Autumn golden dried flowers. Poems for children on the theme "autumn"

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the most beautiful poems about autumn for children. They will create a special autumn mood, as well as introduce you to the peculiarities of nature at this time of the year. These verses will not only expand their horizons, but also show the child all the beauty of golden autumn.

These verses are suitable for memorization, for reading in kindergarten or school. They can be told at the autumn festival or simply read after a walk in the park.

If in the trees
the leaves turned yellow
If the edge is far
the birds have flown
If the sky is gloomy
if it's raining,
It's the time of year
called autumn.
(M. Khodyakova)


I walk, I'm sad alone:
Autumn is around.
Yellow leaf in the river
summer is gone.
I throw him a circle
your last wreath.
Only summer can not be saved
if the day is autumn.
(G.M. Novitskaya)

In the aspen forest

In the aspen forest
Aspens tremble.
Breaks the wind
From aspens scarves.
He is on the path
Helmets will drop -
In the aspen forest
Autumn will come.
(V. Stepanov)

Raindrops are flying

Flying, raindrops are flying
You won't leave the gate.
Along the wet path
Raw fog creeps. By the saddened pines
And fiery rowans
Autumn comes and sows
Fragrant mushrooms!
(Ivan Demyanov)

leaf fall

leaf fall,
Falling leaves!
Yellow birds fly...
Maybe it's not a bird
Are you going on a long journey?
Maybe this
Just summer
Flying away to rest?
will rest,
Strength will be gained
And back to us
Will return.
(I. Bursov)

autumn treasure
Yellow coins fall from a branch ...
There's a treasure under your feet!
This autumn is golden
Gives leaves without counting
Gives golden leaves
To you and to us
And everyone in a row.
(I. Pivovarova)

autumn tears

Wept at night
Yellow maples.
Remember maples,
How green they were.
from yellow birch
It also dripped.
So birch too
(E. Mashkovskaya)

Sad time! Oh charm!

Sad time! Oh charm!
I like your farewell beauty -
I love lush nature wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.
(A. S. Pushkin)

Plums are scattered in the garden,
A noble treat for wasps…
Yellow leaf bathed in the pond
And welcomes early autumn.
He pretended to be a ship
The wind of wandering shook him.
So we'll follow him
To berths unknown in life. And we already know by heart:
In a year there will be a new summer.
Why the universal sadness
In every line in the poetry of poets?
Is it because the traces on the dew
Will the showers wash away and the winters get cold?
Is it because the moments are all
Fleeting and unique?
(Lyudmila Kuznetsova)

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly... fly... fly...
Gossamer webs fly
With spiders in the middle
And high from the ground
The cranes flew by.
Everything flies! It must be
Our summer is flying by.

(E. Trutneva)

Wait, autumn, don't rush
Unwind your rains
Spread your fogs
on the rough river surface.
Slow down, autumn, show
I turn yellow leaves,
Let me make sure, don't rush
How fresh is your silence

And how bottomless the sky is blue
Over the hot flame of aspens ...

(L. Tatyanicheva)

Summer is ending
Summer ends!
And the sun don't shine
And hiding somewhere.
And the rain is a first grader,
A little shy
In oblique line
Lining the window.
(I. Tokmakova)

leaf fall
Leaves flutter in the air
All Moscow is in yellow leaves.
We are sitting at the window
And we look outside.
Leaves whisper: - Let's fly away! —
and dive into the puddle.
(Yu. Korinets)

Cowberry ripens
The days got colder
And from the bird's cry
In the heart it became sadder. Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress. The sun laughs less often,
There is no incense in flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And he will cry awake. (Konstantin Balmont)

Boring picture!
Clouds without end
The rain is pouring down
Puddles on the porch…
stunted rowan
Wet under the window
Looks village
Gray spot.
What are you visiting early
Autumn, come to us?
Still asks the heart
Light and warmth!
(Alexey Pleshcheev)

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.
It looks like new now!
All ruddy, golden.
Where are you, leaf? Wait!
(V.D. Berestov)

autumn song
The summer has passed
Autumn has come.
In fields and groves
Empty and dull. The birds flew away,
The days got shorter
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights.

