Technology of pedagogical support and assistance. Master class helping hand or pedagogical support technology

Pedagogical psychology: lecture notes of Esin E V

2. Child support technology

With the help of technology personal orientation there is a search for methods and means of education that correspond to the individual properties of each child. To achieve this goal, psychodiagnostics is used, the means of education, the organization of the child's activities, and the content of education are changing.

Personal support technologies best developed in research humanistic psychology K. Rogers, according to which pedagogy, like therapy, is designed to restore the child to his health, both physical and mental. At the same time, the teacher must create conditions for individual development children. This is helped by the teacher's demonstration of his trust in the children during educational process. The development of children is facilitated by the fact that the teacher clarifies, helps to formulate specific tasks and the goals that the child decides, the children's team. In the process of teaching, the teacher should be guided by the fact that the child has his own inner learning motivation. For the development of the child, it is important that he could at any time ask, seek help from a teacher who is significant for the child, has value for him as the focus of experience. At the same time, the main thing is the availability of the teacher in relation to each student.

Since in the process of learning there is a mutual development of both the student and the teacher, the teacher must constantly develop his ability to emotional feeling the mood of the student team, an individual student, to learn to accept the feelings of children and actively interact with them.

A rather difficult, unusual test for a teacher can be the achievement of openness in front of children, the ability to open expression their feelings in front of the children in the class. In the process of such interaction, the teacher develops empathy, it makes it possible to understand the feelings of each student, his experiences.

In this process, it is important to develop the teacher in terms of self-knowledge, a real assessment of their capabilities. Here, in the development process, there is such a component as means of supporting children, conditionally divided into two groups.

First group– general pedagogical support the whole group of students - represents an attitude towards students, which should be friendly and attentive, trust, involving students in lesson planning, using games, drama, engaging in the creation of creative works, creating situations of mutual learning, communication in the form of a dialogue, a positive assessment of the child's achievements .

In second group contains means of individual personal support, diagnosing the individual development of the child, the degree of his education, the identification of his personal problems. Such means include determining the amount of support needed for each child, based on his understanding, knowledge of his physical and mental abilities and characteristics. Of particular importance here is the acceptance of the character of the child, the characteristics of his speech, behavior, individual pace. learning activities. Of great importance is the creation of situations of success that raise the self-esteem of children, contributing to their self-realization, assessing the contribution of each child to solving common problems for the children's team.

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Municipal general education state-financed organization

average comprehensive school

Baimaksky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Report “Technology of pedagogical support

child in education"

Ishmatova Raisa Fazullovna

teacher primary school

Temyasovo village

The term "Pedagogical support" is used widely and ambiguously:

Support - help, assistance, consent, approval (according to Ozhegov's dictionary). Support is such interaction with a child that helps him believe in himself, see those real opportunities and abilities that he can use in life.

teachers elementary school take into account existing this moment technologies, highlight the main areas:

1.Adapted technology

2. Technologies of student-centered education

3. Technologies of pedagogical support of the child in education.

4.Health saving technologies.

5. Information Technology.

From the experience of my work, I want to focus on the technology of pedagogical support for a child in education.

Over the years of my work, I concluded for myself: each incoming set of students in the class has its own face, character, temperament and characteristics. Taking the class, the teacher works both with the individual student and with the team as a whole.

Learning is a difficult, painstaking process. And for 4 whole years, each teacher sculpts his brainchild. In my work, I work according to the following scheme:

I class - search hidden abilities students in education and extracurricular activities. Here all our events, meetings are held only at the class level.

Grade II - revealing the abilities of students together with parallel classes.

III class-exit to the school level.

Class IV - access to the level of the village and district.

Starting work in grade 1, I find out from parents what opportunities their children have, what they would like to see in the future.

Some of the parents want their child to study well and dance, some see their children as athletes, while everyone is ready to support the teacher in any endeavors. With the support of my parents, I start.

All my pets, regardless of whether he can dance or not, I take the whole class to music school to the choreography class.

This is what we have for all 4 years of study. By the end of the 4th grade, the guys are dancing well. This really unites the team of guys, because they have common interests. Correcting posture. The team is born.

For Development fine motor skills attending an arts and crafts class. Here everyone finds something to their liking. Some knit, some draw, some embroider with ribbons. Everyone is interested, everyone is busy. There is simply no time for idleness and bad deeds.

As is known, junior schoolchildren very plastic. I use this ability in acrobatic exercises. We prepare acrobatic studies with ribbons, balls, hoops, jump ropes. We put even the weakest ones on throws or jumping rope. This organizes the guys very much, we are invited to perform before the competition.

