How to live up to a hundred years vigorous and healthy? And the stress factor. … and your friends lead a healthy lifestyle

Most studies confirm that heredity is not the main criterion in the duration human life, there are recommendations that can extend it, let's consider 10 golden rules for living to 100.

Many psychologists, scientists and philosophers argue that passive and dull people live much less until the age of 80, while merry people are much more likely to prolong their life. And even if a passive person adheres to a healthy lifestyle, while giving up all bad habits, this does not give him a 100 guarantee for longevity. As is known, positive emotions, nice talking, hobbies and new acquaintances are excellent antidepressants that can saturate life with bright colors. Below, we provide some tips, how to live to 100.

1. Say no to stress!

Long emotional experiences negatively affect your appearance and well-being. They can worsen health conditions, for example, cause diarrhea, high blood pressure, cause cancer and weaken immune system.

Adviсe: If you are unable to influence the situation, just change your attitude towards it. Try to find the source of your irritation. Think in your power to change the course of events? If there is such an opportunity, take advantage of it immediately. If you are unable to influence the situation, try to “let it go”, switch your attention to something positive.

2. Communication helps to live up to 100 years!

It has been proven that those people who are accustomed to being loners in life very rarely live to an advanced age. This increases the likelihood of serious illness. Your task is to develop personal communication skills. Live in reality, not in an illusory world. Chat with family, neighbors, friends or colleagues.

Adviсe: Do not sit by the phone waiting for a call, call yourself - relatives, friends or loved ones. Register at social networks- update the wall, write messages to your friends, wish them happy birthday. You can become a member of a forum or join a society (group).

3. Hobbies!

To live to be 100 years old, you need to fill your life with all possible colors and positive emotions. For example, you can get fish or a pet, grow houseplants, get involved in yoga or sign up for courses.

Adviсe: Do not sit still, diversify your life - attend a training, go to a meeting at school, read specialized literature.

4. Life is movement!

Choose a sport that suits you, run in the morning, in general, try to be in motion every day so that your muscles are always in good shape.

Adviсe: If there is no time for training, go more on foot, to work, to the store, to kindergarten or school for the child. It is advisable to take walks before going to bed, in this case, pleasant fatigue will quickly allow you to find yourself in the kingdom of Morpheus. If you can't afford the gym, work out at home, forget about stairs, escalators and elevators, you have legs, so use them.

5. Let change into your life!

Some people are afraid of change, while choosing an established way of life. However, the ability to adapt allows you to bring something new, unknown to your world. Do not be afraid, endure all the difficulties that have arisen, saturate your life with positive emotions.

Adviсe: See new events as a stimulus, not as a difficulty. Listen to friends' advice so you can learn from someone else's experience. Share personal experiences with your loved ones, so a joint discussion will allow you to find optimal output.

Try to absorb as much as possible new information, it's a great stimulus brain activity. The more you learn or read, the better your memory functions and logical thinking, which can also allow you to live to be 100 years old.

Adviсe: Do exercises, for example, close your eyes and feel for your own in a bunch of shared keys. Solve crossword puzzles, learn new languages, play mind games.

7. Pass the medical examination!

Even if you do not have bad habits, are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, nevertheless, it is necessary to visit a doctor from time to time.

Adviсe: Follow blood pressure using a tonometer. Submit every six months general analysis blood and urine. Complete a full course every 3 years medical examination, and after 50 years, undergo an annual medical examination.

8. Eat vegetables and fruits.

They contain a lot of vitamins that allow you to provide good mood and well-being, and useful material beneficial effect on metabolism.

Adviсe: Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin A daily (spinach, apricots, and carrots). Fiber and vitamin C are also very useful for the body - they are found in legumes, potatoes, cabbage and apples.

9. Say no to "bad" fats!

For our body, not all fats of food origin are dangerous. Trans-fatty and saturated acids, found in fried foods, animal products, processed foods, and margarine, can increase your risk of heart disease.

Adviсe: Try to bake food, not fry. Eat fish and skim milk. Do not buy semi-finished products, do not be lazy and cook yourself. Do not abuse eggs (4 pieces per week).