(Alexey Pleshcheev)

mischievous people
circled over me
Rain of mischievous leaves.
How good is he!
Where else can you find one like this?
Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under him,
We danced like friends
Rain of leaves and me.
(L. Razvodova)


On a bush-bush -
yellow leaves,
A cloud hangs in the blue, -
So it's time for autumn!
In the red leaves of the bank.
Each leaf is like a flag.
Our autumn park has become stricter.
All covered in bronze!
Autumn seems to me too
Getting ready for October...
In the red leaves of the bank.
Each leaf is like a flag!
(Ivan Demyanov)

Indian summer

Indian summer has come -
Days of farewell warmth.
Warmed by the late sun
The fly came to life in the crack.
Sun! What in the world is more beautiful
After a chilly day?
Gossamer light yarn
Wrapped around a knot. Tomorrow it will rain fast,
A cloud covering the sun.
Silver gossamer
There are two or three days left.
Have pity, autumn! Give us light!
Protect from winter darkness!
Have pity on us, Indian summer:
These cobwebs are us.
(D.B. Kedrin)

It's been raining since morning
It pours as if from a bucket,
And like big flowers
Umbrellas unfurl.

Hands get cold in November
Cold, wind in the yard,
Late autumn brings
First snow and first ice.
(A. Berlova)

Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And look sad
Bare bushes.
Wither and turn yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields. A cloud covers the sky,
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling.
Noisy water
fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warm climes.
(Alexey Pleshcheev)

Gives autumn miracles
And what!
The forests are dressed up
In golden hats.
On a stump they sit in a crowd
red mushrooms,
And the spider is a dodger! -
Pulls the network somewhere.
Rain and withered grass
Sleepy more often at night
Incomprehensible words
They mumble until the morning.
(M. Geller)

A fox passed under a bush
And burned the leaves
Fire climbed the branches
And blazed
Autumn forest.
(N. Krasilnikov)


In the crane sky
The wind carries clouds.
The willow whispers to the willow:
"Autumn. Autumn again!”
Leaves yellow downpour,
The sun is below the pines.
Willow whispers:
"Autumn. Autumn soon!"
Frost on the shrub
White cry sketched.
The oak whispers to the mountain ash:
"Autumn. Autumn soon!"
Fir trees whisper
In the middle of the forest:
“Soon will notice
And it will start flying soon!”
(A. Efimtsev)

harvest festival
Autumn decorates the squares
Multicolored foliage.
Autumn feeds the harvest
Birds, animals and you and me. And in the gardens, and in the garden,
Both in the forest and by the water.
Prepared by nature
All kinds of fruits. Cleaning is in progress in the fields -
People collect bread.
The mouse drags the grain into the mink,
To have lunch in winter. Squirrels dry roots,
bees store honey.
Grandma cooks jam
Puts apples in the cellar. Harvest is born -
Collect the gifts of nature!
In the cold, in the cold, in bad weather
The harvest will come in handy!

(Tatyana Bokova)

Autumn is coming
In our park
Gives autumn
Gifts for all:
Red beads -
Pink apron -
Umbrella yellow -
Fruits autumn
Gives us.

(I. Vinokurov)

Slow down, autumn, don't rush
Unwind your rains
Spread your fogs
on the rough river surface.

Slow down, autumn, show
I turn yellow leaves,
Let me make sure, don't rush
How fresh is your silence

And how bottomless the sky is blue
Over the hot flame of aspens ...
(L. Tatyanicheva)

leaf fall, leaf fall,
The yellow leaves are flying.
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow circle in the sky.
Yellow yard, yellow house.
The whole earth is yellow all around.
yellowness, yellowness,
So autumn is not spring.
(V. Nirovich)

Leaf walker

Red rain falls from the sky,
The wind carries red leaves ...
leaf fall,
change of seasons,
Leaf walker on the river, leaf walker.
The sides of the river freeze,
And there is nowhere to go from frost.
The river was covered with a fox coat,
But trembling
And can't get warm.
(V. Shulzhik)

Empty birdhouse -
The birds have flown
Leaves on the trees
It also doesn't fit.
All day today
Everything is flying, flying...
Apparently, also in Africa
They want to fly.
(I.P. Tokmakova)

October has come
the grove is shaking off
Last sheets
from their bare branches;
The autumn chill blew
the road is freezing. The murmur is still running
behind the mill stream,
But the pond was already frozen;
my neighbor is in a hurry
In the departing fields with his hunt,
And suffer winter
from crazy fun
And the barking of dogs wakes
dormant oak trees.
(A.S. Pushkin)

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
Fog and damp from the water.
Wheel behind the blue mountains
The sun went down quietly.

