedagogical process in a preschool institution.

Methodical work- in a preschool institution, it is a holistic system of interrelated measures based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience aimed at comprehensively improving the skills and professional skills of each educator and the team as a whole.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of the combined type No. 8 "Teremok"

MO Starominskiy district



senior educator MBDOU d / well No. 8 "Teremok"

MO Starominskiy district, Krasnodar Territory

The relevance of the problem of training a highly qualified, free-thinking, active educator at the present stage in connection with the resurgent approach to a person as a value in itself is obvious to everyone. Specially organized methodological work is called upon to help the educator master a new pedagogical thinking, readiness to solve complex problems in the education system, to improve their pedagogical skills.

Methodical work- in a preschool institution, it is a holistic system of interrelated measures based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience aimed at comprehensively improving the skills and professional skills of each educator and the team as a whole.

In kindergartens, certain forms of advanced training of educators have developed, however, there is often no proper connection between different types of methodological work, taking into account the specific interests and needs of educators.

The task of the head and methodologist of a preschool institution is to develop a system, to find accessible and at the same time effective methods for improving pedagogical skills.

Main criteriathe effectiveness of methodological work, in addition to performance indicators(the level of pedagogical skills, the activity of educators, etc.),are the characteristics of the methodological process itself:

1. SYSTEMICITY - correspondence of goals and objectives to the content and forms of methodical work.


  1. improving the pedagogical skills of each educator and the teaching staff as a whole;
  2. formation of individual methodological systems of individual educators;
  3. mastering new pedagogical technologies, etc.

Tasks are sub-goals that contribute to the achievement of goals. So, to improve the pedagogical skills of educators, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

a) to identify the initial level of pedagogical skill of each educator, i.e. the level of his knowledge, pedagogical abilities and skills;

b) to develop in educators the need for self-development, self-education, self-education;

c) develop the humanistic orientation of the personality of each educator;

d) develop pedagogical technique, i.e. organizational, communication and other skills.

  • educational,
  • didactic,
  • psychological,
  • physiological,
  • technical,
  • self-educational,
  • private-methodical, etc.

So, educational directionprovides for the advanced training of educators on the theory and methodology of educating preschoolers in the context of a personal approach and humanization of the educational process.

Didactic directionmethodological work includes updating the knowledge of educators on the most pressing problems of improving the effectiveness of teaching children in preschool educational institutions.

Psychological directionprovides advanced training of educators in the field of general, developmental and pedagogical psychology.

Physiological directionprovides classes in general and age physiology and hygiene.

The complexity and diversity of the goals and objectives of methodological work in a modern preschool institution, the versatile nature of its content, the specific features of each preschool educational institution require a variety of methodological forms of work with personnel and their optimal combination with each other.

In recent years, there has been an active search for new, non-traditional forms of methodological work. However, it should be noted that no forms of work by themselves, regardless of the content of teacher training, can guarantee a creative approach. There is not and cannot be a division of forms into new and old, modern and non-modern, since each of them corresponds to a certain content. Any traditional form can be active if it is built correctly in terms of content and methods and implements such important functions as informational, orienting and developing.

On the basis of work experience, special situations of methodological development of educators are identified.

Situations of methodical work

Methodological forms of professional development of educators




Individual patronage


Advising the head teacher, senior educator.


Modeling individual options for methodological work for each educator

Problem consultations

Creative microgroups

Thematic seminars

Psychological training

School of Teaching Excellence

Organizational - activity, role-playing games


Psychological and pedagogical workshop

Young teacher school

AKC (case study)

Mutual attendance of classes

Methodical gatherings

Creative workshops

teachers' council

method council

Psychological - pedagogical seminars

Auctions of knowledge, methodological findings, ideas

Pedagogical and methodical rings

- "Round table"

- "Hour of position defense"

Theoretical, methodological and practical conferences

KMN (competition of methodological findings)

Methodological Ideas Festival


The system of continuous professional development of each preschool teacher involves different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. The systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the educator and the senior educator is carried out at refresher courses every five years. In the intercourse period of active pedagogical activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject itself. That is why self-education between courses is necessary. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge gained in the previous course preparation; contributes to the understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

In kindergarten, the head teacher must create conditions for self-education of teachers.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each particular teacher.

As a process of mastering knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered its integral part.

In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize their activities to acquire new knowledge.

Why does a teacher need to constantly work on himself, replenish and expand his knowledge? Pedagogy, like all sciences, does not stand still, but is constantly developing and improving. The volume of scientific knowledge is increasing every year. Scientists say that the knowledge that humanity has is doubling every ten years.

This obliges each specialist, regardless of the education received, to engage in self-education.

Korney Chukovsky wrote: “Only that knowledge is durable and valuable, which you have obtained yourself, prompted by your own passion. All knowledge must be a discovery that you have made yourself.”

The head of a preschool educational institution organizes the work in such a way that the self-education of each teacher becomes his need. Self-education is the first step to the improvement of professional skills. The necessary conditions for this are created in the methodological office: the library fund is constantly updated and replenished with reference and methodological literature, and the experience of teachers.

Methodical journals are not just studied and systematized by years, but are used to compile thematic catalogs, help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with different views of scientists and practitioners on the problem. A library catalog is a list of books available in a library and located on a specific system.

A special card is created for each book, in which the author's surname, his initials, the title of the book, the year and place of publication are recorded. On the reverse side, you can make a brief annotation or list the main issues disclosed in the book. Thematic file cabinets include books, journal articles, individual chapters of books. The senior educator compiles catalogs, recommendations to help those involved in self-education, studies the impact of self-education on changes in the educational process.

However, it is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to the formal maintenance of additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, abstracts).

This is a voluntary desire of the teacher. In the methodical office, only the topic on which the teacher is working, and the form and deadline of the report are fixed. In this case, the form of the report may be as follows: a speech at the pedagogical council or conducting methodological work with colleagues (consultation, seminar, etc.). This may be a show of work with children, in which the educator uses the acquired knowledge in the course of self-education.

Summing up what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

  • work in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogs;
  • participation in the work of scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;
  • obtaining advice from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;
  • work with a bank of diagnostic and correctional development programs in regional methodological centers, etc.

The result of these and other types of work of the teacher is the process of reflection of the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of a new experience.


MENTORING - a necessary component of the adaptation program and vocational education young professionals. Mentoring - individual targeted assistance to young professionals in getting acquainted with collective traditions, general rules, professional features of work in a preschool educational institution and in more fully mastering the necessary skills for fruitful work;

MENTORING - a kind of individual educational work with young professionals who do not have work experience in teaching in educational institutions or with specialists appointed to a position in which they do not have work experience.

1. Mentorship applies to:novice young specialists for a period of not more than 2 years after graduation from a secondary specialized educational institution, for a period of not more than 1 year after graduating from a higher educational institution; contracted students

2. Mentors are selected from the most trained teaching staff with high professional qualities, with stable performance in work, with communication skills and flexibility in communication; having a higher or secondary specialized education, teaching experience of at least 5 years; first or highest qualification category.

Purpose of mentoring:

The purpose of mentoring is to assist young professionals in their professional development, close involvement of a young specialist in the labor process and public life


3.1. Accelerating the process of learning the basic skills of the profession, developing the ability to independently and efficiently perform the tasks assigned to him in his position;

3.2. Adaptation to the corporate culture, mastering the traditions and rules of conduct in this institution, a conscious and creative attitude to the duties of an educator.