10. Antioxidants.

They resist free radicals which in turn can cause cardiovascular disease.

We hope you will take into account the 10 golden rules on how to live to 100 years old, be healthy and do not get sick!

The resource of our organism is 120 years. Itzhak Pintosevich is sure of this, the author new methodology recovery.

Our body is complex mechanism, which processes food and removes toxins that enter it from water, air, food. There are also emotional toxins: stress and negative emotions and experiences.

Human body, purifying itself, works around the clock, regardless of what we are doing. The processes of cell cleansing, removal of food debris, excretion poisonous gases, airing respiratory tract and the fight against microbes are ongoing.

body cleansing theory

The body is a mechanism that is able to cleanse itself automatically.

The body is cleansed of toxins by 5 organs:

  1. Liver. Filtering the blood, frees it from toxic substances, viruses, bacteria.
  2. Lungs. They provide oxygen to the body, without which the normal functioning of cells is impossible. Remove metabolic products and carbon dioxide. In the lungs, mucus is formed, which collects toxins and is excreted when coughing.
  3. Kidneys. During the day, they are able to process about 200 liters of blood, separating from it approximately 2 liters of unnecessary fluid and waste, which are formed during the natural decay of tissues and enter the body with food.
  4. Leather. Toxins and ammonia are excreted in the form of sweat through the pores.
  5. Intestines. Nutrients necessary for our body are absorbed through the small intestine. Fluid and minerals enter through the large intestine, which also removes waste.

We clean the body

How to strengthen the defense systems of your body and help it cleanse itself of poisons more efficiently?

Fasting is Avicenna's favorite way of cleansing and healing. In combination with gymnastics, massage and bath, it gives amazing results and helps the body cope with negative impact environment.

“It is better to starve for a day or two instead of drugs” - these words belong to Plutarch. The founder of modern medicine, Hippocrates, considered moderation in nutrition and hunger treatment the only way to keep healthy. Only in this way, in his opinion, can we awaken the doctor within us. To nourish a body that is not purified is to do more harm to it.

Step by step

Even in ancient times, fasting was practiced - refusing food for one or more days. This is the most reliable way remove accumulated waste from the body. With complete starvation, the body has nothing to do, and it throws all its strength into the removal of toxins and poisons.

It is very important to properly start the process of cleansing the body. You need to start from day 1 of fasting, having previously studied the information on this issue. Paul Breguet describes in great detail the mechanism of cleansing by fasting. Currently, there are specialized centers where fasting is carried out under the supervision of specialists. The duration and cyclical fasting depends on the constitution of a person and his state of health.

Be careful!

Fasting, like any method of treatment, has contraindications. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and children should not fast. If you have chronic diseases, fasting can only be done under medical supervision.

How to live to 100 - tips from 11 centenarians.

Usually, doctors and scientists turn to doctors and scientists for the secret of longevity. But they are only theorists, so I decided to turn to practitioners. Here are collected tips and secrets of people who have long celebrated their 100th anniversary.

Gertrude Weaver - 116 years old

Gertrude is one of the last living people born back in the 19th century. In April 2015, she celebrated her 116th birthday. She explains her longevity by her good disposition and gentle nature. “Treat people right. Treat them the way you would like them to treat you,” Gertrude told TIME magazine in 2014. She also explains her longevity by the absence of chronic diseases and bad habits. Gertrude Weaver does not drink or smoke, and does not limit her sleep.

Agnes Fenton - 110 years old

And here, a resident of New Jersey, Agnes, gives a completely different recipe. She attributes her longevity to three bottles of lager beer and a glass of whiskey taken daily. In August 2015, she gave an interview to the American channel ABC News. Fenton told reporters about the alcohol "diet" that the doctor prescribed for her 70 years ago. Then the doctors found a small benign tumor in her and advised her to drink "Champagne Beer" - light varieties that form a lot of foam. Then the doctor even allowed her to add a little aged whiskey to the beer glass.

But recently, doctors forbade Agnes to drink alcohol altogether, as she began to eat less. The old lady is doing well.