The blasted road is slumbering.
She dreamed today
What is very, very little
It remains to wait for the gray winter ... (Sergey Yesenin)

gold autumn
Autumn. fairytale palace,
All open for review.
clearings of forest roads,
Looking into the lakes

Like in an art exhibition:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, ash, aspen
Unprecedented in gilding.

Linden hoop gold -
Like a crown on a newlywed.
Birch face - under the veil
Wedding and transparent.

buried earth
Under foliage in ditches, pits.
In the yellow maples of the wing,
As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September
At dawn they stand in pairs,
And sunset on their bark
Leaves an amber trail.

Where you can not step into the ravine,
So that everyone does not know:
So raging that not a step
A tree leaf underfoot.

Where it sounds at the end of the alleys
Echoes at the steep slope
And dawn cherry glue
Freezes in the form of a clot.

Autumn. ancient corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Flips through the cold.
(Boris Pasternak)

Before the rain
A mournful wind drives
I flock to the edge of heaven.
Broken spruce groans,
The dark forest whispers dully.

On the stream, pockmarked and motley,
A leaf flies after a leaf,
And a stream, dry and sharp;
The cold is coming.

Twilight falls on everything,
Flying from all sides,
Whirling in the air with a cry
A flock of jackdaws and crows...

(Nikolai Nekrasov)

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less
The day was getting shorter
Forests mysterious canopy
She stripped naked with a sad noise.

Fog fell on the fields
Noisy geese caravan
Stretched to the south: approaching
Pretty boring time;
November was already at the yard.

(A.S. Pushkin)

The swallows are gone...
The swallows are gone
And yesterday dawn
All the rooks flew
Yes, like a network, flickered
Over that mountain.

In the evening everyone sleeps
It's dark outside.
The leaf falls dry
At night the wind is angry
Yes, knock on the window.

It would be better if snow and blizzard
Happy to meet you!
As if in fear
Shouting out to the south
The cranes are flying.

You will leave - willy-nilly
It's hard - even cry!
Look across the field
Jumps like a ball.
(A.A. Fet)

leaf fall
Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there
through foliage
Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower ...
(Ivan Bunin)

Glorious autumn
Glorious autumn
Healthy, vigorous
Air tired forces invigorates;
Ice is fragile
on the cold river
as if
melting sugar lies;
Near the forest
like a soft bed
You can sleep -
peace and space!
Leaves fade
haven't made it yet
Yellow and fresh lie,
like a carpet. Glorious autumn!
frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature!
And bumps
And moss swamps, and stumps -
All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Russia ...
I'm flying fast
on cast iron rails,
I think my mind...
(N.A. Nekrasov)

"Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up" - one of the most famous poems about autumn, which lives in the childhood memories of many Russian people. This is not surprising, because its structure is very simple. Such a creation is easy to perceive even for small children: it conjures up the primitive verse "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up" is published in children's books on literature and always under the authorship of Pleshcheev. It is worth noting that poems of the same structure are often found in various children's magazines and poetry books: it is easy for children to learn them by heart, thus training their memory and developing artistic taste. In the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up" there are only laconic forms: the size of a three-foot trochaic with alternating female and male ending(stress in the first line on the penultimate syllable; and in the second - on the last).

Literary critics have reasonable doubts about the poem

to which I dedicated this article. The fact is that this creation was not included in any of the collections of works by Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev. Hence the reasonable question: "Is he the author of the poem?" I won't be dishonest if I say: "There's a good chance that the children gave glory to the wrong creator." Having studied the work of Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev, I realized that autumn was for him sad times: he saw in her only withering. This does not contradict the theme of the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up." Drawing a conclusion from this observation, it can be argued that there is one reason to think of him as the author of this work.

