The plan for self-education is the theme of theatrical activity. Work plan for self-education "Spiritual and moral development of preschoolers by means of theatrical activities

"Confident person" - Diagnostics. Monument to A.V. Suvorov in Switzerland on the pass. A small amount of adrenaline won't do any harm. I have the right to choose my friends. Purpose: to develop students' self-confidence. Ladder of confidence. Useful tips. As Helvetius states: "Thought enters consciousness through the gates of the senses."

"Willpower" - Habit and willpower. Positive thinking. Personal development. Gratitude. How to develop willpower. Performance. Three ways to develop willpower. Take up meditation. Health. What is willpower. Useful habits. Become a person. Principles and goals. Go to only one goal at the moment.

"Youthful age" - The main acquisition of early youth is the discovery of one's inner world. Communication area. The short term becomes less important compared to adolescence. Physical development. Self-regulation of emotional states increases. The main functions of the diary: Adolescence is a period of active development and manifestation creativity.

"Self-knowledge of personality" - Concept. Codifier questions. Human. The meaning of self-consciousness. World Mind. Nature. Components of self-awareness. Self-perception. Phases of self-knowledge and self-esteem. Identity acquisition options in adolescents. Identity. Images. The process of self-knowledge. Social cognition. The image of "I". Self-esteem. Scientific knowledge.

"The Formation of a Competent Personality" - Book. Oratory speech. List of questions on the text. Making decorations. Preparing for the performance. Performance. Making dolls. Puppet show. Comfortable conditions for self-realization of students. Historical comments. Sample text of the play. Learning to bow down. We divide into groups. Formation of a competent personality.

"Self-esteem of a teenager" - Intelligence-? Self-education. Reading books. The concept of self-esteem. Character- ? capabilities-? Temperament-? We learned a lot about ourselves. High self-esteem accelerates the development of a teenager. What we have learned about ourselves. Self-stimulation. Let's think. The senses- ? emotions- ? An only child in the family is more likely to have high self-esteem.

In total there are 20 presentations in the topic

Self-education on the topic:
"The development of children's creativity preschool age
through theatrical activities"
tutor of the first
qualification category
Zerenkova Irina Andreevna
Kemerovo MADOU №219
"The theater is a beautiful art.
It ennobles, educates a person.
The one who loves the theater for real,
always takes away from him a store of wisdom and kindness.

At all stages of the formation of pedagogy, the problem of development children's creativity, which has great pedagogical and social significance, has not lost its relevance. The importance of theatrical activity in the development of the child is difficult to overestimate. The theater pleases children, entertains and develops them, they like to communicate, they learn to think creatively, analyze, feel themselves in another world.
That is why theatrical activities are so loved by children. In a theatrical game, emotional development is carried out: children get acquainted with the feelings, moods of the characters, master the ways of their external expression. The importance of theatrical play is also great for speech development (improving dialogues and monologues, mastering the expressiveness of speech). Finally, the theatrical game is a means of self-expression and self-realization of the child. Theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of a character. This helps to overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness, allows you to develop memory, attention, imagination, initiative, independence and speech.
Thus, theatrical activity contributes to the comprehensive development of a person who is able to think creatively, make decisions independently and find a way out of current situations; the manifestation of talent, the formation of moral positions in relation to peers and elders, which means that it facilitates the entry of a child into a complex social world.
The proposed development is intended for children of senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years of age have already formed basic speech, behavioral, musical, and motor skills. At this age, the child can easily turn away from momentary desire and submit to the requirement of fulfilling the role he has taken on.

The goal is to develop the creative abilities of children by means of theatrical art.

To create favorable conditions for the development of creative activity of children participating in theatrical activities.
To introduce children to various types of theaters (puppet, drama, musical, children's, animal theater, etc.).
Development of curiosity, initiative, ability for creative self-expression.
To improve the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, as well as their performing skills.
To introduce children to theatrical culture, enrich their theatrical experience: children's knowledge of the theater, its history, structure, theatrical professions, costumes, attributes, theatrical terminology.
To develop in children an interest in theatrical and gaming activities.
Stages of work:
1. Study the book "Theatrical classes in kindergarten» M.D. Makhanev.
2. Study the magazine "Educator in the preschool educational institution" on the topic of experience.
3. Study articles on the Internet on the topic "Theatrical activities in preschool age."
4. Prepare a subject-spatial environment, taking into account the age characteristics of children.
5. Draw up a long-term work plan.

Expected Result:
- in the process of a theatrical game, children's knowledge about the world around them will be replenished;
- mental processes will develop: attention, memory, perception, imagination;
- Vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, tempo, expressiveness of speech are activated and improved;
- improved motor skills, coordination, smoothness, switchability, purposefulness of movements;
- stimulates the development of creative, search activity, independence;
- Participation in theatrical games will bring joy to children, arouse active interest, and captivate them.

