Development of personal qualities. Pedagogical technology

Use of innovative models of organization, content and technology educational process to ensure optimal conditions for the development and self-determination of the personality of the child.

Material Description: article intended for teachers primary school and class leaders. This article describes the creation of conditions for the formation of a socially active personality that combines high moral qualities, efficiency, creative individuality, the need to lead healthy lifestyle life, humanistic attitude to the world.
Author: Shikina Tatyana Ivanovna
Place of work: primary school teacher MBOU "Marine secondary comprehensive school" urban district of Sudak, Republic of Crimea

AT recent times the term "innovative pedagogical technologies" has become widely used.
Before considering the essential features of innovative pedagogical technologies, let us clarify key concepts"innovation" and "pedagogical technology".
The word innovation is latin origin and in translation means renewal, change, introduction of a new one. AT pedagogical interpretation innovation means an innovation that improves the course and results of the educational process.
Researchers of the problems of pedagogical innovation (O. Arlamov, G. Burgin, V. Zhuravlev, V. Zagvyazinsky, N. Yusufbekova, A. Nichols, etc.) try to correlate the concepts of the new in pedagogy with such characteristics as useful, progressive, positive, modern , advanced.
V. Zagvyazinsky believes that what is new in pedagogy is not only ideas, approaches, methods, technologies that have not yet been put forward in such combinations or have not yet been used, but also that complex of elements or individual elements pedagogical process which carry a progressive beginning, which makes it possible, in the course of changing conditions and situations, to effectively solve the task of upbringing and education.
Distinguish between the concept of innovation, or new way and innovation, innovation. Innovation is the means itself new method, methodology, technology, program, etc.), and innovation is the process of its development.
Alone scientists(V Slastenin, L. Podimova) consider innovation as a complex process of creating, distributing and using a new practical tool in the field of engineering, technology, pedagogy, scientific research. Others deny that innovation cannot be reduced to the creation of means. Podlasy believes that innovations are ideas, and processes, and means, and results, taken as a qualitative improvement of the pedagogical system.
Disagreements in the interpretation of the concept are caused by the unequal vision of their authors of the essential core, as well as the radical nature of innovations. Some of them are convinced that innovations can only be considered as something new that results in cardinal changes in a certain system, while others include any, even minor, innovation in this category.
The basis and content of innovative educational processes is innovative activity, the essence of which is to update the pedagogical process, introduce new formations into traditional system. The desire to constantly optimize the educational process has led to the emergence of new and improvement of previously used pedagogical technologies. different levels and different targeting.
Today, the concept of pedagogical technology has firmly entered the pedagogical lexicon. Exist different views to explore this concept.
technology- this is a set of techniques that are used in any business, skill, art;
pedagogical technology- a set of means and methods for recreating theoretically substantiated processes of education and upbringing, which make it possible to successfully implement the tasks of education (V. Bezpalko);
pedagogical technology- a set of psychological and pedagogical installations that determine a special set of forms, methods, means, teaching methods, means of education; it is an organizational and methodological tool of the pedagogical process (B. Likhachev);
pedagogical technology- a system set and the order of functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means that are used to achieve educational purpose(G. Clarin);
pedagogical technology is a collaborative model pedagogical activity thought out in every detail from the design, organization and implementation educational process with unconditional security comfortable conditions for student and teacher (V. Monakhov).
pedagogical technology- This system method creation, application, definition of the entire process of teaching and mastering knowledge using a computer and human resources, the task of which is to optimize the forms of education.
Whole line The authors, in particular V. Kukushkin, believe that any pedagogical technology must meet some basic methodological requirements (technological criteria).
Conceptuality. Each pedagogical technology should have an inherent reliance on a certain scientific concept, which contains a philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving an educational goal.
Consistency. Pedagogical technology should have all the features of the system: the logic of the process, the interconnection of all its parts, integrity.
Possibility of management. It provides for the possibility of diagnostic assignment, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, variation by means and methods in order to correct the results.
Efficiency. Modern pedagogical technologies exist in competitive conditions and must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guaranteeing the achievement of a certain standard of education.
Reproducibility. The possibility of using (repetition, recreation) pedagogical technology in other identical educational institutions, other subjects.
Visualization (typical for individual technologies). It provides for the use of audiovisual and electronic technology, as well as the design and use of a variety of didactic materials and original visual aids.
One of the most important strategic tasks at the current stage of education modernization is to ensure the quality of training specialists at the level international standards. The solution to this problem is possible subject to change pedagogical methods and implementation innovative technologies learning. This is what the developing and distance learning.
One of the first definitions of this concept is associated with the work of pioneers in the field of developmental education, primarily with the work of V.V. Davydova: “...development is a reproduction by an individual of historically established types of activity and their corresponding abilities, which is realized in the process of their appropriation. Thus, appropriation (it can be represented as a process of education and training in broad sense) is the general form mental development person."
A teacher capable and ready to implement innovation activities at school, can take place when he realizes himself as a professional, has a mindset for the creative perception of the existing innovative experience and its necessary transformation. In the Modernization Concept Russian education for the period up to 2020 important task: to prepare the next generation for life in a rapidly changing information society, in a world in which the process of the emergence of new knowledge is accelerating, there is a constant need for new professions, for continuous professional development. And key role possession plays a role in solving these problems modern man ICT. In this regard, the teacher needs to prepare students for a variety of activities related to information processing, in particular, the development of informatization and ICT tools. AT modern society, many will agree with me, it is easier to teach children than to educate. The process of education requires a more subtle approach to the child and it is a process of constant creativity. Activity class teacher primarily aimed at working with students of the whole class. It forms the motivation for the learning of each individual child, studying his age and individual characteristics to develop and stimulate cognitive interests; through a variety of forms and methods individual work; creates favorable conditions for the development of citizenship, worldview culture, skills of creative work, creative individuality, successful entry of the child into society, the formation of a democratic culture in the system of class self-government. The basis for the development and upbringing of the child continues to be fundamental knowledge which he receives during educational process. However, the education of a person should be focused not only on the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of independence, personal responsibility, creative abilities and human qualities that allow him to learn, act and work effectively in modern economic conditions. This is what the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education directs us to, defining the priority of education in the process of achieving a new quality of education. Based on this, one of priority areas educational process is to strengthen the role of the class teacher in the school. Education is one of the most important components of the educational process along with training. Complementing each other, training and education serve a single goal: holistic development student's personality. Teaching and upbringing are so closely related to each other that since informatization of educational and subject activities is underway, this cannot but affect the educational process. The class teacher should be at the epicenter of innovation educational institution. Therefore, the class teacher is expected to work filled with both new content and new technologies for designing the educational process. In the decision educational tasks huge role play informational communication technologies. The widespread introduction of ICT in the educational process made it possible to expand the arsenal of methodological techniques: it became possible to create spectacular computer facilities education with elements of sound, video, multimedia, which helps to increase the efficiency of pedagogical work.
To date, one of actual tasks Russian education stands for the development and creation of the maximum effective conditions learning and development for each student as part of the educational process at school. This is due public need in creatively thinking individuals, striving for active independent activity, self-realization, competitive, ready to generate and implement new ideas in various areas knowledge. At the same time, it is of particular importance to ensure the transition of the educational process of the school to a qualitatively new level, corresponding state tasks modernization educational environment in the space of the modern information society.
Learner-centered learning puts the originality of the child, his self-worth, the subjectivity of the learning process at the forefront. This is such a methodology for organizing the conditions for training and education, which involves the inclusion of self-personal functions or the demand for the subjective experience of each child. A student-centered approach in the context of developmental education at school creates the prerequisites for development creative thinking schoolchildren, encourages students to search original solutions tasks set in the learning process, contributes to successful self-realization children in various types of educational and creative activities.