On the other hand, unknown poet could deliberately imitate both Pleshcheev's attitude to autumn and the simple form of his poems. But who needs to do this and why? Maybe someone really wanted his creation to be read too, as many works were read. famous poet; or maybe it was an accidental misprint when compiling a collection of children's literature, in which the poem "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up" was first published. The author is a mystery to me, as, I think, to many others. It is worth paying attention to the content of the poem, which, unlike other works by Pleshcheev, has a meager semantic focus. Such poems most often belong to inexperienced poets who tend to imitate creativity more famous authors. A superficial perception of a poem by an inexperienced reader can be a reason for approval. The verse at first glance seems figurative, simple and beautiful. If the reader pays attention to its emotional content, then this will give him only a meager and depressing idea of ​​​​nature.

In his work on this topic, Mikhail Zolotonosov claims that the author of the poem is none other than the writer of an Orthodox textbook on literature. The book was compiled by the inspector of the educational district Baranov and published in 1885. It was in this collection of Russian literature that the verse "Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up" was first published. Based on the opinion of a professional and my own guesses, I admit the possibility of false authorship this poem. However, there is no reason to believe that there is reliable evidence of who the author actually is.

Autumn is a strange time:
It's cold, it's hot.

poetess Tsvetka

autumn song

The summer has passed
Autumn has come.
In fields and groves
Empty and dull.

The birds have flown
The days got shorter
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights.

Alexey Pleshcheev


In the autumn garden, by the path,
Aspen claps her hands.
That's why this week
Her palms turned red.


Crow cries in the sky:
- Karr!
AT forest fire-r, in the forest fire-p!
And it was just very:
Autumn settled in it.

E. Intulov

Autumn is coming

Autumn walks along the alleys,
To visit us, she went into the yard,
Decorated the trees
She turned on the shower and left.

Mixed rain and leaves
Puddles with gurgles sing,
On a birch, a fox coat,
Terrible clouds are floating.

Aleinikova L.


Mom is sad about something...
Maybe she forgot
How to ride in the rain
In his blue coat.

Just like a girl
Drops to the beat laughed loudly.
She needs to be reminded.
Come on, fun and friendly

We put on boots
And we run out into the rain.
One, two, three, four, five
Autumn we go to look for ...

Outside the window autumn

Behind the window autumn
Leaf fall rustles,
The maple has shed all its leaves,
He seems to be sleeping.
And the birch bends
From the crazy wind
The rain is pouring from the clouds,
Summer has gone.
With my kitten
I sit by the window
Watch the call
A trickle from the rain.

Aleinikova L.

leaf and wind

Light handle breeze
Picked up a leaf in the garden
And let's roll with him
How to play with a kitten.
On the autumn cobweb
Hanging like fluff
Holding hands, flying
And they hit me in the palms!

Aleinikova L.

colorful wind

After summer comes autumn
The wind sings yellow songs to her.
Leaves spread red under the feet,
A white snowflake flies into the blue.

V. Stepanov

Poems about autumn for children - easy

Autumn gamma

Empty siskin's nest - before.
Autumn day in the yard -re.
The wind howls behind the doors - do re mi.
Bright days empty graph - fa.

The whole earth turned white - la.
Ice on the puddles, like salt - salt.
Wear a warm hat - si.
Do re mi fa sol la si do!

Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain.

Luchezar Stanchev


Falling, falling leaves
Leaf fall in our garden.
yellow, red leaves
They curl in the wind, they fly.

Birds fly south
Geese, rooks, cranes.
Here is the last flock
Wings flapping in the distance.

Let's take a basket in our hands,
Let's go to the forest for mushrooms
Stumps and paths smell
Delicious autumn mushroom

M. Evensen

Leaf walker

Red rain falls from the sky,
The wind carries red leaves ...
Falling leaves, change of seasons,
Leaf walker on the river, leaf walker.

The sides of the river freeze,
And there is nowhere to go from frost.
The river was covered with a fox coat,
But she's shaking and can't get warm.

Valery Shulzhik

About the hedgehog

Hedgehog ate a sandwich
Open mouth wide
He champed and groaned -
This is how you want to eat!

People are surprised:
So where is the sandwich?

There are no sandwiches in the forest, -
I'm bringing them to the Hedgehog!


By the scarlet feathers of the bullfinch
The chill of September is flowing.
In a dry forest, the slumber of pines,
Peace emanates from the fields
Our autumn goes south
Holding onto a string of cranes.