Forms of work with children:
the game
performances and dramatization
children's story
teacher reading
watching videos
learning works of oral folk art
verbal, board and outdoor games.
pantomimic studies and exercises.
1. Theater screen
2.Different types of puppet theaters:
- finger
- conical
- shadow
- flannelgraph
- magnetic
- mask
- mitten
- toy (rubber, wooden, soft dolls)
3. Laptop, speakers.
4. Suits

Literature used when working on this topic:
1. Vygotsky L.S. "Education and development in preschool age"
2. E.G. Churilov "Methodology and organization of theatrical activities of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren" Moscow: "Vlados" 2001.
3. A.V. Shchetkin "Theatrical activity in kindergarten" Moscow: "Mosaic - Synthesis" 2007.
4. N.F. Sorokin "We play puppet theater" The program "Theatre-Creativity-Children". Moscow 2002.
5. I.P. Posashkov "Organization of creative activity of children aged 3-7 years". Volgograd 2009
6. 1. Doronova, T.N. We play theater / T.N. Doronova, - M.: Enlightenment. 2005
7. 2. Makhaneva, M.D. Theatrical classes in kindergarten. / M.D. Makhaneva, - M .: Dedication. 2005
8. 3. Shchetkin, A.V. Theatrical activities in kindergarten. / A.V. Shchetkin, - M .: Education 2007.
9. M.D. Makhanev "Theatrical classes in kindergarten".
Journal "Educator in the preschool educational institution":
Theatrical activities in working with children early age» (No. 6/2010)
"We play with young children" (No. 3/2013)
"Theatrical activities in kindergarten" (No. 6 / 2009)
“Dramatic games in the development of perception fiction younger preschoolers" (No. 1/2013)
"Theatrical games and exercises for younger preschoolers" (No. 4/2009)
"Theatrical games in middle preschool age" (No. 9/2010)
"Development of creative activity of preschoolers by means of theatrical and gaming activities" (No. 9/2010)
"Development of creativity in theatrical games" (No. 11/2012)
Articles on the Internet:
"Theatrical games in the preschool educational institution" O.V. Akulova. ( education/36458.php)
The project "Development of communication skills in preschool children by means of theatrical activities." (
Project on theatrical activities with children 4-7 years old "Formation of the creative abilities of preschool children by means of theatrical activities." (Zernova E.N., Churina O.I.) - "Theatrical games in kindergarten." (›…teatralizovannye…v_detskom_sadu…)

Month Topic, lesson Methodological recommendations Goals and objectives
September The world of theater. Presentation "The history of the theater" To develop children's interest in theatrical art.
Introduce children to different types of theater.
To acquaint the children with the rules of conduct in the theater and the profession of an actor who controls puppets. To expand the interest of children in active participation in theatrical games.
"Behind the scenes" Acquaintance with theatrical professions and their importance.
Theatrical games Role-playing game "Theater".
The diverse world of theater Showing a variety of theaters (shadow, table, puppet, etc.)
October Facial expressions Gestures Exercises: “Depict an emotion” (“Joy”; “Grieving”; “Anger”)
"Call by Movement"
"Invitation to dance" Introduce the basics of acting.
Learn to portray the emotional state of the character.
Learn about tempo and rhythm. Learn clearly, pronounce words and sentences with different intonation (question, request, surprise, sadness, fear, etc.).
To develop the plasticity of movement, speech, logical thinking, imagination.
Raise interest in theatrical activities.
We develop the ability to concentrate on the subject and copy it through movements;
develop stage liberation.
The development of hearing and sense of rhythm in children.
The power of the voice and speech breathing Games and exercises for the support of breathing: “Birdyard”, “Echo”
Breathing exercises:
"Pendulum"; "Blow out the candle";
the game "Blizzard";
exercises for the development of sensorimotor skills;
Hearing and sense of rhythm. game "Fox and Wolf";
game "Catch mosquitoes";
game "Magic chair";
November Stage plastic
game "Do not make a mistake";
game "If the guests knocked";
finger games "Squirrels"; We develop the ability to convey the character of animals through body movements. We develop the ability to control our own body; control your own muscles. Acquaintance with the world of feelings and emotions;
We develop the ability to convey the character of animals through body movements.
Acquaintance with the world of feelings and emotions;
we develop the ability to convey feelings and emotions, learn to master them.
We form the correct clear pronunciation (breathing, articulation, diction); develop imagination; expanding vocabulary
Muscle relaxation
etude for muscle relaxation "Barbell";
game "Wolf and sheep";
Feelings, emotions sketch "Let's brush off our hands";
study "favorite toy";
etude "Crooked mirror"
Culture and technique of speech Games "Phrase in a circle", "Fantasy about ..."
December Dramatization of little jokes Articulation gymnastics;
Game "Birdcatcher";
finger games
Work on the development of speech, intonation, logical stress.
We form the correct clear pronunciation (breathing, articulation, diction);
We develop imagination; expanding vocabulary.
Games and exercises to create game motivation.
Acquaintance with Russian folk costumes.
Hey guys! Making a table theater using Kinder Surprise toys
"Wonderful reincarnation" Conversation with children. Dressing up in costumes. Imitation studies. Solving riddles.
"Understand me" Guessing riddles. Conversation. Game exercises. Riddles, games
January "Well, let's all stand in a circle ..." improvisation games Continue to teach children to improvise to music; develop imagination, associative thinking; to form an aesthetic perception of nature; develop memory of physical sensations.
Show children that each person is individual and has their own interests and preferences.
To teach coherently and logically to convey thoughts.

