Write down proper nouns from the text, explain what they mean or call


  • Introduce the concept of "adjective name"; to develop the ability to determine what the word calls, what question it answers and what part of speech it is.
  • To develop speech, thinking, attention, memory, observation of children.
  • Cultivate interest in lessons Russian language, love for the native language.


1. Mobilizing stage

The task is written on the board. The teacher reads once.

Teacher. Letter A and Z live in different houses. And one house is high, and the other is low. Moreover, the letter A does not live in a low house. What house do the letters live in? (children's answers)

U. Describe the letters a and z. (children's answers)

2. A moment of calligraphy

Teacher. There are a number of letters on the board: m, l, n, r, i. Look carefully and tell me what letter will you write in a minute of calligraphy? Explain why? Write it in combination with these letters.

3. Update basic knowledge, student skills, vocabulary work

Teacher. The word that we will get acquainted with today, you will compose yourself if you carefully follow the movement of the arrow.

U. What word was made? (children's answers)
U. What is milk? (children's answers)
U. Besides cows, what other animals give milk? (children's answers)
U. What do we get from milk? (children's answers)
U. Why do people need milk? (children's answers)
U. Summarize what the word means milk? (children's answers)
U. Let's say it out loud, define the stressed syllable. (children's answers)
U. Find the word milk in the spelling dictionary, write in a notebook, stress and underline the unstressed vowels that you need to remember. Let's say it again in chorus in syllables. Make an offer, and we'll write down the best one.
U. What does this word mean and what question does it answer? (children's answers)

4. Learning new material

1) Creation of a problem situation.

The words are written on the board:

Milk, autumn, white, house, golden, grass, large, green, Fox, redhead.

U. Let's read aloud. I believe that these words answer the question "who?" or "what?". Am I right? Prove to me. (children's answers)

The teacher writes on the blackboard:

what? milk
what? autumn
what? house
what? grass
who? Fox

U. What do nouns stand for and how are they underlined?

(Supplement to record)

what? milk
what? autumn
what? house
what? grass
who? Fox

2) Formulation of the learning problem

U. Read the rest of the words.

White, gold, big, green, red

U. Are these nouns? Can we tell what part of speech these words belong to? Why? What don't we know yet? (children's answers)
U. What question arises? State the problem. (What part of speech are these words?)

3) Finding a solution to the problem

U. Let's do some research. For each noun we choose one of these words, suitable in meaning. Ask questions.

The teacher writes on the board:

U. All these words that we have chosen for nouns indicate signs of objects and answer questions what?, what?, what?, what?, and are called adjectives. They are underlined with a wavy line.

4) Formulation of the topic of the lesson by students

U. Do you remember what question you faced at the beginning of the study? (children's answers)
U. Can we now answer this question? What is the name of the part of speech? Who will be able to formulate the topic of our lesson? (children's answers)
U. Tell everything you learned about adjectives.

Physical education minute

5. Fixing

1) Work with the textbook

2) Work in groups (each group is given a subject)

U. Look carefully at the item in the picture. Name the object and its signs on the questions (birch, dog, cucumber, apple).

6. Bottom line

- What did you learn at the lesson?
- What does the adjective mean?
- What questions does he answer?
- Give examples.
I want to end our lesson with a poem:

A very interesting adjective.
It will be difficult without it if it disappears.
Well, imagine this: how without signs of an object
Let's argue, talk, have fun and joke?
What will happen then?
Is it worth the pain
We will not say "beautiful".
We will not say "ugly",
We won’t tell mom: “sweet, beautiful, beloved”,
Father, brother and sister
We can't talk anywhere.
These wonderful a-la-ha-tel-nye.