3.3. Development of the young specialist's necessary skills and abilities to conduct pedagogical activities.

3.4. Instilling in young professionals an interest in teaching and securing teachers in MDOU.


Of the various forms of methodological work in kindergarten, such a form as counseling teachers has become especially firmly established in practice. Individual and group consultations; consultations on the main areas of work of the entire team, on topical problems of pedagogy, at the request of educators, etc.

Any consultation requires training and professional competence from the head educator.

The main consultations are planned in the annual work plan of the institution, but separate ones are held as needed.

Using different methods when conducting consultations, the senior educator not only sets the task of transferring knowledge to teachers, but also seeks to form a creative attitude towards their activities.

So, with a problematic presentation of the material, a problem is formed and a way to solve it is shown.

1. Partial search method- educators take an active part in putting forward hypotheses, drawing up action plans, independently solving the problem.

2. explanation method.- this method has a number of positive qualities: reliability, economical selection of specific facts, scientific interpretation of the phenomena under consideration, etc. In order to stimulate the attention of educators and encourage them to follow the logic of presentation, it is useful to formulate questions at the beginning of the consultation. Questions addressed to teachers during the consultation process help them comprehend their experience from the point of view of scientific findings, express their thoughts, guesses, and formulate a conclusion.

Depending on the level of qualifications of teachers, the senior educator determines to what extent knowledge can be drawn from their experience or limited to their own explanation.

3. Heuristic conversation method. During the conversation, certain provisions of the read methodological literature are revealed in more detail, explanations are given on those issues that are more of interest to teachers, the fallacy of their opinions and shortcomings of professional experience are revealed, the degree of understanding and assimilation of knowledge is revealed, and orientation towards further self-education is carried out.

4. Method of discussion - in form and content, the discussion is close to the method of conversation. It also involves the choice of an important topic that requires a comprehensive discussion, the preparation of questions for educators, an introductory and closing speech. However, unlike a conversation, a discussion requires a struggle of opinions, posing controversial issues. During the discussion, you have to ask many other additional questions, the number and content of which "cannot be foreseen in advance. Therefore, the use of discussion as a method requires high professional competence, pedagogical skills, great culture, and tact from the senior educator. The leader of the discussion must have the ability to quickly navigate the environment, capture the train of thought and mood of the participants, create an atmosphere of trust.

II. DIFFERENTIATION- the second criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work - just assumes a greater share in the system of methodical work of individual and group lessons with educators, based on their level of professionalism, readiness for self-development, and other indicators. There are three levels of teaching excellence:

  • low (intuitive);
  • medium (search);
  • high (masterful).

In a kindergarten there are no two educators who are equally trained in theoretical and methodological terms, even among those who have worked for many years.

In accordance with the level of pedagogical skill for each educator, the methodologist needs to develop individual options for methodological work.

Thus, methodological work with low-level educators is focused on developing a positive attitude towards pedagogical activity, mastering theoretical knowledge.

The goals of methodological work with middle-level educators are the formation of an orientation towards communication, dialogue, mastery of pedagogical techniques(skill system)awareness of one's own individuality.

Methodological work with high-level educators involves stimulating a value orientation towards creativity in their pedagogical activities, towards the creation of an individual methodological system. At the same time, the emphasis is on self-education and self-analysis of one's own achievements, the initiative in testing new options for teaching and educating preschoolers.

III. STAGES - performance indicators of methodical work.

The process of methodical work in kindergarten includes certain successive stages:

1st stage - theoretical - awareness of the idea, understanding of advanced systems;

2nd stage - methodical - showing the best examples: best practices; building the concept of an individual methodological system;

3rd stage - practical - independent development and approbation by educators of new technologies of training and education;

Stage 4 - analytical - identifying the effectiveness of the work, as well as analyzing the most typical difficulties and ways to eliminate them.


"Ecological education - an ecological path in kindergarten"

Target: creation of motivation for teachers of MDOU to work in the direction of creating an ecological path on the territory of a preschool institution.

  1. Analyze the theoretical foundations for creating an ecological trail on the territory and inside the kindergarten;
  2. Develop a work plan for teachers in this direction;
  3. Development of a map-scheme of an ecological trail on the territory of MDOU.

Seminar participants:MDOU teachers, parents.

The course of the seminar - workshop:

Take care of these waters, these lands.

Loving even a small blade of grass,

Take care of all the animals inside nature,

Kill only the beasts within you...

1. "Creative workshop"

Presenter: The environmental education of the younger generation has come to the fore in recent years, due to
environmental degradation in general. Preschool age is considered the most favorable in terms of the formation
ecological culture. In a preschool institution, the child spends most of his time, which allows him to soak
every moment of his stay in kindergarten with love and respect for nature. To date, the most active
forms of inclusion of the child in the process of familiarization with the environment. At the beginning of our event, I suggest that you divide into four
commands using images of the four elements (water, fire, earth, air).

(Teachers choose leaflets with images and are divided into four teams).

Presenter: First and creative taskeach team: it is necessary to choose an element of the developing environment of an ecological orientation and prepare a presentation according to the plan:

1. The name of the element of the developing environment (laboratory, corner of nature in the group, etc.).

2. Purpose and objectives (how it will contribute to the development of preschoolers; how it will increase the efficiency of work on environmental education; in the implementation of what programs it can help, etc.). The goal is understood as the final expected result, under the tasks - ways to implement and achieve the result.

3. The age of the children for whom it is intended.

4. Where is it located and how is it designed.

5. Design features, materials, equipment (for corners of nature, vegetable gardens - indicate the names of animals, plants).

6. Zoning of the premises (if required).

7. What forms and methods of work with children are expected to be used (for example, experimentation, observation, holding ecological holidays, etc.)

The time to complete the task is 20 minutes. After that, a presentation of each product of the activity of teachers is presented.


Summing up the speeches, the "leader" among the elements of the ecological and developing environment was clearly defined. The most important and effective form of work turned out to be the ecological trail, both on the territory of the MDOU and within it.

2. "Pedagogical snake":

Presenter: to determine your understanding of the essence of the ecological trail, I offer you a sheet of paper, which I fly like a kite in a circle. Each of you should write an associative word on the sheet with the expression "ecological path", fold the sheet with an accordion and pass it on to the next participant in the seminar.

(Teachers write down the words on a piece of paper. As soon as he returns to the presenter, she reads out the words written down by the teachers).

Presenter: Now, I would like to tell you the scientific and pedagogical facts about the ecological path in a preschool institution.

The first ecological trails were created for visitors to national parks in foreign countries. In recent years, many preschool institutions have created their own ecological trails. Given the short length of the routes, the specifics of the included points (natural and artificial objects), the age of the children, the forms of work with them, the term “ecological path” is most often used in preschool education. Real ecological paths used for teaching the adult population and schoolchildren, as a rule, are laid in natural landscapes, are characterized by a significant duration and carry a large content load. AT preschool institutions ecological paths perform cognitive, developing, aesthetic, health-improving functions. Three main types of ecological paths can be distinguished:

a) on the territory of a preschool institution;

b) in natural or close to them conditions (suburban forest, park, square, etc.);

c) in the kindergarten building.