We want one simple fairy tale…. Tell us about your favorite games and fairy tales
"The Wolf and the Seven Kids" "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" reading, retelling.
February “Just imagine…” Go up to a chair and examine it as if it were a royal throne, a flower, a bonfire… Pass a book to each other as if it were a bomb, a brick, a crystal vase… Take a thread from the table, as if it were – snake, hot potato, cake; To evoke a joyful emotional mood in children; develop basic facial expressions and gestures; teach children to pronounce phrases intonation; develop imagination.
Organization of the exhibition and awarding certificates and prizes to the winners of the competition;
Develop proper speech breathing;
To cultivate the ability to control one's attention, develop the imagination and imagination of children.
Dramatization Demonstration of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" for the younger group.
We draw a theater Joint activities of children and parents (drawing competition "In the theater")
"Evening with Grandma Riddle" Guessing riddles. Learning phrases.
March Independent theatrical activity, Dramatization of fairy tales, table and puppet theater. Develop children's imagination, fantasy, give children the opportunity to express themselves alone with the doll and together with friends.
We develop game behavior, readiness for creativity; we develop communication skills, creativity, self-confidence.
To teach the characteristic transmission of images with the movements of the hands, fingers.
To consolidate the concept of "pantomime" in the speech of children
Encourage children to improvise and invent a plot for the theater themselves.
Mastering the skills of owning this type of theatrical activity.

Theatrical games "What has changed?"
"Catch the Cotton"
"Funny Monkeys"
"Super Fingers" "Patties, patties", "Fingers walk", etc.
We write our own story. Demonstration of the theater on the flannel.
April Preparatory Reading and retelling the fairy tale "Geese-Swans" Learn to communicate thoughts coherently and logically.
To improve the expressiveness of facial expressions, gestures, voice when dramatizing a fairy tale.
Develop attention, memory, breathing; cultivate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.

Preparatory Making elements of costumes, scenery, posters, tickets
Rehearsal Preparing for the performance. Final rehearsal.
Theater production Performance "Geese-Swans". Display for parents.
May Theatrical games Theatrical games “Funny monkeys”, “Cookers”, “Me too!”, “Guess what I'm doing?”. Development of diction; learning new tongue twisters; introduction of the concept of "rhyme", exercise in inventing rhymes for words.
To develop the ability of children to understand the emotional state of another person and be able to adequately express their own.

"Through the Looking Glass" To convey the emotional state of another person
Fear has big eyes Reading, retelling a fairy tale.
One, two, three, four, five - we will compose poems Inventing rhymes for words.

(From work experience)

Personal data

Guseva Tatyana Gennadievna

Education: higher pedagogical.

Graduated from Tver State University in 1998.

Specialty: "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology"

Qualification: "Teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology"

Total work experience: 21 years. As an educator: 21 years old.

I have the first qualification category. In 2010, she completed advanced training courses.


The preparatory group is attended by 21 children, including 10 boys and 11 girls.

57% are brought up in complete families, 43% are single-parent families, 10% are families with many children raising 3 or more children.

The social situation is favorable.

The group has created a developing environment. During its creation, the following principles were taken into account:

  • Distances, positions during interaction;
  • Activities;
  • Stability-dynamism;
  • Complexing and flexible zoning;
  • Individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult;
  • Aesthetic organization of the environment;
  • openness-closedness;
  • Sex and age differences.


1. The collective nature of theatrical activity allows enriching the experience of cooperation.

2. Due to the brightness, lightness and speed inherent in the child's imagination, the child can achieve original solutions in his work.

3. Scenery, costumes open up the opportunity for children to create an image using color, shape, design.

4. Emotionally rich meaningful communication between an adult and a child and children with each other creates favorable conditions for the development in children of the ability to listen to their own feelings and the feelings of other people.

1. Highlight active children. Inactive children have a feeling of self-doubt, excitement, fear of performance.

2. Adults "impose" their vision of the role on children.

3. Educators themselves make attributes for performances, thereby depriving children of the opportunity to be creative.

4. Children play the role that the teacher gave them, without thinking that there is also a child nearby and you need to coordinate their actions with him.