T. Belozerov

Autumn leaves

Empty birdhouse,
The birds have flown
Leaves on the trees
It also doesn't fit.

All day today
Everyone is flying, flying ...
Apparently, also in Africa
They want to fly.

Irina Tokmakova

Before winter

Maples are flying faster and faster,
Darker and darker is the low vault of heaven,
Everything is clearer, how the crowns are empty,
All you can hear is how the forest grows numb ...

And increasingly hiding in the darkness
cooled to the ground.

Igor Maznin


Rain, it's raining
Sowing rain through a sieve
The smoke is grey.

Rain - artist:
He draws puddles
And he plays the trumpets
No worse.

Here comes the gray snow
Lie thick.
How good is
And sad.

Roman Sef

Raindrops are flying

Flying, raindrops are flying
You won't leave the gate.
Along the wet path
Raw fog creeps.
By the fallen pines
And fiery rowans
Autumn comes and sows
Fragrant mushrooms!

I. Demyanov

Yellow paint someone

Someone with yellow paint
Painted the forests
For some reason they became
Heaven below.

Blazed brighter
Tassels of rowan.
All flowers withered
Only fresh wormwood.

I asked my dad:
- What happened all of a sudden?
And dad answered:
- It's autumn, friend.

Natalia Antonova


Autumn - red-haired girl
Sews thinly thin outfits:
Red, burgundy, yellow sheets -
These are patches.

Minukhina K. (a poem by a schoolgirl of 8 years old)


Here is a maple leaf on a branch.
It looks like new now!
All ruddy, golden.
Where are you, leaf? Wait!

Berestov V.D.


If it's pouring rain
I take an umbrella with me
Very bright and big
Whoever meets
Very surprised.
The people around say:
“This is such a miracle! The umbrella is coming!
Even a little embarrassing
That I can't see at all...

M. Sidorova


rain and wind oak
Not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scared to catch a cold?
After all, until late autumn
It stands green.
So the oak is hardy,
So it's hot!

I. Tokmakova

The birds have flown away

The birds have flown.
The forest is dreaming of summer.
Will not freeze
Until spring -
Warm the forest in winter

S. Ostrovsky


Oh what a summer it was!
Not a trace left
Everything in the neighborhood turned yellow
And a cold river
Boring rain beats in the window,
He's full of dirt
Summer won't come back
The puddles will freeze.
And today, at the easel,
Brush drives day-to-day,
Autumn dressed in red
And he loves himself.

Aleinikova L.

The girl incredibly tells a poem on the show

POSITIVE last!!! This miracle girl blew up the audience and the Internet with the story of the poem! Watch to the end!)

How to help your child learn poetry

Almost all children cannot sit still, especially when it comes to lessons or memorizing a poem. Our "flowers of life" are very fussy and temperamental. But if you wish, you can still understand and learn the poem by doing it in a playful way.

For example, you can transform into an artist and offer "Let's draw what we are talking about." To do this, we will take everything necessary for creativity - paints, pencils, maybe plasticine, etc. We turn on the fantasy and, together with your child, you need to reproduce each line of the poem on a sheet with paints or by sculpting something with plasticine. In this case, also involved visual memory. Your little one is guaranteed to have fun learning the verse. He will completely immerse himself in the memorization process, which will help him understand, remember, and then recite the poem much easier.

It will be easier for your child to learn the poem by its rhythm, that is, you can step or dance while reading. You can also include a sports component, for example, use the ball - saying each line to pass the ball to each other.

You can also use the rules of the familiar snowball game. First, we read the first line of the poem, then we repeat it without peeping. Then we read the first and second lines and repeat the same without looking at the text. And so on. The child can easily remember the poem even after a long period of time, as he repeats it many times.

It is important that the process itself be pleasant for the child, everything should be fun and good mood. And the benefits of learning a poem are simply invaluable. Your child will learn to complete what he has begun, to achieve his goal and others. Speech and attention also develop. Learn poems, different and many.


Approximate reading time:


Berestov V.D.

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.
It looks like new now!
All ruddy, golden.
Where are you, leaf? Wait!