How to Live to 100: Jessie Gallan - 108

All her life, Jessie has eaten a lot of porridge, but you would never meet her in the company of a man. Having lived for almost 109 years, Miss Galan retained her independence - she never married. Unfortunately, Jessie has left us in better world in January 2015, short of her 109 for a birth of just some three months.

It is the absence of men in her life that Miss Gallan explains her longevity. “They are not worth the problems they create,” Jesse says of the stronger sex in an interview with The Daily Mail.

Jesse Gallan's secret to longevity - do a lot exercise, surround yourself nice people and start working at the age of 13.

People who lived to 100 years: Alexander Imich (Alexander Imich) - 111 years

Alexander Imich was born in New York the same year the local Yankees played their first season, and the year before the city's subway system opened. In May 2014, a month before his death, 111-year-old Imich was interviewed by NBC New York. In it, he revealed the secret of his longevity and excellent shape - a healthy diet and abstinence from alcohol.

His diet focuses on chicken and fish. In his younger years, Alexander Imich was actively involved in swimming and gymnastics.

Duranord Veillard - 108 years old

Another New York long-liver, Weilard, starts each day with oatmeal, fruit and a cup of tea. And finishes with fish and vegetables. Despite his advanced age, Duranord does five to seven push-ups every morning.

The American edition of USA Today reports that in February this year he celebrated his 82nd birthday living together with his wife. In May, Weilard's life partner turned 105.

Is it possible to live to 100 years old: Adelina Domingues - 114 years old

Living to the age of 114, Adeline never broke a single bone, never took medication, and never visited a hospital. The secret to her longevity? Never used cosmetics.

“I have never been to a beauty salon and never put on makeup,” she told the San Diego Union Tribune. Her obituary stated that Adeline Dominguez never drank and always considered religion to be her best and only cure.

Record holder Susannah Mushatt Jones (Susannah Mushatt Jones) - 116 years

In July 2015, Suzanne celebrated her 116th birthday. On the this moment she is considered the oldest person on earth. She has already applied for the Guinness Book of Records.

Suzanne says she never denied herself sleep, and her diet is based on eggs and bacon, and she prefers cereals for breakfast. But her family members have a different opinion. In an interview with USA Today, Jones' children and grandchildren said that the secret of their relative's longevity lies in love for the family and generosity towards other people.

How to Live to 100: Ruth Coben - 103

Even after reaching her 100th birthday, Ruth never ceases to be a New York fashionista. She lifts weights every day and does Pilates once a week. Ruth loves to visit fashion boutiques, and she publishes reports of her purchases on the Internet. Therefore, she was interviewed by the fashion blog Advanced Style.

Ruth Coben told reporters that her motto is "Make every day a holiday and don't look at the calendar." She also believes that as long as you are able to move, you need to keep fit through exercise.

George Boggess - 103 years old

George passed the second world war, marched with Martin Luther King and served in Supreme Court District of Columbia. He hopes to live to 105 years. For those who are going to live to 100 years old, he advises to walk as much as possible.

“I attribute my longevity, in large part, to my love of walking. I don't like being chained to the back seat of a car," Boggess told Washington's Top News in 2013.

Paul Marcus - 101 years old

Even at his advanced age, Paul regularly visits the fitness center. But despite his dedication to fitness, Marcus considers himself just lucky. “First, you have to have good genes,” he told the Denver Post in 2013. “Secondly, you have to be damn lucky to live to be 100 years old. And thirdly - Try not to eat any healthy food. It's true. I always eat whatever I want. The secret to longevity is ice cream.

Misao Okawa - 117 years old

Okawa was considered the oldest person on Earth until her passing in April 2015. The British Mirror wrote that the secret to her longevity consists of three points - sushi as the basis of the diet, at least eight hours of sleep every night and relaxation.

Now in Japan there are more than 50,000 people who have lived for more than 100 years. Scientists most often attribute the longevity of the Japanese to a low-fat diet. People who have lived to see the 100th anniversary eat mainly sushi and fish.