1. Self-education;

2. Diagnostics;

3. Tasks;

4. Joint activities of the educator

with kids;

5. Developing environment;

6. Work with parents;

7. Results and prospects.


1. Increasing theoretical experience on the topic: Theatrical activities in kindergarten.

2. Continue to search for the right approach to the selection of material for use in working with children.

The theater pleases children, entertains and develops them. That is why children love theatrical activity so much, and teachers all over the world widely use it in solving many problems related to the education, upbringing and development of the child.

The first theatrical performances for children originated in the family. In the memoirs of the writer M.F. Kamenskaya (I. No. 9) states that "the performances were always given as surprises and certainly on the occasion of someone's name day."

At present, a lot of theoretical and practical experience has been accumulated in organizing theatrical and gaming activities in kindergarten. The works of domestic teachers, scientists, methodologists are devoted to this: N. Karpinskaya, A. Nikolaicheva, L. Furmina, L. Voroshnina, R. Sigutkina, I. Reutskaya, T. Shishova and others.

Feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, fear of performance sometimes haunt the child for a long time and cause him a lot of trouble. One of the directions for correcting such behavior is collective theatrical activity.

The collective nature of theatrical activity allows you to expand and enrich the experience of cooperation, both in real and imaginary situations. When preparing a performance, children learn to allocate the means to achieve it, plan and coordinate their actions. Acting in roles, children gain experience of various kinds of relationships, which is also important for their social development.

The role of theatrical activity in the speech development of the child is great.

A study conducted by G.A. Volkova (I. No. 4) on speech therapy rhythms, convincingly showed that theatrical games of children contribute to the activation of different aspects of their speech - vocabulary, grammatical structure, dialogue, monologue, and improvement of the sound side of speech.

The famous psychologist A.N. Leontiev (I. No. 10) wrote: “A developed game-dramatization is already a kind of “pre-aesthetic” activity. Game-dramatization is, therefore, one of the possible forms of transition to productive, namely to aesthetic activity with a characteristic motive for it on other people."

In addition, thanks to the scenery, costumes, children have great opportunities to create an image using color, shape, and design.

According to the child psychologist A.V. Zaporozhets, direct emotional empathy and assistance to the characters in the process of theatrical activity are the first step in the development of the aesthetic perception of a preschooler.

Painter, graphic artist, sculptor, writer, musician, teacher E.V. Chestnyakov believed that it was the theater that was the main means of introducing a small person to art.

For a six-year-old child, theatrical activity has a special social and emotional significance. "I am an artist! I am an artist!" From the consciousness of this, trembling and excitement cover the little man, because the role is extremely attractive to him.

First of all, this is due to the fact that theatrical activity is accompanied by a festive atmosphere, which, with its solemnity and beauty, makes the child's life brighter and brings variety and joy to it.

In the role of an artist, the child has the opportunity to perform from the stage and immediately receive a positive assessment of his achievements.

The collective nature of theatrical activity is very important for a child of this age. By participating in the performance, the child exchanges information and coordination of functions, which contributes to the creation of a community of children, interaction and cooperation between them.

The actions of the child-actor on the stage do not take place in a real, but in a fictional situation. In addition, the means of expression (gestures, facial expressions, movements) cannot be random, but must correspond to one or another stage image.

Scientists believe that, acquiring an active character, recreating the imagination of a six-year-old child is able to quite fully and accurately reproduce the reality around him. And thanks to the brightness, lightness and speed inherent in children's imagination - to achieve original solutions in their work.

Of particular relevance, theatrical activity acquires on the eve of the child's admission to school. So, for example, with the advent of arbitrariness mental processes children must purposefully manage not only their behavior, but also mental processes (attention, perception, memory, etc.). Scientists have found that there is a close relationship between the volitional and emotional spheres. The influence of emotions on the volitional regulation of behavior is manifested in the fact that the experience of success or failure causes or inhibits volitional efforts. The atmosphere of the holiday, which is created around theatrical activities, to a certain extent contributes to the strong-willed mobilization of the child. At the same time, emotional processes charge and regulate other mental functions: memory, attention, thinking, etc. During the performance, children act without distractions, are very attentive and independent. At the end of the performance, the joy of achieving the goal produces further purposeful behavior (they are even more organized at rehearsals, ready to mobilize efforts to overcome difficulties).

The emergence and development of an extra-situational-personal form of communication encourages children to strive for benevolent attention from adults, to achieve mutual understanding, cooperation with them.

Theatrical activity is important for the changes that have occurred in the emotional development of the child.

By the age of six, children can understand the emotional state of other people by their facial expressions, postures, and gestures. By external signs, they can recognize anger, surprise, joy, calmness and establish a connection between different emotions and the corresponding events that cause them. In addition, children begin to realize that the same events, actions, actions can be perceived by people in different ways and cause different moods. This allows, when working with children in theatrical activities, to significantly expand the palette of means of expression to convey this or that image. Emotionally rich meaningful communication between an adult and a child and children with each other creates favorable conditions for the development in children of the ability to listen to their experiences, understand their emotional state and even anticipate it.