Working on this technology, I realized that all children are capable. It's just that we, teachers, need to support the student in time, so that he finds himself, strengthens in the concept that he can, he is somewhat no worse than others.

Technologies are trying to find methods and means of training and education that are appropriate individual characteristics each child: they use methods of psychodiagnostics, change the relationship and organization of children's activities, use a variety of teaching aids (including technical ones), adjust the content of education. The most complete technologies for individual support are developed in foreign studies in humanistic psychology. It is considered the main task of the teacher to help the child in his personal growth. Pedagogy, in his opinion, is akin to therapy: it should always return the child to his physical and mental health. K. Rogers argues that the teacher can create the right atmosphere for individual development in the classroom if he is guided by the following provisions:

1. Throughout the educational process, the teacher must demonstrate to the children his full confidence in them.

2. The teacher should help students in the formation and clarification of the goals and objectives facing both the class as a whole and each student individually.

3. The teacher should proceed from the fact that the children have intrinsic motivation to teaching.

4. The teacher should be a source of diverse experience for students, who can always turn to for help.

5. It is important that he act in this role for each student.

6. The teacher must develop the ability to feel the national mood of the group and accept it.

7. The teacher must be an active participant in group interaction;

8. He must openly express his feelings in class.

9. Must strive to achieve empathy, allowing you to understand the feelings and experiences of each student.

10. The teacher must know himself and his abilities well.


1. Bagirova L.L. "From simple to complex" Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1996.

2. Smolyaninov V.K. "Own opportunities", Moscow "Enlightenment", 1985.

realizing educational process how holistic relationship education, training, socialization and self-determination of the individual, the teacher must recognize the child's right to build their own, individual social experience. In the pedagogical process, this requires a special technology called "pedagogical support". Its author is a wonderful teacher-innovator Oleg Semenovich Gazman (1936-1996).

Consideration theoretical concept of this technology, it is worth starting with a description of the main concept. The concept of "pedagogical support" is very ambiguous, and at the same time it accurately expresses the technological mechanism of this phenomenon. AT " explanatory dictionary alive Great Russian language V. Dahl to support means “to serve as a support, support, strengthen, prop up, prevent collapse and fall, keep in the same form” 86 . Extrapolation of this characteristic to the field of pedagogy allows us to notice that pedagogical support does not imply radical official intervention in the life of a child, but attentive the study of that special, original, with which he is endowed by nature and what has developed in his individual experience.

The interpretation of V. Dahl's Dictionary also indicates that it is possible to support only what has already developed and gives positive results. Hence - the second te-


85 Bono E. de Six hats of thinking / Per. English SPb., 1997.

86 Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. In 4 vols. T. 3. M., 1982. S. 171.

theoretical idea of ​​pedagogical support technology: in the process of upbringing and education, it is necessary to support the child's sociality, his children's social life. In terms of content, the technology of pedagogical support is aimed at:

□ health support and physical strength child: organization of a health-saving mode of life for children, introducing them to individually selected forms motor activity to activities that improve health; support for their desire to get rid of bad habits that destroy health;

□ support intellectual development children: identifying and developing the cognitive interests of each child, creating conditions for successful learning activities, assistance in choosing an individual educational route, including those that go into the area future profession;

□ support of the child in the field of communication: creation of conditions for humanistic interaction of children, assistance in conscious choice behavior, support for manifestation individual abilities children in leisure activities;

□ child family support: study family relations, interaction with the most authoritative family members for the child.

Pedagogical support organizes a special creative atmosphere and constantly cultivates in the lives of children choice situations. Such situations require from pupils not only the application of knowledge and skills, but also the experience of reflection, independent decision-making, manifestation of will and character. As O. S. Gazman accurately noted, if pedagogy does not know how to work with the natural life situation child, with his initiative, self-determination, she will always experience a crisis in the technology of education.

The technology of pedagogical support radically changes the very organization of the pedagogical process. Education begins to be planned not from the tasks of society, social order, a "from a child", and not so much from his interests, leisure aspirations, but, and above all, from his life problems. The educator, who implements the technology of pedagogical support, acts on the basis of humanistic maxims, which were formulated by O. S. Gazman:

□ the child cannot be a means to achieve pedagogical goals;

□ self-realization of the teacher - in the creative self-realization of the child;

□ always accept the child as he is, in his constant change;

□ overcome all the difficulties of rejection moral means;

□ do not humiliate the dignity of your personality and the personality of the child;

□ children are carriers of the coming culture, measure your culture with the culture of the growing generation; education - dialogue of cultures;

□ do not compare anyone with anyone, you can compare the results of actions;

□ trust - do not check!