E. Intulov

Crow screams in the sky: - Kar-r!
There's a fire in the forest, there's a fire in the forest!
And it was just very:
Autumn settled in it!

V. Schwartz

The tedious rain is pouring down on the ground,
And the space drooped.
Autumn screwed up the sun
Like a light bulb fitter.

M. Khodyakova

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,
This season is called autumn.

Autumn leaves
I. Tokmakova

The birdhouse was empty, the birds flew away,
The leaves on the trees also do not sit
The whole day today everything is flying, flying ...
Apparently, they also want to fly to Africa.

autumn treasure
I. Pivovarova

Yellow coins fall from a branch ...
There's a treasure under your feet!
This autumn is golden
Gives leaves without counting
Gives golden leaves
To you and to us
And everyone in a row.

leaf fall
Y. Korinets

Leaves flutter in the air
All Moscow is in yellow leaves.
We are sitting at the window
And we look outside.
Leaves whisper: - Let's fly away! -
And dive into the puddle.


N. Krasilnikov

A fox passed under a bush
And burned the leaves

Fire climbed the branches
And blazed
Autumn forest.

I. Melnichuk

A flock of birds fly away
Clouds are rushing, sobbing.

Like a thin blade of grass
Aspen trembles in the wind.

I tell her:
- Take it easy,
Do not be afraid of the white winter.

V. Nirovich

leaf fall, leaf fall,
The yellow leaves are flying.
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow circle in the sky.

Yellow yard, yellow house.
The whole earth is yellow all around.
yellowness, yellowness,
So autumn is not spring.

Sad time! Oh charm!
Alexander Pushkin

Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,

In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

mischievous people
L. Razvodova

circled over me
Rain of mischievous leaves.
How good is he!
Where else can you find one like this?

Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under him,
We danced like friends
Rain of leaves and me.

Colored autumn

Colored autumn - evening of the year -
I smile lightly.
But between me and nature
There was thin glass.

This whole world is at a glance,
But I can't go back.
I'm still with you, but in the car,
I'm still at home, but on the road. There is in the autumn of the original ...
Fedor Tyutchev

Is in the autumn of the original
short but marvelous time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms
And pure and warm azure pours
To the resting field...
The fields are compressed, the groves are bare...
Sergey Yesenin

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
Fog and damp from the water.
Wheel behind the blue mountains
The sun went down quietly.

The blasted road is slumbering.
She dreamed today
What is very, very little
It remains to wait for the gray winter ...

swans flew away
V. Prikhodko

swans flew away
From North to South.
Lost swans
White-white fluff.

Is it swan fluff
Shines in the air
Whether through our windows
First snow

T. Belozerov

Autumn, autumn...
Damp in the clouds -
Shines even at noon
Dull and timid.

From the cold grove
In the field, on the path,
The hare blew -
the first

Athanasius Fet

When the through web
Spreads the threads of clear days
And under the villager's window
The distant Annunciation is more audible,

We are not sad, afraid again
Breath of near winter,
And the voice of the summer lived
We understand more clearly.

I. Maznin

Every day, the wind is sharper
Tearing leaves from the branches in the forest ...
Whatever the day - then earlier the evening,
And it dawns late.

The sun lingers, as if
No power to rise...
That's why the morning rises above the earth
Almost noon.

Raindrops are flying
Ivan Demyanov

Flying, raindrops are flying
You won't leave the gate.
Along the wet path
Raw fog creeps in.

By the fallen pines
And fiery rowans
Autumn comes and sows
Fragrant mushrooms! Autumn
Novitskaya G.M.

I walk, I'm sad alone:
Autumn is around.
Yellow leaf in the river
Summer is gone.

I throw him a circle
Your last wreath.
Only summer can not be saved
If the day is autumn.
Tokmakova I.P.

Empty birdhouse -
The birds have flown
Leaves on the trees
It also doesn't fit.

All day today
Everything is flying, flying...
Apparently, also in Africa
They want to fly.

A.S. Pushkin

October has already come - the grove is already shaking off
The last leaves from their naked branches;
The autumn chill has died - the road freezes through.
The murmuring stream still runs behind the mill,

But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry
In the departing fields with his hunt,
And they suffer winter from mad fun,
And the barking of dogs wakes the sleeping oak forests.