An analysis of domestic and foreign literature made it possible to establish that theatrical activity contributes to the emotional liberation of the child, and self-expression through art is an essential component of creativity, a way of emotional discharge.

In the organization of work on the management of theatrical activities, the state standard and the compliance with it of the program "From Childhood to Adolescence" were studied.

The experience of preschool institutions of the city was studied through visiting methodological associations, advanced training courses for educators.

Articles of the magazines "Preschool education", "Child in kindergarten" were studied.

The main directions in creating a system of work on the organization of theatrical activities in a preschool institution were determined:

The study of the level of development of children in theatrical activities.

Increasing children's opportunities in theatrical activities

through purposeful work, taking into account modern approaches.


Purpose: To reveal in children the level of development in theatrical activities, the ability to creatively solve the problem.

Pedagogical technology.

Conducting a diagnostic study, I observed children in free play activities, in the classroom, during holiday matinees. Used in my work verbal didactic games(Appendix 1) for the selection of rhymes, inventing movements, voice development. A diagnostic table was compiled (Appendix 2), which assessed the children's ability to perform monologues and dialogues, find expressive means of playing the role, and coordinate their actions with the actions of partners.

The diagnostic examination data showed that half of the children in the group (9 people) cannot perform monologues and dialogues, do not find expressive means of playing the role. Not all children coordinate their actions with the actions of their partners. Children have great difficulty in inventing fairy tales. Children do not have imagination. Many children are shackled at festive matinees.

The thought arose: is it possible to increase the level of development of preschoolers by conducting purposeful, systematic work on theatrical activities, taking into account modern methods and techniques for organizing theatrical activities in kindergarten.

Set tasks:

1. Study the level of development of children

in theatrical activities.

2. Improve performance

children's skills in creating

artistic image.

3. Develop memory, thinking,

imagination, fantasy, attention of children.

4. Cultivate humane feelings.

Expand the cultural range of children.

5. Draw conclusions and determine


Joint activities of the educator with the children.

Work on theatrical activities was carried out daily in the afternoon and was carried out in two interrelated areas.

First direction- classes for the development of attention, imagination, movements of children.

Second direction- work on the role.

In the course of work on first direction tasks were solved: to help the child's knowledge of life, his desires and interests naturally intertwine with the content of theatrical activities; preserve the creative nature of theatrical activities, encourage children to strive to create a holistic artistic image with the help of gestures, facial expressions and movements.

The children were given tasks

- for the development of fantasy (Appendix 3).

On the development of facial expressions, gestures, postures (Appendix 4).

In order to teach children to understand the relationship of people by actions, gestures, postures and facial expressions, I offered children games for the perception of feelings by behavior (Appendix 5).

Second direction for theatrical activities - work on the role. How is it built?

Acquaintance with the dramatization: what is it about? What are the main events in it?

Acquaintance with the heroes of the dramatization:

Drawing up a verbal portrait of the hero;

Fantasizing about his home, relationships with parents,

friends, inventing his favorite dishes, activities, games;

Composition of various cases from the life of the hero, not provided


Analysis of invented actions;

Work on stage expressiveness: definition

appropriate actions, movements, gestures of characters, places on

stage platform; facial expressions, intonation;

Preparation of theatrical costume.

In order to maintain immediacy and liveliness children's perception we used:

Dramatizations based on works of art in which children play different roles;

Performances based on content invented by children;

Performances with the use of puppets and plane figures.

In the course of preparation for the play "Smart Octopuses", the children made toys-octopuses in the art activity classes. Together with their parents, they figured out how to decorate them.

I told the children about the "puppet theater", invited them to "play a fairy tale" about octopuses. For decorations, the children came up with the idea of ​​putting a model for role-playing games "Seabed" on the floor.

At the beginning of the performance, we talked with the children about octopuses. Then she introduced the audience to the dwelling of each octopus.

During the performance, I had a dialogue with the children and encouraged the children to take action with the octopus.

"Puppet theater" is very important for the development of children. Scientists have proven that shy children "psychologically hide behind the doll."

When I introduced the children to the poem by V. Lifshits "Piglets", they wanted to stage it.

At first, the children decided what the piglet hero would look like. During the manual labor lessons, they made caps-masks with ears and snouts, painted them on their own. I paid special attention to the choice of the hero and, in connection with this, the meaningful use of gestures, facial expressions, movements during the depiction of the action in the course of the poem.

At first, I found out from each child what the character of the hero is (brave, kind, decisive). Divided the children into groups. Then the children of each group were asked to demonstrate the movements of their characters. Then, depending on the image and character of the hero, she offered the children to choose the appropriate intonation. Scenes were “played” with the children in advance (waiting for food, fighting around the trough, crying over spilled food).

During the performance, the children-"pigs" demonstrated their "bad" upbringing, and after the performance they explained that this could only happen on stage.

In order to develop motor imagination in children, along with traditional performances, we staged performances with children, the content for which was invented by the children themselves.