□ recognize the right to make a mistake and do not judge for it;

□ be able to admit your mistake;

□ protect the child, teach him to defend himself.

The technology of pedagogical support significantly transforms the role and functions of traditional organizers of the pedagogical process - school teachers, class teachers. The teacher who implements this technology is called "facilitator"(from English to facilitate - facilitate, promote, promote, create favorable conditions). The term is borrowed from pedagogical concept K. Rogers. In his system, the teacher-facilitator acts as the initiator and stimulator of the meaningful and independent learning of children.

In the practice of our education, the technology of pedagogical support turned out to be more in demand in the field extracurricular activities and communication of schoolchildren, and its main organizer was the released class teacher (he is sometimes called on English manner- "tutor", but this concept does not quite accurately express the nature of pedagogical support).

The technological algorithm of pedagogical support is built around the specific problems of the child or children's community (maybe not yet become a team) and includes five stages.

The purpose of the master class: development and subsequent active use pedagogical support technologies in practical activities educator

Members: class teachers, deputy directors for educational work, parents of students

Time spending: February 25 (if desired, it will be possible to continue the discussion of issues of interest in the blog "Analysis educational work")

It is assumed that in the process of discussing and posting answers to questions (at the end of each section there is a question that can be answered in the blog by clicking on the link "Analysis of educational work"), the participants of the master class will be able to get acquainted (refresh their memory) with the technology of pedagogical support, exchange experience, ask your questions to each other and the facilitator, analyze the child's problem with the help of O.S. Gazman. The product of the master class can be considered the analysis of the problem performed using the technology of O.S. Gazman (you can select a problem for analysis from the list or propose and analyze your own problem).

Dear participants of the master class, please add yourself to the list:

  • Semenova Raisa Mikhailovna
  • Levinson Louise Ildusovna

Relevance of the topic

One of essential elements system of education of schoolchildren, focused on the development of the individuality of students, is the activity of a teacher to help the child in solving a problem that is significant for him. The extent to which the teacher-educator has the ability to notice in time, correctly understand and correctly contribute to the solution of the problem situation in which the student is located, largely depends on the success of the pedagogical influence on the development of the student's personality, on the formation and manifestation of his individuality.


Main conceptual provisions on pedagogical support were developed by a corresponding member Russian Academy education by Oleg Semenovich Gazman and presented by him in October 1995 at the All-Russian scientific and practical conference in the report “Losses and gains in education after ten years of perestroika”. The development of the concept was continued by his students and colleagues T.V. Anokhin, V.P. Bederkhanova, N.B. Krylova, N.N. Mikhailova, S.D. Polyakov, S.M. Yusfin, who, together with the staff of the Pedagogical Search Center ( CEO V.M. Lizinsky) prepared a special issue of the magazine “Class Teacher” (2000, No. 3) on the pedagogical support of the child in education.

Technology Definition

Under the pedagogical support of O.S. Gazman understood preventive and prompt assistance to children in solving their problems. individual problems associated with the physical and mental health, social and economic situation, successful progress in learning, in making school rules; with efficient business and interpersonal communication; with life, professional, ethical choice (self-determination).

Continuing the development of theoretical and technological foundations pedagogical support, students and colleagues of this famous scientist made some conceptual adjustments.

First, in recent works pedagogical support is not opposed to education. For example, N.B. Krylova writes: “... In general, adhering to the position of O.S. Gazman, I still consider support in a broader sociocultural context as an element of any cooperation and interaction, since it is a manifestation of a positive attitude towards human activity and a willingness to contribute to his undertakings and self-realization.

Secondly, it is proposed to consider pedagogical support as the most important principle of a personality-oriented (humanistic) education system. This principle distinguishes the Pedagogy of freedom from the Pedagogy of necessity (forced formation).

Thirdly, pedagogical support is often understood as a soft pedagogical technology aimed at facilitating the processes of self-determination, self-construction and self-expression of the child's personality, the development of his unique individuality.