A. S. Pushkin

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less
The day was getting shorter
Forests mysterious canopy
She stripped naked with a sad noise.

Fog fell on the fields
Noisy geese caravan
Stretched to the south: approaching
Pretty boring time;
November was already at the yard.

Leaf walker
V. Shulzhik

Red rain falls from the sky,
The wind carries red leaves ...
leaf fall,
change of seasons,
Leaf walker on the river, leaf walker.

The sides of the river freeze,
And there is nowhere to go from frost.
The river was covered with a fox coat,
But trembling
And can't get warm.

L. Tatyanicheva

Slow down, autumn, don't rush
Unwind your rains
Spread your fogs
on the rough river surface.

Slow down, autumn, show
I turn yellow leaves,
Let me make sure, don't rush
How fresh is your silence

And how bottomless the sky is blue
Over the hot flame of aspens...

R. Sef

The rain is drizzling
Sowing rain through a sieve
The smoke is grey.

Rain - artist:
He's drawing
And he plays the trumpets
No worse.

Here comes the gray snow
Lie thick.
How good is
And sad.

I. Vinokurov

Autumn is coming
In our park
Gives autumn
Gifts for all:

Red beads -
Pink apron -

Umbrella yellow -
Fruits autumn
Gives us.

M. Geller

Gives autumn miracles
And what!
The forests are dressed up
In golden hats.

On a stump they sit in a crowd
red mushrooms,
And the spider is a dodger! -
Pulls the network somewhere.

Rain and withered grass
Sleepy more often at night
Incomprehensible words
They mumble until the morning.


Before the rain
Nikolai Nekrasov

A mournful wind drives
I flock to the edge of heaven.
Broken spruce groans,
The dark forest whispers dully.

On the stream, pockmarked and motley,
A leaf flies after a leaf,
And a stream, dry and sharp;
The cold is coming.

Twilight falls on everything,
Flying from all sides,
Whirling in the air with a cry
A flock of jackdaws and crows...

Konstantin Balmont

Cowberry ripens
The days got colder
And from the bird's cry
My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In multi-colored attire.

The sun laughs less
There is no incense in flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon
And cry awake.

Ivan Demyanov

On a bush-bush -
yellow leaves,
A cloud hangs in the blue, -
So it's time for autumn!

In the red leaves of the bank.
Each leaf is like a flag.
Our autumn park has become stricter.
All covered in bronze!

Autumn seems to me too
Getting ready for October...
In the red leaves of the bank.
Each leaf is like a flag!

leaf fall
Ivan Bunin

Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower ...


A. Efimtsev

In the crane sky
The wind carries clouds.
The willow whispers to the willow:
"Autumn. Autumn again!"

Leaves yellow downpour,
The sun is below the pines.
Willow whispers:
"Autumn. Autumn is coming soon!"

Frost on the shrub
White cry sketched.
The oak whispers to the mountain ash:
"Autumn. Autumn is coming soon!"

Fir trees whisper
In the middle of the forest:
"Soon will be swept
And he'll wind up soon!"

Ludmila Kuznetsova

Plums fall in the garden
A noble treat for wasps…
Yellow leaf bathed in the pond
And welcomes early autumn.

He pretended to be a ship
The wind of wandering shook him.
So we'll follow him
To piers unknown in life.

And we already know by heart:
In a year there will be a new summer.
Why the universal sadness
In every line in the poetry of poets?

Is it because the traces on the dew
Will the showers wash away and the winters get cold?
Is it because the moments are all
Fleeting and unique?

Gathered and flew
E. Golovin

Gathered and flew
Ducks on a long journey.
Under the roots of an old spruce
The bear is making a lair.

The hare dressed in white fur,
The bunny got warm.
Wears a squirrel for a whole month
For reserve mushrooms in the hollow.

The wolves roam the dark night
For prey in the forests.
Between the bushes to the sleepy grouse
The fox is escaping.

Hides the nutcracker for the winter
In the old moss nuts cleverly.
Capercaillie pinch needles.
They came to us for the winter

Alexey Pleshcheev

Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And look sad
Bare bushes.

Wither and turn yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling..

Noisy water
fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warm climes.