Children came up with the fairy tale "New Adventures of Kolobok" (Appendices 6.7), in free activity they made drawings for the fairy tale. I told the children about the b-ba-bo theater, and we decided to show the fairy tale to the children of the middle and senior groups.

The next fairy tale that the children came up with is called "Harry Potter and the Princess". We decided to stage a fairy tale. I invited the children to make a theater of spoons. In free activity, children painted spoons, invented a face, clothes for dolls. We showed the fairy tale to parents for the holiday "Family Day" (Appendix 8).

Relationships with other people, including peers in the kindergarten group, are an important component of the life and work of every child. The emotional state of children, their attitude to kindergarten, and possibly the nature of further relations with people depend on what these relationships will be - benevolent or hostile, sincere and frank or formal and ostentatious.

For the formation of friendly relations in children, we used the methodology of the psychologist Yakobson S.G. (I. No. 15). In the course of theatrical activities, plays were staged from this technique.

- "Pebble in a shoe."

- "Broken Cake".

- "Alien cube".

- " Swing".

- Alien drawing.

Starting from the senior group, I led a circle on theatrical activities (Plan-Appendix 9).

Children were offered sketches (Appendix 10).

With children from the theater circle, we prepared dramatizations: "The Wolf and the Goat", "Mushrooms". We showed fairy tales for the holiday dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the kindergarten.

A diagnostic table of the activities of the children of the theater circle was compiled (Appendix 11).

I. Etude training (actor skill).

1. Diction (rhymes, tongue twisters, tongue twisters).

2. Gestures (studies on the expressiveness of gestures).

3. Facial expressions (etudes for the expression of emotions).

4. Movements (etudes with musical accompaniment).

II. Dramatization games.

1. Desire to participate in dramatization games.

2. Ability to communicate with a partner.

3. The ability to improvise when creating an image.

III. Sketches with dolls.

1. Desire to play with the doll.

2. Ability to manage it.

3. The ability to improvise with the doll.

IV. Puppet shows.

1. Willingness to participate.

2. The ability to communicate with a partner using puppets.

3. The ability to create an image with the help of dolls of different systems.

Development environment.

1. Fill the development environment with different

types of theatres.

All material is conveniently placed for children to use freely for them.

2. Create conditions for further

enriching children's experience.

The environment is one of the main means of development of the child's personality, the source of his individual knowledge and social experience. When creating the environment, we tried to provide conditions for the independent creativity of each child.

In the group, we equipped a theater zone, as well as a "corner" of solitude, where a child can be alone or rehearse a role in front of a mirror, or once again look at the illustrations for the performance.

Taking into account the individual interests, inclinations and needs of preschoolers requires the creation of a kind of privacy zones - special places where each child keeps his personal property: a toy, decoration, costume, etc., which he can use in theatrical activities.

In order to realize the individual interests of children, we placed various types of puppet theater and children's drawings in the theatrical activity zone. The material is updated periodically.

To develop the curiosity and research interest of children in the area of ​​theatrical activities, there is a variety of natural and waste materials, fabrics, costumes for dressing up.

Special polyfunctional rooms (music hall, children's creativity studio) also contribute to the disclosure of the creative abilities of children, where theatrical classes, circle work and various holidays are held.

Thus, when creating a developing environment, we took into account the following principles:

Ensuring a balance between the joint and individual activities of children;

Organization of "privacy zones";

Granting the right and freedom of choice;

Creation of conditions for modeling, search and experimentation;

Multifunctional use of premises and equipment.

Working with parents.

1. To convey to parents the importance of the topic "Children's development in theatrical activities."

2. To acquaint with the main directions on this topic.

3. Approve the forms of organization of joint activities of children, parents and educators with children.

We held a parent meeting "Theater in the life of children", during which we identified the main directions in the work on theatrical activities.

Conversations and consultations were held on the topic "The importance of theatrical activities for the development of the child" (Appendix 12).

Parents took an active part in organizing theatrical activities. The joint activity of children, parents and educators made it possible to overcome the traditional approach, when children are included in their isolated "cell" - the age group and communicate with three adults. Such an organization of theatrical activities not only creates conditions for acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities for the development of children's creativity, but also allows the child to make contacts with other adults.

Thus, such an organization of theatrical activities contributes to the self-realization of each child and the mutual enrichment of all, because adults and children act as equal partners in interaction.

Overall performance.

The data of diagnostics carried out at the end of the year (Appendix 13) showed that more than half of the children in the group (17 children) are able to perform monologues and dialogues between characters; find expressive means of playing the role of their character, act out actions with the character. Children can come up with a fairy tale, a story. All children began to take an active part in the festive morning performances.