Revealing the essence of the phenomenon of “pedagogical support”, the developers of the concept emphasize that the semantic and pedagogical meaning of support is as follows: you can support only that, you can help only what is already available, but at an insufficient level, quantity, quality. The main subjects of support for teachers are subjectivity (“selfhood”, independence) and individuality, i.e. a unique combination in a person of common, special and single features that distinguishes him from other individuals.

parenting management

Phenomenon "Problem"

The teacher's actions to support children in a problem situation can become effective when the teacher has a clear idea of ​​what the problem is, what conditions contribute to its resolution, how to provide pedagogical assistance to their pupils. Therefore, we propose to reflect on the following: the authors " Psychological Dictionary” define the concept of “problem” in this way: “Problem is the subject’s awareness of the impossibility of resolving the difficulties and contradictions that have arisen in a given situation by means of available knowledge and experience”.

  • Answer the following blog questions:
    • Task 2. Based on this definition, state the important teaching practice conclusions about the child's problem and write them down in a blog.
    • Task 3. Remember and write down on the blog page some of the most complex and topical problems of teenagers studying in a modern school.

parenting management

Technology for the implementation of pedagogical support

The teacher can and should support the child in solving his problems of health promotion, the formation of morality, the development of abilities - mental, labor, artistic, communicative, which in turn are the basis for the formation of the ability to self-determination, self-realization, self-organization and self-rehabilitation. Students of O.S. Gazman developed and described the mechanism of pedagogical support for the child in solving vital problems. important issues. It consists of interrelated actions of the student and the teacher, performed by them at the following five stages:

Stage I (diagnostic)- fixing a fact, a signal of problematicity, diagnosing a supposed problem, establishing contact with the child, verbalizing the problem statement (pronouncing it by the student himself), jointly assessing the problem in terms of its significance for the child;

Stage II (exploratory)- organizing, together with the child, the search for the causes of the problem (difficulty), a look at the situation from the outside (reception “through the eyes of the child”);

Stage III (negotiable)- designing the actions of a teacher and a child (separation of functions and responsibilities for solving a problem), establishing contractual relations and concluding an agreement in any form;

IV stage (activity)- the child himself acts and the teacher acts (approval of the child's actions, stimulation of his initiative and actions, coordination of the activities of specialists at school and beyond, immediate assistance to the student);

Stage V (reflexive)- joint discussion with the child of the successes and failures of the previous stages of activity, a statement of the fact of the solvability of the problem or reformulation of the difficulty, understanding by the child and the teacher of a new experience of life.

Pedagogical situations

Task 4. Based on one of the pedagogical situations, try to analyze the problem and propose a solution using the technology of pedagogical support of O.S. Gazman.

Situation 1.

Seventh-grader Ivan refuses to do his homework in literature and attend classes in this subject.

Situation 2.

Fifth grader Oleg shows aggression towards weak classmates. He calls names, spoils the personal belongings of children. Once he pushed a girl hard, who fell and broke her arm. The boy insisted that this was an accident and he did not want to harm her.

Situation 3.

Sixth-grader Ira left home and lives with her grandmother. The parents turned to the class teacher for help after they could not persuade the girl to return home.

Situation 4.

Yulia, a ninth-grader, started dating a guy who used to date her friend and classmate Anya. Anya always seeks to harm Yulia, she cannot forgive her for this, even when the relationship between Yulia and the guy stopped. The girls' classmates were divided into two warring camps. The friendly atmosphere in the team was under threat.

Situation 5.

A child often cannot and does not know how to properly protect himself from offenders. Can an adult help a child in solving this problem and how?

parenting management

Parenting management Vkontakte December 5 from 14.00 to 15.00 as part of the web presentation "Theory, methods and practice of studying the effectiveness of a personalized system of raising a child", an online consultation was held on the preparation of a description of existing models of personalized systems of raising children. Conducted consultation Stepanov Evgeniy Nikolaevich, doctor pedagogical sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Education POIPKRO. You can view the recording of the online consultation by clicking on the link

Conditions for the implementation of pedagogical support

The teacher can provide real support to the student in deciding personally significant problem only when a "helping relationship" is established between them (the term was introduced by Carl Rogers, one of the founders of humanistic psychology and pedagogy). “By these words,” wrote K. Rogers, “I mean such relations in which at least one of the parties seeks to encourage the other, to personal growth development, maturation, improvement of life and cooperation. Helping relationships are those relationships in which one of the participants seeks to ensure that one or both parties undergo changes towards a more subtle understanding of themselves, towards strengthening the expression and use of all their potential internal resources. " Of particular interest is the point of view this scientist about the possibilities and conditions for the formation of helping relationships.He names five main conditions. effective assistance a child in a problem situation, the teacher needs to take care of the creation and observance of five conditions:

  1. the child's perception of himself as a person who knows how and wants to solve his own problems;
  2. congruence of the personality and behavior of the teacher in interaction with his pupils;
  3. undoubtedly positive attitude teacher to the child;
  4. empathic understanding of the child by the educator;
  5. pupils' feeling of congruence, acceptance and empathy of the teacher.