The main criteria for choosing the route and objects of the ecological trail are the inclusion of as many diverse objects as possible and attracting the attention of the child, their accessibility for preschoolers. Various types of both wild and cultivated plants (trees, shrubs, herbs), mosses, mushrooms on living and dead trees, old stumps, anthills, bird nests on trees, microlandscapes of various natural communities are selected as objects (viewpoints) of the ecological path. (meadows, forests), flower beds, individual beautifully flowering plants, places of regular accumulation of insects (for example, soldier beetles), small ponds, vegetable gardens, individual stones, an alpine hill, fountains, springs, etc. Human interaction with nature (as both positive and negative) can be shown on the example of trampled areas, bird feeders, littered reservoirs outside the territory of the kindergarten. In our generally northern country, preschoolers in many regions spend a significant part of their time in kindergarten premises. That is why it is recommended to create ecological paths in the building of a preschool institution. In addition, such paths allow both adults and children to take a fresh look at their immediate surroundings. Such paths include objects of animate and inanimate nature: a corner of nature, an ecological room, a winter garden (networks of various routes for different purposes can be additionally created inside them), a fountain, a pool, a phytobar, sandboxes in the corridors, water and sand centers, a laboratory , individual compositions of indoor plants and dried flowers, corners of nature or individual objects of nature in group rooms, mini-gardens on the windows, greenhouses in the building, art gallery, exhibitions of crafts made from natural materials, museums of nature, mini-museums in groups, folklore rooms, rooms fairy tales, exhibitions from waste material and others (the variety of points on such a path depends on the developing environment of the kindergarten).

3. "Constructors".

Presenter: Each team receives two general tasks:

Develop a scheme of an ecological path on the territory of the MDOU;

Develop a scheme of ecological path in the institution.

You are given 20 minutes to complete the task, after the time has elapsed, each team will offer the developed schemes to the attention of colleagues.

Based on the results of the map-schemes of ecological trails proposed by teachers, as well as the rationale for the need to create a similar form of environmental education in MDOU, a decision was made on the need to create an ecological trail on the territory of MDOU.

4. Stages of creating and designing a path

The sequence of actions for creating a path can be as follows:

  • detailed survey of the territory and selection of the most interesting objects;
  • drawing up a general map of the path with the drawing of the route and all its objects (in the form of circles with numbers or drawings-symbols;
  • maps for various purposes can be drawn up: to help educators and for children of different ages).

Maps for children should contain a small amount of information in the form of child-friendly drawings of objects, arrows indicating the route. For kids, you can make bright, large drawings of the objects that are most attractive to them. For example, draw a butterfly, a bright flower, a tree in circles and connect all these drawings with a line - a path along which they go from one object to another;

  • the choice, together with the children, of the "owner" of the path - a fairy-tale character who will give the children tasks and invite them to visit;
  • photographing objects and describing all points according to the scheme, designed in the form of an album (passport);
  • production of plates with drawings, signatures for specific points, environmental signs;
  • drawing up recommendations on the use of path objects for working with children.

Based on theoretical facts about the importance and organization of ecological trails in kindergarten, together with teachers, he develops a long-term work plan towards the creation of an ecological trail in MDOU (on the territory and inside the kindergarten).

5. The main activities aimed at creating an ecological trail in MDOU

1. Teachers of the senior and preparatory groups fill out a passport of the future ecological tropic, which includes a map-scheme of the future path. Photographs or drawings of objects are attached on separate sheets (preferably several photographs at different times of the year) and the information necessary for the educator is provided. So, when describing a tree, its biological, ecological characteristics, distribution features, origin of the name, folk names, reflection of its image in folklore (fairy tales, riddles, proverbs), songs, poems are given, its connection with other plants and animals, its role in life are noted. people (health, aesthetic, etc.) and recommendations on the use of the object in the work on environmental education of preschoolers and parent education (experience shows that parents
always interested in information about the use of plants, which can serve as a starting point for conservation discussions; that is why such information is included in the description of viewpoints). Below is a number of examples of such descriptions, compiled by us for some trees of the ecological path.

2. Teacher-psychologist, deputy. head the design of the stops of the future ecological trail is being developed for the WRM.

3. Teachers of middle groups develop the design of the ecological sphere inside the preschool institution.

4. Educators of younger groups collect information about the plant fund on the territory of the kindergarten.


1. The system of methodological work with personnel in a preschool educational institution Golitsina N.S. ed. Scriptorium 2003

2. Preschool educational institutionSolution: results-based management

3. Material from the site

4. Pozdnyak L.V., Lyashchenko N.N. management of preschool education M.: academy 2001

5. L.M. Volobuev. The work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution with teachers. - M.: TC "Sphere", 2003

The task of methodological activity is to create such an educational environment in an institution where the creative potential of the teacher and the teaching staff would be fully realized. Most teachers, especially beginners, always need help - from more experienced colleagues, leaders, senior educators. Today, the real level of methodological work in a preschool institution is becoming one of the most important criteria for evaluating its activities.



Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… .3

1. Theoretical foundations of methodological work in a preschool institution ...... 4

1.1. Goals and objectives of methodological work in the preschool educational institution………………………………....4

1.2. Types of methodical work ………………………………………………………9

1.4. Training and development of teaching staff, improving their qualifications ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Identification, study, generalization of the advanced pedagogical experience of the teacher ………………………………………………………………………………….16

2.1. Methodological support for the implementation of the pedagogical process…………………………………………………………………………..……19

2.2. Structure, forms and methods of methodical work of preschool educational institution …………………22

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………26

References ………………………………………………………………...28


The development of the system of preschool education is characterized by an increase in its quality in accordance with the planned goals. At the same time, the main function of a modern kindergarten of any kind is the purposeful socialization of the child's personality: introducing him into the world of natural and human connections and relationships, transferring to him the best examples, methods and norms of behavior in all spheres of life.

As practice shows, the quality of education is ambiguously understood by different audiences. Parents, for example, correlate the quality of pre-school education with the development of their children's individuality and their degree of readiness to enter school. Quality for teachers, as a rule, means full methodological support with manuals and developments of the pedagogical process.

Quality is the result of the activities of the entire teaching staff. Determining the main goals of the development of his preschool educational institution, each leader, together with the team, organizes the pedagogical process, which means that he constantly compares the results obtained.

The task of methodological activity is to create such an educational environment in an institution where the creative potential of the teacher and the teaching staff would be fully realized. Most teachers, especially beginners, always need help - from more experienced colleagues, leaders, senior educators.

Today, the real level of methodological work in a preschool institution is becoming one of the most important criteria for evaluating its activities.

1. Theoretical foundations of methodological work in a preschool institution

1.1. Goals and objectives of methodological work

Methodological work is an important condition for improving the quality of the pedagogical process. Having gone through all forms of methodical work, organized in a certain system, educators not only improve their professional level, it becomes a need for them to learn something new, learn to do what they still do not know how to do. There are many definitions of the term "methodological work" in the literature.

K.Yu. White suggests understanding:methodical work- this is a holistic system of activities aimed at ensuring the most effective quality of the implementation of the strategic tasks of the preschool educational institution.

The task of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution is to develop a system, to find accessible and, at the same time, effective methods for improving pedagogical skills.

The purpose of the methodological workin the preschool educational institution is the creation of optimal conditions for the continuous improvement of the level of general and pedagogical culture of the participants in the educational process.

Pedagogical culture is the professional culture of a person engaged in pedagogical activities, the harmony of highly developed pedagogical thinking, knowledge, feelings and professional creative activity, contributing to the effective organization of the pedagogical process.

The main tasks of methodological work:

  • develop a system of assistance to each teacher based on diagnostics, forms of work.
  • include each teacher in a creative search.

You can select specific tasks:

  1. Formation of an innovative orientation in the activities of the teaching staff, manifested in the systematic study, generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience in implementing the achievements of science.
  2. Increasing the level of theoretical training of teachers.
  3. Organization of work on the study of new educational standards and programs.

Enrichment of the pedagogical process with new technologies, forms in the education, upbringing and development of the child.