My work on the topic "Development of children's creativity in theatrical activities" gave the following results:

1. The level of knowledge of children in theatrical activities has increased.

2. Children began to feel confident during performances.

3. The developing environment was supplemented with different types of theaters, manuals, drawings.

4. Close contact has been established with parents. Parents are active participants, continue to work with children.


Thus, carrying out purposeful, systematic work to develop in children a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities, improving the performing skills of children, stimulating their desire to seek means to create an image of a character, using movement, facial expressions, gesture, intonation; continuing to enrich the vocabulary of children, teaching them to use direct and indirect speech in dramatizations of fairy tales and stories; improving the ability to coherently and expressively retell fairy tales, independently composing their own fairy tales, stories, using dolls; developing memory, thinking, imagination, speech, attention of children; we raise the level of development of children in theatrical activities, educate children in humane feelings, teach the art of communication, expand the cultural range of children.


1. Taking into account the gender-role characteristics of children in the areas for theatrical activities, place equipment and materials that meet the interests of both boys and girls.

2. Organize together with other groups "Theater Evenings".


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9. Kamenskaya M. "Memories" M. Fiction, 1991

10. Leontiev A.M. "Problems of mental development". M. Moscow University Publishing House.

11. Makhaneva M.D. Theater classes in kindergarten. M. 2004

12. Poddyakov N.N. "Creativity and self-development of preschool children" Volgograd "Change", 1997

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16. Magazines "Preschool education"

No. 8 - 1999

No. 12 - 2002

No. 8 - 2004

"Child in Kindergarten"

No. 2 - 2001

No. 3 - 2001

No. 4 - 2001

No. 5 - 2001

No. 2 - 2002

Oleinikova Alla Ivanovna
Self-education plan "Theatrical activity as a means of comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler"

Full name Oleinikova Alla Ivanovna


"Theatrical activity as a means of comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler"

Junior preschool age


The world of childhood, the inner world of a child is the key to many exciting problems of our life. The game helps to open the cherished door to the world of children's consciousness. The game connects children with each other, children with adults into a single whole. And if a child begins to trust adults, to believe - then you can create, fantasize, imagine. All life is full of play and every child wants to play his part. But how to do that? How to teach a baby to play, take on a role and act? Theater will help.

The theater is a magical land where the child enjoys playing, and in the game he learns the world. Children of all ages love to play. Play is part of their life. Preschoolers are very impressionable, they are especially amenable to emotional influence.

Explanatory note

This topic was chosen by me not by chance, since theatricalization makes it possible to approach work creatively. Classes are always held in a positive emotional mood and are remembered by children for a long time. And for the teacher, there are plenty of opportunities to improve skills in this area.


my work:

1. introduce children to theatrical art, to theatrical activities.

2. Contribute to the formation of a creative personality; develop speech and communication skills in children.

3. Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities, provide conditions for interconnection with other activities in a holistic pedagogical process.

The main difficulty in working with children of younger preschool age is the poor development of the speech of children, the violation of sound pronunciation. There are children in the group who speak poorly, do not pronounce words, sounds. Some children don't remember well. I was interested in the problem of speech development in children and ways of its implementation. It seemed to me very interesting the organization of the theatrical activities of children, the way children liberate themselves, try to say something, lose. Theatrical activity is very important in the development of children's speech. It allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual artistic and aesthetic education.

Theatrical activity, an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way of familiarizing with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child: cognizes the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil; learns the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt. In this, I believe that theatrical classes in the preschool educational institution can provide a huge help. They always delight children and enjoy their unchanging love.

I use various types of theatrical performances: picture theater, toy theater. For example: finger puppets can be put on a finger, they are small, soft, bright, they will not break, they will not break. They allow you to simultaneously include several analyzers: visual, auditory, tactile. It is modern and interesting for children. In addition, with these dolls, you can simply play while sitting, reduces fatigue and increases the efficiency of children.


: improving their theoretical level, professional skills and competence.


Generate interest in the proposed activity;

Involve children in joint theatrical activities;

Build an idea about various types theatre;

Develop speech, imagination and thinking;

Help timid and shy children get involved in theatrical play.

Develop parents' interest in working together in this direction.

Implementation period

: 1 year (2015-2016 academic year)

Plan for the implementation of self-education work

Related publications:

Perspective plan of work with parents for the 2015-2016 academic year Month Name of the event September 1 Organizational parent meeting "The tasks of raising a child 5-6 years old." 2 Consultation "Hardening.".

Perspective plan for working with parents in the preparatory group for school for the 2015-2016 academic year A long-term plan for working with parents in the preparatory school group for the 2015-2016 academic year September - Information (screen): “Times.

Plan of physical culture and health improvement work for the 2015–2016 academic year The plan of physical culture and health work for the 2015-2016 academic year MKDOU BGO Kindergarten No. 7 of the combined type September. 1. Monitoring.

Action plan for the prevention of DDTT in kindergarten for the 2015-2016 academic year PLAN of measures to prevent child road traffic injuries in MDOBU Work with educators 1. Production meeting.




"UMKI"Smolko E.V.


In a dynamic, rapidly changing world, society is much more likely to rethink the social order of the preschool educational institution, correct or radically change the goals and objectives of education.