Principles of pedagogical interaction

The success of the formation of these circumstances largely depends on the prevailing pedagogical credo educator, the foundation of which are the fundamental ideas-principles of building educational relationships with children.

Providing pedagogical support to the student, according to T.V. Anokhina, is possible when, as principles pedagogical interaction The teacher chooses the following:

  • consent of the child to help and support;
  • reliance on the available forces and potentialities of the student's personality;
  • faith in these possibilities;
  • focus on the child's ability to independently overcome obstacles;
  • jointness, cooperation, assistance;
  • confidentiality;
  • benevolence and non-judgmental;
  • safety, protection of health, rights, human dignity;
  • implementation of the principle "do no harm";
  • reflexive-analytical approach to the process and result.

The presence of theoretical ideas about the conditions and principles of pedagogical support allows the teacher-educator to more reasonably, accurately and correctly carry out practical actions to help a child in a difficult situation.

Techniques and methods for organizing pedagogical support activities

  • pedagogical supervision;
  • reflections in pairs and small groups;
  • "You-statement" and "I-statement";
  • active listening (non-verbal emotional support, "Paraphrase", "Edition");


Task 5. Go to the blog and, please, supplement this list with other techniques and methods.

parenting management

Education Management VKontakteThe web presentation was traditionally held in December. Its duration was 8 days - from December 3 to December 10, 2018. It was attended by 225 teachers from 12 regions Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus (for comparison: last year 240 people participated, and in 2016 - 225 people). Among the participants are 3 doctors and 18 candidates of sciences. Our web forum was attended by the moderator Researcher Russian Academy of Education Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Shustova I.Yu. 58 developments were presented at the presentation, of which 41 were selected for collective discussion by the organizing committee. The presented materials were systematized. They made up 7 sections of the web presentation:1. Actual problems research on personalized parenting.2. Theoretical and methodological foundations studying the effectiveness of a personalized system of raising a child.3. The use of coaching technologies in modeling, building and studying the effectiveness of a personalized system of raising a child.4. Methods (techniques) and techniques of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in personalized education.5. Reflection by the child of the process and results of self-development.6. Models of personalized systems of education of children.7. Professional development of teachers on issues of personalized education and the study of its effectiveness. The results of the analysis and evaluation of the discussed materials were the comments of the participants of the web presentation. 407 comments were published (in 2017 - 421, in 2016 - 375). Comments were left for each development - from 4 to 21. The following developments were most often commented on: - an individual self-observation diary (Zubovich T.N., school No. 1, Sharkovshchina, Vitebsk region) - 21 times; - a model of a personalized system education “The world in which I live is called a dream” (a team of authors, school No. 7, Ostrov, Pskov region) - 18 times; Pskov region) - 16 times; - article "On understanding the person - the key concept of a personalized approach" (Stepanov E.N., Pskov regional IPKRO) -16 times;- methodical development“Techniques for a child to reflect on the process and results of his self-development activities” (Mikhailova S.A., school No. 18, Pskov) - 15 times; - methodological development “Fish Skeleton”, or Session methodological council school on the issue of studying the effectiveness of a personalized system of raising a child "(G.I. Vasilyeva, Pushkinogorsk boarding school, Pskov region) - 14 times; - methodological development" I will definitely fly! (Working with children with limited opportunities health using coaching technologies") (Zarembo N.I., lyceum No. 21, Pskov) - 14 times; - the game "Customs cognitive activity"(team of authors, Tyamshanskaya gymnasium and POIPKRO, Pskov region) - 14 times; - workshop" I look at you like in a mirror" (team of authors, Tyamshanskaya gymnasium and POIPKRO, Pskov region) - 14 times. Legkostupova made the largest number of comments O.A. (Vitebsk region), Zevakova N.S. (Smolensk region), Baranova E.I., Vasilyeva G.I., Voronkova E.N., Petrash E.A., Sapogov V.M. and Sidorova T.V. (Pskov region) The analysis of the presented developments indicates that most of the authors not only successfully mastered the theoretical and methodological foundations of the personalized approach, but also were able to contribute to the development of ideas about this methodological orientation. Of particular importance for enriching the theory of personification of education are works on understanding the person as a key concept of a personified approach, systemic factors PSV, fundamental ideas, criteria and indicators for studying and evaluating its effectiveness (Kochergina G.D., Petrash E.A., Sidorova T.V., Stepanov E.N.). Of undoubted interest are the development of problems of modeling and development of PSV (Kovalev A.P., Kurishkina L.A., Legkostupova O.A., Mukhametova O.A., teachers of school No. 7 in Ostrov, school No. 5 in Nevel. Houses children's creativity Desnogorsk and the Center for Children's Creativity in Yartsevo, Smolensk Region). The technological component of studying the effectiveness of PSV and the development of the child's reflexive abilities has been significantly replenished (Golovchenko L.Yu., Zarembo N.I., Zubovich T.N., Mikhailova S.A., Pegov V.A., Sapogov V.M., Redey G.V., teachers of the Tyamshanskaya gymnasium, etc.). The proposed forms of advanced training for educators (G.I. Vasilyeva, M.V. Ryabushko, teachers of the Vitebsk region) are of interest. workers. For example: 1. Kochergina G.D., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Education and Socialization of Children and Youth of Smolensky regional institute development of education: “The Smolensk regional research team thanks the organizers of the web presentation for the opportunity to participate in a joint creative work. The materials presented for discussion and the guided discussion not only contributed to immersion in theoretical basis personalized education, but, what is especially important, they help the teacher to decide on the current directions and content of his own research, to compare his own positions with the opinions of experienced researchers. Such work gives a good impetus to new ideas and new developments. Absolutely all the developments of this presentation are interesting, each of them has its own zest. This is an invaluable experience!”2. Stepanova L.M., educator of the Pushkinogorsk boarding school: “In my work, the material presented on the PSV model, its five main components, and especially the errors in modeling ideas about PSV and tips for describing each component, will be useful to me. I got more deeply acquainted with the concept of inclusive or included education, this will help me in my work. Thank you!” The web presentation was watched not only from Russia and Belarus, but also from such countries as Great Britain, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, China, Colombia, Moldova, the Netherlands, Nigeria, UAE, Poland, Romania, USA , Ukraine, France, Czech Republic. There were 6722 page views of the web presentation (in 2017 - 7109, in 2016 - 5560). The organizers of the web forum thank the leaders and members of the regional research teams for their active and creative participation in the work of this scientific and methodological event and hope that its results will help in achieving the targets of this school year and successful completion scientific and methodological developments problems of studying the effectiveness of a personalized system of raising a child. Please do not forget about the comments, remarks and advice made in the comments! We wish you a fruitful and successful New Year! In 2019 (until January 15) we look forward to a description of the models of existing personalized child-rearing systems!