  1. Organization of work on the study of regulatory documents.
  2. Providing scientific and methodological assistance to a teacher based on an individual and differentiated approach (by experience, creative activity, education, categoricalness).
  3. Rendering advisory assistance in the organization of self-education of teachers.

The main criteria for the effectiveness of methodological work, in addition to performance indicators (the level of pedagogical skills, the activity of educators), are the characteristics of the methodological process itself:

  1. consistency - compliance with the goals and objectives in terms of the content and forms of methodological work;
  2. differentiation - the second criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work - implies a large share in the system of methodical work of individual and group classes with educators, based on their level of professionalism, readiness for self-development and other indicators;
  3. phasing - indicators of the effectiveness of methodological work.

The management structure of the preschool educational institution

The diagram shows the subjects of management of the educational process of a preschool institution, the types of connections between them. The effectiveness of the educational process in the preschool educational institution depends on the norms of the functioning of each type of communication.

The organization of high-quality methodological work in a preschool institution is provided by a senior teacher. The quality of the educational process in the preschool educational institution depends on his professional competence of an active personal position, professional abilities. These include:

1. Analytical


  • the state of the educational process, the implementation of the educational program;
  • the level of professional competence of teachers, improving their qualifications, certification;
  • advanced pedagogical experience;
  • the latest research in the field of pedagogy and psychology;
  • effectiveness of methodological work.

2. Design

  • forecasting (together with the head) the strategic and tactical goals of the processes of education, training and development of preschoolers, the development of a program for the development of preschool educational institutions;
  • designing the development of the teaching staff as a whole and individual teachers;
  • planning the goals and content of the scientific and methodological activities of the team, individual teachers;
  • designing methodological work in the preschool educational institution.

3. Organizational

  • management of the activities of teachers in accordance with the Development Program, the annual plan, the educational program of the preschool educational institution;
  • advanced training (of teachers and one's own);
  • organization of normalized interaction between teaching staff;
  • identification, study, generalization and dissemination of innovative experience of preschool educational institutions;
  • organization of the implementation of the plan of scientific and methodological work in the preschool educational institution.

4. Regulatory

  • monitoring the state of all areas of the educational process in the preschool educational institution, their regulation in accordance with the development program, the work plan of the preschool educational institution, temporary requirements for the content and methods of educating and teaching preschool children;
  • control and evaluation of advanced training of teachers, the progress of scientific and methodological work in preschool educational institutions.

5. Communicative

  • building relationships in the team based on mutual trust, respect, goodwill
  • selection and use of the most effective means of organizational impact on teachers
  • studying and taking into account the relationship of teachers in the performance of work
  • anticipation and conflict prevention
  • self-control in critical situations
  • correct perception of criticism and taking it into account in their activities

The effectiveness of methodological work is influenced by such personal qualities of a senior educator as a creative approach to business, the ability to rationally organize one's time, etc.

Thus, our approaches to the organization of methodological work are based on understanding the specifics of the preschool educational institution, its external and internal environment, the management system with the coordinated interaction of its elements: the development of professional and personal qualities senior educator.

1.2. Types of methodical work

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature of scientific research allows us to distinguish different types of methodological work. By definition, S.Zh. Goncharova,″ methodical activity is a specific type of educational activity, the content of which is the systemic unity of the creation of a method, its approbation, the implementation of the method (obtaining methods), the application of methods″ .

In the process of methodological activity, these spaces are interconnected in 3 stages of methodological activity, which are a single chain of certain elements, in which each stage has an end product: method, methodology, guaranteed result.

Types of methodological activities

(according to S. Zh. Goncharova)

Creation Implementation application

method method method

According to this scheme, it is possible to single out the main actions of the senior educator in each of these spaces.

  1. When creating a search for a method of working with children: description, comparison, identification of patterns, expert opinion on significance, etc.
  2. When introducing the method into the work of teachers: informing, teaching, dissemination, experimental work, reproduction, etc.
  3. When applying the methodology, the main emphasis is on the control over the implementation of the main provisions and the correction of this methodology.

Methodical office-center of methodical work in the preschool educational institution.

The center of all the methodological work of the preschool educational institution is the methodological office. He plays a leading role in assisting teachers in organizing the educational process, ensuring their continuous professional self-development, summarizing best practices, and increasing the competence of parents in the upbringing and education of children.

The methodological office of a preschool institution meets such requirements as information content, accessibility, aesthetics, providing motivation and activity in development, content. The implementation of the information and analytical function of managing a preschool institution determines the formation of an information data bank in the methodological office, where sources and content are determined.

Model of the methodical office of the preschool educational institution

All manuals and materials of the method cabinet are intended for differentiated assistance to educators in their work with children to improve the qualifications of teaching staff, as well as to collect, study and generalize the best work experience.

Exhibitions are regularly organized in the methodological office of the preschool educational institution: current and episodic. Permanent exhibitions are, for example, the following:″ New literature″ , ″ Introduce children to nature (seasonal)″ , ″ To help the educatorand others. Only the name of the rubric is constant, while the material and content change.

The subjects of the exhibitions are the most diverse, but some recommendations are observed in their design:

  • If there is a normative or instructive document on this topic (regulations, instructions, etc.), then a plan for studying it, recommendations for teachers on working with it, work experience with this document from other preschool educational institutions, etc. are presented.
  • Methodological recommendations on this topic.
  • Experience related to this topic.
  • Literature on the subject.
  • Visual material related to this issue: a list of equipment, diagrams, drawings, samples of crafts, paintings, slides, video materials, etc.

In addition, the methodological room presents new material from various sources, drawing the attention of teachers to the problems of education and training, helping to prepare for competitions, informing about events, changes in preschool education, making you think about pedagogical situations, reflect on your work.

It is presented in the preschool educational institution under a variety of headings: “Our ideas”, “A competition is announced”, “Methodological piggy bank”, etc. The variety of changing material under different headings is colorful, methodically well-designed, involuntarily attracts the attention of teachers. Educators take this material to the group, discuss this material with other educators (parents), use it in their work with children.

In the methodological office of the preschool educational institution, enough material has been accumulated on working with parents and with society. The help of the senior educator is to teach educators to use a minimum of time with the greatest return when designing the material of the methodological room; it is important to listen to the opinion of the educators for whom it was created. The nature of the appeals of teachers to the senior educator about certain materials is analyzed; which benefits are used more often and which are not used at all; which of the educators constantly uses literature, manuals, and which rarely, etc.

Thus, the methodical office is″ a piggy bank of kindergarten traditions, a center for collecting pedagogical information, a laboratory for the creative work of educators. Each visit to the classroom brings teachers new knowledge, new thoughts and ideas, enriches their experience.

1.4. Training and development of teaching staff, improving their qualifications.

A leader who trains and develops his staff lives not only in the present of an educational institution, he looks into its future.

Professional development is of great importance for every teacher:

  • For his professional self-preservation, overcoming the possible backlog, the discrepancy between the achieved level and the new requirements for the educational process.
  • For self-realization, satisfaction in professional activities.
  • To achieve professional status and recognition in the team.

The development of teachers, the improvement of their qualifications is closely related, first of all, to the tasks of the functioning and development of a preschool institution, the level of professional competence of each teacher, his interests and needs. The main functions of the senior educator in managing the process of training and development of teaching staff are:

  • Analysis of the needs of teachers in training;
  • Forecast of training and development of teachers;
  • Definition of learning objectives;
  • Planning teacher training;
  • Determination of the place and terms of training;
  • Approval of plans, training programs;
  • Organization of work with teachers on self-education;
  • Evaluation of learning outcomes and teacher development.