Glorious autumn
ON THE. Nekrasov

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
The ice is fragile on the icy river
As if melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not faded yet,
Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi
And moss swamps, and stumps -

All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Russia ...
I quickly fly along cast-iron rails,
I think my mind...

The swallows are gone...
A.A. Fet

The swallows are gone
And yesterday dawn
All the rooks flew
Yes, like a network, flickered
Over that mountain.

In the evening everyone sleeps
It's dark outside.
The leaf falls dry
At night the wind is angry
Yes, knock on the window.

It would be better if snow and blizzard
Happy to meet you!
As if in fear
Shouting out to the south
The cranes are flying.

You will leave - willy-nilly
It's hard - even cry!
You look - across the field
Jumps like a ball.

Indian summer
D.B. Kedrin

Indian summer has come -
Days of farewell warmth.
Warmed by the late sun
The fly came to life in the crack.

Sun! What in the world is more beautiful
After a chilly day?
Gossamer light yarn
Wrapped around a knot.

Tomorrow it will rain fast,
A cloud covering the sun.
Silver gossamer
There are two or three days left.

Have pity, autumn! Give us light!
Protect from winter darkness!
Have pity on us, Indian summer:
These cobwebs are us.

Autumn has come
Sadovsky Mikhail

branches bare
Black jackdaws
Rarely in the clouds
bluish tint.
Autumn has come.

Raw day
and lethargic.
Light from the morning
The rain mows
Autumn has come.

Ice crunches
A bird will cry
As if there
will ask.
Autumn has come.

Black nests
are empty.
become less
wind leaves
Autumn. Autumn. Autumn

harvest festival
Tatyana Bokova

Autumn decorates the squares
Multicolored foliage.
Autumn feeds the harvest
Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens, and in the garden,
Both in the forest and by the water.
Prepared by nature
All kinds of fruits.

The fields are being cleaned
People collect bread.
The mouse drags the grain into the mink,
To have lunch in winter.

Root squirrels dry,
bees store honey.
Grandma cooks jam
He puts apples in the cellar.

Harvest was born -
Collect the gifts of nature!
In the cold, in the cold, in bad weather
The harvest will come in handy!

gold autumn
Boris Pasternak

Autumn. Fairy tale,
All open for review.
clearings of forest roads,
Looking into the lakes

Like in an art exhibition:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, ash, aspen
Unprecedented in gilding.

Linden hoop gold -
Like a crown on a newlywed.
Birch face - under the veil
Wedding and transparent.

buried earth
Under foliage in ditches, pits.
In the yellow maples of the wing,
As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September
At dawn they stand in pairs,
And sunset on their bark
Leaves an amber trail.

Where you can not step into the ravine,
So that everyone does not know:
So raging that not a step
A tree leaf underfoot.

Where it sounds at the end of the alleys
Echoes at the steep slope
And dawn cherry glue
Freezes in the form of a clot.

Autumn. ancient corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Flips through the cold.

Autumn in the forest
From A. Gontar (translated by V. Berestov)

Autumn forest every year
Pays gold to enter.
Look at the aspen -
All dressed in gold
And she babbles:
"Stenu..." -
And shivering from the cold.

And the birch is happy
Yellow outfit:
"Well, the dress!
What a charm!"
Leaves quickly scattered
The frost came suddenly.

And the birch whispers:
"I'll chill!..."
Lost weight at the oak
Gilded coat.
The oak caught on, but it's too late
And he roars:
"I'm freezing! I'm freezing!"

Deceived gold -
Didn't save me from the cold.

Autumn has come...

Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And look sad
Bare bushes.

Wither and turn yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling..

Noisy water
fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warm climes.

autumn song

The summer has passed
Autumn has come.
In fields and groves
Empty and dull.

The birds have flown
The days got shorter
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights.


I recognize you, the time is dull:
These short, pale days
long nights, rainy, dark,
And destruction everywhere you look.
Faded leaves fall from the tree,
In the field, turning yellow, the bushes drooped;
Endless clouds float across the sky...
Autumn is boring! .. Yes, it's you!
I recognize you, the time is dull,
Time of heavy and bitter worries:
The heart that once loved so passionately
Presses the deadening doubt oppression;
Extinguish in it quietly one after another
Youth proud holy dreams,
And gray hair breaks through ...
Boring old age!.. Yes, it's you!