Questions for discussion during the day

Dear colleagues!

Congratulations on the upcoming 2019!

Dear colleagues! We are glad that the master class took place! Thanks to everyone, everyone, everyone for being actively involved in the discussion of the problem of pedagogical support and for offering interesting answers to the questions posed. The list of techniques and methods of pedagogical support has been significantly expanded. I would also like to see solutions to the proposed pedagogical situations with the help of O.S. Gazman, more questions for the participants and presenters of the master class. It is still too early to draw final conclusions. Some participants expressed their desire to continue work tomorrow. We will be glad to meet you! We wish you support always and in everything! --Volodina Elena 14:45, February 25, 2009 (UTC)

Completed by: Timofeeva D.S. Podolsk 2018 Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 67 "Ivushka"

Three-year-old Yulia flatly refuses to share toys with other children. Any intervention of the educator ends with crying and it is difficult to calm the girl.

The teacher can and should support the child in solving his problems of health promotion, the formation of morality, the development of abilities - mental, labor, artistic, communicative, which in turn are the basis for the formation of the ability to self-determination, self-realization, self-organization and self-rehabilitation. Students of O.S. Gazman developed and described the mechanism of pedagogical support for the child in solving vital problems. It consists of interrelated actions of the student and the teacher, performed by them at the following five stages:

I stage (diagnostic)- fixing a fact, a signal of problematicness, diagnosing a supposed problem, establishing contact with a child, verbalizing a problem statement (pronouncing it by the student himself), a joint assessment of the problem in terms of its significance for the child;

II stage (search)- organizing, together with the child, the search for the causes of the problem (difficulties), a perspective on the situation (reception "through the eyes of a child" ) ;

Stage III (treaty)- designing the actions of the teacher and the child (separation of functions and responsibilities for solving the problem), the establishment of contractual relations and the conclusion of an agreement in any form;

IV stage (activity)- the child himself acts and the teacher acts (approval of the child's actions, stimulation of his initiative and actions, coordination of the activities of specialists at school and beyond, immediate assistance to the student);

Stage V (reflexive)- joint discussion with the child of the successes and failures of the previous stages of activity, a statement of the fact of the solvability of the problem or reformulation of the difficulty, understanding by the child and the teacher of a new experience of life.