The model of the organization and content of the development of teachers, the improvement of their qualifications is built differently. Providing conditions for the professional self-development of teachers in order to improve their skills, first of all, is aimed at:

  1. - for teachers who improve their qualification category;
  2. - young teachers;
  3. - for teachers who experience difficulties in a certain area of ​​professional activity.
  4. - participants in the innovation process.

Organization of various forms of training for all categories of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions.

Self-education is an independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each particular teacher.

In order for self-education to become a need in the methodological office of the preschool educational institution, the necessary conditions have been created, the fund of reference and methodological literature is constantly updated and replenished.

Books, magazines are studied and systematized by year, used to compile catalogs, help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with different views of scientists and practitioners on the problem. The senior educator selects the necessary literature to help those involved in self-education, studies its influence on the quality of the educational process.

Forms of self-education are diverse:

  • work in libraries with books, periodicals;
  • participation in the work of scientific and practical seminars, conferences;
  • obtaining consultations at the departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;
  • maintaining your own file on the problem under study, etc.

The result of the teacher's efforts is the improvement of work with children, the creation of conditions for the birth of a new experience.

2. Identification, study, generalization of the advanced pedagogical experience of the teacher.

According to Ya.S. Turbovsky,″ advanced pedagogical experience is a means of purposeful improvement of the educational process that meets the actual needs of the practice of teaching and education″ .

Experience suggests the educator to use new approaches to work with children. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and contributes to the improvement of professional skills. Best practice is born in mass practice and is, to some extent, its result. For any teacher who studies best practices, not only the result itself is important, but also the methods and techniques by which the result is achieved. This allows you to measure your capabilities and decide on the implementation of experience in your work.

Best practices are determined by the following criteria:

  • high performance;
  • scientific validity;
  • creative novelty;
  • relevance;
  • reducing the time spent on achieving high results.

The study, generalization, dissemination and creation of best practices is one of the main functions of methodological work in kindergarten. The role of the senior educator in this function is very great, since it is he who sees this advanced experience in the inconspicuous, daily work of the educator, comprehends it, evaluates it,

analyzes by what means qualitative results are achieved.

This work includes several interrelated stages.

At the first stage the essence of experience, its manifestations, tasks, content, methods, forms, techniques, means, specific conditions for the emergence and development, features of the personal qualities of the teacher, the duration of the formation of experience are studied. When studying experience, not only the result - the experience itself, but the whole process of its creation is of exceptional importance. In order to improve the quality of learning experience, a creative micro group of members of the teaching staff was created in the preschool educational institution (Uvarova M.L. - teacher-speech therapist, Dovzhenko T.V. - music director, Pavlyukova I.O. - educator)

Classified according to various criteria, best practices can be defined as:

  • collective, subgroup or individual;
  • research, partial search;
  • empirical, scientific and theoretical;
  • psychological and pedagogical, practical.

At the second stage the task of the senior educator is to isolate progressive experience from mass practice on the basis of certain criteria.

Third stage - summarizing best practices.

There are three main forms of generalization of experience in preschool educational institutions:open display, story, description.

Organizing an open show we set several goals: promotion of experience; training teachers in methods and techniques of working with children, etc. Therefore, the presentation of pedagogical experience through an open display involves a certain work of the senior educator, and the forms of organization are different. Before the screening begins, the senior educator talks about the system of work of the educator and suggests questions that should be given special attention.

Story used when speaking at teachers' councils, consultations and other forms of methodical work. The best experience of a teacher can be presented in the form of a report at a conference or an article in a periodical press. Unlike the show description does not allow to clearly reveal the originality of the educator's activity. Description is a high analytical level of generalization of experience. Here you can more holistically, systematically reveal its origins and the path of formation.

The fourth stageis the dissemination and implementation of generalized experience.

The dissemination of best practices is carried out in the preschool educational institution in the form of:

  • speeches at the pedagogical council and accompanied by a demonstration of visual material;
  • collective viewing;
  • creative report, during which fragments of the teacher’s work are shown - individual classes, work in Everyday life, materials, manuals, recommendations;
  • master class - one of the new forms of dissemination of experience (teacher's story about his creative laboratory and demonstration on children);
  • presentation of materials in the methodological office (summaries of a cycle of classes on a topic, long-term work plans on a problem or topic, author's didactic games).

2.1. Methodological support for the implementation of the pedagogical process

One of the core conditions for the life of a preschool institution is the methodological support of the educational process. Based on its features, the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution is organized (the composition of its elements, their essential characteristics are determined, a complex of medical and recreational support for the implementation of programs and technologies is selected.) Work with the family and society is being built.

The program and methodological complex of a preschool institution is selected taking into account the orientation to state requirements, the legal status of a preschool institution (type, priority direction), the characteristics and laws of the mental development of children, the specifics of the pedagogical and children's teams that determine the possibility and expediency of implementing each program and technology.

completeness and integritysoftware and methodological support is determined by the following characteristics:

Focus on the content of education (basic, additional);

The relationship between the content of complex and partial programs that implement basic education;

The relationship of programs that provide the implementation of technologies and methods.

The integrity of the educational process in a preschool educational institution is achieved through the use of the main (comprehensive program), special (correctional) and qualified selection of partial programs, each of which includes one or more areas of the child's development. The main programs (complex, special, a set of partial ones) determine the features of organizing the life of children in the context of ensuring all its aspects, taking into account the following three of its forms:

  • GCD as a specially organized form of education;
  • non-regulated activities;
  • free time provided for a child in kindergarten during the day.

The effectiveness of the educational process in a preschool educational institution depends not only on the choice of methodological support, but also on the creation of conditions for its implementation. This determines the following direction of methodological work:

1. Organization of a developing subject environment in a preschool educational institution, corresponding to the content of the program, the interests and needs of children of different ages:

  • development of guidelines for organizing a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution;
  • ensuring the selection of toys, games, manuals for working with children according to the program, taking into account modern requirements;
  • activation of teachers in the development of attributes and teaching aids;

2. Correlation of the content of the educational process with the chosen program and Temporary requirements for the content and methods of education and training of preschool children:

  • formation of a data bank on the implementation of the program, its individual sections;
  • analysis of the implementation of the Temporary requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in the preschool educational institution;

We pay special attention to the mandatory interaction of all specialists working in a speech therapy group (speech therapist, educator, music director). Through joint efforts, the tasks of individual development and the provision of effective assistance to each child are solved. This interaction is reflected in a special notebook. For this purpose, consultations are held on "The relationship between the work of a speech therapist and the educator of the speech therapy group", "The development of children's speech with the help of developing musical exercises", "Joint work of a speech therapist and educators on sound pronunciation". The success of speech development depends not only on the program and methods of speech development, but also to a greater extent on the conditions in which it takes place. Therefore, the subject-speech environment was thought out and changed not only in the speech therapy group, but also in all other groups.

This was precededsystem of methodical work with personnel:

  • Seminar "Object-spatial environment and its influence on the speech activity of children"
  • Consultation "The role of the subject-developing environment in overcoming speech disorders"
  • Methodical gatherings "Construction of a subject-speech environment in a group" (exchange of views on the problem of a developing environment, from the experience of a speech therapist Uvarov M.L.)
  • Assistance to young professionals in the placement of equipment in the "Learning to Speak" corner
  • Individual consultations (based on the results of the questionnaire, "Selection of material for working with parents", etc.)
  • The work of a creative micro-group consisting of: Kotomina N.N., Zernova L.P., Yutkina T.N.