The article discusses innovative technologies for the development of personality, which are focused on achieving professional and personal potential

Keywords: innovative technologies, personal development, professional and personal potential

The analysis of the stated topic determines, first of all, the need to identify innovative technologies, and then answer the question of what innovative educational technologies initiate the professional development of the individual (students).

The basic (key) is the definition of technology as a set of knowledge about the methods and means of carrying out any processes, as well as the psychological and pedagogical literature themselves, educational practice are used various concepts: educational, pedagogical, psychological technologies of training, education and development, personality-oriented and developing technologies. The relationship between these concepts is not clearly differentiated. The most general, meaning-forming concept is the concept of "educational technology" - a set of methods, techniques, exercises, procedures that ensure productive interaction between the subjects of the educational process and aimed at achieving the planned result. Insofar as we are talking about the subjects of activity, then both trainees and teachers are equally related to them. The types of activities can be training and education, as well as activities to change the personality, the development of its structural components: orientation, education, experience, cognitive abilities, socially and professionally important qualities, psychophysical properties.

Innovations in education are innovations, innovations that provide a new educational effect. Criteria

educational innovations are the following indicators:

novelty - the presence of a new feature or a new combination of features known in education;

Usefulness - the presence of a positive educational effect;

Reproducibility - the possibility of obtaining a positive result by any competent teacher.

Based on these starting points, innovative educational technologies can be defined as follows: it is an ordered set of actions, operations and procedures aimed at personal development, instrumentally ensuring the achievement of a diagnosable and predictable result in professional and pedagogical situations,

forming an integration unity of forms and

Amir Abdulhussein Hashim - VSTU, postgraduate student, e-mail: [email protected]

Komarova Emilia Pavlovna - VSTU, dr ped. sciences, professor, e-mail: [email protected]

teaching methods in the interaction of students and teachers in the process of developing an individual style of activity.