Questions and tasks:

Based on the indicated pedagogical situation analyze the problem and propose its solution using the technology of pedagogical support O.S. Gazman or any other technology known to you.


The main tasks of the teacher are the following:

  1. Identification of children who are not able to protect themselves.
  2. Tracking situations in which it manifests itself.
  3. Conversations with parents, monitoring the nature of communication between the mother and the child in order to establish dominant type family upbringing.
  4. The correct organization of the life of children in a group is a sensitive and trusting attitude towards the child, to develop a certain style of education that reinforces the child's confidence in himself and his abilities.
  5. Ensuring a favorable attitude of peers towards an insecure child, for which it is necessary to draw the attention of other children to his successes and positive features character.
  6. Help your child develop communication skills.

Psychological and pedagogical support for children who are shy and unable to stand up for themselves can be built on the following steps:

  • Diagnostic stage
  • Stage of acquaintance and establishment of contacts.
  • Main stage.
  • Summarizing stage.

The first question that arises at the stage of diagnosis for the teacher is: which children should be classified as shy?

Relying on life experience and on the data available in the literature, the following features can be distinguished that distinguish the behavior of children who are not able to protect themselves.

  1. The child silently endures insults, you can take away a toy from him,
  2. Does not respond to blows or pushes of peers.

At this stage, in order to study the characteristics of the relationship between parents and children, you can conduct a survey with parents. You can also offer parents a questionnaire with the question: “If a child has ever experienced a feeling of shyness, how did this manifest itself in his behavior?” .

According to the results of the diagnostics, the teacher, together with the specialists of the preschool educational institution develop psychological and pedagogical programs for individual and group support of children.

In the course of individual accompaniment, specialists fill out individual card psychological and pedagogical support of the child. This map will provide an opportunity to track the dynamics of the child's development of communication skills and the ability to act together with others, adults and children, which, as a rule, are lacking in shy children.

The next stage of psychological and pedagogical support is aimed at getting to know and establishing contacts with parents.

At the very beginning of acquaintance with children and their parents, the teacher should pay attention to any signals of a dysfunctional organization. family education, define its style.

In a family of children who cannot stand up for themselves, an overprotective parenting style is usually due to the extremely insecure, anxious nature of the mother. Parents of this type are actively in contact with the teacher, psychologist and other specialists. kindergarten. In the younger group, they insist on maximum assistance to the child in dressing, feeding, hygiene procedures. They believe that the child is still too small, he needs help (implied to do for him). On the one hand, they convince older children: “You are already big, you should be able to…” , and on the other hand, they try to do everything for them, even what they already know how to do. They often apply with claims to the educator in cases of conflicts between their children and other children in the group or with the teacher. For example: “Why didn’t you follow up, and Anya took a new truck from my Vanya? You know he can't take care of himself." . There are complaints related to the imperfection of self-service skills or solving hygiene problems: "Why didn't you tuck in my kid's shirt?" At the same time, the age capabilities of a five-year-old child are simply not taken into account.

Since the time of communication between the teacher and parents is usually limited - he meets with them only when they bring the child to the garden or take them home - it is important to pay attention to the behavior and typical statements of adults and partly children in these moments.

At this stage, work is carried out that is aimed at establishing a trusting contact between parents, teachers and specialists of an educational institution. To study the pedagogical needs of parents, the sources of increasing their pedagogical culture, the educator can use the questionnaire of parents.

The organization of individual psychological and pedagogical support at this stage is organized with parents who have broken relationships with children, they adhere to an ineffective style of parenting. After consultations, the psychologist organizes joint training with such parents and their children. The situations played in the training will help them overcome the existing difficulties in communication, achieve partnerships, relieve children's anxiety in the process of communicating with adults, develop parents' faith in the capabilities of their children. Active use by the organizer reflective techniques, will contribute to the skillful building of a dialogue between an adult and a child.

The third - the main stage is aimed at preventing and correcting the manifestations of shyness in preschoolers, and should be built taking into account the specifics of their nervous system, age and personality characteristics, as well as the style of family education.