“At seventy you are still a child, at eighty you are just a young man, and at ninety, when the ancestors invite you to heaven, ask them to wait until you are one hundred ... then you may think about it.”
These words are carved on a stone pillar in the small village of Ogimi, Okinawa, Japan.

Although a person is genetically “guaranteed” one hundred and twenty years of life, in fact, our age is much shorter. The Japanese live on average up to 79 years, Australians, Greeks, Canadians and Swedes - up to 78, Germans and Americans - up to 76. Russians and Turks have an average life expectancy of 67 years. Nigerians and Somalis have even less - at about 47 years. We offer you 10 tips, following which you can slightly extend your life and make it more enjoyable.

Train your brain
From time to time solve crossword puzzles, play collective games requiring mental activity, teach foreign languages. Count in your mind, not just on a calculator. By forcing the brain to work, we slow down the process of age-related degradation. mental capacity; at the same time we activate the work of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism.

Get moving
It is important to move daily. Even eight minutes of exercise a day prolongs life. In the process of movement, growth hormones are released, the production of which is especially reduced after thirty years. Do at least elementary exercises, for example, joint gymnastics - it does not require effort, because. does not work with muscles, but is very effective for joints, which is relevant for all ages.

Don't Overeat
Instead of the usual 2,500 calories, be content with 1,500. Thus, you will unload your cells and support their activity. Cells are renewed faster, and the body becomes less susceptible to diseases. Eat in a balanced way: eat not too much, but not too little. It is necessary to eat tasty, varied and in a good mood.

Good company
It is important for every person to have friends, associates, companions - people who would understand us, support us in difficult moment. As you get older, it's harder to make new friends, so look at those around you, are you confident in these people? Sometimes like-minded people are easy to find in clubs of interest or via the Internet. It is important to learn patience, tolerance, acceptance, to allow others to be different and then your friendship will grow stronger day by day and in old age you will thank fate for your friends.

Simple food
Many of our dishes, strange as it may sound, are not adapted for our nutrition and digestion. If you want to live to 100 now, switch to a vegetarian diet, include as many vegetables and fruits in your diet as possible and drink enough clean water.

Find the right job for you

Work contributes to youthfulness, say the French. The one who does not work looks five years older. Even if you are already retired, find something to do for you. It is important that every day is conscious and filled with meaning. You can do needlework, grow flowers, work for your own pleasure in the country or make something around the house.

Find your soul mate
Love and tenderness are the best remedy against aging. Having sex twice a week makes you look fourteen years younger. During sexual intercourse, the body produces the hormone endorphin, which is otherwise called the hormone of happiness. It helps to strengthen the immune system.

Sleep in a cool room
It has been proven: who sleeps at a temperature of 17-18 degrees, stays young longer. The reason is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation age features also depend on the ambient temperature.

Don't Suppress Your Anger
The one who constantly reproaches only himself, instead of telling what upsets him, and at times even arguing, exchanging opinions with others, is more susceptible to any diseases, including malignant tumors. According to the results of international testing, 64 percent of respondents with cancer always suppress anger in themselves.

Get rid of bad habits
The sooner you get rid of bad habits - smoking, alcohol, overeating, fast foods, etc., the more likely you and your body will live to be 100 years old.

Dan Byutner - a man who traveled the world, crossed the Sahara on a bicycle, the creator of the Blue Zones project, talks about his observations of long-lived people. On this basis, he gives advice on what to do so that life is long and full at all stages.

Today, even those who have crossed the border of 60 years of age dream of living to 100 years old and at the same time remain alert, energetic and, most importantly, healthy. In psychology, this attitude to age is called common sense and by this modern approach. Therapists argue that such an attitude towards old age is correct, because it is determined not by a person’s age, but by his reserve internal forces and opportunities.

Scientists at an American university came to the conclusion that if a person, even at the age of 70, can serve his physiological needs and at the same time lead an active social life- it is not considered old by all criteria and standards.

A person does not grow old until he considers himself as such.