2.3. Structure, forms and methods of methodical work of the preschool educational institution

Methodological work occupies a special place in the management system of a preschool institution, as it contributes to the activation of the personality of teachers, the development of their creative activity, the implementation of the relationship with the family and school in ensuring the continuous, harmonious development of children. The implementation of these tasks is ensured by the versatile nature of the content of methodological work and the variety of effective forms and methods with teaching staff.

Methods of methodical work are ordered ways of activity to achieve goals.

Form is the internal organization of content, the construction of segments, cycles of the methodological process, reflecting the system of its components and stable connections (K.Yu.Belaya).

All forms of methodological work in the preschool educational institution are aimed at fulfilling the tasks formulated in the Charter, the Development Program and the annual plan.

The preparation of any methodological event begins with the definition of a goal. The head teacher answers the following questions:″ What do I want to achieve by organizing this event? What should be the result?″ , ″ What will change in the activities of teachers?

If the goal is real, then it encourages the teacher to work, causes him to be active. The goal is clearly and clearly formulated, the final result is indicated, which can be evaluated, compared.

The main goal today is to improve the methods of individual work with educators. Each teacher has their own level of teaching skills.

In the preschool educational institution, we begin work with a survey of teachers to identify real difficulties:

Based on the results of the survey and on the basis of completed and updated questionnaires, we draw up a map of pedagogical excellence, which we introduce to the team at the final teachers' council. Based on this map, we plan a system of methodological work with educators for a year and provide for:

  • what kind of methodological assistance will be provided, to whom and by what forces, in what form (mutual visits, mentorship, work in pairs, consultations, etc.);
  • which of the educators, and what experience will be studied and generalized;
  • to develop what problem a creative group of educators will create, viewing and analysis of open classes with children will be organized.

Thus, methodological work in kindergarten is determined not by the number of events, but by taking into account all the difficulties of educators, by providing targeted assistance through a variety of forms with the obligatory use of new achievements in pedagogical science and practice.

We consider the organization of joint viewing by a novice educator and a senior educator of the work of a successfully working educator as a very effective methodological event. In this case, the following tasks are solved:

  1. Managerial.

To create an opportunity for the success of pedagogical activity for a novice educator.

  1. Didactic.

To form concepts that the success of an activity is determined not so much by external factors (what kind of children) as by the professional efforts of the teachers themselves.

An important place in the work of the preschool educational institution is occupied by medical and pedagogical meetings that monitor the development of young children, children of the speech therapy group. The medical and pedagogical meeting is attended by: the head of the kindergarten, the senior educator, the senior nurse, the speech therapist, the educators of the early age groups and the speech therapy group. The main purpose of medical and pedagogical meetings is to analyze the work with children for a certain period of time (quarter) and to outline new tasks for the educator.

Of the various forms of methodological work in kindergarten, such a form as counseling teachers has become especially firmly established in practice. Individual and group consultations; consultations on the main areas of work of the entire team, on topical problems of pedagogy, at the request of educators, etc.

Among the various forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions are:

  • Leisure activities: "Autumn Kaleidoscope", "Mother's Day", "Three Traffic Lights", "Grow Healthy", etc.
  • Thematic exhibitions: "Speech creativity of preschoolers", "Novelties in methodological literature";
  • Open days
  • Pedagogical trainings;
  • Reviews, contests: “Karapuz”, “Young connoisseurs of nature”, “Znayka”, “Do it all with your own hands”, “Educator of the year”

The teaching staff of our preschool educational institution is conditionally represented by three groups:

  1. Educators and professionals withhigh level of qualification– experienced creatively working. The teachers of this group are not only objects, but also subjects of methodical work. They are the backbone of the teaching staff. They are often involved in conducting open classes, workshops, participation in regional methodological associations, and the regional competition “Teacher of the Year”. We involve these teachers in the development of a common pedagogical strategy for the development of preschool educational institutions.
  2. teachers with established work style, stable workingeducators who conscientiously fulfill their functional duties, own the methods. The teachers of this group generally have a positive attitude towards new ideas, but their implementation in practice requires indirect influence from the administration. Educators of this group do not require special methodological assistance, but they need support for initiatives and a positive psychological climate within the team.
  3. Teachers who require increased attention, as a rule, areyoung and emerging teachers.They have a discrepancy in the level of professional and pedagogical skills, there are difficulties and problems in practical activities with kids.

Methodical work with teachers of the third group is:

Inclusion of educators in the pedagogical activities of the team:

  • work in tandem with an experienced teacher;
  • monitoring the work of other teachers;
  • participation in organized and methodological activities within the preschool educational institution.


Methodological work in a preschool institution is
a holistic system of activities aimed at ensuring the high quality of the implementation of the strategic objectives of the preschool educational institution.

The purpose of methodological work in the preschool educational institution is to create optimal
conditions for continuous improvement of the level of general and pedagogical culture of the participants in the educational process.

Its orientation is determined by the social order of the state, social institutions (families, schools), the structure of the management system in a preschool institution. The desire of the senior educator for a high level of development of personal and professional qualities contributes to the organization of high-quality methodological work in the preschool educational institution.

Implementation of interrelated functions (analysis, planning,
organization, control) methodological service of a preschool institution
is aimed at the continuous development of teaching staff, improving their
qualifications; identification, study, generalization and dissemination of advanced
pedagogical experience, full methodological support
educational process, coordination of interaction between preschool educational institutions, families,
society for the continuous, comprehensive development of children.

The effective solution of these problems is influenced by a variety of
the nature of the content of methodological work and the variety of forms and methods
work with teaching staff, family, with society. Priority is given to active methods of work (solving problem situations, business games, etc.), which contribute to the greatest development of educators, parents, increase their motivation and activity in improving the pedagogical culture.
In accordance with the goals and objectives of the methodological work,
monitoring its effectiveness. Monitoring data contribute
the timeliness and effectiveness of making adjustments to the organization
methodical work.

Leading role in helping educators to organize
educational process, ensuring their continuous, professional
self-development, generalization of best practices, improvement of competence
parents in matters of raising and educating children belongs to the methodological office of the preschool educational institution, which is an information center and a creative laboratory for teachers and parents.


  1. Belaya K.Yu. 200 answers to the questions of the head of the kindergarten. - M.: ACT,
  2. Belaya K.Yu. Diary of a senior kindergarten teacher. - M.: OOO
    Astrel Publishing House, ACT Publishing LLC, 2000.
  3. Belaya K.Yu. Methodical work in a preschool educational institution.
    -M.: MIPKRO, 2000.
  4. Belaya K.Yu. From September to September: Recommendations for managers and seniors
    kindergarten teachers to plan educational and educational
    work. -M.: LLC "Publishing house ACT", 1998.
  5. Belaya K.Yu. Planning work in the preschool educational institution based on the results for the year. / Management
    preschool educational institution, No. 3, 2002, p. 14.
  6. Belaya K.Yu. Guide to preschool education: control and diagnostic function. - M.: TC
    Sphere, 2003.
  7. Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitina I.I. senior caregiver
    Kindergarten: A Handbook for Workers of Preschool Institutions. - 3rd ed.,
    finalized -M.: Enlightenment, 1990. - 143 p.
  8. Dubrova V.P., Milashevich E.P. Organization of methodological work in
    preschool institution. Moscow: New school, 1995.
  9. Pedagogical skill and pedagogical technologies: Textbook//
    ed. L.K. Grebenkina, L.A. Baikova. - M.: Ped. society "Russia", 2000. -

Model regulation on preschool educational institutions in Russian Federation the main tasks of preschool education are defined:

preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children; physical, intellectual and personal development each child, taking into account individual features; assistance to the family in the upbringing of children.