To form a benevolent, sensitive and trust relationship to a child in a kindergarten group, the teacher should pay attention to the behavior of children, primarily those who are afraid of this attention and avoid it, i.e. shy, fearful, whiny. At the same time, it is important that the caregiver's attention is not intrusive, which can frighten a timid child even more. Attention should be expressed in words of approval, praise, support. It is advisable to praise children from families with a predominance of an anxious and suspicious parenting style for real, even the most insignificant successes, and approval of one’s own appearance they also receive in abundance at home. But we must not forget that in preschool such children are at a loss, experiencing difficulties due to the need to act independently, so they should be praised precisely in a situation where they finally decided and at least did something on their own.

If a shy child cannot do what other children can do, do not draw attention to him, much less express criticisms. You should gently encourage the child, choosing words that do not hurt him: “Now you can do it!” , "Let `s together" , "See, it's getting better" .

While doing various tasks it is recommended to pair shy children with those who easily cope with the task and at the same time have a friendly and calm character. This allows an insecure child, on the one hand, to engage in business conversation with a peer, on the other hand, compare your work with the work of a peer and attribute the praise of the teacher to yourself (we did something together) which, of course, increases internal self-esteem.

It is desirable - and not only in the classroom - to unite timid, shy children with active, calm and friendly peers, for example, when carrying out adult instructions: help set the table, go to the kitchen for bread, lay out materials for the lesson on the tables, bring the child, for whose parents came, etc.

For the emotional comfort of a child who does not know how to stand up for himself, the group should involve him in the games of other children. The teacher himself can temporarily join the game and come up with a role for the rejected child in it.

It is important to help the child learn, freely and liberatedly express their emotions, desires, feelings. Take off internal stress, to feel free will help specially organized games, such as "Guess the emotion" , “Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show” , "Who came to us" , "Dolls are dancing" , Fanta , "Confusion" and others.

The inclusion of insecure and timid children in various festive and leisure activities, theatrical performances has a very beneficial effect on reducing shyness. Let the shy child be just a spectator at first. Then you can move on to secondary roles that do not exclude speech. If possible, such children should be provided with beautiful costumes, hats, masks and other paraphernalia, especially in performances and matinees. This will make them feel more confident.

A convenient moment for teaching shy children to be the center of attention is the celebration of birthdays in a group, when everyone takes turns congratulating the birthday boy, saying nice words to him, rejoicing with him. The positive emotional state of the child gives rise to confidence in him that everyone loves him, everyone likes him. On other days, when he is no longer in the role of a birthday man, but in the role of a congratulatory one, pleasant memory about his birthday will help him to say a few warm words to another child, i.e. enter into communication with him and express his feelings, which is usually difficult for such children.

It is undesirable to include insecure children in competitive games. Those children who do not want to compete can be fans, helpers "judges" , some can be placed at the start and finish, instructing them to do "go-ahead" checkbox, etc.

In the classroom for timid and anxious children, you need to select simple, feasible exercises. Such children, faced with a task, are often so worried that they begin to complete it without understanding and without listening to the end of the teacher, focusing only on his approval or disapproval. Therefore, children need to clearly explain everything and control their work step by step. Here, an individual approach is especially important, giving children the opportunity to act at their own pace, inconspicuous help, and timely prompting.

Program teacher education parents includes a series of meetings with parents, each of which involves a joint discussion with parents theoretical material, solutions pedagogical tasks and problem situations, getting to know games and exercises, completing tests and tasks that will help parents get to know their children better.

Meetings may include topics such as: What our children can and cannot do , “Communicate with the child. How?" , "Praise or scold" , "How to Learn to Communicate" .

On the this stage special attention should be paid to counseling parents. It is important for them to explain the characteristics of the child, to talk about his potential. If the cause of insecure behavior lies in the disharmony of family relationships, it is necessary to tactfully talk about this with the parents. In the course of individual conversations, consultations, a psychologist, an educator discuss the uniqueness of the development of each child, his characteristics and problems, show the need to develop a unified strategy in dealing with an insecure child.

At the stage of debriefing during joint meetings of specialists, teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents, it is found out results achieved accompaniment of each participant. Special attention refers to the changes that have occurred in the behavior of children.

To identify changes in the position of parents in relation to the child. Questionnaires can be used during the diagnostics "What do I know about my child?" etc.

According to the results final stage Parents receive specific recommendations on how to optimize their child's upbringing at home.