For example, a person at the age of 60 can independently go to the store, buy food, necessary goods, at home - cook food and clean up dirt; if old man has a desire to attend cultural events, and, without being accompanied by an outsider, then he is not old, but let's say, middle-aged.

A person is not considered old, he has reached a high age.

The main thing is not to live to be 100 years old, but to do it with full feeling health. It makes no sense to mark the age of one century if you are not able to serve your basic needs at that moment.

Did you know that…

  • How long you live is determined in the womb. The life expectancy of a person will be influenced by factors such as: consumption and smoking by a pregnant woman, the presence or absence of physical inactivity, proper nutrition women, attitude towards pregnancy - does it go under the motto of a healthy lifestyle or the pregnant woman refused to fight bad habits. These words are confirmed by research scientists University of Cambridge.

So, if you are reading this article and are expecting a baby, then you can already make a useful contribution to it. later life- Start a healthy lifestyle.

  • Parts of chromosomes (DNA) covered with telomeres are responsible for life span. If telomeres are short, then DNA is not protected from possible damage. Therefore, a person ages much faster than someone who has these long telomeres.
  • If a child experienced oxygen starvation at the time of birth, then this increases the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, and also reduces life expectancy in general. What to do? Throughout life, periodically take substances - antioxidants, the action of which is aimed at neutralizing free radicals.

If you want to be healthy, take (antioxidant) or fill your diet with foods containing antioxidants.

Cambridge University professor Dino Giussani conducted a series of studies and was able to draw the following conclusion: “Our age, our The biological clock start working even before we are born.

It has been proven that life expectancy is reduced by factors such as:

  • Smoking;
  • Excess weight;
  • Physical inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle);
  • Alcohol;
  • Harmful food.

All this increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. But, in addition to all this, it is also important in what kind of environment a person grows, lives and develops. If he is surrounded by a society in which few people live to an average age of 60-70 years, not to mention centenarians, then a person has nothing to strive for. He will have no one to take an example of a healthy lifestyle and longevity.

Proper nutrition

In order not to grow old at 50-60 years old and not get sick with diabetes, oncological diseases, not to experience a stroke, and also not to have varying degrees disability, you need to start living a healthy lifestyle and eating right now, no matter how old you are.

Of course, this will seem unrealistic to most pensioners, but everything is possible.

So, under the right and most importantly - healthy nutrition, you need to understand: the rejection of fast food and convenience foods, less fatty, fried, salty, sweet, spicy, smoked foods, as well as various sauces and mayonnaise in the diet. In the diet healthy person a lot of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish and dietary meat. With such nutrition, you will not gain extra pounds, therefore, you are not threatened with obesity. Once a week, once every two weeks, arrange fasting days for yourself. Avoid alcohol and alcoholic beverages.

Long-lived Japanese

An example of a correct healthy eating is the diet of the Japanese, among whom every second inhabitant lives up to 90-95 years, and some even up to 100 years. What is the Japanese diet like? They're eating a large number of rice, seafood and drink green tea. You will not meet a Japanese who overeats fast food or drinks liters of coffee. We take an example from the Japanese - we begin to eat right and live long at the same time.

Longevity does not suffer ischemic disease heart disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, depression, upper respiratory tract disease, stroke, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease.

If you do not want to grow old quickly, follow the instructions of Australian scientists - to include more vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, legumes in your diet. As a result, you can prolong your youth by 80%. For example, all in the same Japan, the population in large quantities uses fiber. And fiber is dietary fiber necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful "Japanese products" are: fish, shellfish, rice, vegetables, seaweed, fruits. But, the most important thing in the consumption of any food is moderation. Do not overeat, otherwise it will harm your health.

Optimism - yes!

It has been proven that optimists live much longer than pessimists. Moreover, the quality of life of optimists is also higher. Scientists from the University of Manchester conducted a study: who better quality life - for optimists than for pessimists? It turned out that optimists have the best, they have excellent health, they suffer less from cardiovascular diseases, disruption of the central nervous system and endocrine. It is enough to start right now to change your views on the surrounding reality, to perceive some problems in life more optimistically, and then the quality and quantity of life (which is no less important) will improve and increase.