Specially organized methodological work is called upon to mobilize educators to solve these problems.

Methodical work in a preschool institution - this is a holistic system of interrelated measures based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience aimed at comprehensively improving the qualifications and professional skills of each educator and the team as a whole, developing creative potential, and improving the quality of the educational process.

Methodological guidance in the preschool educational institution is carried out by the senior educator. In his activity, two directions can be conditionally distinguished: scientific management of the pedagogical process and methodological support of the pedagogical process.

Any managerial activity, which includes the activities of the senior teacher of the preschool educational institution, is based on the theory of management. The main component of management activity is the definition of the goal. A goal is an ideally planned result.

Main goals methodological work can be:

improving the pedagogical qualifications of both an individual educator and the team as a whole;

development of new pedagogical technologies;

assisting educators in the creation and development of their individual methodological systems;

development of the humanistic orientation of the personality of each educator. The following tasks contribute to the implementation of these goals:

1. To identify the initial level of pedagogical skill of each educator.

2. To develop in educators the need for self-development, self-education.

3. To develop the humanistic orientation of the personality of each educator.

4. Develop pedagogical technique.

The organization of methodological work includes a number of important functions:

study, analysis of the state of affairs in the preschool educational institution, taking into account the new "social order";

selection of the purpose and specific tasks of the activity;

planning the content, forms and methods, ways and means of achieving goals;

stimulation, provision of practical assistance to educators on the basis of

diagnostic results;

acquisition of problem groups of teachers;

summarizing the results of each stage of methodological work and identifying new

near and far prospects;

collection and processing of the received information;

adjustment of the educational process in the course of various methodological classes

with educators;

encouraging creative workers, creating an atmosphere of cooperation,

mutual understanding and mutual assistance.

The content of methodological work in a preschool institution is determined by the goals and objectives set, taking into account the results of the educational and educational process of a given preschool educational institution, the level of pedagogical skills and qualifications of educators, the maturity and cohesion of a particular teaching staff. AT content methodological work includes the following directions:

1. Educational. Provides for the formation of new educators
pedagogical thinking in the conditions of humanization of the educational process.

2. Didactic. Aimed at improving professional competence in
the most urgent problems of improving the effectiveness of teaching children in preschool educational institutions.

3. Psychological. Focused on updating the knowledge of educators in
areas of general, developmental and pedagogical psychology.

4. Physiological. Provides advanced training in general and
age physiology and hygiene.

In order to determine the effectiveness of methodological work, a number of main criteria:

1 .Productivity of the main indicators(the level of pedagogical skill of the teaching staff; the atmosphere of creativity in the organization and course of the educational process; the availability of author's programs and technologies; the level of intellectual, physical and personal development of pupils of preschool educational institutions, etc.).

2. Consistency in methodological work(correspondence of goals and objectives to the content and forms of methodological work).

Z.Steps. The effectiveness of methodological work is determined by the presence of the following successive stages:

1st stage - theoretical. Purpose: familiarization with ideas, advanced systems, their comprehension.

2nd stage - methodical. Purpose: to show the best examples of excellence; designing an individual methodological system.

3rd stage - practical. Purpose: approbation of new educational technologies, individual methodological systems.

4th stage - analytical. Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of methodological work; analysis of the reasons causing the most typical difficulties; planning ways to address them.

4. Interrelation of stages and forms of methodical work. Practice has proved the expediency of choosing one or another form of methodological work, depending on its stage.

Yes, on theoretical stage, the following are effective forms: lectures, scientific and theoretical conferences, theoretical and problematic seminars, consultations, annotation of literature, an auction of pedagogical knowledge.

On the methodical methodological consultations, colloquia, reviews of advanced pedagogical experience, psychological and pedagogical seminars, scientific and methodological seminars and conferences, pedagogical rings.

On the practical stage - workshops, "creative laboratories", mutual visits, creative reports, scientific and practical seminars and conferences.

On the analytical stage - organizational and active games, "relay races" of pedagogical experience, competitions of pedagogical skills, auctions of pedagogical ideas, brain rings, teachers' councils (on the experience of monitoring the educational process, the results of diagnostics of educators and children).

5. Differentiation. This criterion involves the organization of methodological
work, taking into account the level of professionalism and readiness for self-development. There are three
level of pedagogy:

Low (intuitive);

Medium (search);

High (masterful).

In accordance with the level of teaching skills of educators, the methodologist develops individual options for methodological work. So, methodical work with low-level educators is aimed at motivating them to pedagogical activity, mastering theoretical knowledge; with middle-level educators - to stimulate creativity and create an individual pedagogical system.

An important role in the work of the senior educator is given to the organization of the work of the methodological office in the preschool educational institution, which is the center for collecting, summarizing and disseminating pedagogical experience.

The equipment of the methodical office can be represented by the following sections:

normative and instructive materials;

teaching materials;

methodical, research and reference literature;

didactic and visual material;

children's fiction;

advanced pedagogical experience;

parenting materials.


1. Bondarenko A., Pozdnyak L., Shkatulla V. Head of a preschool institution. - M.,

2. Vasilyeva A., Bakhturina L., Kabitina I. Senior kindergarten teacher.
-M., 1990.

3. Belaya K. On non-traditional forms of work / Preschool education. 1990, no. 12.

4. Belaya K. Methodological support of the system of preschool education in Moscow.
/Shk. 1997, No. 2.

5.Nikishina I.V. Methodical work in a preschool institution: organization, management. Volgograd, 1995.

6. Kalmykova V. Management of public preschool education in the area. M.,

7. Sterkina R. Modern problems of scientific and methodological support of the system
preschool education / Preschool education. 1991, No. 5 - p. 40.

Control tasks on the topic: "Organization of methodological work in preschool educational institutions"

1. What is the purpose of specially organized methodological work?

a B C)....... ........

2. Define the concept of "methodical work".

3. Consider the diagram below, complete it by indicating all the functions
organization of methodological work.

Methodical work

Organization of methodical work


4. What in the methodological work is determined by the goals and objectives, taking into account
the results of the educational process of the preschool educational institution, the level of pedagogical skills and
qualifications of educators, maturity and cohesion of a particular pedagogical

5. What are the two main directions in the activities of the senior

I ................................ II ........... ................

6. Compare the directions of methodical work with their characteristics:

a) educational 1) updating the knowledge of educators on the most relevant

b) physiological problems of increasing the effectiveness of teaching children in preschool educational institutions;

c) didactic 2) advanced training of educators

d) psychological on the theory and methodology of education

preschoolers in terms of personal approach and humanization of the educational process.

7. What are the four main criteria for the effectiveness of methodological work:

a) ........................ b) ..................... c).................... d).......................

8. Is it true that consistency (a criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work) -
Is it the correspondence of goals and objectives to the content and forms of methodological work?

9. Fill out the table, enter the necessary letters in the columns, after giving
definitions of the concepts: "goal" and "task":

a) the formation of individual methodological systems of individual educators;

b) the development of the humanistic orientation of the personality of each educator;

c) the development of pedagogical technology: organizational, communicative and other

d) development in educators of the need for self-development, self-education and

e) improving the pedagogical skills of each educator and pedagogical
team as a whole;

f) identification of the initial level of pedagogical skill of each educator (the level of his
knowledge, pedagogical abilities and skills);

g) development of new pedagogical technologies.

10. With educators of what level methodical work involves
stimulation of value orientation to creativity in their pedagogical activity,
to create an individual methodological system? Choose the correct answer, mark
its any sign:

11. With educators of what level, methodological work is guided by
development of a positive attitude to pedagogical activity, mastering
creative knowledge? Choose the correct answer, mark it with a sign:

a) masterful, b) search, c) intuitive.