AT this definition are emphasized important points innovative technologies vocational education:

Target setting for personal development;

Integration unity of forms, methods and means of education;

Facilitative interaction between students and teachers;

Individual style pedagogical activity.

Innovative technologies are focused on achieving the following goals:

Actualization of the professional and personal potential of subjects of education;

Development of a professionally mobile personality;

Building individual educational routes teaching;

Formation of project culture;

Ensuring facilitative interaction of subjects of professional education.

To determine the structure and composition of innovative technologies professional development It should be clarified what we mean by professional development. This is a change in the psyche in the process of mastering and performing educational, professional, professional and labor activities.

Depending on the prevailing forms of implementation of these types of activities, three models of specialist education can be distinguished:

Adaptation model - focused on training specialists to perform specific professional features. It is implemented at the reproductive level mainly by traditional, well-established cognitive and activity-oriented educational technologies;

A model of professional mobility focused on the training of "universal" specialists capable of performing a wide range of socio-professional functions. It is implemented at the heuristic level, mainly by context-based competence educational technologies;

A model of personal and professional self-development aimed at the development of value-semantic activity, which determines the alternativeness and variability of individual educational routes in the developing professional educational space. Implemented on creative level mainly personal development educational technologies.

Obviously, all three models vocational training initiate the professional development of the individual, and is implemented a wide range educational technologies. All their diversity can be ordered as follows:

Systematization technologies and

visualized presentation of knowledge - involves the definition of diverse connections and relationships between the studied objects and phenomena, their ordering on the basis of similarity / difference, a visual representation of the structural and functional relationships of relationships in the form of diagrams, tables, drawings, animation, symbolic models. This group of technologies includes situational analysis, work with diagrams, technological maps, systematization of literature, graphic modeling, etc.

Information and Communication Technology - Use-Based Learning electronic means Keywords: computer, visual aids, hypertexts, hypermedia. These tools mediate the impact of teachers and students, provide an interactive dialogue, the ability to individualize the learning process, access to information channels and networks. to information and communication technologies include: distance learning, training programs, multimedia technologies, etc.

Developmental learning technologies

focused on updating

professional and personal potential,

socio-professional development of the individual, the formation of meta-professional

didactic units: generalized knowledge, skills, competencies, competencies,

ensuring subject-subject interaction of all participants in the professional and educational process. These include developmental diagnostics, development and creativity training, project method, analysis non-standard situations and etc.

■ Context-based learning technologies simulate real social and professional activities to the maximum extent.

Basic unit content of contextual learning is problem situation in educational and professional, quasi-professional and real professional activity. Contextual learning technologies include subject seminars-discussions, group laboratory and practical classes, analysis of specific production situations, etc.

Self-regulating teaching is aimed at developing the ability of students to independently acquire competencies in self-government, organization, reflection and self-control. Development of trainee competencies through

Voronezh State Technical University

self-regulated teaching is carried out on the basis of the analysis of professional activity. To this educational technology include dialogue techniques, the case-study method, positional discussions, reflective games, etc.

Technologies of socio-professional

education - a set of techniques, procedures and methods for solving the problems of the moral and professional development of a specialist in vocational school and in production. Education technologies imply a special educational environment, organization educational interactions subjects joint activities and communication, the establishment of emotionally positive relationships. The socio-professional technologies of education include methods of persuasion, exercises, rewards and punishments, coercion, etc.

The forms and methods of implementing the above technologies are diverse: problematic lectures, lecture-discussions, diagnostic seminars-trainings, visualized workshops, workshops-conversations, interactive dialogue, programmed learning, preparation of abstracts, annotation of literature,

multimedia technologies, didactic diagnostics, organizational-thinking games, method of guiding tests, supervisory consultation, creative diploma or course projects, situation analysis, development and creativity trainings, corporate training, development of a rational proposal, exercises on simulators, role-playing games, programmed control, reflective-innovative seminar,

criteria-evaluative testing, etc.

When choosing innovative technologies for the professional development of an individual, one should be guided by the following requirements:

1. Technologies should promote amateur performance, self-development and self-actualization of educators.

2. Technology should ensure the involvement of students in different kinds design, creative and research activities.

3. Technologies should ensure group interaction of participants in the professional and educational process.

4. Technology must ensure the formation universal competencies- which are the basis of professional mobility of specialists.

5. Technology should facilitate the openness of training to the professional future of educators.


1. E.R. Zeer "Psychology of vocational education" Voronezh, 2003. - C 303 - 310.


The paper discusses the development of innovative technologies of personality development that focus on delivering professional and personal potential

Key words: innovative technology, personal development, professional personal potential

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