In general, kavardak is a Turkic word that has the same root as the word fat tail and means ... the city of Kazan. Huge territory came under the control of Moscow. So that ... Therefore, the Russian authorities tried to win over, of course, ... Phraseologism "Treasury Pie" about state property, ... A simplified procedure for Russian speakers, a program for the resettlement of compatriots! Authorities will provide information in paper and electronic form [There is an answer] write down the terms: a) characterizing political power b) denoting ... write out the terms a) ... characterizing political power; B) denoting various ... 1 Write out terms A) characterizing political power B) denoting various ... A) characterizing political power; B) denoting various bodies state ... write out the terms characterizing the process of reformation Grade 7 A.Yudovskaya answers 1500-1800, 7 ... 7 "a" class ... § 3 Write out the terms: a) characterizing political power; b) denoting ... The structure of political power. ... purpose and means of power; B) power... 85.5 Kb 7 ELECTIONS TO BODIES... A. political ideologies... b) Power with a goal ... Find and write down the term ... ... terms: a) characterizing political power b) denoting various bodies ... According to the history of modern times 1500-1800 Grade 7 Yudovskaya Baranova Vanyushkina. ... monarchy - the supreme state power belongs wholly or partly to the head ... ... ... political power; b) denoting various organs state power. 2. Write down in a notebook the main features of the absolute royalty. ... A) Absolutism is a concept that characterizes the form state government and method of organization ... ... b) denoting various public authorities. ... What characterized political regime in the USSR in the 1930s? ... Grade 5-9 history of answers 1. You are on the page of the question, write down the terms a) characterizing political power ... ... Gdz working History notebook for 7th grade can be found here. ... Questions towards the end of the paragraph. Question 1. Write out the terms: a) characterizing political power; b) denoting various public authorities. ... The main terms that characterize political power: authority, domination, legality, legitimacy, the ability to coerce. Public authorities in various countries are different. ... 1 Write out terms A) Describing political power B) denoting various government bodies. ... 5 - 9 grade · History; 10 points... Answers and explanations... Write down the terms: a) characterizing political power; b) denoting various state bodies ... ... 1 Write out the terms: a) characterizing political power; b) denoting various organs of state power 2 Write down in a notebook the main features of absolute royal power 3 How the army was organized under absolutism ... ... ... political power B) denoting various organs of state power 2 Write down the main features of absolute royal power. ... Anar Babayev Answers: 1. two signs: 1. all legislative, executive, judicial and spiritual power is undivided... ...

3. Which phrase corresponds to the scheme noun + noun?

3) compassion for the people of Leningrad

4) difficult happiness


The Japanese are very careful about the sacred objects of their country.

Crowds of schoolchildren during the holidays from morning to evening only move from one ancient castle to another. Just like you, they make noise, push, chat, whistle, goof off, quarrel, make up ...

And then they are brought to such a quiet park with a pond in which turtles and mirror carps swim, birds sing, streams murmur, they sit on the bank and calm down, admiring the trees, stones or some gray heron. (M. Moskvina)

Tasks 1-3.

1. How much semantic parts in this text?

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

2. Write out animate nouns from the text and mark the endings in them.

3. Which phrase corresponds to the verb + noun scheme?

1) take care

2) they are brought

3) a park with a pond

4) sit on the shore

88. Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

The hare ran away from the dogs and went into the forest. He felt good in the forest, but he got a lot of fear and wanted to hide even better. He began to look for a quieter place, and climbed into a thicket in a ravine - he ran into a wolf. The wolf grabbed him. “It can be seen, though,” thought the hare, “that you don’t need to look for even better from the best.” The hare wanted to hide better and completely disappeared. (L. Tolstoy)

Tasks 1-3.

1. What is the meaning of the word GONE in the last sentence of the text?

1) got lost

2) stopped appearing

3) ceased to be visible

4) died, died

2. Write the text, determine the case of nouns in the form plural and indicate which members of the sentence they are.

3. What member of the sentence is the highlighted noun in this proposal?

The hare ran away from the dogs and went into the FOREST.

1) subject

2) predicate

3) addition

4) circumstance

89. Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

Sweet horse sorrel whipped us across the chest. The lungwort smelled so strong that sunlight, which flooded the Ryazan distances, seemed like liquid honey. We breathed the warm air of grasses, bumblebees buzzed loudly around us and grasshoppers crackled.

Overhead, the leaves of hundred-year-old willows rustled like dull silver. Prorva smelled of water lilies and clean cold water. We calmed down, threw in our fishing rods and waited. (K. Paustovsky)

Tasks 1-3.

1. What style of speech does this text refer to?

1) scientific

2) colloquial

3) business

4) artistic

2. Nouns from given text distribute and write down in the columns of the table:

masculine Feminine Neuter gender

3. What noun cannot change by numbers?

90. Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

Do you know which huge world in which we live? And how diverse is it?

There are amazing things in the world places that, having accidentally got there, it is simply impossible to believe that you are walking on the same planet Earth, and not walking on some kind of Mars or Jupiter from a super science fiction movie. Before that, everything there is not like what we are used to.

And what are these unimaginable gave!... (M. Moskvina)

Tasks 1-3

1. What is the type of speech of this text?

1) narrative with elements of description

2) description

3) reasoning

4) reasoning with elements of description