12. With educators of what level methodological work is aimed at
formation of an orientation towards communication, dialogue, mastery of pedagogical technique?
Choose the correct answer, mark it with a sign:

a) masterful, b) search, c) intuitive.

13. Compare the stages of methodological work in the preschool educational institution with their goals and objectives:

1) theoretical, a) identifying the effectiveness of work, analysis

2) methodical, the most typical difficulties and ways to solve them

3) practical, elimination;

4) analytical. b) building the concept of an individual methodological system;

c) awareness of the idea, understanding of advanced systems;

d) showing the best examples of excellence;

e) independent development and testing by educators
new technologies of training and education.


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Methodical activity of the preschool teacher

self-education educator teacher methodical

In this section, you will get answers to the following questions:

What is included in the concept of "methodological activity"?

What is the methodological activity of the educator?

What is the "methodological service" of the preschool educational institution?

What are the functions of the methodological service of the preschool educational institution and what tasks is it designed to solve?

Methodological activity is usually defined as the activity of generalization, dissemination of pedagogical experience. In the book "Modern School Management" edited by M.M. Potashnik (M., 1992) defines:

Methodical work is a holistic, based on the achievements of science, best practices and a specific analysis of the difficulties of teachers, a system of interrelated measures, actions and activities aimed at comprehensively improving the professional skills of each teacher and educator, at generalizing and developing the creative potential of the teaching staff as a whole, and in the end, to achieve optimal results in the education, upbringing and development of specific children.

In connection with the allocation in the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education of the main directions of development of children (physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic and aesthetic), it is required to have specialists in the preschool educational institution who can assist educators and parents in their implementation, taking into account age, individual characteristics of the child, providing an integrated approach to the development of educational areas available to preschoolers. The duties of such specialists (music director, physical education instructor, defectologist teachers, etc.) include methodological functions in certain areas. All these specialists are included in the methodological service of the preschool educational institution.

The methodological service of the preschool educational institution is a unit that provides a set of conditions that develop the professional competence of teachers in the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education at the level of modern requirements.

The purpose of the methodological service:

create organizational and pedagogical conditions in an educational institution for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education;

· to carry out continuous education of teachers;

develop their creative potential.

The main tasks of the methodological service:

provide methodological support to participants in the pedagogical process on the upbringing, education and development of children;

plan and organize advanced training, certification of teaching staff;

identify, study, generalize, disseminate and implement advanced pedagogical experience;

provide teachers with the necessary information about the main directions of development of preschool education, modern requirements for the organization of the pedagogical process, educational and methodological literature on the problems of teaching, educating and developing children;

determine the content of the subject-developing environment and educational and methodological equipment of the main general educational program of preschool education;

Conduct pedagogical monitoring.

The methodological service interacts with the psychological, medical services, other departments, self-government bodies of the preschool educational institution and works in close relationship with the municipal methodological service.

In pedagogical practice, it has developed whole system methodical services of different levels. For example: city, district (district) methodological services and methodological service of an educational institution (school, kindergarten). In a preschool educational institution, methodological work is carried out by a senior educator or deputy head for educational and methodological work.

The task of methodological activity is to create such an educational environment in an institution where the creative potential of the teacher and the teaching staff would be fully realized.

Experience shows that most teachers, especially beginners, always need help - from more experienced colleagues, leaders, senior teachers of preschool educational institutions, from the professional methodological community. At present, this need has increased many times over in connection with the transition to a variable education system. Special additional training and constant methodological support have become necessary for teachers in order to competently and consciously build a holistic educational process, taking into account the diversity of interests and abilities of children in the practice of teaching and educating.

In August 1994, the Ministry of Education issued a letter "On the forms of organization, directions of activity of methodological services in the education system of the Russian Federation" No. 90-M. The letter highlights the main directions in the activities of methodological services, implemented in such areas as information, diagnostic and prognostic. innovative and experimental, areas of the content of education, advanced training, certification.

Thus, methodological activity is the most important component of the educational infrastructure (along with scientific support, training and retraining of personnel, the formation of an educational environment, etc.). It is designed to support the normal course of the educational process - to promote its renewal.

The content of the methodological activity of the educator is the creation of work programs; planning educational and educational work with children; creation of visual, didactic and control materials; creation of pedagogical experience; generalization of "own" experience in the areas of professional activity; participation in scientific-practical conferences and seminars.

The leading areas of methodological activity that directly contribute to the formation of professional competence among teachers are: advanced training, accumulation and generalization of “own” work experience in areas of professional activity.

The system of continuous professional development of each teacher of a preschool educational institution involves different forms: training in courses, studying the experience of teachers, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. The systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the educator is carried out at refresher courses every five years. In the intercourse period of active pedagogical activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e., there is a progressive development of the subject itself. And here the decisive role is given to the self-education of the teacher. It performs the following functions: it expands and deepens the knowledge gained in the previous coursework, contributes to the understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level, and improves professional skills.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each particular teacher.

AT modern conditions the educator is, first of all, a researcher who has scientific psychological and pedagogical thinking, a high level of pedagogical skill, a certain research courage, developed pedagogical intuition, critical analysis, the need for professional self-education and the reasonable use of advanced pedagogical experience, i.e. developing its innovative potential.

Motives for self-education can be the following:

· be aware of the latest developments in science and practice of their professional activities;

· A competitive specialist with opportunities for career growth.

Sources used in the process of self-education:

Literature (methodological, popular science, fiction, etc.;

· video and audio information on various media, distance learning;

courses, seminars and conferences;

Discussions, trainings, briefings, master classes, events for the exchange of experience;

Conducting research, search activities;

Participation in olympiads, projects;

study of information and computer technologies;

· inclusion in the work of the Internet community in the direction of interest in their professional activities.

The listed sources of knowledge can contribute to the simultaneous development of personal and professional growth.

In the personal plan of self-education of the teacher, the desired results of the work must be predicted.

It can be:

preparation of articles, reports, scenarios;

participation in scientific-practical and Internet conferences, pedagogical festivals, etc.

development of new organizational forms, methods of work;

· conducting trainings, seminars, conferences, master classes, summarizing experience on the problem (topic) under study;

· development of methodological aids in one or several areas of work;

· development of a set of electronic lessons united by subject matter or teaching methods;

Development of a set of didactics in the direction (visual material, didactic games and manuals);

Creation of a data bank of games, riddles, poems;

development of a set of thematic parent meetings and events;

a project of a personal methodical web page;

· development of class notes using information technology, etc.

The most effective way to show the results of pedagogical activity is to post materials on the Internet. This allows the teacher to accumulate his work in a virtual pedagogical library, where his colleagues can view it, use its results, supplement, leave feedback and discuss. In this case, the invaluable pedagogical experience becomes independent of time and space.

availability and implementation of a self-education plan;

introduction of new pedagogical technologies; generalization of own experience;

preparation and holding of an open event (in a traditional form or using innovative technologies);

visits and analysis of open events of colleagues;

participation in the work of methodical associations, pedagogical council;

participation in the work of a temporary creative team or research laboratory;

· speeches at a scientific, scientific-practical conference, at pedagogical readings;

Publication of abstracts and articles; teaching aids, teaching materials (developments, recommendations;

· reviewing methodological developments;

participation in competitions of pedagogical and professional skills, in methodological exhibitions;

preparation of pupils for competitions;

· leadership of the circle;

Course preparation, internship;

participation in regional, all-Russian, international programs.

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