The main goal, which was previously defined as the formation of the foundations of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality, the education of people who know the basics of science, is now seen as focusing on the education of an active, creative personality, aware of the global problems of mankind, ready to participate in their solution to the extent possible.

Now we need people who think outside the box, who are able to look for new ways to solve the proposed problems, to find a way out of a problem situation. A new fashionable definition has appeared - creativity.

Creativity covers a set of mental and personal qualities that contribute to the formation of the ability to be creative. This is the ability to generate unusual ideas, deviate from traditional patterns in thinking, and quickly resolve problem situations. And for the development of creativity, a creativeprocess.

Creativity is one of the components of the overall structure of personality. Their development contributes to the development of the child as a whole. It is theatrical activity that is a unique means of developing creative abilities.

Theatrical activity and the development of a person's creative abilities are an integral part of the socio-economic and spiritual directions of the modern social order. Word"Creativity" in the social sense means to look for, to depict something that has not been encountered in past experience, individual and social. Creative activity is an activity that gives birth to something new; free art of creating a new product that reflects the personal "I". Creativity is not only the creation of something new in material and spiritual culture, but also the improvement of oneself by a person, primarily in the spiritual sphere.

Creativity is not a new subject of study. The problem of human abilities has aroused great interest of people at all times. However, in the past, society did not have a special need to master people's creativity. Talented people appeared as if by themselves, spontaneously created masterpieces of literature and art, made scientific discoveries, invented, thereby satisfying the needs of a developing human society.

In our time, the situation has changed radically. Life in the era of scientific and technological progress is becoming more diverse and more complex.

And it requires from a person not stereotyped, habitual actions, but mobility, flexibility of thinking, quick orientation and adaptation to new conditions, a creative approach to solving large and small problems. If we take into account the fact that the share of mental labor in almost all professions is growing, and an increasing part of the performing activity is shifted to machines, it becomes obvious that the creative abilities of a person should be recognized as the most essential part of his intellect and the task of their development is one of the most important tasks in education of modern man. After all, all the cultural values ​​accumulated by mankind are the result of the creative activity of people. And how far human society will advance in the future will be determined by the creative potential of the younger generation.

Every child is an actor by nature, and a good actor who lives with emotions that are not yet limited by growing up. What kid has not dreamed at least once that his favorite toys, which have become best friends, come to life and speak? So that they can tell about themselves, become real partners in games. But it turns out that the miracle of a "live" toy is still possible! While playing, the child unconsciously accumulates a whole “bank of life situations”, and with the skillful approach of an adult, where the educational possibilities of theatrical activities are wide, introduces children to the world around them through images, colors, sounds, and the questions posed make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations . But no less important, the development of the emotional sphere of the child, to sympathize with the characters, to empathize with the events being played out, are the source of the development of feelings, deep feelings and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. The shortest way of emotional liberation of a child, relieving constriction, learning to feel and imagine is the way through the game, fantasizing, writing. All this can give theatrical activity.

The relevance of my research is that theatrical games are a favorable environment for the creative development of children's abilities, since different aspects of a child's development are especially manifested in it. This activity develops the personality of the child, instills a steady interest in literature, music, theater, improves the skill to embody certain experiences in the game, encourages the creation of new images, encourages thinking.

Target:to make the life of pupils interesting and meaningful, filled with the joy of creativity. Each child is talented from the very beginning, the theater provides an opportunity to identify and develop in the child what is inherent in him from birth. The sooner you start working with children to develop their creative abilities by means of theatrical art, the greater results can be achieved.


    The study of theoretical and practical experience on this topic.

    Creation of conditions for the development of creative activity of children in theatrical activities( organization and design of the developing object-spatial theatrical environment).

    Acquaintance with the basics of theatrical culture, with the main types of theatrical art

    Work on the culture and technique of children's speech.

    Work on etudes, rhythmoplasty, staging performances.

    Providing conditions for the relationship of theatrical activities with other types of joint activities, free activities of the teacher and children in a single pedagogical process.

    Creation of conditions for joint theatrical activities of children andadults (staging joint performances with the participation of pupils, parents, employees, organizing performances by children of older groups in front of younger children).

    Promoting the self-realization of each child through the creation of a favorable microclimate, respect for the personality of each preschooler.


Formation of the need for self-education, self-assessment

preparedness, awareness of the need for knowledge, setting

goals and objectives.

Planning work on self-education.

Theoretical study of the problem.

Practical activities (application of knowledge, skills and abilities in practice: making manuals and attributes, organizing and conducting practical work with children).

Develop a system of work on the formation of artistic and

figurative performance skills.

Improve the subject-developing environment for developmentcreative activity of children in theatrical activities

To introduce children to theatrical culture (to introduce the device of the theater, theatrical genres, with different types of puppet theaters);

Ensure the relationship of theatrical with other types

activities in a single pedagogical process;

Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and

Summing up the results of self-education.